4.48 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import axios from 'axios';
2import { fs } from 'appium-support';
3import logger from './logger';
4import _ from 'lodash';
7const hubUri = (config) => {
8 const protocol = config.hubProtocol || 'http';
9 return `${protocol}://${config.hubHost}:${config.hubPort}`;
12async function registerNode (configFile, addr, port) {
13 let data;
14 try {
15 data = await fs.readFile(configFile, 'utf-8');
16 } catch (err) {
17 logger.error(`Unable to load node configuration file to register with grid: ${err.message}`);
18 return;
19 }
21 // Check presence of data before posting it to the selenium grid
22 if (!data) {
23 logger.error('No data found in the node configuration file to send to the grid');
24 return;
25 }
26 postRequest(data, addr, port);
29async function registerToGrid (postOptions, configHolder) {
30 try {
31 const {status} = await axios(postOptions);
32 if (status !== 200) {
33 throw new Error(`Request failed with code ${status}`);
34 }
35 logger.debug(`Appium successfully registered with the the grid on ` +
36 hubUri(configHolder.configuration));
37 } catch (err) {
38 logger.error(`An attempt to register with the grid was unsuccessful: ${err.message}`);
39 }
42function postRequest (data, addr, port) {
43 // parse json to get hub host and port
44 let configHolder;
45 try {
46 configHolder = JSON.parse(data);
47 } catch (err) {
48 logger.errorAndThrow(`Syntax error in node configuration file: ${err.message}`);
49 }
51 // Move Selenium 3 configuration properties to configuration object
52 if (!_.has(configHolder, 'configuration')) {
53 let configuration = {};
54 for (const property in configHolder) {
55 if (_.has(configHolder, property) && property !== 'capabilities') {
56 configuration[property] = configHolder[property];
57 delete configHolder[property];
58 }
59 }
60 configHolder.configuration = configuration;
61 }
63 // if the node config does not have the appium/webdriver url, host, and port,
64 // automatically add it based on how appium was initialized
65 // otherwise, we will take whatever the user setup
66 // because we will always set localhost/ this won't work if your
67 // node and grid aren't in the same place
68 if (!configHolder.configuration.url || !configHolder.configuration.host || !configHolder.configuration.port) {
69 configHolder.configuration.url = `http://${addr}:${port}/wd/hub`;
70 configHolder.configuration.host = addr;
71 configHolder.configuration.port = port;
72 }
73 // if the node config does not have id automatically add it
74 if (!configHolder.configuration.id) {
75 configHolder.configuration.id = `http://${configHolder.configuration.host}:${configHolder.configuration.port}`;
76 }
78 // the post options
79 const regRequest = {
80 url: `${hubUri(configHolder.configuration)}/grid/register`,
81 method: 'POST',
82 data: configHolder,
83 };
85 if (configHolder.configuration.register !== true) {
86 logger.debug(`No registration sent (${configHolder.configuration.register} = false)`);
87 return;
88 }
90 const registerCycleInterval = configHolder.configuration.registerCycle;
91 if (isNaN(registerCycleInterval) || registerCycleInterval <= 0) {
92 logger.warn(`'registerCycle' is not a valid positive number. ` +
93 `No registration request will be sent to the grid.`);
94 return;
95 }
96 // initiate a new Thread
97 let first = true;
98 logger.debug(`Starting auto register thread for the grid. ` +
99 `Will try to register every ${registerCycleInterval} ms.`);
100 setInterval(async function registerRetry () {
101 if (first) {
102 first = false;
103 await registerToGrid(regRequest, configHolder);
104 } else if (!await isAlreadyRegistered(configHolder)) {
105 // make the http POST to the grid for registration
106 await registerToGrid(regRequest, configHolder);
107 }
108 }, registerCycleInterval);
111async function isAlreadyRegistered (configHolder) {
112 //check if node is already registered
113 const id = configHolder.configuration.id;
114 try {
115 const {data, status} = await axios({
116 url: `${hubUri(configHolder.configuration)}/grid/api/proxy?id=${id}`,
117 timeout: 10000,
118 });
119 if (status !== 200) {
120 throw new Error(`Request failed with code ${status}`);
121 }
122 if (!data.success) {
123 // if register fail, print the debug msg
124 logger.debug(`Grid registration error: ${data.msg}`);
125 }
126 return data.success;
127 } catch (err) {
128 logger.debug(`Hub down or not responding: ${err.message}`);
129 }
133export default registerNode;