5.01 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as Contracts from "../declarations/contracts";
2import { TelemetryItem as Envelope } from "../declarations/generated";
3import { Context } from "./context";
4import Config = require("./shim-config");
6 * Application Insights telemetry client provides interface to track telemetry items, register telemetry initializers and
7 * and manually trigger immediate sending (flushing)
8 */
9export declare class TelemetryClient {
10 context: Context;
11 commonProperties: {
12 [key: string]: string;
13 };
14 config: Config;
15 private _attributeSpanProcessor;
16 private _attributeLogProcessor;
17 private _logApi;
18 private _isInitialized;
19 private _options;
20 private _configWarnings;
21 /**
22 * Constructs a new instance of TelemetryClient
23 * @param setupString the Connection String or Instrumentation Key to use (read from environment variable if not specified)
24 */
25 constructor(input?: string);
26 initialize(): void;
27 /**
28 * Log information about availability of an application
29 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
30 */
31 trackAvailability(telemetry: Contracts.AvailabilityTelemetry): void;
32 /**
33 * Log a page view
34 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
35 */
36 trackPageView(telemetry: Contracts.PageViewTelemetry): void;
37 /**
38 * Log a trace message
39 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
40 */
41 trackTrace(telemetry: Contracts.TraceTelemetry): void;
42 /**
43 * Log an exception
44 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
45 */
46 trackException(telemetry: Contracts.ExceptionTelemetry): void;
47 /**
48 * Log a user action or other occurrence.
49 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
50 */
51 trackEvent(telemetry: Contracts.EventTelemetry): void;
52 /**
53 * Log a numeric value that is not associated with a specific event. Typically used to send regular reports of performance indicators.
54 * To send a single measurement, use just the first two parameters. If you take measurements very frequently, you can reduce the
55 * telemetry bandwidth by aggregating multiple measurements and sending the resulting average at intervals.
56 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
57 */
58 trackMetric(telemetry: Contracts.MetricPointTelemetry & Contracts.MetricTelemetry): void;
59 /**
60 * Log a request. Note that the default client will attempt to collect HTTP requests automatically so only use this for requests
61 * that aren't automatically captured or if you've disabled automatic request collection.
62 *
63 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking options
64 */
65 trackRequest(telemetry: Contracts.RequestTelemetry): void;
66 /**
67 * Log a dependency. Note that the default client will attempt to collect dependencies automatically so only use this for dependencies
68 * that aren't automatically captured or if you've disabled automatic dependency collection.
69 *
70 * @param telemetry Object encapsulating tracking option
71 * */
72 trackDependency(telemetry: Contracts.DependencyTelemetry): void;
73 /**
74 * Generic track method for all telemetry types
75 * @param data the telemetry to send
76 * @param telemetryType specify the type of telemetry you are tracking from the list of Contracts.DataTypes
77 */
78 track(telemetry: Contracts.Telemetry, telemetryType: Contracts.TelemetryType): void;
79 /**
80 * Automatically populate telemetry properties like RoleName when running in Azure
81 *
82 * @param value if true properties will be populated
83 */
84 setAutoPopulateAzureProperties(): void;
85 /**
86 * Get Authorization handler
87 */
88 getAuthorizationHandler(config: Config): void;
89 getStatsbeat(): any;
90 setUseDiskRetryCaching(value: boolean, resendInterval?: number, maxBytesOnDisk?: number): void;
91 /**
92 * Adds telemetry processor to the collection. Telemetry processors will be called one by one
93 * before telemetry item is pushed for sending and in the order they were added.
94 *
95 * @param telemetryProcessor function, takes Envelope, and optional context object and returns boolean
96 */
97 addTelemetryProcessor(telemetryProcessor: (envelope: Envelope, contextObjects?: {
98 [name: string]: any;
99 }) => boolean): void;
100 clearTelemetryProcessors(): void;
101 trackNodeHttpRequestSync(telemetry: Contracts.NodeHttpRequestTelemetry): void;
102 trackNodeHttpRequest(telemetry: Contracts.NodeHttpRequestTelemetry): void;
103 trackNodeHttpDependency(telemetry: Contracts.NodeHttpRequestTelemetry): void;
104 /**
105 * Immediately send all queued telemetry.
106 */
107 flush(): Promise<void>;
108 /**
109 * Shutdown client
110 */
111 shutdown(): Promise<void>;
112 pushWarningToLog(warning: string): void;