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116 <div id='filecontents'>
117 <h1>archive.org</h1><p>npm module for the subsonic api</p><p><a href="http://travis-ci.org/switz/archive.org"><img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/switz/archive.org.png" alt="build status"></a></p><h3>Install</h3>
118<pre><code>$ npm install archive.org --save</code></pre>
119<h3>Docs</h3><p><a href="http://saewitz.com/subsonic/doc/classes/Archive.html">Documentation</a></p><h3>Example</h3>
120<pre><code class="lang-javascript">Archive = require(&#39;archive.org&#39;);
121archive = new Archive();
123archive.search({q: &#39;Grateful Dead&#39;}, function(err, res) {
124 console.log(res);
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141 <a href='https://mksoft.ch'>mksoft.ch</a>
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