3.29 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict"
2var test = require("tap").test
3var Tracker = require("../index.js").Tracker
4var TrackerGroup = require("../index.js").TrackerGroup
6var timeoutError = new Error("timeout")
7var testEvent = function (obj,event,next) {
8 var timeout = setTimeout(function(){
9 obj.removeListener(event, eventHandler)
10 next(timeoutError)
11 }, 10)
12 var eventHandler = function () {
13 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
14 args.unshift(null)
15 clearTimeout(timeout)
16 next.apply(null, args)
17 }
18 obj.once(event, eventHandler)
21test("TrackerGroup", function (t) {
22 var name = "test"
24 var track = new TrackerGroup(name)
25 t.is(track.completed(), 0, "Nothing todo is 0 completion")
26 testEvent(track, "change", afterFinishEmpty)
27 track.finish()
28 var a, b
29 function afterFinishEmpty(er, onChangeName) {
30 t.is(er, null, "finishEmpty: on change event fired")
31 t.is(onChangeName, name, "finishEmpty: on change emits the correct name")
32 t.is(track.completed(), 1, "finishEmpty: Finishing an empty group actually finishes it")
34 track = new TrackerGroup(name)
35 a = track.newItem("a", 10, 1)
36 b = track.newItem("b", 10, 1)
37 t.is(track.completed(), 0, "Initially empty")
38 testEvent(track, "change", afterCompleteWork)
39 a.completeWork(5)
40 }
41 function afterCompleteWork(er, onChangeName) {
42 t.is(er, null, "on change event fired")
43 t.is(onChangeName, "a", "on change emits the correct name")
44 t.is(track.completed(), 0.25, "Complete half of one is a quarter overall")
45 testEvent(track, "change", afterFinishAll)
46 track.finish()
47 }
48 function afterFinishAll(er, onChangeName) {
49 t.is(er, null, "finishAll: on change event fired")
50 t.is(onChangeName, name, "finishAll: on change emits the correct name")
51 t.is(track.completed(), 1, "Finishing everything ")
53 track = new TrackerGroup(name)
54 a = track.newItem("a", 10, 2)
55 b = track.newItem("b", 10, 1)
56 t.is(track.completed(), 0, "weighted: Initially empty")
57 testEvent(track, "change", afterWeightedCompleteWork)
58 a.completeWork(5)
59 }
60 function afterWeightedCompleteWork(er, onChangeName) {
61 t.is(er, null, "weighted: on change event fired")
62 t.is(onChangeName, "a", "weighted: on change emits the correct name")
63 t.is(Math.round(track.completed()*100), 33, "weighted: Complete half of double weighted")
64 testEvent(track, "change", afterWeightedFinishAll)
65 track.finish()
66 }
67 function afterWeightedFinishAll(er, onChangeName) {
68 t.is(er, null, "weightedFinishAll: on change event fired")
69 t.is(onChangeName, name, "weightedFinishAll: on change emits the correct name")
70 t.is(track.completed(), 1, "weightedFinishaAll: Finishing everything ")
72 track = new TrackerGroup(name)
73 a = track.newGroup("a", 10)
74 b = track.newGroup("b", 10)
75 var a1 = a.newItem("a.1",10)
76 a1.completeWork(5)
77 t.is(track.completed(), 0.25, "nested: Initially quarter done")
78 testEvent(track, "change", afterNestedComplete)
79 b.finish()
80 }
81 function afterNestedComplete(er, onChangeName) {
82 t.is(er, null, "nestedComplete: on change event fired")
83 t.is(onChangeName, "b", "nestedComplete: on change emits the correct name")
84 t.is(track.completed(), 0.75, "nestedComplete: Finishing everything ")
85 t.end()
86 }