1 | 'use strict'
2 | const assert = require('assert')
3 | const { randomBytes, timingSafeEqual } = require('crypto')
4 | const { promisify } = require('util')
5 |
6 | const binary = require('node-pre-gyp')
7 | const path = require('path')
8 | const bindingPath = binary.find(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, './package.json')))
9 | const { hash: _hash, limits, types, names, version } = require(bindingPath)
10 |
11 | const { deserialize, serialize } = require('@phc/format')
12 |
13 | const defaults = Object.freeze({
14 | hashLength: 32,
15 | saltLength: 16,
16 | timeCost: 3,
17 | memoryCost: 1 << 12,
18 | parallelism: 1,
19 | type: types.argon2i,
20 | version
21 | })
22 |
23 | const bindingsHash = promisify(_hash)
24 | const generateSalt = promisify(randomBytes)
25 |
26 | const assertLimits = options => ([key, { max, min }]) => {
27 | const value = options[key]
28 | assert(min <= value && value <= max, `Invalid ${key}, must be between ${min} and ${max}.`)
29 | }
30 |
31 | const hash = async (plain, { raw, salt, ...options } = {}) => {
32 | options = { ...defaults, ...options }
33 |
34 | Object.entries(limits).forEach(assertLimits(options))
35 |
36 | salt = salt || await generateSalt(options.saltLength)
37 |
38 | const hash = await bindingsHash(Buffer.from(plain), salt, options)
39 | if (raw) {
40 | return hash
41 | }
42 |
43 | const { type, version, memoryCost: m, timeCost: t, parallelism: p, associatedData: data } = options
44 | return serialize({ id: names[type], version, params: { m, t, p, ...(data ? { data } : {}) }, salt, hash })
45 | }
46 |
47 | const needsRehash = (digest, options) => {
48 | const { memoryCost, timeCost, version } = { ...defaults, ...options }
49 |
50 | const { version: v, params: { m, t } } = deserialize(digest)
51 | return +v !== +version || +m !== +memoryCost || +t !== +timeCost
52 | }
53 |
54 | const verify = async (digest, plain, options) => {
55 | const { id, version = 0x10, params: { m, t, p, data }, salt, hash } = deserialize(digest)
56 |
57 | return timingSafeEqual(await bindingsHash(Buffer.from(plain), salt, {
58 | ...options,
59 | type: types[id],
60 | version: +version,
61 | hashLength: hash.length,
62 | memoryCost: +m,
63 | timeCost: +t,
64 | parallelism: +p,
65 | ...(data ? { associatedData: Buffer.from(data, 'base64') } : {})
66 | }), hash)
67 | }
68 |
69 | module.exports = { defaults, limits, hash, needsRehash, verify, ...types }