5.15 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var assert = require ('assert'),
2 path = require ('path'),
3 rm = require ('rimraf'),
4 fs = require ('fs');
6describe ('fs-storage', function(){
7 var temp_folder = path.join(process.cwd(), "test/tmp");
8 var storagePath = path.join(temp_folder, "tmp-storage.json");
10 var fsStorageClass = require ('../lib/job-dependencies/storage/implementations/fs-storage');
11 //make sure temp folder is deleted even if tests fail (before and after)
12 beforeEach(function(done){
13 rm(temp_folder, done);
14 });
16 afterEach(function(done){
17 rm(temp_folder, done);
18 });
20 it('should set value to storage', function(done){
21 var fsStorage = new fsStorageClass('jobkey1', {storagePath : storagePath});
22 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
23 fsStorage.set('key1', { foo: 'bar'}, function(error, data){
24 assert.ifError(error);
25 fsStorage.get('key1', function(err, data){
26 assert.ifError(error);
27 assert.equal(data.foo, 'bar');
28 done();
29 });
30 });
31 });
32 });
34 it('should not interfere with other jobs (isolated storage)', function(done){
35 var fsStorage1 = new fsStorageClass('jobkey1', {storagePath : storagePath});
36 var fsStorage2 = new fsStorageClass('jobkey2', {storagePath : storagePath});
38 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
39 // write values
40 fsStorage1.set('key1', { foo: 'bar'}, function(error, data){
41 assert.ifError(error);
42 fsStorage2.set('key1', { foo: 'foo'}, function(error, data){
43 // retrieve values and make sure there are different
44 fsStorage1.get('key1', function(err, data){
45 assert.ifError(error);
46 assert.equal(data.foo, 'bar');
47 fsStorage2.get('key1', function(err, data){
48 assert.equal(data.foo, 'foo');
49 done();
50 });
51 });
52 });
53 });
54 });
55 });
57 it('should be able to select custom storage path', function(done){
58 var newStoragePath = path.join(temp_folder, "tmp-storage2.json");
59 var fsStorage = new fsStorageClass('jobkey1', {storagePath : newStoragePath});
60 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
61 fsStorage.set('key1', { foo: 'bar'}, function(error, data){
62 assert.ifError(error);
63 assert.ok(fs.existsSync(newStoragePath));
64 done();
65 });
66 });
67 });
69 it('should be able to handle reading from corrupted JSON files', function(done){
70 var corruptedStoragePath = path.join(temp_folder, "tmp-storage2.json");
71 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
72 fs.writeFile(corruptedStoragePath, "bad json", function(err, data){
73 var fsStorage = new fsStorageClass('jobkey1', {storagePath : corruptedStoragePath});
74 fsStorage.get('key1', function(error, data){
75 assert.ok(error);
76 assert.equal(null, data);
77 done();
78 });
79 });
80 });
81 });
83 it('should be able to handle reading from valid JSON files with wrong structure', function(done){
84 var invalidStorageFilePath = path.join(temp_folder, "tmp-storage.json");
85 var jobkey = 'jobkey1';
86 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
87 var fileData = "{\"" + jobkey + "\": { \"daaata\" : \"hello\"}}";
88 fs.writeFile(invalidStorageFilePath, fileData, function(err, data){
89 var fsStorage = new fsStorageClass(jobkey, {storagePath : invalidStorageFilePath});
90 fsStorage.get('key1', function(error, data){
91 assert.ok(error);
92 assert.equal(null, data);
93 done();
94 });
95 });
96 });
97 });
99 it('should be able to handle writing to corrupted JSON files', function(done){
100 var corruptedStoragePath = path.join(temp_folder, "tmp-storage2.json");
101 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
102 fs.writeFile(corruptedStoragePath, "bad json", function(err, data){
103 var fsStorage = new fsStorageClass('jobkey1', {storagePath : corruptedStoragePath});
104 fsStorage.set('key1', 'test', function(error, data){
105 assert.ifError(error);
106 fsStorage.get('key1', function(error, data){
107 assert.equal('test', data);
108 done();
109 });
110 });
111 });
112 });
113 });
115 it('should be able to handle writing to valid JSON files with wrong structure', function(done){
116 var invalidStorageFilePath = path.join(temp_folder, "tmp-storage.json");
117 var jobkey = 'jobkey1';
118 fs.mkdir(temp_folder, function (err, data){
119 var fileData = "{\"" + jobkey + "\": { \"key1\" : { \"daaata\" : \"hello\"}}}";
120 fs.writeFile(invalidStorageFilePath, fileData, function(err, data){
121 var fsStorage = new fsStorageClass(jobkey, {storagePath : invalidStorageFilePath});
122 fsStorage.set('key1', 'test', function(error, data){
123 assert.equal(data.jobkey1.key1.data, 'test');
124 assert.ifError(error);
125 fsStorage.get('key1', function(error, data){
126 assert.equal('test', data);
127 done();
128 });
129 });
130 });
131 });
132 });
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