2.32 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var api_url = 'https://api.hipchat.com/',
2 qstring = require('querystring');
4module.exports.create = function(options) {
5 var request = options.request || require ('request');
7 if (!options.api_key){
8 throw 'api_key required';
9 }
11 var errors = {
12 400: 'Bad request. Please check your data',
13 401: 'Unauthorized: API KEY not valid',
14 403: 'You have exceeded the rate limit',
15 404: 'Not found',
16 406: 'You requested an invalid content type',
17 500: 'Server Error',
18 503: 'The method you requested is currently unavailable (due to maintenance or high load'
19 };
21 var onResponseBuilder = function (callback) {
22 return function (err, response, body) {
23 if (callback) {
24 var err_msg = null;
25 if (err || !response || response.statusCode != 200) {
26 err_msg = err;
27 if (response && errors[response.statusCode]) {
28 err_msg += ' ' + errors[response.statusCode] + '; ' + body;
29 }
30 }
31 callback(err_msg, response ? response.statusCode : null, body);
32 }
33 }
34 };
36 return {
37 /**
38 * Push message to HipChat server
39 * @param roomId id of the room (number)
40 * @param from sender name
41 * @param message body of the message
42 * @param notify should trigger a room notification? values: 1,0
43 * @param callback a callback to be executed when complete
44 */
45 'message' : function (roomId, from, message, notify, callback){
46 var url = api_url + 'v1/rooms/message?format=json&auth_token=' + options.api_key;
48 var data = {
49 room_id : roomId,
50 from : from,
51 message : message,
52 notify : notify
53 };
55 request.post({
56 url: url,
57 headers:{'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
58 body: qstring.stringify(data)
59 }, onResponseBuilder(callback));
60 },
61 /**
62 * Get a room info from hipchat
63 * @param roomId id of the room (number)
64 * @param callback a callback to be executed when complete
65 */
66 'roomInfo' : function (roomId, callback){
67 var url = api_url + 'v2/room/' + roomId + '?format=json&auth_token=' + options.api_key;
68 request.get({url: url, json:true}, onResponseBuilder(callback));
69 }
70 };
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