1 | # ArtGen
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3 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/kevinbai0/ArtGen.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/kevinbai0/ArtGen) [![gzip size](https://img.badgesize.io/https://unpkg.com/artgenjs?compression=gzip)](http://img.badgesize.io/https://unpkg.com/artgenjs?compression=gzip) [![install size](https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=artgenjs)](https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=artgenjs)
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5 | ArtGen is a library that's meant to provide an easy way for both developers and artists create visual generative art on the web by taking a declarative and partly functional approach that abstracts away the messy of the code.
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7 | The goal of ArtGen is to provide a lightweight and fast library. No dependencies were used to keep the final build as small as possible.
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9 | ![Sample animation](https://media.giphy.com/media/hrvvcTTRcPOEM3QypY/giphy.gif)
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11 | Note: this project is currently still in development so the current release may be broken.
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13 | ## What it looks like (in code)
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15 | ```javascript
16 |
17 | const example = ({unwrap, rgba}) => {
18 | // define constants
19 | const constants = [
20 | 2.553308700841444,
21 | 1.3112688558630707,
22 | 1.781073930670376,
23 | 1.2974055728293994
24 | ]
25 | /*const constants = [
26 | unwrap([1,3]),
27 | unwrap([1,3]),
28 | unwrap([1,3]),
29 | unwrap([1,3])
30 | ]*/
31 | console.log(constants)
32 |
33 | // define helper functions
34 | const calcX = (x, y, c) =>
35 | Math.sin(2 * Math.sin(x) * Math.cos(c[0] * x - y * c[2])) +
36 | c[2] * Math.sin(1 * Math.cos(c[0] * x * c[3]))
37 | const calcY = (x, y, c) =>
38 | Math.sin(Math.PI * Math.cos(c[1] * x)) +
39 | c[3] * Math.sin((1 / Math.E) * c[1] * y)
40 |
41 | // init x,y values
42 | let x = 0.1, y = -0.1
43 |
44 | // Run every frame for animation
45 | const draw = value =>
46 | [...Array(1000)].map((_, i) => {
47 | x = calcX(x, y, constants)
48 | y = calcY(x, y, constants)
49 | const fill = rgba(
50 | Math.max(200 - x / 2, 0), // red
51 | (i / 1000) * 250, // green
52 | y * 200, // blue
53 | 0.1 // alpha
54 | )
55 |
56 | return ArtGen.utils.GenPoint(x * 150, y * 150, {
57 | fill,
58 | zIndex: i,
59 | radius: 1
60 | })
61 | })
62 |
63 | return {
64 | draw,
65 | iterate: value => value + 1,
66 | endIf: duration => duration >= 10000
67 | }
68 | }
69 | ```
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71 | ## Installation
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73 | If you’re using npm:
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75 | ```bash
76 | npm install artgenjs
77 | ```
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79 | or include it as a `script` in your HTML file:
80 |
81 | ```javascript
82 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/artgenjs"></script>
83 | ```