3.68 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
2should = require('chai').should()
3rack = require '../.'
4express = require 'express.io'
5easyrequest = require 'request'
6fs = require 'fs'
8describe 'a less asset', ->
9 app = null
11 it 'should work', (done) ->
12 compiled = fs.readFileSync "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/simple.css", 'utf8'
13 app = express().http()
14 app.use new rack.LessAsset
15 filename: "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/simple.less"
16 url: '/style.css'
17 app.listen 7076, ->
18 easyrequest 'http://localhost:7076/style.css', (error, response, body) ->
19 response.headers['content-type'].should.equal 'text/css'
20 body.should.equal compiled
21 done()
23 it 'should work compressed', (done) ->
24 compiled = fs.readFileSync "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/simple.min.css", 'utf8'
25 app = express().http()
26 app.use new rack.LessAsset
27 filename: "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/simple.less"
28 url: '/style.css'
29 compress: true
30 app.listen 7076, ->
31 easyrequest 'http://localhost:7076/style.css', (error, response, body) ->
32 response.headers['content-type'].should.equal 'text/css'
33 body.should.equal compiled
34 done()
36 it 'should work with paths', (done) ->
37 compiled = fs.readFileSync "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/another.css", 'utf8'
38 app = express().http()
39 app.use new rack.LessAsset
40 filename: "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/another.less"
41 url: '/style.css'
42 paths: ["#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/more"]
43 app.listen 7076, ->
44 easyrequest 'http://localhost:7076/style.css', (error, response, body) ->
45 response.headers['content-type'].should.equal 'text/css'
46 body.should.equal compiled
47 done()
49 it 'should work with the rack', (done) ->
50 app = express().http()
51 app.use assets = new rack.AssetRack [
52 new rack.Asset
53 url: '/background.png'
54 contents: 'not a real png'
55 new rack.LessAsset
56 filename: "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/simple.less"
57 url: '/simple.css'
58 new rack.LessAsset
59 filename: "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/dependency.less"
60 url: '/style.css'
61 ]
62 app.listen 7076, ->
63 easyrequest 'http://localhost:7076/style.css', (error, response, body) ->
64 backgroundUrl = assets.url('/background.png')
65 body.indexOf(backgroundUrl).should.not.equal -1
66 done()
67 it 'should throw a meaningful error', (done) ->
68 should.Throw ->
69 app.use assets = new rack.AssetRack [
70 asset = new rack.LessAsset
71 filename: "#{__dirname}/fixtures/less/syntax-error.less"
72 url: '/style.css'
73 ]
74 should.Throw ->
75 app.use assets = new rack.AssetRack [
76 asset = new rack.LessAsset
77 contents : """
78 @import "file-that-doesnt-exist.less";
79 body {
80 background-color: blue;
81 div {
82 background-color: pink;
83 }
84 }
85 """
86 url: 'style.css'
87 ]
88 # just start a server so that `afterEach` can close it without issues
89 app = express().http()
90 app.listen 7076, ->
91 done()
92 afterEach (done) -> process.nextTick ->
93 app.server.close done