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2 * @copyright 2013 Sonia Keys
3 * @copyright 2016 commenthol
4 * @license MIT
5 * @module parallax
6 */
8 * Parallax: Chapter 40, Correction for Parallax.
9 */
11import base from './base';
12import globe from './globe';
13import sidereal from './sidereal';
14import sexa from './sexagesimal';
16var horPar = 8.794 / 3600 * Math.PI / 180; // 8".794 arcseconds in radians
19 * Horizontal returns equatorial horizontal parallax of a body.
20 *
21 * @param {number} Δ - distance in AU.
22 * @return {number} parallax in radians.
23 */
24export function horizontal(Δ) {
25 // (40.1) p. 279
26 return Math.asin(Math.sin(horPar) / Δ);
27 // return horPar / Δ // with sufficient accuracy
31 * Topocentric returns topocentric positions including parallax.
32 *
33 * Arguments α, δ are geocentric right ascension and declination in radians.
34 * Δ is distance to the observed object in AU. ρsφ_, ρcφ_ are parallax
35 * constants (see package globe.) lon is geographic longitude of the observer,
36 * jde is time of observation.
37 *
38 * @param {base.Coord} c - geocentric right ascension and declination in radians
39 * @param {number} ρsφ - parallax constants (see package globe.)
40 * @param {number} ρcφ - parallax constants (see package globe.)
41 * @param {number} lon - geographic longitude of the observer (measured positively westwards!)
42 * @param {number} jde - time of observation
43 * @return {base.Coord} observed topocentric ra and dec in radians.
44 */
45export function topocentric(c, ρsφ, ρcφ, lon, jde) {
46 var _ref = [c.ra, c.dec, c.range],
47 α = _ref[0],
48 δ = _ref[1],
49 Δ = _ref[2];
51 var π = horizontal(Δ);
52 var θ0 = new sexa.Time(sidereal.apparent(jde)).rad();
53 var H = base.pmod(θ0 - lon - α, 2 * Math.PI);
54 var sπ = Math.sin(π);
56 var _base$sincos = base.sincos(H),
57 sH = _base$sincos[0],
58 cH = _base$sincos[1];
60 var _base$sincos2 = base.sincos(δ),
61 sδ = _base$sincos2[0],
62 cδ = _base$sincos2[1];
64 var Δα = Math.atan2(-ρcφ * sπ * sH, cδ - ρcφ * sπ * cH); // (40.2) p. 279
65 var α_ = α + Δα;
66 var δ_ = Math.atan2((sδ - ρsφ * sπ) * Math.cos(Δα), cδ - ρcφ * sπ * cH); // (40.3) p. 279
67 return new base.Coord(α_, δ_);
71 * Topocentric2 returns topocentric corrections including parallax.
72 *
73 * This function implements the "non-rigorous" method descripted in the text.
74 *
75 * Note that results are corrections, not corrected coordinates.
76 *
77 * @param {base.Coord} c - geocentric right ascension and declination in radians
78 * @param {number} ρsφ - parallax constants (see package globe.)
79 * @param {number} ρcφ - parallax constants (see package globe.)
80 * @param {number} lon - geographic longitude of the observer (measured positively westwards!)
81 * @param {number} jde - time of observation
82 * @return {base.Coord} observed topocentric ra and dec in radians.
83 */
84export function topocentric2(c, ρsφ, ρcφ, lon, jde) {
85 var _ref2 = [c.ra, c.dec, c.range],
86 α = _ref2[0],
87 δ = _ref2[1],
88 Δ = _ref2[2];
90 var π = horizontal(Δ);
91 var θ0 = new sexa.Time(sidereal.apparent(jde)).rad();
92 var H = base.pmod(θ0 - lon - α, 2 * Math.PI);
94 var _base$sincos3 = base.sincos(H),
95 sH = _base$sincos3[0],
96 cH = _base$sincos3[1];
98 var _base$sincos4 = base.sincos(δ),
99 sδ = _base$sincos4[0],
100 cδ = _base$sincos4[1];
102 var Δα = -π * ρcφ * sH / cδ; // (40.4) p. 280
103 var Δδ = -π * (ρsφ * cδ - ρcφ * cH * sδ); // (40.5) p. 280
104 return new base.Coord(Δα, Δδ);
108 * Topocentric3 returns topocentric hour angle and declination including parallax.
109 *
110 * This function implements the "alternative" method described in the text.
111 * The method should be similarly rigorous to that of Topocentric() and results
112 * should be virtually consistent.
113 *
114 * @param {base.Coord} c - geocentric right ascension and declination in radians
115 * @param {number} ρsφ - parallax constants (see package globe.)
116 * @param {number} ρcφ - parallax constants (see package globe.)
117 * @param {number} lon - geographic longitude of the observer (measured positively westwards!)
118 * @param {number} jde - time of observation
119 * @return {Array}
120 * {number} H_ - topocentric hour angle
121 * {number} δ_ - topocentric declination
122 */
123export function topocentric3(c, ρsφ_, ρcφ_, lon, jde) {
124 var _ref3 = [c.ra, c.dec, c.range],
125 α = _ref3[0],
126 δ = _ref3[1],
127 Δ = _ref3[2];
129 var π = horizontal(Δ);
130 var θ0 = new sexa.Time(sidereal.apparent(jde)).rad();
131 var H = base.pmod(θ0 - lon - α, 2 * Math.PI);
132 var sπ = Math.sin(π);
134 var _base$sincos5 = base.sincos(H),
135 sH = _base$sincos5[0],
136 cH = _base$sincos5[1];
138 var _base$sincos6 = base.sincos(δ),
139 sδ = _base$sincos6[0],
140 cδ = _base$sincos6[1];
142 var A = cδ * sH;
143 var B = cδ * cH - ρcφ_ * sπ;
144 var C = sδ - ρsφ_ * sπ;
145 var q = Math.sqrt(A * A + B * B + C * C);
146 var H_ = Math.atan2(A, B);
147 var δ_ = Math.asin(C / q);
148 return [H_, δ_];
152 * TopocentricEcliptical returns topocentric ecliptical coordinates including parallax.
153 *
154 * Arguments `c` are geocentric ecliptical longitude and latitude of a body,
155 * s is its geocentric semidiameter. φ, h are the observer's latitude and
156 * and height above the ellipsoid in meters. ε is the obliquity of the
157 * ecliptic, θ is local sidereal time, π is equatorial horizontal parallax
158 * of the body (see Horizonal()).
159 *
160 * All angular parameters and results are in radians.
161 *
162 * @param {base.Coord} c - geocentric right ascension and declination in radians
163 * @param {number} s - geocentric semidiameter of `c`
164 * @param {number} φ - observer's latitude
165 * @param {number} h - observer's height above the ellipsoid in meters
166 * @param {number} ε - is the obliquity of the ecliptic
167 * @param {number} θ - local sidereal time
168 * @param {number} π - equatorial horizontal parallax of the body
169 * @return {Array}
170 * {number} λ_ - observed topocentric longitude
171 * {number} β_ - observed topocentric latitude
172 * {number} s_ - observed topocentric semidiameter
173 */
174export function topocentricEcliptical(c, s, φ, h, ε, θ, π) {
175 var _ref4 = [c.lon, c.lat],
176 λ = _ref4[0],
177 β = _ref4[1];
179 var _globe$Earth76$parall = globe.Earth76.parallaxConstants(φ, h),
180 S = _globe$Earth76$parall[0],
181 C = _globe$Earth76$parall[1];
183 var _base$sincos7 = base.sincos(λ),
184 sλ = _base$sincos7[0],
185 cλ = _base$sincos7[1];
187 var _base$sincos8 = base.sincos(β),
188 sβ = _base$sincos8[0],
189 cβ = _base$sincos8[1];
191 var _base$sincos9 = base.sincos(ε),
192 sε = _base$sincos9[0],
193 cε = _base$sincos9[1];
195 var _base$sincos10 = base.sincos(θ),
196 sθ = _base$sincos10[0],
197 cθ = _base$sincos10[1];
199 var sπ = Math.sin(π);
200 var N = cλ * cβ - C * sπ * cθ;
201 var λ_ = Math.atan2(sλ * cβ - sπ * (S * sε + C * cε * sθ), N);
202 if (λ_ < 0) {
203 λ_ += 2 * Math.PI;
204 }
205 var cλ_ = Math.cos(λ_);
206 var β_ = Math.atan(cλ_ * (sβ - sπ * (S * cε - C * sε * sθ)) / N);
207 var s_ = Math.asin(cλ_ * Math.cos(β_) * Math.sin(s) / N);
208 return [λ_, β_, s_];
211export default {
212 horizontal: horizontal,
213 topocentric: topocentric,
214 topocentric2: topocentric2,
215 topocentric3: topocentric3,
216 topocentricEcliptical: topocentricEcliptical
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