13.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
7var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }(); /**
8 * @copyright 2013 Sonia Keys
9 * @copyright 2016 commenthol
10 * @license MIT
11 * @module angle
12 */
14 * Angle: Chapter 17: Angular Separation.
15 *
16 * Functions in this package are useful for Ecliptic, Equatorial, or any
17 * similar coordinate frame. To avoid suggestion of a particular frame,
18 * function parameters are specified simply as "r1, d1" to correspond to a
19 * right ascenscion, declination pair or to a longitude, latitude pair.
20 *
21 * In function Sep, Meeus recommends 10 arc min as a threshold. This
22 * value is in package base as base.SmallAngle because it has general utility.
23 *
24 * All angles are in radians.
25 */
27exports.sep = sep;
28exports.minSep = minSep;
29exports.minSepRect = minSepRect;
30exports.hav = hav;
31exports.sepHav = sepHav;
32exports.minSepHav = minSepHav;
33exports.sepPauwels = sepPauwels;
34exports.minSepPauwels = minSepPauwels;
35exports.relativePosition = relativePosition;
37var _base = require('./base');
39var _base2 = _interopRequireDefault(_base);
41var _interpolation = require('./interpolation');
43var _interpolation2 = _interopRequireDefault(_interpolation);
45function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
47var abs = Math.abs,
48 acos = Math.acos,
49 asin = Math.asin,
50 atan2 = Math.atan2,
51 cos = Math.cos,
52 hypot = Math.hypot,
53 sin = Math.sin,
54 sqrt = Math.sqrt,
55 tan = Math.tan;
58 * `sep` returns the angular separation between two celestial bodies.
59 *
60 * The algorithm is numerically naïve, and while patched up a bit for
61 * small separations, remains unstable for separations near π.
62 *
63 * @param {base.Coord} c1 - coordinate of celestial body 1
64 * @param {base.Coord} c2 - coordinate of celestial body 2
65 * @return {Number} angular separation between two celestial bodies
66 */
68function sep(c1, c2) {
69 var _base$sincos = _base2.default.sincos(c1.dec),
70 _base$sincos2 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos, 2),
71 sind1 = _base$sincos2[0],
72 cosd1 = _base$sincos2[1];
74 var _base$sincos3 = _base2.default.sincos(c2.dec),
75 _base$sincos4 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos3, 2),
76 sind2 = _base$sincos4[0],
77 cosd2 = _base$sincos4[1];
79 var cd = sind1 * sind2 + cosd1 * cosd2 * cos(c1.ra - c2.ra); // (17.1) p. 109
80 if (cd < _base2.default.CosSmallAngle) {
81 return acos(cd);
82 }
83 return hypot((c2.ra - c1.ra) * cosd1, c2.dec - c1.dec); // (17.2) p. 109
87 * `minSep` returns the minimum separation between two moving objects.
88 *
89 * The motion is represented as an ephemeris of three rows, equally spaced
90 * in time. Jd1, jd3 are julian day times of the first and last rows.
91 * R1, d1, r2, d2 are coordinates at the three times. They must each be
92 * slices of length 3.0
93 *
94 * Result is obtained by computing separation at each of the three times
95 * and interpolating a minimum. This may be invalid for sufficiently close
96 * approaches.
97 *
98 * @throws Error
99 * @param {Number} jd1 - Julian day - time at cs1[0], cs2[0]
100 * @param {Number} jd3 - Julian day - time at cs1[2], cs2[2]
101 * @param {base.Coord[]} cs1 - 3 coordinates of moving object 1
102 * @param {base.Coord[]} cs2 - 3 coordinates of moving object 2
103 * @param {function} [fnSep] - alternative `sep` function e.g. `angle.sepPauwels`, `angle.sepHav`
104 * @return {Number} angular separation between two celestial bodies
105 */
106function minSep(jd1, jd3, cs1, cs2, fnSep) {
107 fnSep = fnSep || sep;
108 if (cs1.length !== 3 || cs2.length !== 3) {
109 throw _interpolation2.default.errorNot3;
110 }
111 var y = new Array(3);
112 cs1.forEach(function (c, x) {
113 y[x] = sep(cs1[x], cs2[x]);
114 });
115 var d3 = new _interpolation2.default.Len3(jd1, jd3, y);
116 var dMin = d3.extremum()[1];
117 return dMin;
121 * `minSepRect` returns the minimum separation between two moving objects.
122 *
123 * Like `minSep`, but using a method of rectangular coordinates that gives
124 * accurate results even for close approaches.
125 *
126 * @throws Error
127 * @param {Number} jd1 - Julian day - time at cs1[0], cs2[0]
128 * @param {Number} jd3 - Julian day - time at cs1[2], cs2[2]
129 * @param {base.Coord[]} cs1 - 3 coordinates of moving object 1
130 * @param {base.Coord[]} cs2 - 3 coordinates of moving object 2
131 * @return {Number} angular separation between two celestial bodies
132 */
133function minSepRect(jd1, jd3, cs1, cs2) {
134 if (cs1.length !== 3 || cs2.length !== 3) {
135 throw _interpolation2.default.ErrorNot3;
136 }
137 var uv = function uv(c1, c2) {
138 var _base$sincos5 = _base2.default.sincos(c1.dec),
139 _base$sincos6 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos5, 2),
140 sind1 = _base$sincos6[0],
141 cosd1 = _base$sincos6[1];
143 var Δr = c2.ra - c1.ra;
144 var tanΔr = tan(Δr);
145 var tanhΔr = tan(Δr / 2);
146 var K = 1 / (1 + sind1 * sind1 * tanΔr * tanhΔr);
147 var sinΔd = sin(c2.dec - c1.dec);
148 var u = -K * (1 - sind1 / cosd1 * sinΔd) * cosd1 * tanΔr;
149 var v = K * (sinΔd + sind1 * cosd1 * tanΔr * tanhΔr);
150 return [u, v];
151 };
152 var us = new Array(3).fill(0);
153 var vs = new Array(3).fill(0);
154 cs1.forEach(function (c, x) {
155 var _uv = uv(cs1[x], cs2[x]);
157 var _uv2 = _slicedToArray(_uv, 2);
159 us[x] = _uv2[0];
160 vs[x] = _uv2[1];
161 });
162 var u3 = new _interpolation2.default.Len3(-1, 1, us); // if line throws then bug not caller's fault.
163 var v3 = new _interpolation2.default.Len3(-1, 1, vs); // if line throws then bug not caller's fault.
164 var up0 = (us[2] - us[0]) / 2;
165 var vp0 = (vs[2] - vs[0]) / 2;
166 var up1 = us[0] + us[2] - 2 * us[1];
167 var vp1 = vs[0] + vs[2] - 2 * vs[1];
168 var up = up0;
169 var vp = vp0;
170 var dn = -(us[1] * up + vs[1] * vp) / (up * up + vp * vp);
171 var n = dn;
172 var u = void 0;
173 var v = void 0;
174 for (var limit = 0; limit < 10; limit++) {
175 u = u3.interpolateN(n);
176 v = v3.interpolateN(n);
177 if (abs(dn) < 1e-5) {
178 return hypot(u, v); // success
179 }
180 var _up = up0 + n * up1;
181 var _vp = vp0 + n * vp1;
182 dn = -(u * _up + v * _vp) / (_up * _up + _vp * _vp);
183 n += dn;
184 }
185 throw new Error('minSepRect: failure to converge');
189 * haversine function (17.5) p. 115
190 */
191function hav(a) {
192 return 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos(a));
196 * `sepHav` returns the angular separation between two celestial bodies.
197 *
198 * The algorithm uses the haversine function and is superior to the naïve
199 * algorithm of the Sep function.
200 *
201 * @param {base.Coord} c1 - coordinate of celestial body 1
202 * @param {base.Coord} c2 - coordinate of celestial body 2
203 * @return {Number} angular separation between two celestial bodies
204 */
205function sepHav(c1, c2) {
206 // using (17.5) p. 115
207 return 2 * asin(sqrt(hav(c2.dec - c1.dec) + cos(c1.dec) * cos(c2.dec) * hav(c2.ra - c1.ra)));
211 * Same as `minSep` but uses function `sepHav` to return the minimum separation
212 * between two moving objects.
213 */
214function minSepHav(jd1, jd3, cs1, cs2) {
215 return minSep(jd1, jd3, cs1, cs2, sepHav);
219 * `sepPauwels` returns the angular separation between two celestial bodies.
220 *
221 * The algorithm is a numerically stable form of that used in `sep`.
222 *
223 * @param {base.Coord} c1 - coordinate of celestial body 1
224 * @param {base.Coord} c2 - coordinate of celestial body 2
225 * @return {Number} angular separation between two celestial bodies
226 */
227function sepPauwels(c1, c2) {
228 var _base$sincos7 = _base2.default.sincos(c1.dec),
229 _base$sincos8 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos7, 2),
230 sind1 = _base$sincos8[0],
231 cosd1 = _base$sincos8[1];
233 var _base$sincos9 = _base2.default.sincos(c2.dec),
234 _base$sincos10 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos9, 2),
235 sind2 = _base$sincos10[0],
236 cosd2 = _base$sincos10[1];
238 var cosdr = cos(c2.ra - c1.ra);
239 var x = cosd1 * sind2 - sind1 * cosd2 * cosdr;
240 var y = cosd2 * sin(c2.ra - c1.ra);
241 var z = sind1 * sind2 + cosd1 * cosd2 * cosdr;
242 return atan2(hypot(x, y), z);
246 * Same as `minSep` but uses function `sepPauwels` to return the minimum
247 * separation between two moving objects.
248 */
249function minSepPauwels(jd1, jd3, cs1, cs2) {
250 return minSep(jd1, jd3, cs1, cs2, sepPauwels);
254 * RelativePosition returns the position angle of one body with respect to
255 * another.
256 *
257 * The position angle result `p` is measured counter-clockwise from North.
258 * If negative then `p` is in the range of 90° ... 270°
259 *
260 * ````
261 * North
262 * |
263 * (p) ..|
264 * . |
265 * V |
266 * c1 x------------x c2
267 * |
268 * ````
269 *
270 * @param {base.Coord} c1 - coordinate of celestial body 1
271 * @param {base.Coord} c2 - coordinate of celestial body 2
272 * @return {Number} position angle (p)
273 */
274function relativePosition(c1, c2) {
275 var _base$sincos11 = _base2.default.sincos(c2.ra - c1.ra),
276 _base$sincos12 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos11, 2),
277 sinΔr = _base$sincos12[0],
278 cosΔr = _base$sincos12[1];
280 var _base$sincos13 = _base2.default.sincos(c2.dec),
281 _base$sincos14 = _slicedToArray(_base$sincos13, 2),
282 sind2 = _base$sincos14[0],
283 cosd2 = _base$sincos14[1];
285 var p = atan2(sinΔr, cosd2 * tan(c1.dec) - sind2 * cosΔr);
286 return p;
289exports.default = {
290 sep: sep,
291 minSep: minSep,
292 minSepRect: minSepRect,
293 hav: hav,
294 sepHav: sepHav,
295 minSepHav: minSepHav,
296 sepPauwels: sepPauwels,
297 minSepPauwels: minSepPauwels,
298 relativePosition: relativePosition
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