85.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * async-af v7.0.37
3 *
4 * AsyncAF (The asynciest of async libs there ever was or ever will be...AsyncAF!?)
5 * (https://async-af.js.org/AsyncAF)
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Scott Rudiger (https://github.com/ScottRudiger)
8 *
9 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in this library's
10 * GitHub repository (https://github.com/AsyncAF/AsyncAF/blob/master/LICENSE).
11 */
12(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
13 if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
14 module.exports = factory();
15 else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
16 define("AsyncAF", [], factory);
17 else if(typeof exports === 'object')
18 exports["AsyncAF"] = factory();
19 else
20 root["AsyncAF"] = factory();
21})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
22return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
23/******/ // The module cache
24/******/ var installedModules = {};
26/******/ // The require function
27/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
29/******/ // Check if module is in cache
30/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
31/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
32/******/ }
33/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
34/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
35/******/ i: moduleId,
36/******/ l: false,
37/******/ exports: {}
38/******/ };
40/******/ // Execute the module function
41/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
43/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
44/******/ module.l = true;
46/******/ // Return the exports of the module
47/******/ return module.exports;
48/******/ }
51/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
52/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
54/******/ // expose the module cache
55/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
57/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
58/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
59/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
60/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
61/******/ }
62/******/ };
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65/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
66/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
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68/******/ }
69/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
70/******/ };
72/******/ // create a fake namespace object
73/******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
74/******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
75/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
76/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
77/******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
78/******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
79/******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
80/******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
81/******/ var ns = Object.create(null);
82/******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns);
83/******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
84/******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key));
85/******/ return ns;
86/******/ };
88/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
89/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
90/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
91/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
92/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
93/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
94/******/ return getter;
95/******/ };
97/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
98/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
100/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
101/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
104/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
105/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = "./lib/classes/AsyncAF.js");
106/******/ })
108/******/ ({
110/***/ "./lib/classes/AsyncAF.js":
111/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
113"use strict";
115// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/createNewlessClass.js
116var createNewlessClass = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/createNewlessClass.js");
118// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/classes/AsyncAfWrapper.js + 2 modules
119var AsyncAfWrapper = __webpack_require__("./lib/classes/AsyncAfWrapper.js");
121// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/nameFunction.js
122var nameFunction = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/nameFunction.js");
124// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/logAF.js + 4 modules
125var logAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/other/logAF.js");
127// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/mapAF.js
128var mapAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/mapAF.js");
130// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/forEachAF.js
131var forEachAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/forEachAF.js");
133// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/filterAF.js
134var filterAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/filterAF.js");
136// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/reduceAF.js + 1 modules
137var reduceAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/reduceAF.js");
139// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/everyAF.js
140var everyAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/everyAF.js");
142// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/someAF.js
143var someAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/someAF.js");
145// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/includesAF.js
146var includesAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/includesAF.js");
148// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/findAF.js
149var findAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/findAF.js");
151// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/findIndexAF.js
152var findIndexAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/findIndexAF.js");
154// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/indexOfAF.js
155var indexOfAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/indexOfAF.js");
157// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/lastIndexOfAF.js
158var lastIndexOfAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/lastIndexOfAF.js");
160// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/joinAF.js
161var joinAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/joinAF.js");
163// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/concatAF.js
164var concatAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/arrays/concatAF.js");
166// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/strings/splitAF.js
167var splitAF = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/strings/splitAF.js");
169// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./packageList.js
171/* eslint-disable import/first */
173const libName = 'async-af';
174const libPath = './lib/';
176const makeScoped = name => "@".concat(libName, "/").concat(name.replace(/AsyncAf|AF/g, '').toLowerCase());
177/* ____________________________
178 | CLASSES |
179 |____________________________| */
182const classPath = "".concat(libPath, "classes/");
183const classes = [[{
184 name: 'AsyncAF'
185}, "".concat(classPath, "AsyncAF"), libName], [{
186 name: 'AsyncAfWrapper'
187}, "".concat(classPath, "AsyncAfWrapper"), makeScoped('AsyncAfWrapper')]];
188/* ____________________________
190 |____________________________| */
193const staticMethods = [Object(nameFunction["default"])(logAF["default"], 'logAF')].map(method => [method, "".concat(libPath, "methods/other/").concat(method.name), makeScoped(method.name)]);
194/* ____________________________
196 |____________________________| */
197// Arrays
212const arrayMethods = [Object(nameFunction["default"])(mapAF["default"], 'mapAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(forEachAF["default"], 'forEachAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(filterAF["default"], 'filterAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(reduceAF["default"], 'reduceAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(everyAF["default"], 'everyAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(someAF["default"], 'someAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(includesAF["default"], 'includesAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(findAF["default"], 'findAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(findIndexAF["default"], 'findIndexAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(indexOfAF["default"], 'indexOfAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(lastIndexOfAF["default"], 'lastIndexOfAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(joinAF["default"], 'joinAF'), Object(nameFunction["default"])(concatAF["default"], 'concatAF')].map(method => [method, "".concat(libPath, "methods/arrays/").concat(method.name), makeScoped(method.name)]); // strings
215const stringMethods = [Object(nameFunction["default"])(splitAF["default"], 'splitAF')].map(method => [method, "".concat(libPath, "methods/strings/").concat(method.name), makeScoped(method.name)]);
216const prototypeMethods = [...arrayMethods, ...stringMethods];
217/* ____________________________
219 |____________________________| */
220// import arrays from './lib/collections/arrays';
222const collections = [// arrays,
224/* harmony default export */ var packageList = ([...classes, ...staticMethods, ...prototypeMethods, ...collections]);
226const pluckMethods = packages => packages.map((_ref) => {
227 let [method] = _ref;
228 return method;
231const staticMethodsOnly = pluckMethods(staticMethods);
232const prototypeMethodsOnly = pluckMethods(prototypeMethods);
234// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/classes/AsyncAF.js
235function _templateObject() {
236 const data = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["AF"]);
238 _templateObject = function _templateObject() {
239 return data;
240 };
242 return data;
245function _taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { if (!raw) { raw = strings.slice(0); } return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); }
251 * class that holds all the AsyncAF methods
252 *
253 * while AsyncAF is a class, it can create instances with or without the `new` keyword
254 * @param {any} data the data to be wrapped by the AsyncAF class; can be promises or non-promises
255 * @returns {Object} returns an instance of AsyncAF wrapping the passed in data
256 * @example
257 *
258 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
259 *
260 *
261 * AsyncAF(promises).mapAF(n => n * 2).filterAF(n => n !== 4).forEachAF(n => console.log(n));
262 * // logs 2 then 6
263 * @since 3.0.0
264 * @see AsyncAfWrapper
265 * @class AsyncAF
266 */
268const AsyncAF_AsyncAF = Object(createNewlessClass["default"])(class AsyncAF extends AsyncAfWrapper["AsyncAfWrapperProto"] {});
270const prepForDefine = methods => methods.reduce((methods, method) => {
271 // add all '*AF' methods and add 'AF-less' aliases (e.g., mapAF -> map)
272 const [alias] = method.name.split(_templateObject()) ||
273 /* istanbul ignore next */
274 [method.name];
275 return Object.assign(methods, {
276 [method.name]: {
277 value: method
278 }
279 }, {
280 [alias]: {
281 value: method
282 }
283 });
284}, {});
286Object.defineProperties(AsyncAfWrapper["AsyncAfWrapperProto"], prepForDefine(staticMethodsOnly));
287Object.defineProperties(AsyncAfWrapper["AsyncAfWrapperProto"].prototype, prepForDefine(prototypeMethodsOnly));
288/* harmony default export */ var classes_AsyncAF = __webpack_exports__["default"] = (AsyncAF_AsyncAF);
290/***/ }),
292/***/ "./lib/classes/AsyncAfWrapper.js":
293/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
295"use strict";
297// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/createNewlessClass.js
298var createNewlessClass = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/createNewlessClass.js");
300// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/use.js
302 * adds prototype/static methods to AsyncAF or AsyncAfWrapper
303 *
304 * see {@link AsyncAfWrapper AsyncAfWrapper} for an example of how to cherry-pick AsyncAF methods you'd like to use rather than pulling in the entire AsyncAF library;
305 *
306 * for something different, the following shows how to add custom methods to AsyncAF & AsyncAfWrapper
307 *
308 * **Example**
309 *
310 * say you want to extend AsyncAF with your own prototype method that acts on an array of numbers or promises that resolve to numbers and naively adds them up
311 *
312 * let's call it sumAF; here's some code:
313 *
314 * ```js
315 * // sumAF.js
316 *
317 * const sumAF = function () {
318 * return this.then(nums => Promise.all(nums))
319 * .then(nums => nums.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num));
320 * };
321 *
322 * export default sumAF;
323 * ```
324 *
325 * pull in {@link AsyncAF AsyncAF} or {@link AsyncAfWrapper AsyncAfWrapper} and `sumAF` to the file you'd like to use it in:
326 *
327 * ```js
328 * // otherFile.js
329 *
330 * import AsyncAF from 'async-af'; // or import AsyncAF from '@async-af/wrapper';
331 * import sumAF from './sumAF';
332 * ```
333 *
334 * then, call `use` on `AsyncAF` and pass in `sumAF` wrapped in an object to the first parameter, `prototypeMethods`:
335 *
336 * ```js
337 * // otherFile.js
338 * // ...
339 *
340 * AsyncAF.use({sumAF});
341 * ```
342 *
343 * ready! now your custom prototype method will be available on AsyncAF
344 *
345 * ```js
346 * // otherFile.js
347 * // ...
348 *
349 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
350 *
351 * const sum = AsyncAF(promises).sumAF()
352 *
353 * AsyncAF.logAF(sum);
354 * // @otherFile.js:10:9:
355 * // 6
356 * // in 0.001 secs
357 * ```
358 *
359 * if you'd like to add a static method to AsyncAF, `use` accepts a second optional argument `staticMethods`; for example:
360 *
361 * ```js
362 * const staticNoop = () => {};
363 *
364 * AsyncAF.use({}, {staticNoop});
365 *
366 * AsyncAF.staticNoop(); // noop
367 * ```
368 *
369 * @static
370 * @param {Object} prototypeMethods an Object containing the prototype methods you'd like to use
371 * @param {Object=} staticMethods an Object containing the static methods you'd like to use
372 * @returns {undefined} adds prototype/static methods to AsyncAF or AsyncAfWrapper
373 * @since 3.0.0
374 * @see AsyncAF
375 * @see AsyncAfWrapper
376 * @see {@tutorial TOO_MANY_IMPORTS}
377 * @memberof AsyncAfWrapper
378 * @alias AsyncAfWrapper#use
379 */
380const use = function use(prototypeMethods) {
381 let staticMethods = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
382 if (typeof prototypeMethods !== 'object') throw TypeError('prototypeMethods param accepts an Object containing the prototypeMethods you\'d like to add to the AsyncAF prototype, or an empty Object');
383 if (typeof staticMethods !== 'object') throw TypeError('staticMethods param accepts an Object containing the staticMethods you\'d like to add to AsyncAF');
384 Object.assign(this.prototype, prototypeMethods);
385 Object.assign(this, staticMethods);
388/* harmony default export */ var other_use = (use);
389// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/series.js
390const inSeries = new WeakMap();
391const series = {
392 inSeries: {
393 get() {
394 return inSeries.get(this);
395 }
397 },
399 /**
400 * indicates that the next method invoked should be performed in series
401 *
402 * when you need to perform a method in series rather than in parallel, prepend the method with `series`; e.g.:
403 * ```js
404 * AsyncAF(promises).series.forEachAF(callback)
405 * ```
406 *
407 * `series` can currently be chained with:
408 * - {@link AsyncAF#everyAF everyAF}
409 * - {@link AsyncAF#filterAF filterAF}
410 * - {@link AsyncAF#findAF findAF}
411 * - {@link AsyncAF#findIndexAF findIndexAF}
412 * - {@link AsyncAF#forEachAF forEachAF}
413 * - {@link AsyncAF#includesAF includesAF}
414 * - {@link AsyncAF#indexOfAF indexOfAF}
415 * - {@link AsyncAF#lastIndexOfAF lastIndexOfAF}
416 * - {@link AsyncAF#mapAF mapAF}
417 * - {@link AsyncAF#reduceAF reduceAF}
418 * - {@link AsyncAF#someAF someAF}
419 *
420 * @example
421 * import delay from 'delay'; // {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/delay}
422 *
423 * const nums = [2, 1];
424 *
425 * // perform a serial forEach by chaining {@link AsyncAF#series series} and {@link AsyncAF#forEachAF forEachAF}
426 * (async () => {
427 * const start = Date.now();
428 *
429 * await AsyncAF(nums).series.forEachAF(async num => {
430 * await delay(num * 1000);
431 * console.log(num, `at ~${Date.now() - start} ms`);
432 * });
433 *
434 * console.log(`total: ~${Date.now() - start} ms`);
435 * })();
436 *
437 * // logs:
438 * // 2 'at ~2000 ms'
439 * // 1 'at ~3000 ms'
440 * // total: ~3000 ms
441 *
442 *
443 * // perform a parallel forEach by omitting {@link AsyncAF#series series}
444 * (async () => {
445 * const start = Date.now();
446 *
447 * await AsyncAF(nums).forEachAF(async num => {
448 * await delay(num * 1000);
449 * console.log(num, `at ~${Date.now() - start} ms`);
450 * });
451 *
452 * console.log(`total: ~${Date.now() - start} ms`);
453 * })();
454 *
455 * // logs:
456 * // 1 'at ~1000 ms'
457 * // 2 'at ~2000 ms'
458 * // total: ~2000 ms
459 *
460 * @function series
461 * @returns {AsyncAF.<any>} returns an instance of AsyncAF that will perform the next method invocation serially
462 * @since 7.0.0
463 * @see {@link AsyncAF#io io} (alias)
464 * @memberof AsyncAF#
465 */
466 series: {
467 get() {
468 inSeries.set(this, !this.inSeries);
469 return this;
470 }
472 },
474 /**
475 * `io` (in order) indicates that the next method invoked should be performed in series
476 *
477 * when you need to perform a method in series rather than in parallel, prepend the method with `io`; e.g.:
478 * ```js
479 * AsyncAF(promises).io.forEachAF(callback)
480 * ```
481 *
482 * `io` is an alias for `series`; see {@link AsyncAF#series series's documentation} for more
483 * @function io
484 * @returns {AsyncAF.<any>} returns an instance of AsyncAF that will perform the next method invocation serially
485 * @since 7.0.0
486 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series} (alias)
487 * @memberof AsyncAF#
488 */
489 io: {
490 get() {
491 return this.series;
492 }
494 }
496/* harmony default export */ var other_series = (series);
497// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/classes/AsyncAfWrapper.js
498/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "AsyncAfWrapperProto", function() { return AsyncAfWrapperProto; });
499function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; var ownKeys = Object.keys(source); if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') { ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable; })); } ownKeys.forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } return target; }
501function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
506const dataStore = new WeakMap();
508class AsyncAfWrapperProto {
509 constructor(data) {
510 dataStore.set(this, Promise.resolve(data));
511 }
513 then(resolve, reject) {
514 return this.constructor(dataStore.get(this).then(resolve, reject));
515 }
517 catch(reject) {
518 return this.then(null, reject);
519 }
521 finally(onFinally) {
522 return dataStore.get(this).finally(onFinally);
523 }
527AsyncAfWrapperProto.use = other_use;
528Object.defineProperties(AsyncAfWrapperProto.prototype, _objectSpread({}, other_series, {
529 [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
530 value: 'AsyncAF'
531 }
534 * empty AsyncAF class wrapper
535 *
536 * AsyncAfWrapper is one option for cherry-picking only the methods you'd like to use in your code; {@link AsyncAfWrapper#use use}, {@link AsyncAF#series series}, and {@link AsyncAF#io io} are the only methods initially available on AsyncAfWrapper; see example below
537 *
538 * **Note:** while AsyncAfWrapper is a class, it can create instances with or without the `new` keyword
539 *
540 * **Example**
541 *
542 * say you only want to use {@link AsyncAF#mapAF mapAF}, {@link AsyncAF#filterAF filterAF}, {@link AsyncAF#forEachAF forEachAF}, and {@link AsyncAF#logAF logAF} instead of pulling in the entire AsyncAF library
543 *
544 * first, install the separate packages (e.g., for npm):
545 *
546 * `$ npm install --save @async-af/{wrapper,map,filter,foreach,log}`
547 *
548 * or, if on Windows:
549 *
550 * `$ npm install --save @async-af/wrapper @async-af/map @async-af/filter @async-af/foreach @async-af/log`
551 *
552 * then import the packages
553 * ```js
554 * import AsyncAF from '@async-af/wrapper'; // aliasing 'AsyncAfWrapper' as 'AsyncAF'
555 * import mapAF from '@async-af/map';
556 * import filterAF from '@async-af/filter';
557 * import forEachAF from '@async-af/foreach';
558 * import logAF from '@async-af/log';
559 * ```
560 *
561 * _if you'd like to save some vertical screen real estate and cut the imports down to one line, see_ {@tutorial TOO_MANY_IMPORTS}
562 *
563 * then call {@link AsyncAfWrapper#use use}, including all prototype methods you'd like to add to AsyncAfWrapper's prototype in the first argument, `prototypeMethods` and all static methods you'd like to add to AsyncAfWrapper in the second optional argument, `staticMethods`
564 * ```js
565 * AsyncAF.use({ // prototype methods go in the first argument
566 * mapAF,
567 * filterAF,
568 * forEachAF
569 * }, { // static methods go in the second argument
570 * logAF
571 * });
572 * ```
573 *
574 * ready to go!
575 * ```js
576 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
577 *
578 * AsyncAF(promises).mapAF(n => n * 2).filterAF(n => n !== 4).forEachAF(n => console.log(n));
579 * // logs 2 then 6
580 *
581 * AsyncAF.logAF(promises);
582 * // @filename.js:24:9:
583 * // [ 1, 2, 3 ]
584 * // in 0.003 secs
585 * ```
586 *
587 * **protip:** you can use the same technique to add your own custom prototype or static methods to AsyncAfWrapper or even to the main AsyncAF class; see {@link AsyncAfWrapper#use use} for an example
588 * @param {any} data the data to be wrapped by the AsyncAF class; can be promises or non-promises
589 * @returns {Object} returns an instance of AsyncAfWrapper wrapping the passed in data
590 * @since 3.0.0
591 * @see AsyncAF
592 * @see {@link AsyncAfWrapper#use use}
593 * @see {@tutorial TOO_MANY_IMPORTS}
594 * @class AsyncAfWrapper
595 */
597const AsyncAfWrapper = Object(createNewlessClass["default"])(class AsyncAfWrapper extends AsyncAfWrapperProto {});
599/* harmony default export */ var classes_AsyncAfWrapper = __webpack_exports__["default"] = (AsyncAfWrapper);
601/***/ }),
603/***/ "./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js":
604/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
606"use strict";
608/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, valid-jsdoc */
611 * @typedef {callback} _
612 * @param {?} currentValue
613 * @param {Number=} index
614 * @param {[]=} array
615 * @returns {any}
616 */
617function callback(currentValue, index, array) {}
619/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (callback);
621/***/ }),
623/***/ "./lib/methods/_internal/createNewlessClass.js":
624/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
626"use strict";
628/* harmony import */ var _nameFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/nameFunction.js");
631const createNewlessClass = Class => {
632 const {
633 name
634 } = Class;
636 const Newless = function Newless() {
637 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
638 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
639 }
641 return new Class(...args);
642 };
644 Newless.prototype = Class.prototype;
645 Object.setPrototypeOf(Newless, Class);
646 Newless.prototype.constructor = Newless;
647 return Object(_nameFunction__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(Newless, name);
650/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (createNewlessClass);
652/***/ }),
654/***/ "./lib/methods/_internal/nameFunction.js":
655/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
657"use strict";
659const nameFunction = function nameFunction(fn, name) {
660 return Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', {
661 value: name,
662 configurable: true
663 });
666/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (nameFunction);
668/***/ }),
670/***/ "./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js":
671/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
673"use strict";
675const permissiveIsArrayLike = function permissiveIsArrayLike(obj) {
676 return Array.isArray(obj) || obj != null && obj.length != null;
679/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (permissiveIsArrayLike);
681/***/ }),
683/***/ "./lib/methods/_internal/promiseAllWithHoles.js":
684/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
686"use strict";
688const promiseAllWithHoles = promises => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
689 const length = promises.length >>> 0;
690 const result = Array(length);
691 let pending = length;
692 let i = length;
693 if (!length) return resolve(result);
695 const settlePromise = i => Promise.resolve(promises[i]).then(value => {
696 if (i in promises) result[i] = value;
697 if (! --pending) resolve(result);
698 }, reject);
700 while (i--) settlePromise(i);
703/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (promiseAllWithHoles);
705/***/ }),
707/***/ "./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js":
708/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
710"use strict";
712/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "serial", function() { return serial; });
713/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "parallel", function() { return parallel; });
714/* harmony import */ var _promiseAllWithHoles__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/promiseAllWithHoles.js");
717const serial = arr => function resolveSerially(resolved, i) {
718 const {
719 length
720 } = resolved;
721 if (!length) return Promise.resolve(resolved);
722 const hole = !(i in arr);
723 return Promise.resolve(arr[i]).then(el => {
724 if (!hole) resolved[i] = el;
725 if (i === length - 1) return resolved;
726 return resolveSerially(resolved, i + 1);
727 });
728}(Array(arr.length >>> 0), 0);
730const parallel = function parallel(arr, mapper) {
731 let thisArg = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : undefined;
732 return Object(_promiseAllWithHoles__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(arr, el => el).then(!mapper ? undefined : arr => Object(_promiseAllWithHoles__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(Array.prototype.map.call(arr, mapper, thisArg)));
737/***/ }),
739/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/concatAF.js":
740/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
742"use strict";
744const resolveByType = data => Promise[Array.isArray(data) ? 'all' : 'resolve'](data);
746 * merges an array or string with one or more arrays, strings, or other values, and resolves to a new array or string;
747 *
748 * concatAF flexibly accepts arrays, strings, promises, other values, or other instances of AsyncAF; see examples
749 *
750 * @param {any} values arrays, strings, or values to concatenate into a new array or string
751 * - if any values are a Promise, they'll first be resolved then concatenated
752 * - if any values are an instance of AsyncAF, they'll be merged into one instance
753 * @returns {Promise.<Array>|Promise.<String>} `Promise` that resolves to a newly merged array or string
754 * @example
755 *
756 * // arrays
757 * const arr = Promise.resolve([1, 2]);
758 * AsyncAF(arr).concatAF([3, 4]); // Promise that resolves to [1, 2, 3, 4]
759 * AsyncAF(arr).concatAF([3, 4], [5, 6]); // Promise that resolves to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
760 *
761 * // nested arrays
762 * const arr1 = Promise.resolve([1, 2]);
763 * const arr2 = [3, [4, 5]];
764 * AsyncAF(arr1).concatAF(arr2); // Promise that resolves to [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]]
765 *
766 * // strings
767 * const str = Promise.resolve('str');
768 * AsyncAF(str).concatAF('ing'); // Promise that resolves to 'string'
769 * AsyncAF(str).concatAF('ing', 'y'); // Promise that resolves to 'stringy'
770 *
771 * // other instances of AsyncAF
772 * const aaf1 = AsyncAF([1, 2]);
773 * const aaf2 = AsyncAF(3);
774 *
775 * aaf1.concatAF(aaf2); // Promise that resolves to [1, 2, 3];
776 *
777 * const aaf3 = AsyncAF('stringy');
778 * const aaf4 = AsyncAF('AF');
779 *
780 * aaf3.concatAF(aaf4); // Promise that resolves to 'stringyAF'
781 *
782 * // promises
783 * const [p1, p2, p3] = [[1, 2], 3, [4, [5, 6]]].map(v => Promise.resolve(v));
784 *
785 * AsyncAF(p1).concatAF(p2); // Promise that resolves to [1, 2, 3]
786 * AsyncAF(p1).concatAF(p2, p3) // Promise that resolves to [1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6]]
787 *
788 * const pStr1 = Promise.resolve('str');
789 * const pStr2 = Promise.resolve('ing');
790 * const pStr3 = Promise.resolve('y');
791 *
792 * AsyncAF(pStr1).concatAF(pStr2); // Promise that resolves to 'string'
793 * AsyncAF(pStr1).concatAF(pStr2, pStr3); // Promise that resolves to 'stringy'
794 *
795 * // Note: concatAF will not resolve deeply nested promises; if you need this behavior, concatAF can be used in a
796 * // function; for example, this function recursively flattens an array of promises
797 *
798 * const flattenAsync = arr => AsyncAF(arr).reduceAF(async (acc, val) => {
799 * return Array.isArray(await val)
800 * ? AsyncAF(acc).concatAF(flattenAsync(val))
801 * : AsyncAF(acc).concatAF(val), []);
802 * };
803 *
804 * @since 5.3.0
805 * @see concat (alias)
806 * @memberof AsyncAF#
807 */
810const concatAF = function concatAF() {
811 for (var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
812 values[_key] = arguments[_key];
813 }
815 const isThenable = value => [Promise, this.constructor].some(thenable => value instanceof thenable);
817 const concat = (arrOrStr, value) => isThenable(value) && value.then(resolveByType).then(value => arrOrStr.concat(value)) || arrOrStr.concat(value);
819 return this.then(arrOrStr => {
820 if (!(typeof arrOrStr === 'string' || Array.isArray(arrOrStr))) throw TypeError("concatAF cannot be called on ".concat(arrOrStr, ", only on an Array or String"));
821 return resolveByType(arrOrStr).then(arrOrStr => values.reduce((arrOrStr, value) => isThenable(arrOrStr) ? arrOrStr.then(arrOrStr => concat(arrOrStr, value)) : concat(arrOrStr, value), arrOrStr));
822 });
825/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (concatAF);
827/***/ }),
829/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/everyAF.js":
830/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
832"use strict";
834/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
835/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
836/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
837 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
842 * tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided callback function
843 *
844 * if any elements are a `Promise`, they will first be resolved in parallel and then tested
845 *
846 * *Note*: since `everyAF` is run in parallel, `callback` will be run on all elements even if one of the first few elements fails the test; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.everyAF` or its alias, `io.everyAF`
847 *
848 * @param {callback} callback function that tests each element of the array
849 *
850 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
851 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
852 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
853 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that `everyAF` is being applied to
854 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
855 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>} `Promise` that resolves to `true` if the callback function returns a truthy value for every array element; otherwise, `false`
856 * @example
857 *
858 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
859 *
860 *
861 * // basic usage
862 * const allAreOdd = AsyncAF(promises).everyAF(n => n % 2);
863 *
864 * console.log(allAreOdd); // Promise that resolves to false
865 *
866 * AsyncAF.logAF(allAreOdd); // logs false
867 *
868 *
869 * // using .then
870 * AsyncAF(promises).everyAF(n => n % 2).then(allAreOdd => {
871 * console.log(allAreOdd); // logs false
872 * });
873 *
874 *
875 * // inside an async function
876 * (async () => {
877 * const allAreNums = await AsyncAF(promises).everyAF(
878 * n => typeof n === 'number'
879 * );
880 * console.log(allAreNums); // logs true
881 * })();
882 * @since 3.2.0
883 * @see every (alias)
884 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.everyAF}
885 * @memberof AsyncAF#
886 */
888const everyAF = function everyAF(callback) {
889 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
890 return this.then(arr => {
891 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("everyAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
892 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
893 const length = arr.length >>> 0;
894 return this.inSeries ? !length && true || function seriesEveryAF(arr, i) {
895 const hole = !(i in arr);
896 return Promise.resolve(arr[i]).then(el => {
897 arr[i] = el;
898 return Promise.resolve(!hole && callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr)).then(bool => {
899 if (!bool && !hole) return false;
900 if (i === length - 1) return true;
901 return seriesEveryAF(arr, i + 1);
902 });
903 });
904 }(Array.prototype.slice.call(arr), 0) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(arr, callback, thisArg).then(bools => bools.every(Boolean));
905 });
908/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (everyAF);
910/***/ }),
912/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/filterAF.js":
913/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
915"use strict";
917/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
918/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
919/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
920 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
925 * creates a new `Array` with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided callback function
926 *
927 * if any elements are a `Promise`, they will first be resolved in parallel and then tested
928 *
929 * *Note*: if you'd rather resolve and test elements in series, consider using `series.filterAF` or its alias, `io.filterAF`
930 *
931 * @param {callback} callback function that tests each element of the array; return `true` to keep the element, `false` to filter it out
932 *
933 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
934 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
935 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
936 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that `filterAF` is being applied to
937 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
938 * @returns {Promise.<Array>} `Promise` that resolves to a new `Array` with the elements that pass the test; if no elements pass the test, the promise will resolve to an empty array
939 * @example
940 *
941 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
942 *
943 *
944 * // basic usage
945 * const odds = AsyncAF(promises).filterAF(n => n % 2);
946 *
947 * console.log(odds); // Promise that resolves to [1, 3]
948 *
949 * AsyncAF.logAF(odds); // logs [1, 3]
950 *
951 *
952 * // using .then
953 * AsyncAF(promises).filterAF(n => n % 2).then(odds => {
954 * console.log(odds); // logs [1, 3]
955 * });
956 *
957 *
958 * // inside an async function
959 * (async () => {
960 * const odds = await AsyncAF(promises).filterAF(
961 * n => n % 2
962 * );
963 * console.log(odds); // logs [1, 3]
964 * })();
965 * @since 3.0.0
966 * @see filter (alias)
967 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.filterAF}
968 * @memberof AsyncAF#
969 */
971const filterAF = function filterAF(callback) {
972 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
973 return this.then(arr => {
974 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("filterAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
975 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
976 return (this.inSeries ? _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["serial"] : _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(arr).then(arr => (this.inSeries ? arr.reduce((bools, el, i, arr) => bools.then(bools => {
977 bools[i] = callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr);
978 return Promise.all(bools);
979 }), Promise.all([])) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(arr, callback, thisArg)).then(bools => arr.filter((_, i) => bools[i])));
980 });
983/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (filterAF);
985/***/ }),
987/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/findAF.js":
988/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
990"use strict";
992/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
993/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
994/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
995 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
1000 * resolves to the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided callback function; otherwise, `undefined`
1001 *
1002 * *Note*: since `findAF` is run in parallel, `callback` will be run on all elements even if one of the first few elements passes the test; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.findAF` or its alias, `io.findAF`
1003 *
1004 * @param {callback} callback function to test each element in the array
1005 *
1006 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
1007 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
1008 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
1009 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that findAF is being applied to
1010 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
1011 * @returns {Promise.<any>} `Promise` that resolves to the first element in the array that passes the test; otherwise, undefined
1012 * @example
1013 *
1014 * const inventory = [
1015 * {name: 'nuts', quantity: 2000},
1016 * {name: 'bolts', quantity: 5000},
1017 * {name: 'screws', quantity: 9001}
1018 * ].map(part => Promise.resolve(part));
1019 *
1020 * AsyncAF(inventory).findAF(part => part.name === 'screws');
1021 * // Promise that resolves to {name: 'screws', quantity: 9001}
1022 * @since 3.5.0
1023 * @see find (alias)
1024 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.findAF}
1025 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1026 */
1028const findAF = function findAF(callback) {
1029 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
1030 return this.then(arr => {
1031 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("findAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1032 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
1033 const filled = Array.from(arr);
1034 const length = filled.length >>> 0;
1035 return this.inSeries ? (length || undefined) && function seriesFindAF(arr, i) {
1036 return Promise.resolve(arr[i]).then(el => {
1037 arr[i] = el;
1038 return Promise.resolve(callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr)).then(bool => {
1039 if (bool) return el;
1040 if (i === length - 1) return;
1041 return seriesFindAF(arr, i + 1);
1042 });
1043 });
1044 }(filled, 0) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(filled, callback, thisArg).then(bools => arr[bools.indexOf(true)]);
1045 });
1048/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (findAF);
1050/***/ }),
1052/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/findIndexAF.js":
1053/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1055"use strict";
1057/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
1058/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1059/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1060 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
1065 * resolves to the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided callback function; otherwise, `-1`
1066 *
1067 * *Note*: since `findIndexAF` is run in parallel, `callback` will be run on all indices even if one of the first few indices passes the test; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.findIndexAF` or its alias, `io.findIndexAF`
1068 *
1069 * @param {callback} callback function to test each element in the array
1070 *
1071 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
1072 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
1073 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
1074 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that findIndexAF is being applied to
1075 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
1076 * @returns {Promise.<Number>} `Promise` that resolves to the index of the first element in the array that passes the test; otherwise, `-1`
1077 * @example
1078 *
1079 * const inventory = [
1080 * {name: 'nuts', quantity: 2000},
1081 * {name: 'bolts', quantity: 5000},
1082 * {name: 'screws', quantity: 9001}
1083 * ].map(part => Promise.resolve(part));
1084 *
1085 * AsyncAF(inventory).findIndexAF(part => part.name === 'screws');
1086 * // Promise that resolves to 2
1087 * @since 3.5.0
1088 * @see findIndex (alias)
1089 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.findIndexAF}
1090 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1091 */
1093const findIndexAF = function findIndexAF(callback) {
1094 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
1095 return this.then(arr => {
1096 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("findIndexAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1097 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
1098 const filled = Array.from(arr);
1099 const length = filled.length >>> 0;
1100 return this.inSeries ? !length && -1 || function seriesFindIndexAF(arr, i) {
1101 return Promise.resolve(arr[i]).then(el => {
1102 arr[i] = el;
1103 return Promise.resolve(callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr)).then(bool => {
1104 if (bool) return i;
1105 if (i === length - 1) return -1;
1106 return seriesFindIndexAF(arr, i + 1);
1107 });
1108 });
1109 }(filled, 0) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(filled, callback, thisArg).then(bools => bools.indexOf(true));
1110 });
1113/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (findIndexAF);
1115/***/ }),
1117/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/forEachAF.js":
1118/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1120"use strict";
1122/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
1123/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1124/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1125 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
1130 * executes a callback function on each element in an array
1131 *
1132 * if any elements are a `Promise`, they will first be resolved in parallel and then processed
1133 *
1134 * *Note*: if you'd rather resolve and process elements in series, consider using `series.forEachAF` or its alias, `io.forEachAF`
1135 *
1136 * @param {callback} callback function to execute for each element
1137 *
1138 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
1139 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
1140 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
1141 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that forEachAF is being applied to
1142 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
1143 * @returns {Promise.<undefined>} `Promise` that resolves to `undefined`
1144 * @example
1145 *
1146 * const promises = [1, 2].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1147 *
1148 *
1149 * AsyncAF(promises).forEachAF(el => {
1150 * console.log(el); // logs 1 then 2
1151 * });
1152 * @since 3.0.0
1153 * @see forEach (alias)
1154 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.forEachAF}
1155 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1156 */
1158const forEachAF = function forEachAF(callback) {
1159 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
1160 return this.then(arr => {
1161 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("forEachAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1162 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
1163 return (this.inSeries ? Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["serial"])(arr).then(arr => arr.reduce((expr, el, i, arr) => expr.then(() => Promise.resolve(callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr))), Promise.resolve())) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(arr, callback, thisArg)).then(() => {});
1164 });
1167/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (forEachAF);
1169/***/ }),
1171/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/includesAF.js":
1172/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1174"use strict";
1176/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1177/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1181const sameValueZero = (a, b) => a === b || Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b);
1183 * determines whether an array, string, or array-like object includes a certain element or string, returning true or false as appropriate
1184 *
1185 * *Note*: when called on an array or array-like object, `includesAF` is run in parallel and all elements will be resolved even if one of the first few elements is a match; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.includesAF` or its alias, `io.includesAF`
1186 *
1187 * @param {any} searchItem the element or string to search for
1188 * @param {Number=} fromIndex the index at which to begin searching for `searchItem`; a negative value searches from the index of `array/string.length - fromIndex`; defaults to `0`
1189 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>} `Promise` that resolves to `true` if `searchItem` is found; otherwise, `false`
1190 * @example
1191 *
1192 * // includesAF on an array of promises
1193 * const nums = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1194 *
1195 * AsyncAF(nums).includesAF(2); // Promise that resolves to true
1196 *
1197 * AsyncAF(nums).includesAF(5); // Promise that resolves to false
1198 *
1199 * AsyncAF(nums).includesAF(1, 1); // Promise that resolves to false
1200 *
1201 * AsyncAF(nums).includesAF(3, -1); // Promise that resolves to true
1202 *
1203 * // includesAF on a promise-wrapped string
1204 * const string = Promise.resolve('test string');
1205 *
1206 * AsyncAF(string).includesAF('test'); // Promise that resolves to true
1207 *
1208 * AsyncAF(string).includesAF('nope'); // Promise that resolves to false
1209 *
1210 * AsyncAF(string).includesAF('test', 5); // Promise that resolves to false
1211 *
1212 * AsyncAF(string).includesAF('string', -6); // Promise that resolves to true
1213 *
1214 * // includesAF on an array-like object
1215 * (async function () {
1216 * if (await AsyncAF(arguments).includesAF(2)) {
1217 * console.log('2 is included');
1218 * }
1219 * })(1, 2, 3); // logs '2 is included'
1220 *
1221 * @since 3.4.0
1222 * @see includes (alias)
1223 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.includesAF}
1224 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1225 */
1228const includesAF = function includesAF(searchItem) {
1229 let fromIndex = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
1230 return this.then(arrOrStr => {
1231 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(arrOrStr)) throw TypeError("includesAF cannot be called on ".concat(arrOrStr, ", only on an Array, String, or array-like Object"));
1232 const length = arrOrStr.length >>> 0;
1233 const fromIdx = fromIndex | 0;
1234 return typeof arrOrStr === 'string' ? arrOrStr.includes(searchItem, fromIdx) : this.inSeries ? (length || false) && function seriesIncludesAF(i) {
1235 return Promise.resolve(arrOrStr[i]).then(el => {
1236 if (sameValueZero(el, searchItem)) return true;
1237 if (i >= length - 1) return false;
1238 return seriesIncludesAF(i + 1);
1239 });
1240 }(Math.max(fromIdx >= 0 ? fromIdx : length - Math.abs(fromIdx), 0)) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parallel"])(arrOrStr).then(arr => arr.includes(searchItem, fromIdx));
1241 });
1244/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (includesAF);
1246/***/ }),
1248/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/indexOfAF.js":
1249/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1251"use strict";
1253/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1254/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1258 * resolves to the first index of the specified element or string in an array, string, or array-like object, starting the search at `fromIndex`; if the value is not found, resolves to `-1`
1259 *
1260 * *Note*: when called on an array or array-like object, `indexOfAF` is run in parallel and all elements will be resolved even if one of the first few indices is a match; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.indexOfAF` or its alias, `io.indexOfAF`
1261 *
1262 * @param {any} searchItem the element or string to search for
1263 * @param {Number=} fromIndex the index at which to begin searching for `searchItem`; a negative value searches from the index of `array/string.length - fromIndex`; defaults to `0`
1264 * @returns {Promise.<Number>} `Promise` that resolves to the index of `searchItem` if found; otherwise, `-1`
1265 * @example
1266 *
1267 * // indexOfAF on an array of promises
1268 * const nums = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1269 *
1270 * AsyncAF(nums).indexOfAF(2); // Promise that resolves to 1
1271 *
1272 * AsyncAF(nums).indexOfAF(5); // Promise that resolves to -1
1273 *
1274 * AsyncAF(nums).indexOfAF(1, 1); // Promise that resolves to -1
1275 *
1276 * AsyncAF(nums).indexOfAF(3, -1); // Promise that resolves to 2
1277 *
1278 * // indexOfAF on a promise-wrapped string
1279 * const string = Promise.resolve('test string');
1280 *
1281 * AsyncAF(string).indexOfAF('test'); // Promise that resolves to 0
1282 *
1283 * AsyncAF(string).indexOfAF('nope'); // Promise that resolves to -1
1284 *
1285 * AsyncAF(string).indexOfAF('test', 5); // Promise that resolves to -1
1286 *
1287 * AsyncAF(string).indexOfAF('string', -6); // Promise that resolves to 5
1288 *
1289 * // indexOfAF on an array-like object
1290 * (async function () {
1291 * if (await AsyncAF(arguments).indexOfAF(2) > -1) {
1292 * console.log('2 is included');
1293 * }
1294 * })(1, 2, 3); // logs '2 is included'
1295 *
1296 * @since 3.5.0
1297 * @see indexOf (alias)
1298 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.indexOfAF}
1299 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1300 */
1302const indexOfAF = function indexOfAF(searchItem) {
1303 let fromIndex = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
1304 return this.then(arrOrStr => {
1305 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(arrOrStr)) throw TypeError("indexOfAF cannot be called on ".concat(arrOrStr, ", only on an Array, String, or array-like Object"));
1306 const length = arrOrStr.length >>> 0;
1307 const fromIdx = fromIndex | 0;
1308 return typeof arrOrStr === 'string' ? arrOrStr.indexOf(searchItem, fromIdx) : this.inSeries ? function seriesIndexOfAF(i) {
1309 return Promise.resolve(arrOrStr[i]).then(el => {
1310 if (i in arrOrStr && el === searchItem) return i;
1311 if (i >= length - 1) return -1;
1312 return seriesIndexOfAF(i + 1);
1313 });
1314 }(Math.max(fromIdx >= 0 ? fromIdx : length - Math.abs(fromIdx), 0)) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parallel"])(arrOrStr).then(arr => arr.indexOf(searchItem, fromIdx));
1315 });
1318/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (indexOfAF);
1320/***/ }),
1322/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/joinAF.js":
1323/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1325"use strict";
1327/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1328/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1332 * joins all elements of an array or array-like object into a string and resolves to that string
1333 *
1334 * @param {any} separator the string that separates each element in the resulting string; defaults to `','`; non-string separators will be converted to strings if necessary; if `separator` is an empty string `''`, the array elements are joined without any characters between them
1335 * @returns {Promise.<String>} `Promise` that resolves to a string with all array elements joined; if array.length is `0`, an empty string `''` is returned
1336 * @example
1337 *
1338 * const animals = ['cow', 'chicken', 'cat', 'dog'].map(a => Promise.resolve(a));
1339 *
1340 * // joinAF separator defaults to ','
1341 * AsyncAF(animals).joinAF(); // Promise that resolves to 'cow,chicken,cat,dog'
1342 *
1343 * // specifying separator
1344 * AsyncAF(animals).joinAF(' & '); // Promise that resolves to 'cow & chicken & cat & dog'
1345 *
1346 * // a non-string separator will be converted to a string
1347 * AsyncAF(animals).joinAF(2); // Promise that resolves to 'cow2chicken2cat2dog'
1348 *
1349 * // empty string separator
1350 * AsyncAF(animals).joinAF(''); // Promise that resolves to 'cowchickencatdog'
1351 *
1352 * // joining an empty array resolves to an empty string
1353 * AsyncAF([]).joinAF('+'); // Promise that resolves to ''
1354 *
1355 * // joinAF on an array-like object
1356 * (async function () {
1357 * const list = await AsyncAF(arguments).joinAF(' - ');
1358 * console.log(`Shopping List: ${list}`);
1359 * })('eggs', 'milk', 'butter', 'pancake mix');
1360 * // Shopping List: eggs - milk - butter - pancake mix
1361 *
1362 * @since 3.6.0
1363 * @see join (alias)
1364 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1365 */
1367const joinAF = function joinAF() {
1368 let separator = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : ',';
1369 return this.then(arr => {
1370 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("joinAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1371 return Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parallel"])(arr).then(arr => arr.join(separator));
1372 });
1375Object.defineProperty(joinAF, 'length', {
1376 value: 1
1378/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (joinAF);
1380/***/ }),
1382/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/lastIndexOfAF.js":
1383/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1385"use strict";
1387/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1388/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1392 * resolves to the last index of the specified element or string, searching backwards in an array, string, or array-like object; `fromIndex` offsets the start of the search; if the value is not found, resolves to `-1`
1393 *
1394 * *Note*: when called on an array or array-like object, `lastIndexOfAF` is run in parallel and all elements will be resolved even if one of the last few indices is a match; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.lastIndexOfAF` or its alias, `io.lastIndexOfAF`
1395 *
1396 * @param {any} searchItem the element or string to search for
1397 * @param {Number=} fromIndex the index at which to begin searching backwards for `searchItem`; a negative value searches from the index of `array/string.length - fromIndex`; defaults to `array/string.length - 1`
1398 * @returns {Promise.<Number>} `Promise` that resolves to the last index of `searchItem` if found; otherwise, `-1`
1399 * @example
1400 *
1401 * // lastIndexOfAF on an array of promises
1402 * const nums = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1403 *
1404 * AsyncAF(nums).lastIndexOfAF(2); // Promise that resolves to 3
1405 *
1406 * AsyncAF(nums).lastIndexOfAF(5); // Promise that resolves to -1
1407 *
1408 * AsyncAF(nums).lastIndexOfAF(2, -4); // Promise that resolves to 2
1409 *
1410 * AsyncAF(nums).lastIndexOfAF(3, -3); // Promise that resolves to -1
1411 *
1412 * // lastIndexOfAF on a promise-wrapped string
1413 * const string = Promise.resolve('test string to test');
1414 *
1415 * AsyncAF(string).lastIndexOfAF('test'); // Promise that resolves to 15
1416 *
1417 * AsyncAF(string).lastIndexOfAF('nope'); // Promise that resolves to -1
1418 *
1419 * AsyncAF(string).lastIndexOfAF('test', -5); // Promise that resolves to 0
1420 *
1421 * AsyncAF(string).lastIndexOfAF('to', -7); // Promise that resolves to -1
1422 *
1423 * // lastIndexOfAF on an array-like object
1424 * (async function () {
1425 * const lastIndexOf2 = await AsyncAF(arguments).lastIndexOfAF(2);
1426 * console.log(`the last index of 2 in the arguments array-like object is ${lastIndexOf2}`)
1427 * })(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3); // the last index of 2 in the arguments array-like object is 3
1428 *
1429 * @since 3.6.0
1430 * @see lastIndexOf (alias)
1431 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.lastIndexOfAF}
1432 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1433 */
1435const lastIndexOfAF = function lastIndexOfAF(searchItem) {
1436 let fromIndex = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
1437 return this.then(arrOrStr => {
1438 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(arrOrStr)) throw TypeError("lastIndexOfAF cannot be called on ".concat(arrOrStr, ", only on an Array, String, or array-like Object"));
1439 const len = arrOrStr.length >>> 0;
1440 let fromIdx = Number(fromIndex);
1441 if (Number.isNaN(fromIdx)) fromIdx = len - 1;
1442 return typeof arrOrStr === 'string' ? arrOrStr.lastIndexOf(searchItem, fromIdx) : this.inSeries ? function seriesLastIndexOfAF(i) {
1443 return Promise.resolve(arrOrStr[i]).then(el => {
1444 if (i in arrOrStr && el === searchItem) return i;
1445 if (i <= 0) return -1;
1446 return seriesLastIndexOfAF(i - 1);
1447 });
1448 }(Math.min(fromIdx >= 0 ? fromIdx : Math.max(len - Math.abs(fromIdx), 0), len - 1)) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["parallel"])(arrOrStr).then(arr => arr.lastIndexOf(searchItem, fromIdx));
1449 });
1452/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (lastIndexOfAF);
1454/***/ }),
1456/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/mapAF.js":
1457/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1459"use strict";
1461/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
1462/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1463/* harmony import */ var _internal_promiseAllWithHoles__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/promiseAllWithHoles.js");
1464/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1465 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
1471 * creates a new `Array` with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the original array
1472 *
1473 * if any elements are a `Promise`, they will first be resolved in parallel and then processed
1474 *
1475 * *Note*: if you'd rather resolve and process elements in series, consider using `series.mapAF` or its alias, `io.mapAF`
1476 *
1477 * @param {callback} callback function that produces an element of the new `Array`
1478 *
1479 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
1480 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
1481 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
1482 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that mapAF is being applied to
1483 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
1484 * @returns {Promise.<Array>} `Promise` that resolves to a new `Array` with each element being the result of calling `callback` on each original element
1485 * @example
1486 *
1487 * const promises = [1, 2].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1488 *
1489 *
1490 * // basic usage
1491 * const doubled = AsyncAF(promises).mapAF(el => el * 2);
1492 *
1493 * console.log(doubled); // Promise that resolves to [2, 4]
1494 *
1495 * AsyncAF.logAF(doubled); // logs [2, 4]
1496 *
1497 *
1498 * // using .then
1499 * AsyncAF(promises).mapAF(el => el * 3).then(tripled => {
1500 * console.log(tripled); // logs [3, 6]
1501 * });
1502 *
1503 *
1504 * // inside an async function
1505 * (async () => {
1506 * const quadrupled = await AsyncAF(promises).mapAF(
1507 * el => el * 4
1508 * );
1509 * console.log(quadrupled); // logs [4, 8]
1510 * })();
1511 * @since 3.0.0
1512 * @see map (alias)
1513 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.mapAF}
1514 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1515 */
1517const mapAF = function mapAF(callback) {
1518 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
1519 return this.then(arr => {
1520 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("mapAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1521 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
1522 return this.inSeries ? Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["serial"])(arr).then(arr => arr.reduce((map, el, i, arr) => map.then(map => {
1523 map[i] = Promise.resolve(callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr));
1524 return Object(_internal_promiseAllWithHoles__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"])(map);
1525 }), Promise.resolve(Array(arr.length >>> 0)))) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__["parallel"])(arr, callback, thisArg);
1526 });
1529/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (mapAF);
1531/***/ }),
1533/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/reduceAF.js":
1534/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1536"use strict";
1538// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/reduceCallback.js
1539/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, valid-jsdoc */
1542 * @typedef {callback} _
1543 * @param {?} accumulator
1544 * @param {?} currentValue
1545 * @param {Number=} index
1546 * @param {[]=} array
1547 */
1548function reduceCallback_callback(accumulator, currentValue, index, array) {}
1550/* harmony default export */ var reduceCallback = (reduceCallback_callback);
1551// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js
1552var permissiveIsArrayLike = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1554// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js
1555var resolve = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1557// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/arrays/reduceAF.js
1558 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
1562/* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */
1565 * applies a function against an accumulator and each element in an array (from left to right) to reduce it to a single value
1566 *
1567 * if any elements are a `Promise`, they will first be resolved in parallel and then processed in series
1568 *
1569 * *Note*: if this behavior is not desirable, consider using `series.reduceAF` or its alias, `io.reduceAF`; that way, if any elements are a `Promise`, they will both be resolved in series _and_ processed in series
1570 *
1571 * @param {callback} callback function to execute for each element
1572 *
1573 * `callback` accepts up to four arguments:
1574 * - `accumulator` accumulates the callback's return values; the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback, or initialValue, if supplied
1575 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
1576 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
1577 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that `reduceAF` is being applied to
1578 * @param {any=} initialValue value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback; if no initial value is supplied, the first element in the array will be used; note: calling reduceAF on an empty array with no initial value will throw an error
1579 * @returns {Promise.<any>} `Promise` that resolves to the reduced value
1580 * @example
1581 *
1582 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1583 *
1584 *
1585 * // basic usage
1586 * const sum = AsyncAF(promises).reduceAF((sum, num) => sum + num);
1587 *
1588 * console.log(sum); // Promise that resolves to 6
1589 *
1590 * AsyncAF.logAF(sum); // logs 6
1591 *
1592 *
1593 * // using .then
1594 * AsyncAF(promises).reduceAF((sum, num) => sum + num).then(sum => {
1595 * console.log(sum); // logs 6
1596 * });
1597 *
1598 *
1599 * // inside an async function
1600 * (async () => {
1601 * const sum = await AsyncAF(promises).reduceAF((sum, num) => sum + num);
1602 * console.log(sum); // logs 6
1603 * })();
1604 *
1605 *
1606 * // using an initial value
1607 * AsyncAF(promises).reduceAF((sum, num) => sum + num, 12) // Promise that resolves to 18
1608 * @since 3.1.0
1609 * @see reduce (alias)
1610 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.reduceAF}
1611 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1612 */
1614const reduceAF_reduceAF = function reduceAF(callback
1615/* , initialValue */
1616) {
1617 return this.then(arr => {
1618 if (!Object(permissiveIsArrayLike["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("reduceAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1619 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
1620 const length = arr.length >>> 0;
1621 if (!length && arguments.length === 1) throw TypeError('reduceAF cannot be called on an empty array without an initial value');
1622 if (!length) return arguments[1];
1624 const hole = i => !(i in arr);
1626 let i = 0;
1627 let acc;
1629 if (arguments.length === 2) {
1630 [, acc] = arguments;
1631 } else {
1632 while (hole(i)) i++;
1634 acc = arr[i++];
1635 }
1637 return (this.inSeries ? resolve["serial"] : resolve["parallel"])(arr).then(arr => {
1638 const reduceAF = (acc, i) => Promise.resolve(acc).then(acc => Promise.resolve(!hole(i) ? callback(acc, arr[i], i, arr) : acc).then(acc => i === length - 1 ? acc : reduceAF(acc, i + 1)));
1640 return reduceAF(acc, i);
1641 });
1642 });
1645/* harmony default export */ var arrays_reduceAF = __webpack_exports__["default"] = (reduceAF_reduceAF);
1647/***/ }),
1649/***/ "./lib/methods/arrays/someAF.js":
1650/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1652"use strict";
1654/* harmony import */ var _internal_commonCallback__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/commonCallback.js");
1655/* harmony import */ var _internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/permissiveIsArrayLike.js");
1656/* harmony import */ var _internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/resolve.js");
1657 // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
1662 * tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided callback function
1663 *
1664 * if any elements are a `Promise`, they will first be resolved in parallel and then tested
1665 *
1666 * *Note*: since `someAF` is run in parallel, `callback` will be run on all elements even if one of the first few elements passes the test; if this behavior is not desireable, consider using `series.someAF` or its alias, `io.someAF`
1667 *
1668 * @param {callback} callback function that tests each element of the array
1669 *
1670 * `callback` accepts three arguments:
1671 * - `currentValue` value of the current element being processed in the array
1672 * - `index`*`(optional)`* index of `currentValue` in the array
1673 * - `array`*`(optional)`* the array that `someAF` is being applied to
1674 * @param {Object=} thisArg value to use as `this` when executing `callback`
1675 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>} `Promise` that resolves to `true` if the callback function returns a truthy value for any array element; otherwise, `false`
1676 * @example
1677 *
1678 * const promises = [1, 2, 3].map(n => Promise.resolve(n));
1679 *
1680 *
1681 * // basic usage
1682 * const someAreEven = AsyncAF(promises).someAF(n => n % 2 === 0);
1683 *
1684 * console.log(someAreEven); // Promise that resolves to true
1685 *
1686 * AsyncAF.logAF(someAreEven); // logs true
1687 *
1688 *
1689 * // using .then
1690 * AsyncAF(promises).someAF(n => n % 2 === 0).then(someAreEven => {
1691 * console.log(someAreEven); // logs true
1692 * });
1693 *
1694 *
1695 * // inside an async function
1696 * (async () => {
1697 * const someAreStrings = await AsyncAF(promises).someAF(
1698 * n => typeof n === 'string'
1699 * );
1700 * console.log(someAreStrings); // logs false
1701 * })();
1702 * @since 3.3.0
1703 * @see some (alias)
1704 * @see {@link AsyncAF#series series.someAF}
1705 * @memberof AsyncAF#
1706 */
1708const someAF = function someAF(callback) {
1709 let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
1710 return this.then(arr => {
1711 if (!Object(_internal_permissiveIsArrayLike__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(arr)) throw TypeError("someAF cannot be called on ".concat(arr, ", only on an Array or array-like Object"));
1712 if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw TypeError("".concat(callback, " is not a function"));
1713 const length = arr.length >>> 0;
1714 return this.inSeries ? (length || false) && function seriesSomeAF(arr, i) {
1715 const hole = !(i in arr);
1716 return Promise.resolve(arr[i]).then(el => {
1717 arr[i] = el;
1718 return Promise.resolve(!hole && callback.call(thisArg, el, i, arr)).then(bool => {
1719 if (bool && !hole) return true;
1720 if (i === length - 1) return false;
1721 return seriesSomeAF(arr, i + 1);
1722 });
1723 });
1724 }(Array.prototype.slice.call(arr), 0) : Object(_internal_resolve__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["parallel"])(arr, callback, thisArg).then(bools => bools.some(Boolean));
1725 });
1728/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (someAF);
1730/***/ }),
1732/***/ "./lib/methods/other/logAF.js":
1733/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
1735"use strict";
1737// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/logging.js
1738/* eslint-disable no-console */
1739const wrappedLog = function wrappedLog() {
1740 console && console.log && console.log(...arguments);
1743const wrappedWarn = function wrappedWarn() {
1744 console && console.warn && console.warn(...arguments);
1748// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/logAfHelpers/logAfOptions.js
1751 * Sets logging options for {@link AsyncAF#logAF logAF}
1752 *
1753 * accepts an options object with the following optional properties:
1754 * - label (`Boolean`) - set to `false` to disable logging the location of calls to logAF
1755 * - duration (`Boolean`) - set to `false` to disable logging the time it takes (in secs) to complete each call to logAF
1756 * - labelFormat (`String`|`Function`) - alters the format of logAF labels; choose between `file` (*default*), `path`, `parent`, `arrow`, or a custom string or function
1757 *
1758 * ```js
1759 * const promise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(
1760 * () => resolve(1), 1000)
1761 * );
1762 * ```
1763 * **default logging**
1764 * ```js
1765 * logAF(promise, 2);
1766 *
1767 * // @filename.js:24:1:
1768 * // 1 2
1769 * // in 0.998 secs
1770 * ```
1771 * **turn off label**
1772 * ```js
1773 * logAF.options({ label: false });
1774 * logAF(promise, 2);
1775 *
1776 * // 1 2
1777 * // in 0.999 secs
1778 * ```
1779 * **turn off duration**
1780 * ```js
1781 * logAF.options({ duration: false });
1782 * logAF(promise, 2);
1783 *
1784 * // @filename.js:24:1:
1785 * // 1 2
1786 * ```
1787 * **change labelFormat**
1788 *
1789 * &#9679; file (*default*)
1790 *
1791 * ```js
1792 * logAF.options({ labelFormat: 'file' });
1793 * logAF(promise, 2);
1794 *
1795 * // @filename.js:24:1:
1796 * // 1 2
1797 * // in 0.998 secs
1798 * ```
1799 * &#9679; path
1800 *
1801 * ```js
1802 * logAF.options({ labelFormat: 'path' });
1803 * logAF(promise, 2);
1804 *
1805 * // @/Path/to/current/directory/filename.js:24:1:
1806 * // 1 2
1807 * // in 0.997 secs
1808 * ```
1809 * &#9679; parent
1810 *
1811 * ```js
1812 * logAF.options({ labelFormat: 'parent' });
1813 * logAF(promise, 2);
1814 *
1815 * // @parentDirectory/filename.js:24:1:
1816 * // 1 2
1817 * // in 0.998 secs
1818 * ```
1819 * &#9679; arrow
1820 *
1821 * ```js
1822 * logAF.options({ labelFormat: 'arrow' });
1823 * logAF(promise, 2);
1824 *
1825 * // ========================> 1 2
1826 * // in 0.999 secs
1827 * ```
1828 *
1829 * &#9679; custom (create your own labelFormat)
1830 * - to set a custom labelFormat, set it to any string other than the formats above
1831 *
1832 * ```js
1833 * logAF.options({
1834 * labelFormat: 'I logged this:'
1835 * });
1836 * logAF(promise, 2);
1837 *
1838 * // I logged this: 1 2
1839 * // in 1.000 secs
1840 * ```
1841 *
1842 * - labelFormat also accepts a function with access to an object containing the location variables `file`, `path`, `parent`, `arrow`, `line`, and `col`
1843 *
1844 * e.g., to set the labelFormat to `file:line:col =>`:
1845 * ```js
1846 * logAF.options({
1847 * labelFormat: ({file, line, col}) => `${file}:${line}:${col} =>`
1848 * });
1849 * logAF(promise, 2);
1850 *
1851 * // filename.js:24:1 => 1 2
1852 * // in 0.998 secs
1853 * ```
1854 *
1855 * and just to demonstrate all the location variables in one custom format:
1856 * ```js
1857 * logAF.options({
1858 * labelFormat: ({arrow, line, col, parent, file, path}) =>
1859 * `${arrow}
1860 * line: ${line}
1861 * col: ${col}
1862 * parent: ${parent}
1863 * file: ${file}
1864 * path: ${path}
1865 * `
1866 * });
1867 * logAF(promise, 2);
1868 *
1869 * // ========================>
1870 * // line: 24
1871 * // col: 1
1872 * // parent: parentDirectory/
1873 * // file: filename.js
1874 * // path: /Full/path/to/the/parentDirectory/
1875 * // 1 2
1876 * // in 0.998 secs
1877 * ```
1878 *
1879 * to reset `logAF.options` to its default values, call `logAF.options.reset`
1880 * ```js
1881 * logAF.options.reset();
1882 *
1883 * // options are now:
1884 * // label: true,
1885 * // duration: true,
1886 * // labelFormat: 'file'
1887 * ```
1888 *
1889 * @static
1890 * @param {Object} options the options for logAF
1891 * @param {Boolean} [options.label=true] set to false to turn off the label
1892 * @param {Boolean} [options.duration=true] set to false to turn off duration
1893 * @param {String|Function} [options.labelFormat=file] see examples for sample label formats
1894 * @returns {undefined} sets the options for logAF
1895 * @see {@link AsyncAF#logAF logAF}
1896 * @see logAF.options.reset to reset options to default
1897 * @memberof AsyncAF
1898 * @alias AsyncAF#logAF_options
1899 */
1901const logAfOptions_logAfOptions = function logAfOptions() {
1902 let options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
1903 const {
1904 label,
1905 duration,
1906 labelFormat
1907 } = options;
1908 if (typeof label === 'boolean') other_logAF.label = label;
1909 if (typeof duration === 'boolean') other_logAF.duration = duration;
1910 if (labelFormat) if (typeof labelFormat === 'string' || typeof labelFormat === 'function') other_logAF.labelFormat = labelFormat;else other_logAF.wrappedWarn('Warning: logAF labelFormat option must be set to \'file\' (default), \'path\', \'parent\', \'arrow\', or a custom string or function\n');
1913/* harmony default export */ var logAfHelpers_logAfOptions = (logAfOptions_logAfOptions);
1914// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/logAfHelpers/customFormat.js
1915function _templateObject4() {
1916 const data = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["/"]);
1918 _templateObject4 = function _templateObject4() {
1919 return data;
1920 };
1922 return data;
1925function _templateObject3() {
1926 const data = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["/"]);
1928 _templateObject3 = function _templateObject3() {
1929 return data;
1930 };
1932 return data;
1935function _templateObject2() {
1936 const data = _taggedTemplateLiteral(["/"]);
1938 _templateObject2 = function _templateObject2() {
1939 return data;
1940 };
1942 return data;
1945function _templateObject() {
1946 const data = _taggedTemplateLiteral([":"]);
1948 _templateObject = function _templateObject() {
1949 return data;
1950 };
1952 return data;
1955function _taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { if (!raw) { raw = strings.slice(0); } return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); }
1957const custom = (format, fullPath, arrow) => {
1958 if (typeof format === 'string') return format;
1959 let [path, line, col] = fullPath.split(_templateObject()); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
1961 path = path.split(_templateObject2());
1962 const file = path.pop();
1963 path = path.join(_templateObject3());
1964 const parent = "".concat(path.split(_templateObject4()).pop(), "/");
1965 path += '/';
1966 return format({
1967 path,
1968 line,
1969 col,
1970 file,
1971 parent,
1972 arrow
1973 });
1976/* harmony default export */ var customFormat = (custom);
1977// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/logAfHelpers/setFormat.js
1978function setFormat_templateObject4() {
1979 const data = setFormat_taggedTemplateLiteral(["/"]);
1981 setFormat_templateObject4 = function _templateObject4() {
1982 return data;
1983 };
1985 return data;
1988function setFormat_templateObject3() {
1989 const data = setFormat_taggedTemplateLiteral(["/"]);
1991 setFormat_templateObject3 = function _templateObject3() {
1992 return data;
1993 };
1995 return data;
1998function setFormat_templateObject2() {
1999 const data = setFormat_taggedTemplateLiteral(["/"]);
2001 setFormat_templateObject2 = function _templateObject2() {
2002 return data;
2003 };
2005 return data;
2008function setFormat_templateObject() {
2009 const data = setFormat_taggedTemplateLiteral(["\n"], ["\\n"]);
2011 setFormat_templateObject = function _templateObject() {
2012 return data;
2013 };
2015 return data;
2018function setFormat_taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { if (!raw) { raw = strings.slice(0); } return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); }
2022const setFormat = labelFormat => {
2023 const error = new Error();
2024 /* istanbul ignore if */
2026 if (!error.stack) return '';
2027 const [targetLine] = error.stack.split(setFormat_templateObject()).filter((_, i, lines) => /logAF(?:\s+|\s+\[.+\]\s+)\(/.test(lines[i ? i - 1 : i]) || /logAfStub(?:\s+|\s+\[.+\]\s+)\(/.test(lines[i]));
2028 const fullPath = targetLine.slice(targetLine.indexOf(setFormat_templateObject2())).replace(')', '');
2029 const target = fullPath.lastIndexOf(setFormat_templateObject3());
2030 const formats = {
2031 file() {
2032 return "@".concat(fullPath.slice(target + 1), ":\n");
2033 },
2035 path() {
2036 return "@".concat(fullPath, ":\n");
2037 },
2039 parent() {
2040 const start = fullPath.slice(0, target).lastIndexOf(setFormat_templateObject4()) + 1;
2041 return "@".concat(fullPath.slice(start), ":\n");
2042 },
2044 arrow() {
2045 return '========================>';
2046 }
2048 };
2049 return formats[labelFormat] ? formats[labelFormat]() : customFormat(labelFormat, fullPath, formats.arrow());
2052/* harmony default export */ var logAfHelpers_setFormat = (setFormat);
2053// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./lib/methods/_internal/nameFunction.js
2054var nameFunction = __webpack_require__("./lib/methods/_internal/nameFunction.js");
2056// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./lib/methods/other/logAF.js
2062 * logs items to the console in the order given
2063 *
2064 * if any items are a promise, they will first be resolved in parallel and then logged
2065 *
2066 * ```js
2067 * import { logAF } from 'async-af';
2068 *
2069 * const promise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(
2070 * () => resolve(2), 1000)
2071 * );
2072 *
2073 * logAF(1, promise, 3);
2074 *
2075 * // @filename.js:6:12:
2076 * // 1 2 3
2077 * // in 0.998 secs
2078 * ```
2079 *
2080 * **Note:** since logAF returns a promise, the items in the previous example would be logged *after* any synchronous calls to `console.log`
2081 *
2082 * to produce in-order logging with any surrounding calls to `console.log`, `await` logAF:
2083 * ```js
2084 * logAF.options({ label: false, duration: false });
2085 *
2086 * (async () => {
2087 * console.log(1);
2088 * // ...some code
2089 * await logAF(promise);
2090 * // ...some more code
2091 * console.log(3);
2092 * })();
2093 *
2094 * // 1
2095 * // 2
2096 * // 3
2097 * ```
2098 *
2099 * **experimental feature**: the label may not work correctly in all environments; to turn the label off, set `label` to `false` in {@link AsyncAF#logAF_options logAF.options}, where you can also change the label's format
2100 *
2101 * @static
2102 * @param {any} items The items to print (log to the console)
2103 * @returns {Promise<undefined>} returns a `Promise` that logs items to the console
2104 * @see log (alias)
2105 * @see {@link AsyncAF#logAF_options logAF.options} to turn the label off or change its format
2106 * @see logAF.options.reset to reset options to default
2107 * @since 3.0.0
2108 * @memberof AsyncAF
2109 * @alias AsyncAF#logAF
2110 */
2112const logAF = function logAF() {
2113 for (var _len = arguments.length, items = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
2114 items[_key] = arguments[_key];
2115 }
2117 if (logAF.label) items.unshift(logAF.setFormat(logAF.labelFormat));
2118 const start = Date.now();
2119 return Promise.all(items).then(toLog => {
2120 if (logAF.duration) {
2121 const end = Date.now();
2122 const numberOf = ((end - start) / 1000).toFixed(3);
2123 toLog.push("\n in ".concat(numberOf, " secs"));
2124 }
2126 logAF.wrappedLog('', ...toLog);
2127 });
2130Object.defineProperties(logAF, {
2131 wrappedLog: {
2132 value: wrappedLog,
2133 writable: true
2134 },
2135 wrappedWarn: {
2136 value: wrappedWarn,
2137 writable: true
2138 },
2139 setFormat: {
2140 value: logAfHelpers_setFormat,
2141 writable: true
2142 },
2143 options: {
2144 value: logAfHelpers_logAfOptions,
2145 writable: true
2146 }
2148(logAF.options.reset = function logAfOptionsReset() {
2149 logAF.label = true;
2150 logAF.labelFormat = 'file';
2151 logAF.duration = true;
2153/* harmony default export */ var other_logAF = __webpack_exports__["default"] = (Object(nameFunction["default"])(logAF, 'logAF'));
2155/***/ }),
2157/***/ "./lib/methods/strings/splitAF.js":
2158/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
2160"use strict";
2163 * splits a string into an array of substrings, using a specified separator to determine where to make each split
2164 *
2165 * @param {String|RegExp=} separator a string or regular expression that denotes the points at which each split should occur
2166 * - if a plain-text separator contains more than one character, the entire separator must be found to represent a split point
2167 * - if separator is omitted or does not occur in the string, the array returned will contain one element consisting of the entire string
2168 * - if separator is an empty string, the string is converted to an array of individual characters
2169 * - if separator is a regular expression, the array returned will also contain any separators found as a result of matches within capturing parentheses
2170 * @param {Number=} limit integer specifying a limit on the number of elements to be included in the result; when provided, the string is split at each occurrence of the specified separator but stops including elements when the limit is reached (or the end of the string, if reached sooner); any left-over text is not included in the result
2171 * @returns {Promise.<String[]>} `Promise` that resolves to an array of strings, split at each point the separator occurs in the given string
2172 * @example
2173 *
2174 * // basic usage
2175 * const str = Promise.resolve('s; p; l; i; t');
2176 *
2177 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF('; '); // Promise that resolves to ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i', 't']
2178 *
2179 * // no separator specified or separator not found
2180 * const str = Promise.resolve('splat');
2181 *
2182 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF(); // Promise that resolves to ['splat']
2183 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF('n/a'); // Promise that resolves to ['splat']
2184 *
2185 * // split to individual characters
2186 * const str = Promise.resolve('splitAF');
2187 *
2188 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF(''); // Promise that resolves to ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i', 't', 'A', 'F']
2189 *
2190 * // split on a regular expression
2191 * const str = Promise.resolve('splittedAF');
2192 *
2193 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF(/sp|ted/); // Promise that resolves to ['', 'lit', 'AF']
2194 *
2195 * // and w/ capturing parentheses
2196 *
2197 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF(/(lit|AF)/); // Promise that resolves to ['sp', 'lit', '', 'AF', '']
2198 *
2199 * // setting limit
2200 * const str = Promise.resolve('splitted');
2201 *
2202 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF('', 5); // Promise that resolves to ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i', 't']
2203 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF('', 12); // Promise that resolves to ['s', 'p', 'l', 'i', 't', 't', 'e', 'd']
2204 * AsyncAF(str).splitAF('', 0); // Promise that resolves to []
2205 *
2206 * @since 5.1.0
2207 * @see split (alias)
2208 * @memberof AsyncAF#
2209 */
2210const splitAF = function splitAF() {
2211 let separator = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : undefined;
2212 let limit = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2213 return this.then(str => {
2214 if (typeof str !== 'string' || Array.isArray(str)) throw TypeError("splitAF may be called on a string but was called on ".concat(str));
2215 return String.prototype.split.call(str, separator, limit);
2216 });
2219/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = (splitAF);
2221/***/ })
2223/******/ })["default"];
2225//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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