1 | # async-sema
2 |
3 | This is a semaphore implementation for use with `async` and `await`. The
4 | implementation follows the traditional definition of a semaphore rather than the
5 | definition of an asynchronous semaphore seen in some js community examples.
6 | Where as the latter one generally allows every defined task to proceed
7 | immediately and synchronizes at the end, async-sema allows only a selected
8 | number of tasks to proceed at once while the rest will remain waiting.
9 |
10 | Async-sema manages the semaphore count as a list of tokens instead of a single
11 | variable containing the number of available resources. This enables an
12 | interesting application of managing the actual resources with the semaphore
13 | object itself. To make it practical the constructor for Sema includes an option
14 | for providing an init function for the semaphore tokens. Use of a custom token
15 | initializer is demonstrated in `examples/pooling.js`.
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | Firstly, add the package to your project's `dependencies`:
20 |
21 | ```bash
22 | npm install --save async-sema
23 | ```
24 |
25 | or
26 |
27 | ```bash
28 | yarn add async-sema
29 | ```
30 |
31 | Then start using it like shown in the following example. Check more
32 | use case examples [here](./examples).
33 |
34 | ## Example
35 |
36 | ```js
37 | const { Sema } = require('async-sema');
38 | const s = new Sema(
39 | 4, // Allow 4 concurrent async calls
40 | {
41 | capacity: 100 // Prealloc space for 100 tokens
42 | }
43 | );
44 |
45 | async function fetchData(x) {
46 | await s.acquire()
47 | try {
48 | console.log(s.nrWaiting() + ' calls to fetch are waiting')
49 | // ... do some async stuff with x
50 | } finally {
51 | s.release();
52 | }
53 | }
54 |
55 | const data = await Promise.all(array.map(fetchData));
56 | ```
57 |
58 | The package also offers a simple rate limiter utilizing the semaphore
59 | implementation.
60 |
61 | ```js
62 | const { RateLimit } = require('async-sema');
63 |
64 | async function f() {
65 | const lim = RateLimit(5); // rps
66 |
67 | for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
68 | await lim();
69 | // ... do something async
70 | }
71 | }
72 | ```
73 |
74 | ## API
75 |
76 | ### Sema
77 |
78 | #### Constructor(nr, { initFn, pauseFn, resumeFn, capacity })
79 |
80 | Creates a semaphore object. The first argument is mandatory and the second
81 | argument is optional.
82 |
83 | - `nr` The maximum number of callers allowed to acquire the semaphore
84 | concurrently.
85 | - `initFn` Function that is used to initialize the tokens used to manage
86 | the semaphore. The default is `() => '1'`.
87 | - `pauseFn` An optional fuction that is called to opportunistically request
88 | pausing the the incoming stream of data, instead of piling up waiting
89 | promises and possibly running out of memory.
90 | See [examples/pausing.js](./examples/pausing.js).
91 | - `resumeFn` An optional function that is called when there is room again
92 | to accept new waiters on the semaphore. This function must be declared
93 | if a `pauseFn` is declared.
94 | - `capacity` Sets the size of the preallocated waiting list inside the
95 | semaphore. This is typically used by high performance where the developer
96 | can make a rough estimate of the number of concurrent users of a semaphore.
97 |
98 | #### async drain()
99 |
100 | Drains the semaphore and returns all the initialized tokens in an array.
101 | Draining is an ideal way to ensure there are no pending async tasks, for
102 | example before a process will terminate.
103 |
104 | #### nrWaiting()
105 |
106 | Returns the number of callers waiting on the semaphore, i.e. the number of
107 | pending promises.
108 |
109 | #### tryAcquire()
110 |
111 | Attempt to acquire a token from the semaphore, if one is available immediately.
112 | Otherwise, return `undefined`.
113 |
114 | #### async acquire()
115 |
116 | Acquire a token from the semaphore, thus decrement the number of available
117 | execution slots. If `initFn` is not used then the return value of the function
118 | can be discarded.
119 |
120 | #### release(token)
121 |
122 | Release the semaphore, thus increment the number of free execution slots. If
123 | `initFn` is used then the `token` returned by `acquire()` should be given as
124 | an argument when calling this function.
125 |
126 | ### RateLimit(rps, { timeUnit, uniformDistribution })
127 |
128 | Creates a rate limiter function that blocks with a promise whenever the rate
129 | limit is hit and resolves the promise once the call rate is within the limit
130 | set by `rps`. The second argument is optional.
131 |
132 | The `timeUnit` is an optional argument setting the width of the rate limiting
133 | window in milliseconds. The default `timeUnit` is `1000 ms`, therefore making
134 | the `rps` argument act as requests per second limit.
135 |
136 | The `uniformDistribution` argument enforces a discrete uniform distribution over
137 | time, instead of the default that allows hitting the function `rps` time and
138 | then pausing for `timeWindow` milliseconds. Setting the `uniformDistribution`
139 | option is mainly useful in a situation where the flow of rate limit function
140 | calls is continuous and and occuring faster than `timeUnit` (e.g. reading a
141 | file) and not enabling it would cause the maximum number of calls to resolve
142 | immediately (thus exhaust the limit immediately) and therefore the next bunch
143 | calls would need to wait for `timeWindow` milliseconds. However if the flow is
144 | sparse then this option may make the
145 | code run slower with no advantages.
146 |
147 | ## Contributing
148 |
149 | 1. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) this repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) it to your local device
150 | 2. Move into the directory of the clone: `cd async-sema`
151 | 3. Link it to the global module directory of Node.js: `npm link`
152 |
153 | Inside the project where you want to test your clone of the package, you can now either use `npm link async-sema` to link the clone to the local dependencies.
154 |
155 | ## Author
156 |
157 | Olli Vanhoja ([@OVanhoja](https://twitter.com/OVanhoja))