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1var chai = require('chai');
2var Promise = require('bluebird');
3var async = require('../src/async/index');
4var await = require('../src/await/index');
5var expect = chai.expect;
6describe('async.iterable(...)', function () {
7 var foo = async.iterable(function (yield_, count, accum) {
8 if (count < 1 || count > 9)
9 throw new Error('out of range');
10 for (var i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
11 if (accum)
12 accum.push(111 * i);
13 yield_(111 * i);
14 }
15 return 'done';
16 });
17 describe('returns a function', function () {
18 it('which returns an async iterator with next() and forEach() methods', function () {
19 var syncResult = foo();
20 expect(syncResult).is.an('object');
21 expect(syncResult.next).is.a('function');
22 expect(syncResult.forEach).is.a('function');
23 });
24 });
25 describe('provides an iterator whose next() method', function () {
26 it('synchronously returns a promise', function () {
27 var iter = foo(3);
28 expect(iter.next()).instanceOf(Promise);
29 });
30 it('begins executing synchronously and completes asynchronously', function (done) {
31 var arr = [], iter = foo(3, arr);
32 iter.next()
33 .then(function () { return expect(arr).to.deep.equal([111, '***']); })
34 .then(function () { return done(); })
35 .catch(done);
36 expect(arr).to.deep.equal([111]);
37 arr.push('***');
38 });
39 it("preserves the 'this' context of the call", async.cps(function () {
40 var foo = { bar: async.iterable(function (yield_) { yield_(this); return 'done'; }) }, baz = { x: 7 };
41 var iter = foo.bar();
42 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: foo });
43 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: true });
44 iter = foo.bar.call(baz);
45 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: baz });
46 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: true });
47 }));
48 it('eventually resolves with the definition\'s yielded value', async.cps(function () {
49 var iter = foo(3);
50 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: 111 });
51 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: 222 });
52 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: 333 });
53 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: true });
54 }));
55 it('eventually rejects with the definition\'s thrown value', async.cps(function () {
56 var err, iter = foo(20);
57 expect(function () { return await(iter.next()); }).to.throw(Error, 'out of range');
58 }));
59 it('eventually rejects if the iteration is already finished', async.cps(function () {
60 var err, iter = foo(1);
61 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: 111 });
62 expect(await(iter.next())).to.deep.equal({ done: true });
63 expect(function () { return await(iter.next()); }).to.throw(Error);
64 }));
65 it('works with await', function (done) {
66 var foo = async.iterable(function (yield_) { yield_(await(Promise.delay(20).then(function () { return 'blah'; }))); });
67 foo().next()
68 .then(function (result) { return expect(result).to.deep.equal({ done: false, value: 'blah' }); })
69 .then(function () { return done(); })
70 .catch(done);
71 });
72 });
73 describe('provides an iterator whose forEach() method', function () {
74 function nullFunc() { }
75 //it('expects a single callback as its argument', () => {
76 // expect(() => (<any> foo(3)).forEach()).to.throw(Error);
77 // expect(() => (<any> foo(3)).forEach(1)).to.throw(Error);
78 // expect(() => (<any> foo(3)).forEach(1, nullFunc)).to.throw(Error);
79 //});
80 it('synchronously returns a promise', function () {
81 var iter = foo(3);
82 expect(iter.forEach(nullFunc)).instanceOf(Promise);
83 });
84 it('begins executing synchronously and completes asynchronously', function (done) {
85 var arr = [], iter = foo(3, arr);
86 iter.forEach(nullFunc)
87 .then(function () { return expect(arr).to.deep.equal([111, '***', 222, 333]); })
88 .then(function () { return done(); })
89 .catch(done);
90 expect(arr).to.deep.equal([111]);
91 arr.push('***');
92 });
93 it('iterates over all yielded values', async.cps(function () {
94 var arr = [], iter = foo(4);
95 await(iter.forEach(function (val) { return arr.push(val); }));
96 expect(arr).to.deep.equal([111, 222, 333, 444]);
97 }));
98 //it('eventually resolves with the definition\'s returned value', async.cps(() => {
99 // var arr = [], iter = foo(7, arr);
100 // var result = await (iter.forEach(nullFunc));
101 // expect(result).to.equal('done');
102 // expect(arr.length).to.equal(7);
103 //}));
104 it('eventually rejects with the definition\'s thrown value', async.cps(function () {
105 var err, iter = foo(20);
106 expect(function () { return await(iter.forEach(nullFunc)); }).to.throw(Error, 'out of range');
107 }));
108 it('eventually rejects if the iteration is already finished', async.cps(function () {
109 var err, iter = foo(1);
110 await(iter.forEach(nullFunc));
111 expect(function () { return await(iter.forEach(nullFunc)); }).to.throw(Error);
112 }));
113 it('works with await', function (done) {
114 var foo = async.iterable(function (yield_) { yield_(await(Promise.delay(20).then(function () { return 'blah'; }))); }), arr = [];
115 foo().forEach(function (val) { return arr.push(val); })
116 .then(function (result) { return expect(result).to.not.exist; })
117 .then(function () { return expect(arr).to.deep.equal(['blah']); })
118 .then(function () { return done(); })
119 .catch(done);
120 });
121 });
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