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1import chai = require('chai');
2import Promise = require('bluebird');
3import async = require('../src/async/index');
4import await = require('../src/await/index');
5var expect = chai.expect;
8describe('A suspendable function returned by async.thunk(...)', () => {
10 it('synchronously returns a thunk', () => {
11 var foo = async.thunk (() => {});
12 var syncResult = foo();
13 expect(syncResult).instanceOf(Function);
14 expect(syncResult.length).to.equal(1);
15 });
17 it('does not execute if the thunk is not invoked', done => {
18 var x = 5;
19 var foo = async.thunk (() => { x = 7; });
20 var thunk = foo();
21 Promise.delay(50)
22 .then(() => expect(x).to.equal(5))
23 .then(() => done())
24 .catch(done);
25 expect(x).to.equal(5);
26 });
28 it('executes if the thunk is invoked without a callback', done => {
29 var x = 5;
30 var foo = async.thunk (() => { x = 7; });
31 foo()();
32 Promise.delay(20)
33 .then(result => expect(x).to.equal(7))
34 .then(() => done())
35 .catch(done);
36 });
38 it('begins executing synchronously and completes asynchronously', done => {
39 var x = 5;
40 var foo = async.thunk (() => { x = 7; });
41 Promise.promisify(foo())()
42 .then(() => expect(x).to.equal(9))
43 .then(() => done())
44 .catch(done);
45 expect(x).to.equal(7);
46 x = 9;
47 });
49 it("preserves the 'this' context of the call", done => {
50 var foo = { bar: async.thunk (function () { return this; }) }, baz = {x:7};
51 Promise.promisify(foo.bar.call(foo))()
52 .then(result => expect(result).to.equal(foo))
53 .then(() => Promise.promisify(foo.bar.call(baz))())
54 .then(result => expect(result).to.equal(baz))
55 .then(() => done())
56 .catch(done);
57 });
59 it('eventually resolves with its definition\'s returned value', done => {
60 var foo = async.thunk (() => { return 'blah'; });
61 Promise.promisify(foo())()
62 .then(result => expect(result).to.equal('blah'))
63 .then(() => done())
64 .catch(done);
65 });
67 it('eventually rejects with its definition\'s thrown value', done => {
68 var act, exp = new Error('Expected thrown value to match rejection value');
69 var foo = async.thunk (() => { throw exp; return 'blah'; });
70 Promise.promisify(foo())()
71 .catch(err => act = err)
72 .then(() => {
73 if (!act) done(new Error("Expected function to throw"))
74 else if (act.message !== exp.message) done(exp);
75 else done();
76 });
77 });
79 it('works with await', done => {
80 var foo = async.thunk (() => { return await (Promise.delay(20).then(() => 'blah')); });
81 Promise.promisify(foo())()
82 .then(result => expect(result).to.equal('blah'))
83 .then(() => done())
84 .catch(done);
85 });
87 //it('fails if yield() is called', done => {
88 // var foo = async.thunk (() => { yield_(111); yield_(222); yield_(333); return 444; });
89 // var yields = [];
90 // Promise.promisify(foo())()
91 // .progressed(value => yields.push(value))
92 // .then(() => { throw new Error('Expected foo to throw'); })
93 // .catch(() => {
94 // expect(yields).to.be.empty;
95 // done();
96 // });
97 //});