4.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type * as atomIde from "atom-ide-base";
2import { LanguageClientConnection, ServerCapabilities, SymbolInformation, DocumentSymbol } from "../languageclient";
3import { TextEditor } from "atom";
4/** Public: Adapts the documentSymbolProvider of the language server to the Outline View supplied by Atom IDE UI. */
5export default class OutlineViewAdapter {
6 private _cancellationTokens;
7 /**
8 * Public: Determine whether this adapter can be used to adapt a language server based on the serverCapabilities
9 * matrix containing a documentSymbolProvider.
10 *
11 * @param serverCapabilities The {ServerCapabilities} of the language server to consider.
12 * @returns A {Boolean} indicating adapter can adapt the server based on the given serverCapabilities.
13 */
14 static canAdapt(serverCapabilities: ServerCapabilities): boolean;
15 /**
16 * Public: Obtain the Outline for document via the {LanguageClientConnection} as identified by the {TextEditor}.
17 *
18 * @param connection A {LanguageClientConnection} to the language server that will be queried for the outline.
19 * @param editor The Atom {TextEditor} containing the text the Outline should represent.
20 * @returns A {Promise} containing the {Outline} of this document.
21 */
22 getOutline(connection: LanguageClientConnection, editor: TextEditor): Promise<atomIde.Outline | null>;
23 /**
24 * Public: Create an {Array} of {OutlineTree}s from the Array of {DocumentSymbol} recieved from the language server.
25 * This includes converting all the children nodes in the entire hierarchy.
26 *
27 * @param symbols An {Array} of {DocumentSymbol}s received from the language server that should be converted to an
28 * {Array} of {OutlineTree}.
29 * @returns An {Array} of {OutlineTree} containing the given symbols that the Outline View can display.
30 */
31 static createHierarchicalOutlineTrees(symbols: DocumentSymbol[]): atomIde.OutlineTree[];
32 /**
33 * Public: Create an {Array} of {OutlineTree}s from the Array of {SymbolInformation} recieved from the language
34 * server. This includes determining the appropriate child and parent relationships for the hierarchy.
35 *
36 * @param symbols An {Array} of {SymbolInformation}s received from the language server that should be converted to an
37 * {OutlineTree}.
38 * @returns An {OutlineTree} containing the given symbols that the Outline View can display.
39 */
40 static createOutlineTrees(symbols: SymbolInformation[]): atomIde.OutlineTree[];
41 private static _getClosestParent;
42 /**
43 * Public: Convert an individual {DocumentSymbol} from the language server to an {OutlineTree} for use by the Outline
44 * View. It does NOT recursively process the given symbol's children (if any).
45 *
46 * @param symbol The {DocumentSymbol} to convert to an {OutlineTree}.
47 * @returns The {OutlineTree} corresponding to the given {DocumentSymbol}.
48 */
49 static hierarchicalSymbolToOutline(symbol: DocumentSymbol): atomIde.OutlineTree;
50 /**
51 * Public: Convert an individual {SymbolInformation} from the language server to an {OutlineTree} for use by the Outline View.
52 *
53 * @param symbol The {SymbolInformation} to convert to an {OutlineTree}.
54 * @returns The {OutlineTree} equivalent to the given {SymbolInformation}.
55 */
56 static symbolToOutline(symbol: SymbolInformation): atomIde.OutlineTree;
57 /**
58 * Public: Convert a symbol kind into an outline entity kind used to determine the styling such as the appropriate
59 * icon in the Outline View.
60 *
61 * @param symbol The numeric symbol kind received from the language server.
62 * @returns A string representing the equivalent OutlineView entity kind.
63 */
64 static symbolKindToEntityKind(symbol: number): string | null;
65 /**
66 * Public: Convert a symbol kind to the appropriate token kind used to syntax highlight the symbol name in the Outline View.
67 *
68 * @param symbol The numeric symbol kind received from the language server.
69 * @returns A string representing the equivalent syntax token kind.
70 */
71 static symbolKindToTokenKind(symbol: number): atomIde.TokenKind;