5.82 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type * as atomIde from "atom-ide-base";
2import * as ls from "./languageclient";
3import { Point, FilesystemChange, Range, TextEditor } from "atom";
5 * Public: Class that contains a number of helper methods for general conversions between the language server protocol
6 * and Atom/Atom packages.
7 */
8export default class Convert {
9 /**
10 * Public: Convert a path to a Uri.
11 *
12 * @param filePath A file path to convert to a Uri.
13 * @returns The Uri corresponding to the path. e.g. file:///a/b/c.txt
14 */
15 static pathToUri(filePath: string): string;
16 /**
17 * Public: Convert a Uri to a path.
18 *
19 * @param uri A Uri to convert to a file path.
20 * @returns A file path corresponding to the Uri. e.g. /a/b/c.txt If the Uri does not begin file: then it is returned
21 * as-is to allow Atom to deal with http/https sources in the future.
22 */
23 static uriToPath(uri: string): string;
24 /**
25 * Public: Convert an Atom {Point} to a language server {Position}.
26 *
27 * @param point An Atom {Point} to convert from.
28 * @returns The {Position} representation of the Atom {PointObject}.
29 */
30 static pointToPosition(point: Point): ls.Position;
31 /**
32 * Public: Convert a language server {Position} into an Atom {PointObject}.
33 *
34 * @param position A language server {Position} to convert from.
35 * @returns The Atom {PointObject} representation of the given {Position}.
36 */
37 static positionToPoint(position: ls.Position): Point;
38 /**
39 * Public: Convert a language server {Range} into an Atom {Range}.
40 *
41 * @param range A language server {Range} to convert from.
42 * @returns The Atom {Range} representation of the given language server {Range}.
43 */
44 static lsRangeToAtomRange(range: ls.Range): Range;
45 /**
46 * Public: Convert an Atom {Range} into an language server {Range}.
47 *
48 * @param range An Atom {Range} to convert from.
49 * @returns The language server {Range} representation of the given Atom {Range}.
50 */
51 static atomRangeToLSRange(range: Range): ls.Range;
52 /**
53 * Public: Create a {TextDocumentIdentifier} from an Atom {TextEditor}.
54 *
55 * @param editor A {TextEditor} that will be used to form the uri property.
56 * @returns A {TextDocumentIdentifier} that has a `uri` property with the Uri for the given editor's path.
57 */
58 static editorToTextDocumentIdentifier(editor: TextEditor): ls.TextDocumentIdentifier;
59 /**
60 * Public: Create a {TextDocumentPositionParams} from a {TextEditor} and optional {Point}.
61 *
62 * @param editor A {TextEditor} that will be used to form the uri property.
63 * @param point An optional {Point} that will supply the position property. If not specified the current cursor
64 * position will be used.
65 * @returns A {TextDocumentPositionParams} that has textDocument property with the editors {TextDocumentIdentifier}
66 * and a position property with the supplied point (or current cursor position when not specified).
67 */
68 static editorToTextDocumentPositionParams(editor: TextEditor, point?: Point): ls.TextDocumentPositionParams;
69 /**
70 * Public: Create a string of scopes for the atom text editor using the data-grammar selector from an {Array} of
71 * grammarScope strings.
72 *
73 * @param grammarScopes An {Array} of grammar scope string to convert from.
74 * @returns A single comma-separated list of CSS selectors targetting the grammars of Atom text editors. e.g. `['c',
75 * 'cpp']` => `'atom-text-editor[data-grammar='c'], atom-text-editor[data-grammar='cpp']`
76 */
77 static grammarScopesToTextEditorScopes(grammarScopes: string[]): string;
78 /**
79 * Public: Encode a string so that it can be safely used within a HTML attribute - i.e. replacing all quoted values
80 * with their HTML entity encoded versions. e.g. `Hello"` becomes `Hello"`
81 *
82 * @param s A string to be encoded.
83 * @returns A string that is HTML attribute encoded by replacing &, <, >, " and ' with their HTML entity named equivalents.
84 */
85 static encodeHTMLAttribute(s: string): string;
86 /**
87 * Public: Convert an Atom File Event as received from atom.project.onDidChangeFiles and convert it into an Array of
88 * Language Server Protocol {FileEvent} objects. Normally this will be a 1-to-1 but renames will be represented by a
89 * deletion and a subsequent creation as LSP does not know about renames.
90 *
91 * @param fileEvent An {atom$ProjectFileEvent} to be converted.
92 * @returns An array of LSP {ls.FileEvent} objects that equivalent conversions to the fileEvent parameter.
93 */
94 static atomFileEventToLSFileEvents(fileEvent: FilesystemChange): ls.FileEvent[];
95 /** @deprecated Use Linter V2 service */
96 static atomIdeDiagnosticToLSDiagnostic(diagnostic: atomIde.Diagnostic): ls.Diagnostic;
97 /** @deprecated Use Linter V2 service */
98 static diagnosticTypeToLSSeverity(type: atomIde.DiagnosticType): ls.DiagnosticSeverity;
99 /**
100 * Public: Convert an array of language server protocol {atomIde.TextEdit} objects to an equivalent array of Atom
101 * {atomIde.TextEdit} objects.
102 *
103 * @param textEdits The language server protocol {atomIde.TextEdit} objects to convert.
104 * @returns An {Array} of Atom {atomIde.TextEdit} objects.
105 */
106 static convertLsTextEdits(textEdits?: ls.TextEdit[] | null): atomIde.TextEdit[];
107 /**
108 * Public: Convert a language server protocol {atomIde.TextEdit} object to the Atom equivalent {atomIde.TextEdit}.
109 *
110 * @param textEdits The language server protocol {atomIde.TextEdit} objects to convert.
111 * @returns An Atom {atomIde.TextEdit} object.
112 */
113 static convertLsTextEdit(textEdit: ls.TextEdit): atomIde.TextEdit;