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2 "name": "atomatic",
3 "description": "An easy to use build and development tool for Atomic Design Systems, that works with rollup.js, Browserify, webpack and many more...",
4 "version": "0.11.0",
5 "license": "MIT",
6 "url": "https://github.com/stefan-lehmann/atomatic",
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13 "email": "atomatic@lehmann.st",
14 "name": "Stefan Lehmann"
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43 "Atomic Design",
44 "Atomic Design System",
45 "Atomic Web Design",
46 "Styleguide",
47 "Components",
48 "Patterns",
49 "Build tool",
50 "PatternLab",
51 "Node",
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53 "Rollup.js",
54 "Gulp",
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