7.01 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var fs = require("fs");
4var Promise = require("bluebird");
5var sysUtil = require("systemjs-builder/lib/utils.js");
6var path = require("path");
7var _ = require("lodash");
8var utils = require("./utils");
9var serializer = require("./config-serializer");
10var minifier = require("html-minifier");
11var CleanCSS = require("clean-css");
12var builder_factory_1 = require("./builder-factory");
13var mkdirp = require("mkdirp");
14function createBuildExpression(cfg) {
15 var appCfg = serializer.getAppConfig(cfg.configPath);
16 var includes = cfg.includes;
17 var excludes = cfg.excludes;
18 var includeExpression = includes.map(function (m) { return getFullModuleName(m, appCfg.map); }).join(' + ');
19 var excludeExpression = excludes.map(function (m) { return getFullModuleName(m, appCfg.map); }).join(' - ');
20 var buildExpression = includeExpression;
21 if (excludeExpression && excludeExpression.length > 0) {
22 buildExpression = buildExpression + " - " + excludeExpression;
23 }
24 return buildExpression;
26function createFetchHook(cfg) {
27 return function (load, fetch) {
28 var address = sysUtil.fromFileURL(load.address);
29 var ext = path.extname(address);
30 if (!(ext === '.html' || ext === '.css')) {
31 return fetch(load);
32 }
33 var plugin = path.basename(sysUtil.fromFileURL(load.name.split('!')[1]));
34 if (!plugin.startsWith('plugin-text')) {
35 return fetch(load);
36 }
37 if (ext === '.html' && cfg.options.minify) {
38 var content = fs.readFileSync(address, 'utf8');
39 var opts = utils.getHTMLMinOpts(cfg.options.htmlminopts);
40 return minifier.minify(content, opts);
41 }
42 if (ext === '.css' && cfg.options.minify) {
43 var content = fs.readFileSync(address, 'utf8');
44 var opts = utils.getCSSMinOpts(cfg.options.cssminopts);
45 var output = new CleanCSS(opts).minify(content);
46 if (output.errors.length) {
47 throw new Error('CSS Plugin:\n' + output.errors.join('\n'));
48 }
49 return output.styles;
50 }
51 return fetch(load);
52 };
54function bundle(cfg) {
55 var buildExpression = createBuildExpression(cfg);
56 cfg.options.fetch = createFetchHook(cfg);
57 var tasks = [
58 _bundle(buildExpression, cfg)
59 ];
60 if (cfg.options.depCache) {
61 tasks.push(_depCache(buildExpression, cfg));
62 }
63 return Promise.all(tasks);
65exports.bundle = bundle;
66function depCache(cfg) {
67 var buildExpression = createBuildExpression(cfg);
68 return _depCache(buildExpression, cfg);
70exports.depCache = depCache;
71function _depCache(buildExpression, cfg) {
72 var builder = builder_factory_1.createBuilder(cfg);
73 return builder.trace(buildExpression, cfg.options)
74 .then(function (tree) {
75 var depCache = builder.getDepCache(tree);
76 var configPath = cfg.injectionConfigPath;
77 var appCfg = serializer.getAppConfig(configPath);
78 var dc = appCfg.depCache || {};
79 _.assign(dc, depCache);
80 appCfg.depCache = dc;
81 serializer.saveAppConfig(configPath, appCfg);
82 return Promise.resolve();
83 });
85function _bundle(buildExpression, cfg) {
86 var builder = builder_factory_1.createBuilder(cfg);
87 return builder.bundle(buildExpression, cfg.options)
88 .then(function (output) {
89 var outfile = utils.getOutFileName(output.source, cfg.bundleName + '.js', cfg.options.rev);
90 var outPath = createOutputPath(cfg.baseURL, outfile, cfg.outputPath);
91 writeOutput(output, outPath, cfg.force, cfg.options.sourceMaps);
92 if (cfg.options.sourceMaps && cfg.options.sourceMaps !== 'inline') {
93 writeSourcemaps(output, outPath + ".map", cfg.force);
94 }
95 if (cfg.options.inject) {
96 injectBundle(builder, output, outfile, cfg);
97 }
98 return Promise.resolve();
99 });
101function createOutputPath(baseURL, outfile, outputPath) {
102 return outputPath ? path.resolve(outputPath, path.basename(outfile)) : path.resolve(baseURL, outfile);
104function writeSourcemaps(output, outPath, force) {
105 if (fs.existsSync(outPath)) {
106 if (!force) {
107 throw new Error("A source map named '" + outPath + "' already exists. Use the --force option to overwrite it.");
108 }
109 fs.unlinkSync(outPath);
110 }
111 else {
112 var dirPath = path.dirname(outPath);
113 if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) {
114 mkdirp.sync(dirPath);
115 }
116 }
117 fs.writeFileSync(outPath, output.sourceMap);
119exports.writeSourcemaps = writeSourcemaps;
120function writeOutput(output, outPath, force, sourceMap) {
121 if (fs.existsSync(outPath)) {
122 if (!force) {
123 throw new Error("A bundle named '" + outPath + "' already exists. Use the --force option to overwrite it.");
124 }
125 fs.unlinkSync(outPath);
126 }
127 else {
128 var dirPath = path.dirname(outPath);
129 if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) {
130 mkdirp.sync(dirPath);
131 }
132 }
133 var source = output.source;
134 if (sourceMap && sourceMap !== 'inline') {
135 var sourceMapFileName = path.basename(outPath) + '.map';
136 source += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + sourceMapFileName;
137 }
138 fs.writeFileSync(outPath, source);
140exports.writeOutput = writeOutput;
141function injectBundle(builder, output, outfile, cfg) {
142 var configPath = cfg.injectionConfigPath;
143 var bundleName = builder.getCanonicalName(sysUtil.toFileURL(path.resolve(cfg.baseURL, outfile)));
144 var appCfg = serializer.getAppConfig(configPath);
145 if (!appCfg.bundles) {
146 appCfg.bundles = {};
147 }
148 appCfg.bundles[bundleName] = output.modules.sort();
149 serializer.saveAppConfig(configPath, appCfg);
151exports.injectBundle = injectBundle;
152function getFullModuleName(moduleName, map) {
153 var cleanName = function (n) {
154 // strip leading 'registry' prefixes
155 var result = n.replace(/^.*:/, '');
156 // strip trailing version info
157 if (result.charAt(0) === '@') {
158 result = '@' + result.substr(1).replace(/@.*$/, '');
159 }
160 else {
161 result = result.replace(/@.*$/, '');
162 }
163 return result;
164 };
165 var matches = Object.keys(map).filter(function (m) { return m === moduleName; });
166 if (matches.length === 1) {
167 return moduleName;
168 }
169 matches = Object.keys(map).filter(function (m) {
170 return cleanName(m) === cleanName(moduleName);
171 });
172 if (matches.length === 1) {
173 return matches[0];
174 }
175 if (matches.length === 0) {
176 return moduleName;
177 }
178 throw new Error("A version conflict was found among the module names specified in the configuration for '" + moduleName + "'. Try including a full module name with a specific version number or resolve the conflict manually with jspm.");
180exports.getFullModuleName = getFullModuleName;
181//# sourceMappingURL=bundler.js.map
\No newline at end of file