1 |
2 |
3 | export type Primitive = boolean | string | number | symbol | object | ((...args: any[]) => any) | Array<any>;
4 | export type CtorArgs<TBase> = TBase extends new (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? TArgs : any[];
5 | export type CtorImpl<TBase> = TBase extends new (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? Impl : any;
6 | export type FuncArgs<TBase> = TBase extends (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? TArgs : any[];
7 | export type FuncReturns<TBase> = TBase extends (...args: infer TArgs) => infer Impl ? Impl : any;
8 | export type Args<TBase> = CtorArgs<TBase> | FuncArgs<TBase>;
9 | export type Impl<TBase> = CtorImpl<TBase> | FuncReturns<TBase>;
10 | export type DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = new (...args: TArgs) => TImpl | TBase;
11 | export type DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = (...args: TArgs) => TImpl | TBase;
12 | export type ImplOrAny<TImpl> = unknown extends TImpl ? any : TImpl;
13 | export type DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
14 | export type PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | Primitive;
15 | export type PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | Primitive;
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 | export declare const resolver: {
20 | decorates?: (key: any) => key is {
21 | get(container: Container, key: any): any;
22 | };
23 | } & (() => any);
24 | /**
25 | * Used to allow functions/classes to specify custom dependency resolution logic.
26 | */
27 | export interface Resolver {
28 | /**
29 | * Called by the container to allow custom resolution of dependencies for a
30 | * function/class.
31 | * @param container The container to resolve from.
32 | * @param key The key that the resolver was registered as.
33 | * @return Returns the resolved object.
34 | */
35 | get(container: Container, key: any): any;
36 | }
37 | export declare enum Strategy {
38 | instance = 0,
39 | singleton = 1,
40 | transient = 2,
41 | function = 3,
42 | array = 4,
43 | alias = 5
44 | }
45 | export type IStrategy = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
46 | export type StrategyFunctor<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> = (container?: Container, ctor?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, strategyResolver?: any) => TImpl;
47 | export interface StrategyState<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
48 | [Strategy.instance]: TImpl;
49 | [Strategy.singleton]: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
50 | [Strategy.transient]: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
51 | [Strategy.function]: StrategyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
52 | |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 | [Strategy.array]: ({
57 | get: (container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => TImpl;
58 | } | TImpl)[];
59 | [Strategy.alias]: any;
60 | }
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 | export declare class StrategyResolver<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>, TStrategyKey extends keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>> {
65 | strategy: keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
66 | state: StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>[keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>];
67 | |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 | constructor(strategy: TStrategyKey, state: StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>[TStrategyKey]);
73 | /**
74 | * Called by the container to allow custom resolution of dependencies for a
75 | * function/class.
76 | * @param container The container to resolve from.
77 | * @param key The key that the resolver was registered as.
78 | * @return Returns the resolved object.
79 | */
80 | get(container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): TImpl;
81 | }
82 | /**
83 | * Used to allow functions/classes to specify lazy resolution logic.
84 | */
85 | export declare class Lazy<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
86 | |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 | __resolver_type__: "lazy";
92 | |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
97 | /**
98 | * Called by the container to lazily resolve the dependency into a lazy locator
99 | * function.
100 | * @param container The container to resolve from.
101 | * @return Returns a function which can be invoked at a later time to obtain
102 | * the actual dependency.
103 | */
104 | get(container: Container): () => ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
105 | /**
106 | * Creates a Lazy Resolver for the supplied key.
107 | * @param key The key to lazily resolve.
108 | * @return Returns an instance of Lazy for the key.
109 | */
110 | static of<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Lazy<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
111 | }
112 | /**
113 | * Used to allow functions/classes to specify resolution of all matches to a key.
114 | */
115 | export declare class All<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
116 | |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 | __resolver_type__: "all";
122 | |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 | constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
127 | /**
128 | * Called by the container to resolve all matching dependencies as an array of
129 | * instances.
130 | * @param container The container to resolve from.
131 | * @return Returns an array of all matching instances.
132 | */
133 | get(container: Container): TImpl[];
134 | /**
135 | * Creates an All Resolver for the supplied key.
136 | * @param key The key to resolve all instances for.
137 | * @return Returns an instance of All for the key.
138 | */
139 | static of<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): All<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
140 | }
141 | /**
142 | * Used to allow functions/classes to specify an optional dependency, which will
143 | * be resolved only if already registred with the container.
144 | */
145 | export declare class Optional<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
146 | |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 | __resolver_type__: "optional";
152 | |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 | constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, checkParent?: boolean);
159 | /**
160 | * Called by the container to provide optional resolution of the key.
161 | * @param container The container to resolve from.
162 | * @return Returns the instance if found; otherwise null.
163 | */
164 | get(container: Container): TImpl | null;
165 | /**
166 | * Creates an Optional Resolver for the supplied key.
167 | * @param key The key to optionally resolve for.
168 | * @param [checkParent=true] Indicates whether or not the parent container
169 | * hierarchy should be checked.
170 | * @return Returns an instance of Optional for the key.
171 | */
172 | static of<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, checkParent?: boolean): Optional<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
173 | }
174 | /**
175 | * Used to inject the dependency from the parent container instead of the current
176 | * one.
177 | */
178 | export declare class Parent<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
179 | |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 | __resolver_type__: "parent";
185 | |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 | constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
190 | /**
191 | * Called by the container to load the dependency from the parent container
192 | * @param container The container to resolve the parent from.
193 | * @return Returns the matching instance from the parent container
194 | */
195 | get(container: Container): TImpl | null;
196 | /**
197 | * Creates a Parent Resolver for the supplied key.
198 | * @param key The key to resolve.
199 | * @return Returns an instance of Parent for the key.
200 | */
201 | static of<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Parent<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
202 | }
203 | /**
204 | * Used to allow injecting dependencies but also passing data to the constructor.
205 | */
206 | export declare class Factory<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
207 | /**
208 | * A non existent property to help TS distinguish resolvers
209 | *
210 | * This is semi-private, and should not be used by application
211 | */
212 | __resolver_type__: "factory";
213 | /**
214 | * Creates an instance of the Factory class.
215 | * @param key The key to resolve from the parent container.
216 | */
217 | constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
218 | /**
219 | * Called by the container to pass the dependencies to the constructor.
220 | * @param container The container to invoke the constructor with dependencies
221 | * and other parameters.
222 | * @return Returns a function that can be invoked to resolve dependencies
223 | * later, and the rest of the parameters.
224 | */
225 | get(container: Container): DependencyFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
226 | /**
227 | * Creates a Factory Resolver for the supplied key.
228 | * @param key The key to resolve.
229 | * @return Returns an instance of Factory for the key.
230 | */
231 | static of<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Factory<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
232 | }
233 | /**
234 | * Used to inject a new instance of a dependency, without regard for existing
235 | * instances in the container. Instances can optionally be registered in the
236 | * container
237 | * under a different key by supplying a key using the `as` method.
238 | */
239 | export declare class NewInstance<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> {
240 | /**
241 | * A non existent property to help TS distinguish resolvers
242 | *
243 | * This is semi-private, and should not be used by application
244 | */
245 | __resolver_type__: "newInstance";
246 | /**
247 | * Creates an instance of the NewInstance class.
248 | * @param key The key to resolve/instantiate.
249 | * @param dynamicDependencies An optional list of dynamic dependencies.
250 | */
251 | constructor(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, ...dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]);
252 | /**
253 | * Called by the container to instantiate the dependency and potentially
254 | * register
255 | * as another key if the `as` method was used.
256 | * @param container The container to resolve the parent from.
257 | * @return Returns the matching instance from the parent container
258 | */
259 | get(container: Container): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
260 | /**
261 | * Instructs the NewInstance resolver to register the resolved instance using
262 | * the supplied key.
263 | * @param key The key to register the instance with.
264 | * @return Returns the NewInstance resolver.
265 | */
266 | as(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): this;
267 | /**
268 | * Creates an NewInstance Resolver for the supplied key.
269 | * @param key The key to resolve/instantiate.
270 | * @param dynamicDependencies An optional list of dynamic dependencies.
271 | * @return Returns an instance of NewInstance for the key.
272 | */
273 | static of<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, ...dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]): NewInstance<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
274 | }
275 | /**
276 | * Used by parameter decorators to call autoinject for the target and retrieve
277 | * the target's inject property.
278 | * @param target The target class.
279 | * @return Returns the target's own inject property.
280 | */
281 | export declare function getDecoratorDependencies<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
282 | inject?: TArgs[number][];
283 | }): TArgs[number][] | undefined;
284 | /**
285 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependency should be lazy loaded
286 | */
287 | export declare function lazy<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(keyValue: any): (target: {
288 | new (...args: TArgs): TBase | TImpl;
289 | }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
290 | /**
291 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependency should load all instances of the given
292 | * key.
293 | */
294 | export declare function all<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(keyValue: any): (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
295 | inject?: TArgs[number][];
296 | }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
297 | /**
298 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependency as optional
299 | */
300 | export declare function optional<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(checkParentOrTarget?: boolean): (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
301 | inject?: TArgs[number][];
302 | }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
303 | /**
304 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependency to look at the parent container for
305 | * resolution
306 | */
307 | declare function parent$1<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
308 | inject?: TArgs[number][];
309 | }, _key: any, index: number): void;
310 | /**
311 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependency to create a factory method, that can
312 | * accept optional arguments
313 | */
314 | export declare function factory<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(keyValue: any): (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
315 | inject?: TArgs[number][];
316 | }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
317 | /**
318 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependency as a new instance. Instances can optionally be registered in the container
319 | * under a different key and/or use dynamic dependencies
320 | */
321 | export declare function newInstance<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(asKeyOrTarget?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
322 | inject?: TArgs[number][];
323 | }, ...dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]): (target: {
324 | new (...args: any[]): any;
325 | }, _key: any, index: number) => void;
326 | /**
327 | * Decorator: Specifies a custom Invoker for the decorated item.
328 | */
329 | export declare function invoker<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>(value: Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
330 | /**
331 | * Decorator: Specifies that the decorated item should be called as a factory
332 | * function, rather than a constructor.
333 | */
334 | export declare function invokeAsFactory<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>(potentialTarget?: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): void | ((target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void);
335 | /**
336 | * A strategy for invoking a function, resulting in an object instance.
337 | */
338 | export interface Invoker<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> {
339 | /**
340 | * Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
341 | * @param fn The constructor or factory function.
342 | * @param dependencies The dependencies of the function call.
343 | * @return The result of the function invocation.
344 | */
345 | invoke(container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dependencies: TArgs): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
346 | /**
347 | * Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
348 | * @param fn The constructor or factory function.
349 | * @param staticDependencies The static dependencies of the function.
350 | * @param dynamicDependencies Additional dependencies to use during
351 | * invocation.
352 | * @return The result of the function invocation.
353 | */
354 | invokeWithDynamicDependencies(container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, staticDependencies: TArgs[number][], dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
355 | }
356 | /**
357 | * An Invoker that is used to invoke a factory method.
358 | */
359 | export declare class FactoryInvoker<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>> implements Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> {
360 | /**
361 | * The singleton instance of the FactoryInvoker.
362 | */
363 | static instance: FactoryInvoker<any>;
364 | /**
365 | * Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
366 | * @param container The calling container.
367 | * @param fn The constructor or factory function.
368 | * @param dependencies The dependencies of the function call.
369 | * @return The result of the function invocation.
370 | */
371 | invoke(container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dependencies: TArgs): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
372 | /**
373 | * Invokes the function with the provided dependencies.
374 | * @param container The calling container.
375 | * @param fn The constructor or factory function.
376 | * @param staticDependencies The static dependencies of the function.
377 | * @param dynamicDependencies Additional dependencies to use during invocation.
378 | * @return The result of the function invocation.
379 | */
380 | invokeWithDynamicDependencies(container: Container, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, staticDependencies: TArgs[number][], dynamicDependencies: TArgs[number][]): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
381 | }
382 | /**
383 | * Stores the information needed to invoke a function.
384 | */
385 | export declare class InvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> {
386 | /**
387 | * The function to be invoked by this handler.
388 | */
389 | fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
390 | /**
391 | * The invoker implementation that will be used to actually invoke the function.
392 | */
393 | invoker: Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
394 | /**
395 | * The statically known dependencies of this function invocation.
396 | */
397 | dependencies: TArgs;
398 | /**
399 | * Instantiates an InvocationDescription.
400 | * @param fn The Function described by this description object.
401 | * @param invoker The strategy for invoking the function.
402 | * @param dependencies The static dependencies of the function call.
403 | */
404 | constructor(fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, invoker: Invoker<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dependencies: TArgs);
405 | /**
406 | * Invokes the function.
407 | * @param container The calling container.
408 | * @param dynamicDependencies Additional dependencies to use during invocation.
409 | * @return The result of the function invocation.
410 | */
411 | invoke(container: Container, dynamicDependencies?: TArgs[]): TImpl;
412 | }
413 | /**
414 | * Used to configure a Container instance.
415 | */
416 | export interface ContainerConfiguration {
417 | /**
418 | * An optional callback which will be called when any function needs an
419 | * InvocationHandler created (called once per Function).
420 | */
421 | onHandlerCreated?: (handler: InvocationHandler<any, any, any>) => InvocationHandler<any, any, any>;
422 | handlers?: Map<any, any>;
423 | }
424 | /**
425 | * A lightweight, extensible dependency injection container.
426 | */
427 | export declare class Container {
428 | /**
429 | * The global root Container instance. Available if makeGlobal() has been
430 | * called. Aurelia Framework calls makeGlobal().
431 | */
432 | static instance: Container;
433 | /**
434 | * The parent container in the DI hierarchy.
435 | */
436 | parent: Container | null;
437 | /**
438 | * The root container in the DI hierarchy.
439 | */
440 | root: Container;
441 | /**
442 | * Creates an instance of Container.
443 | * @param configuration Provides some configuration for the new Container instance.
444 | */
445 | constructor(configuration?: ContainerConfiguration);
446 | /**
447 | * Makes this container instance globally reachable through Container.instance.
448 | */
449 | makeGlobal(): Container;
450 | /**
451 | * Sets an invocation handler creation callback that will be called when new
452 | * InvocationsHandlers are created (called once per Function).
453 | * @param onHandlerCreated The callback to be called when an
454 | * InvocationsHandler is created.
455 | */
456 | setHandlerCreatedCallback<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(onHandlerCreated: (handler: InvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => InvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): void;
457 | /**
458 | * Registers an existing object instance with the container.
459 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time;
460 | * usually a constructor function.
461 | * @param instance The instance that will be resolved when the key is matched.
462 | * This defaults to the key value when instance is not supplied.
463 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
464 | */
465 | registerInstance<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, instance?: TImpl): Resolver;
466 | /**
467 | * Registers a type (constructor function) such that the container always
468 | * returns the same instance for each request.
469 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time;
470 | * usually a constructor function.
471 | * @param fn The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be
472 | * instantiated. This defaults to the key value when fn is not supplied.
473 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
474 | */
475 | registerSingleton<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: Primitive, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
476 | registerSingleton<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn?: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
477 | /**
478 | * Registers a type (constructor function) such that the container returns a
479 | * new instance for each request.
480 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time;
481 | * usually a constructor function.
482 | * @param fn The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be
483 | * instantiated. This defaults to the key value when fn is not supplied.
484 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
485 | */
486 | registerTransient<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: Primitive, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
487 | registerTransient<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn?: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
488 | /**
489 | * Registers a custom resolution function such that the container calls this
490 | * function for each request to obtain the instance.
491 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time;
492 | * usually a constructor function.
493 | * @param handler The resolution function to use when the dependency is
494 | * needed.
495 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
496 | */
497 | registerHandler<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, handler: (container?: Container, key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, resolver?: Resolver) => any): Resolver;
498 | /**
499 | * Registers an additional key that serves as an alias to the original DI key.
500 | * @param originalKey The key that originally identified the dependency; usually a constructor function.
501 | * @param aliasKey An alternate key which can also be used to resolve the same dependency as the original.
502 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
503 | */
504 | registerAlias<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(originalKey: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, aliasKey: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
505 | /**
506 | * Registers a custom resolution function such that the container calls this
507 | * function for each request to obtain the instance.
508 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time;
509 | * usually a constructor function.
510 | * @param resolver The resolver to use when the dependency is needed.
511 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
512 | */
513 | registerResolver<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, resolver: Resolver): Resolver;
514 | /**
515 | * Registers a type (constructor function) by inspecting its registration
516 | * annotations. If none are found, then the default singleton registration is
517 | * used.
518 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time;
519 | * usually a constructor function.
520 | * @param fn The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be
521 | * instantiated. This defaults to the key value when fn is not supplied.
522 | */
523 | autoRegister<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: Primitive, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
524 | autoRegister<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn?: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
525 | /**
526 | * Registers an array of types (constructor functions) by inspecting their
527 | * registration annotations. If none are found, then the default singleton
528 | * registration is used.
529 | * @param fns The constructor function to use when the dependency needs to be instantiated.
530 | */
531 | autoRegisterAll(fns: DependencyCtor<any, any, any>[]): void;
532 | /**
533 | * Unregisters based on key.
534 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
535 | */
536 | unregister(key: any): void;
537 | /**
538 | * Inspects the container to determine if a particular key has been registred.
539 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
540 | * @param checkParent Indicates whether or not to check the parent container hierarchy.
541 | * @return Returns true if the key has been registred; false otherwise.
542 | */
543 | hasResolver<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, checkParent?: boolean): boolean;
544 | /**
545 | * Gets the resolver for the particular key, if it has been registered.
546 | * @param key The key that identifies the dependency at resolution time; usually a constructor function.
547 | * @return Returns the resolver, if registred, otherwise undefined.
548 | */
549 | getResolver<TStrategyKey extends keyof StrategyState<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): StrategyResolver<TBase, TImpl, TArgs, TStrategyKey>;
550 | /**
551 | * Resolves a single instance based on the provided key.
552 | * @param key The key that identifies the object to resolve.
553 | * @return Returns the resolved instance.
554 | */
555 | get<TBase, TResolver extends NewInstance<TBase> | Lazy<TBase> | Factory<TBase> | Optional<TBase> | Parent<TBase> | All<TBase>>(key: TResolver): ResolvedValue<TResolver>;
556 | get<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
557 | get<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: typeof Container): Container;
558 | _get(key: any): any;
559 | /**
560 | * Resolves all instance registered under the provided key.
561 | * @param key The key that identifies the objects to resolve.
562 | * @return Returns an array of the resolved instances.
563 | */
564 | getAll<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): ImplOrAny<TImpl>[];
565 | /**
566 | * Creates a new dependency injection container whose parent is the current container.
567 | * @return Returns a new container instance parented to this.
568 | */
569 | createChild(): Container;
570 | /**
571 | * Invokes a function, recursively resolving its dependencies.
572 | * @param fn The function to invoke with the auto-resolved dependencies.
573 | * @param dynamicDependencies Additional function dependencies to use during invocation.
574 | * @return Returns the instance resulting from calling the function.
575 | */
576 | invoke<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, dynamicDependencies?: TArgs[number][]): ImplOrAny<TImpl>;
577 | _createInvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> & {
578 | inject?: any;
579 | }): InvocationHandler<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>;
580 | }
581 | export type ResolvedValue<T> = T extends (new (...args: any[]) => infer R) ? R : T extends (abstract new (...args: any[]) => infer R) ? R : T extends Factory<infer R> ? (...args: unknown[]) => R : T extends Lazy<infer R> ? () => R : T extends NewInstance<infer R> ? R : T extends Optional<infer R> ? R | null : T extends All<infer R> ? R[] : T extends Parent<infer R> ? R | null : T extends [
582 | infer T1,
583 | ...infer T2
584 | ] ? [
585 | ResolvedValue<T1>,
586 | ...ResolvedValue<T2>
587 | ] : T;
588 | /**
589 | * Resolve a key, or list of keys based on the current container.
590 | *
591 | * @example
592 | * ```ts
593 | * import { resolve } from 'aurelia-framework';
594 | * // or
595 | * // import { Container, resolve } from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';
596 | *
597 | * class MyCustomElement {
598 | * someService = resolve(MyService);
599 | * }
600 | * ```
601 | */
602 | export declare function resolve<K extends any>(key: K): ResolvedValue<K>;
603 | export declare function resolve<K extends any[]>(...keys: K): ResolvedValue<K>;
604 | export type Injectable = Function & {
605 | inject?: any[] | (() => any[]);
606 | };
607 | /**
608 | * Decorator: Directs the TypeScript transpiler to write-out type metadata for
609 | * the decorated class.
610 | */
611 | export declare function autoinject<TPotential>(potentialTarget?: TPotential): TPotential extends Injectable ? void : (target: Injectable) => void;
612 | /**
613 | * Decorator: Specifies the dependencies that should be injected by the DI Container into the decorated class/function.
614 | */
615 | export declare function inject<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase> = Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase> = Args<TBase>>(...rest: TArgs[number][]): any;
616 | /**
617 | * Decorator: Specifies a custom registration strategy for the decorated
618 | * class/function.
619 | */
620 | export declare function registration<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>(value: Registration<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
621 | /**
622 | * Decorator: Specifies to register the decorated item with a "transient"
623 | * lifetime.
624 | */
625 | export declare function transient<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>(key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): (target: DependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>) => void;
626 | /**
627 | * Decorator: Specifies to register the decorated item with a "singleton"
628 | * lifetime.
629 | */
630 | export declare function singleton(registerInChild?: boolean): any;
631 | export declare function singleton<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>>(key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, registerInChild?: boolean): any;
632 | /**
633 | * Customizes how a particular function is resolved by the Container.
634 | */
635 | export interface Registration<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> {
636 | /**
637 | * Called by the container to register the resolver.
638 | * @param container The container the resolver is being registered with.
639 | * @param key The key the resolver should be registered as.
640 | * @param fn The function to create the resolver for.
641 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
642 | */
643 | registerResolver(container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
644 | }
645 | /**
646 | * Used to allow functions/classes to indicate that they should be registered as
647 | * transients with the container.
648 | */
649 | export declare class TransientRegistration<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> implements Registration<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> {
650 | /**
651 | * Creates an instance of TransientRegistration.
652 | * @param key The key to register as.
653 | */
654 | constructor(key?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>);
655 | /**
656 | * Called by the container to register the resolver.
657 | * @param container The container the resolver is being registered with.
658 | * @param key The key the resolver should be registered as.
659 | * @param fn The function to create the resolver for.
660 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
661 | */
662 | registerResolver(container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
663 | }
664 | /**
665 | * Used to allow functions/classes to indicate that they should be registered as
666 | * singletons with the container.
667 | */
668 | export declare class SingletonRegistration<TBase, TImpl extends Impl<TBase>, TArgs extends Args<TBase>> implements Registration<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> {
669 | /**
670 | * Creates an instance of SingletonRegistration.
671 | * @param key The key to register as.
672 | */
673 | constructor(keyOrRegisterInChild?: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs> | boolean, registerInChild?: boolean);
674 | /**
675 | * Called by the container to register the resolver.
676 | * @param container The container the resolver is being registered with.
677 | * @param key The key the resolver should be registered as.
678 | * @param fn The function to create the resolver for.
679 | * @return The resolver that was registered.
680 | */
681 | registerResolver(container: Container, key: PrimitiveOrDependencyCtor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>, fn: DependencyCtorOrFunctor<TBase, TImpl, TArgs>): Resolver;
682 | }
683 |
684 | export {
685 | parent$1 as parent,
686 | };
687 |
688 | export {};