78.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5var aureliaDependencyInjection = require('aurelia-dependency-injection');
6var aureliaPal = require('aurelia-pal');
7var aureliaTaskQueue = require('aurelia-task-queue');
8var aureliaTemplating = require('aurelia-templating');
9var aureliaBinding = require('aurelia-binding');
10var aureliaLoader = require('aurelia-loader');
11var aureliaPath = require('aurelia-path');
12var aureliaMetadata = require('aurelia-metadata');
13var aureliaLogging = require('aurelia-logging');
15/*! *****************************************************************************
16Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
18Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
19purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
28***************************************************************************** */
29/* global Reflect, Promise */
31var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
32 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
33 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
34 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
35 return extendStatics(d, b);
38function __extends(d, b) {
39 if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
40 throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
41 extendStatics(d, b);
42 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
43 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
46function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
47 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
48 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
49 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
50 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
53var ActivationStrategy;
54(function (ActivationStrategy) {
55 ActivationStrategy["InvokeLifecycle"] = "invoke-lifecycle";
56 ActivationStrategy["Replace"] = "replace";
57})(ActivationStrategy || (ActivationStrategy = {}));
58var Compose = (function () {
59 function Compose(element, container, compositionEngine, viewSlot, viewResources, taskQueue) {
60 this.activationStrategy = ActivationStrategy.InvokeLifecycle;
61 this.element = element;
62 this.container = container;
63 this.compositionEngine = compositionEngine;
64 this.viewSlot = viewSlot;
65 this.viewResources = viewResources;
66 this.taskQueue = taskQueue;
67 this.currentController = null;
68 this.currentViewModel = null;
69 this.changes = Object.create(null);
70 }
71 Compose.inject = function () {
72 return [aureliaPal.DOM.Element, aureliaDependencyInjection.Container, aureliaTemplating.CompositionEngine, aureliaTemplating.ViewSlot, aureliaTemplating.ViewResources, aureliaTaskQueue.TaskQueue];
73 };
74 Compose.prototype.created = function (owningView) {
75 this.owningView = owningView;
76 };
77 Compose.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
78 this.bindingContext = bindingContext;
79 this.overrideContext = overrideContext;
80 var changes = this.changes;
81 changes.view = this.view;
82 changes.viewModel = this.viewModel;
83 changes.model = this.model;
84 if (!this.pendingTask) {
85 processChanges(this);
86 }
87 };
88 Compose.prototype.unbind = function () {
89 this.changes = Object.create(null);
90 this.bindingContext = null;
91 this.overrideContext = null;
92 var returnToCache = true;
93 var skipAnimation = true;
94 this.viewSlot.removeAll(returnToCache, skipAnimation);
95 };
96 Compose.prototype.modelChanged = function (newValue, oldValue) {
97 this.changes.model = newValue;
98 requestUpdate(this);
99 };
100 Compose.prototype.viewChanged = function (newValue, oldValue) {
101 this.changes.view = newValue;
102 requestUpdate(this);
103 };
104 Compose.prototype.viewModelChanged = function (newValue, oldValue) {
105 this.changes.viewModel = newValue;
106 requestUpdate(this);
107 };
108 __decorate([
109 aureliaTemplating.bindable
110 ], Compose.prototype, "model", void 0);
111 __decorate([
112 aureliaTemplating.bindable
113 ], Compose.prototype, "view", void 0);
114 __decorate([
115 aureliaTemplating.bindable
116 ], Compose.prototype, "viewModel", void 0);
117 __decorate([
118 aureliaTemplating.bindable
119 ], Compose.prototype, "activationStrategy", void 0);
120 __decorate([
121 aureliaTemplating.bindable
122 ], Compose.prototype, "swapOrder", void 0);
123 Compose = __decorate([
124 aureliaTemplating.noView,
125 aureliaTemplating.customElement('compose')
126 ], Compose);
127 return Compose;
129function isEmpty(obj) {
130 for (var _ in obj) {
131 return false;
132 }
133 return true;
135function tryActivateViewModel(vm, model) {
136 if (vm && typeof vm.activate === 'function') {
137 return Promise.resolve(vm.activate(model));
138 }
140function createInstruction(composer, instruction) {
141 return Object.assign(instruction, {
142 bindingContext: composer.bindingContext,
143 overrideContext: composer.overrideContext,
144 owningView: composer.owningView,
145 container: composer.container,
146 viewSlot: composer.viewSlot,
147 viewResources: composer.viewResources,
148 currentController: composer.currentController,
149 host: composer.element,
150 swapOrder: composer.swapOrder
151 });
153function processChanges(composer) {
154 var changes = composer.changes;
155 composer.changes = Object.create(null);
156 if (needsReInitialization(composer, changes)) {
157 var instruction = {
158 view: composer.view,
159 viewModel: composer.currentViewModel || composer.viewModel,
160 model: composer.model
161 };
162 instruction = Object.assign(instruction, changes);
163 instruction = createInstruction(composer, instruction);
164 composer.pendingTask = composer.compositionEngine.compose(instruction).then(function (controller) {
165 composer.currentController = controller;
166 composer.currentViewModel = controller ? controller.viewModel : null;
167 });
168 }
169 else {
170 composer.pendingTask = tryActivateViewModel(composer.currentViewModel, changes.model);
171 if (!composer.pendingTask) {
172 return;
173 }
174 }
175 composer.pendingTask = composer.pendingTask
176 .then(function () {
177 completeCompositionTask(composer);
178 }, function (reason) {
179 completeCompositionTask(composer);
180 throw reason;
181 });
183function completeCompositionTask(composer) {
184 composer.pendingTask = null;
185 if (!isEmpty(composer.changes)) {
186 processChanges(composer);
187 }
189function requestUpdate(composer) {
190 if (composer.pendingTask || composer.updateRequested) {
191 return;
192 }
193 composer.updateRequested = true;
194 composer.taskQueue.queueMicroTask(function () {
195 composer.updateRequested = false;
196 processChanges(composer);
197 });
199function needsReInitialization(composer, changes) {
200 var activationStrategy = composer.activationStrategy;
201 var vm = composer.currentViewModel;
202 if (vm && typeof vm.determineActivationStrategy === 'function') {
203 activationStrategy = vm.determineActivationStrategy();
204 }
205 return 'view' in changes
206 || 'viewModel' in changes
207 || activationStrategy === ActivationStrategy.Replace;
210var IfCore = (function () {
211 function IfCore(viewFactory, viewSlot) {
212 this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
213 this.viewSlot = viewSlot;
214 this.view = null;
215 this.bindingContext = null;
216 this.overrideContext = null;
217 this.showing = false;
218 this.cache = true;
219 }
220 IfCore.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
221 this.bindingContext = bindingContext;
222 this.overrideContext = overrideContext;
223 };
224 IfCore.prototype.unbind = function () {
225 if (this.view === null) {
226 return;
227 }
228 this.view.unbind();
229 if (!this.viewFactory.isCaching) {
230 return;
231 }
232 if (this.showing) {
233 this.showing = false;
234 this.viewSlot.remove(this.view, true, true);
235 }
236 else {
237 this.view.returnToCache();
238 }
239 this.view = null;
240 };
241 IfCore.prototype._show = function () {
242 if (this.showing) {
243 if (!this.view.isBound) {
244 this.view.bind(this.bindingContext, this.overrideContext);
245 }
246 return;
247 }
248 if (this.view === null) {
249 this.view = this.viewFactory.create();
250 }
251 if (!this.view.isBound) {
252 this.view.bind(this.bindingContext, this.overrideContext);
253 }
254 this.showing = true;
255 return this.viewSlot.add(this.view);
256 };
257 IfCore.prototype._hide = function () {
258 var _this = this;
259 if (!this.showing) {
260 return;
261 }
262 this.showing = false;
263 var removed = this.viewSlot.remove(this.view);
264 if (removed instanceof Promise) {
265 return removed.then(function () {
266 _this._unbindView();
267 });
268 }
269 this._unbindView();
270 };
271 IfCore.prototype._unbindView = function () {
272 var cache = this.cache === 'false' ? false : !!this.cache;
273 this.view.unbind();
274 if (!cache) {
275 this.view = null;
276 }
277 };
278 return IfCore;
281var If = (function (_super) {
282 __extends(If, _super);
283 function If() {
284 var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
285 _this.cache = true;
286 return _this;
287 }
288 If.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
289 _super.prototype.bind.call(this, bindingContext, overrideContext);
290 if (this.condition) {
291 this._show();
292 }
293 else {
294 this._hide();
295 }
296 };
297 If.prototype.conditionChanged = function (newValue) {
298 this._update(newValue);
299 };
300 If.prototype._update = function (show) {
301 var _this = this;
302 if (this.animating) {
303 return;
304 }
305 var promise;
306 if (this.elseVm) {
307 promise = show ? this._swap(this.elseVm, this) : this._swap(this, this.elseVm);
308 }
309 else {
310 promise = show ? this._show() : this._hide();
311 }
312 if (promise) {
313 this.animating = true;
314 promise.then(function () {
315 _this.animating = false;
316 if (_this.condition !== _this.showing) {
317 _this._update(_this.condition);
318 }
319 });
320 }
321 };
322 If.prototype._swap = function (remove, add) {
323 switch (this.swapOrder) {
324 case 'before':
325 return Promise.resolve(add._show()).then(function () { return remove._hide(); });
326 case 'with':
327 return Promise.all([remove._hide(), add._show()]);
328 default:
329 var promise = remove._hide();
330 return promise ? promise.then(function () { return add._show(); }) : add._show();
331 }
332 };
333 __decorate([
334 aureliaTemplating.bindable({ primaryProperty: true })
335 ], If.prototype, "condition", void 0);
336 __decorate([
337 aureliaTemplating.bindable
338 ], If.prototype, "swapOrder", void 0);
339 __decorate([
340 aureliaTemplating.bindable
341 ], If.prototype, "cache", void 0);
342 If = __decorate([
343 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('if'),
344 aureliaTemplating.templateController,
345 aureliaDependencyInjection.inject(aureliaTemplating.BoundViewFactory, aureliaTemplating.ViewSlot)
346 ], If);
347 return If;
350var Else = (function (_super) {
351 __extends(Else, _super);
352 function Else(viewFactory, viewSlot) {
353 var _this = _super.call(this, viewFactory, viewSlot) || this;
354 _this._registerInIf();
355 return _this;
356 }
357 Else.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
358 _super.prototype.bind.call(this, bindingContext, overrideContext);
359 if (this.ifVm.condition) {
360 this._hide();
361 }
362 else {
363 this._show();
364 }
365 };
366 Else.prototype._registerInIf = function () {
367 var previous = this.viewSlot.anchor.previousSibling;
368 while (previous && !previous.au) {
369 previous = previous.previousSibling;
370 }
371 if (!previous || !previous.au.if) {
372 throw new Error("Can't find matching If for Else custom attribute.");
373 }
374 this.ifVm = previous.au.if.viewModel;
375 this.ifVm.elseVm = this;
376 };
377 Else = __decorate([
378 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('else'),
379 aureliaTemplating.templateController,
380 aureliaDependencyInjection.inject(aureliaTemplating.BoundViewFactory, aureliaTemplating.ViewSlot)
381 ], Else);
382 return Else;
385var With = (function () {
386 function With(viewFactory, viewSlot) {
387 this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
388 this.viewSlot = viewSlot;
389 this.parentOverrideContext = null;
390 this.view = null;
391 }
392 With.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
393 this.parentOverrideContext = overrideContext;
394 this.valueChanged(this.value);
395 };
396 With.prototype.valueChanged = function (newValue) {
397 var overrideContext = aureliaBinding.createOverrideContext(newValue, this.parentOverrideContext);
398 var view = this.view;
399 if (!view) {
400 view = this.view = this.viewFactory.create();
401 view.bind(newValue, overrideContext);
402 this.viewSlot.add(view);
403 }
404 else {
405 view.bind(newValue, overrideContext);
406 }
407 };
408 With.prototype.unbind = function () {
409 var view = this.view;
410 this.parentOverrideContext = null;
411 if (view) {
412 view.unbind();
413 }
414 };
415 With = __decorate([
416 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('with'),
417 aureliaTemplating.templateController,
418 aureliaDependencyInjection.inject(aureliaTemplating.BoundViewFactory, aureliaTemplating.ViewSlot)
419 ], With);
420 return With;
423var oneTime = aureliaBinding.bindingMode.oneTime;
424function updateOverrideContexts(views, startIndex) {
425 var length = views.length;
426 if (startIndex > 0) {
427 startIndex = startIndex - 1;
428 }
429 for (; startIndex < length; ++startIndex) {
430 updateOverrideContext(views[startIndex].overrideContext, startIndex, length);
431 }
433function createFullOverrideContext(repeat, data, index, length, key) {
434 var bindingContext = {};
435 var overrideContext = aureliaBinding.createOverrideContext(bindingContext, repeat.scope.overrideContext);
436 if (typeof key !== 'undefined') {
437 bindingContext[repeat.key] = key;
438 bindingContext[repeat.value] = data;
439 }
440 else {
441 bindingContext[repeat.local] = data;
442 }
443 updateOverrideContext(overrideContext, index, length);
444 return overrideContext;
446function updateOverrideContext(overrideContext, index, length) {
447 var first = (index === 0);
448 var last = (index === length - 1);
449 var even = index % 2 === 0;
450 overrideContext.$index = index;
451 overrideContext.$first = first;
452 overrideContext.$last = last;
453 overrideContext.$middle = !(first || last);
454 overrideContext.$odd = !even;
455 overrideContext.$even = even;
457function getItemsSourceExpression(instruction, attrName) {
458 return instruction.behaviorInstructions
459 .filter(function (bi) { return bi.originalAttrName === attrName; })[0]
460 .attributes
461 .items
462 .sourceExpression;
464function unwrapExpression(expression) {
465 var unwrapped = false;
466 while (expression instanceof aureliaBinding.BindingBehavior) {
467 expression = expression.expression;
468 }
469 while (expression instanceof aureliaBinding.ValueConverter) {
470 expression = expression.expression;
471 unwrapped = true;
472 }
473 return unwrapped ? expression : null;
475function isOneTime(expression) {
476 while (expression instanceof aureliaBinding.BindingBehavior) {
477 if (expression.name === 'oneTime') {
478 return true;
479 }
480 expression = expression.expression;
481 }
482 return false;
484function updateOneTimeBinding(binding) {
485 if (binding.call && binding.mode === oneTime) {
486 binding.call(aureliaBinding.sourceContext);
487 }
488 else if (binding.updateOneTimeBindings) {
489 binding.updateOneTimeBindings();
490 }
492function indexOf(array, item, matcher, startIndex) {
493 if (!matcher) {
494 return array.indexOf(item);
495 }
496 var length = array.length;
497 for (var index = startIndex || 0; index < length; index++) {
498 if (matcher(array[index], item)) {
499 return index;
500 }
501 }
502 return -1;
505var ArrayRepeatStrategy = (function () {
506 function ArrayRepeatStrategy() {
507 }
508 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype.getCollectionObserver = function (observerLocator, items) {
509 return observerLocator.getArrayObserver(items);
510 };
511 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceChanged = function (repeat, items) {
512 var _this = this;
513 var $repeat = repeat;
514 var itemsLength = items.length;
515 if (!items || itemsLength === 0) {
516 $repeat.removeAllViews(true, !$repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
517 return;
518 }
519 var children = $repeat.views();
520 var viewsLength = children.length;
521 if (viewsLength === 0) {
522 this._standardProcessInstanceChanged($repeat, items);
523 return;
524 }
525 if ($repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle) {
526 var childrenSnapshot = children.slice(0);
527 var itemNameInBindingContext = $repeat.local;
528 var matcher_1 = $repeat.matcher();
529 var itemsPreviouslyInViews_1 = [];
530 var viewsToRemove = [];
531 for (var index = 0; index < viewsLength; index++) {
532 var view = childrenSnapshot[index];
533 var oldItem = view.bindingContext[itemNameInBindingContext];
534 if (indexOf(items, oldItem, matcher_1) === -1) {
535 viewsToRemove.push(view);
536 }
537 else {
538 itemsPreviouslyInViews_1.push(oldItem);
539 }
540 }
541 var updateViews = void 0;
542 var removePromise = void 0;
543 if (itemsPreviouslyInViews_1.length > 0) {
544 removePromise = $repeat.removeViews(viewsToRemove, true, !$repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
545 updateViews = function () {
546 for (var index = 0; index < itemsLength; index++) {
547 var item = items[index];
548 var indexOfView = indexOf(itemsPreviouslyInViews_1, item, matcher_1, index);
549 var view = void 0;
550 if (indexOfView === -1) {
551 var overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext($repeat, items[index], index, itemsLength);
552 $repeat.insertView(index, overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
553 itemsPreviouslyInViews_1.splice(index, 0, undefined);
554 }
555 else if (indexOfView === index) {
556 view = children[indexOfView];
557 itemsPreviouslyInViews_1[indexOfView] = undefined;
558 }
559 else {
560 view = children[indexOfView];
561 $repeat.moveView(indexOfView, index);
562 itemsPreviouslyInViews_1.splice(indexOfView, 1);
563 itemsPreviouslyInViews_1.splice(index, 0, undefined);
564 }
565 if (view) {
566 updateOverrideContext(view.overrideContext, index, itemsLength);
567 }
568 }
569 _this._inPlaceProcessItems($repeat, items);
570 };
571 }
572 else {
573 removePromise = $repeat.removeAllViews(true, !$repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
574 updateViews = function () { return _this._standardProcessInstanceChanged($repeat, items); };
575 }
576 if (removePromise instanceof Promise) {
577 removePromise.then(updateViews);
578 }
579 else {
580 updateViews();
581 }
582 }
583 else {
584 this._inPlaceProcessItems($repeat, items);
585 }
586 };
587 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype._standardProcessInstanceChanged = function (repeat, items) {
588 for (var i = 0, ii = items.length; i < ii; i++) {
589 var overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, items[i], i, ii);
590 repeat.addView(overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
591 }
592 };
593 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype._inPlaceProcessItems = function (repeat, items) {
594 var itemsLength = items.length;
595 var viewsLength = repeat.viewCount();
596 while (viewsLength > itemsLength) {
597 viewsLength--;
598 repeat.removeView(viewsLength, true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
599 }
600 var local = repeat.local;
601 for (var i = 0; i < viewsLength; i++) {
602 var view = repeat.view(i);
603 var last = i === itemsLength - 1;
604 var middle = i !== 0 && !last;
605 var bindingContext = view.bindingContext;
606 var overrideContext = view.overrideContext;
607 if (bindingContext[local] === items[i]
608 && overrideContext.$middle === middle
609 && overrideContext.$last === last) {
610 continue;
611 }
612 bindingContext[local] = items[i];
613 overrideContext.$middle = middle;
614 overrideContext.$last = last;
615 repeat.updateBindings(view);
616 }
617 for (var i = viewsLength; i < itemsLength; i++) {
618 var overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, items[i], i, itemsLength);
619 repeat.addView(overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
620 }
621 };
622 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceMutated = function (repeat, array, splices) {
623 var _this = this;
624 if (repeat.__queuedSplices) {
625 for (var i = 0, ii = splices.length; i < ii; ++i) {
626 var _a = splices[i], index = _a.index, removed = _a.removed, addedCount = _a.addedCount;
627 aureliaBinding.mergeSplice(repeat.__queuedSplices, index, removed, addedCount);
628 }
629 repeat.__array = array.slice(0);
630 return;
631 }
632 var maybePromise = this._runSplices(repeat, array.slice(0), splices);
633 if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
634 var queuedSplices_1 = repeat.__queuedSplices = [];
635 var runQueuedSplices_1 = function () {
636 if (!queuedSplices_1.length) {
637 repeat.__queuedSplices = undefined;
638 repeat.__array = undefined;
639 return;
640 }
641 var nextPromise = _this._runSplices(repeat, repeat.__array, queuedSplices_1) || Promise.resolve();
642 queuedSplices_1 = repeat.__queuedSplices = [];
643 nextPromise.then(runQueuedSplices_1);
644 };
645 maybePromise.then(runQueuedSplices_1);
646 }
647 };
648 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype._runSplices = function (repeat, array, splices) {
649 var _this = this;
650 var removeDelta = 0;
651 var rmPromises = [];
652 for (var i = 0, ii = splices.length; i < ii; ++i) {
653 var splice = splices[i];
654 var removed = splice.removed;
655 for (var j = 0, jj = removed.length; j < jj; ++j) {
656 var viewOrPromise = repeat.removeView(splice.index + removeDelta + rmPromises.length, true);
657 if (viewOrPromise instanceof Promise) {
658 rmPromises.push(viewOrPromise);
659 }
660 }
661 removeDelta -= splice.addedCount;
662 }
663 if (rmPromises.length > 0) {
664 return Promise.all(rmPromises).then(function () {
665 var spliceIndexLow = _this._handleAddedSplices(repeat, array, splices);
666 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), spliceIndexLow);
667 });
668 }
669 var spliceIndexLow = this._handleAddedSplices(repeat, array, splices);
670 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), spliceIndexLow);
671 return undefined;
672 };
673 ArrayRepeatStrategy.prototype._handleAddedSplices = function (repeat, array, splices) {
674 var spliceIndex;
675 var spliceIndexLow;
676 var arrayLength = array.length;
677 for (var i = 0, ii = splices.length; i < ii; ++i) {
678 var splice = splices[i];
679 var addIndex = spliceIndex = splice.index;
680 var end = splice.index + splice.addedCount;
681 if (typeof spliceIndexLow === 'undefined' || spliceIndexLow === null || spliceIndexLow > splice.index) {
682 spliceIndexLow = spliceIndex;
683 }
684 for (; addIndex < end; ++addIndex) {
685 var overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, array[addIndex], addIndex, arrayLength);
686 repeat.insertView(addIndex, overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
687 }
688 }
689 return spliceIndexLow;
690 };
691 return ArrayRepeatStrategy;
694var MapRepeatStrategy = (function () {
695 function MapRepeatStrategy() {
696 }
697 MapRepeatStrategy.prototype.getCollectionObserver = function (observerLocator, items) {
698 return observerLocator.getMapObserver(items);
699 };
700 MapRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceChanged = function (repeat, items) {
701 var _this = this;
702 var removePromise = repeat.removeAllViews(true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
703 if (removePromise instanceof Promise) {
704 removePromise.then(function () { return _this._standardProcessItems(repeat, items); });
705 return;
706 }
707 this._standardProcessItems(repeat, items);
708 };
709 MapRepeatStrategy.prototype._standardProcessItems = function (repeat, items) {
710 var index = 0;
711 var overrideContext;
712 items.forEach(function (value, key) {
713 overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, value, index, items.size, key);
714 repeat.addView(overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
715 ++index;
716 });
717 };
718 MapRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceMutated = function (repeat, map, records) {
719 var key;
720 var i;
721 var ii;
722 var overrideContext;
723 var removeIndex;
724 var addIndex;
725 var record;
726 var rmPromises = [];
727 var viewOrPromise;
728 for (i = 0, ii = records.length; i < ii; ++i) {
729 record = records[i];
730 key = record.key;
731 switch (record.type) {
732 case 'update':
733 removeIndex = this._getViewIndexByKey(repeat, key);
734 viewOrPromise = repeat.removeView(removeIndex, true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
735 if (viewOrPromise instanceof Promise) {
736 rmPromises.push(viewOrPromise);
737 }
738 overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, map.get(key), removeIndex, map.size, key);
739 repeat.insertView(removeIndex, overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
740 break;
741 case 'add':
742 addIndex = repeat.viewCount() <= map.size - 1 ? repeat.viewCount() : map.size - 1;
743 overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, map.get(key), addIndex, map.size, key);
744 repeat.insertView(map.size - 1, overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
745 break;
746 case 'delete':
747 if (record.oldValue === undefined) {
748 return;
749 }
750 removeIndex = this._getViewIndexByKey(repeat, key);
751 viewOrPromise = repeat.removeView(removeIndex, true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
752 if (viewOrPromise instanceof Promise) {
753 rmPromises.push(viewOrPromise);
754 }
755 break;
756 case 'clear':
757 repeat.removeAllViews(true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
758 break;
759 default:
760 continue;
761 }
762 }
763 if (rmPromises.length > 0) {
764 Promise.all(rmPromises).then(function () {
765 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), 0);
766 });
767 }
768 else {
769 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), 0);
770 }
771 };
772 MapRepeatStrategy.prototype._getViewIndexByKey = function (repeat, key) {
773 var i;
774 var ii;
775 var child;
776 for (i = 0, ii = repeat.viewCount(); i < ii; ++i) {
777 child = repeat.view(i);
778 if (child.bindingContext[repeat.key] === key) {
779 return i;
780 }
781 }
782 return undefined;
783 };
784 return MapRepeatStrategy;
787var NullRepeatStrategy = (function () {
788 function NullRepeatStrategy() {
789 }
790 NullRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceChanged = function (repeat, items) {
791 repeat.removeAllViews(true);
792 };
793 NullRepeatStrategy.prototype.getCollectionObserver = function (observerLocator, items) {
794 };
795 return NullRepeatStrategy;
798var NumberRepeatStrategy = (function () {
799 function NumberRepeatStrategy() {
800 }
801 NumberRepeatStrategy.prototype.getCollectionObserver = function () {
802 return null;
803 };
804 NumberRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceChanged = function (repeat, value) {
805 var _this = this;
806 var removePromise = repeat.removeAllViews(true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
807 if (removePromise instanceof Promise) {
808 removePromise.then(function () { return _this._standardProcessItems(repeat, value); });
809 return;
810 }
811 this._standardProcessItems(repeat, value);
812 };
813 NumberRepeatStrategy.prototype._standardProcessItems = function (repeat, value) {
814 var childrenLength = repeat.viewCount();
815 var i;
816 var ii;
817 var overrideContext;
818 var viewsToRemove;
819 value = Math.floor(value);
820 viewsToRemove = childrenLength - value;
821 if (viewsToRemove > 0) {
822 if (viewsToRemove > childrenLength) {
823 viewsToRemove = childrenLength;
824 }
825 for (i = 0, ii = viewsToRemove; i < ii; ++i) {
826 repeat.removeView(childrenLength - (i + 1), true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
827 }
828 return;
829 }
830 for (i = childrenLength, ii = value; i < ii; ++i) {
831 overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, i, i, ii);
832 repeat.addView(overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
833 }
834 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), 0);
835 };
836 return NumberRepeatStrategy;
839var SetRepeatStrategy = (function () {
840 function SetRepeatStrategy() {
841 }
842 SetRepeatStrategy.prototype.getCollectionObserver = function (observerLocator, items) {
843 return observerLocator.getSetObserver(items);
844 };
845 SetRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceChanged = function (repeat, items) {
846 var _this = this;
847 var removePromise = repeat.removeAllViews(true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
848 if (removePromise instanceof Promise) {
849 removePromise.then(function () { return _this._standardProcessItems(repeat, items); });
850 return;
851 }
852 this._standardProcessItems(repeat, items);
853 };
854 SetRepeatStrategy.prototype._standardProcessItems = function (repeat, items) {
855 var index = 0;
856 var overrideContext;
857 items.forEach(function (value) {
858 overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, value, index, items.size);
859 repeat.addView(overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
860 ++index;
861 });
862 };
863 SetRepeatStrategy.prototype.instanceMutated = function (repeat, set, records) {
864 var value;
865 var i;
866 var ii;
867 var overrideContext;
868 var removeIndex;
869 var record;
870 var rmPromises = [];
871 var viewOrPromise;
872 for (i = 0, ii = records.length; i < ii; ++i) {
873 record = records[i];
874 value = record.value;
875 switch (record.type) {
876 case 'add':
877 var size = Math.max(set.size - 1, 0);
878 overrideContext = createFullOverrideContext(repeat, value, size, set.size);
879 repeat.insertView(size, overrideContext.bindingContext, overrideContext);
880 break;
881 case 'delete':
882 removeIndex = this._getViewIndexByValue(repeat, value);
883 viewOrPromise = repeat.removeView(removeIndex, true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
884 if (viewOrPromise instanceof Promise) {
885 rmPromises.push(viewOrPromise);
886 }
887 break;
888 case 'clear':
889 repeat.removeAllViews(true, !repeat.viewsRequireLifecycle);
890 break;
891 default:
892 continue;
893 }
894 }
895 if (rmPromises.length > 0) {
896 Promise.all(rmPromises).then(function () {
897 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), 0);
898 });
899 }
900 else {
901 updateOverrideContexts(repeat.views(), 0);
902 }
903 };
904 SetRepeatStrategy.prototype._getViewIndexByValue = function (repeat, value) {
905 var i;
906 var ii;
907 var child;
908 for (i = 0, ii = repeat.viewCount(); i < ii; ++i) {
909 child = repeat.view(i);
910 if (child.bindingContext[repeat.local] === value) {
911 return i;
912 }
913 }
914 return undefined;
915 };
916 return SetRepeatStrategy;
919var RepeatStrategyLocator = (function () {
920 function RepeatStrategyLocator() {
921 this.matchers = [];
922 this.strategies = [];
923 this.addStrategy(function (items) { return items === null || items === undefined; }, new NullRepeatStrategy());
924 this.addStrategy(function (items) { return items instanceof Array; }, new ArrayRepeatStrategy());
925 this.addStrategy(function (items) { return items instanceof Map; }, new MapRepeatStrategy());
926 this.addStrategy(function (items) { return items instanceof Set; }, new SetRepeatStrategy());
927 this.addStrategy(function (items) { return typeof items === 'number'; }, new NumberRepeatStrategy());
928 }
929 RepeatStrategyLocator.prototype.addStrategy = function (matcher, strategy) {
930 this.matchers.push(matcher);
931 this.strategies.push(strategy);
932 };
933 RepeatStrategyLocator.prototype.getStrategy = function (items) {
934 var matchers = this.matchers;
935 for (var i = 0, ii = matchers.length; i < ii; ++i) {
936 if (matchers[i](items)) {
937 return this.strategies[i];
938 }
939 }
940 return null;
941 };
942 return RepeatStrategyLocator;
945var lifecycleOptionalBehaviors = ['focus', 'if', 'else', 'repeat', 'show', 'hide', 'with'];
946function behaviorRequiresLifecycle(instruction) {
947 var t = instruction.type;
948 var name = t.elementName !== null ? t.elementName : t.attributeName;
949 return lifecycleOptionalBehaviors.indexOf(name) === -1 && (t.handlesAttached || t.handlesBind || t.handlesCreated || t.handlesDetached || t.handlesUnbind)
950 || t.viewFactory && viewsRequireLifecycle(t.viewFactory)
951 || instruction.viewFactory && viewsRequireLifecycle(instruction.viewFactory);
953function targetRequiresLifecycle(instruction) {
954 var behaviors = instruction.behaviorInstructions;
955 if (behaviors) {
956 var i = behaviors.length;
957 while (i--) {
958 if (behaviorRequiresLifecycle(behaviors[i])) {
959 return true;
960 }
961 }
962 }
963 return instruction.viewFactory && viewsRequireLifecycle(instruction.viewFactory);
965function viewsRequireLifecycle(viewFactory) {
966 if ('_viewsRequireLifecycle' in viewFactory) {
967 return viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle;
968 }
969 viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle = false;
970 if (viewFactory.viewFactory) {
971 viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle = viewsRequireLifecycle(viewFactory.viewFactory);
972 return viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle;
973 }
974 if (viewFactory.template.querySelector('.au-animate')) {
975 viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle = true;
976 return true;
977 }
978 for (var id in viewFactory.instructions) {
979 if (targetRequiresLifecycle(viewFactory.instructions[id])) {
980 viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle = true;
981 return true;
982 }
983 }
984 viewFactory._viewsRequireLifecycle = false;
985 return false;
988var AbstractRepeater = (function () {
989 function AbstractRepeater(options) {
990 Object.assign(this, {
991 local: 'items',
992 viewsRequireLifecycle: true
993 }, options);
994 }
995 AbstractRepeater.prototype.viewCount = function () {
996 throw new Error('subclass must implement `viewCount`');
997 };
998 AbstractRepeater.prototype.views = function () {
999 throw new Error('subclass must implement `views`');
1000 };
1001 AbstractRepeater.prototype.view = function (index) {
1002 throw new Error('subclass must implement `view`');
1003 };
1004 AbstractRepeater.prototype.matcher = function () {
1005 throw new Error('subclass must implement `matcher`');
1006 };
1007 AbstractRepeater.prototype.addView = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
1008 throw new Error('subclass must implement `addView`');
1009 };
1010 AbstractRepeater.prototype.insertView = function (index, bindingContext, overrideContext) {
1011 throw new Error('subclass must implement `insertView`');
1012 };
1013 AbstractRepeater.prototype.moveView = function (sourceIndex, targetIndex) {
1014 throw new Error('subclass must implement `moveView`');
1015 };
1016 AbstractRepeater.prototype.removeAllViews = function (returnToCache, skipAnimation) {
1017 throw new Error('subclass must implement `removeAllViews`');
1018 };
1019 AbstractRepeater.prototype.removeViews = function (viewsToRemove, returnToCache, skipAnimation) {
1020 throw new Error('subclass must implement `removeView`');
1021 };
1022 AbstractRepeater.prototype.removeView = function (index, returnToCache, skipAnimation) {
1023 throw new Error('subclass must implement `removeView`');
1024 };
1025 AbstractRepeater.prototype.updateBindings = function (view) {
1026 throw new Error('subclass must implement `updateBindings`');
1027 };
1028 return AbstractRepeater;
1031var matcherExtractionMarker = '__marker_extracted__';
1032var Repeat = (function (_super) {
1033 __extends(Repeat, _super);
1034 function Repeat(viewFactory, instruction, viewSlot, viewResources, observerLocator, strategyLocator) {
1035 var _this = _super.call(this, {
1036 local: 'item',
1037 viewsRequireLifecycle: viewsRequireLifecycle(viewFactory)
1038 }) || this;
1039 _this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
1040 _this.instruction = instruction;
1041 _this.viewSlot = viewSlot;
1042 _this.lookupFunctions = viewResources.lookupFunctions;
1043 _this.observerLocator = observerLocator;
1044 _this.key = 'key';
1045 _this.value = 'value';
1046 _this.strategyLocator = strategyLocator;
1047 _this.ignoreMutation = false;
1048 _this.sourceExpression = getItemsSourceExpression(_this.instruction, 'repeat.for');
1049 _this.isOneTime = isOneTime(_this.sourceExpression);
1050 _this.viewsRequireLifecycle = viewsRequireLifecycle(viewFactory);
1051 return _this;
1052 }
1053 Repeat_1 = Repeat;
1054 Repeat.prototype.call = function (context, changes) {
1055 this[context](this.items, changes);
1056 };
1057 Repeat.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
1058 this.scope = { bindingContext: bindingContext, overrideContext: overrideContext };
1059 var instruction = this.instruction;
1060 if (!(matcherExtractionMarker in instruction)) {
1061 instruction[matcherExtractionMarker] = this._captureAndRemoveMatcherBinding();
1062 }
1063 this.matcherBinding = instruction[matcherExtractionMarker];
1064 this.itemsChanged();
1065 };
1066 Repeat.prototype.unbind = function () {
1067 this.scope = null;
1068 this.items = null;
1069 this.matcherBinding = null;
1070 this.viewSlot.removeAll(true, true);
1071 this._unsubscribeCollection();
1072 };
1073 Repeat.prototype._unsubscribeCollection = function () {
1074 if (this.collectionObserver) {
1075 this.collectionObserver.unsubscribe(this.callContext, this);
1076 this.collectionObserver = null;
1077 this.callContext = null;
1078 }
1079 };
1080 Repeat.prototype.itemsChanged = function () {
1081 var _this = this;
1082 this._unsubscribeCollection();
1083 if (!this.scope) {
1084 return;
1085 }
1086 var items = this.items;
1087 this.strategy = this.strategyLocator.getStrategy(items);
1088 if (!this.strategy) {
1089 throw new Error("Value for '".concat(this.sourceExpression, "' is non-repeatable"));
1090 }
1091 if (!this.isOneTime && !this._observeInnerCollection()) {
1092 this._observeCollection();
1093 }
1094 this.ignoreMutation = true;
1095 this.strategy.instanceChanged(this, items);
1096 this.observerLocator.taskQueue.queueMicroTask(function () {
1097 _this.ignoreMutation = false;
1098 });
1099 };
1100 Repeat.prototype._getInnerCollection = function () {
1101 var expression = unwrapExpression(this.sourceExpression);
1102 if (!expression) {
1103 return null;
1104 }
1105 return expression.evaluate(this.scope, null);
1106 };
1107 Repeat.prototype.handleCollectionMutated = function (collection, changes) {
1108 if (!this.collectionObserver) {
1109 return;
1110 }
1111 if (this.ignoreMutation) {
1112 return;
1113 }
1114 this.strategy.instanceMutated(this, collection, changes);
1115 };
1116 Repeat.prototype.handleInnerCollectionMutated = function (collection, changes) {
1117 var _this = this;
1118 if (!this.collectionObserver) {
1119 return;
1120 }
1121 if (this.ignoreMutation) {
1122 return;
1123 }
1124 this.ignoreMutation = true;
1125 var newItems = this.sourceExpression.evaluate(this.scope, this.lookupFunctions);
1126 this.observerLocator.taskQueue.queueMicroTask(function () { return _this.ignoreMutation = false; });
1127 if (newItems === this.items) {
1128 this.itemsChanged();
1129 }
1130 else {
1131 this.items = newItems;
1132 }
1133 };
1134 Repeat.prototype._observeInnerCollection = function () {
1135 var items = this._getInnerCollection();
1136 var strategy = this.strategyLocator.getStrategy(items);
1137 if (!strategy) {
1138 return false;
1139 }
1140 this.collectionObserver = strategy.getCollectionObserver(this.observerLocator, items);
1141 if (!this.collectionObserver) {
1142 return false;
1143 }
1144 this.callContext = 'handleInnerCollectionMutated';
1145 this.collectionObserver.subscribe(this.callContext, this);
1146 return true;
1147 };
1148 Repeat.prototype._observeCollection = function () {
1149 var items = this.items;
1150 this.collectionObserver = this.strategy.getCollectionObserver(this.observerLocator, items);
1151 if (this.collectionObserver) {
1152 this.callContext = 'handleCollectionMutated';
1153 this.collectionObserver.subscribe(this.callContext, this);
1154 }
1155 };
1156 Repeat.prototype._captureAndRemoveMatcherBinding = function () {
1157 var viewFactory = this.viewFactory.viewFactory;
1158 if (viewFactory) {
1159 var template = viewFactory.template;
1160 var instructions = viewFactory.instructions;
1161 if (Repeat_1.useInnerMatcher) {
1162 return extractMatcherBindingExpression(instructions);
1163 }
1164 if (getChildrenCount(template) > 1) {
1165 return undefined;
1166 }
1167 var repeatedElement = getFirstElementChild(template);
1168 if (!repeatedElement.hasAttribute('au-target-id')) {
1169 return undefined;
1170 }
1171 var repeatedElementTargetId = repeatedElement.getAttribute('au-target-id');
1172 return extractMatcherBindingExpression(instructions, repeatedElementTargetId);
1173 }
1174 return undefined;
1175 };
1176 Repeat.prototype.viewCount = function () { return this.viewSlot.children.length; };
1177 Repeat.prototype.views = function () { return this.viewSlot.children; };
1178 Repeat.prototype.view = function (index) { return this.viewSlot.children[index]; };
1179 Repeat.prototype.matcher = function () {
1180 var matcherBinding = this.matcherBinding;
1181 return matcherBinding
1182 ? matcherBinding.sourceExpression.evaluate(this.scope, matcherBinding.lookupFunctions)
1183 : null;
1184 };
1185 Repeat.prototype.addView = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
1186 var view = this.viewFactory.create();
1187 view.bind(bindingContext, overrideContext);
1188 this.viewSlot.add(view);
1189 };
1190 Repeat.prototype.insertView = function (index, bindingContext, overrideContext) {
1191 var view = this.viewFactory.create();
1192 view.bind(bindingContext, overrideContext);
1193 this.viewSlot.insert(index, view);
1194 };
1195 Repeat.prototype.moveView = function (sourceIndex, targetIndex) {
1196 this.viewSlot.move(sourceIndex, targetIndex);
1197 };
1198 Repeat.prototype.removeAllViews = function (returnToCache, skipAnimation) {
1199 return this.viewSlot.removeAll(returnToCache, skipAnimation);
1200 };
1201 Repeat.prototype.removeViews = function (viewsToRemove, returnToCache, skipAnimation) {
1202 return this.viewSlot.removeMany(viewsToRemove, returnToCache, skipAnimation);
1203 };
1204 Repeat.prototype.removeView = function (index, returnToCache, skipAnimation) {
1205 return this.viewSlot.removeAt(index, returnToCache, skipAnimation);
1206 };
1207 Repeat.prototype.updateBindings = function (view) {
1208 var $view = view;
1209 var j = $view.bindings.length;
1210 while (j--) {
1211 updateOneTimeBinding($view.bindings[j]);
1212 }
1213 j = $view.controllers.length;
1214 while (j--) {
1215 var k = $view.controllers[j].boundProperties.length;
1216 while (k--) {
1217 var binding = $view.controllers[j].boundProperties[k].binding;
1218 updateOneTimeBinding(binding);
1219 }
1220 }
1221 };
1222 var Repeat_1;
1223 Repeat.useInnerMatcher = true;
1224 __decorate([
1225 aureliaTemplating.bindable
1226 ], Repeat.prototype, "items", void 0);
1227 __decorate([
1228 aureliaTemplating.bindable
1229 ], Repeat.prototype, "local", void 0);
1230 __decorate([
1231 aureliaTemplating.bindable
1232 ], Repeat.prototype, "key", void 0);
1233 __decorate([
1234 aureliaTemplating.bindable
1235 ], Repeat.prototype, "value", void 0);
1236 Repeat = Repeat_1 = __decorate([
1237 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('repeat'),
1238 aureliaTemplating.templateController,
1239 aureliaDependencyInjection.inject(aureliaTemplating.BoundViewFactory, aureliaTemplating.TargetInstruction, aureliaTemplating.ViewSlot, aureliaTemplating.ViewResources, aureliaBinding.ObserverLocator, RepeatStrategyLocator)
1240 ], Repeat);
1241 return Repeat;
1243var extractMatcherBindingExpression = function (instructions, targetedElementId) {
1244 var instructionIds = Object.keys(instructions);
1245 for (var i = 0; i < instructionIds.length; i++) {
1246 var instructionId = instructionIds[i];
1247 if (targetedElementId !== undefined && instructionId !== targetedElementId) {
1248 continue;
1249 }
1250 var expressions = instructions[instructionId].expressions;
1251 if (expressions) {
1252 for (var ii = 0; ii < expressions.length; ii++) {
1253 if (expressions[ii].targetProperty === 'matcher') {
1254 var matcherBindingExpression = expressions[ii];
1255 expressions.splice(ii, 1);
1256 return matcherBindingExpression;
1257 }
1258 }
1259 }
1260 }
1262var getChildrenCount = function (el) {
1263 var childNodes = el.childNodes;
1264 var count = 0;
1265 for (var i = 0, ii = childNodes.length; ii > i; ++i) {
1266 if (childNodes[i].nodeType === 1) {
1267 ++count;
1268 }
1269 }
1270 return count;
1272var getFirstElementChild = function (el) {
1273 var firstChild = el.firstChild;
1274 while (firstChild !== null) {
1275 if (firstChild.nodeType === 1) {
1276 return firstChild;
1277 }
1278 firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling;
1279 }
1280 return null;
1283var aureliaHideClassName = 'aurelia-hide';
1284var aureliaHideClass = ".".concat(aureliaHideClassName, " { display:none !important; }");
1285function injectAureliaHideStyleAtHead() {
1286 aureliaPal.DOM.injectStyles(aureliaHideClass);
1288function injectAureliaHideStyleAtBoundary(domBoundary) {
1289 if (aureliaPal.FEATURE.shadowDOM && domBoundary && !domBoundary.hasAureliaHideStyle) {
1290 domBoundary.hasAureliaHideStyle = true;
1291 aureliaPal.DOM.injectStyles(aureliaHideClass, domBoundary);
1292 }
1295var Show = (function () {
1296 function Show(element, animator, domBoundary) {
1297 this.element = element;
1298 this.animator = animator;
1299 this.domBoundary = domBoundary;
1300 }
1301 Show.inject = function () {
1302 return [aureliaPal.DOM.Element, aureliaTemplating.Animator, aureliaDependencyInjection.Optional.of(aureliaPal.DOM.boundary, true)];
1303 };
1304 Show.prototype.created = function () {
1305 injectAureliaHideStyleAtBoundary(this.domBoundary);
1306 };
1307 Show.prototype.valueChanged = function (newValue) {
1308 var element = this.element;
1309 var animator = this.animator;
1310 if (newValue) {
1311 animator.removeClass(element, aureliaHideClassName);
1312 }
1313 else {
1314 animator.addClass(element, aureliaHideClassName);
1315 }
1316 };
1317 Show.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext) {
1318 this.valueChanged(this.value);
1319 };
1320 Show = __decorate([
1321 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('show')
1322 ], Show);
1323 return Show;
1326var Hide = (function () {
1327 function Hide(element, animator, domBoundary) {
1328 this.element = element;
1329 this.animator = animator;
1330 this.domBoundary = domBoundary;
1331 }
1332 Hide.inject = function () {
1333 return [aureliaPal.DOM.Element, aureliaTemplating.Animator, aureliaDependencyInjection.Optional.of(aureliaPal.DOM.boundary, true)];
1334 };
1335 Hide.prototype.created = function () {
1336 injectAureliaHideStyleAtBoundary(this.domBoundary);
1337 };
1338 Hide.prototype.valueChanged = function (newValue) {
1339 if (newValue) {
1340 this.animator.addClass(this.element, aureliaHideClassName);
1341 }
1342 else {
1343 this.animator.removeClass(this.element, aureliaHideClassName);
1344 }
1345 };
1346 Hide.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext) {
1347 this.valueChanged(this.value);
1348 };
1349 Hide.prototype.value = function (value) {
1350 throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
1351 };
1352 Hide = __decorate([
1353 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('hide')
1354 ], Hide);
1355 return Hide;
1358var HTMLSanitizer = (function () {
1359 function HTMLSanitizer() {
1360 }
1361 HTMLSanitizer.prototype.sanitize = function (input) {
1362 throw new Error("To protect the application against a wide variety of sophisticated XSS attacks.\nPlease see https://aurelia.io/docs/binding/basics#element-content for instructions on how to use a secure solution like DOMPurify or sanitize-html.");
1363 };
1364 return HTMLSanitizer;
1367var SanitizeHTMLValueConverter = (function () {
1368 function SanitizeHTMLValueConverter(sanitizer) {
1369 this.sanitizer = sanitizer;
1370 }
1371 SanitizeHTMLValueConverter.prototype.toView = function (untrustedMarkup) {
1372 if (untrustedMarkup === null || untrustedMarkup === undefined) {
1373 return null;
1374 }
1375 return this.sanitizer.sanitize(untrustedMarkup);
1376 };
1377 SanitizeHTMLValueConverter = __decorate([
1378 aureliaBinding.valueConverter('sanitizeHTML'),
1379 aureliaDependencyInjection.inject(HTMLSanitizer)
1380 ], SanitizeHTMLValueConverter);
1381 return SanitizeHTMLValueConverter;
1384var Replaceable = (function () {
1385 function Replaceable(viewFactory, viewSlot) {
1386 this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
1387 this.viewSlot = viewSlot;
1388 this.view = null;
1389 }
1390 Replaceable.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext, overrideContext) {
1391 if (this.view === null) {
1392 this.view = this.viewFactory.create();
1393 this.viewSlot.add(this.view);
1394 }
1395 this.view.bind(bindingContext, overrideContext);
1396 };
1397 Replaceable.prototype.unbind = function () {
1398 this.view.unbind();
1399 };
1400 Replaceable = __decorate([
1401 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('replaceable'),
1402 aureliaTemplating.templateController,
1403 aureliaDependencyInjection.inject(aureliaTemplating.BoundViewFactory, aureliaTemplating.ViewSlot)
1404 ], Replaceable);
1405 return Replaceable;
1408var Focus = (function () {
1409 function Focus(element, taskQueue) {
1410 this.element = element;
1411 this.taskQueue = taskQueue;
1412 this.isAttached = false;
1413 this.needsApply = false;
1414 }
1415 Focus.inject = function () {
1416 return [aureliaPal.DOM.Element, aureliaTaskQueue.TaskQueue];
1417 };
1418 Focus.prototype.valueChanged = function () {
1419 if (this.isAttached) {
1420 this._apply();
1421 }
1422 else {
1423 this.needsApply = true;
1424 }
1425 };
1426 Focus.prototype._apply = function () {
1427 var _this = this;
1428 if (this.value) {
1429 this.taskQueue.queueMicroTask(function () {
1430 if (_this.value) {
1431 _this.element.focus();
1432 }
1433 });
1434 }
1435 else {
1436 this.element.blur();
1437 }
1438 };
1439 Focus.prototype.attached = function () {
1440 this.isAttached = true;
1441 if (this.needsApply) {
1442 this.needsApply = false;
1443 this._apply();
1444 }
1445 this.element.addEventListener('focus', this);
1446 this.element.addEventListener('blur', this);
1447 };
1448 Focus.prototype.detached = function () {
1449 this.isAttached = false;
1450 this.element.removeEventListener('focus', this);
1451 this.element.removeEventListener('blur', this);
1452 };
1453 Focus.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) {
1454 if (e.type === 'focus') {
1455 this.value = true;
1456 }
1457 else if (aureliaPal.DOM.activeElement !== this.element) {
1458 this.value = false;
1459 }
1460 };
1461 Focus = __decorate([
1462 aureliaTemplating.customAttribute('focus', aureliaBinding.bindingMode.twoWay)
1463 ], Focus);
1464 return Focus;
1467var cssUrlMatcher = /url\((?!['"]data)([^)]+)\)/gi;
1468function fixupCSSUrls(address, css) {
1469 if (typeof css !== 'string') {
1470 throw new Error("Failed loading required CSS file: ".concat(address));
1471 }
1472 return css.replace(cssUrlMatcher, function (match, p1) {
1473 var quote = p1.charAt(0);
1474 if (quote === '\'' || quote === '"') {
1475 p1 = p1.substr(1, p1.length - 2);
1476 }
1477 return 'url(\'' + aureliaPath.relativeToFile(p1, address) + '\')';
1478 });
1480var CSSResource = (function () {
1481 function CSSResource(address) {
1482 this.address = address;
1483 this._scoped = null;
1484 this._global = false;
1485 this._alreadyGloballyInjected = false;
1486 }
1487 CSSResource.prototype.initialize = function (container, Target) {
1488 this._scoped = new Target(this);
1489 };
1490 CSSResource.prototype.register = function (registry, name) {
1491 if (name === 'scoped') {
1492 registry.registerViewEngineHooks(this._scoped);
1493 }
1494 else {
1495 this._global = true;
1496 }
1497 };
1498 CSSResource.prototype.load = function (container) {
1499 var _this = this;
1500 return container.get(aureliaLoader.Loader)
1501 .loadText(this.address)
1502 .catch(function () { return null; })
1503 .then(function (text) {
1504 text = fixupCSSUrls(_this.address, text);
1505 _this._scoped.css = text;
1506 if (_this._global) {
1507 _this._alreadyGloballyInjected = true;
1508 aureliaPal.DOM.injectStyles(text);
1509 }
1510 return _this;
1511 });
1512 };
1513 return CSSResource;
1515var CSSViewEngineHooks = (function () {
1516 function CSSViewEngineHooks(owner) {
1517 this.owner = owner;
1518 this.css = null;
1519 }
1520 CSSViewEngineHooks.prototype.beforeCompile = function (content, resources, instruction) {
1521 if (instruction.targetShadowDOM) {
1522 aureliaPal.DOM.injectStyles(this.css, content, true);
1523 }
1524 else if (aureliaPal.FEATURE.scopedCSS) {
1525 var styleNode = aureliaPal.DOM.injectStyles(this.css, content, true);
1526 styleNode.setAttribute('scoped', 'scoped');
1527 }
1528 else if (this._global && !this.owner._alreadyGloballyInjected) {
1529 aureliaPal.DOM.injectStyles(this.css);
1530 this.owner._alreadyGloballyInjected = true;
1531 }
1532 };
1533 return CSSViewEngineHooks;
1535function _createCSSResource(address) {
1536 var ViewCSS = (function (_super) {
1537 __extends(ViewCSS, _super);
1538 function ViewCSS() {
1539 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
1540 }
1541 ViewCSS = __decorate([
1542 aureliaTemplating.resource(new CSSResource(address))
1543 ], ViewCSS);
1544 return ViewCSS;
1545 }(CSSViewEngineHooks));
1546 return ViewCSS;
1549var AttrBindingBehavior = (function () {
1550 function AttrBindingBehavior() {
1551 }
1552 AttrBindingBehavior.prototype.bind = function (binding, source) {
1553 binding.targetObserver = new aureliaBinding.DataAttributeObserver(binding.target, binding.targetProperty);
1554 };
1555 AttrBindingBehavior.prototype.unbind = function (binding, source) {
1556 };
1557 AttrBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1558 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('attr')
1559 ], AttrBindingBehavior);
1560 return AttrBindingBehavior;
1563var modeBindingBehavior = {
1564 bind: function (binding, source, lookupFunctions) {
1565 binding.originalMode = binding.mode;
1566 binding.mode = this.mode;
1567 },
1568 unbind: function (binding, source) {
1569 binding.mode = binding.originalMode;
1570 binding.originalMode = null;
1571 }
1573var OneTimeBindingBehavior = (function () {
1574 function OneTimeBindingBehavior() {
1575 this.mode = aureliaBinding.bindingMode.oneTime;
1576 }
1577 OneTimeBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1578 aureliaMetadata.mixin(modeBindingBehavior),
1579 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('oneTime')
1580 ], OneTimeBindingBehavior);
1581 return OneTimeBindingBehavior;
1583var OneWayBindingBehavior = (function () {
1584 function OneWayBindingBehavior() {
1585 this.mode = aureliaBinding.bindingMode.toView;
1586 }
1587 OneWayBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1588 aureliaMetadata.mixin(modeBindingBehavior),
1589 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('oneWay')
1590 ], OneWayBindingBehavior);
1591 return OneWayBindingBehavior;
1593var ToViewBindingBehavior = (function () {
1594 function ToViewBindingBehavior() {
1595 this.mode = aureliaBinding.bindingMode.toView;
1596 }
1597 ToViewBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1598 aureliaMetadata.mixin(modeBindingBehavior),
1599 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('toView')
1600 ], ToViewBindingBehavior);
1601 return ToViewBindingBehavior;
1603var FromViewBindingBehavior = (function () {
1604 function FromViewBindingBehavior() {
1605 this.mode = aureliaBinding.bindingMode.fromView;
1606 }
1607 FromViewBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1608 aureliaMetadata.mixin(modeBindingBehavior),
1609 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('fromView')
1610 ], FromViewBindingBehavior);
1611 return FromViewBindingBehavior;
1613var TwoWayBindingBehavior = (function () {
1614 function TwoWayBindingBehavior() {
1615 this.mode = aureliaBinding.bindingMode.twoWay;
1616 }
1617 TwoWayBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1618 aureliaMetadata.mixin(modeBindingBehavior),
1619 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('twoWay')
1620 ], TwoWayBindingBehavior);
1621 return TwoWayBindingBehavior;
1624function throttle(newValue) {
1625 var _this = this;
1626 var state = this.throttleState;
1627 var elapsed = +new Date() - state.last;
1628 if (elapsed >= state.delay) {
1629 clearTimeout(state.timeoutId);
1630 state.timeoutId = null;
1631 state.last = +new Date();
1632 this.throttledMethod(newValue);
1633 return;
1634 }
1635 state.newValue = newValue;
1636 if (state.timeoutId === null) {
1637 state.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
1638 state.timeoutId = null;
1639 state.last = +new Date();
1640 _this.throttledMethod(state.newValue);
1641 }, state.delay - elapsed);
1642 }
1644var ThrottleBindingBehavior = (function () {
1645 function ThrottleBindingBehavior() {
1646 }
1647 ThrottleBindingBehavior.prototype.bind = function (binding, source, delay) {
1648 if (delay === void 0) { delay = 200; }
1649 var methodToThrottle = 'updateTarget';
1650 if (binding.callSource) {
1651 methodToThrottle = 'callSource';
1652 }
1653 else if (binding.updateSource && binding.mode === aureliaBinding.bindingMode.twoWay) {
1654 methodToThrottle = 'updateSource';
1655 }
1656 binding.throttledMethod = binding[methodToThrottle];
1657 binding.throttledMethod.originalName = methodToThrottle;
1658 binding[methodToThrottle] = throttle;
1659 binding.throttleState = {
1660 delay: delay,
1661 last: 0,
1662 timeoutId: null
1663 };
1664 };
1665 ThrottleBindingBehavior.prototype.unbind = function (binding, source) {
1666 var methodToRestore = binding.throttledMethod.originalName;
1667 binding[methodToRestore] = binding.throttledMethod;
1668 binding.throttledMethod = null;
1669 clearTimeout(binding.throttleState.timeoutId);
1670 binding.throttleState = null;
1671 };
1672 ThrottleBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1673 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('throttle')
1674 ], ThrottleBindingBehavior);
1675 return ThrottleBindingBehavior;
1678var unset = {};
1679function debounceCallSource(event) {
1680 var _this = this;
1681 var state = this.debounceState;
1682 clearTimeout(state.timeoutId);
1683 state.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { return _this.debouncedMethod(event); }, state.delay);
1685function debounceCall(context, newValue, oldValue) {
1686 var _this = this;
1687 var state = this.debounceState;
1688 clearTimeout(state.timeoutId);
1689 if (context !== state.callContextToDebounce) {
1690 state.oldValue = unset;
1691 this.debouncedMethod(context, newValue, oldValue);
1692 return;
1693 }
1694 if (state.oldValue === unset) {
1695 state.oldValue = oldValue;
1696 }
1697 state.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
1698 var _oldValue = state.oldValue;
1699 state.oldValue = unset;
1700 _this.debouncedMethod(context, newValue, _oldValue);
1701 }, state.delay);
1703var DebounceBindingBehavior = (function () {
1704 function DebounceBindingBehavior() {
1705 }
1706 DebounceBindingBehavior.prototype.bind = function (binding, source, delay) {
1707 if (delay === void 0) { delay = 200; }
1708 var isCallSource = binding.callSource !== undefined;
1709 var methodToDebounce = isCallSource ? 'callSource' : 'call';
1710 var debouncer = isCallSource ? debounceCallSource : debounceCall;
1711 var mode = binding.mode;
1712 var callContextToDebounce = mode === aureliaBinding.bindingMode.twoWay || mode === aureliaBinding.bindingMode.fromView ? aureliaBinding.targetContext : aureliaBinding.sourceContext;
1713 binding.debouncedMethod = binding[methodToDebounce];
1714 binding.debouncedMethod.originalName = methodToDebounce;
1715 binding[methodToDebounce] = debouncer;
1716 binding.debounceState = {
1717 callContextToDebounce: callContextToDebounce,
1718 delay: delay,
1719 timeoutId: 0,
1720 oldValue: unset
1721 };
1722 };
1723 DebounceBindingBehavior.prototype.unbind = function (binding, source) {
1724 var methodToRestore = binding.debouncedMethod.originalName;
1725 binding[methodToRestore] = binding.debouncedMethod;
1726 binding.debouncedMethod = null;
1727 clearTimeout(binding.debounceState.timeoutId);
1728 binding.debounceState = null;
1729 };
1730 DebounceBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1731 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('debounce')
1732 ], DebounceBindingBehavior);
1733 return DebounceBindingBehavior;
1736function findOriginalEventTarget(event) {
1737 return (event.path && event.path[0]) || (event.deepPath && event.deepPath[0]) || event.target;
1739function handleSelfEvent(event) {
1740 var target = findOriginalEventTarget(event);
1741 if (this.target !== target) {
1742 return;
1743 }
1744 this.selfEventCallSource(event);
1746var SelfBindingBehavior = (function () {
1747 function SelfBindingBehavior() {
1748 }
1749 SelfBindingBehavior.prototype.bind = function (binding, source) {
1750 if (!binding.callSource || !binding.targetEvent) {
1751 throw new Error('Self binding behavior only supports event.');
1752 }
1753 binding.selfEventCallSource = binding.callSource;
1754 binding.callSource = handleSelfEvent;
1755 };
1756 SelfBindingBehavior.prototype.unbind = function (binding, source) {
1757 binding.callSource = binding.selfEventCallSource;
1758 binding.selfEventCallSource = null;
1759 };
1760 SelfBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1761 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('self')
1762 ], SelfBindingBehavior);
1763 return SelfBindingBehavior;
1766var BindingSignaler = (function () {
1767 function BindingSignaler() {
1768 this.signals = {};
1769 }
1770 BindingSignaler.prototype.signal = function (name) {
1771 var bindings = this.signals[name];
1772 if (!bindings) {
1773 return;
1774 }
1775 var i = bindings.length;
1776 while (i--) {
1777 bindings[i].call(aureliaBinding.sourceContext);
1778 }
1779 };
1780 return BindingSignaler;
1783var SignalBindingBehavior = (function () {
1784 function SignalBindingBehavior(bindingSignaler) {
1785 this.signals = bindingSignaler.signals;
1786 }
1787 SignalBindingBehavior.inject = function () { return [BindingSignaler]; };
1788 SignalBindingBehavior.prototype.bind = function (binding, source) {
1789 var names = [];
1790 for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1791 names[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
1792 }
1793 if (!binding.updateTarget) {
1794 throw new Error('Only property bindings and string interpolation bindings can be signaled. Trigger, delegate and call bindings cannot be signaled.');
1795 }
1796 var signals = this.signals;
1797 if (names.length === 1) {
1798 var name_1 = names[0];
1799 var bindings = signals[name_1] || (signals[name_1] = []);
1800 bindings.push(binding);
1801 binding.signalName = name_1;
1802 }
1803 else if (names.length > 1) {
1804 var i = names.length;
1805 while (i--) {
1806 var name_2 = names[i];
1807 var bindings = signals[name_2] || (signals[name_2] = []);
1808 bindings.push(binding);
1809 }
1810 binding.signalName = names;
1811 }
1812 else {
1813 throw new Error('Signal name is required.');
1814 }
1815 };
1816 SignalBindingBehavior.prototype.unbind = function (binding, source) {
1817 var signals = this.signals;
1818 var name = binding.signalName;
1819 binding.signalName = null;
1820 if (Array.isArray(name)) {
1821 var names = name;
1822 var i = names.length;
1823 while (i--) {
1824 var n = names[i];
1825 var bindings = signals[n];
1826 bindings.splice(bindings.indexOf(binding), 1);
1827 }
1828 }
1829 else {
1830 var bindings = signals[name];
1831 bindings.splice(bindings.indexOf(binding), 1);
1832 }
1833 };
1834 SignalBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1835 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('signal')
1836 ], SignalBindingBehavior);
1837 return SignalBindingBehavior;
1840var eventNamesRequired = 'The updateTrigger binding behavior requires at least one event name argument: eg <input value.bind="firstName & updateTrigger:\'blur\'">';
1841var notApplicableMessage = 'The updateTrigger binding behavior can only be applied to two-way/ from-view bindings on input/select elements.';
1842var UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior = (function () {
1843 function UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior() {
1844 }
1845 UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior.prototype.bind = function (binding, source) {
1846 var events = [];
1847 for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
1848 events[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
1849 }
1850 if (events.length === 0) {
1851 throw new Error(eventNamesRequired);
1852 }
1853 if (binding.mode !== aureliaBinding.bindingMode.twoWay && binding.mode !== aureliaBinding.bindingMode.fromView) {
1854 throw new Error(notApplicableMessage);
1855 }
1856 var targetObserver = binding.observerLocator.getObserver(binding.target, binding.targetProperty);
1857 if (!targetObserver.handler) {
1858 throw new Error(notApplicableMessage);
1859 }
1860 binding.targetObserver = targetObserver;
1861 targetObserver.originalHandler = binding.targetObserver.handler;
1862 var handler = new aureliaBinding.EventSubscriber(events);
1863 targetObserver.handler = handler;
1864 };
1865 UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior.prototype.unbind = function (binding, source) {
1866 var targetObserver = binding.targetObserver;
1867 targetObserver.handler.dispose();
1868 targetObserver.handler = targetObserver.originalHandler;
1869 targetObserver.originalHandler = null;
1870 };
1871 UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior = __decorate([
1872 aureliaBinding.bindingBehavior('updateTrigger')
1873 ], UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior);
1874 return UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior;
1877function _createDynamicElement(_a) {
1878 var name = _a.name, viewUrl = _a.viewUrl, bindableNames = _a.bindableNames, useShadowDOMmode = _a.useShadowDOMmode;
1879 var DynamicElement = (function () {
1880 function DynamicElement() {
1881 }
1882 DynamicElement.prototype.bind = function (bindingContext) {
1883 this.$parent = bindingContext;
1884 };
1885 DynamicElement = __decorate([
1886 aureliaTemplating.customElement(name),
1887 aureliaTemplating.useView(viewUrl)
1888 ], DynamicElement);
1889 return DynamicElement;
1890 }());
1891 for (var i = 0, ii = bindableNames.length; i < ii; ++i) {
1892 aureliaTemplating.bindable(bindableNames[i])(DynamicElement);
1893 }
1894 switch (useShadowDOMmode) {
1895 case 'open':
1896 aureliaTemplating.useShadowDOM({ mode: 'open' })(DynamicElement);
1897 break;
1898 case 'closed':
1899 aureliaTemplating.useShadowDOM({ mode: 'closed' })(DynamicElement);
1900 break;
1901 case '':
1902 aureliaTemplating.useShadowDOM(DynamicElement);
1903 break;
1904 case null:
1905 break;
1906 default:
1907 aureliaLogging.getLogger('aurelia-html-only-element')
1908 .warn("Expected 'use-shadow-dom' value to be \"close\", \"open\" or \"\", received ".concat(useShadowDOMmode));
1909 break;
1910 }
1911 return DynamicElement;
1914function getElementName(address) {
1915 return /([^\/^\?]+)\.html/i.exec(address)[1].toLowerCase();
1917function configure$1(config) {
1918 var viewEngine = config.container.get(aureliaTemplating.ViewEngine);
1919 var loader = config.aurelia.loader;
1920 viewEngine.addResourcePlugin('.html', {
1921 'fetch': function (viewUrl) {
1922 return loader.loadTemplate(viewUrl).then(function (registryEntry) {
1923 var _a;
1924 var bindableNames = registryEntry.template.getAttribute('bindable');
1925 var useShadowDOMmode = registryEntry.template.getAttribute('use-shadow-dom');
1926 var name = getElementName(viewUrl);
1927 if (bindableNames) {
1928 bindableNames = bindableNames.split(',').map(function (x) { return x.trim(); });
1929 registryEntry.template.removeAttribute('bindable');
1930 }
1931 else {
1932 bindableNames = [];
1933 }
1934 return _a = {}, _a[name] = _createDynamicElement({ name: name, viewUrl: viewUrl, bindableNames: bindableNames, useShadowDOMmode: useShadowDOMmode }), _a;
1935 });
1936 }
1937 });
1940function configure(config) {
1941 injectAureliaHideStyleAtHead();
1942 config.globalResources(Compose, If, Else, With, Repeat, Show, Hide, Replaceable, Focus, SanitizeHTMLValueConverter, OneTimeBindingBehavior, OneWayBindingBehavior, ToViewBindingBehavior, FromViewBindingBehavior, TwoWayBindingBehavior, ThrottleBindingBehavior, DebounceBindingBehavior, SelfBindingBehavior, SignalBindingBehavior, UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior, AttrBindingBehavior);
1943 configure$1(config);
1944 var viewEngine = config.container.get(aureliaTemplating.ViewEngine);
1945 var styleResourcePlugin = {
1946 fetch: function (address) {
1947 var _a;
1948 return _a = {}, _a[address] = _createCSSResource(address), _a;
1949 }
1950 };
1951 ['.css', '.less', '.sass', '.scss', '.styl'].forEach(function (ext) { return viewEngine.addResourcePlugin(ext, styleResourcePlugin); });
1954exports.AbstractRepeater = AbstractRepeater;
1955exports.ArrayRepeatStrategy = ArrayRepeatStrategy;
1956exports.AttrBindingBehavior = AttrBindingBehavior;
1957exports.BindingSignaler = BindingSignaler;
1958exports.Compose = Compose;
1959exports.DebounceBindingBehavior = DebounceBindingBehavior;
1960exports.Else = Else;
1961exports.Focus = Focus;
1962exports.FromViewBindingBehavior = FromViewBindingBehavior;
1963exports.HTMLSanitizer = HTMLSanitizer;
1964exports.Hide = Hide;
1965exports.If = If;
1966exports.MapRepeatStrategy = MapRepeatStrategy;
1967exports.NullRepeatStrategy = NullRepeatStrategy;
1968exports.NumberRepeatStrategy = NumberRepeatStrategy;
1969exports.OneTimeBindingBehavior = OneTimeBindingBehavior;
1970exports.OneWayBindingBehavior = OneWayBindingBehavior;
1971exports.Repeat = Repeat;
1972exports.RepeatStrategyLocator = RepeatStrategyLocator;
1973exports.Replaceable = Replaceable;
1974exports.SanitizeHTMLValueConverter = SanitizeHTMLValueConverter;
1975exports.SelfBindingBehavior = SelfBindingBehavior;
1976exports.SetRepeatStrategy = SetRepeatStrategy;
1977exports.Show = Show;
1978exports.SignalBindingBehavior = SignalBindingBehavior;
1979exports.ThrottleBindingBehavior = ThrottleBindingBehavior;
1980exports.ToViewBindingBehavior = ToViewBindingBehavior;
1981exports.TwoWayBindingBehavior = TwoWayBindingBehavior;
1982exports.UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior = UpdateTriggerBindingBehavior;
1983exports.With = With;
1984exports.configure = configure;
1985exports.createFullOverrideContext = createFullOverrideContext;
1986exports.getItemsSourceExpression = getItemsSourceExpression;
1987exports.isOneTime = isOneTime;
1988exports.unwrapExpression = unwrapExpression;
1989exports.updateOneTimeBinding = updateOneTimeBinding;
1990exports.updateOverrideContext = updateOverrideContext;
1991exports.viewsRequireLifecycle = viewsRequireLifecycle;
1992//# sourceMappingURL=aurelia-templating-resources.js.map