4.22 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AsyncSeriesBailHook, SyncHook } from 'tapable';
2import Changelog from './changelog';
3import { ICreateLabelsCommandOptions } from './cli/args';
4import Git from './git';
5import LogParse, { IExtendedCommit } from './log-parse';
6import SEMVER from './semver';
7import { ILogger } from './utils/logger';
8export declare type VersionLabel = SEMVER.major | SEMVER.minor | SEMVER.patch | 'skip-release' | 'release' | 'prerelease';
9export declare const defaultLabels: VersionLabel[];
10export declare const isVersionLabel: (label: string) => label is VersionLabel;
11export interface IReleaseOptions {
12 jira?: string;
13 slack?: string;
14 githubApi?: string;
15 baseBranch: string;
16 githubGraphqlApi?: string;
17 name?: string;
18 email?: string;
19 owner?: string;
20 repo?: string;
21 skipReleaseLabels: string[];
22 onlyPublishWithReleaseLabel?: boolean;
23 noVersionPrefix?: boolean;
24 plugins?: (string | [string, any])[];
25 labels: ILabelDefinitionMap;
27export interface ILabelDefinition {
28 name: string;
29 title?: string;
30 color?: string;
31 description?: string;
33export interface ILabelDefinitionMap {
34 [label: string]: ILabelDefinition;
36export declare const defaultLabelDefinition: ILabelDefinitionMap;
37export declare const getVersionMap: (labels?: ILabelDefinitionMap) => Map<VersionLabel, string>;
38export interface IReleaseHooks {
39 onCreateChangelog: SyncHook<[Changelog]>;
40 createChangelogTitle: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[], string | void>;
41 onCreateLogParse: SyncHook<[LogParse]>;
44 * A class for interacting with the git remote
45 */
46export default class Release {
47 readonly options: IReleaseOptions;
48 readonly hooks: IReleaseHooks;
49 private readonly git;
50 private readonly logger;
51 private readonly versionLabels;
52 constructor(git: Git, options?: IReleaseOptions, logger?: ILogger);
53 /**
54 * Generate a changelog from a range of commits.
55 *
56 * @param from sha or tag to start changelog from
57 * @param to sha or tag to end changelog at (defaults to HEAD)
58 */
59 generateReleaseNotes(from: string, to?: string): Promise<string>;
60 buildSearchQuery(commits: IExtendedCommit[]): string | undefined;
61 getCommitsInRelease(from: string, to?: string): Promise<IExtendedCommit[]>;
62 /**
63 * Prepend a set of release notes to the changelog.md
64 *
65 * @param releaseNotes Release notes to prepend to the changelog
66 * @param lastRelease Last release version of the code. Could be the first commit SHA
67 * @param currentVersion Current version of the code
68 * @param message Message to commit the changelog with
69 */
70 addToChangelog(releaseNotes: string, lastRelease: string, currentVersion: string, message?: string): Promise<void>;
71 /**
72 * Get a range of commits. The commits will have PR numbers and labels attached
73 *
74 * @param from Tag or SHA to start at
75 * @param to Tage or SHA to end at (defaults to HEAD)
76 */
77 getCommits(from: string, to?: string): Promise<IExtendedCommit[]>;
78 addLabelsToProject(labels: Partial<ILabelDefinitionMap>, options?: ICreateLabelsCommandOptions): Promise<void>;
79 /**
80 * Calculate the SEMVER bump over a range of commits using the PR labels
81 *
82 * @param from Tag or SHA to start at
83 * @param to Tag or SHA to end at (defaults to HEAD)
84 */
85 getSemverBump(from: string, to?: string): Promise<SEMVER>;
86 /**
87 * Post the release notes to slack.
88 *
89 * @param releaseNotes Release notes to post to slack
90 * @param tag Version to include in the title of the slack message
91 */
92 postToSlack(releaseNotes: string, tag: string): Promise<void>;
93 calcNextVersion(lastTag: string): Promise<string | null>;
94 private createLogParse;
95 private getPRsSinceLastRelease;
96 /**
97 * Add the PR info (labels and body) to the commit
98 *
99 * @param commits Commits to modify
100 */
101 private addPrInfoToCommit;
102 /**
103 * Commits from rebased PRs do not have messages that tie them to a PR
104 * Instead we have to find all PRs since the last release and try to match
105 * their merge commit SHAs.
106 *
107 * @param commits Commits to modify
108 */
109 private getPRForRebasedCommits;