15.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4const fs = tslib_1.__importStar(require("fs"));
5const path = tslib_1.__importStar(require("path"));
6const chalk_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("chalk"));
7const command_line_application_1 = require("command-line-application");
8const dedent_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("dedent"));
9const p = chalk_1.default.hex('#870048');
10const y = chalk_1.default.hex('#F1A60E');
11const r = chalk_1.default.hex('#C5000B');
12const g = chalk_1.default.hex('#888888');
13// prettier-ignore
14const logo = `
15 ${y('_________')}
16 ${p('/')}${y('\\ /')}${r('\\')} _______ _ _ _______ _____
17 ${p('/')} ${y('\\_____/')} ${r('\\')} |_____| | | | | |
18 ${p('/ /')} ${r('\\ \\')} | | |_____| | |_____|
19 ${p('/___/')} \\▔▔\\ ${r(' \\___\\')}
20 ${g('\\ \\')} \\_/ ${g('/ /')} ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
21 ${g('\\ \\')} ${g('/ /')} |_____/ |______ | |______ |_____| |______ |______
22 ${g('\\ ▔▔▔▔▔ /')} | \\_ |______ |_____ |______ | | ______| |______
23 ${g('\\ /')}
24 ${g('▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ')}
25`.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
26const version = {
27 name: 'version',
28 alias: 'V',
29 type: Boolean,
30 description: "Display auto's version",
31 group: 'global'
33const defaultOptions = [
34 {
35 name: 'verbose',
36 alias: 'v',
37 type: Boolean,
38 description: 'Show some more logs',
39 group: 'global'
40 },
41 {
42 name: 'very-verbose',
43 alias: 'w',
44 type: Boolean,
45 description: 'Show a lot more logs',
46 group: 'global'
47 },
48 {
49 name: 'repo',
50 type: String,
51 description: 'The repo to set the status on. Defaults to looking in the package definition for the platform',
52 group: 'global'
53 },
54 {
55 name: 'owner',
56 type: String,
57 description: 'The owner of the GitHub repo. Defaults to reading from the package definition for the platform',
58 group: 'global'
59 },
60 {
61 name: 'github-api',
62 type: String,
63 description: 'GitHub API to use',
64 group: 'global'
65 },
66 {
67 name: 'plugins',
68 type: String,
69 multiple: true,
70 description: 'Plugins to load auto with. (defaults to just npm)',
71 group: 'global'
72 }
74const baseBranch = {
75 name: 'base-branch',
76 type: String,
77 description: 'Branch to treat as the "master" branch',
78 group: 'global'
80const pr = {
81 name: 'pr',
82 type: Number,
83 description: 'The pull request the command should use. Detects PR number in CI',
84 group: 'main'
86const dryRun = {
87 name: 'dry-run',
88 alias: 'd',
89 type: Boolean,
90 description: 'Report what command will do but do not actually do anything',
91 group: 'main'
93const url = {
94 name: 'url',
95 type: String,
96 description: 'URL to associate with this status',
97 group: 'main'
99const noVersionPrefix = {
100 name: 'no-version-prefix',
101 type: Boolean,
102 description: "Use the version as the tag without the 'v' prefix",
103 group: 'main'
105const name = {
106 name: 'name',
107 type: String,
108 description: 'Git name to commit and release with. Defaults to package definition for the platform',
109 group: 'main'
111const email = {
112 name: 'email',
113 type: String,
114 description: 'Git email to commit with. Defaults to package definition for the platform',
115 group: 'main'
117const context = {
118 name: 'context',
119 type: String,
120 description: 'A string label to differentiate this status from others',
121 group: 'main'
123const message = {
124 name: 'message',
125 group: 'main',
126 type: String,
127 alias: 'm'
129const skipReleaseLabels = {
130 name: 'skip-release-labels',
131 type: String,
132 group: 'main',
133 multiple: true,
134 description: "Labels that will not create a release. Defaults to just 'skip-release'"
136const deleteFlag = {
137 name: 'delete',
138 type: Boolean,
139 group: 'main'
141exports.commands = [
142 {
143 name: 'init',
144 group: 'Setup Command',
145 description: 'Interactive setup for most configurable options',
146 examples: ['{green $} auto init'],
147 options: [
148 {
149 name: 'only-labels',
150 type: Boolean,
151 group: 'main',
152 description: 'Only run init for the labels. As most other options are for advanced users'
153 },
154 dryRun
155 ]
156 },
157 {
158 name: 'create-labels',
159 group: 'Setup Command',
160 description: "Create your project's labels on github. If labels exist it will update them.",
161 examples: ['{green $} auto create-labels'],
162 options: [dryRun]
163 },
164 {
165 name: 'label',
166 group: 'Pull Request Interaction Commands',
167 description: "Get the labels for a pull request. Doesn't do much, but the return value lets you write you own scripts based off of the PR labels!",
168 options: [
169 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, pr), { description: `${pr.description} (defaults to last merged PR)` })
170 ],
171 examples: ['{green $} auto label --pr 123']
172 },
173 {
174 name: 'comment',
175 group: 'Pull Request Interaction Commands',
176 description: 'Comment on a pull request with a markdown message. Each comment has a context, and each context only has one comment.',
177 require: [['message', 'delete']],
178 options: [
179 pr,
180 context,
181 {
182 name: 'edit',
183 type: Boolean,
184 alias: 'e',
185 group: 'main',
186 description: 'Edit old comment'
187 },
188 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, deleteFlag), { description: 'Delete old comment' }),
189 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, message), { description: 'Message to post to comment' }),
190 dryRun
191 ],
192 examples: [
193 '{green $} auto comment --delete',
194 '{green $} auto comment --pr 123 --message "# Why you\'re wrong..."',
195 '{green $} auto comment --pr 123 --edit --message "This smells..." --context code-smell'
196 ]
197 },
198 {
199 name: 'pr-check',
200 group: 'Pull Request Interaction Commands',
201 description: 'Check that a pull request has a SemVer label',
202 require: ['url'],
203 options: [
204 pr,
205 url,
206 dryRun,
207 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, context), { defaultValue: 'ci/pr-check' }),
208 skipReleaseLabels
209 ],
210 examples: ['{green $} auto pr-check --url http://your-ci.com/build/123']
211 },
212 {
213 name: 'pr-status',
214 group: 'Pull Request Interaction Commands',
215 description: 'Set the status on a PR commit',
216 require: ['state', 'url', 'description', 'context'],
217 options: [
218 {
219 name: 'sha',
220 type: String,
221 group: 'main',
222 description: 'Specify a custom git sha. Defaults to the HEAD for a git repo in the current repository'
223 },
224 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, pr), { description: 'PR to set the status on. Detects PR number in CI' }),
225 url,
226 {
227 name: 'state',
228 type: String,
229 group: 'main',
230 description: "State of the PR. ['pending', 'success', 'error', 'failure']"
231 },
232 {
233 name: 'description',
234 type: String,
235 group: 'main',
236 description: 'A description of the status'
237 },
238 {
239 name: 'context',
240 type: String,
241 group: 'main',
242 description: 'A string label to differentiate this status from others'
243 },
244 dryRun
245 ],
246 examples: [
247 `{green $} auto pr \\\\ \n --state pending \\\\ \n --description "Build still running..." \\\\ \n --context build-check`
248 ]
249 },
250 {
251 name: 'pr-body',
252 group: 'Pull Request Interaction Commands',
253 description: 'Update the body of a PR with a message. Appends to PR and will not overwrite user content. Each comment has a context, and each context only has one comment.',
254 require: [['message', 'delete']],
255 options: [
256 pr,
257 context,
258 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, deleteFlag), { description: 'Delete old PR body update' }),
259 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, message), { description: 'Message to post to PR body' }),
260 dryRun
261 ],
262 examples: [
263 '{green $} auto pr-body --delete',
264 '{green $} auto pr-body --pr 123 --comment "The new version is: 1.2.3"'
265 ]
266 },
267 {
268 name: 'version',
269 group: 'Release Commands',
270 description: 'Get the semantic version bump for the given changes. Requires all PRs to have labels for the change type. If a PR does not have a label associated with it, it will default to `patch`.',
271 options: [
272 {
273 name: 'only-publish-with-release-label',
274 type: Boolean,
275 description: "Only bump version if 'release' label is on pull request",
276 group: 'main'
277 },
278 skipReleaseLabels,
279 {
280 name: 'from',
281 type: String,
282 group: 'main',
283 description: 'Git revision (tag, commit sha, ...) to calculate version bump from. Defaults to latest github release'
284 }
285 ],
286 examples: [
287 {
288 desc: 'Get the new version using the last release to head',
289 example: '{green $} auto version'
290 },
291 {
292 desc: 'Skip releases with multiple labels',
293 example: '{green $} auto version --skip-release-labels documentation CI'
294 }
295 ]
296 },
297 {
298 name: 'changelog',
299 group: 'Release Commands',
300 description: "Prepend release notes to `CHANGELOG.md`, create one if it doesn't exist, and commit the changes.",
301 options: [
302 dryRun,
303 noVersionPrefix,
304 name,
305 email,
306 {
307 name: 'from',
308 type: String,
309 group: 'main',
310 description: 'Tag to start changelog generation on. Defaults to latest tag.'
311 },
312 {
313 name: 'to',
314 type: String,
315 group: 'main',
316 description: 'Tag to end changelog generation on. Defaults to HEAD.'
317 },
318 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, message), { description: "Message to commit the changelog with. Defaults to 'Update CHANGELOG.md [skip ci]'" }),
319 baseBranch
320 ],
321 examples: [
322 {
323 desc: 'Generate a changelog from the last release to head',
324 example: '{green $} auto changelog'
325 },
326 {
327 desc: 'Generate a changelog across specific versions',
328 example: '{green $} auto changelog --from v0.20.1 --to v0.21.0'
329 }
330 ]
331 },
332 {
333 name: 'release',
334 group: 'Release Commands',
335 description: 'Auto-generate a github release',
336 options: [
337 dryRun,
338 noVersionPrefix,
339 name,
340 email,
341 {
342 name: 'from',
343 type: String,
344 group: 'main',
345 description: 'Git revision (tag, commit sha, ...) to start release notes from. Defaults to latest tag.'
346 },
347 {
348 name: 'use-version',
349 type: String,
350 group: 'main',
351 description: 'Version number to publish as. Defaults to reading from the package definition for the platform.'
352 },
353 baseBranch
354 ],
355 examples: [
356 '{green $} auto release',
357 '{green $} auto release --from v0.20.1 --use-version v0.21.0'
358 ]
359 },
360 {
361 name: 'shipit',
362 group: 'Release Commands',
363 description: dedent_1.default `
364 Run the full \`auto\` release pipeline. Detects if in a lerna project.
366 1. call from base branch -> latest version released
367 2. call from next branch -> next version released
368 3. call from PR in CI -> canary version released
369 4. call locally when on next branch -> next version released
370 5. call locally when not on base/next branch -> canary version released
371 `,
372 examples: ['{green $} auto shipit'],
373 options: [baseBranch, dryRun]
374 },
375 {
376 name: 'canary',
377 group: 'Release Commands',
378 description: dedent_1.default `
379 Make a canary release of the project. Useful on PRs. If ran locally, \`canary\` will release a canary version for your current git HEAD.
381 1. In PR: 1.2.3-canary.123.0 + add version to PR body
382 2. Locally: 1.2.3-canary.1810cfd
383 `,
384 examples: [
385 '{green $} auto canary',
386 '{green $} auto canary --pr 123 --build 5',
387 '{green $} auto canary --message "Install PR version: `yarn add -D my-project@%v`"',
388 '{green $} auto canary --message false'
389 ],
390 options: [
391 dryRun,
392 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, pr), { description: 'PR number to use to create the canary version. Detected in CI env' }),
393 {
394 name: 'build',
395 type: String,
396 group: 'main',
397 description: 'Build number to use to create the canary version. Detected in CI env'
398 },
399 Object.assign(Object.assign({}, message), { description: "Message to comment on PR with. Defaults to 'Published PR with canary version: %v'. Pass false to disable the comment" })
400 ]
401 },
402 {
403 name: 'next',
404 group: 'Release Commands',
405 description: dedent_1.default `
406 Make a release for your "next" release line.
408 1. Creates a prerelease on package management platform
409 2. Creates a prerelease on GitHub releases page.
410 `,
411 examples: ['{green $} auto next'],
412 options: [dryRun]
413 }
415/** Print the current version of "auto" */
416function printVersion() {
417 const packagePath = path.join(__dirname, '../package.json');
418 const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packagePath, 'utf8'));
419 console.log(`v${packageJson.version}`);
421/** Parse the CLI args and return command + options provided. */
422function parseArgs(testArgs) {
423 const mainOptions = command_line_application_1.app({
424 name: 'auto',
425 logo,
426 description: 'Generate releases based on semantic version labels on pull requests, and other pull request automation tools.',
427 commands: exports.commands,
428 options: [version, ...defaultOptions]
429 }, {
430 argv: testArgs
431 });
432 if (!mainOptions) {
433 return [];
434 }
435 if (!mainOptions._command) {
436 if (mainOptions.version) {
437 printVersion();
438 }
439 return [];
440 }
441 return [mainOptions._command, mainOptions];
443exports.default = parseArgs;
444//# sourceMappingURL=parse-args.js.map
\No newline at end of file