21.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1let parser = require('postcss-value-parser')
3let Value = require('./value')
4let insertAreas = require('./hacks/grid-utils').insertAreas
6const OLD_LINEAR = /(^|[^-])linear-gradient\(\s*(top|left|right|bottom)/i
7const OLD_RADIAL = /(^|[^-])radial-gradient\(\s*\d+(\w*|%)\s+\d+(\w*|%)\s*,/i
8const IGNORE_NEXT = /(!\s*)?autoprefixer:\s*ignore\s+next/i
9const GRID_REGEX = /(!\s*)?autoprefixer\s*grid:\s*(on|off|(no-)?autoplace)/i
11const SIZES = [
12 'width',
13 'height',
14 'min-width',
15 'max-width',
16 'min-height',
17 'max-height',
18 'inline-size',
19 'min-inline-size',
20 'max-inline-size',
21 'block-size',
22 'min-block-size',
23 'max-block-size'
26function hasGridTemplate(decl) {
27 return decl.parent.some(
28 i => i.prop === 'grid-template' || i.prop === 'grid-template-areas'
29 )
32function hasRowsAndColumns(decl) {
33 let hasRows = decl.parent.some(i => i.prop === 'grid-template-rows')
34 let hasColumns = decl.parent.some(i => i.prop === 'grid-template-columns')
35 return hasRows && hasColumns
38class Processor {
39 constructor(prefixes) {
40 this.prefixes = prefixes
41 }
43 /**
44 * Add necessary prefixes
45 */
46 add(css, result) {
47 // At-rules
48 let resolution = this.prefixes.add['@resolution']
49 let keyframes = this.prefixes.add['@keyframes']
50 let viewport = this.prefixes.add['@viewport']
51 let supports = this.prefixes.add['@supports']
53 css.walkAtRules(rule => {
54 if (rule.name === 'keyframes') {
55 if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
56 return keyframes && keyframes.process(rule)
57 }
58 } else if (rule.name === 'viewport') {
59 if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
60 return viewport && viewport.process(rule)
61 }
62 } else if (rule.name === 'supports') {
63 if (
64 this.prefixes.options.supports !== false &&
65 !this.disabled(rule, result)
66 ) {
67 return supports.process(rule)
68 }
69 } else if (rule.name === 'media' && rule.params.includes('-resolution')) {
70 if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
71 return resolution && resolution.process(rule)
72 }
73 }
75 return undefined
76 })
78 // Selectors
79 css.walkRules(rule => {
80 if (this.disabled(rule, result)) return undefined
82 return this.prefixes.add.selectors.map(selector => {
83 return selector.process(rule, result)
84 })
85 })
87 function insideGrid(decl) {
88 return decl.parent.nodes.some(node => {
89 if (node.type !== 'decl') return false
90 let displayGrid =
91 node.prop === 'display' && /(inline-)?grid/.test(node.value)
92 let gridTemplate = node.prop.startsWith('grid-template')
93 let gridGap = /^grid-([A-z]+-)?gap/.test(node.prop)
94 return displayGrid || gridTemplate || gridGap
95 })
96 }
97 function insideFlex(decl) {
98 return decl.parent.some(node => {
99 return node.prop === 'display' && /(inline-)?flex/.test(node.value)
100 })
101 }
103 let gridPrefixes =
104 this.gridStatus(css, result) &&
105 this.prefixes.add['grid-area'] &&
106 this.prefixes.add['grid-area'].prefixes
108 css.walkDecls(decl => {
109 if (this.disabledDecl(decl, result)) return undefined
111 let parent = decl.parent
112 let prop = decl.prop
113 let value = decl.value
115 if (prop === 'grid-row-span') {
116 result.warn(
117 'grid-row-span is not part of final Grid Layout. Use grid-row.',
118 { node: decl }
119 )
120 return undefined
121 } else if (prop === 'grid-column-span') {
122 result.warn(
123 'grid-column-span is not part of final Grid Layout. Use grid-column.',
124 { node: decl }
125 )
126 return undefined
127 } else if (prop === 'display' && value === 'box') {
128 result.warn(
129 'You should write display: flex by final spec ' +
130 'instead of display: box',
131 { node: decl }
132 )
133 return undefined
134 } else if (prop === 'text-emphasis-position') {
135 if (value === 'under' || value === 'over') {
136 result.warn(
137 'You should use 2 values for text-emphasis-position ' +
138 'For example, `under left` instead of just `under`.',
139 { node: decl }
140 )
141 }
142 } else if (
143 /^(align|justify|place)-(items|content)$/.test(prop) &&
144 insideFlex(decl)
145 ) {
146 if (value === 'start' || value === 'end') {
147 result.warn(
148 `${value} value has mixed support, consider using ` +
149 `flex-${value} instead`,
150 { node: decl }
151 )
152 }
153 } else if (prop === 'text-decoration-skip' && value === 'ink') {
154 result.warn(
155 'Replace text-decoration-skip: ink to ' +
156 'text-decoration-skip-ink: auto, because spec had been changed',
157 { node: decl }
158 )
159 } else {
160 if (gridPrefixes && this.gridStatus(decl, result)) {
161 if (decl.value === 'subgrid') {
162 result.warn('IE does not support subgrid', { node: decl })
163 }
164 if (/^(align|justify|place)-items$/.test(prop) && insideGrid(decl)) {
165 let fixed = prop.replace('-items', '-self')
166 result.warn(
167 `IE does not support ${prop} on grid containers. ` +
168 `Try using ${fixed} on child elements instead: ` +
169 `${decl.parent.selector} > * { ${fixed}: ${decl.value} }`,
170 { node: decl }
171 )
172 } else if (
173 /^(align|justify|place)-content$/.test(prop) &&
174 insideGrid(decl)
175 ) {
176 result.warn(`IE does not support ${decl.prop} on grid containers`, {
177 node: decl
178 })
179 } else if (prop === 'display' && decl.value === 'contents') {
180 result.warn(
181 'Please do not use display: contents; ' +
182 'if you have grid setting enabled',
183 { node: decl }
184 )
185 return undefined
186 } else if (decl.prop === 'grid-gap') {
187 let status = this.gridStatus(decl, result)
188 if (
189 status === 'autoplace' &&
190 !hasRowsAndColumns(decl) &&
191 !hasGridTemplate(decl)
192 ) {
193 result.warn(
194 'grid-gap only works if grid-template(-areas) is being ' +
195 'used or both rows and columns have been declared ' +
196 'and cells have not been manually ' +
197 'placed inside the explicit grid',
198 { node: decl }
199 )
200 } else if (
201 (status === true || status === 'no-autoplace') &&
202 !hasGridTemplate(decl)
203 ) {
204 result.warn(
205 'grid-gap only works if grid-template(-areas) is being used',
206 { node: decl }
207 )
208 }
209 } else if (prop === 'grid-auto-columns') {
210 result.warn('grid-auto-columns is not supported by IE', {
211 node: decl
212 })
213 return undefined
214 } else if (prop === 'grid-auto-rows') {
215 result.warn('grid-auto-rows is not supported by IE', { node: decl })
216 return undefined
217 } else if (prop === 'grid-auto-flow') {
218 let hasRows = parent.some(i => i.prop === 'grid-template-rows')
219 let hasCols = parent.some(i => i.prop === 'grid-template-columns')
221 if (hasGridTemplate(decl)) {
222 result.warn('grid-auto-flow is not supported by IE', {
223 node: decl
224 })
225 } else if (value.includes('dense')) {
226 result.warn('grid-auto-flow: dense is not supported by IE', {
227 node: decl
228 })
229 } else if (!hasRows && !hasCols) {
230 result.warn(
231 'grid-auto-flow works only if grid-template-rows and ' +
232 'grid-template-columns are present in the same rule',
233 { node: decl }
234 )
235 }
236 return undefined
237 } else if (value.includes('auto-fit')) {
238 result.warn('auto-fit value is not supported by IE', {
239 node: decl,
240 word: 'auto-fit'
241 })
242 return undefined
243 } else if (value.includes('auto-fill')) {
244 result.warn('auto-fill value is not supported by IE', {
245 node: decl,
246 word: 'auto-fill'
247 })
248 return undefined
249 } else if (prop.startsWith('grid-template') && value.includes('[')) {
250 result.warn(
251 'Autoprefixer currently does not support line names. ' +
252 'Try using grid-template-areas instead.',
253 { node: decl, word: '[' }
254 )
255 }
256 }
257 if (value.includes('radial-gradient')) {
258 if (OLD_RADIAL.test(decl.value)) {
259 result.warn(
260 'Gradient has outdated direction syntax. ' +
261 'New syntax is like `closest-side at 0 0` ' +
262 'instead of `0 0, closest-side`.',
263 { node: decl }
264 )
265 } else {
266 let ast = parser(value)
268 for (let i of ast.nodes) {
269 if (i.type === 'function' && i.value === 'radial-gradient') {
270 for (let word of i.nodes) {
271 if (word.type === 'word') {
272 if (word.value === 'cover') {
273 result.warn(
274 'Gradient has outdated direction syntax. ' +
275 'Replace `cover` to `farthest-corner`.',
276 { node: decl }
277 )
278 } else if (word.value === 'contain') {
279 result.warn(
280 'Gradient has outdated direction syntax. ' +
281 'Replace `contain` to `closest-side`.',
282 { node: decl }
283 )
284 }
285 }
286 }
287 }
288 }
289 }
290 }
291 if (value.includes('linear-gradient')) {
292 if (OLD_LINEAR.test(value)) {
293 result.warn(
294 'Gradient has outdated direction syntax. ' +
295 'New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`.',
296 { node: decl }
297 )
298 }
299 }
300 }
302 if (SIZES.includes(decl.prop)) {
303 if (!decl.value.includes('-fill-available')) {
304 if (decl.value.includes('fill-available')) {
305 result.warn(
306 'Replace fill-available to stretch, ' +
307 'because spec had been changed',
308 { node: decl }
309 )
310 } else if (decl.value.includes('fill')) {
311 let ast = parser(value)
312 if (ast.nodes.some(i => i.type === 'word' && i.value === 'fill')) {
313 result.warn(
314 'Replace fill to stretch, because spec had been changed',
315 { node: decl }
316 )
317 }
318 }
319 }
320 }
322 let prefixer
324 if (decl.prop === 'transition' || decl.prop === 'transition-property') {
325 // Transition
326 return this.prefixes.transition.add(decl, result)
327 } else if (decl.prop === 'align-self') {
328 // align-self flexbox or grid
329 let display = this.displayType(decl)
330 if (display !== 'grid' && this.prefixes.options.flexbox !== false) {
331 prefixer = this.prefixes.add['align-self']
332 if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
333 prefixer.process(decl)
334 }
335 }
336 if (this.gridStatus(decl, result) !== false) {
337 prefixer = this.prefixes.add['grid-row-align']
338 if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
339 return prefixer.process(decl, result)
340 }
341 }
342 } else if (decl.prop === 'justify-self') {
343 // justify-self flexbox or grid
344 if (this.gridStatus(decl, result) !== false) {
345 prefixer = this.prefixes.add['grid-column-align']
346 if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
347 return prefixer.process(decl, result)
348 }
349 }
350 } else if (decl.prop === 'place-self') {
351 prefixer = this.prefixes.add['place-self']
352 if (
353 prefixer &&
354 prefixer.prefixes &&
355 this.gridStatus(decl, result) !== false
356 ) {
357 return prefixer.process(decl, result)
358 }
359 } else {
360 // Properties
361 prefixer = this.prefixes.add[decl.prop]
362 if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
363 return prefixer.process(decl, result)
364 }
365 }
367 return undefined
368 })
370 // Insert grid-area prefixes. We need to be able to store the different
371 // rules as a data and hack API is not enough for this
372 if (this.gridStatus(css, result)) {
373 insertAreas(css, this.disabled)
374 }
376 // Values
377 return css.walkDecls(decl => {
378 if (this.disabledValue(decl, result)) return
380 let unprefixed = this.prefixes.unprefixed(decl.prop)
381 let list = this.prefixes.values('add', unprefixed)
382 if (Array.isArray(list)) {
383 for (let value of list) {
384 if (value.process) value.process(decl, result)
385 }
386 }
387 Value.save(this.prefixes, decl)
388 })
389 }
391 /**
392 * Remove unnecessary pefixes
393 */
394 remove(css, result) {
395 // At-rules
396 let resolution = this.prefixes.remove['@resolution']
398 css.walkAtRules((rule, i) => {
399 if (this.prefixes.remove[`@${rule.name}`]) {
400 if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
401 rule.parent.removeChild(i)
402 }
403 } else if (
404 rule.name === 'media' &&
405 rule.params.includes('-resolution') &&
406 resolution
407 ) {
408 resolution.clean(rule)
409 }
410 })
412 // Selectors
413 for (let checker of this.prefixes.remove.selectors) {
414 css.walkRules((rule, i) => {
415 if (checker.check(rule)) {
416 if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
417 rule.parent.removeChild(i)
418 }
419 }
420 })
421 }
423 return css.walkDecls((decl, i) => {
424 if (this.disabled(decl, result)) return
426 let rule = decl.parent
427 let unprefixed = this.prefixes.unprefixed(decl.prop)
429 // Transition
430 if (decl.prop === 'transition' || decl.prop === 'transition-property') {
431 this.prefixes.transition.remove(decl)
432 }
434 // Properties
435 if (
436 this.prefixes.remove[decl.prop] &&
437 this.prefixes.remove[decl.prop].remove
438 ) {
439 let notHack = this.prefixes.group(decl).down(other => {
440 return this.prefixes.normalize(other.prop) === unprefixed
441 })
443 if (unprefixed === 'flex-flow') {
444 notHack = true
445 }
447 if (decl.prop === '-webkit-box-orient') {
448 let hacks = { 'flex-direction': true, 'flex-flow': true }
449 if (!decl.parent.some(j => hacks[j.prop])) return
450 }
452 if (notHack && !this.withHackValue(decl)) {
453 if (decl.raw('before').includes('\n')) {
454 this.reduceSpaces(decl)
455 }
456 rule.removeChild(i)
457 return
458 }
459 }
461 // Values
462 for (let checker of this.prefixes.values('remove', unprefixed)) {
463 if (!checker.check) continue
464 if (!checker.check(decl.value)) continue
466 unprefixed = checker.unprefixed
467 let notHack = this.prefixes.group(decl).down(other => {
468 return other.value.includes(unprefixed)
469 })
471 if (notHack) {
472 rule.removeChild(i)
473 return
474 }
475 }
476 })
477 }
479 /**
480 * Some rare old values, which is not in standard
481 */
482 withHackValue(decl) {
483 return decl.prop === '-webkit-background-clip' && decl.value === 'text'
484 }
486 /**
487 * Check for grid/flexbox options.
488 */
489 disabledValue(node, result) {
490 if (this.gridStatus(node, result) === false && node.type === 'decl') {
491 if (node.prop === 'display' && node.value.includes('grid')) {
492 return true
493 }
494 }
495 if (this.prefixes.options.flexbox === false && node.type === 'decl') {
496 if (node.prop === 'display' && node.value.includes('flex')) {
497 return true
498 }
499 }
500 if (node.type === 'decl' && node.prop === 'content') {
501 return true
502 }
504 return this.disabled(node, result)
505 }
507 /**
508 * Check for grid/flexbox options.
509 */
510 disabledDecl(node, result) {
511 if (this.gridStatus(node, result) === false && node.type === 'decl') {
512 if (node.prop.includes('grid') || node.prop === 'justify-items') {
513 return true
514 }
515 }
516 if (this.prefixes.options.flexbox === false && node.type === 'decl') {
517 let other = ['order', 'justify-content', 'align-items', 'align-content']
518 if (node.prop.includes('flex') || other.includes(node.prop)) {
519 return true
520 }
521 }
523 return this.disabled(node, result)
524 }
526 /**
527 * Check for control comment and global options
528 */
529 disabled(node, result) {
530 if (!node) return false
532 if (node._autoprefixerDisabled !== undefined) {
533 return node._autoprefixerDisabled
534 }
536 if (node.parent) {
537 let p = node.prev()
538 if (p && p.type === 'comment' && IGNORE_NEXT.test(p.text)) {
539 node._autoprefixerDisabled = true
540 node._autoprefixerSelfDisabled = true
541 return true
542 }
543 }
545 let value = null
546 if (node.nodes) {
547 let status
548 node.each(i => {
549 if (i.type !== 'comment') return
550 if (/(!\s*)?autoprefixer:\s*(off|on)/i.test(i.text)) {
551 if (typeof status !== 'undefined') {
552 result.warn(
553 'Second Autoprefixer control comment ' +
554 'was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control ' +
555 'comment to whole block, not to next rules.',
556 { node: i }
557 )
558 } else {
559 status = /on/i.test(i.text)
560 }
561 }
562 })
564 if (status !== undefined) {
565 value = !status
566 }
567 }
568 if (!node.nodes || value === null) {
569 if (node.parent) {
570 let isParentDisabled = this.disabled(node.parent, result)
571 if (node.parent._autoprefixerSelfDisabled === true) {
572 value = false
573 } else {
574 value = isParentDisabled
575 }
576 } else {
577 value = false
578 }
579 }
580 node._autoprefixerDisabled = value
581 return value
582 }
584 /**
585 * Normalize spaces in cascade declaration group
586 */
587 reduceSpaces(decl) {
588 let stop = false
589 this.prefixes.group(decl).up(() => {
590 stop = true
591 return true
592 })
593 if (stop) {
594 return
595 }
597 let parts = decl.raw('before').split('\n')
598 let prevMin = parts[parts.length - 1].length
599 let diff = false
601 this.prefixes.group(decl).down(other => {
602 parts = other.raw('before').split('\n')
603 let last = parts.length - 1
605 if (parts[last].length > prevMin) {
606 if (diff === false) {
607 diff = parts[last].length - prevMin
608 }
610 parts[last] = parts[last].slice(0, -diff)
611 other.raws.before = parts.join('\n')
612 }
613 })
614 }
616 /**
617 * Is it flebox or grid rule
618 */
619 displayType(decl) {
620 for (let i of decl.parent.nodes) {
621 if (i.prop !== 'display') {
622 continue
623 }
625 if (i.value.includes('flex')) {
626 return 'flex'
627 }
629 if (i.value.includes('grid')) {
630 return 'grid'
631 }
632 }
634 return false
635 }
637 /**
638 * Set grid option via control comment
639 */
640 gridStatus(node, result) {
641 if (!node) return false
643 if (node._autoprefixerGridStatus !== undefined) {
644 return node._autoprefixerGridStatus
645 }
647 let value = null
648 if (node.nodes) {
649 let status
650 node.each(i => {
651 if (i.type !== 'comment') return
652 if (GRID_REGEX.test(i.text)) {
653 let hasAutoplace = /:\s*autoplace/i.test(i.text)
654 let noAutoplace = /no-autoplace/i.test(i.text)
655 if (typeof status !== 'undefined') {
656 result.warn(
657 'Second Autoprefixer grid control comment was ' +
658 'ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comments to the whole ' +
659 'block, not to the next rules.',
660 { node: i }
661 )
662 } else if (hasAutoplace) {
663 status = 'autoplace'
664 } else if (noAutoplace) {
665 status = true
666 } else {
667 status = /on/i.test(i.text)
668 }
669 }
670 })
672 if (status !== undefined) {
673 value = status
674 }
675 }
677 if (node.type === 'atrule' && node.name === 'supports') {
678 let params = node.params
679 if (params.includes('grid') && params.includes('auto')) {
680 value = false
681 }
682 }
684 if (!node.nodes || value === null) {
685 if (node.parent) {
686 let isParentGrid = this.gridStatus(node.parent, result)
687 if (node.parent._autoprefixerSelfDisabled === true) {
688 value = false
689 } else {
690 value = isParentGrid
691 }
692 } else if (typeof this.prefixes.options.grid !== 'undefined') {
693 value = this.prefixes.options.grid
694 } else if (typeof process.env.AUTOPREFIXER_GRID !== 'undefined') {
695 if (process.env.AUTOPREFIXER_GRID === 'autoplace') {
696 value = 'autoplace'
697 } else {
698 value = true
699 }
700 } else {
701 value = false
702 }
703 }
705 node._autoprefixerGridStatus = value
706 return value
707 }
710module.exports = Processor