4.81 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface Observable {
2 subscribe(observer: (value: {}) => void): void;
5export type Test = (t: TestContext) => Promise<void> | Iterator<any> | Observable | void;
6export type ContextualTest = (t: ContextualTestContext) => Promise<void> | Iterator<any> | Observable | void;
7export type SerialTest = (t: TestContext) => void;
8export type ContextualSerialTest = (t: ContextualTestContext) => void;
9export type CallbackTest = (t: CallbackTestContext) => void;
10export type ContextualCallbackTest = (t: ContextualCallbackTestContext) => void;
12export interface Runner {
13 (name: string, run: Test): void;
14 (run: Test): void;
15 skip: Runner;
16 cb: CallbackRunner;
18export interface ContextualRunner {
19 (name: string, run: ContextualTest): void;
20 (run: ContextualTest): void;
21 skip: ContextualRunner;
22 cb: ContextualCallbackRunner;
24export interface SerialRunner {
25 (name: string, run: SerialTest): void;
26 (run: SerialTest): void;
27 skip: SerialRunner;
29export interface ContextualSerialRunner {
30 (name: string, run: ContextualSerialTest): void;
31 (run: ContextualSerialTest): void;
32 skip: ContextualSerialRunner;
34export interface CallbackRunner {
35 (name: string, run: CallbackTest): void;
36 (run: CallbackTest): void;
37 skip: CallbackRunner;
39export interface ContextualCallbackRunner {
40 (name: string, run: ContextualCallbackTest): void;
41 (run: ContextualCallbackTest): void;
42 skip: ContextualCallbackRunner;
45export function test(name: string, run: ContextualTest): void;
46export function test(run: ContextualTest): void;
47export namespace test {
48 export const before: Runner;
49 export const after: Runner;
50 export const beforeEach: ContextualRunner;
51 export const afterEach: ContextualRunner;
53 export const skip: typeof test;
54 export const only: typeof test;
56 export function serial(name: string, run: ContextualSerialTest): void;
57 export function serial(run: ContextualSerialTest): void;
58 export function cb(name: string, run: ContextualCallbackTest): void;
59 export function cb(run: ContextualCallbackTest): void;
61export namespace test.serial {
62 export const before: SerialRunner;
63 export const after: SerialRunner;
64 export const beforeEach: ContextualSerialRunner;
65 export const afterEach: ContextualSerialRunner;
67 export const skip: typeof test.serial;
68 export const only: typeof test.serial;
70export namespace test.cb {
71 export const before: CallbackRunner;
72 export const after: CallbackRunner;
73 export const beforeEach: ContextualCallbackRunner;
74 export const afterEach: ContextualCallbackRunner;
76 export const skip: typeof test.cb;
77 export const only: typeof test.cb;
79export default test;
81export type ErrorValidator
82 = (new (...args: any[]) => any)
83 | RegExp
84 | string
85 | ((error: any) => boolean);
87export interface AssertContext {
88 /**
89 * Passing assertion.
90 */
91 pass(message?: string): void;
92 /**
93 * Failing assertion.
94 */
95 fail(message?: string): void;
96 /**
97 * Assert that value is truthy.
98 */
99 ok(value: any, message?: string): void;
100 /**
101 * Assert that value is falsy.
102 */
103 notOk(value: any, message?: string): void;
104 /**
105 * Assert that value is true.
106 */
107 true(value: boolean, message?: string): void;
108 /**
109 * Assert that value is false.
110 */
111 false(value: boolean, message?: string): void;
112 /**
113 * Assert that value is equal to expected.
114 */
115 is<U>(value: U, expected: U, message?: string): void;
116 /**
117 * Assert that value is not equal to expected.
118 */
119 not<U>(value: U, expected: U, message?: string): void;
120 /**
121 * Assert that value is deep equal to expected.
122 */
123 same<U>(value: U, expected: U, message?: string): void;
124 /**
125 * Assert that value is not deep equal to expected.
126 */
127 notSame<U>(value: U, expected: U, message?: string): void;
128 /**
129 * Assert that function throws an error or promise rejects.
130 * @param error Can be a constructor, regex, error message or validation function.
131 */
132 throws(value: (() => void) | Promise<{}>, error?: ErrorValidator, message?: string);
133 /**
134 * Assert that function doesn't throw an error or promise resolves.
135 */
136 notThrows(value: (() => void) | Promise<{}>, message?: string);
137 /**
138 * Assert that contents matches regex.
139 */
140 regex(contents: string, regex: RegExp, message?: string): void;
141 /**
142 * Assert that error is falsy.
143 */
144 ifError(error: any, message?: string): void;
146export interface TestContext extends AssertContext {
147 /**
148 * Plan how many assertion there are in the test.
149 * The test will fail if the actual assertion count doesn't match planned assertions.
150 */
151 plan(count: number): void;
153 skip: AssertContext;
155export interface CallbackTestContext extends TestContext {
156 /**
157 * End the test.
158 */
159 end(): void;
161export interface ContextualTestContext extends TestContext {
162 context: any;
164export interface ContextualCallbackTestContext extends CallbackTestContext {
165 context: any;
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