1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | const crypto = require('crypto');
4 | const fs = require('fs');
5 | const path = require('path');
6 | const zlib = require('zlib');
7 |
8 | const concordance = require('concordance');
9 | const indentString = require('indent-string');
10 | const makeDir = require('make-dir');
11 | const md5Hex = require('md5-hex');
12 | const convertSourceMap = require('convert-source-map');
13 | const slash = require('slash');
14 | const writeFileAtomic = require('write-file-atomic');
15 |
16 | const concordanceOptions = require('./concordance-options').snapshotManager;
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 | const VERSION = 2;
22 |
23 | const VERSION_HEADER = Buffer.alloc(2);
25 |
26 |
27 | const READABLE_PREFIX = Buffer.from(`AVA Snapshot v${VERSION}\n`, 'ascii');
28 | const REPORT_SEPARATOR = Buffer.from('\n\n', 'ascii');
29 | const REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE = Buffer.from('\n', 'ascii');
30 |
31 | const MD5_HASH_LENGTH = 16;
32 |
33 | class SnapshotError extends Error {
34 | constructor(message, snapPath) {
35 | super(message);
36 | this.name = 'SnapshotError';
37 | this.snapPath = snapPath;
38 | }
39 | }
40 | exports.SnapshotError = SnapshotError;
41 |
42 | class ChecksumError extends SnapshotError {
43 | constructor(snapPath) {
44 | super('Checksum mismatch', snapPath);
45 | this.name = 'ChecksumError';
46 | }
47 | }
48 | exports.ChecksumError = ChecksumError;
49 |
50 | class VersionMismatchError extends SnapshotError {
51 | constructor(snapPath, version) {
52 | super('Unexpected snapshot version', snapPath);
53 | this.name = 'VersionMismatchError';
54 | this.snapVersion = version;
55 | this.expectedVersion = VERSION;
56 | }
57 | }
58 | exports.VersionMismatchError = VersionMismatchError;
59 |
60 | const LEGACY_SNAPSHOT_HEADER = Buffer.from('// Jest Snapshot v1');
61 | function isLegacySnapshot(buffer) {
62 | return LEGACY_SNAPSHOT_HEADER.equals(buffer.slice(0, LEGACY_SNAPSHOT_HEADER.byteLength));
63 | }
64 |
65 | class LegacyError extends SnapshotError {
66 | constructor(snapPath) {
67 | super('Legacy snapshot file', snapPath);
68 | this.name = 'LegacyError';
69 | }
70 | }
71 | exports.LegacyError = LegacyError;
72 |
73 | function tryRead(file) {
74 | try {
75 | return fs.readFileSync(file);
76 | } catch (error) {
77 | if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
78 | return null;
79 | }
80 |
81 | throw error;
82 | }
83 | }
84 |
85 | function withoutLineEndings(buffer) {
86 | let checkPosition = buffer.byteLength - 1;
87 | while (buffer[checkPosition] === 0x0A || buffer[checkPosition] === 0x0D) {
88 | checkPosition--;
89 | }
90 |
91 | return buffer.slice(0, checkPosition + 1);
92 | }
93 |
94 | function formatEntry(label, descriptor) {
95 | if (label) {
96 | label = `> ${label}\n\n`;
97 | }
98 |
99 | const codeBlock = indentString(concordance.formatDescriptor(descriptor, concordanceOptions), 4);
100 | return Buffer.from(label + codeBlock, 'utf8');
101 | }
102 |
103 | function combineEntries(entries) {
104 | const buffers = [];
105 | let byteLength = 0;
106 |
107 | const sortedKeys = [...entries.keys()].sort();
108 | for (const key of sortedKeys) {
109 | const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(`\n\n## ${key}\n\n`, 'utf8');
110 | buffers.push(keyBuffer);
111 | byteLength += keyBuffer.byteLength;
112 |
113 | const formattedEntries = entries.get(key);
114 | const last = formattedEntries[formattedEntries.length - 1];
115 | for (const entry of formattedEntries) {
116 | buffers.push(entry);
117 | byteLength += entry.byteLength;
118 |
119 | if (entry !== last) {
120 | buffers.push(REPORT_SEPARATOR);
121 | byteLength += REPORT_SEPARATOR.byteLength;
122 | }
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | return {buffers, byteLength};
127 | }
128 |
129 | function generateReport(relFile, snapFile, entries) {
130 | const combined = combineEntries(entries);
131 | const {buffers} = combined;
132 | let {byteLength} = combined;
133 |
134 | const header = Buffer.from(`# Snapshot report for \`${slash(relFile)}\`
135 |
136 | The actual snapshot is saved in \`${snapFile}\`.
137 |
138 | Generated by [AVA](https://ava.li).`, 'utf8');
139 | buffers.unshift(header);
140 | byteLength += header.byteLength;
141 |
142 | buffers.push(REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE);
143 | byteLength += REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE.byteLength;
144 | return Buffer.concat(buffers, byteLength);
145 | }
146 |
147 | function appendReportEntries(existingReport, entries) {
148 | const combined = combineEntries(entries);
149 | const {buffers} = combined;
150 | let {byteLength} = combined;
151 |
152 | const prepend = withoutLineEndings(existingReport);
153 | buffers.unshift(prepend);
154 | byteLength += prepend.byteLength;
155 |
156 | buffers.push(REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE);
157 | byteLength += REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE.byteLength;
158 | return Buffer.concat(buffers, byteLength);
159 | }
160 |
161 | function encodeSnapshots(buffersByHash) {
162 | const buffers = [];
163 | let byteOffset = 0;
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 | const headerLength = Buffer.alloc(4);
169 | buffers.push(headerLength);
170 | byteOffset += 4;
171 |
172 |
173 | const numHashes = Buffer.alloc(2);
174 | numHashes.writeUInt16LE(buffersByHash.size);
175 | buffers.push(numHashes);
176 | byteOffset += 2;
177 |
178 | const entries = [];
179 | for (const pair of buffersByHash) {
180 | const hash = pair[0];
181 | const snapshotBuffers = pair[1];
182 |
183 | buffers.push(Buffer.from(hash, 'hex'));
184 | byteOffset += MD5_HASH_LENGTH;
185 |
186 |
187 | const numSnapshots = Buffer.alloc(2);
188 | numSnapshots.writeUInt16LE(snapshotBuffers.length, 0);
189 | buffers.push(numSnapshots);
190 | byteOffset += 2;
191 |
192 | for (const value of snapshotBuffers) {
193 |
194 |
195 | const start = Buffer.alloc(4);
196 | const end = Buffer.alloc(4);
197 | entries.push({start, end, value});
198 |
199 | buffers.push(start, end);
200 | byteOffset += 8;
201 | }
202 | }
203 |
204 | headerLength.writeUInt32LE(byteOffset, 0);
205 |
206 | let bodyOffset = 0;
207 | for (const entry of entries) {
208 | const start = bodyOffset;
209 | const end = bodyOffset + entry.value.byteLength;
210 | entry.start.writeUInt32LE(start, 0);
211 | entry.end.writeUInt32LE(end, 0);
212 | buffers.push(entry.value);
213 | bodyOffset = end;
214 | }
215 |
216 | byteOffset += bodyOffset;
217 |
218 | const compressed = zlib.gzipSync(Buffer.concat(buffers, byteOffset));
219 | compressed[9] = 0x03;
220 | const md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(compressed).digest();
221 | return Buffer.concat([
224 | md5sum,
225 | compressed
226 | ], READABLE_PREFIX.byteLength + VERSION_HEADER.byteLength + MD5_HASH_LENGTH + compressed.byteLength);
227 | }
228 |
229 | function decodeSnapshots(buffer, snapPath) {
230 | if (isLegacySnapshot(buffer)) {
231 | throw new LegacyError(snapPath);
232 | }
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 | const versionOffset = buffer.indexOf(0x0A) + 1;
237 | const version = buffer.readUInt16LE(versionOffset);
238 | if (version !== VERSION) {
239 | throw new VersionMismatchError(snapPath, version);
240 | }
241 |
242 | const md5sumOffset = versionOffset + 2;
243 | const compressedOffset = md5sumOffset + MD5_HASH_LENGTH;
244 | const compressed = buffer.slice(compressedOffset);
245 |
246 | const md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(compressed).digest();
247 | const expectedSum = buffer.slice(md5sumOffset, compressedOffset);
248 | if (!md5sum.equals(expectedSum)) {
249 | throw new ChecksumError(snapPath);
250 | }
251 |
252 | const decompressed = zlib.gunzipSync(compressed);
253 | let byteOffset = 0;
254 |
255 | const headerLength = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset);
256 | byteOffset += 4;
257 |
258 | const snapshotsByHash = new Map();
259 | const numHashes = decompressed.readUInt16LE(byteOffset);
260 | byteOffset += 2;
261 |
262 | for (let count = 0; count < numHashes; count++) {
263 | const hash = decompressed.toString('hex', byteOffset, byteOffset + MD5_HASH_LENGTH);
264 | byteOffset += MD5_HASH_LENGTH;
265 |
266 | const numSnapshots = decompressed.readUInt16LE(byteOffset);
267 | byteOffset += 2;
268 |
269 | const snapshotsBuffers = new Array(numSnapshots);
270 | for (let index = 0; index < numSnapshots; index++) {
271 | const start = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset) + headerLength;
272 | byteOffset += 4;
273 | const end = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset) + headerLength;
274 | byteOffset += 4;
275 | snapshotsBuffers[index] = decompressed.slice(start, end);
276 | }
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 | if (snapshotsByHash.has(hash)) {
281 | snapshotsByHash.set(hash, snapshotsByHash.get(hash).concat(snapshotsBuffers));
282 | } else {
283 | snapshotsByHash.set(hash, snapshotsBuffers);
284 | }
285 | }
286 |
287 | return snapshotsByHash;
288 | }
289 |
290 | class Manager {
291 | constructor(options) {
292 | this.appendOnly = options.appendOnly;
293 | this.dir = options.dir;
294 | this.recordNewSnapshots = options.recordNewSnapshots;
295 | this.relFile = options.relFile;
296 | this.reportFile = options.reportFile;
297 | this.snapFile = options.snapFile;
298 | this.snapPath = options.snapPath;
299 | this.snapshotsByHash = options.snapshotsByHash;
300 |
301 | this.hasChanges = false;
302 | this.reportEntries = new Map();
303 | }
304 |
305 | compare(options) {
306 | const hash = md5Hex(options.belongsTo);
307 | const entries = this.snapshotsByHash.get(hash) || [];
308 | if (options.index > entries.length) {
309 | throw new RangeError(`Cannot record snapshot ${options.index} for ${JSON.stringify(options.belongsTo)}, exceeds expected index of ${entries.length}`);
310 | }
311 |
312 | if (options.index === entries.length) {
313 | if (!this.recordNewSnapshots) {
314 | return {pass: false};
315 | }
316 |
317 | this.record(hash, options);
318 | return {pass: true};
319 | }
320 |
321 | const snapshotBuffer = entries[options.index];
322 | const actual = concordance.deserialize(snapshotBuffer, concordanceOptions);
323 |
324 | const expected = concordance.describe(options.expected, concordanceOptions);
325 | const pass = concordance.compareDescriptors(actual, expected);
326 |
327 | return {actual, expected, pass};
328 | }
329 |
330 | record(hash, options) {
331 | const descriptor = concordance.describe(options.expected, concordanceOptions);
332 |
333 | this.hasChanges = true;
334 | const snapshot = concordance.serialize(descriptor);
335 | if (this.snapshotsByHash.has(hash)) {
336 | this.snapshotsByHash.get(hash).push(snapshot);
337 | } else {
338 | this.snapshotsByHash.set(hash, [snapshot]);
339 | }
340 |
341 | const entry = formatEntry(options.label, descriptor);
342 | if (this.reportEntries.has(options.belongsTo)) {
343 | this.reportEntries.get(options.belongsTo).push(entry);
344 | } else {
345 | this.reportEntries.set(options.belongsTo, [entry]);
346 | }
347 | }
348 |
349 | save() {
350 | if (!this.hasChanges) {
351 | return null;
352 | }
353 |
354 | const {snapPath} = this;
355 | const buffer = encodeSnapshots(this.snapshotsByHash);
356 |
357 | const reportPath = path.join(this.dir, this.reportFile);
358 | const existingReport = this.appendOnly ? tryRead(reportPath) : null;
359 | const reportBuffer = existingReport ?
360 | appendReportEntries(existingReport, this.reportEntries) :
361 | generateReport(this.relFile, this.snapFile, this.reportEntries);
362 |
363 | makeDir.sync(this.dir);
364 |
365 | const paths = [snapPath, reportPath];
366 | const tmpfileCreated = tmpfile => paths.push(tmpfile);
367 | writeFileAtomic.sync(snapPath, buffer, {tmpfileCreated});
368 | writeFileAtomic.sync(reportPath, reportBuffer, {tmpfileCreated});
369 | return paths;
370 | }
371 | }
372 |
373 | function determineSnapshotDir({file, fixedLocation, projectDir}) {
374 | const testDir = path.dirname(file);
375 | if (fixedLocation) {
376 | const relativeTestLocation = path.relative(projectDir, testDir);
377 | return path.join(fixedLocation, relativeTestLocation);
378 | }
379 |
380 | const parts = new Set(path.relative(projectDir, testDir).split(path.sep));
381 | if (parts.has('__tests__')) {
382 | return path.join(testDir, '__snapshots__');
383 | }
384 |
385 | if (parts.has('test') || parts.has('tests')) {
386 | return path.join(testDir, 'snapshots');
387 | }
388 |
389 | return testDir;
390 | }
391 |
392 | function resolveSourceFile(file) {
393 | const testDir = path.dirname(file);
394 | const buffer = tryRead(file);
395 | if (!buffer) {
396 | return file;
397 | }
398 |
399 | const source = buffer.toString();
400 | const converter = convertSourceMap.fromSource(source) || convertSourceMap.fromMapFileSource(source, testDir);
401 | if (converter) {
402 | const map = converter.toObject();
403 | const firstSource = `${map.sourceRoot || ''}${map.sources[0]}`;
404 | return path.resolve(testDir, firstSource);
405 | }
406 |
407 | return file;
408 | }
409 |
410 | function load({file, fixedLocation, projectDir, recordNewSnapshots, updating}) {
411 | const sourceFile = resolveSourceFile(file);
412 | const dir = determineSnapshotDir({file: sourceFile, fixedLocation, projectDir});
413 | const relFile = path.relative(projectDir, sourceFile);
414 | const name = path.basename(relFile);
415 | const reportFile = `${name}.md`;
416 | const snapFile = `${name}.snap`;
417 | const snapPath = path.join(dir, snapFile);
418 |
419 | let appendOnly = !updating;
420 | let snapshotsByHash;
421 |
422 | if (!updating) {
423 | const buffer = tryRead(snapPath);
424 | if (buffer) {
425 | snapshotsByHash = decodeSnapshots(buffer, snapPath);
426 | } else {
427 | appendOnly = false;
428 | }
429 | }
430 |
431 | return new Manager({
432 | appendOnly,
433 | dir,
434 | recordNewSnapshots,
435 | relFile,
436 | reportFile,
437 | snapFile,
438 | snapPath,
439 | snapshotsByHash: snapshotsByHash || new Map()
440 | });
441 | }
442 |
443 | exports.load = load;