1 | 'use strict';
2 | const path = require('path');
3 | const cleanYamlObject = require('clean-yaml-object');
4 | const concordance = require('concordance');
5 | const isError = require('is-error');
6 | const slash = require('slash');
7 | const StackUtils = require('stack-utils');
8 | const assert = require('./assert');
9 | const concordanceOptions = require('./concordance-options').default;
10 |
11 | function isAvaAssertionError(source) {
12 | return source instanceof assert.AssertionError;
13 | }
14 |
15 | function filter(propertyName, isRoot) {
16 | return !isRoot || (propertyName !== 'message' && propertyName !== 'name' && propertyName !== 'stack');
17 | }
18 |
19 | const stackUtils = new StackUtils();
20 | function extractSource(stack, testFile) {
21 | if (!stack || !testFile) {
22 | return null;
23 | }
24 |
25 |
26 | const relFile = path.relative(process.cwd(), testFile);
27 | const normalizedFile = process.platform === 'win32' ? slash(relFile) : relFile;
28 | for (const line of stack.split('\n')) {
29 | try {
30 | const callSite = stackUtils.parseLine(line);
31 | if (callSite.file === normalizedFile) {
32 | return {
33 | isDependency: false,
34 | isWithinProject: true,
35 | file: path.resolve(process.cwd(), callSite.file),
36 | line: callSite.line
37 | };
38 | }
39 | } catch {}
40 | }
41 |
42 | return null;
43 | }
44 |
45 | function buildSource(source) {
46 | if (!source) {
47 | return null;
48 | }
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 | const projectDir = process.cwd();
54 |
55 | const file = path.resolve(projectDir, source.file.trim());
56 | const rel = path.relative(projectDir, file);
57 |
58 | const [segment] = rel.split(path.sep);
59 | const isWithinProject = segment !== '..' && (process.platform !== 'win32' || !segment.includes(':'));
60 | const isDependency = isWithinProject && path.dirname(rel).split(path.sep).includes('node_modules');
61 |
62 | return {
63 | isDependency,
64 | isWithinProject,
65 | file,
66 | line: source.line
67 | };
68 | }
69 |
70 | function trySerializeError(err, shouldBeautifyStack, testFile) {
71 | const stack = err.savedError ? err.savedError.stack : err.stack;
72 |
73 | const retval = {
74 | avaAssertionError: isAvaAssertionError(err),
75 | nonErrorObject: false,
76 | source: extractSource(stack, testFile),
77 | stack,
78 | shouldBeautifyStack
79 | };
80 |
81 | if (err.actualStack) {
82 | retval.stack = err.actualStack;
83 | }
84 |
85 | if (retval.avaAssertionError) {
86 | retval.improperUsage = err.improperUsage;
87 | retval.message = err.message;
88 | retval.name = err.name;
89 | retval.statements = err.statements;
90 | retval.values = err.values;
91 |
92 | if (err.fixedSource) {
93 | const source = buildSource(err.fixedSource);
94 | if (source) {
95 | retval.source = source;
96 | }
97 | }
98 |
99 | if (err.assertion) {
100 | retval.assertion = err.assertion;
101 | }
102 |
103 | if (err.operator) {
104 | retval.operator = err.operator;
105 | }
106 | } else {
107 | retval.object = cleanYamlObject(err, filter);
108 | if (typeof err.message === 'string') {
109 | retval.message = err.message;
110 | }
111 |
112 | if (typeof err.name === 'string') {
113 | retval.name = err.name;
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | if (typeof err.stack === 'string') {
118 | const lines = err.stack.split('\n');
119 | if (err.name === 'SyntaxError' && !lines[0].startsWith('SyntaxError')) {
120 | retval.summary = '';
121 | for (const line of lines) {
122 | retval.summary += line + '\n';
123 | if (line.startsWith('SyntaxError')) {
124 | break;
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | retval.summary = retval.summary.trim();
129 | } else {
130 |
131 |
132 | const start = lines.findIndex(line => !/:\d+$/.test(line));
133 | retval.summary = '';
134 | for (let index = start; index < lines.length; index++) {
135 | if (lines[index].startsWith(' at')) {
136 | break;
137 | }
138 |
139 | const next = index + 1;
140 | const end = next === lines.length || lines[next].startsWith(' at');
141 | retval.summary += end ? lines[index] : lines[index] + '\n';
142 | }
143 | }
144 | }
145 |
146 | return retval;
147 | }
148 |
149 | function serializeError(origin, shouldBeautifyStack, err, testFile) {
150 | if (!isError(err)) {
151 | return {
152 | avaAssertionError: false,
153 | nonErrorObject: true,
154 | formatted: concordance.formatDescriptor(concordance.describe(err, concordanceOptions), concordanceOptions)
155 | };
156 | }
157 |
158 | try {
159 | return trySerializeError(err, shouldBeautifyStack, testFile);
160 | } catch {
161 | const replacement = new Error(`${origin}: Could not serialize error`);
162 | return {
163 | avaAssertionError: false,
164 | nonErrorObject: false,
165 | name: replacement.name,
166 | message: replacement.message,
167 | stack: replacement.stack,
168 | summary: replacement.message
169 | };
170 | }
171 | }
172 |
173 | module.exports = serializeError;