3.87 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var instance_1 = require("./instance");
3var path = require("path");
4var _ = require("lodash");
5var ModulesInRootPlugin = require('enhanced-resolve/lib/ModulesInRootPlugin');
6var createInnerCallback = require('enhanced-resolve/lib/createInnerCallback');
7var getInnerRequest = require('enhanced-resolve/lib/getInnerRequest');
8function escapeRegExp(str) {
9 return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
11var PathPlugin = (function () {
12 function PathPlugin(config) {
13 if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
14 var _this = this;
15 this.source = 'described-resolve';
16 this.target = 'resolve';
17 this.ts = instance_1.setupTs(config.compiler).tsImpl;
18 var context = config.context || process.cwd();
19 var _a = instance_1.readConfigFile(context, config, {}, this.ts), configFilePath = _a.configFilePath, compilerConfig = _a.compilerConfig;
20 this.options = compilerConfig.options;
21 this.configFilePath = configFilePath;
22 this.baseUrl = this.options.baseUrl;
23 this.absoluteBaseUrl = path.resolve(path.dirname(this.configFilePath), this.baseUrl || '.');
24 this.mappings = [];
25 var paths = this.options.paths || {};
26 Object.keys(paths).forEach(function (alias) {
27 var onlyModule = alias.indexOf('*') === -1;
28 var excapedAlias = escapeRegExp(alias);
29 var targets = paths[alias];
30 targets.forEach(function (target) {
31 var aliasPattern;
32 if (onlyModule) {
33 aliasPattern = new RegExp("^" + excapedAlias + "$");
34 }
35 else {
36 var withStarCapturing = excapedAlias.replace('\\*', '(.*)');
37 aliasPattern = new RegExp("^" + withStarCapturing);
38 }
39 _this.mappings.push({
40 onlyModule: onlyModule,
41 alias: alias,
42 aliasPattern: aliasPattern,
43 target: target
44 });
45 });
46 });
47 }
48 PathPlugin.prototype.apply = function (resolver) {
49 var _this = this;
50 var _a = this, baseUrl = _a.baseUrl, mappings = _a.mappings;
51 if (baseUrl) {
52 resolver.apply(new ModulesInRootPlugin("module", this.absoluteBaseUrl, "resolve"));
53 }
54 mappings.forEach(function (mapping) {
55 resolver.plugin(_this.source, _this.createPlugin(resolver, mapping));
56 });
57 };
58 PathPlugin.prototype.createPlugin = function (resolver, mapping) {
59 var _this = this;
60 return function (request, callback) {
61 var innerRequest = getInnerRequest(resolver, request);
62 if (!innerRequest) {
63 return callback();
64 }
65 var match = innerRequest.match(mapping.aliasPattern);
66 if (!match) {
67 return callback();
68 }
69 var newRequestStr = mapping.target;
70 if (!mapping.onlyModule) {
71 newRequestStr = newRequestStr.replace('*', match[1]);
72 }
73 if (newRequestStr[0] === '.') {
74 newRequestStr = path.resolve(_this.absoluteBaseUrl, newRequestStr);
75 }
76 var newRequest = _.extend({}, request, {
77 request: newRequestStr
78 });
79 return resolver.doResolve(_this.target, newRequest, "aliased with mapping '" + innerRequest + "': '" + mapping.alias + "' to '" + newRequestStr + "'", createInnerCallback(function (err, result) {
80 if (arguments.length > 0) {
81 return callback(err, result);
82 }
83 callback(null, null);
84 }, callback));
85 };
86 };
87 return PathPlugin;
89exports.PathPlugin = PathPlugin;
90//# sourceMappingURL=paths-plugin.js.map
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