4.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { BootstrapSource } from './bootstrap-environment';
2import { Tag } from '../tags';
3import { StringWithoutPlaceholders } from '../util/placeholders';
4export declare const BUCKET_NAME_OUTPUT = "BucketName";
5export declare const REPOSITORY_NAME_OUTPUT = "ImageRepositoryName";
6export declare const BUCKET_DOMAIN_NAME_OUTPUT = "BucketDomainName";
7export declare const BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_OUTPUT = "BootstrapVersion";
8export declare const BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_RESOURCE = "CdkBootstrapVersion";
9export declare const BOOTSTRAP_VARIANT_PARAMETER = "BootstrapVariant";
11 * The assumed vendor of a template in case it is not set
12 */
13export declare const DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_VARIANT = "AWS CDK: Default Resources";
15 * Options for the bootstrapEnvironment operation(s)
16 */
17export interface BootstrapEnvironmentOptions {
18 readonly toolkitStackName?: string;
19 readonly roleArn?: StringWithoutPlaceholders;
20 readonly parameters?: BootstrappingParameters;
21 readonly force?: boolean;
22 /**
23 * The source of the bootstrap stack
24 *
25 * @default - modern v2-style bootstrapping
26 */
27 readonly source?: BootstrapSource;
28 /**
29 * Whether to execute the changeset or only create it and leave it in review.
30 * @default true
31 */
32 readonly execute?: boolean;
33 /**
34 * Tags for cdktoolkit stack.
35 *
36 * @default - None.
37 */
38 readonly tags?: Tag[];
39 /**
40 * Whether the stacks created by the bootstrap process should be protected from termination.
41 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-protect-stacks.html
42 * @default true
43 */
44 readonly terminationProtection?: boolean;
45 /**
46 * Use previous values for unspecified parameters
47 *
48 * If not set, all parameters must be specified for every deployment.
49 *
50 * @default true
51 */
52 usePreviousParameters?: boolean;
55 * Parameters for the bootstrapping template
56 */
57export interface BootstrappingParameters {
58 /**
59 * The name to be given to the CDK Bootstrap bucket.
60 *
61 * @default - a name is generated by CloudFormation.
62 */
63 readonly bucketName?: string;
64 /**
65 * The ID of an existing KMS key to be used for encrypting items in the bucket.
66 *
67 * @default - use the default KMS key or create a custom one
68 */
69 readonly kmsKeyId?: string;
70 /**
71 * Whether or not to create a new customer master key (CMK)
72 *
73 * Only applies to modern bootstrapping. Legacy bootstrapping will never create
74 * a CMK, only use the default S3 key.
75 *
76 * @default false
77 */
78 readonly createCustomerMasterKey?: boolean;
79 /**
80 * The list of AWS account IDs that are trusted to deploy into the environment being bootstrapped.
81 *
82 * @default - only the bootstrapped account can deploy into this environment
83 */
84 readonly trustedAccounts?: string[];
85 /**
86 * The list of AWS account IDs that are trusted to look up values in the environment being bootstrapped.
87 *
88 * @default - only the bootstrapped account can look up values in this environment
89 */
90 readonly trustedAccountsForLookup?: string[];
91 /**
92 * The list of AWS account IDs that should not be trusted by the bootstrapped environment.
93 * If these accounts are already trusted, they will be removed on bootstrapping.
94 *
95 * @default - no account will be untrusted.
96 */
97 readonly untrustedAccounts?: string[];
98 /**
99 * The ARNs of the IAM managed policies that should be attached to the role performing CloudFormation deployments.
100 * In most cases, this will be the AdministratorAccess policy.
101 * At least one policy is required if `trustedAccounts` were passed.
102 *
103 * @default - the role will have no policies attached
104 */
105 readonly cloudFormationExecutionPolicies?: string[];
106 /**
107 * Identifier to distinguish multiple bootstrapped environments
108 *
109 * @default - Default qualifier
110 */
111 readonly qualifier?: string;
112 /**
113 * Whether or not to enable S3 Staging Bucket Public Access Block Configuration
114 *
115 * @default true
116 */
117 readonly publicAccessBlockConfiguration?: boolean;
118 /**
119 * Flag for using the default permissions boundary for bootstrapping
120 *
121 * @default - No value, optional argument
122 */
123 readonly examplePermissionsBoundary?: boolean;
124 /**
125 * Name for the customer's custom permissions boundary for bootstrapping
126 *
127 * @default - No value, optional argument
128 */
129 readonly customPermissionsBoundary?: string;