1 | import * as cxapi from '@aws-cdk/cx-api';
2 | import { type DescribeChangeSetCommandOutput, type Parameter, type ResourceIdentifierSummary, type ResourceToImport, type Stack, type Tag } from '@aws-sdk/client-cloudformation';
3 | import type { Deployments } from './deployments';
4 | import { IoMessaging } from '../../toolkit/cli-io-host';
5 | import type { ICloudFormationClient, SdkProvider } from '../aws-auth';
6 | import { StackStatus } from '../stack-events';
7 | import { TemplateBodyParameter } from '../util/template-body-parameter';
8 | export type ResourcesToImport = ResourceToImport[];
9 | export type ResourceIdentifierSummaries = ResourceIdentifierSummary[];
10 | export type ResourceIdentifierProperties = Record<string, string>;
11 | export type Template = {
12 | Parameters?: Record<string, TemplateParameter>;
13 | [key: string]: any;
14 | };
15 | interface TemplateParameter {
16 | Type: string;
17 | Default?: any;
18 | Description?: string;
19 | [key: string]: any;
20 | }
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 | export declare class CloudFormationStack {
28 | private readonly cfn;
29 | readonly stackName: string;
30 | private readonly stack?;
31 | private readonly retrieveProcessedTemplate;
32 | static lookup(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, stackName: string, retrieveProcessedTemplate?: boolean): Promise<CloudFormationStack>;
33 | |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 | static doesNotExist(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, stackName: string): CloudFormationStack;
39 | |
40 |
41 |
42 | static fromStaticInformation(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, stackName: string, stack: Stack): CloudFormationStack;
43 | private _template;
44 | protected constructor(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, stackName: string, stack?: Stack | undefined, retrieveProcessedTemplate?: boolean);
45 | /**
46 | * Retrieve the stack's deployed template
47 | *
48 | * Cached, so will only be retrieved once. Will return an empty
49 | * structure if the stack does not exist.
50 | */
51 | template(): Promise<Template>;
52 | /**
53 | * Whether the stack exists
54 | */
55 | get exists(): boolean;
56 | /**
57 | * The stack's ID
58 | *
59 | * Throws if the stack doesn't exist.
60 | */
61 | get stackId(): string;
62 | /**
63 | * The stack's current outputs
64 | *
65 | * Empty object if the stack doesn't exist
66 | */
67 | get outputs(): Record<string, string>;
68 | /**
69 | * The stack's status
70 | *
71 | * Special status NOT_FOUND if the stack does not exist.
72 | */
73 | get stackStatus(): StackStatus;
74 | /**
75 | * The stack's current tags
76 | *
77 | * Empty list if the stack does not exist
78 | */
79 | get tags(): Tag[];
80 | /**
81 | * SNS Topic ARNs that will receive stack events.
82 | *
83 | * Empty list if the stack does not exist
84 | */
85 | get notificationArns(): string[];
86 | /**
87 | * Return the names of all current parameters to the stack
88 | *
89 | * Empty list if the stack does not exist.
90 | */
91 | get parameterNames(): string[];
92 | /**
93 | * Return the names and values of all current parameters to the stack
94 | *
95 | * Empty object if the stack does not exist.
96 | */
97 | get parameters(): Record<string, string>;
98 | /**
99 | * Return the termination protection of the stack
100 | */
101 | get terminationProtection(): boolean | undefined;
102 | private assertExists;
103 | }
104 | /**
105 | * Waits for a ChangeSet to be available for triggering a StackUpdate.
106 | *
107 | * Will return a changeset that is either ready to be executed or has no changes.
108 | * Will throw in other cases.
109 | *
110 | * @param cfn a CloudFormation client
111 | * @param stackName the name of the Stack that the ChangeSet belongs to
112 | * @param changeSetName the name of the ChangeSet
113 | * @param fetchAll if true, fetches all pages of the ChangeSet before returning.
114 | *
115 | * @returns the CloudFormation description of the ChangeSet
116 | */
117 | export declare function waitForChangeSet(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, { ioHost, action }: IoMessaging, stackName: string, changeSetName: string, { fetchAll }: {
118 | fetchAll: boolean;
119 | }): Promise<DescribeChangeSetCommandOutput>;
120 | export type PrepareChangeSetOptions = {
121 | stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact;
122 | deployments: Deployments;
123 | uuid: string;
124 | willExecute: boolean;
125 | sdkProvider: SdkProvider;
126 | stream: NodeJS.WritableStream;
127 | parameters: {
128 | [name: string]: string | undefined;
129 | };
130 | resourcesToImport?: ResourcesToImport;
131 | };
132 | export type CreateChangeSetOptions = {
133 | cfn: ICloudFormationClient;
134 | changeSetName: string;
135 | willExecute: boolean;
136 | exists: boolean;
137 | uuid: string;
138 | stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact;
139 | bodyParameter: TemplateBodyParameter;
140 | parameters: {
141 | [name: string]: string | undefined;
142 | };
143 | resourcesToImport?: ResourceToImport[];
144 | role?: string;
145 | };
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 | export declare function createDiffChangeSet({ ioHost, action }: IoMessaging, options: PrepareChangeSetOptions): Promise<DescribeChangeSetCommandOutput | undefined>;
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
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157 |
158 | export declare function uploadStackTemplateAssets(stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact, deployments: Deployments): Promise<void>;
159 | export declare function createChangeSet({ ioHost, action }: IoMessaging, options: CreateChangeSetOptions): Promise<DescribeChangeSetCommandOutput>;
160 |
161 |
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163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 | export declare function changeSetHasNoChanges(description: DescribeChangeSetCommandOutput): boolean;
168 |
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170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
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178 |
179 |
180 | export declare function waitForStackDelete(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, { ioHost, action }: IoMessaging, stackName: string): Promise<CloudFormationStack | undefined>;
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 | export declare function waitForStackDeploy(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, { ioHost, action }: IoMessaging, stackName: string): Promise<CloudFormationStack | undefined>;
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 | export declare function stabilizeStack(cfn: ICloudFormationClient, { ioHost, action }: IoMessaging, stackName: string): Promise<CloudFormationStack | undefined>;
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 | export declare class TemplateParameters {
201 | private readonly params;
202 | static fromTemplate(template: Template): TemplateParameters;
203 | constructor(params: Record<string, TemplateParameter>);
204 | /**
205 | * Calculate stack parameters to pass from the given desired parameter values
206 | *
207 | * Will throw if parameters without a Default value or a Previous value are not
208 | * supplied.
209 | */
210 | supplyAll(updates: Record<string, string | undefined>): ParameterValues;
211 | /**
212 | * From the template, the given desired values and the current values, calculate the changes to the stack parameters
213 | *
214 | * Will take into account parameters already set on the template (will emit
215 | * 'UsePreviousValue: true' for those unless the value is changed), and will
216 | * throw if parameters without a Default value or a Previous value are not
217 | * supplied.
218 | */
219 | updateExisting(updates: Record<string, string | undefined>, previousValues: Record<string, string>): ParameterValues;
220 | }
221 | /**
222 | * The set of parameters we're going to pass to a Stack
223 | */
224 | export declare class ParameterValues {
225 | private readonly formalParams;
226 | readonly values: Record<string, string>;
227 | readonly apiParameters: Parameter[];
228 | constructor(formalParams: Record<string, TemplateParameter>, updates: Record<string, string | undefined>, previousValues?: Record<string, string>);
229 | /**
230 | * Whether this set of parameter updates will change the actual stack values
231 | */
232 | hasChanges(currentValues: Record<string, string>): ParameterChanges;
233 | }
234 | export type ParameterChanges = boolean | 'ssm';
235 | export {};