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1export type DeployStackResult = SuccessfulDeployStackResult | NeedRollbackFirstDeployStackResult | ReplacementRequiresRollbackStackResult;
2/** Successfully deployed a stack */
3export interface SuccessfulDeployStackResult {
4 readonly type: 'did-deploy-stack';
5 readonly noOp: boolean;
6 readonly outputs: {
7 [name: string]: string;
8 };
9 readonly stackArn: string;
11/** The stack is currently in a failpaused state, and needs to be rolled back before the deployment */
12export interface NeedRollbackFirstDeployStackResult {
13 readonly type: 'failpaused-need-rollback-first';
14 readonly reason: 'not-norollback' | 'replacement';
15 readonly status: string;
17/** The upcoming change has a replacement, which requires deploying with --rollback */
18export interface ReplacementRequiresRollbackStackResult {
19 readonly type: 'replacement-requires-rollback';
21export declare function assertIsSuccessfulDeployStackResult(x: DeployStackResult): asserts x is SuccessfulDeployStackResult;