1 | import { Context } from '../api/context';
2 | import { Settings } from '../api/settings';
3 | export declare const PROJECT_CONFIG = "cdk.json";
4 | export { PROJECT_CONTEXT } from '../api/context';
5 | export declare const USER_DEFAULTS = "~/.cdk.json";
6 | export declare enum Command {
7 | LS = "ls",
8 | LIST = "list",
9 | DIFF = "diff",
10 | BOOTSTRAP = "bootstrap",
11 | DEPLOY = "deploy",
12 | DESTROY = "destroy",
13 | SYNTHESIZE = "synthesize",
14 | SYNTH = "synth",
15 | METADATA = "metadata",
16 | INIT = "init",
17 | VERSION = "version",
18 | WATCH = "watch",
19 | GC = "gc",
20 | ROLLBACK = "rollback",
21 | IMPORT = "import",
22 | ACKNOWLEDGE = "acknowledge",
23 | ACK = "ack",
24 | NOTICES = "notices",
25 | MIGRATE = "migrate",
26 | CONTEXT = "context",
27 | DOCS = "docs",
28 | DOC = "doc",
29 | DOCTOR = "doctor"
30 | }
31 | export type Arguments = {
32 | readonly _: [Command, ...string[]];
33 | readonly exclusively?: boolean;
34 | readonly STACKS?: string[];
35 | readonly lookups?: boolean;
36 | readonly [name: string]: unknown;
37 | };
38 | export interface ConfigurationProps {
39 | |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 | readonly commandLineArguments?: Arguments;
45 | |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 | readonly readUserContext?: boolean;
51 | }
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | export declare class Configuration {
56 | private readonly props;
57 | settings: Settings;
58 | context: Context;
59 | readonly defaultConfig: Settings;
60 | private readonly commandLineArguments;
61 | private readonly commandLineContext;
62 | private _projectConfig?;
63 | private _projectContext?;
64 | private loaded;
65 | constructor(props?: ConfigurationProps);
66 | private get projectConfig();
67 | get projectContext(): Settings;
68 | /**
69 | * Load all config
70 | */
71 | load(): Promise<this>;
72 | /**
73 | * Save the project context
74 | */
75 | saveContext(): Promise<this>;
76 | }
77 | /**
78 | * Parse CLI arguments into Settings
79 | *
80 | * CLI arguments in must be accessed in the CLI code via
81 | * `configuration.settings.get(['argName'])` instead of via `args.argName`.
82 | *
83 | * The advantage is that they can be configured via `cdk.json` and
84 | * `$HOME/.cdk.json`. Arguments not listed below and accessed via this object
85 | * can only be specified on the command line.
86 | *
87 | * @param argv the received CLI arguments.
88 | * @returns a new Settings object.
89 | */
90 | export declare function commandLineArgumentsToSettings(argv: Arguments): Settings;