4.19 kBJSONView Raw
2 "version": "1.0",
3 "examples": {
4 "DescribeServices": [
5 {
6 "input": {
7 "FormatVersion": "aws_v1",
8 "MaxResults": 1,
9 "ServiceCode": "AmazonEC2"
10 },
11 "output": {
12 "FormatVersion": "aws_v1",
13 "NextToken": "abcdefg123",
14 "Services": [
15 {
16 "AttributeNames": [
17 "volumeType",
18 "maxIopsvolume",
19 "instanceCapacity10xlarge",
20 "locationType",
21 "operation"
22 ],
23 "ServiceCode": "AmazonEC2"
24 }
25 ]
26 },
27 "comments": {
28 "input": {
29 },
30 "output": {
31 }
32 },
33 "id": "to-retrieve-service-metadata",
34 "title": "To retrieve a list of services and service codes"
35 }
36 ],
37 "GetAttributeValues": [
38 {
39 "input": {
40 "AttributeName": "volumeType",
41 "MaxResults": 2,
42 "ServiceCode": "AmazonEC2"
43 },
44 "output": {
45 "AttributeValues": [
46 {
47 "Value": "Throughput Optimized HDD"
48 },
49 {
50 "Value": "Provisioned IOPS"
51 }
52 ],
53 "NextToken": "GpgauEXAMPLEezucl5LV0w==:7GzYJ0nw0DBTJ2J66EoTIIynE6O1uXwQtTRqioJzQadBnDVgHPzI1en4BUQnPCLpzeBk9RQQAWaFieA4+DapFAGLgk+Z/9/cTw9GldnPOHN98+FdmJP7wKU3QQpQ8MQr5KOeBkIsAqvAQYdL0DkL7tHwPtE5iCEByAmg9gcC/yBU1vAOsf7R3VaNN4M5jMDv3woSWqASSIlBVB6tgW78YL22KhssoItM/jWW+aP6Jqtq4mldxp/ct6DWAl+xLFwHU/CbketimPPXyqHF3/UXDw=="
54 },
55 "comments": {
56 "input": {
57 },
58 "output": {
59 }
60 },
61 "description": "This operation returns a list of values available for the given attribute.",
62 "id": "to-retreive-attribute-values",
63 "title": "To retrieve a list of attribute values"
64 }
65 ],
66 "GetProducts": [
67 {
68 "input": {
69 "Filters": [
70 {
71 "Field": "ServiceCode",
72 "Type": "TERM_MATCH",
73 "Value": "AmazonEC2"
74 },
75 {
76 "Field": "volumeType",
77 "Type": "TERM_MATCH",
78 "Value": "Provisioned IOPS"
79 }
80 ],
81 "FormatVersion": "aws_v1",
82 "MaxResults": 1
83 },
84 "output": {
85 "FormatVersion": "aws_v1",
86 "NextToken": "57r3EXAMPLEujbzWfHF7Ciw==:ywSmZsD3mtpQmQLQ5XfOsIMkYybSj+vAT+kGmwMFq+K9DGmIoJkz7lunVeamiOPgthdWSO2a7YKojCO+zY4dJmuNl2QvbNhXs+AJ2Ufn7xGmJncNI2TsEuAsVCUfTAvAQNcwwamtk6XuZ4YdNnooV62FjkV3ZAn40d9+wAxV7+FImvhUHi/+f8afgZdGh2zPUlH8jlV9uUtj0oHp8+DhPUuHXh+WBII1E/aoKpPSm3c=",
87 "PriceList": [
88 "{\"product\":{\"productFamily\":\"Storage\",\"attributes\":{\"storageMedia\":\"SSD-backed\",\"maxThroughputvolume\":\"320 MB/sec\",\"volumeType\":\"Provisioned IOPS\",\"maxIopsvolume\":\"20000\",\"servicecode\":\"AmazonEC2\",\"usagetype\":\"CAN1-EBS:VolumeUsage.piops\",\"locationType\":\"AWS Region\",\"location\":\"Canada (Central)\",\"servicename\":\"Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud\",\"maxVolumeSize\":\"16 TiB\",\"operation\":\"\"},\"sku\":\"WQGC34PB2AWS8R4U\"},\"serviceCode\":\"AmazonEC2\",\"terms\":{\"OnDemand\":{\"WQGC34PB2AWS8R4U.JRTCKXETXF\":{\"priceDimensions\":{\"WQGC34PB2AWS8R4U.JRTCKXETXF.6YS6EN2CT7\":{\"unit\":\"GB-Mo\",\"endRange\":\"Inf\",\"description\":\"$0.138 per GB-month of Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) provisioned storage - Canada (Central)\",\"appliesTo\":[],\"rateCode\":\"WQGC34PB2AWS8R4U.JRTCKXETXF.6YS6EN2CT7\",\"beginRange\":\"0\",\"pricePerUnit\":{\"USD\":\"0.1380000000\"}}},\"sku\":\"WQGC34PB2AWS8R4U\",\"effectiveDate\":\"2017-08-01T00:00:00Z\",\"offerTermCode\":\"JRTCKXETXF\",\"termAttributes\":{}}}},\"version\":\"20170901182201\",\"publicationDate\":\"2017-09-01T18:22:01Z\"}"
89 ]
90 },
91 "comments": {
92 "input": {
93 },
94 "output": {
95 }
96 },
97 "description": "This operation returns a list of products that match the given criteria.",
98 "id": "to-retrieve-available products",
99 "title": "To retrieve a list of products"
100 }
101 ]
102 }