109 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class Backup extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: Backup.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & Backup.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Backup plans are documents that contain information that AWS Backup uses to schedule tasks that create recovery points of resources. If you call CreateBackupPlan with a plan that already exists, the existing backupPlanId is returned.
16 */
17 createBackupPlan(params: Backup.Types.CreateBackupPlanInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.CreateBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.CreateBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Backup plans are documents that contain information that AWS Backup uses to schedule tasks that create recovery points of resources. If you call CreateBackupPlan with a plan that already exists, the existing backupPlanId is returned.
20 */
21 createBackupPlan(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.CreateBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.CreateBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Creates a JSON document that specifies a set of resources to assign to a backup plan. Resources can be included by specifying patterns for a ListOfTags and selected Resources. For example, consider the following patterns: Resources: "arn:aws:ec2:region:account-id:volume/volume-id" ConditionKey:"department" ConditionValue:"finance" ConditionType:"StringEquals" ConditionKey:"importance" ConditionValue:"critical" ConditionType:"StringEquals" Using these patterns would back up all Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are tagged as "department=finance", "importance=critical", in addition to an EBS volume with the specified volume Id. Resources and conditions are additive in that all resources that match the pattern are selected. This shouldn't be confused with a logical AND, where all conditions must match. The matching patterns are logically 'put together using the OR operator. In other words, all patterns that match are selected for backup.
24 */
25 createBackupSelection(params: Backup.Types.CreateBackupSelectionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.CreateBackupSelectionOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.CreateBackupSelectionOutput, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Creates a JSON document that specifies a set of resources to assign to a backup plan. Resources can be included by specifying patterns for a ListOfTags and selected Resources. For example, consider the following patterns: Resources: "arn:aws:ec2:region:account-id:volume/volume-id" ConditionKey:"department" ConditionValue:"finance" ConditionType:"StringEquals" ConditionKey:"importance" ConditionValue:"critical" ConditionType:"StringEquals" Using these patterns would back up all Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes that are tagged as "department=finance", "importance=critical", in addition to an EBS volume with the specified volume Id. Resources and conditions are additive in that all resources that match the pattern are selected. This shouldn't be confused with a logical AND, where all conditions must match. The matching patterns are logically 'put together using the OR operator. In other words, all patterns that match are selected for backup.
28 */
29 createBackupSelection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.CreateBackupSelectionOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.CreateBackupSelectionOutput, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Creates a logical container where backups are stored. A CreateBackupVault request includes a name, optionally one or more resource tags, an encryption key, and a request ID. Sensitive data, such as passport numbers, should not be included the name of a backup vault.
32 */
33 createBackupVault(params: Backup.Types.CreateBackupVaultInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.CreateBackupVaultOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.CreateBackupVaultOutput, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Creates a logical container where backups are stored. A CreateBackupVault request includes a name, optionally one or more resource tags, an encryption key, and a request ID. Sensitive data, such as passport numbers, should not be included the name of a backup vault.
36 */
37 createBackupVault(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.CreateBackupVaultOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.CreateBackupVaultOutput, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Deletes a backup plan. A backup plan can only be deleted after all associated selections of resources have been deleted. Deleting a backup plan deletes the current version of a backup plan. Previous versions, if any, will still exist.
40 */
41 deleteBackupPlan(params: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupPlanInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DeleteBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Deletes a backup plan. A backup plan can only be deleted after all associated selections of resources have been deleted. Deleting a backup plan deletes the current version of a backup plan. Previous versions, if any, will still exist.
44 */
45 deleteBackupPlan(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DeleteBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Deletes the resource selection associated with a backup plan that is specified by the SelectionId.
48 */
49 deleteBackupSelection(params: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupSelectionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Deletes the resource selection associated with a backup plan that is specified by the SelectionId.
52 */
53 deleteBackupSelection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Deletes the backup vault identified by its name. A vault can be deleted only if it is empty.
56 */
57 deleteBackupVault(params: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupVaultInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Deletes the backup vault identified by its name. A vault can be deleted only if it is empty.
60 */
61 deleteBackupVault(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Deletes the policy document that manages permissions on a backup vault.
64 */
65 deleteBackupVaultAccessPolicy(params: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Deletes the policy document that manages permissions on a backup vault.
68 */
69 deleteBackupVaultAccessPolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Deletes event notifications for the specified backup vault.
72 */
73 deleteBackupVaultNotifications(params: Backup.Types.DeleteBackupVaultNotificationsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Deletes event notifications for the specified backup vault.
76 */
77 deleteBackupVaultNotifications(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Deletes the recovery point specified by a recovery point ID.
80 */
81 deleteRecoveryPoint(params: Backup.Types.DeleteRecoveryPointInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Deletes the recovery point specified by a recovery point ID.
84 */
85 deleteRecoveryPoint(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Returns metadata associated with creating a backup of a resource.
88 */
89 describeBackupJob(params: Backup.Types.DescribeBackupJobInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeBackupJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeBackupJobOutput, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Returns metadata associated with creating a backup of a resource.
92 */
93 describeBackupJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeBackupJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeBackupJobOutput, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Returns metadata about a backup vault specified by its name.
96 */
97 describeBackupVault(params: Backup.Types.DescribeBackupVaultInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeBackupVaultOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeBackupVaultOutput, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Returns metadata about a backup vault specified by its name.
100 */
101 describeBackupVault(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeBackupVaultOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeBackupVaultOutput, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Returns information about a saved resource, including the last time it was backed-up, its Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and the AWS service type of the saved resource.
104 */
105 describeProtectedResource(params: Backup.Types.DescribeProtectedResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeProtectedResourceOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeProtectedResourceOutput, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Returns information about a saved resource, including the last time it was backed-up, its Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and the AWS service type of the saved resource.
108 */
109 describeProtectedResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeProtectedResourceOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeProtectedResourceOutput, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Returns metadata associated with a recovery point, including ID, status, encryption, and lifecycle.
112 */
113 describeRecoveryPoint(params: Backup.Types.DescribeRecoveryPointInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeRecoveryPointOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeRecoveryPointOutput, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Returns metadata associated with a recovery point, including ID, status, encryption, and lifecycle.
116 */
117 describeRecoveryPoint(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeRecoveryPointOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeRecoveryPointOutput, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Returns metadata associated with a restore job that is specified by a job ID.
120 */
121 describeRestoreJob(params: Backup.Types.DescribeRestoreJobInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeRestoreJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeRestoreJobOutput, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Returns metadata associated with a restore job that is specified by a job ID.
124 */
125 describeRestoreJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.DescribeRestoreJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.DescribeRestoreJobOutput, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Returns the backup plan that is specified by the plan ID as a backup template.
128 */
129 exportBackupPlanTemplate(params: Backup.Types.ExportBackupPlanTemplateInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ExportBackupPlanTemplateOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ExportBackupPlanTemplateOutput, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Returns the backup plan that is specified by the plan ID as a backup template.
132 */
133 exportBackupPlanTemplate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ExportBackupPlanTemplateOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ExportBackupPlanTemplateOutput, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Returns the body of a backup plan in JSON format, in addition to plan metadata.
136 */
137 getBackupPlan(params: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Returns the body of a backup plan in JSON format, in addition to plan metadata.
140 */
141 getBackupPlan(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Returns a valid JSON document specifying a backup plan or an error.
144 */
145 getBackupPlanFromJSON(params: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromJSONInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromJSONOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromJSONOutput, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Returns a valid JSON document specifying a backup plan or an error.
148 */
149 getBackupPlanFromJSON(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromJSONOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromJSONOutput, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Returns the template specified by its templateId as a backup plan.
152 */
153 getBackupPlanFromTemplate(params: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromTemplateInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromTemplateOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromTemplateOutput, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Returns the template specified by its templateId as a backup plan.
156 */
157 getBackupPlanFromTemplate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromTemplateOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupPlanFromTemplateOutput, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Returns selection metadata and a document in JSON format that specifies a list of resources that are associated with a backup plan.
160 */
161 getBackupSelection(params: Backup.Types.GetBackupSelectionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupSelectionOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupSelectionOutput, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Returns selection metadata and a document in JSON format that specifies a list of resources that are associated with a backup plan.
164 */
165 getBackupSelection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupSelectionOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupSelectionOutput, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Returns the access policy document that is associated with the named backup vault.
168 */
169 getBackupVaultAccessPolicy(params: Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyOutput, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Returns the access policy document that is associated with the named backup vault.
172 */
173 getBackupVaultAccessPolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyOutput, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Returns event notifications for the specified backup vault.
176 */
177 getBackupVaultNotifications(params: Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultNotificationsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultNotificationsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultNotificationsOutput, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Returns event notifications for the specified backup vault.
180 */
181 getBackupVaultNotifications(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultNotificationsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetBackupVaultNotificationsOutput, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Returns two sets of metadata key-value pairs. The first set lists the metadata that the recovery point was created with. The second set lists the metadata key-value pairs that are required to restore the recovery point. These sets can be the same, or the restore metadata set can contain different values if the target service to be restored has changed since the recovery point was created and now requires additional or different information in order to be restored.
184 */
185 getRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata(params: Backup.Types.GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataOutput, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Returns two sets of metadata key-value pairs. The first set lists the metadata that the recovery point was created with. The second set lists the metadata key-value pairs that are required to restore the recovery point. These sets can be the same, or the restore metadata set can contain different values if the target service to be restored has changed since the recovery point was created and now requires additional or different information in order to be restored.
188 */
189 getRecoveryPointRestoreMetadata(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataOutput, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Returns the AWS resource types supported by AWS Backup.
192 */
193 getSupportedResourceTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.GetSupportedResourceTypesOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.GetSupportedResourceTypesOutput, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Returns metadata about your backup jobs.
196 */
197 listBackupJobs(params: Backup.Types.ListBackupJobsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupJobsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupJobsOutput, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Returns metadata about your backup jobs.
200 */
201 listBackupJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupJobsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupJobsOutput, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Returns metadata of your saved backup plan templates, including the template ID, name, and the creation and deletion dates.
204 */
205 listBackupPlanTemplates(params: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanTemplatesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanTemplatesOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanTemplatesOutput, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Returns metadata of your saved backup plan templates, including the template ID, name, and the creation and deletion dates.
208 */
209 listBackupPlanTemplates(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanTemplatesOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanTemplatesOutput, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Returns version metadata of your backup plans, including Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), backup plan IDs, creation and deletion dates, plan names, and version IDs.
212 */
213 listBackupPlanVersions(params: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanVersionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanVersionsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanVersionsOutput, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * Returns version metadata of your backup plans, including Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), backup plan IDs, creation and deletion dates, plan names, and version IDs.
216 */
217 listBackupPlanVersions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanVersionsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupPlanVersionsOutput, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * Returns metadata of your saved backup plans, including Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), plan IDs, creation and deletion dates, version IDs, plan names, and creator request IDs.
220 */
221 listBackupPlans(params: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlansInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlansOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupPlansOutput, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * Returns metadata of your saved backup plans, including Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), plan IDs, creation and deletion dates, version IDs, plan names, and creator request IDs.
224 */
225 listBackupPlans(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupPlansOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupPlansOutput, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * Returns an array containing metadata of the resources associated with the target backup plan.
228 */
229 listBackupSelections(params: Backup.Types.ListBackupSelectionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupSelectionsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupSelectionsOutput, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * Returns an array containing metadata of the resources associated with the target backup plan.
232 */
233 listBackupSelections(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupSelectionsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupSelectionsOutput, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * Returns a list of recovery point storage containers along with information about them.
236 */
237 listBackupVaults(params: Backup.Types.ListBackupVaultsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupVaultsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupVaultsOutput, AWSError>;
238 /**
239 * Returns a list of recovery point storage containers along with information about them.
240 */
241 listBackupVaults(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListBackupVaultsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListBackupVaultsOutput, AWSError>;
242 /**
243 * Returns an array of resources successfully backed up by AWS Backup, including the time the resource was saved, an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource, and a resource type.
244 */
245 listProtectedResources(params: Backup.Types.ListProtectedResourcesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListProtectedResourcesOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListProtectedResourcesOutput, AWSError>;
246 /**
247 * Returns an array of resources successfully backed up by AWS Backup, including the time the resource was saved, an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource, and a resource type.
248 */
249 listProtectedResources(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListProtectedResourcesOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListProtectedResourcesOutput, AWSError>;
250 /**
251 * Returns detailed information about the recovery points stored in a backup vault.
252 */
253 listRecoveryPointsByBackupVault(params: Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultOutput, AWSError>;
254 /**
255 * Returns detailed information about the recovery points stored in a backup vault.
256 */
257 listRecoveryPointsByBackupVault(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultOutput, AWSError>;
258 /**
259 * Returns detailed information about recovery points of the type specified by a resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
260 */
261 listRecoveryPointsByResource(params: Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByResourceOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByResourceOutput, AWSError>;
262 /**
263 * Returns detailed information about recovery points of the type specified by a resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
264 */
265 listRecoveryPointsByResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByResourceOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListRecoveryPointsByResourceOutput, AWSError>;
266 /**
267 * Returns a list of jobs that AWS Backup initiated to restore a saved resource, including metadata about the recovery process.
268 */
269 listRestoreJobs(params: Backup.Types.ListRestoreJobsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListRestoreJobsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListRestoreJobsOutput, AWSError>;
270 /**
271 * Returns a list of jobs that AWS Backup initiated to restore a saved resource, including metadata about the recovery process.
272 */
273 listRestoreJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListRestoreJobsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListRestoreJobsOutput, AWSError>;
274 /**
275 * Returns a list of key-value pairs assigned to a target recovery point, backup plan, or backup vault.
276 */
277 listTags(params: Backup.Types.ListTagsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListTagsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListTagsOutput, AWSError>;
278 /**
279 * Returns a list of key-value pairs assigned to a target recovery point, backup plan, or backup vault.
280 */
281 listTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.ListTagsOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.ListTagsOutput, AWSError>;
282 /**
283 * Sets a resource-based policy that is used to manage access permissions on the target backup vault. Requires a backup vault name and an access policy document in JSON format.
284 */
285 putBackupVaultAccessPolicy(params: Backup.Types.PutBackupVaultAccessPolicyInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
286 /**
287 * Sets a resource-based policy that is used to manage access permissions on the target backup vault. Requires a backup vault name and an access policy document in JSON format.
288 */
289 putBackupVaultAccessPolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
290 /**
291 * Turns on notifications on a backup vault for the specified topic and events.
292 */
293 putBackupVaultNotifications(params: Backup.Types.PutBackupVaultNotificationsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
294 /**
295 * Turns on notifications on a backup vault for the specified topic and events.
296 */
297 putBackupVaultNotifications(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
298 /**
299 * Starts a job to create a one-time backup of the specified resource.
300 */
301 startBackupJob(params: Backup.Types.StartBackupJobInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.StartBackupJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.StartBackupJobOutput, AWSError>;
302 /**
303 * Starts a job to create a one-time backup of the specified resource.
304 */
305 startBackupJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.StartBackupJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.StartBackupJobOutput, AWSError>;
306 /**
307 * Recovers the saved resource identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). If the resource ARN is included in the request, then the last complete backup of that resource is recovered. If the ARN of a recovery point is supplied, then that recovery point is restored.
308 */
309 startRestoreJob(params: Backup.Types.StartRestoreJobInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.StartRestoreJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.StartRestoreJobOutput, AWSError>;
310 /**
311 * Recovers the saved resource identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). If the resource ARN is included in the request, then the last complete backup of that resource is recovered. If the ARN of a recovery point is supplied, then that recovery point is restored.
312 */
313 startRestoreJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.StartRestoreJobOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.StartRestoreJobOutput, AWSError>;
314 /**
315 * Attempts to cancel a job to create a one-time backup of a resource.
316 */
317 stopBackupJob(params: Backup.Types.StopBackupJobInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
318 /**
319 * Attempts to cancel a job to create a one-time backup of a resource.
320 */
321 stopBackupJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
322 /**
323 * Assigns a set of key-value pairs to a recovery point, backup plan, or backup vault identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
324 */
325 tagResource(params: Backup.Types.TagResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
326 /**
327 * Assigns a set of key-value pairs to a recovery point, backup plan, or backup vault identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
328 */
329 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
330 /**
331 * Removes a set of key-value pairs from a recovery point, backup plan, or backup vault identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
332 */
333 untagResource(params: Backup.Types.UntagResourceInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
334 /**
335 * Removes a set of key-value pairs from a recovery point, backup plan, or backup vault identified by an Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
336 */
337 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
338 /**
339 * Replaces the body of a saved backup plan identified by its backupPlanId with the input document in JSON format. The new version is uniquely identified by a VersionId.
340 */
341 updateBackupPlan(params: Backup.Types.UpdateBackupPlanInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.UpdateBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.UpdateBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
342 /**
343 * Replaces the body of a saved backup plan identified by its backupPlanId with the input document in JSON format. The new version is uniquely identified by a VersionId.
344 */
345 updateBackupPlan(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.UpdateBackupPlanOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.UpdateBackupPlanOutput, AWSError>;
346 /**
347 * Sets the transition lifecycle of a recovery point. The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
348 */
349 updateRecoveryPointLifecycle(params: Backup.Types.UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleOutput, AWSError>;
350 /**
351 * Sets the transition lifecycle of a recovery point. The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
352 */
353 updateRecoveryPointLifecycle(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Backup.Types.UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleOutput) => void): Request<Backup.Types.UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleOutput, AWSError>;
355declare namespace Backup {
356 export type ARN = string;
357 export interface BackupJob {
358 /**
359 * Uniquely identifies a request to AWS Backup to back up a resource.
360 */
361 BackupJobId?: string;
362 /**
363 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
364 */
365 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
366 /**
367 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
368 */
369 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
370 /**
371 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
372 */
373 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
374 /**
375 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
376 */
377 ResourceArn?: ARN;
378 /**
379 * The date and time a backup job is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
380 */
381 CreationDate?: timestamp;
382 /**
383 * The date and time a job to create a backup job is completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
384 */
385 CompletionDate?: timestamp;
386 /**
387 * The current state of a resource recovery point.
388 */
389 State?: BackupJobState;
390 /**
391 * A detailed message explaining the status of the job to back up a resource.
392 */
393 StatusMessage?: string;
394 /**
395 * Contains an estimated percentage complete of a job at the time the job status was queried.
396 */
397 PercentDone?: string;
398 /**
399 * The size, in bytes, of a backup.
400 */
401 BackupSizeInBytes?: Long;
402 /**
403 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
404 */
405 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
406 /**
407 * Contains identifying information about the creation of a backup job, including the BackupPlanArn, BackupPlanId, BackupPlanVersion, and BackupRuleId of the backup plan used to create it.
408 */
409 CreatedBy?: RecoveryPointCreator;
410 /**
411 * The date and time a job to back up resources is expected to be completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of ExpectedCompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
412 */
413 ExpectedCompletionDate?: timestamp;
414 /**
415 * Specifies the time in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when a backup job must be started before it is canceled. The value is calculated by adding the start window to the scheduled time. So if the scheduled time were 6:00 PM and the start window is 2 hours, the StartBy time would be 8:00 PM on the date specified. The value of StartBy is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
416 */
417 StartBy?: timestamp;
418 /**
419 * The type of AWS resource to be backed-up; for example, an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume or an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database.
420 */
421 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
422 /**
423 * The size in bytes transferred to a backup vault at the time that the job status was queried.
424 */
425 BytesTransferred?: Long;
426 }
427 export type BackupJobState = "CREATED"|"PENDING"|"RUNNING"|"ABORTING"|"ABORTED"|"COMPLETED"|"FAILED"|"EXPIRED"|string;
428 export type BackupJobsList = BackupJob[];
429 export interface BackupPlan {
430 /**
431 * The display name of a backup plan.
432 */
433 BackupPlanName: BackupPlanName;
434 /**
435 * An array of BackupRule objects, each of which specifies a scheduled task that is used to back up a selection of resources.
436 */
437 Rules: BackupRules;
438 }
439 export interface BackupPlanInput {
440 /**
441 * The display name of a backup plan.
442 */
443 BackupPlanName: BackupPlanName;
444 /**
445 * An array of BackupRule objects, each of which specifies a scheduled task that is used to back up a selection of resources.
446 */
447 Rules: BackupRulesInput;
448 }
449 export type BackupPlanName = string;
450 export type BackupPlanTemplatesList = BackupPlanTemplatesListMember[];
451 export interface BackupPlanTemplatesListMember {
452 /**
453 * Uniquely identifies a stored backup plan template.
454 */
455 BackupPlanTemplateId?: string;
456 /**
457 * The optional display name of a backup plan template.
458 */
459 BackupPlanTemplateName?: string;
460 }
461 export type BackupPlanVersionsList = BackupPlansListMember[];
462 export type BackupPlansList = BackupPlansListMember[];
463 export interface BackupPlansListMember {
464 /**
465 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:plan:8F81F553-3A74-4A3F-B93D-B3360DC80C50.
466 */
467 BackupPlanArn?: ARN;
468 /**
469 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
470 */
471 BackupPlanId?: string;
472 /**
473 * The date and time a resource backup plan is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
474 */
475 CreationDate?: timestamp;
476 /**
477 * The date and time a backup plan is deleted, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of DeletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
478 */
479 DeletionDate?: timestamp;
480 /**
481 * Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. Version IDs cannot be edited.
482 */
483 VersionId?: string;
484 /**
485 * The display name of a saved backup plan.
486 */
487 BackupPlanName?: BackupPlanName;
488 /**
489 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
490 */
491 CreatorRequestId?: string;
492 /**
493 * The last time a job to back up resources was executed with this rule. A date and time, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of LastExecutionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
494 */
495 LastExecutionDate?: timestamp;
496 }
497 export interface BackupRule {
498 /**
499 * An optional display name for a backup rule.
500 */
501 RuleName: BackupRuleName;
502 /**
503 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
504 */
505 TargetBackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
506 /**
507 * A CRON expression specifying when AWS Backup initiates a backup job.
508 */
509 ScheduleExpression?: CronExpression;
510 /**
511 * An optional value that specifies a period of time in minutes after a backup is scheduled before a job is canceled if it doesn't start successfully.
512 */
513 StartWindowMinutes?: WindowMinutes;
514 /**
515 * A value in minutes after a backup job is successfully started before it must be completed or it is canceled by AWS Backup. This value is optional.
516 */
517 CompletionWindowMinutes?: WindowMinutes;
518 /**
519 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
520 */
521 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
522 /**
523 * An array of key-value pair strings that are assigned to resources that are associated with this rule when restored from backup.
524 */
525 RecoveryPointTags?: Tags;
526 /**
527 * Uniquely identifies a rule that is used to schedule the backup of a selection of resources.
528 */
529 RuleId?: string;
530 }
531 export interface BackupRuleInput {
532 /**
533 * &gt;An optional display name for a backup rule.
534 */
535 RuleName: BackupRuleName;
536 /**
537 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
538 */
539 TargetBackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
540 /**
541 * A CRON expression specifying when AWS Backup initiates a backup job.
542 */
543 ScheduleExpression?: CronExpression;
544 /**
545 * The amount of time in minutes before beginning a backup.
546 */
547 StartWindowMinutes?: WindowMinutes;
548 /**
549 * The amount of time AWS Backup attempts a backup before canceling the job and returning an error.
550 */
551 CompletionWindowMinutes?: WindowMinutes;
552 /**
553 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup will transition and expire backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days”. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
554 */
555 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
556 /**
557 * To help organize your resources, you can assign your own metadata to the resources that you create. Each tag is a key-value pair.
558 */
559 RecoveryPointTags?: Tags;
560 }
561 export type BackupRuleName = string;
562 export type BackupRules = BackupRule[];
563 export type BackupRulesInput = BackupRuleInput[];
564 export interface BackupSelection {
565 /**
566 * The display name of a resource selection document.
567 */
568 SelectionName: BackupSelectionName;
569 /**
570 * The ARN of the IAM role that AWS Backup uses to authenticate when restoring the target resource; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
571 */
572 IamRoleArn: IAMRoleArn;
573 /**
574 * An array of strings that either contain Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) or match patterns such as "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:volume/*" of resources to assign to a backup plan.
575 */
576 Resources?: ResourceArns;
577 /**
578 * An array of conditions used to specify a set of resources to assign to a backup plan; for example, "StringEquals": {"ec2:ResourceTag/Department": "accounting".
579 */
580 ListOfTags?: ListOfTags;
581 }
582 export type BackupSelectionName = string;
583 export type BackupSelectionsList = BackupSelectionsListMember[];
584 export interface BackupSelectionsListMember {
585 /**
586 * Uniquely identifies a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan.
587 */
588 SelectionId?: string;
589 /**
590 * The display name of a resource selection document.
591 */
592 SelectionName?: BackupSelectionName;
593 /**
594 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
595 */
596 BackupPlanId?: string;
597 /**
598 * The date and time a backup plan is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
599 */
600 CreationDate?: timestamp;
601 /**
602 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
603 */
604 CreatorRequestId?: string;
605 /**
606 * Specifies the IAM role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
607 */
608 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
609 }
611 export type BackupVaultEvents = BackupVaultEvent[];
612 export type BackupVaultList = BackupVaultListMember[];
613 export interface BackupVaultListMember {
614 /**
615 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
616 */
617 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
618 /**
619 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
620 */
621 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
622 /**
623 * The date and time a resource backup is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
624 */
625 CreationDate?: timestamp;
626 /**
627 * The server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups; for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
628 */
629 EncryptionKeyArn?: ARN;
630 /**
631 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
632 */
633 CreatorRequestId?: string;
634 /**
635 * The number of recovery points that are stored in a backup vault.
636 */
637 NumberOfRecoveryPoints?: long;
638 }
639 export type BackupVaultName = string;
640 export type Boolean = boolean;
641 export interface CalculatedLifecycle {
642 /**
643 * A timestamp that specifies when to transition a recovery point to cold storage.
644 */
645 MoveToColdStorageAt?: timestamp;
646 /**
647 * A timestamp that specifies when to delete a recovery point.
648 */
649 DeleteAt?: timestamp;
650 }
651 export interface Condition {
652 /**
653 * An operation, such as StringEquals, that is applied to a key-value pair used to filter resources in a selection.
654 */
655 ConditionType: ConditionType;
656 /**
657 * The key in a key-value pair. For example, in "ec2:ResourceTag/Department": "accounting", "ec2:ResourceTag/Department" is the key.
658 */
659 ConditionKey: ConditionKey;
660 /**
661 * The value in a key-value pair. For example, in "ec2:ResourceTag/Department": "accounting", "accounting" is the value.
662 */
663 ConditionValue: ConditionValue;
664 }
665 export type ConditionKey = string;
666 export type ConditionType = "STRINGEQUALS"|string;
667 export type ConditionValue = string;
668 export interface CreateBackupPlanInput {
669 /**
670 * Specifies the body of a backup plan. Includes a BackupPlanName and one or more sets of Rules.
671 */
672 BackupPlan: BackupPlanInput;
673 /**
674 * To help organize your resources, you can assign your own metadata to the resources that you create. Each tag is a key-value pair. The specified tags are assigned to all backups created with this plan.
675 */
676 BackupPlanTags?: Tags;
677 /**
678 * Identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. If the request includes a CreatorRequestId that matches an existing backup plan, that plan is returned. This parameter is optional.
679 */
680 CreatorRequestId?: string;
681 }
682 export interface CreateBackupPlanOutput {
683 /**
684 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
685 */
686 BackupPlanId?: string;
687 /**
688 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:plan:8F81F553-3A74-4A3F-B93D-B3360DC80C50.
689 */
690 BackupPlanArn?: ARN;
691 /**
692 * The date and time that a backup plan is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
693 */
694 CreationDate?: timestamp;
695 /**
696 * Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1024 bytes long. They cannot be edited.
697 */
698 VersionId?: string;
699 }
700 export interface CreateBackupSelectionInput {
701 /**
702 * Uniquely identifies the backup plan to be associated with the selection of resources.
703 */
704 BackupPlanId: string;
705 /**
706 * Specifies the body of a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan. It includes an array of resources, an optional array of patterns to exclude resources, an optional role to provide access to the AWS service the resource belongs to, and an optional array of tags used to identify a set of resources.
707 */
708 BackupSelection: BackupSelection;
709 /**
710 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
711 */
712 CreatorRequestId?: string;
713 }
714 export interface CreateBackupSelectionOutput {
715 /**
716 * Uniquely identifies the body of a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan.
717 */
718 SelectionId?: string;
719 /**
720 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
721 */
722 BackupPlanId?: string;
723 /**
724 * The date and time a backup selection is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
725 */
726 CreationDate?: timestamp;
727 }
728 export interface CreateBackupVaultInput {
729 /**
730 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
731 */
732 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
733 /**
734 * Metadata that you can assign to help organize the resources that you create. Each tag is a key-value pair.
735 */
736 BackupVaultTags?: Tags;
737 /**
738 * The server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups; for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
739 */
740 EncryptionKeyArn?: ARN;
741 /**
742 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
743 */
744 CreatorRequestId?: string;
745 }
746 export interface CreateBackupVaultOutput {
747 /**
748 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
749 */
750 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
751 /**
752 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
753 */
754 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
755 /**
756 * The date and time a backup vault is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
757 */
758 CreationDate?: timestamp;
759 }
760 export type CronExpression = string;
761 export interface DeleteBackupPlanInput {
762 /**
763 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
764 */
765 BackupPlanId: string;
766 }
767 export interface DeleteBackupPlanOutput {
768 /**
769 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
770 */
771 BackupPlanId?: string;
772 /**
773 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:plan:8F81F553-3A74-4A3F-B93D-B3360DC80C50.
774 */
775 BackupPlanArn?: ARN;
776 /**
777 * The date and time a backup plan is deleted, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
778 */
779 DeletionDate?: timestamp;
780 /**
781 * Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. Version Ids cannot be edited.
782 */
783 VersionId?: string;
784 }
785 export interface DeleteBackupSelectionInput {
786 /**
787 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
788 */
789 BackupPlanId: string;
790 /**
791 * Uniquely identifies the body of a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan.
792 */
793 SelectionId: string;
794 }
795 export interface DeleteBackupVaultAccessPolicyInput {
796 /**
797 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
798 */
799 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
800 }
801 export interface DeleteBackupVaultInput {
802 /**
803 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and theAWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
804 */
805 BackupVaultName: string;
806 }
807 export interface DeleteBackupVaultNotificationsInput {
808 /**
809 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
810 */
811 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
812 }
813 export interface DeleteRecoveryPointInput {
814 /**
815 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
816 */
817 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
818 /**
819 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
820 */
821 RecoveryPointArn: ARN;
822 }
823 export interface DescribeBackupJobInput {
824 /**
825 * Uniquely identifies a request to AWS Backup to back up a resource.
826 */
827 BackupJobId: string;
828 }
829 export interface DescribeBackupJobOutput {
830 /**
831 * Uniquely identifies a request to AWS Backup to back up a resource.
832 */
833 BackupJobId?: string;
834 /**
835 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
836 */
837 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
838 /**
839 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
840 */
841 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
842 /**
843 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
844 */
845 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
846 /**
847 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a saved resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
848 */
849 ResourceArn?: ARN;
850 /**
851 * The date and time that a backup job is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
852 */
853 CreationDate?: timestamp;
854 /**
855 * The date and time that a job to create a backup job is completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
856 */
857 CompletionDate?: timestamp;
858 /**
859 * The current state of a resource recovery point.
860 */
861 State?: BackupJobState;
862 /**
863 * A detailed message explaining the status of the job to back up a resource.
864 */
865 StatusMessage?: string;
866 /**
867 * Contains an estimated percentage that is complete of a job at the time the job status was queried.
868 */
869 PercentDone?: string;
870 /**
871 * The size, in bytes, of a backup.
872 */
873 BackupSizeInBytes?: Long;
874 /**
875 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
876 */
877 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
878 /**
879 * Contains identifying information about the creation of a backup job, including the BackupPlanArn, BackupPlanId, BackupPlanVersion, and BackupRuleId of the backup plan that is used to create it.
880 */
881 CreatedBy?: RecoveryPointCreator;
882 /**
883 * The type of AWS resource to be backed-up; for example, an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume or an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database.
884 */
885 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
886 /**
887 * The size in bytes transferred to a backup vault at the time that the job status was queried.
888 */
889 BytesTransferred?: Long;
890 /**
891 * The date and time that a job to back up resources is expected to be completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of ExpectedCompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
892 */
893 ExpectedCompletionDate?: timestamp;
894 /**
895 * Specifies the time in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when a backup job must be started before it is canceled. The value is calculated by adding the start window to the scheduled time. So if the scheduled time were 6:00 PM and the start window is 2 hours, the StartBy time would be 8:00 PM on the date specified. The value of StartBy is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
896 */
897 StartBy?: timestamp;
898 }
899 export interface DescribeBackupVaultInput {
900 /**
901 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
902 */
903 BackupVaultName: string;
904 }
905 export interface DescribeBackupVaultOutput {
906 /**
907 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
908 */
909 BackupVaultName?: string;
910 /**
911 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
912 */
913 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
914 /**
915 * The server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups; for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
916 */
917 EncryptionKeyArn?: ARN;
918 /**
919 * The date and time that a backup vault is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
920 */
921 CreationDate?: timestamp;
922 /**
923 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
924 */
925 CreatorRequestId?: string;
926 /**
927 * The number of recovery points that are stored in a backup vault.
928 */
929 NumberOfRecoveryPoints?: long;
930 }
931 export interface DescribeProtectedResourceInput {
932 /**
933 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
934 */
935 ResourceArn: ARN;
936 }
937 export interface DescribeProtectedResourceOutput {
938 /**
939 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
940 */
941 ResourceArn?: ARN;
942 /**
943 * The type of AWS resource saved as a recovery point; for example, an EBS volume or an Amazon RDS database.
944 */
945 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
946 /**
947 * The date and time that a resource was last backed up, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of LastBackupTime is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
948 */
949 LastBackupTime?: timestamp;
950 }
951 export interface DescribeRecoveryPointInput {
952 /**
953 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
954 */
955 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
956 /**
957 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
958 */
959 RecoveryPointArn: ARN;
960 }
961 export interface DescribeRecoveryPointOutput {
962 /**
963 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
964 */
965 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
966 /**
967 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
968 */
969 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
970 /**
971 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
972 */
973 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
974 /**
975 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a saved resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
976 */
977 ResourceArn?: ARN;
978 /**
979 * The type of AWS resource to save as a recovery point; for example, an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume or an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database.
980 */
981 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
982 /**
983 * Contains identifying information about the creation of a recovery point, including the BackupPlanArn, BackupPlanId, BackupPlanVersion, and BackupRuleId of the backup plan used to create it.
984 */
985 CreatedBy?: RecoveryPointCreator;
986 /**
987 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
988 */
989 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
990 /**
991 * A status code specifying the state of the recovery point. A partial status indicates that the recovery point was not successfully re-created and must be retried.
992 */
993 Status?: RecoveryPointStatus;
994 /**
995 * The date and time that a recovery point is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
996 */
997 CreationDate?: timestamp;
998 /**
999 * The date and time that a job to create a recovery point is completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1000 */
1001 CompletionDate?: timestamp;
1002 /**
1003 * The size, in bytes, of a backup.
1004 */
1005 BackupSizeInBytes?: Long;
1006 /**
1007 * A CalculatedLifecycle object containing DeleteAt and MoveToColdStorageAt timestamps.
1008 */
1009 CalculatedLifecycle?: CalculatedLifecycle;
1010 /**
1011 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups that are transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
1012 */
1013 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
1014 /**
1015 * The server-side encryption key used to protect your backups; for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
1016 */
1017 EncryptionKeyArn?: ARN;
1018 /**
1019 * A Boolean value that is returned as TRUE if the specified recovery point is encrypted, or FALSE if the recovery point is not encrypted.
1020 */
1021 IsEncrypted?: boolean;
1022 /**
1023 * Specifies the storage class of the recovery point. Valid values are WARM or COLD.
1024 */
1025 StorageClass?: StorageClass;
1026 /**
1027 * The date and time that a recovery point was last restored, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of LastRestoreTime is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1028 */
1029 LastRestoreTime?: timestamp;
1030 }
1031 export interface DescribeRestoreJobInput {
1032 /**
1033 * Uniquely identifies the job that restores a recovery point.
1034 */
1035 RestoreJobId: RestoreJobId;
1036 }
1037 export interface DescribeRestoreJobOutput {
1038 /**
1039 * Uniquely identifies the job that restores a recovery point.
1040 */
1041 RestoreJobId?: string;
1042 /**
1043 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1044 */
1045 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1046 /**
1047 * The date and time that a restore job is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1048 */
1049 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1050 /**
1051 * The date and time that a job to restore a recovery point is completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1052 */
1053 CompletionDate?: timestamp;
1054 /**
1055 * Status code specifying the state of the job that is initiated by AWS Backup to restore a recovery point.
1056 */
1057 Status?: RestoreJobStatus;
1058 /**
1059 * A detailed message explaining the status of a job to restore a recovery point.
1060 */
1061 StatusMessage?: string;
1062 /**
1063 * Contains an estimated percentage that is complete of a job at the time the job status was queried.
1064 */
1065 PercentDone?: string;
1066 /**
1067 * The size, in bytes, of the restored resource.
1068 */
1069 BackupSizeInBytes?: Long;
1070 /**
1071 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
1072 */
1073 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
1074 /**
1075 * The amount of time in minutes that a job restoring a recovery point is expected to take.
1076 */
1077 ExpectedCompletionTimeMinutes?: Long;
1078 /**
1079 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a resource whose recovery point is being restored. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type of the backed-up resource.
1080 */
1081 CreatedResourceArn?: ARN;
1082 }
1083 export interface ExportBackupPlanTemplateInput {
1084 /**
1085 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1086 */
1087 BackupPlanId: string;
1088 }
1089 export interface ExportBackupPlanTemplateOutput {
1090 /**
1091 * The body of a backup plan template in JSON format. This is a signed JSON document that cannot be modified before being passed to GetBackupPlanFromJSON.
1092 */
1093 BackupPlanTemplateJson?: string;
1094 }
1095 export interface GetBackupPlanFromJSONInput {
1096 /**
1097 * A customer-supplied backup plan document in JSON format.
1098 */
1099 BackupPlanTemplateJson: string;
1100 }
1101 export interface GetBackupPlanFromJSONOutput {
1102 /**
1103 * Specifies the body of a backup plan. Includes a BackupPlanName and one or more sets of Rules.
1104 */
1105 BackupPlan?: BackupPlan;
1106 }
1107 export interface GetBackupPlanFromTemplateInput {
1108 /**
1109 * Uniquely identifies a stored backup plan template.
1110 */
1111 BackupPlanTemplateId: string;
1112 }
1113 export interface GetBackupPlanFromTemplateOutput {
1114 /**
1115 * Returns the body of a backup plan based on the target template, including the name, rules, and backup vault of the plan.
1116 */
1117 BackupPlanDocument?: BackupPlan;
1118 }
1119 export interface GetBackupPlanInput {
1120 /**
1121 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1122 */
1123 BackupPlanId: string;
1124 /**
1125 * Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. Version IDs cannot be edited.
1126 */
1127 VersionId?: string;
1128 }
1129 export interface GetBackupPlanOutput {
1130 /**
1131 * Specifies the body of a backup plan. Includes a BackupPlanName and one or more sets of Rules.
1132 */
1133 BackupPlan?: BackupPlan;
1134 /**
1135 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1136 */
1137 BackupPlanId?: string;
1138 /**
1139 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:plan:8F81F553-3A74-4A3F-B93D-B3360DC80C50.
1140 */
1141 BackupPlanArn?: ARN;
1142 /**
1143 * Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. Version IDs cannot be edited.
1144 */
1145 VersionId?: string;
1146 /**
1147 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
1148 */
1149 CreatorRequestId?: string;
1150 /**
1151 * The date and time that a backup plan is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1152 */
1153 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1154 /**
1155 * The date and time that a backup plan is deleted, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1156 */
1157 DeletionDate?: timestamp;
1158 /**
1159 * The last time a job to back up resources was executed with this backup plan. A date and time, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of LastExecutionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1160 */
1161 LastExecutionDate?: timestamp;
1162 }
1163 export interface GetBackupSelectionInput {
1164 /**
1165 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1166 */
1167 BackupPlanId: string;
1168 /**
1169 * Uniquely identifies the body of a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan.
1170 */
1171 SelectionId: string;
1172 }
1173 export interface GetBackupSelectionOutput {
1174 /**
1175 * Specifies the body of a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan. It includes an array of resources, an optional array of patterns to exclude resources, an optional role to provide access to the AWS service that the resource belongs to, and an optional array of tags used to identify a set of resources.
1176 */
1177 BackupSelection?: BackupSelection;
1178 /**
1179 * Uniquely identifies the body of a request to assign a set of resources to a backup plan.
1180 */
1181 SelectionId?: string;
1182 /**
1183 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1184 */
1185 BackupPlanId?: string;
1186 /**
1187 * The date and time a backup selection is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1188 */
1189 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1190 /**
1191 * A unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice.
1192 */
1193 CreatorRequestId?: string;
1194 }
1195 export interface GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyInput {
1196 /**
1197 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1198 */
1199 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1200 }
1201 export interface GetBackupVaultAccessPolicyOutput {
1202 /**
1203 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1204 */
1205 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
1206 /**
1207 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
1208 */
1209 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
1210 /**
1211 * The backup vault access policy document in JSON format.
1212 */
1213 Policy?: IAMPolicy;
1214 }
1215 export interface GetBackupVaultNotificationsInput {
1216 /**
1217 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1218 */
1219 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1220 }
1221 export interface GetBackupVaultNotificationsOutput {
1222 /**
1223 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1224 */
1225 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
1226 /**
1227 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
1228 */
1229 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
1230 /**
1231 * An ARN that uniquely identifies an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic; for example, arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111122223333:MyTopic.
1232 */
1233 SNSTopicArn?: ARN;
1234 /**
1235 * An array of events that indicate the status of jobs to back up resources to the backup vault.
1236 */
1237 BackupVaultEvents?: BackupVaultEvents;
1238 }
1239 export interface GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataInput {
1240 /**
1241 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1242 */
1243 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1244 /**
1245 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1246 */
1247 RecoveryPointArn: ARN;
1248 }
1249 export interface GetRecoveryPointRestoreMetadataOutput {
1250 /**
1251 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
1252 */
1253 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
1254 /**
1255 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1256 */
1257 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1258 /**
1259 * A set of metadata key-value pairs that lists the metadata key-value pairs that are required to restore the recovery point.
1260 */
1261 RestoreMetadata?: Metadata;
1262 }
1263 export interface GetSupportedResourceTypesOutput {
1264 /**
1265 * Contains a string with the supported AWS resource types: EBS for Amazon Elastic Block Store SGW for AWS Storage Gateway RDS for Amazon Relational Database Service DDB for Amazon DynamoDB EFS for Amazon Elastic File System
1266 */
1267 ResourceTypes?: ResourceTypes;
1268 }
1269 export type IAMPolicy = string;
1270 export type IAMRoleArn = string;
1271 export interface Lifecycle {
1272 /**
1273 * Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is moved to cold storage.
1274 */
1275 MoveToColdStorageAfterDays?: Long;
1276 /**
1277 * Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is deleted. Must be greater than MoveToColdStorageAfterDays.
1278 */
1279 DeleteAfterDays?: Long;
1280 }
1281 export interface ListBackupJobsInput {
1282 /**
1283 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1284 */
1285 NextToken?: string;
1286 /**
1287 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1288 */
1289 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1290 /**
1291 * Returns only backup jobs that match the specified resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
1292 */
1293 ByResourceArn?: ARN;
1294 /**
1295 * Returns only backup jobs that are in the specified state.
1296 */
1297 ByState?: BackupJobState;
1298 /**
1299 * Returns only backup jobs that will be stored in the specified backup vault. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1300 */
1301 ByBackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
1302 /**
1303 * Returns only backup jobs that were created before the specified date.
1304 */
1305 ByCreatedBefore?: timestamp;
1306 /**
1307 * Returns only backup jobs that were created after the specified date.
1308 */
1309 ByCreatedAfter?: timestamp;
1310 /**
1311 * Returns only backup jobs for the specified resources: EBS for Amazon Elastic Block Store SGW for AWS Storage Gateway RDS for Amazon Relational Database Service DDB for Amazon DynamoDB EFS for Amazon Elastic File System
1312 */
1313 ByResourceType?: ResourceType;
1314 }
1315 export interface ListBackupJobsOutput {
1316 /**
1317 * An array of structures containing metadata about your backup jobs returned in JSON format.
1318 */
1319 BackupJobs?: BackupJobsList;
1320 /**
1321 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1322 */
1323 NextToken?: string;
1324 }
1325 export interface ListBackupPlanTemplatesInput {
1326 /**
1327 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1328 */
1329 NextToken?: string;
1330 /**
1331 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1332 */
1333 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1334 }
1335 export interface ListBackupPlanTemplatesOutput {
1336 /**
1337 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1338 */
1339 NextToken?: string;
1340 /**
1341 * An array of template list items containing metadata about your saved templates.
1342 */
1343 BackupPlanTemplatesList?: BackupPlanTemplatesList;
1344 }
1345 export interface ListBackupPlanVersionsInput {
1346 /**
1347 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1348 */
1349 BackupPlanId: string;
1350 /**
1351 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1352 */
1353 NextToken?: string;
1354 /**
1355 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1356 */
1357 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1358 }
1359 export interface ListBackupPlanVersionsOutput {
1360 /**
1361 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1362 */
1363 NextToken?: string;
1364 /**
1365 * An array of version list items containing metadata about your backup plans.
1366 */
1367 BackupPlanVersionsList?: BackupPlanVersionsList;
1368 }
1369 export interface ListBackupPlansInput {
1370 /**
1371 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1372 */
1373 NextToken?: string;
1374 /**
1375 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1376 */
1377 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1378 /**
1379 * A Boolean value with a default value of FALSE that returns deleted backup plans when set to TRUE.
1380 */
1381 IncludeDeleted?: Boolean;
1382 }
1383 export interface ListBackupPlansOutput {
1384 /**
1385 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1386 */
1387 NextToken?: string;
1388 /**
1389 * An array of backup plan list items containing metadata about your saved backup plans.
1390 */
1391 BackupPlansList?: BackupPlansList;
1392 }
1393 export interface ListBackupSelectionsInput {
1394 /**
1395 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1396 */
1397 BackupPlanId: string;
1398 /**
1399 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1400 */
1401 NextToken?: string;
1402 /**
1403 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1404 */
1405 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1406 }
1407 export interface ListBackupSelectionsOutput {
1408 /**
1409 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1410 */
1411 NextToken?: string;
1412 /**
1413 * An array of backup selection list items containing metadata about each resource in the list.
1414 */
1415 BackupSelectionsList?: BackupSelectionsList;
1416 }
1417 export interface ListBackupVaultsInput {
1418 /**
1419 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1420 */
1421 NextToken?: string;
1422 /**
1423 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1424 */
1425 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1426 }
1427 export interface ListBackupVaultsOutput {
1428 /**
1429 * An array of backup vault list members containing vault metadata, including Amazon Resource Name (ARN), display name, creation date, number of saved recovery points, and encryption information if the resources saved in the backup vault are encrypted.
1430 */
1431 BackupVaultList?: BackupVaultList;
1432 /**
1433 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1434 */
1435 NextToken?: string;
1436 }
1437 export type ListOfTags = Condition[];
1438 export interface ListProtectedResourcesInput {
1439 /**
1440 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1441 */
1442 NextToken?: string;
1443 /**
1444 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1445 */
1446 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1447 }
1448 export interface ListProtectedResourcesOutput {
1449 /**
1450 * An array of resources successfully backed up by AWS Backup including the time the resource was saved, an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource, and a resource type.
1451 */
1452 Results?: ProtectedResourcesList;
1453 /**
1454 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1455 */
1456 NextToken?: string;
1457 }
1458 export interface ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultInput {
1459 /**
1460 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1461 */
1462 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1463 /**
1464 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1465 */
1466 NextToken?: string;
1467 /**
1468 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1469 */
1470 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1471 /**
1472 * Returns only recovery points that match the specified resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
1473 */
1474 ByResourceArn?: ARN;
1475 /**
1476 * Returns only recovery points that match the specified resource type.
1477 */
1478 ByResourceType?: ResourceType;
1479 /**
1480 * Returns only recovery points that match the specified backup plan ID.
1481 */
1482 ByBackupPlanId?: string;
1483 /**
1484 * Returns only recovery points that were created before the specified timestamp.
1485 */
1486 ByCreatedBefore?: timestamp;
1487 /**
1488 * Returns only recovery points that were created after the specified timestamp.
1489 */
1490 ByCreatedAfter?: timestamp;
1491 }
1492 export interface ListRecoveryPointsByBackupVaultOutput {
1493 /**
1494 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1495 */
1496 NextToken?: string;
1497 /**
1498 * An array of objects that contain detailed information about recovery points saved in a backup vault.
1499 */
1500 RecoveryPoints?: RecoveryPointByBackupVaultList;
1501 }
1502 export interface ListRecoveryPointsByResourceInput {
1503 /**
1504 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
1505 */
1506 ResourceArn: ARN;
1507 /**
1508 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1509 */
1510 NextToken?: string;
1511 /**
1512 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1513 */
1514 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1515 }
1516 export interface ListRecoveryPointsByResourceOutput {
1517 /**
1518 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1519 */
1520 NextToken?: string;
1521 /**
1522 * An array of objects that contain detailed information about recovery points of the specified resource type.
1523 */
1524 RecoveryPoints?: RecoveryPointByResourceList;
1525 }
1526 export interface ListRestoreJobsInput {
1527 /**
1528 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1529 */
1530 NextToken?: string;
1531 /**
1532 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1533 */
1534 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1535 }
1536 export interface ListRestoreJobsOutput {
1537 /**
1538 * An array of objects that contain detailed information about jobs to restore saved resources.
1539 */
1540 RestoreJobs?: RestoreJobsList;
1541 /**
1542 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1543 */
1544 NextToken?: string;
1545 }
1546 export interface ListTagsInput {
1547 /**
1548 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the type of resource. Valid targets for ListTags are recovery points, backup plans, and backup vaults.
1549 */
1550 ResourceArn: ARN;
1551 /**
1552 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1553 */
1554 NextToken?: string;
1555 /**
1556 * The maximum number of items to be returned.
1557 */
1558 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
1559 }
1560 export interface ListTagsOutput {
1561 /**
1562 * The next item following a partial list of returned items. For example, if a request is made to return maxResults number of items, NextToken allows you to return more items in your list starting at the location pointed to by the next token.
1563 */
1564 NextToken?: string;
1565 /**
1566 * To help organize your resources, you can assign your own metadata to the resources you create. Each tag is a key-value pair.
1567 */
1568 Tags?: Tags;
1569 }
1570 export type Long = number;
1571 export type MaxResults = number;
1572 export type Metadata = {[key: string]: MetadataValue};
1573 export type MetadataKey = string;
1574 export type MetadataValue = string;
1575 export interface ProtectedResource {
1576 /**
1577 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
1578 */
1579 ResourceArn?: ARN;
1580 /**
1581 * The type of AWS resource; for example, an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume or an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database.
1582 */
1583 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
1584 /**
1585 * The date and time a resource was last backed up, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of LastBackupTime is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1586 */
1587 LastBackupTime?: timestamp;
1588 }
1589 export type ProtectedResourcesList = ProtectedResource[];
1590 export interface PutBackupVaultAccessPolicyInput {
1591 /**
1592 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1593 */
1594 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1595 /**
1596 * The backup vault access policy document in JSON format.
1597 */
1598 Policy?: IAMPolicy;
1599 }
1600 export interface PutBackupVaultNotificationsInput {
1601 /**
1602 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1603 */
1604 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1605 /**
1606 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies the topic for a backup vault’s events; for example, arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:111122223333:MyVaultTopic.
1607 */
1608 SNSTopicArn: ARN;
1609 /**
1610 * An array of events that indicate the status of jobs to back up resources to the backup vault.
1611 */
1612 BackupVaultEvents: BackupVaultEvents;
1613 }
1614 export interface RecoveryPointByBackupVault {
1615 /**
1616 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1617 */
1618 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1619 /**
1620 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1621 */
1622 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
1623 /**
1624 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
1625 */
1626 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
1627 /**
1628 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
1629 */
1630 ResourceArn?: ARN;
1631 /**
1632 * The type of AWS resource saved as a recovery point; for example, an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume or an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database.
1633 */
1634 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
1635 /**
1636 * Contains identifying information about the creation of a recovery point, including the BackupPlanArn, BackupPlanId, BackupPlanVersion, and BackupRuleId of the backup plan that is used to create it.
1637 */
1638 CreatedBy?: RecoveryPointCreator;
1639 /**
1640 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
1641 */
1642 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
1643 /**
1644 * A status code specifying the state of the recovery point.
1645 */
1646 Status?: RecoveryPointStatus;
1647 /**
1648 * The date and time a recovery point is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1649 */
1650 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1651 /**
1652 * The date and time a job to restore a recovery point is completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1653 */
1654 CompletionDate?: timestamp;
1655 /**
1656 * The size, in bytes, of a backup.
1657 */
1658 BackupSizeInBytes?: Long;
1659 /**
1660 * A CalculatedLifecycle object containing DeleteAt and MoveToColdStorageAt timestamps.
1661 */
1662 CalculatedLifecycle?: CalculatedLifecycle;
1663 /**
1664 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
1665 */
1666 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
1667 /**
1668 * The server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups; for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
1669 */
1670 EncryptionKeyArn?: ARN;
1671 /**
1672 * A Boolean value that is returned as TRUE if the specified recovery point is encrypted, or FALSE if the recovery point is not encrypted.
1673 */
1674 IsEncrypted?: boolean;
1675 /**
1676 * The date and time a recovery point was last restored, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of LastRestoreTime is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1677 */
1678 LastRestoreTime?: timestamp;
1679 }
1680 export type RecoveryPointByBackupVaultList = RecoveryPointByBackupVault[];
1681 export interface RecoveryPointByResource {
1682 /**
1683 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1684 */
1685 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1686 /**
1687 * The date and time a recovery point is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1688 */
1689 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1690 /**
1691 * A status code specifying the state of the recovery point.
1692 */
1693 Status?: RecoveryPointStatus;
1694 /**
1695 * The server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups; for example, arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
1696 */
1697 EncryptionKeyArn?: ARN;
1698 /**
1699 * The size, in bytes, of a backup.
1700 */
1701 BackupSizeBytes?: Long;
1702 /**
1703 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1704 */
1705 BackupVaultName?: BackupVaultName;
1706 }
1707 export type RecoveryPointByResourceList = RecoveryPointByResource[];
1708 export interface RecoveryPointCreator {
1709 /**
1710 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1711 */
1712 BackupPlanId?: string;
1713 /**
1714 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:plan:8F81F553-3A74-4A3F-B93D-B3360DC80C50.
1715 */
1716 BackupPlanArn?: ARN;
1717 /**
1718 * Version IDs are unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. They cannot be edited.
1719 */
1720 BackupPlanVersion?: string;
1721 /**
1722 * Uniquely identifies a rule used to schedule the backup of a selection of resources.
1723 */
1724 BackupRuleId?: string;
1725 }
1726 export type RecoveryPointStatus = "COMPLETED"|"PARTIAL"|"DELETING"|"EXPIRED"|string;
1727 export type ResourceArns = ARN[];
1728 export type ResourceType = string;
1729 export type ResourceTypes = ResourceType[];
1730 export type RestoreJobId = string;
1731 export type RestoreJobStatus = "PENDING"|"RUNNING"|"COMPLETED"|"ABORTED"|"FAILED"|string;
1732 export type RestoreJobsList = RestoreJobsListMember[];
1733 export interface RestoreJobsListMember {
1734 /**
1735 * Uniquely identifies the job that restores a recovery point.
1736 */
1737 RestoreJobId?: string;
1738 /**
1739 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1740 */
1741 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1742 /**
1743 * The date and time a restore job is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1744 */
1745 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1746 /**
1747 * The date and time a job to restore a recovery point is completed, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CompletionDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1748 */
1749 CompletionDate?: timestamp;
1750 /**
1751 * A status code specifying the state of the job initiated by AWS Backup to restore a recovery point.
1752 */
1753 Status?: RestoreJobStatus;
1754 /**
1755 * A detailed message explaining the status of the job to restore a recovery point.
1756 */
1757 StatusMessage?: string;
1758 /**
1759 * Contains an estimated percentage complete of a job at the time the job status was queried.
1760 */
1761 PercentDone?: string;
1762 /**
1763 * The size, in bytes, of the restored resource.
1764 */
1765 BackupSizeInBytes?: Long;
1766 /**
1767 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
1768 */
1769 IamRoleArn?: IAMRoleArn;
1770 /**
1771 * The amount of time in minutes that a job restoring a recovery point is expected to take.
1772 */
1773 ExpectedCompletionTimeMinutes?: Long;
1774 /**
1775 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
1776 */
1777 CreatedResourceArn?: ARN;
1778 }
1779 export interface StartBackupJobInput {
1780 /**
1781 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1782 */
1783 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1784 /**
1785 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the resource type.
1786 */
1787 ResourceArn: ARN;
1788 /**
1789 * Specifies the IAM role ARN used to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
1790 */
1791 IamRoleArn: IAMRoleArn;
1792 /**
1793 * A customer chosen string that can be used to distinguish between calls to StartBackupJob. Idempotency tokens time out after one hour. Therefore, if you call StartBackupJob multiple times with the same idempotency token within one hour, AWS Backup recognizes that you are requesting only one backup job and initiates only one. If you change the idempotency token for each call, AWS Backup recognizes that you are requesting to start multiple backups.
1794 */
1795 IdempotencyToken?: string;
1796 /**
1797 * The amount of time in minutes before beginning a backup.
1798 */
1799 StartWindowMinutes?: WindowMinutes;
1800 /**
1801 * The amount of time AWS Backup attempts a backup before canceling the job and returning an error.
1802 */
1803 CompleteWindowMinutes?: WindowMinutes;
1804 /**
1805 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup will transition and expire backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
1806 */
1807 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
1808 /**
1809 * To help organize your resources, you can assign your own metadata to the resources that you create. Each tag is a key-value pair.
1810 */
1811 RecoveryPointTags?: Tags;
1812 }
1813 export interface StartBackupJobOutput {
1814 /**
1815 * Uniquely identifies a request to AWS Backup to back up a resource.
1816 */
1817 BackupJobId?: string;
1818 /**
1819 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1820 */
1821 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1822 /**
1823 * The date and time that a backup job is started, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1824 */
1825 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1826 }
1827 export interface StartRestoreJobInput {
1828 /**
1829 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1830 */
1831 RecoveryPointArn: ARN;
1832 /**
1833 * A set of metadata key-value pairs. Lists the metadata that the recovery point was created with.
1834 */
1835 Metadata: Metadata;
1836 /**
1837 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that AWS Backup uses to create the target recovery point; for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/S3Access.
1838 */
1839 IamRoleArn: IAMRoleArn;
1840 /**
1841 * A customer chosen string that can be used to distinguish between calls to StartRestoreJob. Idempotency tokens time out after one hour. Therefore, if you call StartRestoreJob multiple times with the same idempotency token within one hour, AWS Backup recognizes that you are requesting only one restore job and initiates only one. If you change the idempotency token for each call, AWS Backup recognizes that you are requesting to start multiple restores.
1842 */
1843 IdempotencyToken?: string;
1844 /**
1845 * Starts a job to restore a recovery point for one of the following resources: EBS for Amazon Elastic Block Store SGW for AWS Storage Gateway RDS for Amazon Relational Database Service DDB for Amazon DynamoDB EFS for Amazon Elastic File System
1846 */
1847 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
1848 }
1849 export interface StartRestoreJobOutput {
1850 /**
1851 * Uniquely identifies the job that restores a recovery point.
1852 */
1853 RestoreJobId?: RestoreJobId;
1854 }
1855 export interface StopBackupJobInput {
1856 /**
1857 * Uniquely identifies a request to AWS Backup to back up a resource.
1858 */
1859 BackupJobId: string;
1860 }
1861 export type StorageClass = "WARM"|"COLD"|"DELETED"|string;
1862 export type TagKey = string;
1863 export type TagKeyList = string[];
1864 export interface TagResourceInput {
1865 /**
1866 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the type of the tagged resource.
1867 */
1868 ResourceArn: ARN;
1869 /**
1870 * Key-value pairs that are used to help organize your resources. You can assign your own metadata to the resources you create.
1871 */
1872 Tags: Tags;
1873 }
1874 export type TagValue = string;
1875 export type Tags = {[key: string]: TagValue};
1876 export interface UntagResourceInput {
1877 /**
1878 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a resource. The format of the ARN depends on the type of the tagged resource.
1879 */
1880 ResourceArn: ARN;
1881 /**
1882 * A list of keys to identify which key-value tags to remove from a resource.
1883 */
1884 TagKeyList: TagKeyList;
1885 }
1886 export interface UpdateBackupPlanInput {
1887 /**
1888 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1889 */
1890 BackupPlanId: string;
1891 /**
1892 * Specifies the body of a backup plan. Includes a BackupPlanName and one or more sets of Rules.
1893 */
1894 BackupPlan: BackupPlanInput;
1895 }
1896 export interface UpdateBackupPlanOutput {
1897 /**
1898 * Uniquely identifies a backup plan.
1899 */
1900 BackupPlanId?: string;
1901 /**
1902 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:plan:8F81F553-3A74-4A3F-B93D-B3360DC80C50.
1903 */
1904 BackupPlanArn?: ARN;
1905 /**
1906 * The date and time a backup plan is updated, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of CreationDate is accurate to milliseconds. For example, the value 1516925490.087 represents Friday, January 26, 2018 12:11:30.087 AM.
1907 */
1908 CreationDate?: timestamp;
1909 /**
1910 * Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. Version Ids cannot be edited.
1911 */
1912 VersionId?: string;
1913 }
1914 export interface UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleInput {
1915 /**
1916 * The name of a logical container where backups are stored. Backup vaults are identified by names that are unique to the account used to create them and the AWS Region where they are created. They consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
1917 */
1918 BackupVaultName: BackupVaultName;
1919 /**
1920 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1921 */
1922 RecoveryPointArn: ARN;
1923 /**
1924 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
1925 */
1926 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
1927 }
1928 export interface UpdateRecoveryPointLifecycleOutput {
1929 /**
1930 * An ARN that uniquely identifies a backup vault; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:vault:aBackupVault.
1931 */
1932 BackupVaultArn?: ARN;
1933 /**
1934 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a recovery point; for example, arn:aws:backup:us-east-1:123456789012:recovery-point:1EB3B5E7-9EB0-435A-A80B-108B488B0D45.
1935 */
1936 RecoveryPointArn?: ARN;
1937 /**
1938 * The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is transitioned to cold storage and when it expires. AWS Backup transitions and expires backups automatically according to the lifecycle that you define. Backups transitioned to cold storage must be stored in cold storage for a minimum of 90 days. Therefore, the “expire after days” setting must be 90 days greater than the “transition to cold after days” setting. The “transition to cold after days” setting cannot be changed after a backup has been transitioned to cold.
1939 */
1940 Lifecycle?: Lifecycle;
1941 /**
1942 * A CalculatedLifecycle object containing DeleteAt and MoveToColdStorageAt timestamps.
1943 */
1944 CalculatedLifecycle?: CalculatedLifecycle;
1945 }
1946 export type WindowMinutes = number;
1947 export type long = number;
1948 export type timestamp = Date;
1949 /**
1950 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1951 */
1952 export type apiVersion = "2018-11-15"|"latest"|string;
1953 export interface ClientApiVersions {
1954 /**
1955 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1956 */
1957 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
1958 }
1959 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
1960 /**
1961 * Contains interfaces for use with the Backup client.
1962 */
1963 export import Types = Backup;
1965export = Backup;