154 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {CloudFrontCustomizations} from '../lib/services/cloudfront';
5import {WaiterConfiguration} from '../lib/service';
6import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
7import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
8import {Signer as signer} from '../lib/cloudfront/signer';
9interface Blob {}
10declare class CloudFront extends CloudFrontCustomizations {
11 /**
12 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
13 */
14 constructor(options?: CloudFront.Types.ClientConfiguration)
15 config: Config & CloudFront.Types.ClientConfiguration;
16 /**
17 * Creates a new origin access identity. If you're using Amazon S3 for your origin, you can use an origin access identity to require users to access your content using a CloudFront URL instead of the Amazon S3 URL. For more information about how to use origin access identities, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
18 */
19 createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult, AWSError>;
20 /**
21 * Creates a new origin access identity. If you're using Amazon S3 for your origin, you can use an origin access identity to require users to access your content using a CloudFront URL instead of the Amazon S3 URL. For more information about how to use origin access identities, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
22 */
23 createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult, AWSError>;
24 /**
25 * Creates a new web distribution. You create a CloudFront distribution to tell CloudFront where you want content to be delivered from, and the details about how to track and manage content delivery. Send a POST request to the /CloudFront API version/distribution/distribution ID resource. When you update a distribution, there are more required fields than when you create a distribution. When you update your distribution by using UpdateDistribution, follow the steps included in the documentation to get the current configuration and then make your updates. This helps to make sure that you include all of the required fields. To view a summary, see Required Fields for Create Distribution and Update Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you are using Adobe Flash Media Server's RTMP protocol, you set up a different kind of CloudFront distribution. For more information, see CreateStreamingDistribution.
26 */
27 createDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionResult, AWSError>;
28 /**
29 * Creates a new web distribution. You create a CloudFront distribution to tell CloudFront where you want content to be delivered from, and the details about how to track and manage content delivery. Send a POST request to the /CloudFront API version/distribution/distribution ID resource. When you update a distribution, there are more required fields than when you create a distribution. When you update your distribution by using UpdateDistribution, follow the steps included in the documentation to get the current configuration and then make your updates. This helps to make sure that you include all of the required fields. To view a summary, see Required Fields for Create Distribution and Update Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you are using Adobe Flash Media Server's RTMP protocol, you set up a different kind of CloudFront distribution. For more information, see CreateStreamingDistribution.
30 */
31 createDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionResult, AWSError>;
32 /**
33 * Create a new distribution with tags.
34 */
35 createDistributionWithTags(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionWithTagsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionWithTagsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionWithTagsResult, AWSError>;
36 /**
37 * Create a new distribution with tags.
38 */
39 createDistributionWithTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionWithTagsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateDistributionWithTagsResult, AWSError>;
40 /**
41 * Create a new field-level encryption configuration.
42 */
43 createFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult, AWSError>;
44 /**
45 * Create a new field-level encryption configuration.
46 */
47 createFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult, AWSError>;
48 /**
49 * Create a field-level encryption profile.
50 */
51 createFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult, AWSError>;
52 /**
53 * Create a field-level encryption profile.
54 */
55 createFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult, AWSError>;
56 /**
57 * Create a new invalidation.
58 */
59 createInvalidation(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateInvalidationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateInvalidationResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateInvalidationResult, AWSError>;
60 /**
61 * Create a new invalidation.
62 */
63 createInvalidation(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateInvalidationResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateInvalidationResult, AWSError>;
64 /**
65 * Add a new public key to CloudFront to use, for example, for field-level encryption. You can add a maximum of 10 public keys with one AWS account.
66 */
67 createPublicKey(params: CloudFront.Types.CreatePublicKeyRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreatePublicKeyResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreatePublicKeyResult, AWSError>;
68 /**
69 * Add a new public key to CloudFront to use, for example, for field-level encryption. You can add a maximum of 10 public keys with one AWS account.
70 */
71 createPublicKey(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreatePublicKeyResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreatePublicKeyResult, AWSError>;
72 /**
73 * Creates a new RMTP distribution. An RTMP distribution is similar to a web distribution, but an RTMP distribution streams media files using the Adobe Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) instead of serving files using HTTP. To create a new web distribution, submit a POST request to the CloudFront API version/distribution resource. The request body must include a document with a StreamingDistributionConfig element. The response echoes the StreamingDistributionConfig element and returns other information about the RTMP distribution. To get the status of your request, use the GET StreamingDistribution API action. When the value of Enabled is true and the value of Status is Deployed, your distribution is ready. A distribution usually deploys in less than 15 minutes. For more information about web distributions, see Working with RTMP Distributions in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Beginning with the 2012-05-05 version of the CloudFront API, we made substantial changes to the format of the XML document that you include in the request body when you create or update a web distribution or an RTMP distribution, and when you invalidate objects. With previous versions of the API, we discovered that it was too easy to accidentally delete one or more values for an element that accepts multiple values, for example, CNAMEs and trusted signers. Our changes for the 2012-05-05 release are intended to prevent these accidental deletions and to notify you when there's a mismatch between the number of values you say you're specifying in the Quantity element and the number of values specified.
74 */
75 createStreamingDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
76 /**
77 * Creates a new RMTP distribution. An RTMP distribution is similar to a web distribution, but an RTMP distribution streams media files using the Adobe Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) instead of serving files using HTTP. To create a new web distribution, submit a POST request to the CloudFront API version/distribution resource. The request body must include a document with a StreamingDistributionConfig element. The response echoes the StreamingDistributionConfig element and returns other information about the RTMP distribution. To get the status of your request, use the GET StreamingDistribution API action. When the value of Enabled is true and the value of Status is Deployed, your distribution is ready. A distribution usually deploys in less than 15 minutes. For more information about web distributions, see Working with RTMP Distributions in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Beginning with the 2012-05-05 version of the CloudFront API, we made substantial changes to the format of the XML document that you include in the request body when you create or update a web distribution or an RTMP distribution, and when you invalidate objects. With previous versions of the API, we discovered that it was too easy to accidentally delete one or more values for an element that accepts multiple values, for example, CNAMEs and trusted signers. Our changes for the 2012-05-05 release are intended to prevent these accidental deletions and to notify you when there's a mismatch between the number of values you say you're specifying in the Quantity element and the number of values specified.
78 */
79 createStreamingDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
80 /**
81 * Create a new streaming distribution with tags.
82 */
83 createStreamingDistributionWithTags(params: CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsResult, AWSError>;
84 /**
85 * Create a new streaming distribution with tags.
86 */
87 createStreamingDistributionWithTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsResult, AWSError>;
88 /**
89 * Delete an origin access identity.
90 */
91 deleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(params: CloudFront.Types.DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
92 /**
93 * Delete an origin access identity.
94 */
95 deleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
96 /**
97 * Delete a distribution.
98 */
99 deleteDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.DeleteDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
100 /**
101 * Delete a distribution.
102 */
103 deleteDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
104 /**
105 * Remove a field-level encryption configuration.
106 */
107 deleteFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.DeleteFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
108 /**
109 * Remove a field-level encryption configuration.
110 */
111 deleteFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
112 /**
113 * Remove a field-level encryption profile.
114 */
115 deleteFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(params: CloudFront.Types.DeleteFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
116 /**
117 * Remove a field-level encryption profile.
118 */
119 deleteFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
120 /**
121 * Remove a public key you previously added to CloudFront.
122 */
123 deletePublicKey(params: CloudFront.Types.DeletePublicKeyRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
124 /**
125 * Remove a public key you previously added to CloudFront.
126 */
127 deletePublicKey(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
128 /**
129 * Delete a streaming distribution. To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, perform the following steps. To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API: Disable the RTMP distribution. Submit a GET Streaming Distribution Config request to get the current configuration and the Etag header for the distribution. Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your GET Streaming Distribution Config request to change the value of Enabled to false. Submit a PUT Streaming Distribution Config request to update the configuration for your distribution. In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 3. Then set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GET Streaming Distribution Config request in Step 2. Review the response to the PUT Streaming Distribution Config request to confirm that the distribution was successfully disabled. Submit a GET Streaming Distribution Config request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When propagation is complete, the value of Status is Deployed. Submit a DELETE Streaming Distribution request. Set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GET Streaming Distribution Config request in Step 2. Review the response to your DELETE Streaming Distribution request to confirm that the distribution was successfully deleted. For information about deleting a distribution using the CloudFront console, see Deleting a Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
130 */
131 deleteStreamingDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.DeleteStreamingDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
132 /**
133 * Delete a streaming distribution. To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, perform the following steps. To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API: Disable the RTMP distribution. Submit a GET Streaming Distribution Config request to get the current configuration and the Etag header for the distribution. Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your GET Streaming Distribution Config request to change the value of Enabled to false. Submit a PUT Streaming Distribution Config request to update the configuration for your distribution. In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 3. Then set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GET Streaming Distribution Config request in Step 2. Review the response to the PUT Streaming Distribution Config request to confirm that the distribution was successfully disabled. Submit a GET Streaming Distribution Config request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When propagation is complete, the value of Status is Deployed. Submit a DELETE Streaming Distribution request. Set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GET Streaming Distribution Config request in Step 2. Review the response to your DELETE Streaming Distribution request to confirm that the distribution was successfully deleted. For information about deleting a distribution using the CloudFront console, see Deleting a Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
134 */
135 deleteStreamingDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
136 /**
137 * Get the information about an origin access identity.
138 */
139 getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(params: CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult, AWSError>;
140 /**
141 * Get the information about an origin access identity.
142 */
143 getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult, AWSError>;
144 /**
145 * Get the configuration information about an origin access identity.
146 */
147 getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult, AWSError>;
148 /**
149 * Get the configuration information about an origin access identity.
150 */
151 getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult, AWSError>;
152 /**
153 * Get the information about a distribution.
154 */
155 getDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult, AWSError>;
156 /**
157 * Get the information about a distribution.
158 */
159 getDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult, AWSError>;
160 /**
161 * Get the configuration information about a distribution.
162 */
163 getDistributionConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionConfigResult, AWSError>;
164 /**
165 * Get the configuration information about a distribution.
166 */
167 getDistributionConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionConfigResult, AWSError>;
168 /**
169 * Get the field-level encryption configuration information.
170 */
171 getFieldLevelEncryption(params: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionResult, AWSError>;
172 /**
173 * Get the field-level encryption configuration information.
174 */
175 getFieldLevelEncryption(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionResult, AWSError>;
176 /**
177 * Get the field-level encryption configuration information.
178 */
179 getFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult, AWSError>;
180 /**
181 * Get the field-level encryption configuration information.
182 */
183 getFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult, AWSError>;
184 /**
185 * Get the field-level encryption profile information.
186 */
187 getFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(params: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult, AWSError>;
188 /**
189 * Get the field-level encryption profile information.
190 */
191 getFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult, AWSError>;
192 /**
193 * Get the field-level encryption profile configuration information.
194 */
195 getFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigResult, AWSError>;
196 /**
197 * Get the field-level encryption profile configuration information.
198 */
199 getFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigResult, AWSError>;
200 /**
201 * Get the information about an invalidation.
202 */
203 getInvalidation(params: CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult, AWSError>;
204 /**
205 * Get the information about an invalidation.
206 */
207 getInvalidation(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult, AWSError>;
208 /**
209 * Get the public key information.
210 */
211 getPublicKey(params: CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyResult, AWSError>;
212 /**
213 * Get the public key information.
214 */
215 getPublicKey(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyResult, AWSError>;
216 /**
217 * Return public key configuration informaation
218 */
219 getPublicKeyConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyConfigResult, AWSError>;
220 /**
221 * Return public key configuration informaation
222 */
223 getPublicKeyConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetPublicKeyConfigResult, AWSError>;
224 /**
225 * Gets information about a specified RTMP distribution, including the distribution configuration.
226 */
227 getStreamingDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
228 /**
229 * Gets information about a specified RTMP distribution, including the distribution configuration.
230 */
231 getStreamingDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
232 /**
233 * Get the configuration information about a streaming distribution.
234 */
235 getStreamingDistributionConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult, AWSError>;
236 /**
237 * Get the configuration information about a streaming distribution.
238 */
239 getStreamingDistributionConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult, AWSError>;
240 /**
241 * Lists origin access identities.
242 */
243 listCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities(params: CloudFront.Types.ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult, AWSError>;
244 /**
245 * Lists origin access identities.
246 */
247 listCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult, AWSError>;
248 /**
249 * List distributions.
250 */
251 listDistributions(params: CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsResult, AWSError>;
252 /**
253 * List distributions.
254 */
255 listDistributions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsResult, AWSError>;
256 /**
257 * List the distributions that are associated with a specified AWS WAF web ACL.
258 */
259 listDistributionsByWebACLId(params: CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsByWebACLIdRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResult, AWSError>;
260 /**
261 * List the distributions that are associated with a specified AWS WAF web ACL.
262 */
263 listDistributionsByWebACLId(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResult, AWSError>;
264 /**
265 * List all field-level encryption configurations that have been created in CloudFront for this account.
266 */
267 listFieldLevelEncryptionConfigs(params: CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsResult, AWSError>;
268 /**
269 * List all field-level encryption configurations that have been created in CloudFront for this account.
270 */
271 listFieldLevelEncryptionConfigs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsResult, AWSError>;
272 /**
273 * Request a list of field-level encryption profiles that have been created in CloudFront for this account.
274 */
275 listFieldLevelEncryptionProfiles(params: CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesResult, AWSError>;
276 /**
277 * Request a list of field-level encryption profiles that have been created in CloudFront for this account.
278 */
279 listFieldLevelEncryptionProfiles(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesResult, AWSError>;
280 /**
281 * Lists invalidation batches.
282 */
283 listInvalidations(params: CloudFront.Types.ListInvalidationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListInvalidationsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListInvalidationsResult, AWSError>;
284 /**
285 * Lists invalidation batches.
286 */
287 listInvalidations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListInvalidationsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListInvalidationsResult, AWSError>;
288 /**
289 * List all public keys that have been added to CloudFront for this account.
290 */
291 listPublicKeys(params: CloudFront.Types.ListPublicKeysRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListPublicKeysResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListPublicKeysResult, AWSError>;
292 /**
293 * List all public keys that have been added to CloudFront for this account.
294 */
295 listPublicKeys(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListPublicKeysResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListPublicKeysResult, AWSError>;
296 /**
297 * List streaming distributions.
298 */
299 listStreamingDistributions(params: CloudFront.Types.ListStreamingDistributionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListStreamingDistributionsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListStreamingDistributionsResult, AWSError>;
300 /**
301 * List streaming distributions.
302 */
303 listStreamingDistributions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListStreamingDistributionsResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListStreamingDistributionsResult, AWSError>;
304 /**
305 * List tags for a CloudFront resource.
306 */
307 listTagsForResource(params: CloudFront.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListTagsForResourceResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListTagsForResourceResult, AWSError>;
308 /**
309 * List tags for a CloudFront resource.
310 */
311 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.ListTagsForResourceResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.ListTagsForResourceResult, AWSError>;
312 /**
313 * Add tags to a CloudFront resource.
314 */
315 tagResource(params: CloudFront.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
316 /**
317 * Add tags to a CloudFront resource.
318 */
319 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
320 /**
321 * Remove tags from a CloudFront resource.
322 */
323 untagResource(params: CloudFront.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
324 /**
325 * Remove tags from a CloudFront resource.
326 */
327 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
328 /**
329 * Update an origin access identity.
330 */
331 updateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(params: CloudFront.Types.UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult, AWSError>;
332 /**
333 * Update an origin access identity.
334 */
335 updateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult, AWSError>;
336 /**
337 * Updates the configuration for a web distribution. When you update a distribution, there are more required fields than when you create a distribution. When you update your distribution by using this API action, follow the steps here to get the current configuration and then make your updates, to make sure that you include all of the required fields. To view a summary, see Required Fields for Create Distribution and Update Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. The update process includes getting the current distribution configuration, updating the XML document that is returned to make your changes, and then submitting an UpdateDistribution request to make the updates. For information about updating a distribution using the CloudFront console instead, see Creating a Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. To update a web distribution using the CloudFront API Submit a GetDistributionConfig request to get the current configuration and an Etag header for the distribution. If you update the distribution again, you must get a new Etag header. Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your GetDistributionConfig request to include your changes. When you edit the XML file, be aware of the following: You must strip out the ETag parameter that is returned. Additional fields are required when you update a distribution. There may be fields included in the XML file for features that you haven't configured for your distribution. This is expected and required to successfully update the distribution. You can't change the value of CallerReference. If you try to change this value, CloudFront returns an IllegalUpdate error. The new configuration replaces the existing configuration; the values that you specify in an UpdateDistribution request are not merged into your existing configuration. When you add, delete, or replace values in an element that allows multiple values (for example, CNAME), you must specify all of the values that you want to appear in the updated distribution. In addition, you must update the corresponding Quantity element. Submit an UpdateDistribution request to update the configuration for your distribution: In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 2. The request body must include an XML document with a DistributionConfig element. Set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GetDistributionConfig request in Step 1. Review the response to the UpdateDistribution request to confirm that the configuration was successfully updated. Optional: Submit a GetDistribution request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When propagation is complete, the value of Status is Deployed.
338 */
339 updateDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.UpdateDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateDistributionResult, AWSError>;
340 /**
341 * Updates the configuration for a web distribution. When you update a distribution, there are more required fields than when you create a distribution. When you update your distribution by using this API action, follow the steps here to get the current configuration and then make your updates, to make sure that you include all of the required fields. To view a summary, see Required Fields for Create Distribution and Update Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. The update process includes getting the current distribution configuration, updating the XML document that is returned to make your changes, and then submitting an UpdateDistribution request to make the updates. For information about updating a distribution using the CloudFront console instead, see Creating a Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. To update a web distribution using the CloudFront API Submit a GetDistributionConfig request to get the current configuration and an Etag header for the distribution. If you update the distribution again, you must get a new Etag header. Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your GetDistributionConfig request to include your changes. When you edit the XML file, be aware of the following: You must strip out the ETag parameter that is returned. Additional fields are required when you update a distribution. There may be fields included in the XML file for features that you haven't configured for your distribution. This is expected and required to successfully update the distribution. You can't change the value of CallerReference. If you try to change this value, CloudFront returns an IllegalUpdate error. The new configuration replaces the existing configuration; the values that you specify in an UpdateDistribution request are not merged into your existing configuration. When you add, delete, or replace values in an element that allows multiple values (for example, CNAME), you must specify all of the values that you want to appear in the updated distribution. In addition, you must update the corresponding Quantity element. Submit an UpdateDistribution request to update the configuration for your distribution: In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 2. The request body must include an XML document with a DistributionConfig element. Set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GetDistributionConfig request in Step 1. Review the response to the UpdateDistribution request to confirm that the configuration was successfully updated. Optional: Submit a GetDistribution request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When propagation is complete, the value of Status is Deployed.
342 */
343 updateDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateDistributionResult, AWSError>;
344 /**
345 * Update a field-level encryption configuration.
346 */
347 updateFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(params: CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult, AWSError>;
348 /**
349 * Update a field-level encryption configuration.
350 */
351 updateFieldLevelEncryptionConfig(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult, AWSError>;
352 /**
353 * Update a field-level encryption profile.
354 */
355 updateFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(params: CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult, AWSError>;
356 /**
357 * Update a field-level encryption profile.
358 */
359 updateFieldLevelEncryptionProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult, AWSError>;
360 /**
361 * Update public key information. Note that the only value you can change is the comment.
362 */
363 updatePublicKey(params: CloudFront.Types.UpdatePublicKeyRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdatePublicKeyResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdatePublicKeyResult, AWSError>;
364 /**
365 * Update public key information. Note that the only value you can change is the comment.
366 */
367 updatePublicKey(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdatePublicKeyResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdatePublicKeyResult, AWSError>;
368 /**
369 * Update a streaming distribution.
370 */
371 updateStreamingDistribution(params: CloudFront.Types.UpdateStreamingDistributionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
372 /**
373 * Update a streaming distribution.
374 */
375 updateStreamingDistribution(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.UpdateStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.UpdateStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
376 /**
377 * Waits for the distributionDeployed state by periodically calling the underlying CloudFront.getDistributionoperation every 60 seconds (at most 25 times). Wait until a distribution is deployed.
378 */
379 waitFor(state: "distributionDeployed", params: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionRequest & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult, AWSError>;
380 /**
381 * Waits for the distributionDeployed state by periodically calling the underlying CloudFront.getDistributionoperation every 60 seconds (at most 25 times). Wait until a distribution is deployed.
382 */
383 waitFor(state: "distributionDeployed", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetDistributionResult, AWSError>;
384 /**
385 * Waits for the invalidationCompleted state by periodically calling the underlying CloudFront.getInvalidationoperation every 20 seconds (at most 30 times). Wait until an invalidation has completed.
386 */
387 waitFor(state: "invalidationCompleted", params: CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationRequest & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult, AWSError>;
388 /**
389 * Waits for the invalidationCompleted state by periodically calling the underlying CloudFront.getInvalidationoperation every 20 seconds (at most 30 times). Wait until an invalidation has completed.
390 */
391 waitFor(state: "invalidationCompleted", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetInvalidationResult, AWSError>;
392 /**
393 * Waits for the streamingDistributionDeployed state by periodically calling the underlying CloudFront.getStreamingDistributionoperation every 60 seconds (at most 25 times). Wait until a streaming distribution is deployed.
394 */
395 waitFor(state: "streamingDistributionDeployed", params: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionRequest & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
396 /**
397 * Waits for the streamingDistributionDeployed state by periodically calling the underlying CloudFront.getStreamingDistributionoperation every 60 seconds (at most 25 times). Wait until a streaming distribution is deployed.
398 */
399 waitFor(state: "streamingDistributionDeployed", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult) => void): Request<CloudFront.Types.GetStreamingDistributionResult, AWSError>;
401declare namespace CloudFront {
402 export import Signer = signer;
404declare namespace CloudFront {
405 export interface ActiveTrustedSigners {
406 /**
407 * Enabled is true if any of the AWS accounts listed in the TrustedSigners complex type for this RTMP distribution have active CloudFront key pairs. If not, Enabled is false. For more information, see ActiveTrustedSigners.
408 */
409 Enabled: boolean;
410 /**
411 * A complex type that contains one Signer complex type for each trusted signer specified in the TrustedSigners complex type. For more information, see ActiveTrustedSigners.
412 */
413 Quantity: integer;
414 /**
415 * A complex type that contains one Signer complex type for each trusted signer that is specified in the TrustedSigners complex type. For more information, see ActiveTrustedSigners.
416 */
417 Items?: SignerList;
418 }
419 export type AliasList = string[];
420 export interface Aliases {
421 /**
422 * The number of CNAME aliases, if any, that you want to associate with this distribution.
423 */
424 Quantity: integer;
425 /**
426 * A complex type that contains the CNAME aliases, if any, that you want to associate with this distribution.
427 */
428 Items?: AliasList;
429 }
430 export interface AllowedMethods {
431 /**
432 * The number of HTTP methods that you want CloudFront to forward to your origin. Valid values are 2 (for GET and HEAD requests), 3 (for GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests) and 7 (for GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, POST, and DELETE requests).
433 */
434 Quantity: integer;
435 /**
436 * A complex type that contains the HTTP methods that you want CloudFront to process and forward to your origin.
437 */
438 Items: MethodsList;
439 CachedMethods?: CachedMethods;
440 }
441 export type AwsAccountNumberList = string[];
442 export interface CacheBehavior {
443 /**
444 * The pattern (for example, images/*.jpg) that specifies which requests to apply the behavior to. When CloudFront receives a viewer request, the requested path is compared with path patterns in the order in which cache behaviors are listed in the distribution. You can optionally include a slash (/) at the beginning of the path pattern. For example, /images/*.jpg. CloudFront behavior is the same with or without the leading /. The path pattern for the default cache behavior is * and cannot be changed. If the request for an object does not match the path pattern for any cache behaviors, CloudFront applies the behavior in the default cache behavior. For more information, see Path Pattern in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
445 */
446 PathPattern: string;
447 /**
448 * The value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior in your distribution.
449 */
450 TargetOriginId: string;
451 /**
452 * A complex type that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings and cookies.
453 */
454 ForwardedValues: ForwardedValues;
455 /**
456 * A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don't want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it's currently false), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.
457 */
458 TrustedSigners: TrustedSigners;
459 /**
460 * The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. You can specify the following options: allow-all: Viewers can use HTTP or HTTPS. redirect-to-https: If a viewer submits an HTTP request, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code of 301 (Moved Permanently) to the viewer along with the HTTPS URL. The viewer then resubmits the request using the new URL. https-only: If a viewer sends an HTTP request, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code of 403 (Forbidden). For more information about requiring the HTTPS protocol, see Using an HTTPS Connection to Access Your Objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. The only way to guarantee that viewers retrieve an object that was fetched from the origin using HTTPS is never to use any other protocol to fetch the object. If you have recently changed from HTTP to HTTPS, we recommend that you clear your objects' cache because cached objects are protocol agnostic. That means that an edge location will return an object from the cache regardless of whether the current request protocol matches the protocol used previously. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
461 */
462 ViewerProtocolPolicy: ViewerProtocolPolicy;
463 /**
464 * The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. You must specify 0 for MinTTL if you configure CloudFront to forward all headers to your origin (under Headers, if you specify 1 for Quantity and * for Name).
465 */
466 MinTTL: long;
467 AllowedMethods?: AllowedMethods;
468 /**
469 * Indicates whether you want to distribute media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format using the origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify true; if not, specify false. If you specify true for SmoothStreaming, you can still distribute other content using this cache behavior if the content matches the value of PathPattern.
470 */
471 SmoothStreaming?: boolean;
472 /**
473 * The default amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated. The value that you specify applies only when your origin does not add HTTP headers such as Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
474 */
475 DefaultTTL?: long;
476 /**
477 * The maximum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated. The value that you specify applies only when your origin adds HTTP headers such as Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
478 */
479 MaxTTL?: long;
480 /**
481 * Whether you want CloudFront to automatically compress certain files for this cache behavior. If so, specify true; if not, specify false. For more information, see Serving Compressed Files in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
482 */
483 Compress?: boolean;
484 /**
485 * A complex type that contains zero or more Lambda function associations for a cache behavior.
486 */
487 LambdaFunctionAssociations?: LambdaFunctionAssociations;
488 /**
489 * The value of ID for the field-level encryption configuration that you want CloudFront to use for encrypting specific fields of data for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior in your distribution.
490 */
491 FieldLevelEncryptionId?: string;
492 }
493 export type CacheBehaviorList = CacheBehavior[];
494 export interface CacheBehaviors {
495 /**
496 * The number of cache behaviors for this distribution.
497 */
498 Quantity: integer;
499 /**
500 * Optional: A complex type that contains cache behaviors for this distribution. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.
501 */
502 Items?: CacheBehaviorList;
503 }
504 export interface CachedMethods {
505 /**
506 * The number of HTTP methods for which you want CloudFront to cache responses. Valid values are 2 (for caching responses to GET and HEAD requests) and 3 (for caching responses to GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests).
507 */
508 Quantity: integer;
509 /**
510 * A complex type that contains the HTTP methods that you want CloudFront to cache responses to.
511 */
512 Items: MethodsList;
513 }
514 export type CertificateSource = "cloudfront"|"iam"|"acm"|string;
515 export interface CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity {
516 /**
517 * The ID for the origin access identity, for example, E74FTE3AJFJ256A.
518 */
519 Id: string;
520 /**
521 * The Amazon S3 canonical user ID for the origin access identity, used when giving the origin access identity read permission to an object in Amazon S3.
522 */
523 S3CanonicalUserId: string;
524 /**
525 * The current configuration information for the identity.
526 */
527 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig;
528 }
529 export interface CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig {
530 /**
531 * A unique value (for example, a date-time stamp) that ensures that the request can't be replayed. If the value of CallerReference is new (regardless of the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig object), a new origin access identity is created. If the CallerReference is a value already sent in a previous identity request, and the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig is identical to the original request (ignoring white space), the response includes the same information returned to the original request. If the CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an identity, but the content of the CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig is different from the original request, CloudFront returns a CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExists error.
532 */
533 CallerReference: string;
534 /**
535 * Any comments you want to include about the origin access identity.
536 */
537 Comment: string;
538 }
539 export interface CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList {
540 /**
541 * Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of origin access identities. The results include identities in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last identity on that page).
542 */
543 Marker: string;
544 /**
545 * If IsTruncated is true, this element is present and contains the value you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your origin access identities where they left off.
546 */
547 NextMarker?: string;
548 /**
549 * The maximum number of origin access identities you want in the response body.
550 */
551 MaxItems: integer;
552 /**
553 * A flag that indicates whether more origin access identities remain to be listed. If your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up pagination request using the Marker request parameter to retrieve more items in the list.
554 */
555 IsTruncated: boolean;
556 /**
557 * The number of CloudFront origin access identities that were created by the current AWS account.
558 */
559 Quantity: integer;
560 /**
561 * A complex type that contains one CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitySummary element for each origin access identity that was created by the current AWS account.
562 */
563 Items?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitySummaryList;
564 }
565 export interface CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitySummary {
566 /**
567 * The ID for the origin access identity. For example: E74FTE3AJFJ256A.
568 */
569 Id: string;
570 /**
571 * The Amazon S3 canonical user ID for the origin access identity, which you use when giving the origin access identity read permission to an object in Amazon S3.
572 */
573 S3CanonicalUserId: string;
574 /**
575 * The comment for this origin access identity, as originally specified when created.
576 */
577 Comment: string;
578 }
579 export type CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitySummaryList = CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitySummary[];
580 export interface ContentTypeProfile {
581 /**
582 * The format for a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping.
583 */
584 Format: Format;
585 /**
586 * The profile ID for a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping.
587 */
588 ProfileId?: string;
589 /**
590 * The content type for a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping.
591 */
592 ContentType: string;
593 }
594 export interface ContentTypeProfileConfig {
595 /**
596 * The setting in a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping that specifies what to do when an unknown content type is provided for the profile. If true, content is forwarded without being encrypted when the content type is unknown. If false (the default), an error is returned when the content type is unknown.
597 */
598 ForwardWhenContentTypeIsUnknown: boolean;
599 /**
600 * The configuration for a field-level encryption content type-profile.
601 */
602 ContentTypeProfiles?: ContentTypeProfiles;
603 }
604 export type ContentTypeProfileList = ContentTypeProfile[];
605 export interface ContentTypeProfiles {
606 /**
607 * The number of field-level encryption content type-profile mappings.
608 */
609 Quantity: integer;
610 /**
611 * Items in a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping.
612 */
613 Items?: ContentTypeProfileList;
614 }
615 export type CookieNameList = string[];
616 export interface CookieNames {
617 /**
618 * The number of different cookies that you want CloudFront to forward to the origin for this cache behavior.
619 */
620 Quantity: integer;
621 /**
622 * A complex type that contains one Name element for each cookie that you want CloudFront to forward to the origin for this cache behavior.
623 */
624 Items?: CookieNameList;
625 }
626 export interface CookiePreference {
627 /**
628 * Specifies which cookies to forward to the origin for this cache behavior: all, none, or the list of cookies specified in the WhitelistedNames complex type. Amazon S3 doesn't process cookies. When the cache behavior is forwarding requests to an Amazon S3 origin, specify none for the Forward element.
629 */
630 Forward: ItemSelection;
631 /**
632 * Required if you specify whitelist for the value of Forward:. A complex type that specifies how many different cookies you want CloudFront to forward to the origin for this cache behavior and, if you want to forward selected cookies, the names of those cookies. If you specify all or none for the value of Forward, omit WhitelistedNames. If you change the value of Forward from whitelist to all or none and you don't delete the WhitelistedNames element and its child elements, CloudFront deletes them automatically. For the current limit on the number of cookie names that you can whitelist for each cache behavior, see Amazon CloudFront Limits in the AWS General Reference.
633 */
634 WhitelistedNames?: CookieNames;
635 }
636 export interface CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest {
637 /**
638 * The current configuration information for the identity.
639 */
640 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig;
641 }
642 export interface CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult {
643 /**
644 * The origin access identity's information.
645 */
646 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity;
647 /**
648 * The fully qualified URI of the new origin access identity just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/E74FTE3AJFJ256A.
649 */
650 Location?: string;
651 /**
652 * The current version of the origin access identity created.
653 */
654 ETag?: string;
655 }
656 export interface CreateDistributionRequest {
657 /**
658 * The distribution's configuration information.
659 */
660 DistributionConfig: DistributionConfig;
661 }
662 export interface CreateDistributionResult {
663 /**
664 * The distribution's information.
665 */
666 Distribution?: Distribution;
667 /**
668 * The fully qualified URI of the new distribution resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/distribution/EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
669 */
670 Location?: string;
671 /**
672 * The current version of the distribution created.
673 */
674 ETag?: string;
675 }
676 export interface CreateDistributionWithTagsRequest {
677 /**
678 * The distribution's configuration information.
679 */
680 DistributionConfigWithTags: DistributionConfigWithTags;
681 }
682 export interface CreateDistributionWithTagsResult {
683 /**
684 * The distribution's information.
685 */
686 Distribution?: Distribution;
687 /**
688 * The fully qualified URI of the new distribution resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/distribution/EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
689 */
690 Location?: string;
691 /**
692 * The current version of the distribution created.
693 */
694 ETag?: string;
695 }
696 export interface CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest {
697 /**
698 * The request to create a new field-level encryption configuration.
699 */
700 FieldLevelEncryptionConfig: FieldLevelEncryptionConfig;
701 }
702 export interface CreateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult {
703 /**
704 * Returned when you create a new field-level encryption configuration.
705 */
706 FieldLevelEncryption?: FieldLevelEncryption;
707 /**
708 * The fully qualified URI of the new configuration resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/field-level-encryption-config/EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
709 */
710 Location?: string;
711 /**
712 * The current version of the field level encryption configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
713 */
714 ETag?: string;
715 }
716 export interface CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest {
717 /**
718 * The request to create a field-level encryption profile.
719 */
720 FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig: FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig;
721 }
722 export interface CreateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult {
723 /**
724 * Returned when you create a new field-level encryption profile.
725 */
726 FieldLevelEncryptionProfile?: FieldLevelEncryptionProfile;
727 /**
728 * The fully qualified URI of the new profile resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/field-level-encryption-profile/EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
729 */
730 Location?: string;
731 /**
732 * The current version of the field level encryption profile. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
733 */
734 ETag?: string;
735 }
736 export interface CreateInvalidationRequest {
737 /**
738 * The distribution's id.
739 */
740 DistributionId: string;
741 /**
742 * The batch information for the invalidation.
743 */
744 InvalidationBatch: InvalidationBatch;
745 }
746 export interface CreateInvalidationResult {
747 /**
748 * The fully qualified URI of the distribution and invalidation batch request, including the Invalidation ID.
749 */
750 Location?: string;
751 /**
752 * The invalidation's information.
753 */
754 Invalidation?: Invalidation;
755 }
756 export interface CreatePublicKeyRequest {
757 /**
758 * The request to add a public key to CloudFront.
759 */
760 PublicKeyConfig: PublicKeyConfig;
761 }
762 export interface CreatePublicKeyResult {
763 /**
764 * Returned when you add a public key.
765 */
766 PublicKey?: PublicKey;
767 /**
768 * The fully qualified URI of the new public key resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/cloudfront-public-key/EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
769 */
770 Location?: string;
771 /**
772 * The current version of the public key. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
773 */
774 ETag?: string;
775 }
776 export interface CreateStreamingDistributionRequest {
777 /**
778 * The streaming distribution's configuration information.
779 */
780 StreamingDistributionConfig: StreamingDistributionConfig;
781 }
782 export interface CreateStreamingDistributionResult {
783 /**
784 * The streaming distribution's information.
785 */
786 StreamingDistribution?: StreamingDistribution;
787 /**
788 * The fully qualified URI of the new streaming distribution resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/streaming-distribution/EGTXBD79H29TRA8.
789 */
790 Location?: string;
791 /**
792 * The current version of the streaming distribution created.
793 */
794 ETag?: string;
795 }
796 export interface CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsRequest {
797 /**
798 * The streaming distribution's configuration information.
799 */
800 StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags: StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags;
801 }
802 export interface CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsResult {
803 /**
804 * The streaming distribution's information.
805 */
806 StreamingDistribution?: StreamingDistribution;
807 /**
808 * The fully qualified URI of the new streaming distribution resource just created. For example: https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2010-11-01/streaming-distribution/EGTXBD79H29TRA8.
809 */
810 Location?: string;
811 /**
812 * The current version of the distribution created.
813 */
814 ETag?: string;
815 }
816 export interface CustomErrorResponse {
817 /**
818 * The HTTP status code for which you want to specify a custom error page and/or a caching duration.
819 */
820 ErrorCode: integer;
821 /**
822 * The path to the custom error page that you want CloudFront to return to a viewer when your origin returns the HTTP status code specified by ErrorCode, for example, /4xx-errors/403-forbidden.html. If you want to store your objects and your custom error pages in different locations, your distribution must include a cache behavior for which the following is true: The value of PathPattern matches the path to your custom error messages. For example, suppose you saved custom error pages for 4xx errors in an Amazon S3 bucket in a directory named /4xx-errors. Your distribution must include a cache behavior for which the path pattern routes requests for your custom error pages to that location, for example, /4xx-errors/*. The value of TargetOriginId specifies the value of the ID element for the origin that contains your custom error pages. If you specify a value for ResponsePagePath, you must also specify a value for ResponseCode. If you don't want to specify a value, include an empty element, &lt;ResponsePagePath&gt;, in the XML document. We recommend that you store custom error pages in an Amazon S3 bucket. If you store custom error pages on an HTTP server and the server starts to return 5xx errors, CloudFront can't get the files that you want to return to viewers because the origin server is unavailable.
823 */
824 ResponsePagePath?: string;
825 /**
826 * The HTTP status code that you want CloudFront to return to the viewer along with the custom error page. There are a variety of reasons that you might want CloudFront to return a status code different from the status code that your origin returned to CloudFront, for example: Some Internet devices (some firewalls and corporate proxies, for example) intercept HTTP 4xx and 5xx and prevent the response from being returned to the viewer. If you substitute 200, the response typically won't be intercepted. If you don't care about distinguishing among different client errors or server errors, you can specify 400 or 500 as the ResponseCode for all 4xx or 5xx errors. You might want to return a 200 status code (OK) and static website so your customers don't know that your website is down. If you specify a value for ResponseCode, you must also specify a value for ResponsePagePath. If you don't want to specify a value, include an empty element, &lt;ResponseCode&gt;, in the XML document.
827 */
828 ResponseCode?: string;
829 /**
830 * The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that you want CloudFront to cache the HTTP status code specified in ErrorCode. When this time period has elapsed, CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the problem that caused the error has been resolved and the requested object is now available. If you don't want to specify a value, include an empty element, &lt;ErrorCachingMinTTL&gt;, in the XML document. For more information, see Customizing Error Responses in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
831 */
832 ErrorCachingMinTTL?: long;
833 }
834 export type CustomErrorResponseList = CustomErrorResponse[];
835 export interface CustomErrorResponses {
836 /**
837 * The number of HTTP status codes for which you want to specify a custom error page and/or a caching duration. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.
838 */
839 Quantity: integer;
840 /**
841 * A complex type that contains a CustomErrorResponse element for each HTTP status code for which you want to specify a custom error page and/or a caching duration.
842 */
843 Items?: CustomErrorResponseList;
844 }
845 export interface CustomHeaders {
846 /**
847 * The number of custom headers, if any, for this distribution.
848 */
849 Quantity: integer;
850 /**
851 * Optional: A list that contains one OriginCustomHeader element for each custom header that you want CloudFront to forward to the origin. If Quantity is 0, omit Items.
852 */
853 Items?: OriginCustomHeadersList;
854 }
855 export interface CustomOriginConfig {
856 /**
857 * The HTTP port the custom origin listens on.
858 */
859 HTTPPort: integer;
860 /**
861 * The HTTPS port the custom origin listens on.
862 */
863 HTTPSPort: integer;
864 /**
865 * The origin protocol policy to apply to your origin.
866 */
867 OriginProtocolPolicy: OriginProtocolPolicy;
868 /**
869 * The SSL/TLS protocols that you want CloudFront to use when communicating with your origin over HTTPS.
870 */
871 OriginSslProtocols?: OriginSslProtocols;
872 /**
873 * You can create a custom origin read timeout. All timeout units are in seconds. The default origin read timeout is 30 seconds, but you can configure custom timeout lengths using the CloudFront API. The minimum timeout length is 4 seconds; the maximum is 60 seconds. If you need to increase the maximum time limit, contact the AWS Support Center.
874 */
875 OriginReadTimeout?: integer;
876 /**
877 * You can create a custom keep-alive timeout. All timeout units are in seconds. The default keep-alive timeout is 5 seconds, but you can configure custom timeout lengths using the CloudFront API. The minimum timeout length is 1 second; the maximum is 60 seconds. If you need to increase the maximum time limit, contact the AWS Support Center.
878 */
879 OriginKeepaliveTimeout?: integer;
880 }
881 export interface DefaultCacheBehavior {
882 /**
883 * The value of ID for the origin that you want CloudFront to route requests to when a request matches the path pattern either for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior in your distribution.
884 */
885 TargetOriginId: string;
886 /**
887 * A complex type that specifies how CloudFront handles query strings and cookies.
888 */
889 ForwardedValues: ForwardedValues;
890 /**
891 * A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items. For more information, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you don't want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it's currently false), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.
892 */
893 TrustedSigners: TrustedSigners;
894 /**
895 * The protocol that viewers can use to access the files in the origin specified by TargetOriginId when a request matches the path pattern in PathPattern. You can specify the following options: allow-all: Viewers can use HTTP or HTTPS. redirect-to-https: If a viewer submits an HTTP request, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code of 301 (Moved Permanently) to the viewer along with the HTTPS URL. The viewer then resubmits the request using the new URL. https-only: If a viewer sends an HTTP request, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code of 403 (Forbidden). For more information about requiring the HTTPS protocol, see Using an HTTPS Connection to Access Your Objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. The only way to guarantee that viewers retrieve an object that was fetched from the origin using HTTPS is never to use any other protocol to fetch the object. If you have recently changed from HTTP to HTTPS, we recommend that you clear your objects' cache because cached objects are protocol agnostic. That means that an edge location will return an object from the cache regardless of whether the current request protocol matches the protocol used previously. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
896 */
897 ViewerProtocolPolicy: ViewerProtocolPolicy;
898 /**
899 * The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. You must specify 0 for MinTTL if you configure CloudFront to forward all headers to your origin (under Headers, if you specify 1 for Quantity and * for Name).
900 */
901 MinTTL: long;
902 AllowedMethods?: AllowedMethods;
903 /**
904 * Indicates whether you want to distribute media files in the Microsoft Smooth Streaming format using the origin that is associated with this cache behavior. If so, specify true; if not, specify false. If you specify true for SmoothStreaming, you can still distribute other content using this cache behavior if the content matches the value of PathPattern.
905 */
906 SmoothStreaming?: boolean;
907 /**
908 * The default amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated. The value that you specify applies only when your origin does not add HTTP headers such as Cache-Control max-age, Cache-Control s-maxage, and Expires to objects. For more information, see Specifying How Long Objects and Errors Stay in a CloudFront Edge Cache (Expiration) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
909 */
910 DefaultTTL?: long;
911 MaxTTL?: long;
912 /**
913 * Whether you want CloudFront to automatically compress certain files for this cache behavior. If so, specify true; if not, specify false. For more information, see Serving Compressed Files in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
914 */
915 Compress?: boolean;
916 /**
917 * A complex type that contains zero or more Lambda function associations for a cache behavior.
918 */
919 LambdaFunctionAssociations?: LambdaFunctionAssociations;
920 /**
921 * The value of ID for the field-level encryption configuration that you want CloudFront to use for encrypting specific fields of data for a cache behavior or for the default cache behavior in your distribution.
922 */
923 FieldLevelEncryptionId?: string;
924 }
925 export interface DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest {
926 /**
927 * The origin access identity's ID.
928 */
929 Id: string;
930 /**
931 * The value of the ETag header you received from a previous GET or PUT request. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
932 */
933 IfMatch?: string;
934 }
935 export interface DeleteDistributionRequest {
936 /**
937 * The distribution ID.
938 */
939 Id: string;
940 /**
941 * The value of the ETag header that you received when you disabled the distribution. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
942 */
943 IfMatch?: string;
944 }
945 export interface DeleteFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest {
946 /**
947 * The ID of the configuration you want to delete from CloudFront.
948 */
949 Id: string;
950 /**
951 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the configuration identity to delete. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
952 */
953 IfMatch?: string;
954 }
955 export interface DeleteFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest {
956 /**
957 * Request the ID of the profile you want to delete from CloudFront.
958 */
959 Id: string;
960 /**
961 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the profile to delete. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
962 */
963 IfMatch?: string;
964 }
965 export interface DeletePublicKeyRequest {
966 /**
967 * The ID of the public key you want to remove from CloudFront.
968 */
969 Id: string;
970 /**
971 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the public key identity to delete. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
972 */
973 IfMatch?: string;
974 }
975 export interface DeleteStreamingDistributionRequest {
976 /**
977 * The distribution ID.
978 */
979 Id: string;
980 /**
981 * The value of the ETag header that you received when you disabled the streaming distribution. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
982 */
983 IfMatch?: string;
984 }
985 export interface Distribution {
986 /**
987 * The identifier for the distribution. For example: EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
988 */
989 Id: string;
990 /**
991 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for the distribution. For example: arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:distribution/EDFDVBD632BHDS5, where 123456789012 is your AWS account ID.
992 */
993 ARN: string;
994 /**
995 * This response element indicates the current status of the distribution. When the status is Deployed, the distribution's information is fully propagated to all CloudFront edge locations.
996 */
997 Status: string;
998 /**
999 * The date and time the distribution was last modified.
1000 */
1001 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
1002 /**
1003 * The number of invalidation batches currently in progress.
1004 */
1005 InProgressInvalidationBatches: integer;
1006 /**
1007 * The domain name corresponding to the distribution, for example, d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net.
1008 */
1009 DomainName: string;
1010 /**
1011 * CloudFront automatically adds this element to the response only if you've set up the distribution to serve private content with signed URLs. The element lists the key pair IDs that CloudFront is aware of for each trusted signer. The Signer child element lists the AWS account number of the trusted signer (or an empty Self element if the signer is you). The Signer element also includes the IDs of any active key pairs associated with the trusted signer's AWS account. If no KeyPairId element appears for a Signer, that signer can't create working signed URLs.
1012 */
1013 ActiveTrustedSigners: ActiveTrustedSigners;
1014 /**
1015 * The current configuration information for the distribution. Send a GET request to the /CloudFront API version/distribution ID/config resource.
1016 */
1017 DistributionConfig: DistributionConfig;
1018 }
1019 export interface DistributionConfig {
1020 /**
1021 * A unique value (for example, a date-time stamp) that ensures that the request can't be replayed. If the value of CallerReference is new (regardless of the content of the DistributionConfig object), CloudFront creates a new distribution. If CallerReference is a value that you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution, CloudFront returns a DistributionAlreadyExists error.
1022 */
1023 CallerReference: string;
1024 /**
1025 * A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution.
1026 */
1027 Aliases?: Aliases;
1028 /**
1029 * The object that you want CloudFront to request from your origin (for example, index.html) when a viewer requests the root URL for your distribution (http://www.example.com) instead of an object in your distribution (http://www.example.com/product-description.html). Specifying a default root object avoids exposing the contents of your distribution. Specify only the object name, for example, index.html. Don't add a / before the object name. If you don't want to specify a default root object when you create a distribution, include an empty DefaultRootObject element. To delete the default root object from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty DefaultRootObject element. To replace the default root object, update the distribution configuration and specify the new object. For more information about the default root object, see Creating a Default Root Object in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1030 */
1031 DefaultRootObject?: string;
1032 /**
1033 * A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution.
1034 */
1035 Origins: Origins;
1036 /**
1037 * A complex type that contains information about origin groups for this distribution.
1038 */
1039 OriginGroups?: OriginGroups;
1040 /**
1041 * A complex type that describes the default cache behavior if you don't specify a CacheBehavior element or if files don't match any of the values of PathPattern in CacheBehavior elements. You must create exactly one default cache behavior.
1042 */
1043 DefaultCacheBehavior: DefaultCacheBehavior;
1044 /**
1045 * A complex type that contains zero or more CacheBehavior elements.
1046 */
1047 CacheBehaviors?: CacheBehaviors;
1048 /**
1049 * A complex type that controls the following: Whether CloudFront replaces HTTP status codes in the 4xx and 5xx range with custom error messages before returning the response to the viewer. How long CloudFront caches HTTP status codes in the 4xx and 5xx range. For more information about custom error pages, see Customizing Error Responses in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1050 */
1051 CustomErrorResponses?: CustomErrorResponses;
1052 /**
1053 * Any comments you want to include about the distribution. If you don't want to specify a comment, include an empty Comment element. To delete an existing comment, update the distribution configuration and include an empty Comment element. To add or change a comment, update the distribution configuration and specify the new comment.
1054 */
1055 Comment: string;
1056 /**
1057 * A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the distribution. For more information about logging, see Access Logs in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1058 */
1059 Logging?: LoggingConfig;
1060 /**
1061 * The price class that corresponds with the maximum price that you want to pay for CloudFront service. If you specify PriceClass_All, CloudFront responds to requests for your objects from all CloudFront edge locations. If you specify a price class other than PriceClass_All, CloudFront serves your objects from the CloudFront edge location that has the lowest latency among the edge locations in your price class. Viewers who are in or near regions that are excluded from your specified price class may encounter slower performance. For more information about price classes, see Choosing the Price Class for a CloudFront Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. For information about CloudFront pricing, including how price classes (such as Price Class 100) map to CloudFront regions, see Amazon CloudFront Pricing. For price class information, scroll down to see the table at the bottom of the page.
1062 */
1063 PriceClass?: PriceClass;
1064 /**
1065 * From this field, you can enable or disable the selected distribution.
1066 */
1067 Enabled: boolean;
1068 /**
1069 *
1070 */
1071 ViewerCertificate?: ViewerCertificate;
1072 /**
1073 *
1074 */
1075 Restrictions?: Restrictions;
1076 /**
1077 * A unique identifier that specifies the AWS WAF web ACL, if any, to associate with this distribution. AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to CloudFront, and lets you control access to your content. Based on conditions that you specify, such as the IP addresses that requests originate from or the values of query strings, CloudFront responds to requests either with the requested content or with an HTTP 403 status code (Forbidden). You can also configure CloudFront to return a custom error page when a request is blocked. For more information about AWS WAF, see the AWS WAF Developer Guide.
1078 */
1079 WebACLId?: string;
1080 /**
1081 * (Optional) Specify the maximum HTTP version that you want viewers to use to communicate with CloudFront. The default value for new web distributions is http2. Viewers that don't support HTTP/2 automatically use an earlier HTTP version. For viewers and CloudFront to use HTTP/2, viewers must support TLS 1.2 or later, and must support Server Name Identification (SNI). In general, configuring CloudFront to communicate with viewers using HTTP/2 reduces latency. You can improve performance by optimizing for HTTP/2. For more information, do an Internet search for "http/2 optimization."
1082 */
1083 HttpVersion?: HttpVersion;
1084 /**
1085 * If you want CloudFront to respond to IPv6 DNS requests with an IPv6 address for your distribution, specify true. If you specify false, CloudFront responds to IPv6 DNS requests with the DNS response code NOERROR and with no IP addresses. This allows viewers to submit a second request, for an IPv4 address for your distribution. In general, you should enable IPv6 if you have users on IPv6 networks who want to access your content. However, if you're using signed URLs or signed cookies to restrict access to your content, and if you're using a custom policy that includes the IpAddress parameter to restrict the IP addresses that can access your content, don't enable IPv6. If you want to restrict access to some content by IP address and not restrict access to other content (or restrict access but not by IP address), you can create two distributions. For more information, see Creating a Signed URL Using a Custom Policy in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If you're using an Amazon Route 53 alias resource record set to route traffic to your CloudFront distribution, you need to create a second alias resource record set when both of the following are true: You enable IPv6 for the distribution You're using alternate domain names in the URLs for your objects For more information, see Routing Traffic to an Amazon CloudFront Web Distribution by Using Your Domain Name in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. If you created a CNAME resource record set, either with Amazon Route 53 or with another DNS service, you don't need to make any changes. A CNAME record will route traffic to your distribution regardless of the IP address format of the viewer request.
1086 */
1087 IsIPV6Enabled?: boolean;
1088 }
1089 export interface DistributionConfigWithTags {
1090 /**
1091 * A distribution configuration.
1092 */
1093 DistributionConfig: DistributionConfig;
1094 /**
1095 * A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.
1096 */
1097 Tags: Tags;
1098 }
1099 export interface DistributionList {
1100 /**
1101 * The value you provided for the Marker request parameter.
1102 */
1103 Marker: string;
1104 /**
1105 * If IsTruncated is true, this element is present and contains the value you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your distributions where they left off.
1106 */
1107 NextMarker?: string;
1108 /**
1109 * The value you provided for the MaxItems request parameter.
1110 */
1111 MaxItems: integer;
1112 /**
1113 * A flag that indicates whether more distributions remain to be listed. If your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up pagination request using the Marker request parameter to retrieve more distributions in the list.
1114 */
1115 IsTruncated: boolean;
1116 /**
1117 * The number of distributions that were created by the current AWS account.
1118 */
1119 Quantity: integer;
1120 /**
1121 * A complex type that contains one DistributionSummary element for each distribution that was created by the current AWS account.
1122 */
1123 Items?: DistributionSummaryList;
1124 }
1125 export interface DistributionSummary {
1126 /**
1127 * The identifier for the distribution. For example: EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
1128 */
1129 Id: string;
1130 /**
1131 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for the distribution. For example: arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:distribution/EDFDVBD632BHDS5, where 123456789012 is your AWS account ID.
1132 */
1133 ARN: string;
1134 /**
1135 * The current status of the distribution. When the status is Deployed, the distribution's information is propagated to all CloudFront edge locations.
1136 */
1137 Status: string;
1138 /**
1139 * The date and time the distribution was last modified.
1140 */
1141 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
1142 /**
1143 * The domain name that corresponds to the distribution, for example, d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net.
1144 */
1145 DomainName: string;
1146 /**
1147 * A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution.
1148 */
1149 Aliases: Aliases;
1150 /**
1151 * A complex type that contains information about origins for this distribution.
1152 */
1153 Origins: Origins;
1154 /**
1155 * A complex type that contains information about origin groups for this distribution.
1156 */
1157 OriginGroups?: OriginGroups;
1158 /**
1159 * A complex type that describes the default cache behavior if you don't specify a CacheBehavior element or if files don't match any of the values of PathPattern in CacheBehavior elements. You must create exactly one default cache behavior.
1160 */
1161 DefaultCacheBehavior: DefaultCacheBehavior;
1162 /**
1163 * A complex type that contains zero or more CacheBehavior elements.
1164 */
1165 CacheBehaviors: CacheBehaviors;
1166 /**
1167 * A complex type that contains zero or more CustomErrorResponses elements.
1168 */
1169 CustomErrorResponses: CustomErrorResponses;
1170 /**
1171 * The comment originally specified when this distribution was created.
1172 */
1173 Comment: string;
1174 /**
1175 * A complex type that contains information about price class for this streaming distribution.
1176 */
1177 PriceClass: PriceClass;
1178 /**
1179 * Whether the distribution is enabled to accept user requests for content.
1180 */
1181 Enabled: boolean;
1182 /**
1183 *
1184 */
1185 ViewerCertificate: ViewerCertificate;
1186 /**
1187 *
1188 */
1189 Restrictions: Restrictions;
1190 /**
1191 * The Web ACL Id (if any) associated with the distribution.
1192 */
1193 WebACLId: string;
1194 /**
1195 * Specify the maximum HTTP version that you want viewers to use to communicate with CloudFront. The default value for new web distributions is http2. Viewers that don't support HTTP/2 will automatically use an earlier version.
1196 */
1197 HttpVersion: HttpVersion;
1198 /**
1199 * Whether CloudFront responds to IPv6 DNS requests with an IPv6 address for your distribution.
1200 */
1201 IsIPV6Enabled: boolean;
1202 }
1203 export type DistributionSummaryList = DistributionSummary[];
1204 export interface EncryptionEntities {
1205 /**
1206 * Number of field pattern items in a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping.
1207 */
1208 Quantity: integer;
1209 /**
1210 * An array of field patterns in a field-level encryption content type-profile mapping.
1211 */
1212 Items?: EncryptionEntityList;
1213 }
1214 export interface EncryptionEntity {
1215 /**
1216 * The public key associated with a set of field-level encryption patterns, to be used when encrypting the fields that match the patterns.
1217 */
1218 PublicKeyId: string;
1219 /**
1220 * The provider associated with the public key being used for encryption. This value must also be provided with the private key for applications to be able to decrypt data.
1221 */
1222 ProviderId: string;
1223 /**
1224 * Field patterns in a field-level encryption content type profile specify the fields that you want to be encrypted. You can provide the full field name, or any beginning characters followed by a wildcard (*). You can't overlap field patterns. For example, you can't have both ABC* and AB*. Note that field patterns are case-sensitive.
1225 */
1226 FieldPatterns: FieldPatterns;
1227 }
1228 export type EncryptionEntityList = EncryptionEntity[];
1229 export type EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response"|string;
1230 export interface FieldLevelEncryption {
1231 /**
1232 * The configuration ID for a field-level encryption configuration which includes a set of profiles that specify certain selected data fields to be encrypted by specific public keys.
1233 */
1234 Id: string;
1235 /**
1236 * The last time the field-level encryption configuration was changed.
1237 */
1238 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
1239 /**
1240 * A complex data type that includes the profile configurations specified for field-level encryption.
1241 */
1242 FieldLevelEncryptionConfig: FieldLevelEncryptionConfig;
1243 }
1244 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionConfig {
1245 /**
1246 * A unique number that ensures the request can't be replayed.
1247 */
1248 CallerReference: string;
1249 /**
1250 * An optional comment about the configuration.
1251 */
1252 Comment?: string;
1253 /**
1254 * A complex data type that specifies when to forward content if a profile isn't found and the profile that can be provided as a query argument in a request.
1255 */
1256 QueryArgProfileConfig?: QueryArgProfileConfig;
1257 /**
1258 * A complex data type that specifies when to forward content if a content type isn't recognized and profiles to use as by default in a request if a query argument doesn't specify a profile to use.
1259 */
1260 ContentTypeProfileConfig?: ContentTypeProfileConfig;
1261 }
1262 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionList {
1263 /**
1264 * If there are more elements to be listed, this element is present and contains the value that you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your configurations where you left off.
1265 */
1266 NextMarker?: string;
1267 /**
1268 * The maximum number of elements you want in the response body.
1269 */
1270 MaxItems: integer;
1271 /**
1272 * The number of field-level encryption items.
1273 */
1274 Quantity: integer;
1275 /**
1276 * An array of field-level encryption items.
1277 */
1278 Items?: FieldLevelEncryptionSummaryList;
1279 }
1280 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionProfile {
1281 /**
1282 * The ID for a field-level encryption profile configuration which includes a set of profiles that specify certain selected data fields to be encrypted by specific public keys.
1283 */
1284 Id: string;
1285 /**
1286 * The last time the field-level encryption profile was updated.
1287 */
1288 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
1289 /**
1290 * A complex data type that includes the profile name and the encryption entities for the field-level encryption profile.
1291 */
1292 FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig: FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig;
1293 }
1294 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig {
1295 /**
1296 * Profile name for the field-level encryption profile.
1297 */
1298 Name: string;
1299 /**
1300 * A unique number that ensures that the request can't be replayed.
1301 */
1302 CallerReference: string;
1303 /**
1304 * An optional comment for the field-level encryption profile.
1305 */
1306 Comment?: string;
1307 /**
1308 * A complex data type of encryption entities for the field-level encryption profile that include the public key ID, provider, and field patterns for specifying which fields to encrypt with this key.
1309 */
1310 EncryptionEntities: EncryptionEntities;
1311 }
1312 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionProfileList {
1313 /**
1314 * If there are more elements to be listed, this element is present and contains the value that you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your profiles where you left off.
1315 */
1316 NextMarker?: string;
1317 /**
1318 * The maximum number of field-level encryption profiles you want in the response body.
1319 */
1320 MaxItems: integer;
1321 /**
1322 * The number of field-level encryption profiles.
1323 */
1324 Quantity: integer;
1325 /**
1326 * The field-level encryption profile items.
1327 */
1328 Items?: FieldLevelEncryptionProfileSummaryList;
1329 }
1330 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionProfileSummary {
1331 /**
1332 * ID for the field-level encryption profile summary.
1333 */
1334 Id: string;
1335 /**
1336 * The time when the the field-level encryption profile summary was last updated.
1337 */
1338 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
1339 /**
1340 * Name for the field-level encryption profile summary.
1341 */
1342 Name: string;
1343 /**
1344 * A complex data type of encryption entities for the field-level encryption profile that include the public key ID, provider, and field patterns for specifying which fields to encrypt with this key.
1345 */
1346 EncryptionEntities: EncryptionEntities;
1347 /**
1348 * An optional comment for the field-level encryption profile summary.
1349 */
1350 Comment?: string;
1351 }
1352 export type FieldLevelEncryptionProfileSummaryList = FieldLevelEncryptionProfileSummary[];
1353 export interface FieldLevelEncryptionSummary {
1354 /**
1355 * The unique ID of a field-level encryption item.
1356 */
1357 Id: string;
1358 /**
1359 * The last time that the summary of field-level encryption items was modified.
1360 */
1361 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
1362 /**
1363 * An optional comment about the field-level encryption item.
1364 */
1365 Comment?: string;
1366 /**
1367 * A summary of a query argument-profile mapping.
1368 */
1369 QueryArgProfileConfig?: QueryArgProfileConfig;
1370 /**
1371 * A summary of a content type-profile mapping.
1372 */
1373 ContentTypeProfileConfig?: ContentTypeProfileConfig;
1374 }
1375 export type FieldLevelEncryptionSummaryList = FieldLevelEncryptionSummary[];
1376 export type FieldPatternList = string[];
1377 export interface FieldPatterns {
1378 /**
1379 * The number of field-level encryption field patterns.
1380 */
1381 Quantity: integer;
1382 /**
1383 * An array of the field-level encryption field patterns.
1384 */
1385 Items?: FieldPatternList;
1386 }
1387 export type Format = "URLEncoded"|string;
1388 export interface ForwardedValues {
1389 /**
1390 * Indicates whether you want CloudFront to forward query strings to the origin that is associated with this cache behavior and cache based on the query string parameters. CloudFront behavior depends on the value of QueryString and on the values that you specify for QueryStringCacheKeys, if any: If you specify true for QueryString and you don't specify any values for QueryStringCacheKeys, CloudFront forwards all query string parameters to the origin and caches based on all query string parameters. Depending on how many query string parameters and values you have, this can adversely affect performance because CloudFront must forward more requests to the origin. If you specify true for QueryString and you specify one or more values for QueryStringCacheKeys, CloudFront forwards all query string parameters to the origin, but it only caches based on the query string parameters that you specify. If you specify false for QueryString, CloudFront doesn't forward any query string parameters to the origin, and doesn't cache based on query string parameters. For more information, see Configuring CloudFront to Cache Based on Query String Parameters in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1391 */
1392 QueryString: boolean;
1393 /**
1394 * A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones. For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, see How CloudFront Forwards, Caches, and Logs Cookies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1395 */
1396 Cookies: CookiePreference;
1397 /**
1398 * A complex type that specifies the Headers, if any, that you want CloudFront to base caching on for this cache behavior.
1399 */
1400 Headers?: Headers;
1401 /**
1402 * A complex type that contains information about the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use for caching for this cache behavior.
1403 */
1404 QueryStringCacheKeys?: QueryStringCacheKeys;
1405 }
1406 export interface GeoRestriction {
1407 /**
1408 * The method that you want to use to restrict distribution of your content by country: none: No geo restriction is enabled, meaning access to content is not restricted by client geo location. blacklist: The Location elements specify the countries in which you don't want CloudFront to distribute your content. whitelist: The Location elements specify the countries in which you want CloudFront to distribute your content.
1409 */
1410 RestrictionType: GeoRestrictionType;
1411 /**
1412 * When geo restriction is enabled, this is the number of countries in your whitelist or blacklist. Otherwise, when it is not enabled, Quantity is 0, and you can omit Items.
1413 */
1414 Quantity: integer;
1415 /**
1416 * A complex type that contains a Location element for each country in which you want CloudFront either to distribute your content (whitelist) or not distribute your content (blacklist). The Location element is a two-letter, uppercase country code for a country that you want to include in your blacklist or whitelist. Include one Location element for each country. CloudFront and MaxMind both use ISO 3166 country codes. For the current list of countries and the corresponding codes, see ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code on the International Organization for Standardization website. You can also refer to the country list on the CloudFront console, which includes both country names and codes.
1417 */
1418 Items?: LocationList;
1419 }
1420 export type GeoRestrictionType = "blacklist"|"whitelist"|"none"|string;
1421 export interface GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigRequest {
1422 /**
1423 * The identity's ID.
1424 */
1425 Id: string;
1426 }
1427 export interface GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult {
1428 /**
1429 * The origin access identity's configuration information.
1430 */
1431 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig;
1432 /**
1433 * The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1434 */
1435 ETag?: string;
1436 }
1437 export interface GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest {
1438 /**
1439 * The identity's ID.
1440 */
1441 Id: string;
1442 }
1443 export interface GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult {
1444 /**
1445 * The origin access identity's information.
1446 */
1447 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity;
1448 /**
1449 * The current version of the origin access identity's information. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1450 */
1451 ETag?: string;
1452 }
1453 export interface GetDistributionConfigRequest {
1454 /**
1455 * The distribution's ID.
1456 */
1457 Id: string;
1458 }
1459 export interface GetDistributionConfigResult {
1460 /**
1461 * The distribution's configuration information.
1462 */
1463 DistributionConfig?: DistributionConfig;
1464 /**
1465 * The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1466 */
1467 ETag?: string;
1468 }
1469 export interface GetDistributionRequest {
1470 /**
1471 * The distribution's ID.
1472 */
1473 Id: string;
1474 }
1475 export interface GetDistributionResult {
1476 /**
1477 * The distribution's information.
1478 */
1479 Distribution?: Distribution;
1480 /**
1481 * The current version of the distribution's information. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1482 */
1483 ETag?: string;
1484 }
1485 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest {
1486 /**
1487 * Request the ID for the field-level encryption configuration information.
1488 */
1489 Id: string;
1490 }
1491 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult {
1492 /**
1493 * Return the field-level encryption configuration information.
1494 */
1495 FieldLevelEncryptionConfig?: FieldLevelEncryptionConfig;
1496 /**
1497 * The current version of the field level encryption configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1498 */
1499 ETag?: string;
1500 }
1501 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigRequest {
1502 /**
1503 * Get the ID for the field-level encryption profile configuration information.
1504 */
1505 Id: string;
1506 }
1507 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfigResult {
1508 /**
1509 * Return the field-level encryption profile configuration information.
1510 */
1511 FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig?: FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig;
1512 /**
1513 * The current version of the field-level encryption profile configuration result. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1514 */
1515 ETag?: string;
1516 }
1517 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest {
1518 /**
1519 * Get the ID for the field-level encryption profile information.
1520 */
1521 Id: string;
1522 }
1523 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult {
1524 /**
1525 * Return the field-level encryption profile information.
1526 */
1527 FieldLevelEncryptionProfile?: FieldLevelEncryptionProfile;
1528 /**
1529 * The current version of the field level encryption profile. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1530 */
1531 ETag?: string;
1532 }
1533 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionRequest {
1534 /**
1535 * Request the ID for the field-level encryption configuration information.
1536 */
1537 Id: string;
1538 }
1539 export interface GetFieldLevelEncryptionResult {
1540 /**
1541 * Return the field-level encryption configuration information.
1542 */
1543 FieldLevelEncryption?: FieldLevelEncryption;
1544 /**
1545 * The current version of the field level encryption configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1546 */
1547 ETag?: string;
1548 }
1549 export interface GetInvalidationRequest {
1550 /**
1551 * The distribution's ID.
1552 */
1553 DistributionId: string;
1554 /**
1555 * The identifier for the invalidation request, for example, IDFDVBD632BHDS5.
1556 */
1557 Id: string;
1558 }
1559 export interface GetInvalidationResult {
1560 /**
1561 * The invalidation's information. For more information, see Invalidation Complex Type.
1562 */
1563 Invalidation?: Invalidation;
1564 }
1565 export interface GetPublicKeyConfigRequest {
1566 /**
1567 * Request the ID for the public key configuration.
1568 */
1569 Id: string;
1570 }
1571 export interface GetPublicKeyConfigResult {
1572 /**
1573 * Return the result for the public key configuration.
1574 */
1575 PublicKeyConfig?: PublicKeyConfig;
1576 /**
1577 * The current version of the public key configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1578 */
1579 ETag?: string;
1580 }
1581 export interface GetPublicKeyRequest {
1582 /**
1583 * Request the ID for the public key.
1584 */
1585 Id: string;
1586 }
1587 export interface GetPublicKeyResult {
1588 /**
1589 * Return the public key.
1590 */
1591 PublicKey?: PublicKey;
1592 /**
1593 * The current version of the public key. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1594 */
1595 ETag?: string;
1596 }
1597 export interface GetStreamingDistributionConfigRequest {
1598 /**
1599 * The streaming distribution's ID.
1600 */
1601 Id: string;
1602 }
1603 export interface GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult {
1604 /**
1605 * The streaming distribution's configuration information.
1606 */
1607 StreamingDistributionConfig?: StreamingDistributionConfig;
1608 /**
1609 * The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1610 */
1611 ETag?: string;
1612 }
1613 export interface GetStreamingDistributionRequest {
1614 /**
1615 * The streaming distribution's ID.
1616 */
1617 Id: string;
1618 }
1619 export interface GetStreamingDistributionResult {
1620 /**
1621 * The streaming distribution's information.
1622 */
1623 StreamingDistribution?: StreamingDistribution;
1624 /**
1625 * The current version of the streaming distribution's information. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
1626 */
1627 ETag?: string;
1628 }
1629 export type HeaderList = string[];
1630 export interface Headers {
1631 /**
1632 * The number of different headers that you want CloudFront to base caching on for this cache behavior. You can configure each cache behavior in a web distribution to do one of the following: Forward all headers to your origin: Specify 1 for Quantity and * for Name. CloudFront doesn't cache the objects that are associated with this cache behavior. Instead, CloudFront sends every request to the origin. Forward a whitelist of headers you specify: Specify the number of headers that you want CloudFront to base caching on. Then specify the header names in Name elements. CloudFront caches your objects based on the values in the specified headers. Forward only the default headers: Specify 0 for Quantity and omit Items. In this configuration, CloudFront doesn't cache based on the values in the request headers. Regardless of which option you choose, CloudFront forwards headers to your origin based on whether the origin is an S3 bucket or a custom origin. See the following documentation: S3 bucket: See HTTP Request Headers That CloudFront Removes or Updates Custom origin: See HTTP Request Headers and CloudFront Behavior
1633 */
1634 Quantity: integer;
1635 /**
1636 * A list that contains one Name element for each header that you want CloudFront to use for caching in this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, omit Items.
1637 */
1638 Items?: HeaderList;
1639 }
1640 export type HttpVersion = "http1.1"|"http2"|string;
1641 export interface Invalidation {
1642 /**
1643 * The identifier for the invalidation request. For example: IDFDVBD632BHDS5.
1644 */
1645 Id: string;
1646 /**
1647 * The status of the invalidation request. When the invalidation batch is finished, the status is Completed.
1648 */
1649 Status: string;
1650 /**
1651 * The date and time the invalidation request was first made.
1652 */
1653 CreateTime: timestamp;
1654 /**
1655 * The current invalidation information for the batch request.
1656 */
1657 InvalidationBatch: InvalidationBatch;
1658 }
1659 export interface InvalidationBatch {
1660 /**
1661 * A complex type that contains information about the objects that you want to invalidate. For more information, see Specifying the Objects to Invalidate in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1662 */
1663 Paths: Paths;
1664 /**
1665 * A value that you specify to uniquely identify an invalidation request. CloudFront uses the value to prevent you from accidentally resubmitting an identical request. Whenever you create a new invalidation request, you must specify a new value for CallerReference and change other values in the request as applicable. One way to ensure that the value of CallerReference is unique is to use a timestamp, for example, 20120301090000. If you make a second invalidation request with the same value for CallerReference, and if the rest of the request is the same, CloudFront doesn't create a new invalidation request. Instead, CloudFront returns information about the invalidation request that you previously created with the same CallerReference. If CallerReference is a value you already sent in a previous invalidation batch request but the content of any Path is different from the original request, CloudFront returns an InvalidationBatchAlreadyExists error.
1666 */
1667 CallerReference: string;
1668 }
1669 export interface InvalidationList {
1670 /**
1671 * The value that you provided for the Marker request parameter.
1672 */
1673 Marker: string;
1674 /**
1675 * If IsTruncated is true, this element is present and contains the value that you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your invalidation batches where they left off.
1676 */
1677 NextMarker?: string;
1678 /**
1679 * The value that you provided for the MaxItems request parameter.
1680 */
1681 MaxItems: integer;
1682 /**
1683 * A flag that indicates whether more invalidation batch requests remain to be listed. If your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up pagination request using the Marker request parameter to retrieve more invalidation batches in the list.
1684 */
1685 IsTruncated: boolean;
1686 /**
1687 * The number of invalidation batches that were created by the current AWS account.
1688 */
1689 Quantity: integer;
1690 /**
1691 * A complex type that contains one InvalidationSummary element for each invalidation batch created by the current AWS account.
1692 */
1693 Items?: InvalidationSummaryList;
1694 }
1695 export interface InvalidationSummary {
1696 /**
1697 * The unique ID for an invalidation request.
1698 */
1699 Id: string;
1700 /**
1701 * The time that an invalidation request was created.
1702 */
1703 CreateTime: timestamp;
1704 /**
1705 * The status of an invalidation request.
1706 */
1707 Status: string;
1708 }
1709 export type InvalidationSummaryList = InvalidationSummary[];
1710 export type ItemSelection = "none"|"whitelist"|"all"|string;
1711 export type KeyPairIdList = string[];
1712 export interface KeyPairIds {
1713 /**
1714 * The number of active CloudFront key pairs for AwsAccountNumber. For more information, see ActiveTrustedSigners.
1715 */
1716 Quantity: integer;
1717 /**
1718 * A complex type that lists the active CloudFront key pairs, if any, that are associated with AwsAccountNumber. For more information, see ActiveTrustedSigners.
1719 */
1720 Items?: KeyPairIdList;
1721 }
1722 export type LambdaFunctionARN = string;
1723 export interface LambdaFunctionAssociation {
1724 /**
1725 * The ARN of the Lambda function. You must specify the ARN of a function version; you can't specify a Lambda alias or $LATEST.
1726 */
1727 LambdaFunctionARN: LambdaFunctionARN;
1728 /**
1729 * Specifies the event type that triggers a Lambda function invocation. You can specify the following values: viewer-request: The function executes when CloudFront receives a request from a viewer and before it checks to see whether the requested object is in the edge cache. origin-request: The function executes only when CloudFront forwards a request to your origin. When the requested object is in the edge cache, the function doesn't execute. origin-response: The function executes after CloudFront receives a response from the origin and before it caches the object in the response. When the requested object is in the edge cache, the function doesn't execute. viewer-response: The function executes before CloudFront returns the requested object to the viewer. The function executes regardless of whether the object was already in the edge cache. If the origin returns an HTTP status code other than HTTP 200 (OK), the function doesn't execute.
1730 */
1731 EventType: EventType;
1732 /**
1733 * A flag that allows a Lambda function to have read access to the body content. For more information, see Accessing the Request Body by Choosing the Include Body Option in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1734 */
1735 IncludeBody?: boolean;
1736 }
1737 export type LambdaFunctionAssociationList = LambdaFunctionAssociation[];
1738 export interface LambdaFunctionAssociations {
1739 /**
1740 * The number of Lambda function associations for this cache behavior.
1741 */
1742 Quantity: integer;
1743 /**
1744 * Optional: A complex type that contains LambdaFunctionAssociation items for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.
1745 */
1746 Items?: LambdaFunctionAssociationList;
1747 }
1748 export interface ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesRequest {
1749 /**
1750 * Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of origin access identities. The results include identities in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last identity on that page).
1751 */
1752 Marker?: string;
1753 /**
1754 * The maximum number of origin access identities you want in the response body.
1755 */
1756 MaxItems?: string;
1757 }
1758 export interface ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult {
1759 /**
1760 * The CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList type.
1761 */
1762 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList;
1763 }
1764 export interface ListDistributionsByWebACLIdRequest {
1765 /**
1766 * Use Marker and MaxItems to control pagination of results. If you have more than MaxItems distributions that satisfy the request, the response includes a NextMarker element. To get the next page of results, submit another request. For the value of Marker, specify the value of NextMarker from the last response. (For the first request, omit Marker.)
1767 */
1768 Marker?: string;
1769 /**
1770 * The maximum number of distributions that you want CloudFront to return in the response body. The maximum and default values are both 100.
1771 */
1772 MaxItems?: string;
1773 /**
1774 * The ID of the AWS WAF web ACL that you want to list the associated distributions. If you specify "null" for the ID, the request returns a list of the distributions that aren't associated with a web ACL.
1775 */
1776 WebACLId: string;
1777 }
1778 export interface ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResult {
1779 /**
1780 * The DistributionList type.
1781 */
1782 DistributionList?: DistributionList;
1783 }
1784 export interface ListDistributionsRequest {
1785 /**
1786 * Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of distributions. The results include distributions in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last distribution on that page).
1787 */
1788 Marker?: string;
1789 /**
1790 * The maximum number of distributions you want in the response body.
1791 */
1792 MaxItems?: string;
1793 }
1794 export interface ListDistributionsResult {
1795 /**
1796 * The DistributionList type.
1797 */
1798 DistributionList?: DistributionList;
1799 }
1800 export interface ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsRequest {
1801 /**
1802 * Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of configurations. The results include configurations in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last configuration on that page).
1803 */
1804 Marker?: string;
1805 /**
1806 * The maximum number of field-level encryption configurations you want in the response body.
1807 */
1808 MaxItems?: string;
1809 }
1810 export interface ListFieldLevelEncryptionConfigsResult {
1811 /**
1812 * Returns a list of all field-level encryption configurations that have been created in CloudFront for this account.
1813 */
1814 FieldLevelEncryptionList?: FieldLevelEncryptionList;
1815 }
1816 export interface ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesRequest {
1817 /**
1818 * Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of profiles. The results include profiles in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last profile on that page).
1819 */
1820 Marker?: string;
1821 /**
1822 * The maximum number of field-level encryption profiles you want in the response body.
1823 */
1824 MaxItems?: string;
1825 }
1826 export interface ListFieldLevelEncryptionProfilesResult {
1827 /**
1828 * Returns a list of the field-level encryption profiles that have been created in CloudFront for this account.
1829 */
1830 FieldLevelEncryptionProfileList?: FieldLevelEncryptionProfileList;
1831 }
1832 export interface ListInvalidationsRequest {
1833 /**
1834 * The distribution's ID.
1835 */
1836 DistributionId: string;
1837 /**
1838 * Use this parameter when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of invalidation batches. Because the results are returned in decreasing order from most recent to oldest, the most recent results are on the first page, the second page will contain earlier results, and so on. To get the next page of results, set Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response. This value is the same as the ID of the last invalidation batch on that page.
1839 */
1840 Marker?: string;
1841 /**
1842 * The maximum number of invalidation batches that you want in the response body.
1843 */
1844 MaxItems?: string;
1845 }
1846 export interface ListInvalidationsResult {
1847 /**
1848 * Information about invalidation batches.
1849 */
1850 InvalidationList?: InvalidationList;
1851 }
1852 export interface ListPublicKeysRequest {
1853 /**
1854 * Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of public keys. The results include public keys in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last public key on that page).
1855 */
1856 Marker?: string;
1857 /**
1858 * The maximum number of public keys you want in the response body.
1859 */
1860 MaxItems?: string;
1861 }
1862 export interface ListPublicKeysResult {
1863 /**
1864 * Returns a list of all public keys that have been added to CloudFront for this account.
1865 */
1866 PublicKeyList?: PublicKeyList;
1867 }
1868 export interface ListStreamingDistributionsRequest {
1869 /**
1870 * The value that you provided for the Marker request parameter.
1871 */
1872 Marker?: string;
1873 /**
1874 * The value that you provided for the MaxItems request parameter.
1875 */
1876 MaxItems?: string;
1877 }
1878 export interface ListStreamingDistributionsResult {
1879 /**
1880 * The StreamingDistributionList type.
1881 */
1882 StreamingDistributionList?: StreamingDistributionList;
1883 }
1884 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
1885 /**
1886 * An ARN of a CloudFront resource.
1887 */
1888 Resource: ResourceARN;
1889 }
1890 export interface ListTagsForResourceResult {
1891 /**
1892 * A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.
1893 */
1894 Tags: Tags;
1895 }
1896 export type LocationList = string[];
1897 export interface LoggingConfig {
1898 /**
1899 * Specifies whether you want CloudFront to save access logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you don't want to enable logging when you create a distribution or if you want to disable logging for an existing distribution, specify false for Enabled, and specify empty Bucket and Prefix elements. If you specify false for Enabled but you specify values for Bucket, prefix, and IncludeCookies, the values are automatically deleted.
1900 */
1901 Enabled: boolean;
1902 /**
1903 * Specifies whether you want CloudFront to include cookies in access logs, specify true for IncludeCookies. If you choose to include cookies in logs, CloudFront logs all cookies regardless of how you configure the cache behaviors for this distribution. If you don't want to include cookies when you create a distribution or if you want to disable include cookies for an existing distribution, specify false for IncludeCookies.
1904 */
1905 IncludeCookies: boolean;
1906 /**
1907 * The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in, for example, myawslogbucket.s3.amazonaws.com.
1908 */
1909 Bucket: string;
1910 /**
1911 * An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this distribution, for example, myprefix/. If you want to enable logging, but you don't want to specify a prefix, you still must include an empty Prefix element in the Logging element.
1912 */
1913 Prefix: string;
1914 }
1915 export type Method = "GET"|"HEAD"|"POST"|"PUT"|"PATCH"|"OPTIONS"|"DELETE"|string;
1916 export type MethodsList = Method[];
1917 export type MinimumProtocolVersion = "SSLv3"|"TLSv1"|"TLSv1_2016"|"TLSv1.1_2016"|"TLSv1.2_2018"|string;
1918 export interface Origin {
1919 /**
1920 * A unique identifier for the origin or origin group. The value of Id must be unique within the distribution. When you specify the value of TargetOriginId for the default cache behavior or for another cache behavior, you indicate the origin to which you want the cache behavior to route requests by specifying the value of the Id element for that origin. When a request matches the path pattern for that cache behavior, CloudFront routes the request to the specified origin. For more information, see Cache Behavior Settings in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1921 */
1922 Id: string;
1923 /**
1924 * Amazon S3 origins: The DNS name of the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin, for example, myawsbucket.s3.amazonaws.com. If you set up your bucket to be configured as a website endpoint, enter the Amazon S3 static website hosting endpoint for the bucket. For more information about specifying this value for different types of origins, see Origin Domain Name in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Constraints for Amazon S3 origins: If you configured Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration for your bucket, don't specify the s3-accelerate endpoint for DomainName. The bucket name must be between 3 and 63 characters long (inclusive). The bucket name must contain only lowercase characters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. The bucket name must not contain adjacent periods. Custom Origins: The DNS domain name for the HTTP server from which you want CloudFront to get objects for this origin, for example, www.example.com. Constraints for custom origins: DomainName must be a valid DNS name that contains only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dot (.), hyphen (-), or underscore (_) characters. The name cannot exceed 128 characters.
1925 */
1926 DomainName: string;
1927 /**
1928 * An optional element that causes CloudFront to request your content from a directory in your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin. When you include the OriginPath element, specify the directory name, beginning with a /. CloudFront appends the directory name to the value of DomainName, for example, example.com/production. Do not include a / at the end of the directory name. For example, suppose you've specified the following values for your distribution: DomainName: An Amazon S3 bucket named myawsbucket. OriginPath: /production CNAME: example.com When a user enters example.com/index.html in a browser, CloudFront sends a request to Amazon S3 for myawsbucket/production/index.html. When a user enters example.com/acme/index.html in a browser, CloudFront sends a request to Amazon S3 for myawsbucket/production/acme/index.html.
1929 */
1930 OriginPath?: string;
1931 /**
1932 * A complex type that contains names and values for the custom headers that you want.
1933 */
1934 CustomHeaders?: CustomHeaders;
1935 /**
1936 * A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 origin. If the origin is a custom origin, use the CustomOriginConfig element instead.
1937 */
1938 S3OriginConfig?: S3OriginConfig;
1939 /**
1940 * A complex type that contains information about a custom origin. If the origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, use the S3OriginConfig element instead.
1941 */
1942 CustomOriginConfig?: CustomOriginConfig;
1943 }
1944 export interface OriginCustomHeader {
1945 /**
1946 * The name of a header that you want CloudFront to forward to your origin. For more information, see Forwarding Custom Headers to Your Origin (Web Distributions Only) in the Amazon Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
1947 */
1948 HeaderName: string;
1949 /**
1950 * The value for the header that you specified in the HeaderName field.
1951 */
1952 HeaderValue: string;
1953 }
1954 export type OriginCustomHeadersList = OriginCustomHeader[];
1955 export interface OriginGroup {
1956 /**
1957 * The origin group's ID.
1958 */
1959 Id: string;
1960 /**
1961 * A complex type that contains information about the failover criteria for an origin group.
1962 */
1963 FailoverCriteria: OriginGroupFailoverCriteria;
1964 /**
1965 * A complex type that contains information about the origins in an origin group.
1966 */
1967 Members: OriginGroupMembers;
1968 }
1969 export interface OriginGroupFailoverCriteria {
1970 /**
1971 * The status codes that, when returned from the primary origin, will trigger CloudFront to failover to the second origin.
1972 */
1973 StatusCodes: StatusCodes;
1974 }
1975 export type OriginGroupList = OriginGroup[];
1976 export interface OriginGroupMember {
1977 /**
1978 * The ID for an origin in an origin group.
1979 */
1980 OriginId: string;
1981 }
1982 export type OriginGroupMemberList = OriginGroupMember[];
1983 export interface OriginGroupMembers {
1984 /**
1985 * The number of origins in an origin group.
1986 */
1987 Quantity: integer;
1988 /**
1989 * Items (origins) in an origin group.
1990 */
1991 Items: OriginGroupMemberList;
1992 }
1993 export interface OriginGroups {
1994 /**
1995 * The number of origin groups.
1996 */
1997 Quantity: integer;
1998 /**
1999 * The items (origin groups) in a distribution.
2000 */
2001 Items?: OriginGroupList;
2002 }
2003 export type OriginList = Origin[];
2004 export type OriginProtocolPolicy = "http-only"|"match-viewer"|"https-only"|string;
2005 export interface OriginSslProtocols {
2006 /**
2007 * The number of SSL/TLS protocols that you want to allow CloudFront to use when establishing an HTTPS connection with this origin.
2008 */
2009 Quantity: integer;
2010 /**
2011 * A list that contains allowed SSL/TLS protocols for this distribution.
2012 */
2013 Items: SslProtocolsList;
2014 }
2015 export interface Origins {
2016 /**
2017 * The number of origins or origin groups for this distribution.
2018 */
2019 Quantity: integer;
2020 /**
2021 * A complex type that contains origins or origin groups for this distribution.
2022 */
2023 Items: OriginList;
2024 }
2025 export type PathList = string[];
2026 export interface Paths {
2027 /**
2028 * The number of objects that you want to invalidate.
2029 */
2030 Quantity: integer;
2031 /**
2032 * A complex type that contains a list of the paths that you want to invalidate.
2033 */
2034 Items?: PathList;
2035 }
2036 export type PriceClass = "PriceClass_100"|"PriceClass_200"|"PriceClass_All"|string;
2037 export interface PublicKey {
2038 /**
2039 * A unique ID assigned to a public key you've added to CloudFront.
2040 */
2041 Id: string;
2042 /**
2043 * A time you added a public key to CloudFront.
2044 */
2045 CreatedTime: timestamp;
2046 /**
2047 * A complex data type for a public key you add to CloudFront to use with features like field-level encryption.
2048 */
2049 PublicKeyConfig: PublicKeyConfig;
2050 }
2051 export interface PublicKeyConfig {
2052 /**
2053 * A unique number that ensures that the request can't be replayed.
2054 */
2055 CallerReference: string;
2056 /**
2057 * The name for a public key you add to CloudFront to use with features like field-level encryption.
2058 */
2059 Name: string;
2060 /**
2061 * The encoded public key that you want to add to CloudFront to use with features like field-level encryption.
2062 */
2063 EncodedKey: string;
2064 /**
2065 * An optional comment about a public key.
2066 */
2067 Comment?: string;
2068 }
2069 export interface PublicKeyList {
2070 /**
2071 * If there are more elements to be listed, this element is present and contains the value that you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your public keys where you left off.
2072 */
2073 NextMarker?: string;
2074 /**
2075 * The maximum number of public keys you want in the response body.
2076 */
2077 MaxItems: integer;
2078 /**
2079 * The number of public keys you added to CloudFront to use with features like field-level encryption.
2080 */
2081 Quantity: integer;
2082 /**
2083 * An array of information about a public key you add to CloudFront to use with features like field-level encryption.
2084 */
2085 Items?: PublicKeySummaryList;
2086 }
2087 export interface PublicKeySummary {
2088 /**
2089 * ID for public key information summary.
2090 */
2091 Id: string;
2092 /**
2093 * Name for public key information summary.
2094 */
2095 Name: string;
2096 /**
2097 * Creation time for public key information summary.
2098 */
2099 CreatedTime: timestamp;
2100 /**
2101 * Encoded key for public key information summary.
2102 */
2103 EncodedKey: string;
2104 /**
2105 * Comment for public key information summary.
2106 */
2107 Comment?: string;
2108 }
2109 export type PublicKeySummaryList = PublicKeySummary[];
2110 export interface QueryArgProfile {
2111 /**
2112 * Query argument for field-level encryption query argument-profile mapping.
2113 */
2114 QueryArg: string;
2115 /**
2116 * ID of profile to use for field-level encryption query argument-profile mapping
2117 */
2118 ProfileId: string;
2119 }
2120 export interface QueryArgProfileConfig {
2121 /**
2122 * Flag to set if you want a request to be forwarded to the origin even if the profile specified by the field-level encryption query argument, fle-profile, is unknown.
2123 */
2124 ForwardWhenQueryArgProfileIsUnknown: boolean;
2125 /**
2126 * Profiles specified for query argument-profile mapping for field-level encryption.
2127 */
2128 QueryArgProfiles?: QueryArgProfiles;
2129 }
2130 export type QueryArgProfileList = QueryArgProfile[];
2131 export interface QueryArgProfiles {
2132 /**
2133 * Number of profiles for query argument-profile mapping for field-level encryption.
2134 */
2135 Quantity: integer;
2136 /**
2137 * Number of items for query argument-profile mapping for field-level encryption.
2138 */
2139 Items?: QueryArgProfileList;
2140 }
2141 export interface QueryStringCacheKeys {
2142 /**
2143 * The number of whitelisted query string parameters for this cache behavior.
2144 */
2145 Quantity: integer;
2146 /**
2147 * (Optional) A list that contains the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use as a basis for caching for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.
2148 */
2149 Items?: QueryStringCacheKeysList;
2150 }
2151 export type QueryStringCacheKeysList = string[];
2152 export type ResourceARN = string;
2153 export interface Restrictions {
2154 GeoRestriction: GeoRestriction;
2155 }
2156 export interface S3Origin {
2157 /**
2158 * The DNS name of the Amazon S3 origin.
2159 */
2160 DomainName: string;
2161 /**
2162 * The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the RTMP distribution. Use an origin access identity to configure the distribution so that end users can only access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket through CloudFront. If you want end users to be able to access objects using either the CloudFront URL or the Amazon S3 URL, specify an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To delete the origin access identity from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To replace the origin access identity, update the distribution configuration and specify the new origin access identity. For more information, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content in the Amazon Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
2163 */
2164 OriginAccessIdentity: string;
2165 }
2166 export interface S3OriginConfig {
2167 /**
2168 * The CloudFront origin access identity to associate with the origin. Use an origin access identity to configure the origin so that viewers can only access objects in an Amazon S3 bucket through CloudFront. The format of the value is: origin-access-identity/cloudfront/ID-of-origin-access-identity where ID-of-origin-access-identity is the value that CloudFront returned in the ID element when you created the origin access identity. If you want viewers to be able to access objects using either the CloudFront URL or the Amazon S3 URL, specify an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To delete the origin access identity from an existing distribution, update the distribution configuration and include an empty OriginAccessIdentity element. To replace the origin access identity, update the distribution configuration and specify the new origin access identity. For more information about the origin access identity, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
2169 */
2170 OriginAccessIdentity: string;
2171 }
2172 export type SSLSupportMethod = "sni-only"|"vip"|string;
2173 export interface _Signer {
2174 /**
2175 * An AWS account that is included in the TrustedSigners complex type for this RTMP distribution. Valid values include: self, which is the AWS account used to create the distribution. An AWS account number.
2176 */
2177 AwsAccountNumber?: string;
2178 /**
2179 * A complex type that lists the active CloudFront key pairs, if any, that are associated with AwsAccountNumber.
2180 */
2181 KeyPairIds?: KeyPairIds;
2182 }
2183 export type SignerList = _Signer[];
2184 export type SslProtocol = "SSLv3"|"TLSv1"|"TLSv1.1"|"TLSv1.2"|string;
2185 export type SslProtocolsList = SslProtocol[];
2186 export type StatusCodeList = integer[];
2187 export interface StatusCodes {
2188 /**
2189 * The number of status codes.
2190 */
2191 Quantity: integer;
2192 /**
2193 * The items (status codes) for an origin group.
2194 */
2195 Items: StatusCodeList;
2196 }
2197 export interface StreamingDistribution {
2198 /**
2199 * The identifier for the RTMP distribution. For example: EGTXBD79EXAMPLE.
2200 */
2201 Id: string;
2202 /**
2203 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for the distribution. For example: arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:distribution/EDFDVBD632BHDS5, where 123456789012 is your AWS account ID.
2204 */
2205 ARN: string;
2206 /**
2207 * The current status of the RTMP distribution. When the status is Deployed, the distribution's information is propagated to all CloudFront edge locations.
2208 */
2209 Status: string;
2210 /**
2211 * The date and time that the distribution was last modified.
2212 */
2213 LastModifiedTime?: timestamp;
2214 /**
2215 * The domain name that corresponds to the streaming distribution, for example, s5c39gqb8ow64r.cloudfront.net.
2216 */
2217 DomainName: string;
2218 /**
2219 * A complex type that lists the AWS accounts, if any, that you included in the TrustedSigners complex type for this distribution. These are the accounts that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. The Signer complex type lists the AWS account number of the trusted signer or self if the signer is the AWS account that created the distribution. The Signer element also includes the IDs of any active CloudFront key pairs that are associated with the trusted signer's AWS account. If no KeyPairId element appears for a Signer, that signer can't create signed URLs. For more information, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
2220 */
2221 ActiveTrustedSigners: ActiveTrustedSigners;
2222 /**
2223 * The current configuration information for the RTMP distribution.
2224 */
2225 StreamingDistributionConfig: StreamingDistributionConfig;
2226 }
2227 export interface StreamingDistributionConfig {
2228 /**
2229 * A unique value (for example, a date-time stamp) that ensures that the request can't be replayed. If the value of CallerReference is new (regardless of the content of the StreamingDistributionConfig object), CloudFront creates a new distribution. If CallerReference is a value that you already sent in a previous request to create a distribution, CloudFront returns a DistributionAlreadyExists error.
2230 */
2231 CallerReference: string;
2232 /**
2233 * A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get your media files for distribution.
2234 */
2235 S3Origin: S3Origin;
2236 /**
2237 * A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this streaming distribution.
2238 */
2239 Aliases?: Aliases;
2240 /**
2241 * Any comments you want to include about the streaming distribution.
2242 */
2243 Comment: string;
2244 /**
2245 * A complex type that controls whether access logs are written for the streaming distribution.
2246 */
2247 Logging?: StreamingLoggingConfig;
2248 /**
2249 * A complex type that specifies any AWS accounts that you want to permit to create signed URLs for private content. If you want the distribution to use signed URLs, include this element; if you want the distribution to use public URLs, remove this element. For more information, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
2250 */
2251 TrustedSigners: TrustedSigners;
2252 /**
2253 * A complex type that contains information about price class for this streaming distribution.
2254 */
2255 PriceClass?: PriceClass;
2256 /**
2257 * Whether the streaming distribution is enabled to accept user requests for content.
2258 */
2259 Enabled: boolean;
2260 }
2261 export interface StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags {
2262 /**
2263 * A streaming distribution Configuration.
2264 */
2265 StreamingDistributionConfig: StreamingDistributionConfig;
2266 /**
2267 * A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.
2268 */
2269 Tags: Tags;
2270 }
2271 export interface StreamingDistributionList {
2272 /**
2273 * The value you provided for the Marker request parameter.
2274 */
2275 Marker: string;
2276 /**
2277 * If IsTruncated is true, this element is present and contains the value you can use for the Marker request parameter to continue listing your RTMP distributions where they left off.
2278 */
2279 NextMarker?: string;
2280 /**
2281 * The value you provided for the MaxItems request parameter.
2282 */
2283 MaxItems: integer;
2284 /**
2285 * A flag that indicates whether more streaming distributions remain to be listed. If your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up pagination request using the Marker request parameter to retrieve more distributions in the list.
2286 */
2287 IsTruncated: boolean;
2288 /**
2289 * The number of streaming distributions that were created by the current AWS account.
2290 */
2291 Quantity: integer;
2292 /**
2293 * A complex type that contains one StreamingDistributionSummary element for each distribution that was created by the current AWS account.
2294 */
2295 Items?: StreamingDistributionSummaryList;
2296 }
2297 export interface StreamingDistributionSummary {
2298 /**
2299 * The identifier for the distribution, for example, EDFDVBD632BHDS5.
2300 */
2301 Id: string;
2302 /**
2303 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for the streaming distribution. For example: arn:aws:cloudfront::123456789012:streaming-distribution/EDFDVBD632BHDS5, where 123456789012 is your AWS account ID.
2304 */
2305 ARN: string;
2306 /**
2307 * Indicates the current status of the distribution. When the status is Deployed, the distribution's information is fully propagated throughout the Amazon CloudFront system.
2308 */
2309 Status: string;
2310 /**
2311 * The date and time the distribution was last modified.
2312 */
2313 LastModifiedTime: timestamp;
2314 /**
2315 * The domain name corresponding to the distribution, for example, d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net.
2316 */
2317 DomainName: string;
2318 /**
2319 * A complex type that contains information about the Amazon S3 bucket from which you want CloudFront to get your media files for distribution.
2320 */
2321 S3Origin: S3Origin;
2322 /**
2323 * A complex type that contains information about CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this streaming distribution.
2324 */
2325 Aliases: Aliases;
2326 /**
2327 * A complex type that specifies the AWS accounts, if any, that you want to allow to create signed URLs for private content. If you want to require signed URLs in requests for objects in the target origin that match the PathPattern for this cache behavior, specify true for Enabled, and specify the applicable values for Quantity and Items.If you don't want to require signed URLs in requests for objects that match PathPattern, specify false for Enabled and 0 for Quantity. Omit Items. To add, change, or remove one or more trusted signers, change Enabled to true (if it's currently false), change Quantity as applicable, and specify all of the trusted signers that you want to include in the updated distribution.
2328 */
2329 TrustedSigners: TrustedSigners;
2330 /**
2331 * The comment originally specified when this distribution was created.
2332 */
2333 Comment: string;
2334 /**
2335 *
2336 */
2337 PriceClass: PriceClass;
2338 /**
2339 * Whether the distribution is enabled to accept end user requests for content.
2340 */
2341 Enabled: boolean;
2342 }
2343 export type StreamingDistributionSummaryList = StreamingDistributionSummary[];
2344 export interface StreamingLoggingConfig {
2345 /**
2346 * Specifies whether you want CloudFront to save access logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you don't want to enable logging when you create a streaming distribution or if you want to disable logging for an existing streaming distribution, specify false for Enabled, and specify empty Bucket and Prefix elements. If you specify false for Enabled but you specify values for Bucket and Prefix, the values are automatically deleted.
2347 */
2348 Enabled: boolean;
2349 /**
2350 * The Amazon S3 bucket to store the access logs in, for example, myawslogbucket.s3.amazonaws.com.
2351 */
2352 Bucket: string;
2353 /**
2354 * An optional string that you want CloudFront to prefix to the access log filenames for this streaming distribution, for example, myprefix/. If you want to enable logging, but you don't want to specify a prefix, you still must include an empty Prefix element in the Logging element.
2355 */
2356 Prefix: string;
2357 }
2358 export interface Tag {
2359 /**
2360 * A string that contains Tag key. The string length should be between 1 and 128 characters. Valid characters include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, and the special characters _ - . : / = + @.
2361 */
2362 Key: TagKey;
2363 /**
2364 * A string that contains an optional Tag value. The string length should be between 0 and 256 characters. Valid characters include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, and the special characters _ - . : / = + @.
2365 */
2366 Value?: TagValue;
2367 }
2368 export type TagKey = string;
2369 export type TagKeyList = TagKey[];
2370 export interface TagKeys {
2371 /**
2372 * A complex type that contains Tag key elements.
2373 */
2374 Items?: TagKeyList;
2375 }
2376 export type TagList = Tag[];
2377 export interface TagResourceRequest {
2378 /**
2379 * An ARN of a CloudFront resource.
2380 */
2381 Resource: ResourceARN;
2382 /**
2383 * A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.
2384 */
2385 Tags: Tags;
2386 }
2387 export type TagValue = string;
2388 export interface Tags {
2389 /**
2390 * A complex type that contains Tag elements.
2391 */
2392 Items?: TagList;
2393 }
2394 export interface TrustedSigners {
2395 /**
2396 * Specifies whether you want to require viewers to use signed URLs to access the files specified by PathPattern and TargetOriginId.
2397 */
2398 Enabled: boolean;
2399 /**
2400 * The number of trusted signers for this cache behavior.
2401 */
2402 Quantity: integer;
2403 /**
2404 * Optional: A complex type that contains trusted signers for this cache behavior. If Quantity is 0, you can omit Items.
2405 */
2406 Items?: AwsAccountNumberList;
2407 }
2408 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
2409 /**
2410 * An ARN of a CloudFront resource.
2411 */
2412 Resource: ResourceARN;
2413 /**
2414 * A complex type that contains zero or more Tag key elements.
2415 */
2416 TagKeys: TagKeys;
2417 }
2418 export interface UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest {
2419 /**
2420 * The identity's configuration information.
2421 */
2422 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig;
2423 /**
2424 * The identity's id.
2425 */
2426 Id: string;
2427 /**
2428 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the identity's configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2429 */
2430 IfMatch?: string;
2431 }
2432 export interface UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult {
2433 /**
2434 * The origin access identity's information.
2435 */
2436 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity?: CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity;
2437 /**
2438 * The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2439 */
2440 ETag?: string;
2441 }
2442 export interface UpdateDistributionRequest {
2443 /**
2444 * The distribution's configuration information.
2445 */
2446 DistributionConfig: DistributionConfig;
2447 /**
2448 * The distribution's id.
2449 */
2450 Id: string;
2451 /**
2452 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the distribution's configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2453 */
2454 IfMatch?: string;
2455 }
2456 export interface UpdateDistributionResult {
2457 /**
2458 * The distribution's information.
2459 */
2460 Distribution?: Distribution;
2461 /**
2462 * The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2463 */
2464 ETag?: string;
2465 }
2466 export interface UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigRequest {
2467 /**
2468 * Request to update a field-level encryption configuration.
2469 */
2470 FieldLevelEncryptionConfig: FieldLevelEncryptionConfig;
2471 /**
2472 * The ID of the configuration you want to update.
2473 */
2474 Id: string;
2475 /**
2476 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the configuration identity to update. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2477 */
2478 IfMatch?: string;
2479 }
2480 export interface UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionConfigResult {
2481 /**
2482 * Return the results of updating the configuration.
2483 */
2484 FieldLevelEncryption?: FieldLevelEncryption;
2485 /**
2486 * The value of the ETag header that you received when updating the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2487 */
2488 ETag?: string;
2489 }
2490 export interface UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileRequest {
2491 /**
2492 * Request to update a field-level encryption profile.
2493 */
2494 FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig: FieldLevelEncryptionProfileConfig;
2495 /**
2496 * The ID of the field-level encryption profile request.
2497 */
2498 Id: string;
2499 /**
2500 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the profile identity to update. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2501 */
2502 IfMatch?: string;
2503 }
2504 export interface UpdateFieldLevelEncryptionProfileResult {
2505 /**
2506 * Return the results of updating the profile.
2507 */
2508 FieldLevelEncryptionProfile?: FieldLevelEncryptionProfile;
2509 /**
2510 * The result of the field-level encryption profile request.
2511 */
2512 ETag?: string;
2513 }
2514 export interface UpdatePublicKeyRequest {
2515 /**
2516 * Request to update public key information.
2517 */
2518 PublicKeyConfig: PublicKeyConfig;
2519 /**
2520 * ID of the public key to be updated.
2521 */
2522 Id: string;
2523 /**
2524 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the public key to update. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2525 */
2526 IfMatch?: string;
2527 }
2528 export interface UpdatePublicKeyResult {
2529 /**
2530 * Return the results of updating the public key.
2531 */
2532 PublicKey?: PublicKey;
2533 /**
2534 * The current version of the update public key result. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2535 */
2536 ETag?: string;
2537 }
2538 export interface UpdateStreamingDistributionRequest {
2539 /**
2540 * The streaming distribution's configuration information.
2541 */
2542 StreamingDistributionConfig: StreamingDistributionConfig;
2543 /**
2544 * The streaming distribution's id.
2545 */
2546 Id: string;
2547 /**
2548 * The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the streaming distribution's configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2549 */
2550 IfMatch?: string;
2551 }
2552 export interface UpdateStreamingDistributionResult {
2553 /**
2554 * The streaming distribution's information.
2555 */
2556 StreamingDistribution?: StreamingDistribution;
2557 /**
2558 * The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.
2559 */
2560 ETag?: string;
2561 }
2562 export interface ViewerCertificate {
2563 /**
2564 * For information about how and when to use CloudFrontDefaultCertificate, see ViewerCertificate.
2565 */
2566 CloudFrontDefaultCertificate?: boolean;
2567 /**
2568 * For information about how and when to use IAMCertificateId, see ViewerCertificate.
2569 */
2570 IAMCertificateId?: string;
2571 /**
2572 * For information about how and when to use ACMCertificateArn, see ViewerCertificate.
2573 */
2574 ACMCertificateArn?: string;
2575 /**
2576 * If you specify a value for ViewerCertificate$ACMCertificateArn or for ViewerCertificate$IAMCertificateId, you must also specify how you want CloudFront to serve HTTPS requests: using a method that works for all clients or one that works for most clients: vip: CloudFront uses dedicated IP addresses for your content and can respond to HTTPS requests from any viewer. However, you will incur additional monthly charges. sni-only: CloudFront can respond to HTTPS requests from viewers that support Server Name Indication (SNI). All modern browsers support SNI, but some browsers still in use don't support SNI. If some of your users' browsers don't support SNI, we recommend that you do one of the following: Use the vip option (dedicated IP addresses) instead of sni-only. Use the CloudFront SSL/TLS certificate instead of a custom certificate. This requires that you use the CloudFront domain name of your distribution in the URLs for your objects, for example, https://d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net/logo.png. If you can control which browser your users use, upgrade the browser to one that supports SNI. Use HTTP instead of HTTPS. Don't specify a value for SSLSupportMethod if you specified &lt;CloudFrontDefaultCertificate&gt;true&lt;CloudFrontDefaultCertificate&gt;. For more information, see Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
2577 */
2578 SSLSupportMethod?: SSLSupportMethod;
2579 /**
2580 * Specify the security policy that you want CloudFront to use for HTTPS connections. A security policy determines two settings: The minimum SSL/TLS protocol that CloudFront uses to communicate with viewers The cipher that CloudFront uses to encrypt the content that it returns to viewers On the CloudFront console, this setting is called Security policy. We recommend that you specify TLSv1.1_2016 unless your users are using browsers or devices that do not support TLSv1.1 or later. When both of the following are true, you must specify TLSv1 or later for the security policy: You're using a custom certificate: you specified a value for ACMCertificateArn or for IAMCertificateId You're using SNI: you specified sni-only for SSLSupportMethod If you specify true for CloudFrontDefaultCertificate, CloudFront automatically sets the security policy to TLSv1 regardless of the value that you specify for MinimumProtocolVersion. For information about the relationship between the security policy that you choose and the protocols and ciphers that CloudFront uses to communicate with viewers, see Supported SSL/TLS Protocols and Ciphers for Communication Between Viewers and CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
2581 */
2582 MinimumProtocolVersion?: MinimumProtocolVersion;
2583 /**
2584 * This field has been deprecated. Use one of the following fields instead: ViewerCertificate$ACMCertificateArn ViewerCertificate$IAMCertificateId ViewerCertificate$CloudFrontDefaultCertificate
2585 */
2586 Certificate?: string;
2587 /**
2588 * This field has been deprecated. Use one of the following fields instead: ViewerCertificate$ACMCertificateArn ViewerCertificate$IAMCertificateId ViewerCertificate$CloudFrontDefaultCertificate
2589 */
2590 CertificateSource?: CertificateSource;
2591 }
2592 export type ViewerProtocolPolicy = "allow-all"|"https-only"|"redirect-to-https"|string;
2593 export type integer = number;
2594 export type long = number;
2595 export type timestamp = Date;
2596 /**
2597 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
2598 */
2599 export type apiVersion = "2013-05-12"|"2013-11-11"|"2014-05-31"|"2014-10-21"|"2014-11-06"|"2015-04-17"|"2015-07-27"|"2015-09-17"|"2016-01-13"|"2016-01-28"|"2016-08-01"|"2016-08-20"|"2016-09-07"|"2016-09-29"|"2016-11-25"|"2016-11-25"|"2017-03-25"|"2017-03-25"|"2017-10-30"|"2017-10-30"|"2018-06-18"|"2018-06-18"|"2018-11-05"|"latest"|string;
2600 export interface ClientApiVersions {
2601 /**
2602 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
2603 */
2604 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
2605 }
2606 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
2607 /**
2608 * Contains interfaces for use with the CloudFront client.
2609 */
2610 export import Types = CloudFront;
2612export = CloudFront;