30.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class LicenseManager extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: LicenseManager.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & LicenseManager.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Creates a new license configuration object. A license configuration is an abstraction of a customer license agreement that can be consumed and enforced by License Manager. Components include specifications for the license type (licensing by instance, socket, CPU, or VCPU), tenancy (shared tenancy, Amazon EC2 Dedicated Instance, Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host, or any of these), host affinity (how long a VM must be associated with a host), the number of licenses purchased and used.
16 */
17 createLicenseConfiguration(params: LicenseManager.Types.CreateLicenseConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Creates a new license configuration object. A license configuration is an abstraction of a customer license agreement that can be consumed and enforced by License Manager. Components include specifications for the license type (licensing by instance, socket, CPU, or VCPU), tenancy (shared tenancy, Amazon EC2 Dedicated Instance, Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host, or any of these), host affinity (how long a VM must be associated with a host), the number of licenses purchased and used.
20 */
21 createLicenseConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Deletes an existing license configuration. This action fails if the configuration is in use.
24 */
25 deleteLicenseConfiguration(params: LicenseManager.Types.DeleteLicenseConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Deletes an existing license configuration. This action fails if the configuration is in use.
28 */
29 deleteLicenseConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Returns a detailed description of a license configuration.
32 */
33 getLicenseConfiguration(params: LicenseManager.Types.GetLicenseConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.GetLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.GetLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Returns a detailed description of a license configuration.
36 */
37 getLicenseConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.GetLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.GetLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Gets License Manager settings for a region. Exposes the configured S3 bucket, SNS topic, etc., for inspection.
40 */
41 getServiceSettings(params: LicenseManager.Types.GetServiceSettingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.GetServiceSettingsResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.GetServiceSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Gets License Manager settings for a region. Exposes the configured S3 bucket, SNS topic, etc., for inspection.
44 */
45 getServiceSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.GetServiceSettingsResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.GetServiceSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Lists the resource associations for a license configuration. Resource associations need not consume licenses from a license configuration. For example, an AMI or a stopped instance may not consume a license (depending on the license rules). Use this operation to find all resources associated with a license configuration.
48 */
49 listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration(params: LicenseManager.Types.ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Lists the resource associations for a license configuration. Resource associations need not consume licenses from a license configuration. For example, an AMI or a stopped instance may not consume a license (depending on the license rules). Use this operation to find all resources associated with a license configuration.
52 */
53 listAssociationsForLicenseConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Lists license configuration objects for an account, each containing the name, description, license type, and other license terms modeled from a license agreement.
56 */
57 listLicenseConfigurations(params: LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseConfigurationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Lists license configuration objects for an account, each containing the name, description, license type, and other license terms modeled from a license agreement.
60 */
61 listLicenseConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Returns the license configuration for a resource.
64 */
65 listLicenseSpecificationsForResource(params: LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Returns the license configuration for a resource.
68 */
69 listLicenseSpecificationsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Returns a detailed list of resources.
72 */
73 listResourceInventory(params: LicenseManager.Types.ListResourceInventoryRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListResourceInventoryResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListResourceInventoryResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Returns a detailed list of resources.
76 */
77 listResourceInventory(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListResourceInventoryResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListResourceInventoryResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Lists tags attached to a resource.
80 */
81 listTagsForResource(params: LicenseManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Lists tags attached to a resource.
84 */
85 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Lists all license usage records for a license configuration, displaying license consumption details by resource at a selected point in time. Use this action to audit the current license consumption for any license inventory and configuration.
88 */
89 listUsageForLicenseConfiguration(params: LicenseManager.Types.ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Lists all license usage records for a license configuration, displaying license consumption details by resource at a selected point in time. Use this action to audit the current license consumption for any license inventory and configuration.
92 */
93 listUsageForLicenseConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Attach one of more tags to any resource.
96 */
97 tagResource(params: LicenseManager.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Attach one of more tags to any resource.
100 */
101 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Remove tags from a resource.
104 */
105 untagResource(params: LicenseManager.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Remove tags from a resource.
108 */
109 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Modifies the attributes of an existing license configuration object. A license configuration is an abstraction of a customer license agreement that can be consumed and enforced by License Manager. Components include specifications for the license type (Instances, cores, sockets, VCPUs), tenancy (shared or Dedicated Host), host affinity (how long a VM is associated with a host), the number of licenses purchased and used.
112 */
113 updateLicenseConfiguration(params: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Modifies the attributes of an existing license configuration object. A license configuration is an abstraction of a customer license agreement that can be consumed and enforced by License Manager. Components include specifications for the license type (Instances, cores, sockets, VCPUs), tenancy (shared or Dedicated Host), host affinity (how long a VM is associated with a host), the number of licenses purchased and used.
116 */
117 updateLicenseConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Adds or removes license configurations for a specified AWS resource. This operation currently supports updating the license specifications of AMIs, instances, and hosts. Launch templates and AWS CloudFormation templates are not managed from this operation as those resources send the license configurations directly to a resource creation operation, such as RunInstances.
120 */
121 updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource(params: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Adds or removes license configurations for a specified AWS resource. This operation currently supports updating the license specifications of AMIs, instances, and hosts. Launch templates and AWS CloudFormation templates are not managed from this operation as those resources send the license configurations directly to a resource creation operation, such as RunInstances.
124 */
125 updateLicenseSpecificationsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Updates License Manager service settings.
128 */
129 updateServiceSettings(params: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateServiceSettingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateServiceSettingsResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UpdateServiceSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Updates License Manager service settings.
132 */
133 updateServiceSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: LicenseManager.Types.UpdateServiceSettingsResponse) => void): Request<LicenseManager.Types.UpdateServiceSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
135declare namespace LicenseManager {
136 export type Boolean = boolean;
137 export type BoxBoolean = boolean;
138 export type BoxInteger = number;
139 export type BoxLong = number;
140 export interface ConsumedLicenseSummary {
141 /**
142 * Resource type of the resource consuming a license (instance, host, or AMI).
143 */
144 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
145 /**
146 * Number of licenses consumed by a resource.
147 */
148 ConsumedLicenses?: BoxLong;
149 }
150 export type ConsumedLicenseSummaryList = ConsumedLicenseSummary[];
151 export interface CreateLicenseConfigurationRequest {
152 /**
153 * Name of the license configuration.
154 */
155 Name: String;
156 /**
157 * Human-friendly description of the license configuration.
158 */
159 Description?: String;
160 /**
161 * Dimension to use to track the license inventory.
162 */
163 LicenseCountingType: LicenseCountingType;
164 /**
165 * Number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
166 */
167 LicenseCount?: BoxLong;
168 /**
169 * Flag indicating whether hard or soft license enforcement is used. Exceeding a hard limit results in the blocked deployment of new instances.
170 */
171 LicenseCountHardLimit?: BoxBoolean;
172 /**
173 * Array of configured License Manager rules.
174 */
175 LicenseRules?: StringList;
176 /**
177 * The tags to apply to the resources during launch. You can only tag instances and volumes on launch. The specified tags are applied to all instances or volumes that are created during launch. To tag a resource after it has been created, see CreateTags .
178 */
179 Tags?: TagList;
180 }
181 export interface CreateLicenseConfigurationResponse {
182 /**
183 * ARN of the license configuration object after its creation.
184 */
185 LicenseConfigurationArn?: String;
186 }
187 export type DateTime = Date;
188 export interface DeleteLicenseConfigurationRequest {
189 /**
190 * Unique ID of the configuration object to delete.
191 */
192 LicenseConfigurationArn: String;
193 }
194 export interface DeleteLicenseConfigurationResponse {
195 }
196 export interface Filter {
197 /**
198 * Name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive.
199 */
200 Name?: FilterName;
201 /**
202 * One or more filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive.
203 */
204 Values?: FilterValues;
205 }
206 export type FilterName = string;
207 export type FilterValue = string;
208 export type FilterValues = FilterValue[];
209 export type Filters = Filter[];
210 export interface GetLicenseConfigurationRequest {
211 /**
212 * ARN of the license configuration being requested.
213 */
214 LicenseConfigurationArn: String;
215 }
216 export interface GetLicenseConfigurationResponse {
217 /**
218 * Unique ID for the license configuration.
219 */
220 LicenseConfigurationId?: String;
221 /**
222 * ARN of the license configuration requested.
223 */
224 LicenseConfigurationArn?: String;
225 /**
226 * Name of the license configuration.
227 */
228 Name?: String;
229 /**
230 * Description of the license configuration.
231 */
232 Description?: String;
233 /**
234 * Dimension on which the licenses are counted (for example, instances, cores, sockets, or VCPUs).
235 */
236 LicenseCountingType?: LicenseCountingType;
237 /**
238 * List of flexible text strings designating license rules.
239 */
240 LicenseRules?: StringList;
241 /**
242 * Number of available licenses.
243 */
244 LicenseCount?: BoxLong;
245 /**
246 * Sets the number of available licenses as a hard limit.
247 */
248 LicenseCountHardLimit?: BoxBoolean;
249 /**
250 * Number of licenses assigned to resources.
251 */
252 ConsumedLicenses?: BoxLong;
253 /**
254 * License configuration status (active, etc.).
255 */
256 Status?: String;
257 /**
258 * Owner account ID for the license configuration.
259 */
260 OwnerAccountId?: String;
261 /**
262 * List of summaries for consumed licenses used by various resources.
263 */
264 ConsumedLicenseSummaryList?: ConsumedLicenseSummaryList;
265 /**
266 * List of summaries of managed resources.
267 */
268 ManagedResourceSummaryList?: ManagedResourceSummaryList;
269 /**
270 * List of tags attached to the license configuration.
271 */
272 Tags?: TagList;
273 }
274 export interface GetServiceSettingsRequest {
275 }
276 export interface GetServiceSettingsResponse {
277 /**
278 * Regional S3 bucket path for storing reports, license trail event data, discovery data, etc.
279 */
280 S3BucketArn?: String;
281 /**
282 * SNS topic configured to receive notifications from License Manager.
283 */
284 SnsTopicArn?: String;
285 /**
286 * Indicates whether AWS Organizations has been integrated with License Manager for cross-account discovery.
287 */
288 OrganizationConfiguration?: OrganizationConfiguration;
289 /**
290 * Indicates whether cross-account discovery has been enabled.
291 */
292 EnableCrossAccountsDiscovery?: BoxBoolean;
293 }
294 export interface InventoryFilter {
295 /**
296 * The name of the filter.
297 */
298 Name: String;
299 /**
300 * The condition of the filter.
301 */
302 Condition: InventoryFilterCondition;
303 /**
304 * Value of the filter.
305 */
306 Value?: String;
307 }
308 export type InventoryFilterCondition = "EQUALS"|"NOT_EQUALS"|"BEGINS_WITH"|"CONTAINS"|string;
309 export type InventoryFilterList = InventoryFilter[];
310 export interface LicenseConfiguration {
311 /**
312 * Unique ID of the LicenseConfiguration object.
313 */
314 LicenseConfigurationId?: String;
315 /**
316 * ARN of the LicenseConfiguration object.
317 */
318 LicenseConfigurationArn?: String;
319 /**
320 * Name of the license configuration.
321 */
322 Name?: String;
323 /**
324 * Description of the license configuration.
325 */
326 Description?: String;
327 /**
328 * Dimension to use to track license inventory.
329 */
330 LicenseCountingType?: LicenseCountingType;
331 /**
332 * Array of configured License Manager rules.
333 */
334 LicenseRules?: StringList;
335 /**
336 * Number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
337 */
338 LicenseCount?: BoxLong;
339 /**
340 * Sets the number of available licenses as a hard limit.
341 */
342 LicenseCountHardLimit?: BoxBoolean;
343 /**
344 * Number of licenses consumed.
345 */
346 ConsumedLicenses?: BoxLong;
347 /**
348 * Status of the license configuration.
349 */
350 Status?: String;
351 /**
352 * Account ID of the license configuration's owner.
353 */
354 OwnerAccountId?: String;
355 /**
356 * List of summaries for licenses consumed by various resources.
357 */
358 ConsumedLicenseSummaryList?: ConsumedLicenseSummaryList;
359 /**
360 * List of summaries for managed resources.
361 */
362 ManagedResourceSummaryList?: ManagedResourceSummaryList;
363 }
364 export interface LicenseConfigurationAssociation {
365 /**
366 * ARN of the resource associated with the license configuration.
367 */
368 ResourceArn?: String;
369 /**
370 * Type of server resource.
371 */
372 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
373 /**
374 * ID of the AWS account that owns the resource consuming licenses.
375 */
376 ResourceOwnerId?: String;
377 /**
378 * Time when the license configuration was associated with the resource.
379 */
380 AssociationTime?: DateTime;
381 }
382 export type LicenseConfigurationAssociations = LicenseConfigurationAssociation[];
383 export type LicenseConfigurationStatus = "AVAILABLE"|"DISABLED"|string;
384 export interface LicenseConfigurationUsage {
385 /**
386 * ARN of the resource associated with a license configuration.
387 */
388 ResourceArn?: String;
389 /**
390 * Type of resource associated with athe license configuration.
391 */
392 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
393 /**
394 * Status of a resource associated with the license configuration.
395 */
396 ResourceStatus?: String;
397 /**
398 * ID of the account that owns a resource that is associated with the license configuration.
399 */
400 ResourceOwnerId?: String;
401 /**
402 * Time when the license configuration was initially associated with a resource.
403 */
404 AssociationTime?: DateTime;
405 /**
406 * Number of licenses consumed out of the total provisioned in the license configuration.
407 */
408 ConsumedLicenses?: BoxLong;
409 }
410 export type LicenseConfigurationUsageList = LicenseConfigurationUsage[];
411 export type LicenseConfigurations = LicenseConfiguration[];
412 export type LicenseCountingType = "vCPU"|"Instance"|"Core"|"Socket"|string;
413 export interface LicenseSpecification {
414 /**
415 * ARN of the LicenseConfiguration object.
416 */
417 LicenseConfigurationArn: String;
418 }
419 export type LicenseSpecifications = LicenseSpecification[];
420 export interface ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationRequest {
421 /**
422 * ARN of a LicenseConfiguration object.
423 */
424 LicenseConfigurationArn: String;
425 /**
426 * Maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value.
427 */
428 MaxResults?: BoxInteger;
429 /**
430 * Token for the next set of results.
431 */
432 NextToken?: String;
433 }
434 export interface ListAssociationsForLicenseConfigurationResponse {
435 /**
436 * Lists association objects for the license configuration, each containing the association time, number of consumed licenses, resource ARN, resource ID, account ID that owns the resource, resource size, and resource type.
437 */
438 LicenseConfigurationAssociations?: LicenseConfigurationAssociations;
439 /**
440 * Token for the next set of results.
441 */
442 NextToken?: String;
443 }
444 export interface ListLicenseConfigurationsRequest {
445 /**
446 * An array of ARNs for the calling account’s license configurations.
447 */
448 LicenseConfigurationArns?: StringList;
449 /**
450 * Maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value.
451 */
452 MaxResults?: BoxInteger;
453 /**
454 * Token for the next set of results.
455 */
456 NextToken?: String;
457 /**
458 * One or more filters.
459 */
460 Filters?: Filters;
461 }
462 export interface ListLicenseConfigurationsResponse {
463 /**
464 * Array of license configuration objects.
465 */
466 LicenseConfigurations?: LicenseConfigurations;
467 /**
468 * Token for the next set of results.
469 */
470 NextToken?: String;
471 }
472 export interface ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceRequest {
473 /**
474 * ARN of an AMI or Amazon EC2 instance that has an associated license configuration.
475 */
476 ResourceArn: String;
477 /**
478 * Maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value.
479 */
480 MaxResults?: BoxInteger;
481 /**
482 * Token for the next set of results.
483 */
484 NextToken?: String;
485 }
486 export interface ListLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse {
487 /**
488 * License configurations associated with a resource.
489 */
490 LicenseSpecifications?: LicenseSpecifications;
491 /**
492 * Token for the next set of results.
493 */
494 NextToken?: String;
495 }
496 export interface ListResourceInventoryRequest {
497 /**
498 * Maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value.
499 */
500 MaxResults?: BoxInteger;
501 /**
502 * Token for the next set of results.
503 */
504 NextToken?: String;
505 /**
506 * One or more filters.
507 */
508 Filters?: InventoryFilterList;
509 }
510 export interface ListResourceInventoryResponse {
511 /**
512 * The detailed list of resources.
513 */
514 ResourceInventoryList?: ResourceInventoryList;
515 /**
516 * Token for the next set of results.
517 */
518 NextToken?: String;
519 }
520 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
521 /**
522 * ARN for the resource.
523 */
524 ResourceArn: String;
525 }
526 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
527 /**
528 * List of tags attached to the resource.
529 */
530 Tags?: TagList;
531 }
532 export interface ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationRequest {
533 /**
534 * ARN of the targeted LicenseConfiguration object.
535 */
536 LicenseConfigurationArn: String;
537 /**
538 * Maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned NextToken value.
539 */
540 MaxResults?: BoxInteger;
541 /**
542 * Token for the next set of results.
543 */
544 NextToken?: String;
545 /**
546 * List of filters to apply.
547 */
548 Filters?: Filters;
549 }
550 export interface ListUsageForLicenseConfigurationResponse {
551 /**
552 * An array of LicenseConfigurationUsage objects.
553 */
554 LicenseConfigurationUsageList?: LicenseConfigurationUsageList;
555 /**
556 * Token for the next set of results.
557 */
558 NextToken?: String;
559 }
560 export interface ManagedResourceSummary {
561 /**
562 * Type of resource associated with a license (instance, host, or AMI).
563 */
564 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
565 /**
566 * Number of resources associated with licenses.
567 */
568 AssociationCount?: BoxLong;
569 }
570 export type ManagedResourceSummaryList = ManagedResourceSummary[];
571 export interface OrganizationConfiguration {
572 /**
573 * Flag to activate AWS Organization integration.
574 */
575 EnableIntegration: Boolean;
576 }
577 export interface ResourceInventory {
578 /**
579 * Unique ID of the resource.
580 */
581 ResourceId?: String;
582 /**
583 * The type of resource.
584 */
585 ResourceType?: ResourceType;
586 /**
587 * The ARN of the resource.
588 */
589 ResourceArn?: String;
590 /**
591 * The platform of the resource.
592 */
593 Platform?: String;
594 /**
595 * Platform version of the resource in the inventory.
596 */
597 PlatformVersion?: String;
598 /**
599 * Unique ID of the account that owns the resource.
600 */
601 ResourceOwningAccountId?: String;
602 }
603 export type ResourceInventoryList = ResourceInventory[];
604 export type ResourceType = "EC2_INSTANCE"|"EC2_HOST"|"EC2_AMI"|string;
605 export type String = string;
606 export type StringList = String[];
607 export interface Tag {
608 /**
609 * Key for the resource tag.
610 */
611 Key?: String;
612 /**
613 * Value for the resource tag.
614 */
615 Value?: String;
616 }
617 export type TagKeyList = String[];
618 export type TagList = Tag[];
619 export interface TagResourceRequest {
620 /**
621 * Resource of the ARN to be tagged.
622 */
623 ResourceArn: String;
624 /**
625 * Names of the tags to attach to the resource.
626 */
627 Tags: TagList;
628 }
629 export interface TagResourceResponse {
630 }
631 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
632 /**
633 * ARN of the resource.
634 */
635 ResourceArn: String;
636 /**
637 * List keys identifying tags to remove.
638 */
639 TagKeys: TagKeyList;
640 }
641 export interface UntagResourceResponse {
642 }
643 export interface UpdateLicenseConfigurationRequest {
644 /**
645 * ARN for a license configuration.
646 */
647 LicenseConfigurationArn: String;
648 /**
649 * New status of the license configuration (ACTIVE or INACTIVE).
650 */
651 LicenseConfigurationStatus?: LicenseConfigurationStatus;
652 /**
653 * List of flexible text strings designating license rules.
654 */
655 LicenseRules?: StringList;
656 /**
657 * New number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
658 */
659 LicenseCount?: BoxLong;
660 /**
661 * Sets the number of available licenses as a hard limit.
662 */
663 LicenseCountHardLimit?: BoxBoolean;
664 /**
665 * New name of the license configuration.
666 */
667 Name?: String;
668 /**
669 * New human-friendly description of the license configuration.
670 */
671 Description?: String;
672 }
673 export interface UpdateLicenseConfigurationResponse {
674 }
675 export interface UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceRequest {
676 /**
677 * ARN for an AWS server resource.
678 */
679 ResourceArn: String;
680 /**
681 * License configuration ARNs to be added to a resource.
682 */
683 AddLicenseSpecifications?: LicenseSpecifications;
684 /**
685 * License configuration ARNs to be removed from a resource.
686 */
687 RemoveLicenseSpecifications?: LicenseSpecifications;
688 }
689 export interface UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResourceResponse {
690 }
691 export interface UpdateServiceSettingsRequest {
692 /**
693 * ARN of the Amazon S3 bucket where License Manager information is stored.
694 */
695 S3BucketArn?: String;
696 /**
697 * ARN of the Amazon SNS topic used for License Manager alerts.
698 */
699 SnsTopicArn?: String;
700 /**
701 * Integrates AWS Organizations with License Manager for cross-account discovery.
702 */
703 OrganizationConfiguration?: OrganizationConfiguration;
704 /**
705 * Activates cross-account discovery.
706 */
707 EnableCrossAccountsDiscovery?: BoxBoolean;
708 }
709 export interface UpdateServiceSettingsResponse {
710 }
711 /**
712 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
713 */
714 export type apiVersion = "2018-08-01"|"latest"|string;
715 export interface ClientApiVersions {
716 /**
717 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
718 */
719 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
720 }
721 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
722 /**
723 * Contains interfaces for use with the LicenseManager client.
724 */
725 export import Types = LicenseManager;
727export = LicenseManager;