265 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {WaiterConfiguration} from '../lib/service';
6import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
7import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
8interface Blob {}
9declare class Redshift extends Service {
10 /**
11 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
12 */
13 constructor(options?: Redshift.Types.ClientConfiguration)
14 config: Config & Redshift.Types.ClientConfiguration;
15 /**
16 * Exchanges a DC1 Reserved Node for a DC2 Reserved Node with no changes to the configuration (term, payment type, or number of nodes) and no additional costs.
17 */
18 acceptReservedNodeExchange(params: Redshift.Types.AcceptReservedNodeExchangeInputMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AcceptReservedNodeExchangeOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AcceptReservedNodeExchangeOutputMessage, AWSError>;
19 /**
20 * Exchanges a DC1 Reserved Node for a DC2 Reserved Node with no changes to the configuration (term, payment type, or number of nodes) and no additional costs.
21 */
22 acceptReservedNodeExchange(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AcceptReservedNodeExchangeOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AcceptReservedNodeExchangeOutputMessage, AWSError>;
23 /**
24 * Adds an inbound (ingress) rule to an Amazon Redshift security group. Depending on whether the application accessing your cluster is running on the Internet or an Amazon EC2 instance, you can authorize inbound access to either a Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)/Internet Protocol (IP) range or to an Amazon EC2 security group. You can add as many as 20 ingress rules to an Amazon Redshift security group. If you authorize access to an Amazon EC2 security group, specify EC2SecurityGroupName and EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId. The Amazon EC2 security group and Amazon Redshift cluster must be in the same AWS Region. If you authorize access to a CIDR/IP address range, specify CIDRIP. For an overview of CIDR blocks, see the Wikipedia article on Classless Inter-Domain Routing. You must also associate the security group with a cluster so that clients running on these IP addresses or the EC2 instance are authorized to connect to the cluster. For information about managing security groups, go to Working with Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
25 */
26 authorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(params: Redshift.Types.AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult, AWSError>;
27 /**
28 * Adds an inbound (ingress) rule to an Amazon Redshift security group. Depending on whether the application accessing your cluster is running on the Internet or an Amazon EC2 instance, you can authorize inbound access to either a Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)/Internet Protocol (IP) range or to an Amazon EC2 security group. You can add as many as 20 ingress rules to an Amazon Redshift security group. If you authorize access to an Amazon EC2 security group, specify EC2SecurityGroupName and EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId. The Amazon EC2 security group and Amazon Redshift cluster must be in the same AWS Region. If you authorize access to a CIDR/IP address range, specify CIDRIP. For an overview of CIDR blocks, see the Wikipedia article on Classless Inter-Domain Routing. You must also associate the security group with a cluster so that clients running on these IP addresses or the EC2 instance are authorized to connect to the cluster. For information about managing security groups, go to Working with Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
29 */
30 authorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult, AWSError>;
31 /**
32 * Authorizes the specified AWS customer account to restore the specified snapshot. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
33 */
34 authorizeSnapshotAccess(params: Redshift.Types.AuthorizeSnapshotAccessMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult, AWSError>;
35 /**
36 * Authorizes the specified AWS customer account to restore the specified snapshot. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
37 */
38 authorizeSnapshotAccess(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult, AWSError>;
39 /**
40 * Deletes a set of cluster snapshots.
41 */
42 batchDeleteClusterSnapshots(params: Redshift.Types.BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsResult, AWSError>;
43 /**
44 * Deletes a set of cluster snapshots.
45 */
46 batchDeleteClusterSnapshots(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsResult, AWSError>;
47 /**
48 * Modifies the settings for a list of snapshots.
49 */
50 batchModifyClusterSnapshots(params: Redshift.Types.BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsOutputMessage, AWSError>;
51 /**
52 * Modifies the settings for a list of snapshots.
53 */
54 batchModifyClusterSnapshots(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsOutputMessage, AWSError>;
55 /**
56 * Cancels a resize operation.
57 */
58 cancelResize(params: Redshift.Types.CancelResizeMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage, AWSError>;
59 /**
60 * Cancels a resize operation.
61 */
62 cancelResize(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage, AWSError>;
63 /**
64 * Copies the specified automated cluster snapshot to a new manual cluster snapshot. The source must be an automated snapshot and it must be in the available state. When you delete a cluster, Amazon Redshift deletes any automated snapshots of the cluster. Also, when the retention period of the snapshot expires, Amazon Redshift automatically deletes it. If you want to keep an automated snapshot for a longer period, you can make a manual copy of the snapshot. Manual snapshots are retained until you delete them. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
65 */
66 copyClusterSnapshot(params: Redshift.Types.CopyClusterSnapshotMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CopyClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CopyClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
67 /**
68 * Copies the specified automated cluster snapshot to a new manual cluster snapshot. The source must be an automated snapshot and it must be in the available state. When you delete a cluster, Amazon Redshift deletes any automated snapshots of the cluster. Also, when the retention period of the snapshot expires, Amazon Redshift automatically deletes it. If you want to keep an automated snapshot for a longer period, you can make a manual copy of the snapshot. Manual snapshots are retained until you delete them. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
69 */
70 copyClusterSnapshot(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CopyClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CopyClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
71 /**
72 * Creates a new cluster. To create a cluster in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you must provide a cluster subnet group name. The cluster subnet group identifies the subnets of your VPC that Amazon Redshift uses when creating the cluster. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
73 */
74 createCluster(params: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterResult, AWSError>;
75 /**
76 * Creates a new cluster. To create a cluster in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you must provide a cluster subnet group name. The cluster subnet group identifies the subnets of your VPC that Amazon Redshift uses when creating the cluster. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
77 */
78 createCluster(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterResult, AWSError>;
79 /**
80 * Creates an Amazon Redshift parameter group. Creating parameter groups is independent of creating clusters. You can associate a cluster with a parameter group when you create the cluster. You can also associate an existing cluster with a parameter group after the cluster is created by using ModifyCluster. Parameters in the parameter group define specific behavior that applies to the databases you create on the cluster. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
81 */
82 createClusterParameterGroup(params: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterParameterGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterParameterGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterParameterGroupResult, AWSError>;
83 /**
84 * Creates an Amazon Redshift parameter group. Creating parameter groups is independent of creating clusters. You can associate a cluster with a parameter group when you create the cluster. You can also associate an existing cluster with a parameter group after the cluster is created by using ModifyCluster. Parameters in the parameter group define specific behavior that applies to the databases you create on the cluster. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
85 */
86 createClusterParameterGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterParameterGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterParameterGroupResult, AWSError>;
87 /**
88 * Creates a new Amazon Redshift security group. You use security groups to control access to non-VPC clusters. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
89 */
90 createClusterSecurityGroup(params: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSecurityGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult, AWSError>;
91 /**
92 * Creates a new Amazon Redshift security group. You use security groups to control access to non-VPC clusters. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
93 */
94 createClusterSecurityGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult, AWSError>;
95 /**
96 * Creates a manual snapshot of the specified cluster. The cluster must be in the available state. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
97 */
98 createClusterSnapshot(params: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSnapshotMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
99 /**
100 * Creates a manual snapshot of the specified cluster. The cluster must be in the available state. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
101 */
102 createClusterSnapshot(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
103 /**
104 * Creates a new Amazon Redshift subnet group. You must provide a list of one or more subnets in your existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) when creating Amazon Redshift subnet group. For information about subnet groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Subnet Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
105 */
106 createClusterSubnetGroup(params: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSubnetGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult, AWSError>;
107 /**
108 * Creates a new Amazon Redshift subnet group. You must provide a list of one or more subnets in your existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) when creating Amazon Redshift subnet group. For information about subnet groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Subnet Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
109 */
110 createClusterSubnetGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult, AWSError>;
111 /**
112 * Creates an Amazon Redshift event notification subscription. This action requires an ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SNS topic created by either the Amazon Redshift console, the Amazon SNS console, or the Amazon SNS API. To obtain an ARN with Amazon SNS, you must create a topic in Amazon SNS and subscribe to the topic. The ARN is displayed in the SNS console. You can specify the source type, and lists of Amazon Redshift source IDs, event categories, and event severities. Notifications will be sent for all events you want that match those criteria. For example, you can specify source type = cluster, source ID = my-cluster-1 and mycluster2, event categories = Availability, Backup, and severity = ERROR. The subscription will only send notifications for those ERROR events in the Availability and Backup categories for the specified clusters. If you specify both the source type and source IDs, such as source type = cluster and source identifier = my-cluster-1, notifications will be sent for all the cluster events for my-cluster-1. If you specify a source type but do not specify a source identifier, you will receive notice of the events for the objects of that type in your AWS account. If you do not specify either the SourceType nor the SourceIdentifier, you will be notified of events generated from all Amazon Redshift sources belonging to your AWS account. You must specify a source type if you specify a source ID.
113 */
114 createEventSubscription(params: Redshift.Types.CreateEventSubscriptionMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateEventSubscriptionResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateEventSubscriptionResult, AWSError>;
115 /**
116 * Creates an Amazon Redshift event notification subscription. This action requires an ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of an Amazon SNS topic created by either the Amazon Redshift console, the Amazon SNS console, or the Amazon SNS API. To obtain an ARN with Amazon SNS, you must create a topic in Amazon SNS and subscribe to the topic. The ARN is displayed in the SNS console. You can specify the source type, and lists of Amazon Redshift source IDs, event categories, and event severities. Notifications will be sent for all events you want that match those criteria. For example, you can specify source type = cluster, source ID = my-cluster-1 and mycluster2, event categories = Availability, Backup, and severity = ERROR. The subscription will only send notifications for those ERROR events in the Availability and Backup categories for the specified clusters. If you specify both the source type and source IDs, such as source type = cluster and source identifier = my-cluster-1, notifications will be sent for all the cluster events for my-cluster-1. If you specify a source type but do not specify a source identifier, you will receive notice of the events for the objects of that type in your AWS account. If you do not specify either the SourceType nor the SourceIdentifier, you will be notified of events generated from all Amazon Redshift sources belonging to your AWS account. You must specify a source type if you specify a source ID.
117 */
118 createEventSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateEventSubscriptionResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateEventSubscriptionResult, AWSError>;
119 /**
120 * Creates an HSM client certificate that an Amazon Redshift cluster will use to connect to the client's HSM in order to store and retrieve the keys used to encrypt the cluster databases. The command returns a public key, which you must store in the HSM. In addition to creating the HSM certificate, you must create an Amazon Redshift HSM configuration that provides a cluster the information needed to store and use encryption keys in the HSM. For more information, go to Hardware Security Modules in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
121 */
122 createHsmClientCertificate(params: Redshift.Types.CreateHsmClientCertificateMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateHsmClientCertificateResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateHsmClientCertificateResult, AWSError>;
123 /**
124 * Creates an HSM client certificate that an Amazon Redshift cluster will use to connect to the client's HSM in order to store and retrieve the keys used to encrypt the cluster databases. The command returns a public key, which you must store in the HSM. In addition to creating the HSM certificate, you must create an Amazon Redshift HSM configuration that provides a cluster the information needed to store and use encryption keys in the HSM. For more information, go to Hardware Security Modules in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
125 */
126 createHsmClientCertificate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateHsmClientCertificateResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateHsmClientCertificateResult, AWSError>;
127 /**
128 * Creates an HSM configuration that contains the information required by an Amazon Redshift cluster to store and use database encryption keys in a Hardware Security Module (HSM). After creating the HSM configuration, you can specify it as a parameter when creating a cluster. The cluster will then store its encryption keys in the HSM. In addition to creating an HSM configuration, you must also create an HSM client certificate. For more information, go to Hardware Security Modules in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
129 */
130 createHsmConfiguration(params: Redshift.Types.CreateHsmConfigurationMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateHsmConfigurationResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateHsmConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
131 /**
132 * Creates an HSM configuration that contains the information required by an Amazon Redshift cluster to store and use database encryption keys in a Hardware Security Module (HSM). After creating the HSM configuration, you can specify it as a parameter when creating a cluster. The cluster will then store its encryption keys in the HSM. In addition to creating an HSM configuration, you must also create an HSM client certificate. For more information, go to Hardware Security Modules in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
133 */
134 createHsmConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateHsmConfigurationResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateHsmConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
135 /**
136 * Creates a snapshot copy grant that permits Amazon Redshift to use a customer master key (CMK) from AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt copied snapshots in a destination region. For more information about managing snapshot copy grants, go to Amazon Redshift Database Encryption in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
137 */
138 createSnapshotCopyGrant(params: Redshift.Types.CreateSnapshotCopyGrantMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult, AWSError>;
139 /**
140 * Creates a snapshot copy grant that permits Amazon Redshift to use a customer master key (CMK) from AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt copied snapshots in a destination region. For more information about managing snapshot copy grants, go to Amazon Redshift Database Encryption in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
141 */
142 createSnapshotCopyGrant(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult, AWSError>;
143 /**
144 * Creates a new snapshot schedule.
145 */
146 createSnapshotSchedule(params: Redshift.Types.CreateSnapshotScheduleMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule, AWSError>;
147 /**
148 * Creates a new snapshot schedule.
149 */
150 createSnapshotSchedule(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule, AWSError>;
151 /**
152 * Adds one or more tags to a specified resource. A resource can have up to 50 tags. If you try to create more than 50 tags for a resource, you will receive an error and the attempt will fail. If you specify a key that already exists for the resource, the value for that key will be updated with the new value.
153 */
154 createTags(params: Redshift.Types.CreateTagsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
155 /**
156 * Adds one or more tags to a specified resource. A resource can have up to 50 tags. If you try to create more than 50 tags for a resource, you will receive an error and the attempt will fail. If you specify a key that already exists for the resource, the value for that key will be updated with the new value.
157 */
158 createTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
159 /**
160 * Deletes a previously provisioned cluster. A successful response from the web service indicates that the request was received correctly. Use DescribeClusters to monitor the status of the deletion. The delete operation cannot be canceled or reverted once submitted. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you want to shut down the cluster and retain it for future use, set SkipFinalClusterSnapshot to false and specify a name for FinalClusterSnapshotIdentifier. You can later restore this snapshot to resume using the cluster. If a final cluster snapshot is requested, the status of the cluster will be "final-snapshot" while the snapshot is being taken, then it's "deleting" once Amazon Redshift begins deleting the cluster. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
161 */
162 deleteCluster(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterResult, AWSError>;
163 /**
164 * Deletes a previously provisioned cluster. A successful response from the web service indicates that the request was received correctly. Use DescribeClusters to monitor the status of the deletion. The delete operation cannot be canceled or reverted once submitted. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you want to shut down the cluster and retain it for future use, set SkipFinalClusterSnapshot to false and specify a name for FinalClusterSnapshotIdentifier. You can later restore this snapshot to resume using the cluster. If a final cluster snapshot is requested, the status of the cluster will be "final-snapshot" while the snapshot is being taken, then it's "deleting" once Amazon Redshift begins deleting the cluster. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
165 */
166 deleteCluster(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterResult, AWSError>;
167 /**
168 * Deletes a specified Amazon Redshift parameter group. You cannot delete a parameter group if it is associated with a cluster.
169 */
170 deleteClusterParameterGroup(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterParameterGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
171 /**
172 * Deletes a specified Amazon Redshift parameter group. You cannot delete a parameter group if it is associated with a cluster.
173 */
174 deleteClusterParameterGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
175 /**
176 * Deletes an Amazon Redshift security group. You cannot delete a security group that is associated with any clusters. You cannot delete the default security group. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
177 */
178 deleteClusterSecurityGroup(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSecurityGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
179 /**
180 * Deletes an Amazon Redshift security group. You cannot delete a security group that is associated with any clusters. You cannot delete the default security group. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
181 */
182 deleteClusterSecurityGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
183 /**
184 * Deletes the specified manual snapshot. The snapshot must be in the available state, with no other users authorized to access the snapshot. Unlike automated snapshots, manual snapshots are retained even after you delete your cluster. Amazon Redshift does not delete your manual snapshots. You must delete manual snapshot explicitly to avoid getting charged. If other accounts are authorized to access the snapshot, you must revoke all of the authorizations before you can delete the snapshot.
185 */
186 deleteClusterSnapshot(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSnapshotMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
187 /**
188 * Deletes the specified manual snapshot. The snapshot must be in the available state, with no other users authorized to access the snapshot. Unlike automated snapshots, manual snapshots are retained even after you delete your cluster. Amazon Redshift does not delete your manual snapshots. You must delete manual snapshot explicitly to avoid getting charged. If other accounts are authorized to access the snapshot, you must revoke all of the authorizations before you can delete the snapshot.
189 */
190 deleteClusterSnapshot(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
191 /**
192 * Deletes the specified cluster subnet group.
193 */
194 deleteClusterSubnetGroup(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteClusterSubnetGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
195 /**
196 * Deletes the specified cluster subnet group.
197 */
198 deleteClusterSubnetGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
199 /**
200 * Deletes an Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
201 */
202 deleteEventSubscription(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteEventSubscriptionMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
203 /**
204 * Deletes an Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
205 */
206 deleteEventSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
207 /**
208 * Deletes the specified HSM client certificate.
209 */
210 deleteHsmClientCertificate(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteHsmClientCertificateMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
211 /**
212 * Deletes the specified HSM client certificate.
213 */
214 deleteHsmClientCertificate(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
215 /**
216 * Deletes the specified Amazon Redshift HSM configuration.
217 */
218 deleteHsmConfiguration(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteHsmConfigurationMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
219 /**
220 * Deletes the specified Amazon Redshift HSM configuration.
221 */
222 deleteHsmConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
223 /**
224 * Deletes the specified snapshot copy grant.
225 */
226 deleteSnapshotCopyGrant(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteSnapshotCopyGrantMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
227 /**
228 * Deletes the specified snapshot copy grant.
229 */
230 deleteSnapshotCopyGrant(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
231 /**
232 * Deletes a snapshot schedule.
233 */
234 deleteSnapshotSchedule(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteSnapshotScheduleMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
235 /**
236 * Deletes a snapshot schedule.
237 */
238 deleteSnapshotSchedule(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
239 /**
240 * Deletes a tag or tags from a resource. You must provide the ARN of the resource from which you want to delete the tag or tags.
241 */
242 deleteTags(params: Redshift.Types.DeleteTagsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
243 /**
244 * Deletes a tag or tags from a resource. You must provide the ARN of the resource from which you want to delete the tag or tags.
245 */
246 deleteTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
247 /**
248 * Returns a list of attributes attached to an account
249 */
250 describeAccountAttributes(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeAccountAttributesMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AccountAttributeList) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AccountAttributeList, AWSError>;
251 /**
252 * Returns a list of attributes attached to an account
253 */
254 describeAccountAttributes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.AccountAttributeList) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.AccountAttributeList, AWSError>;
255 /**
256 * Returns an array of ClusterDbRevision objects.
257 */
258 describeClusterDbRevisions(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterDbRevisionsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterDbRevisionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterDbRevisionsMessage, AWSError>;
259 /**
260 * Returns an array of ClusterDbRevision objects.
261 */
262 describeClusterDbRevisions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterDbRevisionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterDbRevisionsMessage, AWSError>;
263 /**
264 * Returns a list of Amazon Redshift parameter groups, including parameter groups you created and the default parameter group. For each parameter group, the response includes the parameter group name, description, and parameter group family name. You can optionally specify a name to retrieve the description of a specific parameter group. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all parameter groups that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all parameter groups that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, parameter groups are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
265 */
266 describeClusterParameterGroups(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterParameterGroupsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupsMessage, AWSError>;
267 /**
268 * Returns a list of Amazon Redshift parameter groups, including parameter groups you created and the default parameter group. For each parameter group, the response includes the parameter group name, description, and parameter group family name. You can optionally specify a name to retrieve the description of a specific parameter group. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all parameter groups that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all parameter groups that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, parameter groups are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
269 */
270 describeClusterParameterGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupsMessage, AWSError>;
271 /**
272 * Returns a detailed list of parameters contained within the specified Amazon Redshift parameter group. For each parameter the response includes information such as parameter name, description, data type, value, whether the parameter value is modifiable, and so on. You can specify source filter to retrieve parameters of only specific type. For example, to retrieve parameters that were modified by a user action such as from ModifyClusterParameterGroup, you can specify source equal to user. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
273 */
274 describeClusterParameters(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterParametersMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupDetails) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupDetails, AWSError>;
275 /**
276 * Returns a detailed list of parameters contained within the specified Amazon Redshift parameter group. For each parameter the response includes information such as parameter name, description, data type, value, whether the parameter value is modifiable, and so on. You can specify source filter to retrieve parameters of only specific type. For example, to retrieve parameters that were modified by a user action such as from ModifyClusterParameterGroup, you can specify source equal to user. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
277 */
278 describeClusterParameters(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupDetails) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupDetails, AWSError>;
279 /**
280 * Returns information about Amazon Redshift security groups. If the name of a security group is specified, the response will contain only information about only that security group. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all security groups that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all security groups that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, security groups are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
281 */
282 describeClusterSecurityGroups(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterSecurityGroupsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterSecurityGroupMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterSecurityGroupMessage, AWSError>;
283 /**
284 * Returns information about Amazon Redshift security groups. If the name of a security group is specified, the response will contain only information about only that security group. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all security groups that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all security groups that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, security groups are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
285 */
286 describeClusterSecurityGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterSecurityGroupMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterSecurityGroupMessage, AWSError>;
287 /**
288 * Returns one or more snapshot objects, which contain metadata about your cluster snapshots. By default, this operation returns information about all snapshots of all clusters that are owned by you AWS customer account. No information is returned for snapshots owned by inactive AWS customer accounts. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all snapshots that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all snapshots that have any combination of those values are returned. Only snapshots that you own are returned in the response; shared snapshots are not returned with the tag key and tag value request parameters. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, snapshots are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
289 */
290 describeClusterSnapshots(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterSnapshotsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage, AWSError>;
291 /**
292 * Returns one or more snapshot objects, which contain metadata about your cluster snapshots. By default, this operation returns information about all snapshots of all clusters that are owned by you AWS customer account. No information is returned for snapshots owned by inactive AWS customer accounts. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all snapshots that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all snapshots that have any combination of those values are returned. Only snapshots that you own are returned in the response; shared snapshots are not returned with the tag key and tag value request parameters. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, snapshots are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
293 */
294 describeClusterSnapshots(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage, AWSError>;
295 /**
296 * Returns one or more cluster subnet group objects, which contain metadata about your cluster subnet groups. By default, this operation returns information about all cluster subnet groups that are defined in you AWS account. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all subnet groups that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all subnet groups that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, subnet groups are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
297 */
298 describeClusterSubnetGroups(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterSubnetGroupsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterSubnetGroupMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterSubnetGroupMessage, AWSError>;
299 /**
300 * Returns one or more cluster subnet group objects, which contain metadata about your cluster subnet groups. By default, this operation returns information about all cluster subnet groups that are defined in you AWS account. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all subnet groups that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all subnet groups that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, subnet groups are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
301 */
302 describeClusterSubnetGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterSubnetGroupMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterSubnetGroupMessage, AWSError>;
303 /**
304 * Returns a list of all the available maintenance tracks.
305 */
306 describeClusterTracks(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterTracksMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.TrackListMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.TrackListMessage, AWSError>;
307 /**
308 * Returns a list of all the available maintenance tracks.
309 */
310 describeClusterTracks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.TrackListMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.TrackListMessage, AWSError>;
311 /**
312 * Returns descriptions of the available Amazon Redshift cluster versions. You can call this operation even before creating any clusters to learn more about the Amazon Redshift versions. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
313 */
314 describeClusterVersions(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterVersionsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterVersionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterVersionsMessage, AWSError>;
315 /**
316 * Returns descriptions of the available Amazon Redshift cluster versions. You can call this operation even before creating any clusters to learn more about the Amazon Redshift versions. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
317 */
318 describeClusterVersions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterVersionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterVersionsMessage, AWSError>;
319 /**
320 * Returns properties of provisioned clusters including general cluster properties, cluster database properties, maintenance and backup properties, and security and access properties. This operation supports pagination. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all clusters that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all clusters that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, clusters are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
321 */
322 describeClusters(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClustersMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
323 /**
324 * Returns properties of provisioned clusters including general cluster properties, cluster database properties, maintenance and backup properties, and security and access properties. This operation supports pagination. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all clusters that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all clusters that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, clusters are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
325 */
326 describeClusters(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
327 /**
328 * Returns a list of parameter settings for the specified parameter group family. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
329 */
330 describeDefaultClusterParameters(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeDefaultClusterParametersMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult, AWSError>;
331 /**
332 * Returns a list of parameter settings for the specified parameter group family. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
333 */
334 describeDefaultClusterParameters(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult, AWSError>;
335 /**
336 * Displays a list of event categories for all event source types, or for a specified source type. For a list of the event categories and source types, go to Amazon Redshift Event Notifications.
337 */
338 describeEventCategories(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeEventCategoriesMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EventCategoriesMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EventCategoriesMessage, AWSError>;
339 /**
340 * Displays a list of event categories for all event source types, or for a specified source type. For a list of the event categories and source types, go to Amazon Redshift Event Notifications.
341 */
342 describeEventCategories(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EventCategoriesMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EventCategoriesMessage, AWSError>;
343 /**
344 * Lists descriptions of all the Amazon Redshift event notification subscriptions for a customer account. If you specify a subscription name, lists the description for that subscription. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all event notification subscriptions that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all subscriptions that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, subscriptions are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
345 */
346 describeEventSubscriptions(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeEventSubscriptionsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EventSubscriptionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EventSubscriptionsMessage, AWSError>;
347 /**
348 * Lists descriptions of all the Amazon Redshift event notification subscriptions for a customer account. If you specify a subscription name, lists the description for that subscription. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all event notification subscriptions that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all subscriptions that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, subscriptions are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
349 */
350 describeEventSubscriptions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EventSubscriptionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EventSubscriptionsMessage, AWSError>;
351 /**
352 * Returns events related to clusters, security groups, snapshots, and parameter groups for the past 14 days. Events specific to a particular cluster, security group, snapshot or parameter group can be obtained by providing the name as a parameter. By default, the past hour of events are returned.
353 */
354 describeEvents(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeEventsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EventsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EventsMessage, AWSError>;
355 /**
356 * Returns events related to clusters, security groups, snapshots, and parameter groups for the past 14 days. Events specific to a particular cluster, security group, snapshot or parameter group can be obtained by providing the name as a parameter. By default, the past hour of events are returned.
357 */
358 describeEvents(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EventsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EventsMessage, AWSError>;
359 /**
360 * Returns information about the specified HSM client certificate. If no certificate ID is specified, returns information about all the HSM certificates owned by your AWS customer account. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all HSM client certificates that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all HSM client certificates that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, HSM client certificates are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
361 */
362 describeHsmClientCertificates(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeHsmClientCertificatesMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.HsmClientCertificateMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.HsmClientCertificateMessage, AWSError>;
363 /**
364 * Returns information about the specified HSM client certificate. If no certificate ID is specified, returns information about all the HSM certificates owned by your AWS customer account. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all HSM client certificates that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all HSM client certificates that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, HSM client certificates are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
365 */
366 describeHsmClientCertificates(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.HsmClientCertificateMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.HsmClientCertificateMessage, AWSError>;
367 /**
368 * Returns information about the specified Amazon Redshift HSM configuration. If no configuration ID is specified, returns information about all the HSM configurations owned by your AWS customer account. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all HSM connections that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all HSM connections that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, HSM connections are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
369 */
370 describeHsmConfigurations(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeHsmConfigurationsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.HsmConfigurationMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.HsmConfigurationMessage, AWSError>;
371 /**
372 * Returns information about the specified Amazon Redshift HSM configuration. If no configuration ID is specified, returns information about all the HSM configurations owned by your AWS customer account. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all HSM connections that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all HSM connections that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, HSM connections are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
373 */
374 describeHsmConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.HsmConfigurationMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.HsmConfigurationMessage, AWSError>;
375 /**
376 * Describes whether information, such as queries and connection attempts, is being logged for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
377 */
378 describeLoggingStatus(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeLoggingStatusMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus, AWSError>;
379 /**
380 * Describes whether information, such as queries and connection attempts, is being logged for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
381 */
382 describeLoggingStatus(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus, AWSError>;
383 /**
384 * Returns a list of orderable cluster options. Before you create a new cluster you can use this operation to find what options are available, such as the EC2 Availability Zones (AZ) in the specific AWS Region that you can specify, and the node types you can request. The node types differ by available storage, memory, CPU and price. With the cost involved you might want to obtain a list of cluster options in the specific region and specify values when creating a cluster. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
385 */
386 describeOrderableClusterOptions(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeOrderableClusterOptionsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.OrderableClusterOptionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.OrderableClusterOptionsMessage, AWSError>;
387 /**
388 * Returns a list of orderable cluster options. Before you create a new cluster you can use this operation to find what options are available, such as the EC2 Availability Zones (AZ) in the specific AWS Region that you can specify, and the node types you can request. The node types differ by available storage, memory, CPU and price. With the cost involved you might want to obtain a list of cluster options in the specific region and specify values when creating a cluster. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
389 */
390 describeOrderableClusterOptions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.OrderableClusterOptionsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.OrderableClusterOptionsMessage, AWSError>;
391 /**
392 * Returns a list of the available reserved node offerings by Amazon Redshift with their descriptions including the node type, the fixed and recurring costs of reserving the node and duration the node will be reserved for you. These descriptions help you determine which reserve node offering you want to purchase. You then use the unique offering ID in you call to PurchaseReservedNodeOffering to reserve one or more nodes for your Amazon Redshift cluster. For more information about reserved node offerings, go to Purchasing Reserved Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
393 */
394 describeReservedNodeOfferings(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeReservedNodeOfferingsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage, AWSError>;
395 /**
396 * Returns a list of the available reserved node offerings by Amazon Redshift with their descriptions including the node type, the fixed and recurring costs of reserving the node and duration the node will be reserved for you. These descriptions help you determine which reserve node offering you want to purchase. You then use the unique offering ID in you call to PurchaseReservedNodeOffering to reserve one or more nodes for your Amazon Redshift cluster. For more information about reserved node offerings, go to Purchasing Reserved Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
397 */
398 describeReservedNodeOfferings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage, AWSError>;
399 /**
400 * Returns the descriptions of the reserved nodes.
401 */
402 describeReservedNodes(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeReservedNodesMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ReservedNodesMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ReservedNodesMessage, AWSError>;
403 /**
404 * Returns the descriptions of the reserved nodes.
405 */
406 describeReservedNodes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ReservedNodesMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ReservedNodesMessage, AWSError>;
407 /**
408 * Returns information about the last resize operation for the specified cluster. If no resize operation has ever been initiated for the specified cluster, a HTTP 404 error is returned. If a resize operation was initiated and completed, the status of the resize remains as SUCCEEDED until the next resize. A resize operation can be requested using ModifyCluster and specifying a different number or type of nodes for the cluster.
409 */
410 describeResize(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeResizeMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage, AWSError>;
411 /**
412 * Returns information about the last resize operation for the specified cluster. If no resize operation has ever been initiated for the specified cluster, a HTTP 404 error is returned. If a resize operation was initiated and completed, the status of the resize remains as SUCCEEDED until the next resize. A resize operation can be requested using ModifyCluster and specifying a different number or type of nodes for the cluster.
413 */
414 describeResize(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ResizeProgressMessage, AWSError>;
415 /**
416 * Returns a list of snapshot copy grants owned by the AWS account in the destination region. For more information about managing snapshot copy grants, go to Amazon Redshift Database Encryption in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
417 */
418 describeSnapshotCopyGrants(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeSnapshotCopyGrantsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotCopyGrantMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotCopyGrantMessage, AWSError>;
419 /**
420 * Returns a list of snapshot copy grants owned by the AWS account in the destination region. For more information about managing snapshot copy grants, go to Amazon Redshift Database Encryption in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
421 */
422 describeSnapshotCopyGrants(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotCopyGrantMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotCopyGrantMessage, AWSError>;
423 /**
424 * Returns a list of snapshot schedules.
425 */
426 describeSnapshotSchedules(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeSnapshotSchedulesMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DescribeSnapshotSchedulesOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DescribeSnapshotSchedulesOutputMessage, AWSError>;
427 /**
428 * Returns a list of snapshot schedules.
429 */
430 describeSnapshotSchedules(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DescribeSnapshotSchedulesOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DescribeSnapshotSchedulesOutputMessage, AWSError>;
431 /**
432 * Returns the total amount of snapshot usage and provisioned storage for a user in megabytes.
433 */
434 describeStorage(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.CustomerStorageMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.CustomerStorageMessage, AWSError>;
435 /**
436 * Lists the status of one or more table restore requests made using the RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot API action. If you don't specify a value for the TableRestoreRequestId parameter, then DescribeTableRestoreStatus returns the status of all table restore requests ordered by the date and time of the request in ascending order. Otherwise DescribeTableRestoreStatus returns the status of the table specified by TableRestoreRequestId.
437 */
438 describeTableRestoreStatus(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeTableRestoreStatusMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.TableRestoreStatusMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.TableRestoreStatusMessage, AWSError>;
439 /**
440 * Lists the status of one or more table restore requests made using the RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot API action. If you don't specify a value for the TableRestoreRequestId parameter, then DescribeTableRestoreStatus returns the status of all table restore requests ordered by the date and time of the request in ascending order. Otherwise DescribeTableRestoreStatus returns the status of the table specified by TableRestoreRequestId.
441 */
442 describeTableRestoreStatus(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.TableRestoreStatusMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.TableRestoreStatusMessage, AWSError>;
443 /**
444 * Returns a list of tags. You can return tags from a specific resource by specifying an ARN, or you can return all tags for a given type of resource, such as clusters, snapshots, and so on. The following are limitations for DescribeTags: You cannot specify an ARN and a resource-type value together in the same request. You cannot use the MaxRecords and Marker parameters together with the ARN parameter. The MaxRecords parameter can be a range from 10 to 50 results to return in a request. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all resources that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all resources that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, resources are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
445 */
446 describeTags(params: Redshift.Types.DescribeTagsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.TaggedResourceListMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.TaggedResourceListMessage, AWSError>;
447 /**
448 * Returns a list of tags. You can return tags from a specific resource by specifying an ARN, or you can return all tags for a given type of resource, such as clusters, snapshots, and so on. The following are limitations for DescribeTags: You cannot specify an ARN and a resource-type value together in the same request. You cannot use the MaxRecords and Marker parameters together with the ARN parameter. The MaxRecords parameter can be a range from 10 to 50 results to return in a request. If you specify both tag keys and tag values in the same request, Amazon Redshift returns all resources that match any combination of the specified keys and values. For example, if you have owner and environment for tag keys, and admin and test for tag values, all resources that have any combination of those values are returned. If both tag keys and values are omitted from the request, resources are returned regardless of whether they have tag keys or values associated with them.
449 */
450 describeTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.TaggedResourceListMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.TaggedResourceListMessage, AWSError>;
451 /**
452 * Stops logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
453 */
454 disableLogging(params: Redshift.Types.DisableLoggingMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus, AWSError>;
455 /**
456 * Stops logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
457 */
458 disableLogging(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus, AWSError>;
459 /**
460 * Disables the automatic copying of snapshots from one region to another region for a specified cluster. If your cluster and its snapshots are encrypted using a customer master key (CMK) from AWS KMS, use DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant to delete the grant that grants Amazon Redshift permission to the CMK in the destination region.
461 */
462 disableSnapshotCopy(params: Redshift.Types.DisableSnapshotCopyMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DisableSnapshotCopyResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DisableSnapshotCopyResult, AWSError>;
463 /**
464 * Disables the automatic copying of snapshots from one region to another region for a specified cluster. If your cluster and its snapshots are encrypted using a customer master key (CMK) from AWS KMS, use DeleteSnapshotCopyGrant to delete the grant that grants Amazon Redshift permission to the CMK in the destination region.
465 */
466 disableSnapshotCopy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.DisableSnapshotCopyResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.DisableSnapshotCopyResult, AWSError>;
467 /**
468 * Starts logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
469 */
470 enableLogging(params: Redshift.Types.EnableLoggingMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus, AWSError>;
471 /**
472 * Starts logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, for the specified Amazon Redshift cluster.
473 */
474 enableLogging(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.LoggingStatus, AWSError>;
475 /**
476 * Enables the automatic copy of snapshots from one region to another region for a specified cluster.
477 */
478 enableSnapshotCopy(params: Redshift.Types.EnableSnapshotCopyMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EnableSnapshotCopyResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EnableSnapshotCopyResult, AWSError>;
479 /**
480 * Enables the automatic copy of snapshots from one region to another region for a specified cluster.
481 */
482 enableSnapshotCopy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.EnableSnapshotCopyResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.EnableSnapshotCopyResult, AWSError>;
483 /**
484 * Returns a database user name and temporary password with temporary authorization to log on to an Amazon Redshift database. The action returns the database user name prefixed with IAM: if AutoCreate is False or IAMA: if AutoCreate is True. You can optionally specify one or more database user groups that the user will join at log on. By default, the temporary credentials expire in 900 seconds. You can optionally specify a duration between 900 seconds (15 minutes) and 3600 seconds (60 minutes). For more information, see Using IAM Authentication to Generate Database User Credentials in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)user or role that executes GetClusterCredentials must have an IAM policy attached that allows access to all necessary actions and resources. For more information about permissions, see Resource Policies for GetClusterCredentials in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If the DbGroups parameter is specified, the IAM policy must allow the redshift:JoinGroup action with access to the listed dbgroups. In addition, if the AutoCreate parameter is set to True, then the policy must include the redshift:CreateClusterUser privilege. If the DbName parameter is specified, the IAM policy must allow access to the resource dbname for the specified database name.
485 */
486 getClusterCredentials(params: Redshift.Types.GetClusterCredentialsMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterCredentials) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterCredentials, AWSError>;
487 /**
488 * Returns a database user name and temporary password with temporary authorization to log on to an Amazon Redshift database. The action returns the database user name prefixed with IAM: if AutoCreate is False or IAMA: if AutoCreate is True. You can optionally specify one or more database user groups that the user will join at log on. By default, the temporary credentials expire in 900 seconds. You can optionally specify a duration between 900 seconds (15 minutes) and 3600 seconds (60 minutes). For more information, see Using IAM Authentication to Generate Database User Credentials in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)user or role that executes GetClusterCredentials must have an IAM policy attached that allows access to all necessary actions and resources. For more information about permissions, see Resource Policies for GetClusterCredentials in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If the DbGroups parameter is specified, the IAM policy must allow the redshift:JoinGroup action with access to the listed dbgroups. In addition, if the AutoCreate parameter is set to True, then the policy must include the redshift:CreateClusterUser privilege. If the DbName parameter is specified, the IAM policy must allow access to the resource dbname for the specified database name.
489 */
490 getClusterCredentials(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterCredentials) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterCredentials, AWSError>;
491 /**
492 * Returns an array of DC2 ReservedNodeOfferings that matches the payment type, term, and usage price of the given DC1 reserved node.
493 */
494 getReservedNodeExchangeOfferings(params: Redshift.Types.GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsInputMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsOutputMessage, AWSError>;
495 /**
496 * Returns an array of DC2 ReservedNodeOfferings that matches the payment type, term, and usage price of the given DC1 reserved node.
497 */
498 getReservedNodeExchangeOfferings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsOutputMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsOutputMessage, AWSError>;
499 /**
500 * Modifies the settings for a cluster. For example, you can add another security or parameter group, update the preferred maintenance window, or change the master user password. Resetting a cluster password or modifying the security groups associated with a cluster do not need a reboot. However, modifying a parameter group requires a reboot for parameters to take effect. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. You can also change node type and the number of nodes to scale up or down the cluster. When resizing a cluster, you must specify both the number of nodes and the node type even if one of the parameters does not change.
501 */
502 modifyCluster(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterResult, AWSError>;
503 /**
504 * Modifies the settings for a cluster. For example, you can add another security or parameter group, update the preferred maintenance window, or change the master user password. Resetting a cluster password or modifying the security groups associated with a cluster do not need a reboot. However, modifying a parameter group requires a reboot for parameters to take effect. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. You can also change node type and the number of nodes to scale up or down the cluster. When resizing a cluster, you must specify both the number of nodes and the node type even if one of the parameters does not change.
505 */
506 modifyCluster(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterResult, AWSError>;
507 /**
508 * Modifies the database revision of a cluster. The database revision is a unique revision of the database running in a cluster.
509 */
510 modifyClusterDbRevision(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterDbRevisionMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterDbRevisionResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterDbRevisionResult, AWSError>;
511 /**
512 * Modifies the database revision of a cluster. The database revision is a unique revision of the database running in a cluster.
513 */
514 modifyClusterDbRevision(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterDbRevisionResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterDbRevisionResult, AWSError>;
515 /**
516 * Modifies the list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that can be used by the cluster to access other AWS services. A cluster can have up to 10 IAM roles associated at any time.
517 */
518 modifyClusterIamRoles(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterIamRolesMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterIamRolesResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterIamRolesResult, AWSError>;
519 /**
520 * Modifies the list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that can be used by the cluster to access other AWS services. A cluster can have up to 10 IAM roles associated at any time.
521 */
522 modifyClusterIamRoles(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterIamRolesResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterIamRolesResult, AWSError>;
523 /**
524 * Modifies the maintenance settings of a cluster. For example, you can defer a maintenance window. You can also update or cancel a deferment.
525 */
526 modifyClusterMaintenance(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterMaintenanceMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterMaintenanceResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterMaintenanceResult, AWSError>;
527 /**
528 * Modifies the maintenance settings of a cluster. For example, you can defer a maintenance window. You can also update or cancel a deferment.
529 */
530 modifyClusterMaintenance(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterMaintenanceResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterMaintenanceResult, AWSError>;
531 /**
532 * Modifies the parameters of a parameter group. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
533 */
534 modifyClusterParameterGroup(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterParameterGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, AWSError>;
535 /**
536 * Modifies the parameters of a parameter group. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
537 */
538 modifyClusterParameterGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, AWSError>;
539 /**
540 * Modifies the settings for a snapshot.
541 */
542 modifyClusterSnapshot(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSnapshotMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
543 /**
544 * Modifies the settings for a snapshot.
545 */
546 modifyClusterSnapshot(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
547 /**
548 * Modifies a snapshot schedule for a cluster.
549 */
550 modifyClusterSnapshotSchedule(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSnapshotScheduleMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
551 /**
552 * Modifies a snapshot schedule for a cluster.
553 */
554 modifyClusterSnapshotSchedule(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
555 /**
556 * Modifies a cluster subnet group to include the specified list of VPC subnets. The operation replaces the existing list of subnets with the new list of subnets.
557 */
558 modifyClusterSubnetGroup(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSubnetGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult, AWSError>;
559 /**
560 * Modifies a cluster subnet group to include the specified list of VPC subnets. The operation replaces the existing list of subnets with the new list of subnets.
561 */
562 modifyClusterSubnetGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult, AWSError>;
563 /**
564 * Modifies an existing Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
565 */
566 modifyEventSubscription(params: Redshift.Types.ModifyEventSubscriptionMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyEventSubscriptionResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyEventSubscriptionResult, AWSError>;
567 /**
568 * Modifies an existing Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
569 */
570 modifyEventSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifyEventSubscriptionResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifyEventSubscriptionResult, AWSError>;
571 /**
572 * Modifies the number of days to retain snapshots in the destination AWS Region after they are copied from the source AWS Region. By default, this operation only changes the retention period of copied automated snapshots. The retention periods for both new and existing copied automated snapshots are updated with the new retention period. You can set the manual option to change only the retention periods of copied manual snapshots. If you set this option, only newly copied manual snapshots have the new retention period.
573 */
574 modifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod(params: Redshift.Types.ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult, AWSError>;
575 /**
576 * Modifies the number of days to retain snapshots in the destination AWS Region after they are copied from the source AWS Region. By default, this operation only changes the retention period of copied automated snapshots. The retention periods for both new and existing copied automated snapshots are updated with the new retention period. You can set the manual option to change only the retention periods of copied manual snapshots. If you set this option, only newly copied manual snapshots have the new retention period.
577 */
578 modifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriod(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult, AWSError>;
579 /**
580 * Modifies a snapshot schedule. Any schedule associated with a cluster is modified asynchronously.
581 */
582 modifySnapshotSchedule(params: Redshift.Types.ModifySnapshotScheduleMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule, AWSError>;
583 /**
584 * Modifies a snapshot schedule. Any schedule associated with a cluster is modified asynchronously.
585 */
586 modifySnapshotSchedule(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotSchedule, AWSError>;
587 /**
588 * Allows you to purchase reserved nodes. Amazon Redshift offers a predefined set of reserved node offerings. You can purchase one or more of the offerings. You can call the DescribeReservedNodeOfferings API to obtain the available reserved node offerings. You can call this API by providing a specific reserved node offering and the number of nodes you want to reserve. For more information about reserved node offerings, go to Purchasing Reserved Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
589 */
590 purchaseReservedNodeOffering(params: Redshift.Types.PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult, AWSError>;
591 /**
592 * Allows you to purchase reserved nodes. Amazon Redshift offers a predefined set of reserved node offerings. You can purchase one or more of the offerings. You can call the DescribeReservedNodeOfferings API to obtain the available reserved node offerings. You can call this API by providing a specific reserved node offering and the number of nodes you want to reserve. For more information about reserved node offerings, go to Purchasing Reserved Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
593 */
594 purchaseReservedNodeOffering(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult, AWSError>;
595 /**
596 * Reboots a cluster. This action is taken as soon as possible. It results in a momentary outage to the cluster, during which the cluster status is set to rebooting. A cluster event is created when the reboot is completed. Any pending cluster modifications (see ModifyCluster) are applied at this reboot. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
597 */
598 rebootCluster(params: Redshift.Types.RebootClusterMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RebootClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RebootClusterResult, AWSError>;
599 /**
600 * Reboots a cluster. This action is taken as soon as possible. It results in a momentary outage to the cluster, during which the cluster status is set to rebooting. A cluster event is created when the reboot is completed. Any pending cluster modifications (see ModifyCluster) are applied at this reboot. For more information about managing clusters, go to Amazon Redshift Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
601 */
602 rebootCluster(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RebootClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RebootClusterResult, AWSError>;
603 /**
604 * Sets one or more parameters of the specified parameter group to their default values and sets the source values of the parameters to "engine-default". To reset the entire parameter group specify the ResetAllParameters parameter. For parameter changes to take effect you must reboot any associated clusters.
605 */
606 resetClusterParameterGroup(params: Redshift.Types.ResetClusterParameterGroupMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, AWSError>;
607 /**
608 * Sets one or more parameters of the specified parameter group to their default values and sets the source values of the parameters to "engine-default". To reset the entire parameter group specify the ResetAllParameters parameter. For parameter changes to take effect you must reboot any associated clusters.
609 */
610 resetClusterParameterGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage, AWSError>;
611 /**
612 * Changes the size of the cluster. You can change the cluster's type, or change the number or type of nodes. The default behavior is to use the elastic resize method. With an elastic resize, your cluster is available for read and write operations more quickly than with the classic resize method. Elastic resize operations have the following restrictions: You can only resize clusters of the following types: dc2.large dc2.8xlarge ds2.xlarge ds2.8xlarge The type of nodes that you add must match the node type for the cluster.
613 */
614 resizeCluster(params: Redshift.Types.ResizeClusterMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ResizeClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ResizeClusterResult, AWSError>;
615 /**
616 * Changes the size of the cluster. You can change the cluster's type, or change the number or type of nodes. The default behavior is to use the elastic resize method. With an elastic resize, your cluster is available for read and write operations more quickly than with the classic resize method. Elastic resize operations have the following restrictions: You can only resize clusters of the following types: dc2.large dc2.8xlarge ds2.xlarge ds2.8xlarge The type of nodes that you add must match the node type for the cluster.
617 */
618 resizeCluster(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ResizeClusterResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ResizeClusterResult, AWSError>;
619 /**
620 * Creates a new cluster from a snapshot. By default, Amazon Redshift creates the resulting cluster with the same configuration as the original cluster from which the snapshot was created, except that the new cluster is created with the default cluster security and parameter groups. After Amazon Redshift creates the cluster, you can use the ModifyCluster API to associate a different security group and different parameter group with the restored cluster. If you are using a DS node type, you can also choose to change to another DS node type of the same size during restore. If you restore a cluster into a VPC, you must provide a cluster subnet group where you want the cluster restored. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
621 */
622 restoreFromClusterSnapshot(params: Redshift.Types.RestoreFromClusterSnapshotMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
623 /**
624 * Creates a new cluster from a snapshot. By default, Amazon Redshift creates the resulting cluster with the same configuration as the original cluster from which the snapshot was created, except that the new cluster is created with the default cluster security and parameter groups. After Amazon Redshift creates the cluster, you can use the ModifyCluster API to associate a different security group and different parameter group with the restored cluster. If you are using a DS node type, you can also choose to change to another DS node type of the same size during restore. If you restore a cluster into a VPC, you must provide a cluster subnet group where you want the cluster restored. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
625 */
626 restoreFromClusterSnapshot(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
627 /**
628 * Creates a new table from a table in an Amazon Redshift cluster snapshot. You must create the new table within the Amazon Redshift cluster that the snapshot was taken from. You cannot use RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot to restore a table with the same name as an existing table in an Amazon Redshift cluster. That is, you cannot overwrite an existing table in a cluster with a restored table. If you want to replace your original table with a new, restored table, then rename or drop your original table before you call RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot. When you have renamed your original table, then you can pass the original name of the table as the NewTableName parameter value in the call to RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot. This way, you can replace the original table with the table created from the snapshot.
629 */
630 restoreTableFromClusterSnapshot(params: Redshift.Types.RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
631 /**
632 * Creates a new table from a table in an Amazon Redshift cluster snapshot. You must create the new table within the Amazon Redshift cluster that the snapshot was taken from. You cannot use RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot to restore a table with the same name as an existing table in an Amazon Redshift cluster. That is, you cannot overwrite an existing table in a cluster with a restored table. If you want to replace your original table with a new, restored table, then rename or drop your original table before you call RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot. When you have renamed your original table, then you can pass the original name of the table as the NewTableName parameter value in the call to RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshot. This way, you can replace the original table with the table created from the snapshot.
633 */
634 restoreTableFromClusterSnapshot(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotResult, AWSError>;
635 /**
636 * Revokes an ingress rule in an Amazon Redshift security group for a previously authorized IP range or Amazon EC2 security group. To add an ingress rule, see AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
637 */
638 revokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(params: Redshift.Types.RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult, AWSError>;
639 /**
640 * Revokes an ingress rule in an Amazon Redshift security group for a previously authorized IP range or Amazon EC2 security group. To add an ingress rule, see AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress. For information about managing security groups, go to Amazon Redshift Cluster Security Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
641 */
642 revokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult, AWSError>;
643 /**
644 * Removes the ability of the specified AWS customer account to restore the specified snapshot. If the account is currently restoring the snapshot, the restore will run to completion. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
645 */
646 revokeSnapshotAccess(params: Redshift.Types.RevokeSnapshotAccessMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RevokeSnapshotAccessResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RevokeSnapshotAccessResult, AWSError>;
647 /**
648 * Removes the ability of the specified AWS customer account to restore the specified snapshot. If the account is currently restoring the snapshot, the restore will run to completion. For more information about working with snapshots, go to Amazon Redshift Snapshots in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
649 */
650 revokeSnapshotAccess(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RevokeSnapshotAccessResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RevokeSnapshotAccessResult, AWSError>;
651 /**
652 * Rotates the encryption keys for a cluster.
653 */
654 rotateEncryptionKey(params: Redshift.Types.RotateEncryptionKeyMessage, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RotateEncryptionKeyResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RotateEncryptionKeyResult, AWSError>;
655 /**
656 * Rotates the encryption keys for a cluster.
657 */
658 rotateEncryptionKey(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.RotateEncryptionKeyResult) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.RotateEncryptionKeyResult, AWSError>;
659 /**
660 * Waits for the clusterAvailable state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClustersoperation every 60 seconds (at most 30 times).
661 */
662 waitFor(state: "clusterAvailable", params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClustersMessage & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
663 /**
664 * Waits for the clusterAvailable state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClustersoperation every 60 seconds (at most 30 times).
665 */
666 waitFor(state: "clusterAvailable", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
667 /**
668 * Waits for the clusterDeleted state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClustersoperation every 60 seconds (at most 30 times).
669 */
670 waitFor(state: "clusterDeleted", params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClustersMessage & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
671 /**
672 * Waits for the clusterDeleted state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClustersoperation every 60 seconds (at most 30 times).
673 */
674 waitFor(state: "clusterDeleted", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
675 /**
676 * Waits for the clusterRestored state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClustersoperation every 60 seconds (at most 30 times).
677 */
678 waitFor(state: "clusterRestored", params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClustersMessage & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
679 /**
680 * Waits for the clusterRestored state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClustersoperation every 60 seconds (at most 30 times).
681 */
682 waitFor(state: "clusterRestored", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.ClustersMessage, AWSError>;
683 /**
684 * Waits for the snapshotAvailable state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClusterSnapshotsoperation every 15 seconds (at most 20 times).
685 */
686 waitFor(state: "snapshotAvailable", params: Redshift.Types.DescribeClusterSnapshotsMessage & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage, AWSError>;
687 /**
688 * Waits for the snapshotAvailable state by periodically calling the underlying Redshift.describeClusterSnapshotsoperation every 15 seconds (at most 20 times).
689 */
690 waitFor(state: "snapshotAvailable", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage) => void): Request<Redshift.Types.SnapshotMessage, AWSError>;
692declare namespace Redshift {
693 export interface AcceptReservedNodeExchangeInputMessage {
694 /**
695 * A string representing the node identifier of the DC1 Reserved Node to be exchanged.
696 */
697 ReservedNodeId: String;
698 /**
699 * The unique identifier of the DC2 Reserved Node offering to be used for the exchange. You can obtain the value for the parameter by calling GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferings
700 */
701 TargetReservedNodeOfferingId: String;
702 }
703 export interface AcceptReservedNodeExchangeOutputMessage {
704 ExchangedReservedNode?: ReservedNode;
705 }
706 export interface AccountAttribute {
707 /**
708 * The name of the attribute.
709 */
710 AttributeName?: String;
711 /**
712 * A list of attribute values.
713 */
714 AttributeValues?: AttributeValueList;
715 }
716 export interface AccountAttributeList {
717 /**
718 * A list of attributes assigned to an account.
719 */
720 AccountAttributes?: AttributeList;
721 }
722 export interface AccountWithRestoreAccess {
723 /**
724 * The identifier of an AWS customer account authorized to restore a snapshot.
725 */
726 AccountId?: String;
727 /**
728 * The identifier of an AWS support account authorized to restore a snapshot. For AWS support, the identifier is amazon-redshift-support.
729 */
730 AccountAlias?: String;
731 }
732 export type AccountsWithRestoreAccessList = AccountWithRestoreAccess[];
733 export type AssociatedClusterList = ClusterAssociatedToSchedule[];
734 export type AttributeList = AccountAttribute[];
735 export type AttributeNameList = String[];
736 export type AttributeValueList = AttributeValueTarget[];
737 export interface AttributeValueTarget {
738 /**
739 * The value of the attribute.
740 */
741 AttributeValue?: String;
742 }
743 export interface AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressMessage {
744 /**
745 * The name of the security group to which the ingress rule is added.
746 */
747 ClusterSecurityGroupName: String;
748 /**
749 * The IP range to be added the Amazon Redshift security group.
750 */
751 CIDRIP?: String;
752 /**
753 * The EC2 security group to be added the Amazon Redshift security group.
754 */
755 EC2SecurityGroupName?: String;
756 /**
757 * The AWS account number of the owner of the security group specified by the EC2SecurityGroupName parameter. The AWS Access Key ID is not an acceptable value. Example: 111122223333
758 */
759 EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId?: String;
760 }
761 export interface AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult {
762 ClusterSecurityGroup?: ClusterSecurityGroup;
763 }
764 export interface AuthorizeSnapshotAccessMessage {
765 /**
766 * The identifier of the snapshot the account is authorized to restore.
767 */
768 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
769 /**
770 * The identifier of the cluster the snapshot was created from. This parameter is required if your IAM user has a policy containing a snapshot resource element that specifies anything other than * for the cluster name.
771 */
772 SnapshotClusterIdentifier?: String;
773 /**
774 * The identifier of the AWS customer account authorized to restore the specified snapshot. To share a snapshot with AWS support, specify amazon-redshift-support.
775 */
776 AccountWithRestoreAccess: String;
777 }
778 export interface AuthorizeSnapshotAccessResult {
779 Snapshot?: Snapshot;
780 }
781 export interface AvailabilityZone {
782 /**
783 * The name of the availability zone.
784 */
785 Name?: String;
786 SupportedPlatforms?: SupportedPlatformsList;
787 }
788 export type AvailabilityZoneList = AvailabilityZone[];
789 export interface BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsRequest {
790 /**
791 * A list of identifiers for the snapshots that you want to delete.
792 */
793 Identifiers: DeleteClusterSnapshotMessageList;
794 }
795 export interface BatchDeleteClusterSnapshotsResult {
796 /**
797 * A list of the snapshot identifiers that were deleted.
798 */
799 Resources?: SnapshotIdentifierList;
800 /**
801 * A list of any errors returned.
802 */
803 Errors?: BatchSnapshotOperationErrorList;
804 }
805 export interface BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsMessage {
806 /**
807 * A list of snapshot identifiers you want to modify.
808 */
809 SnapshotIdentifierList: SnapshotIdentifierList;
810 /**
811 * The number of days that a manual snapshot is retained. If you specify the value -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The number must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653. If you decrease the manual snapshot retention period from its current value, existing manual snapshots that fall outside of the new retention period will return an error. If you want to suppress the errors and delete the snapshots, use the force option.
812 */
813 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
814 /**
815 * A boolean value indicating whether to override an exception if the retention period has passed.
816 */
817 Force?: Boolean;
818 }
819 export interface BatchModifyClusterSnapshotsOutputMessage {
820 /**
821 * A list of the snapshots that were modified.
822 */
823 Resources?: SnapshotIdentifierList;
824 /**
825 * A list of any errors returned.
826 */
827 Errors?: BatchSnapshotOperationErrors;
828 }
829 export type BatchSnapshotOperationErrorList = SnapshotErrorMessage[];
830 export type BatchSnapshotOperationErrors = SnapshotErrorMessage[];
831 export type Boolean = boolean;
832 export type BooleanOptional = boolean;
833 export interface CancelResizeMessage {
834 /**
835 * The unique identifier for the cluster that you want to cancel a resize operation for.
836 */
837 ClusterIdentifier: String;
838 }
839 export interface Cluster {
840 /**
841 * The unique identifier of the cluster.
842 */
843 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
844 /**
845 * The node type for the nodes in the cluster.
846 */
847 NodeType?: String;
848 /**
849 * The current state of the cluster. Possible values are the following: available available, prep-for-resize available, resize-cleanup cancelling-resize creating deleting final-snapshot hardware-failure incompatible-hsm incompatible-network incompatible-parameters incompatible-restore modifying rebooting renaming resizing rotating-keys storage-full updating-hsm
850 */
851 ClusterStatus?: String;
852 /**
853 * The status of a modify operation, if any, initiated for the cluster.
854 */
855 ModifyStatus?: String;
856 /**
857 * The master user name for the cluster. This name is used to connect to the database that is specified in the DBName parameter.
858 */
859 MasterUsername?: String;
860 /**
861 * The name of the initial database that was created when the cluster was created. This same name is returned for the life of the cluster. If an initial database was not specified, a database named devdev was created by default.
862 */
863 DBName?: String;
864 /**
865 * The connection endpoint.
866 */
867 Endpoint?: Endpoint;
868 /**
869 * The date and time that the cluster was created.
870 */
871 ClusterCreateTime?: TStamp;
872 /**
873 * The number of days that automatic cluster snapshots are retained.
874 */
875 AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: Integer;
876 /**
877 * The default number of days to retain a manual snapshot. If the value is -1, the snapshot is retained indefinitely. This setting doesn't change the retention period of existing snapshots. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653.
878 */
879 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: Integer;
880 /**
881 * A list of cluster security group that are associated with the cluster. Each security group is represented by an element that contains ClusterSecurityGroup.Name and ClusterSecurityGroup.Status subelements. Cluster security groups are used when the cluster is not created in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Clusters that are created in a VPC use VPC security groups, which are listed by the VpcSecurityGroups parameter.
882 */
883 ClusterSecurityGroups?: ClusterSecurityGroupMembershipList;
884 /**
885 * A list of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) security groups that are associated with the cluster. This parameter is returned only if the cluster is in a VPC.
886 */
887 VpcSecurityGroups?: VpcSecurityGroupMembershipList;
888 /**
889 * The list of cluster parameter groups that are associated with this cluster. Each parameter group in the list is returned with its status.
890 */
891 ClusterParameterGroups?: ClusterParameterGroupStatusList;
892 /**
893 * The name of the subnet group that is associated with the cluster. This parameter is valid only when the cluster is in a VPC.
894 */
895 ClusterSubnetGroupName?: String;
896 /**
897 * The identifier of the VPC the cluster is in, if the cluster is in a VPC.
898 */
899 VpcId?: String;
900 /**
901 * The name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located.
902 */
903 AvailabilityZone?: String;
904 /**
905 * The weekly time range, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), during which system maintenance can occur.
906 */
907 PreferredMaintenanceWindow?: String;
908 /**
909 * A value that, if present, indicates that changes to the cluster are pending. Specific pending changes are identified by subelements.
910 */
911 PendingModifiedValues?: PendingModifiedValues;
912 /**
913 * The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster.
914 */
915 ClusterVersion?: String;
916 /**
917 * A boolean value that, if true, indicates that major version upgrades will be applied automatically to the cluster during the maintenance window.
918 */
919 AllowVersionUpgrade?: Boolean;
920 /**
921 * The number of compute nodes in the cluster.
922 */
923 NumberOfNodes?: Integer;
924 /**
925 * A boolean value that, if true, indicates that the cluster can be accessed from a public network.
926 */
927 PubliclyAccessible?: Boolean;
928 /**
929 * A boolean value that, if true, indicates that data in the cluster is encrypted at rest.
930 */
931 Encrypted?: Boolean;
932 /**
933 * A value that describes the status of a cluster restore action. This parameter returns null if the cluster was not created by restoring a snapshot.
934 */
935 RestoreStatus?: RestoreStatus;
936 DataTransferProgress?: DataTransferProgress;
937 /**
938 * A value that reports whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any hardware security module (HSM) settings changes specified in a modify cluster command. Values: active, applying
939 */
940 HsmStatus?: HsmStatus;
941 /**
942 * A value that returns the destination region and retention period that are configured for cross-region snapshot copy.
943 */
944 ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus?: ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus;
945 /**
946 * The public key for the cluster.
947 */
948 ClusterPublicKey?: String;
949 /**
950 * The nodes in the cluster.
951 */
952 ClusterNodes?: ClusterNodesList;
953 /**
954 * The status of the elastic IP (EIP) address.
955 */
956 ElasticIpStatus?: ElasticIpStatus;
957 /**
958 * The specific revision number of the database in the cluster.
959 */
960 ClusterRevisionNumber?: String;
961 /**
962 * The list of tags for the cluster.
963 */
964 Tags?: TagList;
965 /**
966 * The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key ID of the encryption key used to encrypt data in the cluster.
967 */
968 KmsKeyId?: String;
969 /**
970 * An option that specifies whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. To create a cluster that uses enhanced VPC routing, the cluster must be in a VPC. For more information, see Enhanced VPC Routing in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If this option is true, enhanced VPC routing is enabled. Default: false
971 */
972 EnhancedVpcRouting?: Boolean;
973 /**
974 * A list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that can be used by the cluster to access other AWS services.
975 */
976 IamRoles?: ClusterIamRoleList;
977 /**
978 * Cluster operations that are waiting to be started.
979 */
980 PendingActions?: PendingActionsList;
981 /**
982 * The name of the maintenance track for the cluster.
983 */
984 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
985 /**
986 * The number of nodes that you can resize the cluster to with the elastic resize method.
987 */
988 ElasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions?: String;
989 /**
990 * Describes a group of DeferredMaintenanceWindow objects.
991 */
992 DeferredMaintenanceWindows?: DeferredMaintenanceWindowsList;
993 /**
994 * A unique identifier for the cluster snapshot schedule.
995 */
996 SnapshotScheduleIdentifier?: String;
997 /**
998 * The current state of the cluster snapshot schedule.
999 */
1000 SnapshotScheduleState?: ScheduleState;
1001 /**
1002 * Returns the following: AllowCancelResize: a boolean value indicating if the resize operation can be cancelled. ResizeType: Returns ClassicResize
1003 */
1004 ResizeInfo?: ResizeInfo;
1005 }
1006 export interface ClusterAssociatedToSchedule {
1007 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
1008 ScheduleAssociationState?: ScheduleState;
1009 }
1010 export interface ClusterCredentials {
1011 /**
1012 * A database user name that is authorized to log on to the database DbName using the password DbPassword. If the specified DbUser exists in the database, the new user name has the same database privileges as the the user named in DbUser. By default, the user is added to PUBLIC. If the DbGroups parameter is specifed, DbUser is added to the listed groups for any sessions created using these credentials.
1013 */
1014 DbUser?: String;
1015 /**
1016 * A temporary password that authorizes the user name returned by DbUser to log on to the database DbName.
1017 */
1018 DbPassword?: SensitiveString;
1019 /**
1020 * The date and time the password in DbPassword expires.
1021 */
1022 Expiration?: TStamp;
1023 }
1024 export interface ClusterDbRevision {
1025 /**
1026 * The unique identifier of the cluster.
1027 */
1028 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
1029 /**
1030 * A string representing the current cluster version.
1031 */
1032 CurrentDatabaseRevision?: String;
1033 /**
1034 * The date on which the database revision was released.
1035 */
1036 DatabaseRevisionReleaseDate?: TStamp;
1037 /**
1038 * A list of RevisionTarget objects, where each object describes the database revision that a cluster can be updated to.
1039 */
1040 RevisionTargets?: RevisionTargetsList;
1041 }
1042 export type ClusterDbRevisionsList = ClusterDbRevision[];
1043 export interface ClusterDbRevisionsMessage {
1044 /**
1045 * A string representing the starting point for the next set of revisions. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of revisions by providing the value in the marker parameter and retrying the command. If the marker field is empty, all revisions have already been returned.
1046 */
1047 Marker?: String;
1048 /**
1049 * A list of revisions.
1050 */
1051 ClusterDbRevisions?: ClusterDbRevisionsList;
1052 }
1053 export interface ClusterIamRole {
1054 /**
1055 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role, for example, arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/RedshiftCopyUnload.
1056 */
1057 IamRoleArn?: String;
1058 /**
1059 * A value that describes the status of the IAM role's association with an Amazon Redshift cluster. The following are possible statuses and descriptions. in-sync: The role is available for use by the cluster. adding: The role is in the process of being associated with the cluster. removing: The role is in the process of being disassociated with the cluster.
1060 */
1061 ApplyStatus?: String;
1062 }
1063 export type ClusterIamRoleList = ClusterIamRole[];
1064 export type ClusterList = Cluster[];
1065 export interface ClusterNode {
1066 /**
1067 * Whether the node is a leader node or a compute node.
1068 */
1069 NodeRole?: String;
1070 /**
1071 * The private IP address of a node within a cluster.
1072 */
1073 PrivateIPAddress?: String;
1074 /**
1075 * The public IP address of a node within a cluster.
1076 */
1077 PublicIPAddress?: String;
1078 }
1079 export type ClusterNodesList = ClusterNode[];
1080 export interface ClusterParameterGroup {
1081 /**
1082 * The name of the cluster parameter group.
1083 */
1084 ParameterGroupName?: String;
1085 /**
1086 * The name of the cluster parameter group family that this cluster parameter group is compatible with.
1087 */
1088 ParameterGroupFamily?: String;
1089 /**
1090 * The description of the parameter group.
1091 */
1092 Description?: String;
1093 /**
1094 * The list of tags for the cluster parameter group.
1095 */
1096 Tags?: TagList;
1097 }
1098 export interface ClusterParameterGroupDetails {
1099 /**
1100 * A list of Parameter instances. Each instance lists the parameters of one cluster parameter group.
1101 */
1102 Parameters?: ParametersList;
1103 /**
1104 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1105 */
1106 Marker?: String;
1107 }
1108 export interface ClusterParameterGroupNameMessage {
1109 /**
1110 * The name of the cluster parameter group.
1111 */
1112 ParameterGroupName?: String;
1113 /**
1114 * The status of the parameter group. For example, if you made a change to a parameter group name-value pair, then the change could be pending a reboot of an associated cluster.
1115 */
1116 ParameterGroupStatus?: String;
1117 }
1118 export interface ClusterParameterGroupStatus {
1119 /**
1120 * The name of the cluster parameter group.
1121 */
1122 ParameterGroupName?: String;
1123 /**
1124 * The status of parameter updates.
1125 */
1126 ParameterApplyStatus?: String;
1127 /**
1128 * The list of parameter statuses. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
1129 */
1130 ClusterParameterStatusList?: ClusterParameterStatusList;
1131 }
1132 export type ClusterParameterGroupStatusList = ClusterParameterGroupStatus[];
1133 export interface ClusterParameterGroupsMessage {
1134 /**
1135 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1136 */
1137 Marker?: String;
1138 /**
1139 * A list of ClusterParameterGroup instances. Each instance describes one cluster parameter group.
1140 */
1141 ParameterGroups?: ParameterGroupList;
1142 }
1143 export interface ClusterParameterStatus {
1144 /**
1145 * The name of the parameter.
1146 */
1147 ParameterName?: String;
1148 /**
1149 * The status of the parameter that indicates whether the parameter is in sync with the database, waiting for a cluster reboot, or encountered an error when being applied. The following are possible statuses and descriptions. in-sync: The parameter value is in sync with the database. pending-reboot: The parameter value will be applied after the cluster reboots. applying: The parameter value is being applied to the database. invalid-parameter: Cannot apply the parameter value because it has an invalid value or syntax. apply-deferred: The parameter contains static property changes. The changes are deferred until the cluster reboots. apply-error: Cannot connect to the cluster. The parameter change will be applied after the cluster reboots. unknown-error: Cannot apply the parameter change right now. The change will be applied after the cluster reboots.
1150 */
1151 ParameterApplyStatus?: String;
1152 /**
1153 * The error that prevented the parameter from being applied to the database.
1154 */
1155 ParameterApplyErrorDescription?: String;
1156 }
1157 export type ClusterParameterStatusList = ClusterParameterStatus[];
1158 export interface ClusterSecurityGroup {
1159 /**
1160 * The name of the cluster security group to which the operation was applied.
1161 */
1162 ClusterSecurityGroupName?: String;
1163 /**
1164 * A description of the security group.
1165 */
1166 Description?: String;
1167 /**
1168 * A list of EC2 security groups that are permitted to access clusters associated with this cluster security group.
1169 */
1170 EC2SecurityGroups?: EC2SecurityGroupList;
1171 /**
1172 * A list of IP ranges (CIDR blocks) that are permitted to access clusters associated with this cluster security group.
1173 */
1174 IPRanges?: IPRangeList;
1175 /**
1176 * The list of tags for the cluster security group.
1177 */
1178 Tags?: TagList;
1179 }
1180 export interface ClusterSecurityGroupMembership {
1181 /**
1182 * The name of the cluster security group.
1183 */
1184 ClusterSecurityGroupName?: String;
1185 /**
1186 * The status of the cluster security group.
1187 */
1188 Status?: String;
1189 }
1190 export type ClusterSecurityGroupMembershipList = ClusterSecurityGroupMembership[];
1191 export interface ClusterSecurityGroupMessage {
1192 /**
1193 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1194 */
1195 Marker?: String;
1196 /**
1197 * A list of ClusterSecurityGroup instances.
1198 */
1199 ClusterSecurityGroups?: ClusterSecurityGroups;
1200 }
1201 export type ClusterSecurityGroupNameList = String[];
1202 export type ClusterSecurityGroups = ClusterSecurityGroup[];
1203 export interface ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus {
1204 /**
1205 * The destination region that snapshots are automatically copied to when cross-region snapshot copy is enabled.
1206 */
1207 DestinationRegion?: String;
1208 /**
1209 * The number of days that automated snapshots are retained in the destination region after they are copied from a source region.
1210 */
1211 RetentionPeriod?: Long;
1212 /**
1213 * The number of days that automated snapshots are retained in the destination region after they are copied from a source region. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653.
1214 */
1215 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: Integer;
1216 /**
1217 * The name of the snapshot copy grant.
1218 */
1219 SnapshotCopyGrantName?: String;
1220 }
1221 export interface ClusterSubnetGroup {
1222 /**
1223 * The name of the cluster subnet group.
1224 */
1225 ClusterSubnetGroupName?: String;
1226 /**
1227 * The description of the cluster subnet group.
1228 */
1229 Description?: String;
1230 /**
1231 * The VPC ID of the cluster subnet group.
1232 */
1233 VpcId?: String;
1234 /**
1235 * The status of the cluster subnet group. Possible values are Complete, Incomplete and Invalid.
1236 */
1237 SubnetGroupStatus?: String;
1238 /**
1239 * A list of the VPC Subnet elements.
1240 */
1241 Subnets?: SubnetList;
1242 /**
1243 * The list of tags for the cluster subnet group.
1244 */
1245 Tags?: TagList;
1246 }
1247 export interface ClusterSubnetGroupMessage {
1248 /**
1249 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1250 */
1251 Marker?: String;
1252 /**
1253 * A list of ClusterSubnetGroup instances.
1254 */
1255 ClusterSubnetGroups?: ClusterSubnetGroups;
1256 }
1257 export type ClusterSubnetGroups = ClusterSubnetGroup[];
1258 export interface ClusterVersion {
1259 /**
1260 * The version number used by the cluster.
1261 */
1262 ClusterVersion?: String;
1263 /**
1264 * The name of the cluster parameter group family for the cluster.
1265 */
1266 ClusterParameterGroupFamily?: String;
1267 /**
1268 * The description of the cluster version.
1269 */
1270 Description?: String;
1271 }
1272 export type ClusterVersionList = ClusterVersion[];
1273 export interface ClusterVersionsMessage {
1274 /**
1275 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1276 */
1277 Marker?: String;
1278 /**
1279 * A list of Version elements.
1280 */
1281 ClusterVersions?: ClusterVersionList;
1282 }
1283 export interface ClustersMessage {
1284 /**
1285 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1286 */
1287 Marker?: String;
1288 /**
1289 * A list of Cluster objects, where each object describes one cluster.
1290 */
1291 Clusters?: ClusterList;
1292 }
1293 export interface CopyClusterSnapshotMessage {
1294 /**
1295 * The identifier for the source snapshot. Constraints: Must be the identifier for a valid automated snapshot whose state is available.
1296 */
1297 SourceSnapshotIdentifier: String;
1298 /**
1299 * The identifier of the cluster the source snapshot was created from. This parameter is required if your IAM user has a policy containing a snapshot resource element that specifies anything other than * for the cluster name. Constraints: Must be the identifier for a valid cluster.
1300 */
1301 SourceSnapshotClusterIdentifier?: String;
1302 /**
1303 * The identifier given to the new manual snapshot. Constraints: Cannot be null, empty, or blank. Must contain from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. Must be unique for the AWS account that is making the request.
1304 */
1305 TargetSnapshotIdentifier: String;
1306 /**
1307 * The number of days that a manual snapshot is retained. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653. The default value is -1.
1308 */
1309 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
1310 }
1311 export interface CopyClusterSnapshotResult {
1312 Snapshot?: Snapshot;
1313 }
1314 export interface CreateClusterMessage {
1315 /**
1316 * The name of the first database to be created when the cluster is created. To create additional databases after the cluster is created, connect to the cluster with a SQL client and use SQL commands to create a database. For more information, go to Create a Database in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide. Default: dev Constraints: Must contain 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters. Must contain only lowercase letters. Cannot be a word that is reserved by the service. A list of reserved words can be found in Reserved Words in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
1317 */
1318 DBName?: String;
1319 /**
1320 * A unique identifier for the cluster. You use this identifier to refer to the cluster for any subsequent cluster operations such as deleting or modifying. The identifier also appears in the Amazon Redshift console. Constraints: Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Alphabetic characters must be lowercase. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. Must be unique for all clusters within an AWS account. Example: myexamplecluster
1321 */
1322 ClusterIdentifier: String;
1323 /**
1324 * The type of the cluster. When cluster type is specified as single-node, the NumberOfNodes parameter is not required. multi-node, the NumberOfNodes parameter is required. Valid Values: multi-node | single-node Default: multi-node
1325 */
1326 ClusterType?: String;
1327 /**
1328 * The node type to be provisioned for the cluster. For information about node types, go to Working with Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. Valid Values: ds2.xlarge | ds2.8xlarge | ds2.xlarge | ds2.8xlarge | dc1.large | dc1.8xlarge | dc2.large | dc2.8xlarge
1329 */
1330 NodeType: String;
1331 /**
1332 * The user name associated with the master user account for the cluster that is being created. Constraints: Must be 1 - 128 alphanumeric characters. The user name can't be PUBLIC. First character must be a letter. Cannot be a reserved word. A list of reserved words can be found in Reserved Words in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
1333 */
1334 MasterUsername: String;
1335 /**
1336 * The password associated with the master user account for the cluster that is being created. Constraints: Must be between 8 and 64 characters in length. Must contain at least one uppercase letter. Must contain at least one lowercase letter. Must contain one number. Can be any printable ASCII character (ASCII code 33 to 126) except ' (single quote), " (double quote), \, /, @, or space.
1337 */
1338 MasterUserPassword: String;
1339 /**
1340 * A list of security groups to be associated with this cluster. Default: The default cluster security group for Amazon Redshift.
1341 */
1342 ClusterSecurityGroups?: ClusterSecurityGroupNameList;
1343 /**
1344 * A list of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups to be associated with the cluster. Default: The default VPC security group is associated with the cluster.
1345 */
1346 VpcSecurityGroupIds?: VpcSecurityGroupIdList;
1347 /**
1348 * The name of a cluster subnet group to be associated with this cluster. If this parameter is not provided the resulting cluster will be deployed outside virtual private cloud (VPC).
1349 */
1350 ClusterSubnetGroupName?: String;
1351 /**
1352 * The EC2 Availability Zone (AZ) in which you want Amazon Redshift to provision the cluster. For example, if you have several EC2 instances running in a specific Availability Zone, then you might want the cluster to be provisioned in the same zone in order to decrease network latency. Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the region that is specified by the endpoint. Example: us-east-1d Constraint: The specified Availability Zone must be in the same region as the current endpoint.
1353 */
1354 AvailabilityZone?: String;
1355 /**
1356 * The weekly time range (in UTC) during which automated cluster maintenance can occur. Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time per region, occurring on a random day of the week. For more information about the time blocks for each region, see Maintenance Windows in Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. Valid Days: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.
1357 */
1358 PreferredMaintenanceWindow?: String;
1359 /**
1360 * The name of the parameter group to be associated with this cluster. Default: The default Amazon Redshift cluster parameter group. For information about the default parameter group, go to Working with Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups Constraints: Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
1361 */
1362 ClusterParameterGroupName?: String;
1363 /**
1364 * The number of days that automated snapshots are retained. If the value is 0, automated snapshots are disabled. Even if automated snapshots are disabled, you can still create manual snapshots when you want with CreateClusterSnapshot. Default: 1 Constraints: Must be a value from 0 to 35.
1365 */
1366 AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
1367 /**
1368 * The default number of days to retain a manual snapshot. If the value is -1, the snapshot is retained indefinitely. This setting doesn't change the retention period of existing snapshots. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653.
1369 */
1370 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
1371 /**
1372 * The port number on which the cluster accepts incoming connections. The cluster is accessible only via the JDBC and ODBC connection strings. Part of the connection string requires the port on which the cluster will listen for incoming connections. Default: 5439 Valid Values: 1150-65535
1373 */
1374 Port?: IntegerOptional;
1375 /**
1376 * The version of the Amazon Redshift engine software that you want to deploy on the cluster. The version selected runs on all the nodes in the cluster. Constraints: Only version 1.0 is currently available. Example: 1.0
1377 */
1378 ClusterVersion?: String;
1379 /**
1380 * If true, major version upgrades can be applied during the maintenance window to the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster. When a new major version of the Amazon Redshift engine is released, you can request that the service automatically apply upgrades during the maintenance window to the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on your cluster. Default: true
1381 */
1382 AllowVersionUpgrade?: BooleanOptional;
1383 /**
1384 * The number of compute nodes in the cluster. This parameter is required when the ClusterType parameter is specified as multi-node. For information about determining how many nodes you need, go to Working with Clusters in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If you don't specify this parameter, you get a single-node cluster. When requesting a multi-node cluster, you must specify the number of nodes that you want in the cluster. Default: 1 Constraints: Value must be at least 1 and no more than 100.
1385 */
1386 NumberOfNodes?: IntegerOptional;
1387 /**
1388 * If true, the cluster can be accessed from a public network.
1389 */
1390 PubliclyAccessible?: BooleanOptional;
1391 /**
1392 * If true, the data in the cluster is encrypted at rest. Default: false
1393 */
1394 Encrypted?: BooleanOptional;
1395 /**
1396 * Specifies the name of the HSM client certificate the Amazon Redshift cluster uses to retrieve the data encryption keys stored in an HSM.
1397 */
1398 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier?: String;
1399 /**
1400 * Specifies the name of the HSM configuration that contains the information the Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM.
1401 */
1402 HsmConfigurationIdentifier?: String;
1403 /**
1404 * The Elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster. Constraints: The cluster must be provisioned in EC2-VPC and publicly-accessible through an Internet gateway. For more information about provisioning clusters in EC2-VPC, go to Supported Platforms to Launch Your Cluster in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
1405 */
1406 ElasticIp?: String;
1407 /**
1408 * A list of tag instances.
1409 */
1410 Tags?: TagList;
1411 /**
1412 * The AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID of the encryption key that you want to use to encrypt data in the cluster.
1413 */
1414 KmsKeyId?: String;
1415 /**
1416 * An option that specifies whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. To create a cluster that uses enhanced VPC routing, the cluster must be in a VPC. For more information, see Enhanced VPC Routing in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If this option is true, enhanced VPC routing is enabled. Default: false
1417 */
1418 EnhancedVpcRouting?: BooleanOptional;
1419 /**
1420 * Reserved.
1421 */
1422 AdditionalInfo?: String;
1423 /**
1424 * A list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that can be used by the cluster to access other AWS services. You must supply the IAM roles in their Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format. You can supply up to 10 IAM roles in a single request. A cluster can have up to 10 IAM roles associated with it at any time.
1425 */
1426 IamRoles?: IamRoleArnList;
1427 /**
1428 * An optional parameter for the name of the maintenance track for the cluster. If you don't provide a maintenance track name, the cluster is assigned to the current track.
1429 */
1430 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
1431 /**
1432 * A unique identifier for the snapshot schedule.
1433 */
1434 SnapshotScheduleIdentifier?: String;
1435 }
1436 export interface CreateClusterParameterGroupMessage {
1437 /**
1438 * The name of the cluster parameter group. Constraints: Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. Must be unique withing your AWS account. This value is stored as a lower-case string.
1439 */
1440 ParameterGroupName: String;
1441 /**
1442 * The Amazon Redshift engine version to which the cluster parameter group applies. The cluster engine version determines the set of parameters. To get a list of valid parameter group family names, you can call DescribeClusterParameterGroups. By default, Amazon Redshift returns a list of all the parameter groups that are owned by your AWS account, including the default parameter groups for each Amazon Redshift engine version. The parameter group family names associated with the default parameter groups provide you the valid values. For example, a valid family name is "redshift-1.0".
1443 */
1444 ParameterGroupFamily: String;
1445 /**
1446 * A description of the parameter group.
1447 */
1448 Description: String;
1449 /**
1450 * A list of tag instances.
1451 */
1452 Tags?: TagList;
1453 }
1454 export interface CreateClusterParameterGroupResult {
1455 ClusterParameterGroup?: ClusterParameterGroup;
1456 }
1457 export interface CreateClusterResult {
1458 Cluster?: Cluster;
1459 }
1460 export interface CreateClusterSecurityGroupMessage {
1461 /**
1462 * The name for the security group. Amazon Redshift stores the value as a lowercase string. Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Must not be "Default". Must be unique for all security groups that are created by your AWS account. Example: examplesecuritygroup
1463 */
1464 ClusterSecurityGroupName: String;
1465 /**
1466 * A description for the security group.
1467 */
1468 Description: String;
1469 /**
1470 * A list of tag instances.
1471 */
1472 Tags?: TagList;
1473 }
1474 export interface CreateClusterSecurityGroupResult {
1475 ClusterSecurityGroup?: ClusterSecurityGroup;
1476 }
1477 export interface CreateClusterSnapshotMessage {
1478 /**
1479 * A unique identifier for the snapshot that you are requesting. This identifier must be unique for all snapshots within the AWS account. Constraints: Cannot be null, empty, or blank Must contain from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens First character must be a letter Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens Example: my-snapshot-id
1480 */
1481 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
1482 /**
1483 * The cluster identifier for which you want a snapshot.
1484 */
1485 ClusterIdentifier: String;
1486 /**
1487 * The number of days that a manual snapshot is retained. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653. The default value is -1.
1488 */
1489 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
1490 /**
1491 * A list of tag instances.
1492 */
1493 Tags?: TagList;
1494 }
1495 export interface CreateClusterSnapshotResult {
1496 Snapshot?: Snapshot;
1497 }
1498 export interface CreateClusterSubnetGroupMessage {
1499 /**
1500 * The name for the subnet group. Amazon Redshift stores the value as a lowercase string. Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Must not be "Default". Must be unique for all subnet groups that are created by your AWS account. Example: examplesubnetgroup
1501 */
1502 ClusterSubnetGroupName: String;
1503 /**
1504 * A description for the subnet group.
1505 */
1506 Description: String;
1507 /**
1508 * An array of VPC subnet IDs. A maximum of 20 subnets can be modified in a single request.
1509 */
1510 SubnetIds: SubnetIdentifierList;
1511 /**
1512 * A list of tag instances.
1513 */
1514 Tags?: TagList;
1515 }
1516 export interface CreateClusterSubnetGroupResult {
1517 ClusterSubnetGroup?: ClusterSubnetGroup;
1518 }
1519 export interface CreateEventSubscriptionMessage {
1520 /**
1521 * The name of the event subscription to be created. Constraints: Cannot be null, empty, or blank. Must contain from 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
1522 */
1523 SubscriptionName: String;
1524 /**
1525 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic used to transmit the event notifications. The ARN is created by Amazon SNS when you create a topic and subscribe to it.
1526 */
1527 SnsTopicArn: String;
1528 /**
1529 * The type of source that will be generating the events. For example, if you want to be notified of events generated by a cluster, you would set this parameter to cluster. If this value is not specified, events are returned for all Amazon Redshift objects in your AWS account. You must specify a source type in order to specify source IDs. Valid values: cluster, cluster-parameter-group, cluster-security-group, and cluster-snapshot.
1530 */
1531 SourceType?: String;
1532 /**
1533 * A list of one or more identifiers of Amazon Redshift source objects. All of the objects must be of the same type as was specified in the source type parameter. The event subscription will return only events generated by the specified objects. If not specified, then events are returned for all objects within the source type specified. Example: my-cluster-1, my-cluster-2 Example: my-snapshot-20131010
1534 */
1535 SourceIds?: SourceIdsList;
1536 /**
1537 * Specifies the Amazon Redshift event categories to be published by the event notification subscription. Values: configuration, management, monitoring, security
1538 */
1539 EventCategories?: EventCategoriesList;
1540 /**
1541 * Specifies the Amazon Redshift event severity to be published by the event notification subscription. Values: ERROR, INFO
1542 */
1543 Severity?: String;
1544 /**
1545 * A boolean value; set to true to activate the subscription, and set to false to create the subscription but not activate it.
1546 */
1547 Enabled?: BooleanOptional;
1548 /**
1549 * A list of tag instances.
1550 */
1551 Tags?: TagList;
1552 }
1553 export interface CreateEventSubscriptionResult {
1554 EventSubscription?: EventSubscription;
1555 }
1556 export interface CreateHsmClientCertificateMessage {
1557 /**
1558 * The identifier to be assigned to the new HSM client certificate that the cluster will use to connect to the HSM to use the database encryption keys.
1559 */
1560 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier: String;
1561 /**
1562 * A list of tag instances.
1563 */
1564 Tags?: TagList;
1565 }
1566 export interface CreateHsmClientCertificateResult {
1567 HsmClientCertificate?: HsmClientCertificate;
1568 }
1569 export interface CreateHsmConfigurationMessage {
1570 /**
1571 * The identifier to be assigned to the new Amazon Redshift HSM configuration.
1572 */
1573 HsmConfigurationIdentifier: String;
1574 /**
1575 * A text description of the HSM configuration to be created.
1576 */
1577 Description: String;
1578 /**
1579 * The IP address that the Amazon Redshift cluster must use to access the HSM.
1580 */
1581 HsmIpAddress: String;
1582 /**
1583 * The name of the partition in the HSM where the Amazon Redshift clusters will store their database encryption keys.
1584 */
1585 HsmPartitionName: String;
1586 /**
1587 * The password required to access the HSM partition.
1588 */
1589 HsmPartitionPassword: String;
1590 /**
1591 * The HSMs public certificate file. When using Cloud HSM, the file name is server.pem.
1592 */
1593 HsmServerPublicCertificate: String;
1594 /**
1595 * A list of tag instances.
1596 */
1597 Tags?: TagList;
1598 }
1599 export interface CreateHsmConfigurationResult {
1600 HsmConfiguration?: HsmConfiguration;
1601 }
1602 export interface CreateSnapshotCopyGrantMessage {
1603 /**
1604 * The name of the snapshot copy grant. This name must be unique in the region for the AWS account. Constraints: Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Alphabetic characters must be lowercase. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. Must be unique for all clusters within an AWS account.
1605 */
1606 SnapshotCopyGrantName: String;
1607 /**
1608 * The unique identifier of the customer master key (CMK) to which to grant Amazon Redshift permission. If no key is specified, the default key is used.
1609 */
1610 KmsKeyId?: String;
1611 /**
1612 * A list of tag instances.
1613 */
1614 Tags?: TagList;
1615 }
1616 export interface CreateSnapshotCopyGrantResult {
1617 SnapshotCopyGrant?: SnapshotCopyGrant;
1618 }
1619 export interface CreateSnapshotScheduleMessage {
1620 /**
1621 * The definition of the snapshot schedule. The definition is made up of schedule expressions, for example "cron(30 12 *)" or "rate(12 hours)".
1622 */
1623 ScheduleDefinitions?: ScheduleDefinitionList;
1624 /**
1625 * A unique identifier for a snapshot schedule. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed for the identifier.
1626 */
1627 ScheduleIdentifier?: String;
1628 /**
1629 * The description of the snapshot schedule.
1630 */
1631 ScheduleDescription?: String;
1632 Tags?: TagList;
1633 DryRun?: BooleanOptional;
1634 NextInvocations?: IntegerOptional;
1635 }
1636 export interface CreateTagsMessage {
1637 /**
1638 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to which you want to add the tag or tags. For example, arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:cluster:t1.
1639 */
1640 ResourceName: String;
1641 /**
1642 * One or more name/value pairs to add as tags to the specified resource. Each tag name is passed in with the parameter Key and the corresponding value is passed in with the parameter Value. The Key and Value parameters are separated by a comma (,). Separate multiple tags with a space. For example, --tags "Key"="owner","Value"="admin" "Key"="environment","Value"="test" "Key"="version","Value"="1.0".
1643 */
1644 Tags: TagList;
1645 }
1646 export interface CustomerStorageMessage {
1647 /**
1648 * The total amount of storage currently used for snapshots.
1649 */
1650 TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes?: Double;
1651 /**
1652 * The total amount of storage currently provisioned.
1653 */
1654 TotalProvisionedStorageInMegaBytes?: Double;
1655 }
1656 export interface DataTransferProgress {
1657 /**
1658 * Describes the status of the cluster. While the transfer is in progress the status is transferringdata.
1659 */
1660 Status?: String;
1661 /**
1662 * Describes the data transfer rate in MB's per second.
1663 */
1664 CurrentRateInMegaBytesPerSecond?: DoubleOptional;
1665 /**
1666 * Describes the total amount of data to be transfered in megabytes.
1667 */
1668 TotalDataInMegaBytes?: Long;
1669 /**
1670 * Describes the total amount of data that has been transfered in MB's.
1671 */
1672 DataTransferredInMegaBytes?: Long;
1673 /**
1674 * Describes the estimated number of seconds remaining to complete the transfer.
1675 */
1676 EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds?: LongOptional;
1677 /**
1678 * Describes the number of seconds that have elapsed during the data transfer.
1679 */
1680 ElapsedTimeInSeconds?: LongOptional;
1681 }
1682 export type DbGroupList = String[];
1683 export interface DefaultClusterParameters {
1684 /**
1685 * The name of the cluster parameter group family to which the engine default parameters apply.
1686 */
1687 ParameterGroupFamily?: String;
1688 /**
1689 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
1690 */
1691 Marker?: String;
1692 /**
1693 * The list of cluster default parameters.
1694 */
1695 Parameters?: ParametersList;
1696 }
1697 export interface DeferredMaintenanceWindow {
1698 /**
1699 * A unique identifier for the maintenance window.
1700 */
1701 DeferMaintenanceIdentifier?: String;
1702 /**
1703 * A timestamp for the beginning of the time period when we defer maintenance.
1704 */
1705 DeferMaintenanceStartTime?: TStamp;
1706 /**
1707 * A timestamp for the end of the time period when we defer maintenance.
1708 */
1709 DeferMaintenanceEndTime?: TStamp;
1710 }
1711 export type DeferredMaintenanceWindowsList = DeferredMaintenanceWindow[];
1712 export interface DeleteClusterMessage {
1713 /**
1714 * The identifier of the cluster to be deleted. Constraints: Must contain lowercase characters. Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
1715 */
1716 ClusterIdentifier: String;
1717 /**
1718 * Determines whether a final snapshot of the cluster is created before Amazon Redshift deletes the cluster. If true, a final cluster snapshot is not created. If false, a final cluster snapshot is created before the cluster is deleted. The FinalClusterSnapshotIdentifier parameter must be specified if SkipFinalClusterSnapshot is false. Default: false
1719 */
1720 SkipFinalClusterSnapshot?: Boolean;
1721 /**
1722 * The identifier of the final snapshot that is to be created immediately before deleting the cluster. If this parameter is provided, SkipFinalClusterSnapshot must be false. Constraints: Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
1723 */
1724 FinalClusterSnapshotIdentifier?: String;
1725 /**
1726 * The number of days that a manual snapshot is retained. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653. The default value is -1.
1727 */
1728 FinalClusterSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
1729 }
1730 export interface DeleteClusterParameterGroupMessage {
1731 /**
1732 * The name of the parameter group to be deleted. Constraints: Must be the name of an existing cluster parameter group. Cannot delete a default cluster parameter group.
1733 */
1734 ParameterGroupName: String;
1735 }
1736 export interface DeleteClusterResult {
1737 Cluster?: Cluster;
1738 }
1739 export interface DeleteClusterSecurityGroupMessage {
1740 /**
1741 * The name of the cluster security group to be deleted.
1742 */
1743 ClusterSecurityGroupName: String;
1744 }
1745 export interface DeleteClusterSnapshotMessage {
1746 /**
1747 * The unique identifier of the manual snapshot to be deleted. Constraints: Must be the name of an existing snapshot that is in the available, failed, or cancelled state.
1748 */
1749 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
1750 /**
1751 * The unique identifier of the cluster the snapshot was created from. This parameter is required if your IAM user has a policy containing a snapshot resource element that specifies anything other than * for the cluster name. Constraints: Must be the name of valid cluster.
1752 */
1753 SnapshotClusterIdentifier?: String;
1754 }
1755 export type DeleteClusterSnapshotMessageList = DeleteClusterSnapshotMessage[];
1756 export interface DeleteClusterSnapshotResult {
1757 Snapshot?: Snapshot;
1758 }
1759 export interface DeleteClusterSubnetGroupMessage {
1760 /**
1761 * The name of the cluster subnet group name to be deleted.
1762 */
1763 ClusterSubnetGroupName: String;
1764 }
1765 export interface DeleteEventSubscriptionMessage {
1766 /**
1767 * The name of the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription to be deleted.
1768 */
1769 SubscriptionName: String;
1770 }
1771 export interface DeleteHsmClientCertificateMessage {
1772 /**
1773 * The identifier of the HSM client certificate to be deleted.
1774 */
1775 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier: String;
1776 }
1777 export interface DeleteHsmConfigurationMessage {
1778 /**
1779 * The identifier of the Amazon Redshift HSM configuration to be deleted.
1780 */
1781 HsmConfigurationIdentifier: String;
1782 }
1783 export interface DeleteSnapshotCopyGrantMessage {
1784 /**
1785 * The name of the snapshot copy grant to delete.
1786 */
1787 SnapshotCopyGrantName: String;
1788 }
1789 export interface DeleteSnapshotScheduleMessage {
1790 /**
1791 * A unique identifier of the snapshot schedule to delete.
1792 */
1793 ScheduleIdentifier: String;
1794 }
1795 export interface DeleteTagsMessage {
1796 /**
1797 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) from which you want to remove the tag or tags. For example, arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:cluster:t1.
1798 */
1799 ResourceName: String;
1800 /**
1801 * The tag key that you want to delete.
1802 */
1803 TagKeys: TagKeyList;
1804 }
1805 export interface DescribeAccountAttributesMessage {
1806 /**
1807 * A list of attribute names.
1808 */
1809 AttributeNames?: AttributeNameList;
1810 }
1811 export interface DescribeClusterDbRevisionsMessage {
1812 /**
1813 * A unique identifier for a cluster whose ClusterDbRevisions you are requesting. This parameter is case sensitive. All clusters defined for an account are returned by default.
1814 */
1815 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
1816 /**
1817 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in the marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the marker parameter and retrying the request. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1818 */
1819 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1820 /**
1821 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point for returning a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterDbRevisions request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, Amazon Redshift returns a value in the marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the marker parameter and retrying the request. Constraints: You can specify either the ClusterIdentifier parameter, or the marker parameter, but not both.
1822 */
1823 Marker?: String;
1824 }
1825 export interface DescribeClusterParameterGroupsMessage {
1826 /**
1827 * The name of a specific parameter group for which to return details. By default, details about all parameter groups and the default parameter group are returned.
1828 */
1829 ParameterGroupName?: String;
1830 /**
1831 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1832 */
1833 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1834 /**
1835 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterParameterGroups request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
1836 */
1837 Marker?: String;
1838 /**
1839 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching cluster parameter groups that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have parameter groups that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the parameter groups that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
1840 */
1841 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
1842 /**
1843 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching cluster parameter groups that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have parameter groups that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the parameter groups that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
1844 */
1845 TagValues?: TagValueList;
1846 }
1847 export interface DescribeClusterParametersMessage {
1848 /**
1849 * The name of a cluster parameter group for which to return details.
1850 */
1851 ParameterGroupName: String;
1852 /**
1853 * The parameter types to return. Specify user to show parameters that are different form the default. Similarly, specify engine-default to show parameters that are the same as the default parameter group. Default: All parameter types returned. Valid Values: user | engine-default
1854 */
1855 Source?: String;
1856 /**
1857 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1858 */
1859 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1860 /**
1861 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterParameters request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
1862 */
1863 Marker?: String;
1864 }
1865 export interface DescribeClusterSecurityGroupsMessage {
1866 /**
1867 * The name of a cluster security group for which you are requesting details. You can specify either the Marker parameter or a ClusterSecurityGroupName parameter, but not both. Example: securitygroup1
1868 */
1869 ClusterSecurityGroupName?: String;
1870 /**
1871 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1872 */
1873 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1874 /**
1875 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterSecurityGroups request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request. Constraints: You can specify either the ClusterSecurityGroupName parameter or the Marker parameter, but not both.
1876 */
1877 Marker?: String;
1878 /**
1879 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching cluster security groups that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have security groups that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the security groups that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
1880 */
1881 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
1882 /**
1883 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching cluster security groups that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have security groups that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the security groups that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
1884 */
1885 TagValues?: TagValueList;
1886 }
1887 export interface DescribeClusterSnapshotsMessage {
1888 /**
1889 * The identifier of the cluster for which information about snapshots is requested.
1890 */
1891 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
1892 /**
1893 * The snapshot identifier of the snapshot about which to return information.
1894 */
1895 SnapshotIdentifier?: String;
1896 /**
1897 * The type of snapshots for which you are requesting information. By default, snapshots of all types are returned. Valid Values: automated | manual
1898 */
1899 SnapshotType?: String;
1900 /**
1901 * A value that requests only snapshots created at or after the specified time. The time value is specified in ISO 8601 format. For more information about ISO 8601, go to the ISO8601 Wikipedia page. Example: 2012-07-16T18:00:00Z
1902 */
1903 StartTime?: TStamp;
1904 /**
1905 * A time value that requests only snapshots created at or before the specified time. The time value is specified in ISO 8601 format. For more information about ISO 8601, go to the ISO8601 Wikipedia page. Example: 2012-07-16T18:00:00Z
1906 */
1907 EndTime?: TStamp;
1908 /**
1909 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1910 */
1911 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1912 /**
1913 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterSnapshots request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
1914 */
1915 Marker?: String;
1916 /**
1917 * The AWS customer account used to create or copy the snapshot. Use this field to filter the results to snapshots owned by a particular account. To describe snapshots you own, either specify your AWS customer account, or do not specify the parameter.
1918 */
1919 OwnerAccount?: String;
1920 /**
1921 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching cluster snapshots that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have snapshots that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the snapshots that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
1922 */
1923 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
1924 /**
1925 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching cluster snapshots that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have snapshots that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the snapshots that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
1926 */
1927 TagValues?: TagValueList;
1928 /**
1929 * A value that indicates whether to return snapshots only for an existing cluster. Table-level restore can be performed only using a snapshot of an existing cluster, that is, a cluster that has not been deleted. If ClusterExists is set to true, ClusterIdentifier is required.
1930 */
1931 ClusterExists?: BooleanOptional;
1932 SortingEntities?: SnapshotSortingEntityList;
1933 }
1934 export interface DescribeClusterSubnetGroupsMessage {
1935 /**
1936 * The name of the cluster subnet group for which information is requested.
1937 */
1938 ClusterSubnetGroupName?: String;
1939 /**
1940 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1941 */
1942 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1943 /**
1944 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterSubnetGroups request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
1945 */
1946 Marker?: String;
1947 /**
1948 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching cluster subnet groups that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have subnet groups that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the subnet groups that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
1949 */
1950 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
1951 /**
1952 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching cluster subnet groups that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have subnet groups that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the subnet groups that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
1953 */
1954 TagValues?: TagValueList;
1955 }
1956 export interface DescribeClusterTracksMessage {
1957 /**
1958 * The name of the maintenance track.
1959 */
1960 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
1961 /**
1962 * An integer value for the maximum number of maintenance tracks to return.
1963 */
1964 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1965 /**
1966 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterTracks request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, Amazon Redshift returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
1967 */
1968 Marker?: String;
1969 }
1970 export interface DescribeClusterVersionsMessage {
1971 /**
1972 * The specific cluster version to return. Example: 1.0
1973 */
1974 ClusterVersion?: String;
1975 /**
1976 * The name of a specific cluster parameter group family to return details for. Constraints: Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters First character must be a letter Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
1977 */
1978 ClusterParameterGroupFamily?: String;
1979 /**
1980 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1981 */
1982 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1983 /**
1984 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusterVersions request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
1985 */
1986 Marker?: String;
1987 }
1988 export interface DescribeClustersMessage {
1989 /**
1990 * The unique identifier of a cluster whose properties you are requesting. This parameter is case sensitive. The default is that all clusters defined for an account are returned.
1991 */
1992 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
1993 /**
1994 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
1995 */
1996 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
1997 /**
1998 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeClusters request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request. Constraints: You can specify either the ClusterIdentifier parameter or the Marker parameter, but not both.
1999 */
2000 Marker?: String;
2001 /**
2002 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching clusters that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have clusters that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the clusters that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
2003 */
2004 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2005 /**
2006 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching clusters that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have clusters that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the clusters that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
2007 */
2008 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2009 }
2010 export interface DescribeDefaultClusterParametersMessage {
2011 /**
2012 * The name of the cluster parameter group family.
2013 */
2014 ParameterGroupFamily: String;
2015 /**
2016 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2017 */
2018 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2019 /**
2020 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeDefaultClusterParameters request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2021 */
2022 Marker?: String;
2023 }
2024 export interface DescribeDefaultClusterParametersResult {
2025 DefaultClusterParameters?: DefaultClusterParameters;
2026 }
2027 export interface DescribeEventCategoriesMessage {
2028 /**
2029 * The source type, such as cluster or parameter group, to which the described event categories apply. Valid values: cluster, cluster-snapshot, cluster-parameter-group, and cluster-security-group.
2030 */
2031 SourceType?: String;
2032 }
2033 export interface DescribeEventSubscriptionsMessage {
2034 /**
2035 * The name of the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription to be described.
2036 */
2037 SubscriptionName?: String;
2038 /**
2039 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2040 */
2041 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2042 /**
2043 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeEventSubscriptions request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2044 */
2045 Marker?: String;
2046 /**
2047 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching event notification subscriptions that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have subscriptions that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the subscriptions that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
2048 */
2049 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2050 /**
2051 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching event notification subscriptions that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have subscriptions that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the subscriptions that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
2052 */
2053 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2054 }
2055 export interface DescribeEventsMessage {
2056 /**
2057 * The identifier of the event source for which events will be returned. If this parameter is not specified, then all sources are included in the response. Constraints: If SourceIdentifier is supplied, SourceType must also be provided. Specify a cluster identifier when SourceType is cluster. Specify a cluster security group name when SourceType is cluster-security-group. Specify a cluster parameter group name when SourceType is cluster-parameter-group. Specify a cluster snapshot identifier when SourceType is cluster-snapshot.
2058 */
2059 SourceIdentifier?: String;
2060 /**
2061 * The event source to retrieve events for. If no value is specified, all events are returned. Constraints: If SourceType is supplied, SourceIdentifier must also be provided. Specify cluster when SourceIdentifier is a cluster identifier. Specify cluster-security-group when SourceIdentifier is a cluster security group name. Specify cluster-parameter-group when SourceIdentifier is a cluster parameter group name. Specify cluster-snapshot when SourceIdentifier is a cluster snapshot identifier.
2062 */
2063 SourceType?: SourceType;
2064 /**
2065 * The beginning of the time interval to retrieve events for, specified in ISO 8601 format. For more information about ISO 8601, go to the ISO8601 Wikipedia page. Example: 2009-07-08T18:00Z
2066 */
2067 StartTime?: TStamp;
2068 /**
2069 * The end of the time interval for which to retrieve events, specified in ISO 8601 format. For more information about ISO 8601, go to the ISO8601 Wikipedia page. Example: 2009-07-08T18:00Z
2070 */
2071 EndTime?: TStamp;
2072 /**
2073 * The number of minutes prior to the time of the request for which to retrieve events. For example, if the request is sent at 18:00 and you specify a duration of 60, then only events which have occurred after 17:00 will be returned. Default: 60
2074 */
2075 Duration?: IntegerOptional;
2076 /**
2077 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2078 */
2079 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2080 /**
2081 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeEvents request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2082 */
2083 Marker?: String;
2084 }
2085 export interface DescribeHsmClientCertificatesMessage {
2086 /**
2087 * The identifier of a specific HSM client certificate for which you want information. If no identifier is specified, information is returned for all HSM client certificates owned by your AWS customer account.
2088 */
2089 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier?: String;
2090 /**
2091 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2092 */
2093 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2094 /**
2095 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeHsmClientCertificates request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2096 */
2097 Marker?: String;
2098 /**
2099 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching HSM client certificates that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have HSM client certificates that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the HSM client certificates that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
2100 */
2101 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2102 /**
2103 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching HSM client certificates that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have HSM client certificates that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the HSM client certificates that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
2104 */
2105 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2106 }
2107 export interface DescribeHsmConfigurationsMessage {
2108 /**
2109 * The identifier of a specific Amazon Redshift HSM configuration to be described. If no identifier is specified, information is returned for all HSM configurations owned by your AWS customer account.
2110 */
2111 HsmConfigurationIdentifier?: String;
2112 /**
2113 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2114 */
2115 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2116 /**
2117 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeHsmConfigurations request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2118 */
2119 Marker?: String;
2120 /**
2121 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching HSM configurations that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have HSM configurations that are tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the HSM configurations that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
2122 */
2123 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2124 /**
2125 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching HSM configurations that are associated with the specified tag value or values. For example, suppose that you have HSM configurations that are tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with the HSM configurations that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
2126 */
2127 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2128 }
2129 export interface DescribeLoggingStatusMessage {
2130 /**
2131 * The identifier of the cluster from which to get the logging status. Example: examplecluster
2132 */
2133 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2134 }
2135 export interface DescribeOrderableClusterOptionsMessage {
2136 /**
2137 * The version filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the specified version. Default: All versions. Constraints: Must be one of the version returned from DescribeClusterVersions.
2138 */
2139 ClusterVersion?: String;
2140 /**
2141 * The node type filter value. Specify this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the specified node type.
2142 */
2143 NodeType?: String;
2144 /**
2145 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2146 */
2147 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2148 /**
2149 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeOrderableClusterOptions request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2150 */
2151 Marker?: String;
2152 }
2153 export interface DescribeReservedNodeOfferingsMessage {
2154 /**
2155 * The unique identifier for the offering.
2156 */
2157 ReservedNodeOfferingId?: String;
2158 /**
2159 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2160 */
2161 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2162 /**
2163 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeReservedNodeOfferings request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2164 */
2165 Marker?: String;
2166 }
2167 export interface DescribeReservedNodesMessage {
2168 /**
2169 * Identifier for the node reservation.
2170 */
2171 ReservedNodeId?: String;
2172 /**
2173 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2174 */
2175 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2176 /**
2177 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeReservedNodes request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
2178 */
2179 Marker?: String;
2180 }
2181 export interface DescribeResizeMessage {
2182 /**
2183 * The unique identifier of a cluster whose resize progress you are requesting. This parameter is case-sensitive. By default, resize operations for all clusters defined for an AWS account are returned.
2184 */
2185 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2186 }
2187 export interface DescribeSnapshotCopyGrantsMessage {
2188 /**
2189 * The name of the snapshot copy grant.
2190 */
2191 SnapshotCopyGrantName?: String;
2192 /**
2193 * The maximum number of response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value. Default: 100 Constraints: minimum 20, maximum 100.
2194 */
2195 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2196 /**
2197 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeSnapshotCopyGrant request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request. Constraints: You can specify either the SnapshotCopyGrantName parameter or the Marker parameter, but not both.
2198 */
2199 Marker?: String;
2200 /**
2201 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching resources that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have resources tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with all resources that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
2202 */
2203 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2204 /**
2205 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching resources that are associated with the specified value or values. For example, suppose that you have resources tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with all resources that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
2206 */
2207 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2208 }
2209 export interface DescribeSnapshotSchedulesMessage {
2210 /**
2211 * The unique identifier for the cluster whose snapshot schedules you want to view.
2212 */
2213 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
2214 /**
2215 * A unique identifier for a snapshot schedule.
2216 */
2217 ScheduleIdentifier?: String;
2218 /**
2219 * The key value for a snapshot schedule tag.
2220 */
2221 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2222 /**
2223 * The value corresponding to the key of the snapshot schedule tag.
2224 */
2225 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2226 /**
2227 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the marker parameter and retrying the command. If the marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2228 */
2229 Marker?: String;
2230 /**
2231 * The maximum number or response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value.
2232 */
2233 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2234 }
2235 export interface DescribeSnapshotSchedulesOutputMessage {
2236 /**
2237 * A list of SnapshotSchedules.
2238 */
2239 SnapshotSchedules?: SnapshotScheduleList;
2240 /**
2241 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the marker parameter and retrying the command. If the marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2242 */
2243 Marker?: String;
2244 }
2245 export interface DescribeTableRestoreStatusMessage {
2246 /**
2247 * The Amazon Redshift cluster that the table is being restored to.
2248 */
2249 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
2250 /**
2251 * The identifier of the table restore request to return status for. If you don't specify a TableRestoreRequestId value, then DescribeTableRestoreStatus returns the status of all in-progress table restore requests.
2252 */
2253 TableRestoreRequestId?: String;
2254 /**
2255 * The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
2256 */
2257 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2258 /**
2259 * An optional pagination token provided by a previous DescribeTableRestoreStatus request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by the MaxRecords parameter.
2260 */
2261 Marker?: String;
2262 }
2263 export interface DescribeTagsMessage {
2264 /**
2265 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for which you want to describe the tag or tags. For example, arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:cluster:t1.
2266 */
2267 ResourceName?: String;
2268 /**
2269 * The type of resource with which you want to view tags. Valid resource types are: Cluster CIDR/IP EC2 security group Snapshot Cluster security group Subnet group HSM connection HSM certificate Parameter group Snapshot copy grant For more information about Amazon Redshift resource types and constructing ARNs, go to Specifying Policy Elements: Actions, Effects, Resources, and Principals in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
2270 */
2271 ResourceType?: String;
2272 /**
2273 * The maximum number or response records to return in each call. If the number of remaining response records exceeds the specified MaxRecords value, a value is returned in a marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of records by retrying the command with the returned marker value.
2274 */
2275 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2276 /**
2277 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the marker parameter and retrying the command. If the marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2278 */
2279 Marker?: String;
2280 /**
2281 * A tag key or keys for which you want to return all matching resources that are associated with the specified key or keys. For example, suppose that you have resources tagged with keys called owner and environment. If you specify both of these tag keys in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with all resources that have either or both of these tag keys associated with them.
2282 */
2283 TagKeys?: TagKeyList;
2284 /**
2285 * A tag value or values for which you want to return all matching resources that are associated with the specified value or values. For example, suppose that you have resources tagged with values called admin and test. If you specify both of these tag values in the request, Amazon Redshift returns a response with all resources that have either or both of these tag values associated with them.
2286 */
2287 TagValues?: TagValueList;
2288 }
2289 export interface DisableLoggingMessage {
2290 /**
2291 * The identifier of the cluster on which logging is to be stopped. Example: examplecluster
2292 */
2293 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2294 }
2295 export interface DisableSnapshotCopyMessage {
2296 /**
2297 * The unique identifier of the source cluster that you want to disable copying of snapshots to a destination region. Constraints: Must be the valid name of an existing cluster that has cross-region snapshot copy enabled.
2298 */
2299 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2300 }
2301 export interface DisableSnapshotCopyResult {
2302 Cluster?: Cluster;
2303 }
2304 export type Double = number;
2305 export type DoubleOptional = number;
2306 export interface EC2SecurityGroup {
2307 /**
2308 * The status of the EC2 security group.
2309 */
2310 Status?: String;
2311 /**
2312 * The name of the EC2 Security Group.
2313 */
2314 EC2SecurityGroupName?: String;
2315 /**
2316 * The AWS ID of the owner of the EC2 security group specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName field.
2317 */
2318 EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId?: String;
2319 /**
2320 * The list of tags for the EC2 security group.
2321 */
2322 Tags?: TagList;
2323 }
2324 export type EC2SecurityGroupList = EC2SecurityGroup[];
2325 export interface ElasticIpStatus {
2326 /**
2327 * The elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster.
2328 */
2329 ElasticIp?: String;
2330 /**
2331 * The status of the elastic IP (EIP) address.
2332 */
2333 Status?: String;
2334 }
2335 export type EligibleTracksToUpdateList = UpdateTarget[];
2336 export interface EnableLoggingMessage {
2337 /**
2338 * The identifier of the cluster on which logging is to be started. Example: examplecluster
2339 */
2340 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2341 /**
2342 * The name of an existing S3 bucket where the log files are to be stored. Constraints: Must be in the same region as the cluster The cluster must have read bucket and put object permissions
2343 */
2344 BucketName: String;
2345 /**
2346 * The prefix applied to the log file names. Constraints: Cannot exceed 512 characters Cannot contain spaces( ), double quotes ("), single quotes ('), a backslash (\), or control characters. The hexadecimal codes for invalid characters are: x00 to x20 x22 x27 x5c x7f or larger
2347 */
2348 S3KeyPrefix?: String;
2349 }
2350 export interface EnableSnapshotCopyMessage {
2351 /**
2352 * The unique identifier of the source cluster to copy snapshots from. Constraints: Must be the valid name of an existing cluster that does not already have cross-region snapshot copy enabled.
2353 */
2354 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2355 /**
2356 * The destination AWS Region that you want to copy snapshots to. Constraints: Must be the name of a valid AWS Region. For more information, see Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
2357 */
2358 DestinationRegion: String;
2359 /**
2360 * The number of days to retain automated snapshots in the destination region after they are copied from the source region. Default: 7. Constraints: Must be at least 1 and no more than 35.
2361 */
2362 RetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
2363 /**
2364 * The name of the snapshot copy grant to use when snapshots of an AWS KMS-encrypted cluster are copied to the destination region.
2365 */
2366 SnapshotCopyGrantName?: String;
2367 /**
2368 * The number of days to retain newly copied snapshots in the destination AWS Region after they are copied from the source AWS Region. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653.
2369 */
2370 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
2371 }
2372 export interface EnableSnapshotCopyResult {
2373 Cluster?: Cluster;
2374 }
2375 export interface Endpoint {
2376 /**
2377 * The DNS address of the Cluster.
2378 */
2379 Address?: String;
2380 /**
2381 * The port that the database engine is listening on.
2382 */
2383 Port?: Integer;
2384 }
2385 export interface Event {
2386 /**
2387 * The identifier for the source of the event.
2388 */
2389 SourceIdentifier?: String;
2390 /**
2391 * The source type for this event.
2392 */
2393 SourceType?: SourceType;
2394 /**
2395 * The text of this event.
2396 */
2397 Message?: String;
2398 /**
2399 * A list of the event categories. Values: Configuration, Management, Monitoring, Security
2400 */
2401 EventCategories?: EventCategoriesList;
2402 /**
2403 * The severity of the event. Values: ERROR, INFO
2404 */
2405 Severity?: String;
2406 /**
2407 * The date and time of the event.
2408 */
2409 Date?: TStamp;
2410 /**
2411 * The identifier of the event.
2412 */
2413 EventId?: String;
2414 }
2415 export type EventCategoriesList = String[];
2416 export interface EventCategoriesMap {
2417 /**
2418 * The source type, such as cluster or cluster-snapshot, that the returned categories belong to.
2419 */
2420 SourceType?: String;
2421 /**
2422 * The events in the event category.
2423 */
2424 Events?: EventInfoMapList;
2425 }
2426 export type EventCategoriesMapList = EventCategoriesMap[];
2427 export interface EventCategoriesMessage {
2428 /**
2429 * A list of event categories descriptions.
2430 */
2431 EventCategoriesMapList?: EventCategoriesMapList;
2432 }
2433 export interface EventInfoMap {
2434 /**
2435 * The identifier of an Amazon Redshift event.
2436 */
2437 EventId?: String;
2438 /**
2439 * The category of an Amazon Redshift event.
2440 */
2441 EventCategories?: EventCategoriesList;
2442 /**
2443 * The description of an Amazon Redshift event.
2444 */
2445 EventDescription?: String;
2446 /**
2447 * The severity of the event. Values: ERROR, INFO
2448 */
2449 Severity?: String;
2450 }
2451 export type EventInfoMapList = EventInfoMap[];
2452 export type EventList = Event[];
2453 export interface EventSubscription {
2454 /**
2455 * The AWS customer account associated with the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
2456 */
2457 CustomerAwsId?: String;
2458 /**
2459 * The name of the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
2460 */
2461 CustSubscriptionId?: String;
2462 /**
2463 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic used by the event notification subscription.
2464 */
2465 SnsTopicArn?: String;
2466 /**
2467 * The status of the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription. Constraints: Can be one of the following: active | no-permission | topic-not-exist The status "no-permission" indicates that Amazon Redshift no longer has permission to post to the Amazon SNS topic. The status "topic-not-exist" indicates that the topic was deleted after the subscription was created.
2468 */
2469 Status?: String;
2470 /**
2471 * The date and time the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription was created.
2472 */
2473 SubscriptionCreationTime?: TStamp;
2474 /**
2475 * The source type of the events returned the Amazon Redshift event notification, such as cluster, or cluster-snapshot.
2476 */
2477 SourceType?: String;
2478 /**
2479 * A list of the sources that publish events to the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
2480 */
2481 SourceIdsList?: SourceIdsList;
2482 /**
2483 * The list of Amazon Redshift event categories specified in the event notification subscription. Values: Configuration, Management, Monitoring, Security
2484 */
2485 EventCategoriesList?: EventCategoriesList;
2486 /**
2487 * The event severity specified in the Amazon Redshift event notification subscription. Values: ERROR, INFO
2488 */
2489 Severity?: String;
2490 /**
2491 * A boolean value indicating whether the subscription is enabled; true indicates that the subscription is enabled.
2492 */
2493 Enabled?: Boolean;
2494 /**
2495 * The list of tags for the event subscription.
2496 */
2497 Tags?: TagList;
2498 }
2499 export type EventSubscriptionsList = EventSubscription[];
2500 export interface EventSubscriptionsMessage {
2501 /**
2502 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2503 */
2504 Marker?: String;
2505 /**
2506 * A list of event subscriptions.
2507 */
2508 EventSubscriptionsList?: EventSubscriptionsList;
2509 }
2510 export interface EventsMessage {
2511 /**
2512 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2513 */
2514 Marker?: String;
2515 /**
2516 * A list of Event instances.
2517 */
2518 Events?: EventList;
2519 }
2520 export interface GetClusterCredentialsMessage {
2521 /**
2522 * The name of a database user. If a user name matching DbUser exists in the database, the temporary user credentials have the same permissions as the existing user. If DbUser doesn't exist in the database and Autocreate is True, a new user is created using the value for DbUser with PUBLIC permissions. If a database user matching the value for DbUser doesn't exist and Autocreate is False, then the command succeeds but the connection attempt will fail because the user doesn't exist in the database. For more information, see CREATE USER in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide. Constraints: Must be 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. The user name can't be PUBLIC. Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, plus sign, period (dot), at symbol (@), or hyphen. First character must be a letter. Must not contain a colon ( : ) or slash ( / ). Cannot be a reserved word. A list of reserved words can be found in Reserved Words in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
2523 */
2524 DbUser: String;
2525 /**
2526 * The name of a database that DbUser is authorized to log on to. If DbName is not specified, DbUser can log on to any existing database. Constraints: Must be 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters or hyphens Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, plus sign, period (dot), at symbol (@), or hyphen. First character must be a letter. Must not contain a colon ( : ) or slash ( / ). Cannot be a reserved word. A list of reserved words can be found in Reserved Words in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
2527 */
2528 DbName?: String;
2529 /**
2530 * The unique identifier of the cluster that contains the database for which your are requesting credentials. This parameter is case sensitive.
2531 */
2532 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2533 /**
2534 * The number of seconds until the returned temporary password expires. Constraint: minimum 900, maximum 3600. Default: 900
2535 */
2536 DurationSeconds?: IntegerOptional;
2537 /**
2538 * Create a database user with the name specified for the user named in DbUser if one does not exist.
2539 */
2540 AutoCreate?: BooleanOptional;
2541 /**
2542 * A list of the names of existing database groups that the user named in DbUser will join for the current session, in addition to any group memberships for an existing user. If not specified, a new user is added only to PUBLIC. Database group name constraints Must be 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters or hyphens Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, plus sign, period (dot), at symbol (@), or hyphen. First character must be a letter. Must not contain a colon ( : ) or slash ( / ). Cannot be a reserved word. A list of reserved words can be found in Reserved Words in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
2543 */
2544 DbGroups?: DbGroupList;
2545 }
2546 export interface GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsInputMessage {
2547 /**
2548 * A string representing the node identifier for the DC1 Reserved Node to be exchanged.
2549 */
2550 ReservedNodeId: String;
2551 /**
2552 * An integer setting the maximum number of ReservedNodeOfferings to retrieve.
2553 */
2554 MaxRecords?: IntegerOptional;
2555 /**
2556 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of ReservedNodeOfferings.
2557 */
2558 Marker?: String;
2559 }
2560 export interface GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferingsOutputMessage {
2561 /**
2562 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point for returning a set of response records. When the results of a GetReservedNodeExchangeOfferings request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, Amazon Redshift returns a value in the marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the marker parameter and retrying the request.
2563 */
2564 Marker?: String;
2565 /**
2566 * Returns an array of ReservedNodeOffering objects.
2567 */
2568 ReservedNodeOfferings?: ReservedNodeOfferingList;
2569 }
2570 export interface HsmClientCertificate {
2571 /**
2572 * The identifier of the HSM client certificate.
2573 */
2574 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier?: String;
2575 /**
2576 * The public key that the Amazon Redshift cluster will use to connect to the HSM. You must register the public key in the HSM.
2577 */
2578 HsmClientCertificatePublicKey?: String;
2579 /**
2580 * The list of tags for the HSM client certificate.
2581 */
2582 Tags?: TagList;
2583 }
2584 export type HsmClientCertificateList = HsmClientCertificate[];
2585 export interface HsmClientCertificateMessage {
2586 /**
2587 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2588 */
2589 Marker?: String;
2590 /**
2591 * A list of the identifiers for one or more HSM client certificates used by Amazon Redshift clusters to store and retrieve database encryption keys in an HSM.
2592 */
2593 HsmClientCertificates?: HsmClientCertificateList;
2594 }
2595 export interface HsmConfiguration {
2596 /**
2597 * The name of the Amazon Redshift HSM configuration.
2598 */
2599 HsmConfigurationIdentifier?: String;
2600 /**
2601 * A text description of the HSM configuration.
2602 */
2603 Description?: String;
2604 /**
2605 * The IP address that the Amazon Redshift cluster must use to access the HSM.
2606 */
2607 HsmIpAddress?: String;
2608 /**
2609 * The name of the partition in the HSM where the Amazon Redshift clusters will store their database encryption keys.
2610 */
2611 HsmPartitionName?: String;
2612 /**
2613 * The list of tags for the HSM configuration.
2614 */
2615 Tags?: TagList;
2616 }
2617 export type HsmConfigurationList = HsmConfiguration[];
2618 export interface HsmConfigurationMessage {
2619 /**
2620 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
2621 */
2622 Marker?: String;
2623 /**
2624 * A list of HsmConfiguration objects.
2625 */
2626 HsmConfigurations?: HsmConfigurationList;
2627 }
2628 export interface HsmStatus {
2629 /**
2630 * Specifies the name of the HSM client certificate the Amazon Redshift cluster uses to retrieve the data encryption keys stored in an HSM.
2631 */
2632 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier?: String;
2633 /**
2634 * Specifies the name of the HSM configuration that contains the information the Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM.
2635 */
2636 HsmConfigurationIdentifier?: String;
2637 /**
2638 * Reports whether the Amazon Redshift cluster has finished applying any HSM settings changes specified in a modify cluster command. Values: active, applying
2639 */
2640 Status?: String;
2641 }
2642 export interface IPRange {
2643 /**
2644 * The status of the IP range, for example, "authorized".
2645 */
2646 Status?: String;
2647 /**
2648 * The IP range in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation.
2649 */
2650 CIDRIP?: String;
2651 /**
2652 * The list of tags for the IP range.
2653 */
2654 Tags?: TagList;
2655 }
2656 export type IPRangeList = IPRange[];
2657 export type IamRoleArnList = String[];
2658 export type ImportTablesCompleted = String[];
2659 export type ImportTablesInProgress = String[];
2660 export type ImportTablesNotStarted = String[];
2661 export type Integer = number;
2662 export type IntegerOptional = number;
2663 export interface LoggingStatus {
2664 /**
2665 * true if logging is on, false if logging is off.
2666 */
2667 LoggingEnabled?: Boolean;
2668 /**
2669 * The name of the S3 bucket where the log files are stored.
2670 */
2671 BucketName?: String;
2672 /**
2673 * The prefix applied to the log file names.
2674 */
2675 S3KeyPrefix?: String;
2676 /**
2677 * The last time that logs were delivered.
2678 */
2679 LastSuccessfulDeliveryTime?: TStamp;
2680 /**
2681 * The last time when logs failed to be delivered.
2682 */
2683 LastFailureTime?: TStamp;
2684 /**
2685 * The message indicating that logs failed to be delivered.
2686 */
2687 LastFailureMessage?: String;
2688 }
2689 export type Long = number;
2690 export type LongOptional = number;
2691 export interface MaintenanceTrack {
2692 /**
2693 * The name of the maintenance track. Possible values are current and trailing.
2694 */
2695 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
2696 /**
2697 * The version number for the cluster release.
2698 */
2699 DatabaseVersion?: String;
2700 /**
2701 * An array of UpdateTarget objects to update with the maintenance track.
2702 */
2703 UpdateTargets?: EligibleTracksToUpdateList;
2704 }
2705 export interface ModifyClusterDbRevisionMessage {
2706 /**
2707 * The unique identifier of a cluster whose database revision you want to modify. Example: examplecluster
2708 */
2709 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2710 /**
2711 * The identifier of the database revision. You can retrieve this value from the response to the DescribeClusterDbRevisions request.
2712 */
2713 RevisionTarget: String;
2714 }
2715 export interface ModifyClusterDbRevisionResult {
2716 Cluster?: Cluster;
2717 }
2718 export interface ModifyClusterIamRolesMessage {
2719 /**
2720 * The unique identifier of the cluster for which you want to associate or disassociate IAM roles.
2721 */
2722 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2723 /**
2724 * Zero or more IAM roles to associate with the cluster. The roles must be in their Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format. You can associate up to 10 IAM roles with a single cluster in a single request.
2725 */
2726 AddIamRoles?: IamRoleArnList;
2727 /**
2728 * Zero or more IAM roles in ARN format to disassociate from the cluster. You can disassociate up to 10 IAM roles from a single cluster in a single request.
2729 */
2730 RemoveIamRoles?: IamRoleArnList;
2731 }
2732 export interface ModifyClusterIamRolesResult {
2733 Cluster?: Cluster;
2734 }
2735 export interface ModifyClusterMaintenanceMessage {
2736 /**
2737 * A unique identifier for the cluster.
2738 */
2739 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2740 /**
2741 * A boolean indicating whether to enable the deferred maintenance window.
2742 */
2743 DeferMaintenance?: BooleanOptional;
2744 /**
2745 * A unique identifier for the deferred maintenance window.
2746 */
2747 DeferMaintenanceIdentifier?: String;
2748 /**
2749 * A timestamp indicating the start time for the deferred maintenance window.
2750 */
2751 DeferMaintenanceStartTime?: TStamp;
2752 /**
2753 * A timestamp indicating end time for the deferred maintenance window. If you specify an end time, you can't specify a duration.
2754 */
2755 DeferMaintenanceEndTime?: TStamp;
2756 /**
2757 * An integer indicating the duration of the maintenance window in days. If you specify a duration, you can't specify an end time. The duration must be 14 days or less.
2758 */
2759 DeferMaintenanceDuration?: IntegerOptional;
2760 }
2761 export interface ModifyClusterMaintenanceResult {
2762 Cluster?: Cluster;
2763 }
2764 export interface ModifyClusterMessage {
2765 /**
2766 * The unique identifier of the cluster to be modified. Example: examplecluster
2767 */
2768 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2769 /**
2770 * The new cluster type. When you submit your cluster resize request, your existing cluster goes into a read-only mode. After Amazon Redshift provisions a new cluster based on your resize requirements, there will be outage for a period while the old cluster is deleted and your connection is switched to the new cluster. You can use DescribeResize to track the progress of the resize request. Valid Values: multi-node | single-node
2771 */
2772 ClusterType?: String;
2773 /**
2774 * The new node type of the cluster. If you specify a new node type, you must also specify the number of nodes parameter. When you submit your request to resize a cluster, Amazon Redshift sets access permissions for the cluster to read-only. After Amazon Redshift provisions a new cluster according to your resize requirements, there will be a temporary outage while the old cluster is deleted and your connection is switched to the new cluster. When the new connection is complete, the original access permissions for the cluster are restored. You can use DescribeResize to track the progress of the resize request. Valid Values: ds2.xlarge | ds2.8xlarge | dc1.large | dc1.8xlarge | dc2.large | dc2.8xlarge
2775 */
2776 NodeType?: String;
2777 /**
2778 * The new number of nodes of the cluster. If you specify a new number of nodes, you must also specify the node type parameter. When you submit your request to resize a cluster, Amazon Redshift sets access permissions for the cluster to read-only. After Amazon Redshift provisions a new cluster according to your resize requirements, there will be a temporary outage while the old cluster is deleted and your connection is switched to the new cluster. When the new connection is complete, the original access permissions for the cluster are restored. You can use DescribeResize to track the progress of the resize request. Valid Values: Integer greater than 0.
2779 */
2780 NumberOfNodes?: IntegerOptional;
2781 /**
2782 * A list of cluster security groups to be authorized on this cluster. This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible. Security groups currently associated with the cluster, and not in the list of groups to apply, will be revoked from the cluster. Constraints: Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens First character must be a letter Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens
2783 */
2784 ClusterSecurityGroups?: ClusterSecurityGroupNameList;
2785 /**
2786 * A list of virtual private cloud (VPC) security groups to be associated with the cluster. This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible.
2787 */
2788 VpcSecurityGroupIds?: VpcSecurityGroupIdList;
2789 /**
2790 * The new password for the cluster master user. This change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible. Between the time of the request and the completion of the request, the MasterUserPassword element exists in the PendingModifiedValues element of the operation response. Operations never return the password, so this operation provides a way to regain access to the master user account for a cluster if the password is lost. Default: Uses existing setting. Constraints: Must be between 8 and 64 characters in length. Must contain at least one uppercase letter. Must contain at least one lowercase letter. Must contain one number. Can be any printable ASCII character (ASCII code 33 to 126) except ' (single quote), " (double quote), \, /, @, or space.
2791 */
2792 MasterUserPassword?: String;
2793 /**
2794 * The name of the cluster parameter group to apply to this cluster. This change is applied only after the cluster is rebooted. To reboot a cluster use RebootCluster. Default: Uses existing setting. Constraints: The cluster parameter group must be in the same parameter group family that matches the cluster version.
2795 */
2796 ClusterParameterGroupName?: String;
2797 /**
2798 * The number of days that automated snapshots are retained. If the value is 0, automated snapshots are disabled. Even if automated snapshots are disabled, you can still create manual snapshots when you want with CreateClusterSnapshot. If you decrease the automated snapshot retention period from its current value, existing automated snapshots that fall outside of the new retention period will be immediately deleted. Default: Uses existing setting. Constraints: Must be a value from 0 to 35.
2799 */
2800 AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
2801 /**
2802 * The default for number of days that a newly created manual snapshot is retained. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. This value doesn't retroactively change the retention periods of existing manual snapshots. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653. The default value is -1.
2803 */
2804 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
2805 /**
2806 * The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur, if necessary. If system maintenance is necessary during the window, it may result in an outage. This maintenance window change is made immediately. If the new maintenance window indicates the current time, there must be at least 120 minutes between the current time and end of the window in order to ensure that pending changes are applied. Default: Uses existing setting. Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi, for example wed:07:30-wed:08:00. Valid Days: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun Constraints: Must be at least 30 minutes.
2807 */
2808 PreferredMaintenanceWindow?: String;
2809 /**
2810 * The new version number of the Amazon Redshift engine to upgrade to. For major version upgrades, if a non-default cluster parameter group is currently in use, a new cluster parameter group in the cluster parameter group family for the new version must be specified. The new cluster parameter group can be the default for that cluster parameter group family. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. Example: 1.0
2811 */
2812 ClusterVersion?: String;
2813 /**
2814 * If true, major version upgrades will be applied automatically to the cluster during the maintenance window. Default: false
2815 */
2816 AllowVersionUpgrade?: BooleanOptional;
2817 /**
2818 * Specifies the name of the HSM client certificate the Amazon Redshift cluster uses to retrieve the data encryption keys stored in an HSM.
2819 */
2820 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier?: String;
2821 /**
2822 * Specifies the name of the HSM configuration that contains the information the Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM.
2823 */
2824 HsmConfigurationIdentifier?: String;
2825 /**
2826 * The new identifier for the cluster. Constraints: Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Alphabetic characters must be lowercase. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. Must be unique for all clusters within an AWS account. Example: examplecluster
2827 */
2828 NewClusterIdentifier?: String;
2829 /**
2830 * If true, the cluster can be accessed from a public network. Only clusters in VPCs can be set to be publicly available.
2831 */
2832 PubliclyAccessible?: BooleanOptional;
2833 /**
2834 * The Elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster. Constraints: The cluster must be provisioned in EC2-VPC and publicly-accessible through an Internet gateway. For more information about provisioning clusters in EC2-VPC, go to Supported Platforms to Launch Your Cluster in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
2835 */
2836 ElasticIp?: String;
2837 /**
2838 * An option that specifies whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. To create a cluster that uses enhanced VPC routing, the cluster must be in a VPC. For more information, see Enhanced VPC Routing in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If this option is true, enhanced VPC routing is enabled. Default: false
2839 */
2840 EnhancedVpcRouting?: BooleanOptional;
2841 /**
2842 * The name for the maintenance track that you want to assign for the cluster. This name change is asynchronous. The new track name stays in the PendingModifiedValues for the cluster until the next maintenance window. When the maintenance track changes, the cluster is switched to the latest cluster release available for the maintenance track. At this point, the maintenance track name is applied.
2843 */
2844 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
2845 /**
2846 * Indicates whether the cluster is encrypted. If the cluster is encrypted and you provide a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, we will encrypt the cluster with the provided KmsKeyId. If you don't provide a KmsKeyId, we will encrypt with the default key. In the China region we will use legacy encryption if you specify that the cluster is encrypted.
2847 */
2848 Encrypted?: BooleanOptional;
2849 /**
2850 * The AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID of the encryption key that you want to use to encrypt data in the cluster.
2851 */
2852 KmsKeyId?: String;
2853 }
2854 export interface ModifyClusterParameterGroupMessage {
2855 /**
2856 * The name of the parameter group to be modified.
2857 */
2858 ParameterGroupName: String;
2859 /**
2860 * An array of parameters to be modified. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request. For each parameter to be modified, you must supply at least the parameter name and parameter value; other name-value pairs of the parameter are optional. For the workload management (WLM) configuration, you must supply all the name-value pairs in the wlm_json_configuration parameter.
2861 */
2862 Parameters: ParametersList;
2863 }
2864 export interface ModifyClusterResult {
2865 Cluster?: Cluster;
2866 }
2867 export interface ModifyClusterSnapshotMessage {
2868 /**
2869 * The identifier of the snapshot whose setting you want to modify.
2870 */
2871 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
2872 /**
2873 * The number of days that a manual snapshot is retained. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. If the manual snapshot falls outside of the new retention period, you can specify the force option to immediately delete the snapshot. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653.
2874 */
2875 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
2876 /**
2877 * A Boolean option to override an exception if the retention period has already passed.
2878 */
2879 Force?: Boolean;
2880 }
2881 export interface ModifyClusterSnapshotResult {
2882 Snapshot?: Snapshot;
2883 }
2884 export interface ModifyClusterSnapshotScheduleMessage {
2885 /**
2886 * A unique identifier for the cluster whose snapshot schedule you want to modify.
2887 */
2888 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2889 /**
2890 * A unique alphanumeric identifier for the schedule that you want to associate with the cluster.
2891 */
2892 ScheduleIdentifier?: String;
2893 /**
2894 * A boolean to indicate whether to remove the assoiciation between the cluster and the schedule.
2895 */
2896 DisassociateSchedule?: BooleanOptional;
2897 }
2898 export interface ModifyClusterSubnetGroupMessage {
2899 /**
2900 * The name of the subnet group to be modified.
2901 */
2902 ClusterSubnetGroupName: String;
2903 /**
2904 * A text description of the subnet group to be modified.
2905 */
2906 Description?: String;
2907 /**
2908 * An array of VPC subnet IDs. A maximum of 20 subnets can be modified in a single request.
2909 */
2910 SubnetIds: SubnetIdentifierList;
2911 }
2912 export interface ModifyClusterSubnetGroupResult {
2913 ClusterSubnetGroup?: ClusterSubnetGroup;
2914 }
2915 export interface ModifyEventSubscriptionMessage {
2916 /**
2917 * The name of the modified Amazon Redshift event notification subscription.
2918 */
2919 SubscriptionName: String;
2920 /**
2921 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SNS topic to be used by the event notification subscription.
2922 */
2923 SnsTopicArn?: String;
2924 /**
2925 * The type of source that will be generating the events. For example, if you want to be notified of events generated by a cluster, you would set this parameter to cluster. If this value is not specified, events are returned for all Amazon Redshift objects in your AWS account. You must specify a source type in order to specify source IDs. Valid values: cluster, cluster-parameter-group, cluster-security-group, and cluster-snapshot.
2926 */
2927 SourceType?: String;
2928 /**
2929 * A list of one or more identifiers of Amazon Redshift source objects. All of the objects must be of the same type as was specified in the source type parameter. The event subscription will return only events generated by the specified objects. If not specified, then events are returned for all objects within the source type specified. Example: my-cluster-1, my-cluster-2 Example: my-snapshot-20131010
2930 */
2931 SourceIds?: SourceIdsList;
2932 /**
2933 * Specifies the Amazon Redshift event categories to be published by the event notification subscription. Values: configuration, management, monitoring, security
2934 */
2935 EventCategories?: EventCategoriesList;
2936 /**
2937 * Specifies the Amazon Redshift event severity to be published by the event notification subscription. Values: ERROR, INFO
2938 */
2939 Severity?: String;
2940 /**
2941 * A Boolean value indicating if the subscription is enabled. true indicates the subscription is enabled
2942 */
2943 Enabled?: BooleanOptional;
2944 }
2945 export interface ModifyEventSubscriptionResult {
2946 EventSubscription?: EventSubscription;
2947 }
2948 export interface ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodMessage {
2949 /**
2950 * The unique identifier of the cluster for which you want to change the retention period for either automated or manual snapshots that are copied to a destination AWS Region. Constraints: Must be the valid name of an existing cluster that has cross-region snapshot copy enabled.
2951 */
2952 ClusterIdentifier: String;
2953 /**
2954 * The number of days to retain automated snapshots in the destination AWS Region after they are copied from the source AWS Region. By default, this only changes the retention period of copied automated snapshots. If you decrease the retention period for automated snapshots that are copied to a destination AWS Region, Amazon Redshift deletes any existing automated snapshots that were copied to the destination AWS Region and that fall outside of the new retention period. Constraints: Must be at least 1 and no more than 35 for automated snapshots. If you specify the manual option, only newly copied manual snapshots will have the new retention period. If you specify the value of -1 newly copied manual snapshots are retained indefinitely. Constraints: The number of days must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653 for manual snapshots.
2955 */
2956 RetentionPeriod: Integer;
2957 /**
2958 * Indicates whether to apply the snapshot retention period to newly copied manual snapshots instead of automated snapshots.
2959 */
2960 Manual?: Boolean;
2961 }
2962 export interface ModifySnapshotCopyRetentionPeriodResult {
2963 Cluster?: Cluster;
2964 }
2965 export interface ModifySnapshotScheduleMessage {
2966 /**
2967 * A unique alphanumeric identifier of the schedule to modify.
2968 */
2969 ScheduleIdentifier: String;
2970 /**
2971 * An updated list of schedule definitions. A schedule definition is made up of schedule expressions, for example, "cron(30 12 *)" or "rate(12 hours)".
2972 */
2973 ScheduleDefinitions: ScheduleDefinitionList;
2974 }
2975 export interface OrderableClusterOption {
2976 /**
2977 * The version of the orderable cluster.
2978 */
2979 ClusterVersion?: String;
2980 /**
2981 * The cluster type, for example multi-node.
2982 */
2983 ClusterType?: String;
2984 /**
2985 * The node type for the orderable cluster.
2986 */
2987 NodeType?: String;
2988 /**
2989 * A list of availability zones for the orderable cluster.
2990 */
2991 AvailabilityZones?: AvailabilityZoneList;
2992 }
2993 export type OrderableClusterOptionsList = OrderableClusterOption[];
2994 export interface OrderableClusterOptionsMessage {
2995 /**
2996 * An OrderableClusterOption structure containing information about orderable options for the cluster.
2997 */
2998 OrderableClusterOptions?: OrderableClusterOptionsList;
2999 /**
3000 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
3001 */
3002 Marker?: String;
3003 }
3004 export interface Parameter {
3005 /**
3006 * The name of the parameter.
3007 */
3008 ParameterName?: String;
3009 /**
3010 * The value of the parameter.
3011 */
3012 ParameterValue?: String;
3013 /**
3014 * A description of the parameter.
3015 */
3016 Description?: String;
3017 /**
3018 * The source of the parameter value, such as "engine-default" or "user".
3019 */
3020 Source?: String;
3021 /**
3022 * The data type of the parameter.
3023 */
3024 DataType?: String;
3025 /**
3026 * The valid range of values for the parameter.
3027 */
3028 AllowedValues?: String;
3029 /**
3030 * Specifies how to apply the WLM configuration parameter. Some properties can be applied dynamically, while other properties require that any associated clusters be rebooted for the configuration changes to be applied. For more information about parameters and parameter groups, go to Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
3031 */
3032 ApplyType?: ParameterApplyType;
3033 /**
3034 * If true, the parameter can be modified. Some parameters have security or operational implications that prevent them from being changed.
3035 */
3036 IsModifiable?: Boolean;
3037 /**
3038 * The earliest engine version to which the parameter can apply.
3039 */
3040 MinimumEngineVersion?: String;
3041 }
3042 export type ParameterApplyType = "static"|"dynamic"|string;
3043 export type ParameterGroupList = ClusterParameterGroup[];
3044 export type ParametersList = Parameter[];
3045 export type PendingActionsList = String[];
3046 export interface PendingModifiedValues {
3047 /**
3048 * The pending or in-progress change of the master user password for the cluster.
3049 */
3050 MasterUserPassword?: String;
3051 /**
3052 * The pending or in-progress change of the cluster's node type.
3053 */
3054 NodeType?: String;
3055 /**
3056 * The pending or in-progress change of the number of nodes in the cluster.
3057 */
3058 NumberOfNodes?: IntegerOptional;
3059 /**
3060 * The pending or in-progress change of the cluster type.
3061 */
3062 ClusterType?: String;
3063 /**
3064 * The pending or in-progress change of the service version.
3065 */
3066 ClusterVersion?: String;
3067 /**
3068 * The pending or in-progress change of the automated snapshot retention period.
3069 */
3070 AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
3071 /**
3072 * The pending or in-progress change of the new identifier for the cluster.
3073 */
3074 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
3075 /**
3076 * The pending or in-progress change of the ability to connect to the cluster from the public network.
3077 */
3078 PubliclyAccessible?: BooleanOptional;
3079 /**
3080 * An option that specifies whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. To create a cluster that uses enhanced VPC routing, the cluster must be in a VPC. For more information, see Enhanced VPC Routing in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If this option is true, enhanced VPC routing is enabled. Default: false
3081 */
3082 EnhancedVpcRouting?: BooleanOptional;
3083 /**
3084 * The name of the maintenance track that the cluster will change to during the next maintenance window.
3085 */
3086 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
3087 /**
3088 * The encryption type for a cluster. Possible values are: KMS and None. For the China region the possible values are None, and Legacy.
3089 */
3090 EncryptionType?: String;
3091 }
3092 export interface PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingMessage {
3093 /**
3094 * The unique identifier of the reserved node offering you want to purchase.
3095 */
3096 ReservedNodeOfferingId: String;
3097 /**
3098 * The number of reserved nodes that you want to purchase. Default: 1
3099 */
3100 NodeCount?: IntegerOptional;
3101 }
3102 export interface PurchaseReservedNodeOfferingResult {
3103 ReservedNode?: ReservedNode;
3104 }
3105 export interface RebootClusterMessage {
3106 /**
3107 * The cluster identifier.
3108 */
3109 ClusterIdentifier: String;
3110 }
3111 export interface RebootClusterResult {
3112 Cluster?: Cluster;
3113 }
3114 export interface RecurringCharge {
3115 /**
3116 * The amount charged per the period of time specified by the recurring charge frequency.
3117 */
3118 RecurringChargeAmount?: Double;
3119 /**
3120 * The frequency at which the recurring charge amount is applied.
3121 */
3122 RecurringChargeFrequency?: String;
3123 }
3124 export type RecurringChargeList = RecurringCharge[];
3125 export interface ReservedNode {
3126 /**
3127 * The unique identifier for the reservation.
3128 */
3129 ReservedNodeId?: String;
3130 /**
3131 * The identifier for the reserved node offering.
3132 */
3133 ReservedNodeOfferingId?: String;
3134 /**
3135 * The node type of the reserved node.
3136 */
3137 NodeType?: String;
3138 /**
3139 * The time the reservation started. You purchase a reserved node offering for a duration. This is the start time of that duration.
3140 */
3141 StartTime?: TStamp;
3142 /**
3143 * The duration of the node reservation in seconds.
3144 */
3145 Duration?: Integer;
3146 /**
3147 * The fixed cost Amazon Redshift charges you for this reserved node.
3148 */
3149 FixedPrice?: Double;
3150 /**
3151 * The hourly rate Amazon Redshift charges you for this reserved node.
3152 */
3153 UsagePrice?: Double;
3154 /**
3155 * The currency code for the reserved cluster.
3156 */
3157 CurrencyCode?: String;
3158 /**
3159 * The number of reserved compute nodes.
3160 */
3161 NodeCount?: Integer;
3162 /**
3163 * The state of the reserved compute node. Possible Values: pending-payment-This reserved node has recently been purchased, and the sale has been approved, but payment has not yet been confirmed. active-This reserved node is owned by the caller and is available for use. payment-failed-Payment failed for the purchase attempt. retired-The reserved node is no longer available. exchanging-The owner is exchanging the reserved node for another reserved node.
3164 */
3165 State?: String;
3166 /**
3167 * The anticipated utilization of the reserved node, as defined in the reserved node offering.
3168 */
3169 OfferingType?: String;
3170 /**
3171 * The recurring charges for the reserved node.
3172 */
3173 RecurringCharges?: RecurringChargeList;
3174 ReservedNodeOfferingType?: ReservedNodeOfferingType;
3175 }
3176 export type ReservedNodeList = ReservedNode[];
3177 export interface ReservedNodeOffering {
3178 /**
3179 * The offering identifier.
3180 */
3181 ReservedNodeOfferingId?: String;
3182 /**
3183 * The node type offered by the reserved node offering.
3184 */
3185 NodeType?: String;
3186 /**
3187 * The duration, in seconds, for which the offering will reserve the node.
3188 */
3189 Duration?: Integer;
3190 /**
3191 * The upfront fixed charge you will pay to purchase the specific reserved node offering.
3192 */
3193 FixedPrice?: Double;
3194 /**
3195 * The rate you are charged for each hour the cluster that is using the offering is running.
3196 */
3197 UsagePrice?: Double;
3198 /**
3199 * The currency code for the compute nodes offering.
3200 */
3201 CurrencyCode?: String;
3202 /**
3203 * The anticipated utilization of the reserved node, as defined in the reserved node offering.
3204 */
3205 OfferingType?: String;
3206 /**
3207 * The charge to your account regardless of whether you are creating any clusters using the node offering. Recurring charges are only in effect for heavy-utilization reserved nodes.
3208 */
3209 RecurringCharges?: RecurringChargeList;
3210 ReservedNodeOfferingType?: ReservedNodeOfferingType;
3211 }
3212 export type ReservedNodeOfferingList = ReservedNodeOffering[];
3213 export type ReservedNodeOfferingType = "Regular"|"Upgradable"|string;
3214 export interface ReservedNodeOfferingsMessage {
3215 /**
3216 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
3217 */
3218 Marker?: String;
3219 /**
3220 * A list of ReservedNodeOffering objects.
3221 */
3222 ReservedNodeOfferings?: ReservedNodeOfferingList;
3223 }
3224 export interface ReservedNodesMessage {
3225 /**
3226 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
3227 */
3228 Marker?: String;
3229 /**
3230 * The list of ReservedNode objects.
3231 */
3232 ReservedNodes?: ReservedNodeList;
3233 }
3234 export interface ResetClusterParameterGroupMessage {
3235 /**
3236 * The name of the cluster parameter group to be reset.
3237 */
3238 ParameterGroupName: String;
3239 /**
3240 * If true, all parameters in the specified parameter group will be reset to their default values. Default: true
3241 */
3242 ResetAllParameters?: Boolean;
3243 /**
3244 * An array of names of parameters to be reset. If ResetAllParameters option is not used, then at least one parameter name must be supplied. Constraints: A maximum of 20 parameters can be reset in a single request.
3245 */
3246 Parameters?: ParametersList;
3247 }
3248 export interface ResizeClusterMessage {
3249 /**
3250 * The unique identifier for the cluster to resize.
3251 */
3252 ClusterIdentifier: String;
3253 /**
3254 * The new cluster type for the specified cluster.
3255 */
3256 ClusterType?: String;
3257 /**
3258 * The new node type for the nodes you are adding.
3259 */
3260 NodeType?: String;
3261 /**
3262 * The new number of nodes for the cluster.
3263 */
3264 NumberOfNodes: Integer;
3265 /**
3266 * A boolean value indicating whether the resize operation is using the classic resize process. If you don't provide this parameter or set the value to false, the resize type is elastic.
3267 */
3268 Classic?: BooleanOptional;
3269 }
3270 export interface ResizeClusterResult {
3271 Cluster?: Cluster;
3272 }
3273 export interface ResizeInfo {
3274 /**
3275 * Returns the value ClassicResize.
3276 */
3277 ResizeType?: String;
3278 /**
3279 * A boolean value indicating if the resize operation can be cancelled.
3280 */
3281 AllowCancelResize?: Boolean;
3282 }
3283 export interface ResizeProgressMessage {
3284 /**
3285 * The node type that the cluster will have after the resize operation is complete.
3286 */
3287 TargetNodeType?: String;
3288 /**
3289 * The number of nodes that the cluster will have after the resize operation is complete.
3290 */
3291 TargetNumberOfNodes?: IntegerOptional;
3292 /**
3293 * The cluster type after the resize operation is complete. Valid Values: multi-node | single-node
3294 */
3295 TargetClusterType?: String;
3296 /**
3297 * The status of the resize operation. Valid Values: NONE | IN_PROGRESS | FAILED | SUCCEEDED | CANCELLING
3298 */
3299 Status?: String;
3300 /**
3301 * The names of tables that have been completely imported . Valid Values: List of table names.
3302 */
3303 ImportTablesCompleted?: ImportTablesCompleted;
3304 /**
3305 * The names of tables that are being currently imported. Valid Values: List of table names.
3306 */
3307 ImportTablesInProgress?: ImportTablesInProgress;
3308 /**
3309 * The names of tables that have not been yet imported. Valid Values: List of table names
3310 */
3311 ImportTablesNotStarted?: ImportTablesNotStarted;
3312 /**
3313 * The average rate of the resize operation over the last few minutes, measured in megabytes per second. After the resize operation completes, this value shows the average rate of the entire resize operation.
3314 */
3315 AvgResizeRateInMegaBytesPerSecond?: DoubleOptional;
3316 /**
3317 * The estimated total amount of data, in megabytes, on the cluster before the resize operation began.
3318 */
3319 TotalResizeDataInMegaBytes?: LongOptional;
3320 /**
3321 * While the resize operation is in progress, this value shows the current amount of data, in megabytes, that has been processed so far. When the resize operation is complete, this value shows the total amount of data, in megabytes, on the cluster, which may be more or less than TotalResizeDataInMegaBytes (the estimated total amount of data before resize).
3322 */
3323 ProgressInMegaBytes?: LongOptional;
3324 /**
3325 * The amount of seconds that have elapsed since the resize operation began. After the resize operation completes, this value shows the total actual time, in seconds, for the resize operation.
3326 */
3327 ElapsedTimeInSeconds?: LongOptional;
3328 /**
3329 * The estimated time remaining, in seconds, until the resize operation is complete. This value is calculated based on the average resize rate and the estimated amount of data remaining to be processed. Once the resize operation is complete, this value will be 0.
3330 */
3331 EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds?: LongOptional;
3332 /**
3333 * An enum with possible values of ClassicResize and ElasticResize. These values describe the type of resize operation being performed.
3334 */
3335 ResizeType?: String;
3336 /**
3337 * An optional string to provide additional details about the resize action.
3338 */
3339 Message?: String;
3340 /**
3341 * The type of encryption for the cluster after the resize is complete. Possible values are KMS and None. In the China region possible values are: Legacy and None.
3342 */
3343 TargetEncryptionType?: String;
3344 }
3345 export type RestorableNodeTypeList = String[];
3346 export interface RestoreFromClusterSnapshotMessage {
3347 /**
3348 * The identifier of the cluster that will be created from restoring the snapshot. Constraints: Must contain from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. Alphabetic characters must be lowercase. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. Must be unique for all clusters within an AWS account.
3349 */
3350 ClusterIdentifier: String;
3351 /**
3352 * The name of the snapshot from which to create the new cluster. This parameter isn't case sensitive. Example: my-snapshot-id
3353 */
3354 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
3355 /**
3356 * The name of the cluster the source snapshot was created from. This parameter is required if your IAM user has a policy containing a snapshot resource element that specifies anything other than * for the cluster name.
3357 */
3358 SnapshotClusterIdentifier?: String;
3359 /**
3360 * The port number on which the cluster accepts connections. Default: The same port as the original cluster. Constraints: Must be between 1115 and 65535.
3361 */
3362 Port?: IntegerOptional;
3363 /**
3364 * The Amazon EC2 Availability Zone in which to restore the cluster. Default: A random, system-chosen Availability Zone. Example: us-east-1a
3365 */
3366 AvailabilityZone?: String;
3367 /**
3368 * If true, major version upgrades can be applied during the maintenance window to the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster. Default: true
3369 */
3370 AllowVersionUpgrade?: BooleanOptional;
3371 /**
3372 * The name of the subnet group where you want to cluster restored. A snapshot of cluster in VPC can be restored only in VPC. Therefore, you must provide subnet group name where you want the cluster restored.
3373 */
3374 ClusterSubnetGroupName?: String;
3375 /**
3376 * If true, the cluster can be accessed from a public network.
3377 */
3378 PubliclyAccessible?: BooleanOptional;
3379 /**
3380 * The AWS customer account used to create or copy the snapshot. Required if you are restoring a snapshot you do not own, optional if you own the snapshot.
3381 */
3382 OwnerAccount?: String;
3383 /**
3384 * Specifies the name of the HSM client certificate the Amazon Redshift cluster uses to retrieve the data encryption keys stored in an HSM.
3385 */
3386 HsmClientCertificateIdentifier?: String;
3387 /**
3388 * Specifies the name of the HSM configuration that contains the information the Amazon Redshift cluster can use to retrieve and store keys in an HSM.
3389 */
3390 HsmConfigurationIdentifier?: String;
3391 /**
3392 * The elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster.
3393 */
3394 ElasticIp?: String;
3395 /**
3396 * The name of the parameter group to be associated with this cluster. Default: The default Amazon Redshift cluster parameter group. For information about the default parameter group, go to Working with Amazon Redshift Parameter Groups. Constraints: Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. First character must be a letter. Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
3397 */
3398 ClusterParameterGroupName?: String;
3399 /**
3400 * A list of security groups to be associated with this cluster. Default: The default cluster security group for Amazon Redshift. Cluster security groups only apply to clusters outside of VPCs.
3401 */
3402 ClusterSecurityGroups?: ClusterSecurityGroupNameList;
3403 /**
3404 * A list of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups to be associated with the cluster. Default: The default VPC security group is associated with the cluster. VPC security groups only apply to clusters in VPCs.
3405 */
3406 VpcSecurityGroupIds?: VpcSecurityGroupIdList;
3407 /**
3408 * The weekly time range (in UTC) during which automated cluster maintenance can occur. Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi Default: The value selected for the cluster from which the snapshot was taken. For more information about the time blocks for each region, see Maintenance Windows in Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. Valid Days: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.
3409 */
3410 PreferredMaintenanceWindow?: String;
3411 /**
3412 * The number of days that automated snapshots are retained. If the value is 0, automated snapshots are disabled. Even if automated snapshots are disabled, you can still create manual snapshots when you want with CreateClusterSnapshot. Default: The value selected for the cluster from which the snapshot was taken. Constraints: Must be a value from 0 to 35.
3413 */
3414 AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
3415 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
3416 /**
3417 * The AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID of the encryption key that you want to use to encrypt data in the cluster that you restore from a shared snapshot.
3418 */
3419 KmsKeyId?: String;
3420 /**
3421 * The node type that the restored cluster will be provisioned with. Default: The node type of the cluster from which the snapshot was taken. You can modify this if you are using any DS node type. In that case, you can choose to restore into another DS node type of the same size. For example, you can restore ds1.8xlarge into ds2.8xlarge, or ds1.xlarge into ds2.xlarge. If you have a DC instance type, you must restore into that same instance type and size. In other words, you can only restore a dc1.large instance type into another dc1.large instance type or dc2.large instance type. You can't restore dc1.8xlarge to dc2.8xlarge. First restore to a dc1.8xlareg cluster, then resize to a dc2.8large cluster. For more information about node types, see About Clusters and Nodes in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
3422 */
3423 NodeType?: String;
3424 /**
3425 * An option that specifies whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. To create a cluster that uses enhanced VPC routing, the cluster must be in a VPC. For more information, see Enhanced VPC Routing in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If this option is true, enhanced VPC routing is enabled. Default: false
3426 */
3427 EnhancedVpcRouting?: BooleanOptional;
3428 /**
3429 * Reserved.
3430 */
3431 AdditionalInfo?: String;
3432 /**
3433 * A list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that can be used by the cluster to access other AWS services. You must supply the IAM roles in their Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format. You can supply up to 10 IAM roles in a single request. A cluster can have up to 10 IAM roles associated at any time.
3434 */
3435 IamRoles?: IamRoleArnList;
3436 /**
3437 * The name of the maintenance track for the restored cluster. When you take a snapshot, the snapshot inherits the MaintenanceTrack value from the cluster. The snapshot might be on a different track than the cluster that was the source for the snapshot. For example, suppose that you take a snapshot of a cluster that is on the current track and then change the cluster to be on the trailing track. In this case, the snapshot and the source cluster are on different tracks.
3438 */
3439 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
3440 /**
3441 * A unique identifier for the snapshot schedule.
3442 */
3443 SnapshotScheduleIdentifier?: String;
3444 }
3445 export interface RestoreFromClusterSnapshotResult {
3446 Cluster?: Cluster;
3447 }
3448 export interface RestoreStatus {
3449 /**
3450 * The status of the restore action. Returns starting, restoring, completed, or failed.
3451 */
3452 Status?: String;
3453 /**
3454 * The number of megabytes per second being transferred from the backup storage. Returns the average rate for a completed backup.
3455 */
3456 CurrentRestoreRateInMegaBytesPerSecond?: Double;
3457 /**
3458 * The size of the set of snapshot data used to restore the cluster.
3459 */
3460 SnapshotSizeInMegaBytes?: Long;
3461 /**
3462 * The number of megabytes that have been transferred from snapshot storage.
3463 */
3464 ProgressInMegaBytes?: Long;
3465 /**
3466 * The amount of time an in-progress restore has been running, or the amount of time it took a completed restore to finish.
3467 */
3468 ElapsedTimeInSeconds?: Long;
3469 /**
3470 * The estimate of the time remaining before the restore will complete. Returns 0 for a completed restore.
3471 */
3472 EstimatedTimeToCompletionInSeconds?: Long;
3473 }
3474 export interface RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotMessage {
3475 /**
3476 * The identifier of the Amazon Redshift cluster to restore the table to.
3477 */
3478 ClusterIdentifier: String;
3479 /**
3480 * The identifier of the snapshot to restore the table from. This snapshot must have been created from the Amazon Redshift cluster specified by the ClusterIdentifier parameter.
3481 */
3482 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
3483 /**
3484 * The name of the source database that contains the table to restore from.
3485 */
3486 SourceDatabaseName: String;
3487 /**
3488 * The name of the source schema that contains the table to restore from. If you do not specify a SourceSchemaName value, the default is public.
3489 */
3490 SourceSchemaName?: String;
3491 /**
3492 * The name of the source table to restore from.
3493 */
3494 SourceTableName: String;
3495 /**
3496 * The name of the database to restore the table to.
3497 */
3498 TargetDatabaseName?: String;
3499 /**
3500 * The name of the schema to restore the table to.
3501 */
3502 TargetSchemaName?: String;
3503 /**
3504 * The name of the table to create as a result of the current request.
3505 */
3506 NewTableName: String;
3507 }
3508 export interface RestoreTableFromClusterSnapshotResult {
3509 TableRestoreStatus?: TableRestoreStatus;
3510 }
3511 export interface RevisionTarget {
3512 /**
3513 * A unique string that identifies the version to update the cluster to. You can use this value in ModifyClusterDbRevision.
3514 */
3515 DatabaseRevision?: String;
3516 /**
3517 * A string that describes the changes and features that will be applied to the cluster when it is updated to the corresponding ClusterDbRevision.
3518 */
3519 Description?: String;
3520 /**
3521 * The date on which the database revision was released.
3522 */
3523 DatabaseRevisionReleaseDate?: TStamp;
3524 }
3525 export type RevisionTargetsList = RevisionTarget[];
3526 export interface RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressMessage {
3527 /**
3528 * The name of the security Group from which to revoke the ingress rule.
3529 */
3530 ClusterSecurityGroupName: String;
3531 /**
3532 * The IP range for which to revoke access. This range must be a valid Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block of IP addresses. If CIDRIP is specified, EC2SecurityGroupName and EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId cannot be provided.
3533 */
3534 CIDRIP?: String;
3535 /**
3536 * The name of the EC2 Security Group whose access is to be revoked. If EC2SecurityGroupName is specified, EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId must also be provided and CIDRIP cannot be provided.
3537 */
3538 EC2SecurityGroupName?: String;
3539 /**
3540 * The AWS account number of the owner of the security group specified in the EC2SecurityGroupName parameter. The AWS access key ID is not an acceptable value. If EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId is specified, EC2SecurityGroupName must also be provided. and CIDRIP cannot be provided. Example: 111122223333
3541 */
3542 EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId?: String;
3543 }
3544 export interface RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngressResult {
3545 ClusterSecurityGroup?: ClusterSecurityGroup;
3546 }
3547 export interface RevokeSnapshotAccessMessage {
3548 /**
3549 * The identifier of the snapshot that the account can no longer access.
3550 */
3551 SnapshotIdentifier: String;
3552 /**
3553 * The identifier of the cluster the snapshot was created from. This parameter is required if your IAM user has a policy containing a snapshot resource element that specifies anything other than * for the cluster name.
3554 */
3555 SnapshotClusterIdentifier?: String;
3556 /**
3557 * The identifier of the AWS customer account that can no longer restore the specified snapshot.
3558 */
3559 AccountWithRestoreAccess: String;
3560 }
3561 export interface RevokeSnapshotAccessResult {
3562 Snapshot?: Snapshot;
3563 }
3564 export interface RotateEncryptionKeyMessage {
3565 /**
3566 * The unique identifier of the cluster that you want to rotate the encryption keys for. Constraints: Must be the name of valid cluster that has encryption enabled.
3567 */
3568 ClusterIdentifier: String;
3569 }
3570 export interface RotateEncryptionKeyResult {
3571 Cluster?: Cluster;
3572 }
3573 export type ScheduleDefinitionList = String[];
3574 export type ScheduleState = "MODIFYING"|"ACTIVE"|"FAILED"|string;
3575 export type ScheduledSnapshotTimeList = TStamp[];
3576 export type SensitiveString = string;
3577 export interface Snapshot {
3578 /**
3579 * The snapshot identifier that is provided in the request.
3580 */
3581 SnapshotIdentifier?: String;
3582 /**
3583 * The identifier of the cluster for which the snapshot was taken.
3584 */
3585 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
3586 /**
3587 * The time (in UTC format) when Amazon Redshift began the snapshot. A snapshot contains a copy of the cluster data as of this exact time.
3588 */
3589 SnapshotCreateTime?: TStamp;
3590 /**
3591 * The snapshot status. The value of the status depends on the API operation used: CreateClusterSnapshot and CopyClusterSnapshot returns status as "creating". DescribeClusterSnapshots returns status as "creating", "available", "final snapshot", or "failed". DeleteClusterSnapshot returns status as "deleted".
3592 */
3593 Status?: String;
3594 /**
3595 * The port that the cluster is listening on.
3596 */
3597 Port?: Integer;
3598 /**
3599 * The Availability Zone in which the cluster was created.
3600 */
3601 AvailabilityZone?: String;
3602 /**
3603 * The time (UTC) when the cluster was originally created.
3604 */
3605 ClusterCreateTime?: TStamp;
3606 /**
3607 * The master user name for the cluster.
3608 */
3609 MasterUsername?: String;
3610 /**
3611 * The version ID of the Amazon Redshift engine that is running on the cluster.
3612 */
3613 ClusterVersion?: String;
3614 /**
3615 * The snapshot type. Snapshots created using CreateClusterSnapshot and CopyClusterSnapshot are of type "manual".
3616 */
3617 SnapshotType?: String;
3618 /**
3619 * The node type of the nodes in the cluster.
3620 */
3621 NodeType?: String;
3622 /**
3623 * The number of nodes in the cluster.
3624 */
3625 NumberOfNodes?: Integer;
3626 /**
3627 * The name of the database that was created when the cluster was created.
3628 */
3629 DBName?: String;
3630 /**
3631 * The VPC identifier of the cluster if the snapshot is from a cluster in a VPC. Otherwise, this field is not in the output.
3632 */
3633 VpcId?: String;
3634 /**
3635 * If true, the data in the snapshot is encrypted at rest.
3636 */
3637 Encrypted?: Boolean;
3638 /**
3639 * The AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID of the encryption key that was used to encrypt data in the cluster from which the snapshot was taken.
3640 */
3641 KmsKeyId?: String;
3642 /**
3643 * A boolean that indicates whether the snapshot data is encrypted using the HSM keys of the source cluster. true indicates that the data is encrypted using HSM keys.
3644 */
3645 EncryptedWithHSM?: Boolean;
3646 /**
3647 * A list of the AWS customer accounts authorized to restore the snapshot. Returns null if no accounts are authorized. Visible only to the snapshot owner.
3648 */
3649 AccountsWithRestoreAccess?: AccountsWithRestoreAccessList;
3650 /**
3651 * For manual snapshots, the AWS customer account used to create or copy the snapshot. For automatic snapshots, the owner of the cluster. The owner can perform all snapshot actions, such as sharing a manual snapshot.
3652 */
3653 OwnerAccount?: String;
3654 /**
3655 * The size of the complete set of backup data that would be used to restore the cluster.
3656 */
3657 TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes?: Double;
3658 /**
3659 * The size of the incremental backup.
3660 */
3661 ActualIncrementalBackupSizeInMegaBytes?: Double;
3662 /**
3663 * The number of megabytes that have been transferred to the snapshot backup.
3664 */
3665 BackupProgressInMegaBytes?: Double;
3666 /**
3667 * The number of megabytes per second being transferred to the snapshot backup. Returns 0 for a completed backup.
3668 */
3669 CurrentBackupRateInMegaBytesPerSecond?: Double;
3670 /**
3671 * The estimate of the time remaining before the snapshot backup will complete. Returns 0 for a completed backup.
3672 */
3673 EstimatedSecondsToCompletion?: Long;
3674 /**
3675 * The amount of time an in-progress snapshot backup has been running, or the amount of time it took a completed backup to finish.
3676 */
3677 ElapsedTimeInSeconds?: Long;
3678 /**
3679 * The source region from which the snapshot was copied.
3680 */
3681 SourceRegion?: String;
3682 /**
3683 * The list of tags for the cluster snapshot.
3684 */
3685 Tags?: TagList;
3686 /**
3687 * The list of node types that this cluster snapshot is able to restore into.
3688 */
3689 RestorableNodeTypes?: RestorableNodeTypeList;
3690 /**
3691 * An option that specifies whether to create the cluster with enhanced VPC routing enabled. To create a cluster that uses enhanced VPC routing, the cluster must be in a VPC. For more information, see Enhanced VPC Routing in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide. If this option is true, enhanced VPC routing is enabled. Default: false
3692 */
3693 EnhancedVpcRouting?: Boolean;
3694 /**
3695 * The name of the maintenance track for the snapshot.
3696 */
3697 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
3698 /**
3699 * The number of days that a manual snapshot is retained. If the value is -1, the manual snapshot is retained indefinitely. The value must be either -1 or an integer between 1 and 3,653.
3700 */
3701 ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod?: IntegerOptional;
3702 /**
3703 * The number of days until a manual snapshot will pass its retention period.
3704 */
3705 ManualSnapshotRemainingDays?: IntegerOptional;
3706 /**
3707 * A timestamp representing the start of the retention period for the snapshot.
3708 */
3709 SnapshotRetentionStartTime?: TStamp;
3710 }
3711 export type SnapshotAttributeToSortBy = "SOURCE_TYPE"|"TOTAL_SIZE"|"CREATE_TIME"|string;
3712 export interface SnapshotCopyGrant {
3713 /**
3714 * The name of the snapshot copy grant.
3715 */
3716 SnapshotCopyGrantName?: String;
3717 /**
3718 * The unique identifier of the customer master key (CMK) in AWS KMS to which Amazon Redshift is granted permission.
3719 */
3720 KmsKeyId?: String;
3721 /**
3722 * A list of tag instances.
3723 */
3724 Tags?: TagList;
3725 }
3726 export type SnapshotCopyGrantList = SnapshotCopyGrant[];
3727 export interface SnapshotCopyGrantMessage {
3728 /**
3729 * An optional parameter that specifies the starting point to return a set of response records. When the results of a DescribeSnapshotCopyGrant request exceed the value specified in MaxRecords, AWS returns a value in the Marker field of the response. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request. Constraints: You can specify either the SnapshotCopyGrantName parameter or the Marker parameter, but not both.
3730 */
3731 Marker?: String;
3732 /**
3733 * The list of SnapshotCopyGrant objects.
3734 */
3735 SnapshotCopyGrants?: SnapshotCopyGrantList;
3736 }
3737 export interface SnapshotErrorMessage {
3738 /**
3739 * A unique identifier for the snapshot returning the error.
3740 */
3741 SnapshotIdentifier?: String;
3742 /**
3743 * A unique identifier for the cluster.
3744 */
3745 SnapshotClusterIdentifier?: String;
3746 /**
3747 * The failure code for the error.
3748 */
3749 FailureCode?: String;
3750 /**
3751 * The text message describing the error.
3752 */
3753 FailureReason?: String;
3754 }
3755 export type SnapshotIdentifierList = String[];
3756 export type SnapshotList = Snapshot[];
3757 export interface SnapshotMessage {
3758 /**
3759 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
3760 */
3761 Marker?: String;
3762 /**
3763 * A list of Snapshot instances.
3764 */
3765 Snapshots?: SnapshotList;
3766 }
3767 export interface SnapshotSchedule {
3768 /**
3769 * A list of ScheduleDefinitions
3770 */
3771 ScheduleDefinitions?: ScheduleDefinitionList;
3772 /**
3773 * A unique identifier for the schedule.
3774 */
3775 ScheduleIdentifier?: String;
3776 /**
3777 * The description of the schedule.
3778 */
3779 ScheduleDescription?: String;
3780 /**
3781 * An optional set of tags describing the schedule.
3782 */
3783 Tags?: TagList;
3784 NextInvocations?: ScheduledSnapshotTimeList;
3785 AssociatedClusterCount?: IntegerOptional;
3786 AssociatedClusters?: AssociatedClusterList;
3787 }
3788 export type SnapshotScheduleList = SnapshotSchedule[];
3789 export interface SnapshotSortingEntity {
3790 /**
3791 * The category for sorting the snapshots.
3792 */
3793 Attribute: SnapshotAttributeToSortBy;
3794 /**
3795 * The order for listing the attributes.
3796 */
3797 SortOrder?: SortByOrder;
3798 }
3799 export type SnapshotSortingEntityList = SnapshotSortingEntity[];
3800 export type SortByOrder = "ASC"|"DESC"|string;
3801 export type SourceIdsList = String[];
3802 export type SourceType = "cluster"|"cluster-parameter-group"|"cluster-security-group"|"cluster-snapshot"|string;
3803 export type String = string;
3804 export interface Subnet {
3805 /**
3806 * The identifier of the subnet.
3807 */
3808 SubnetIdentifier?: String;
3809 SubnetAvailabilityZone?: AvailabilityZone;
3810 /**
3811 * The status of the subnet.
3812 */
3813 SubnetStatus?: String;
3814 }
3815 export type SubnetIdentifierList = String[];
3816 export type SubnetList = Subnet[];
3817 export interface SupportedOperation {
3818 /**
3819 * A list of the supported operations.
3820 */
3821 OperationName?: String;
3822 }
3823 export type SupportedOperationList = SupportedOperation[];
3824 export interface SupportedPlatform {
3825 Name?: String;
3826 }
3827 export type SupportedPlatformsList = SupportedPlatform[];
3828 export type TStamp = Date;
3829 export interface TableRestoreStatus {
3830 /**
3831 * The unique identifier for the table restore request.
3832 */
3833 TableRestoreRequestId?: String;
3834 /**
3835 * A value that describes the current state of the table restore request. Valid Values: SUCCEEDED, FAILED, CANCELED, PENDING, IN_PROGRESS
3836 */
3837 Status?: TableRestoreStatusType;
3838 /**
3839 * A description of the status of the table restore request. Status values include SUCCEEDED, FAILED, CANCELED, PENDING, IN_PROGRESS.
3840 */
3841 Message?: String;
3842 /**
3843 * The time that the table restore request was made, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
3844 */
3845 RequestTime?: TStamp;
3846 /**
3847 * The amount of data restored to the new table so far, in megabytes (MB).
3848 */
3849 ProgressInMegaBytes?: LongOptional;
3850 /**
3851 * The total amount of data to restore to the new table, in megabytes (MB).
3852 */
3853 TotalDataInMegaBytes?: LongOptional;
3854 /**
3855 * The identifier of the Amazon Redshift cluster that the table is being restored to.
3856 */
3857 ClusterIdentifier?: String;
3858 /**
3859 * The identifier of the snapshot that the table is being restored from.
3860 */
3861 SnapshotIdentifier?: String;
3862 /**
3863 * The name of the source database that contains the table being restored.
3864 */
3865 SourceDatabaseName?: String;
3866 /**
3867 * The name of the source schema that contains the table being restored.
3868 */
3869 SourceSchemaName?: String;
3870 /**
3871 * The name of the source table being restored.
3872 */
3873 SourceTableName?: String;
3874 /**
3875 * The name of the database to restore the table to.
3876 */
3877 TargetDatabaseName?: String;
3878 /**
3879 * The name of the schema to restore the table to.
3880 */
3881 TargetSchemaName?: String;
3882 /**
3883 * The name of the table to create as a result of the table restore request.
3884 */
3885 NewTableName?: String;
3886 }
3887 export type TableRestoreStatusList = TableRestoreStatus[];
3888 export interface TableRestoreStatusMessage {
3889 /**
3890 * A list of status details for one or more table restore requests.
3891 */
3892 TableRestoreStatusDetails?: TableRestoreStatusList;
3893 /**
3894 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent DescribeTableRestoreStatus request.
3895 */
3896 Marker?: String;
3897 }
3898 export type TableRestoreStatusType = "PENDING"|"IN_PROGRESS"|"SUCCEEDED"|"FAILED"|"CANCELED"|string;
3899 export interface Tag {
3900 /**
3901 * The key, or name, for the resource tag.
3902 */
3903 Key?: String;
3904 /**
3905 * The value for the resource tag.
3906 */
3907 Value?: String;
3908 }
3909 export type TagKeyList = String[];
3910 export type TagList = Tag[];
3911 export type TagValueList = String[];
3912 export interface TaggedResource {
3913 /**
3914 * The tag for the resource.
3915 */
3916 Tag?: Tag;
3917 /**
3918 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with which the tag is associated, for example: arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789:cluster:t1.
3919 */
3920 ResourceName?: String;
3921 /**
3922 * The type of resource with which the tag is associated. Valid resource types are: Cluster CIDR/IP EC2 security group Snapshot Cluster security group Subnet group HSM connection HSM certificate Parameter group For more information about Amazon Redshift resource types and constructing ARNs, go to Constructing an Amazon Redshift Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.
3923 */
3924 ResourceType?: String;
3925 }
3926 export type TaggedResourceList = TaggedResource[];
3927 export interface TaggedResourceListMessage {
3928 /**
3929 * A list of tags with their associated resources.
3930 */
3931 TaggedResources?: TaggedResourceList;
3932 /**
3933 * A value that indicates the starting point for the next set of response records in a subsequent request. If a value is returned in a response, you can retrieve the next set of records by providing this returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the command. If the Marker field is empty, all response records have been retrieved for the request.
3934 */
3935 Marker?: String;
3936 }
3937 export type TrackList = MaintenanceTrack[];
3938 export interface TrackListMessage {
3939 /**
3940 * A list of maintenance tracks output by the DescribeClusterTracks operation.
3941 */
3942 MaintenanceTracks?: TrackList;
3943 /**
3944 * The starting point to return a set of response tracklist records. You can retrieve the next set of response records by providing the returned marker value in the Marker parameter and retrying the request.
3945 */
3946 Marker?: String;
3947 }
3948 export interface UpdateTarget {
3949 /**
3950 * The name of the new maintenance track.
3951 */
3952 MaintenanceTrackName?: String;
3953 /**
3954 * The cluster version for the new maintenance track.
3955 */
3956 DatabaseVersion?: String;
3957 /**
3958 * A list of operations supported by the maintenance track.
3959 */
3960 SupportedOperations?: SupportedOperationList;
3961 }
3962 export type VpcSecurityGroupIdList = String[];
3963 export interface VpcSecurityGroupMembership {
3964 /**
3965 * The identifier of the VPC security group.
3966 */
3967 VpcSecurityGroupId?: String;
3968 /**
3969 * The status of the VPC security group.
3970 */
3971 Status?: String;
3972 }
3973 export type VpcSecurityGroupMembershipList = VpcSecurityGroupMembership[];
3974 /**
3975 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
3976 */
3977 export type apiVersion = "2012-12-01"|"latest"|string;
3978 export interface ClientApiVersions {
3979 /**
3980 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
3981 */
3982 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
3983 }
3984 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
3985 /**
3986 * Contains interfaces for use with the Redshift client.
3987 */
3988 export import Types = Redshift;
3990export = Redshift;