27.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {WaiterConfiguration} from '../lib/service';
6import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
7import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
8interface Blob {}
9declare class Signer extends Service {
10 /**
11 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
12 */
13 constructor(options?: Signer.Types.ClientConfiguration)
14 config: Config & Signer.Types.ClientConfiguration;
15 /**
16 * Changes the state of an ACTIVE signing profile to CANCELED. A canceled profile is still viewable with the ListSigningProfiles operation, but it cannot perform new signing jobs, and is deleted two years after cancelation.
17 */
18 cancelSigningProfile(params: Signer.Types.CancelSigningProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
19 /**
20 * Changes the state of an ACTIVE signing profile to CANCELED. A canceled profile is still viewable with the ListSigningProfiles operation, but it cannot perform new signing jobs, and is deleted two years after cancelation.
21 */
22 cancelSigningProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
23 /**
24 * Returns information about a specific code signing job. You specify the job by using the jobId value that is returned by the StartSigningJob operation.
25 */
26 describeSigningJob(params: Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse, AWSError>;
27 /**
28 * Returns information about a specific code signing job. You specify the job by using the jobId value that is returned by the StartSigningJob operation.
29 */
30 describeSigningJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse, AWSError>;
31 /**
32 * Returns information on a specific signing platform.
33 */
34 getSigningPlatform(params: Signer.Types.GetSigningPlatformRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.GetSigningPlatformResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.GetSigningPlatformResponse, AWSError>;
35 /**
36 * Returns information on a specific signing platform.
37 */
38 getSigningPlatform(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.GetSigningPlatformResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.GetSigningPlatformResponse, AWSError>;
39 /**
40 * Returns information on a specific signing profile.
41 */
42 getSigningProfile(params: Signer.Types.GetSigningProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.GetSigningProfileResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.GetSigningProfileResponse, AWSError>;
43 /**
44 * Returns information on a specific signing profile.
45 */
46 getSigningProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.GetSigningProfileResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.GetSigningProfileResponse, AWSError>;
47 /**
48 * Lists all your signing jobs. You can use the maxResults parameter to limit the number of signing jobs that are returned in the response. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that AWS Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.
49 */
50 listSigningJobs(params: Signer.Types.ListSigningJobsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.ListSigningJobsResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.ListSigningJobsResponse, AWSError>;
51 /**
52 * Lists all your signing jobs. You can use the maxResults parameter to limit the number of signing jobs that are returned in the response. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that AWS Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.
53 */
54 listSigningJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.ListSigningJobsResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.ListSigningJobsResponse, AWSError>;
55 /**
56 * Lists all signing platforms available in AWS Signer that match the request parameters. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that AWS Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.
57 */
58 listSigningPlatforms(params: Signer.Types.ListSigningPlatformsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.ListSigningPlatformsResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.ListSigningPlatformsResponse, AWSError>;
59 /**
60 * Lists all signing platforms available in AWS Signer that match the request parameters. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that AWS Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.
61 */
62 listSigningPlatforms(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.ListSigningPlatformsResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.ListSigningPlatformsResponse, AWSError>;
63 /**
64 * Lists all available signing profiles in your AWS account. Returns only profiles with an ACTIVE status unless the includeCanceled request field is set to true. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that AWS Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.
65 */
66 listSigningProfiles(params: Signer.Types.ListSigningProfilesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.ListSigningProfilesResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.ListSigningProfilesResponse, AWSError>;
67 /**
68 * Lists all available signing profiles in your AWS account. Returns only profiles with an ACTIVE status unless the includeCanceled request field is set to true. If additional jobs remain to be listed, AWS Signer returns a nextToken value. Use this value in subsequent calls to ListSigningJobs to fetch the remaining values. You can continue calling ListSigningJobs with your maxResults parameter and with new values that AWS Signer returns in the nextToken parameter until all of your signing jobs have been returned.
69 */
70 listSigningProfiles(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.ListSigningProfilesResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.ListSigningProfilesResponse, AWSError>;
71 /**
72 * Creates a signing profile. A signing profile is an AWS Signer template that can be used to carry out a pre-defined signing job. For more information, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/signer/latest/developerguide/gs-profile.html
73 */
74 putSigningProfile(params: Signer.Types.PutSigningProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.PutSigningProfileResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.PutSigningProfileResponse, AWSError>;
75 /**
76 * Creates a signing profile. A signing profile is an AWS Signer template that can be used to carry out a pre-defined signing job. For more information, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/signer/latest/developerguide/gs-profile.html
77 */
78 putSigningProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.PutSigningProfileResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.PutSigningProfileResponse, AWSError>;
79 /**
80 * Initiates a signing job to be performed on the code provided. Signing jobs are viewable by the ListSigningJobs operation for two years after they are performed. Note the following requirements: You must create an Amazon S3 source bucket. For more information, see Create a Bucket in the Amazon S3 Getting Started Guide. Your S3 source bucket must be version enabled. You must create an S3 destination bucket. AWS Signer uses your S3 destination bucket to write your signed code. You specify the name of the source and destination buckets when calling the StartSigningJob operation. You must also specify a request token that identifies your request to AWS Signer. You can call the DescribeSigningJob and the ListSigningJobs actions after you call StartSigningJob. For a Java example that shows how to use this action, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/
81 */
82 startSigningJob(params: Signer.Types.StartSigningJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.StartSigningJobResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.StartSigningJobResponse, AWSError>;
83 /**
84 * Initiates a signing job to be performed on the code provided. Signing jobs are viewable by the ListSigningJobs operation for two years after they are performed. Note the following requirements: You must create an Amazon S3 source bucket. For more information, see Create a Bucket in the Amazon S3 Getting Started Guide. Your S3 source bucket must be version enabled. You must create an S3 destination bucket. AWS Signer uses your S3 destination bucket to write your signed code. You specify the name of the source and destination buckets when calling the StartSigningJob operation. You must also specify a request token that identifies your request to AWS Signer. You can call the DescribeSigningJob and the ListSigningJobs actions after you call StartSigningJob. For a Java example that shows how to use this action, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/
85 */
86 startSigningJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.StartSigningJobResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.StartSigningJobResponse, AWSError>;
87 /**
88 * Waits for the successfulSigningJob state by periodically calling the underlying Signer.describeSigningJoboperation every 20 seconds (at most 25 times).
89 */
90 waitFor(state: "successfulSigningJob", params: Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobRequest & {$waiter?: WaiterConfiguration}, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse, AWSError>;
91 /**
92 * Waits for the successfulSigningJob state by periodically calling the underlying Signer.describeSigningJoboperation every 20 seconds (at most 25 times).
93 */
94 waitFor(state: "successfulSigningJob", callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse) => void): Request<Signer.Types.DescribeSigningJobResponse, AWSError>;
96declare namespace Signer {
97 export type key = string;
98 export type BucketName = string;
99 export interface CancelSigningProfileRequest {
100 /**
101 * The name of the signing profile to be canceled.
102 */
103 profileName: ProfileName;
104 }
105 export type Category = "AWSIoT"|string;
106 export type CertificateArn = string;
107 export type ClientRequestToken = string;
108 export type CompletedAt = Date;
109 export type CreatedAt = Date;
110 export interface DescribeSigningJobRequest {
111 /**
112 * The ID of the signing job on input.
113 */
114 jobId: JobId;
115 }
116 export interface DescribeSigningJobResponse {
117 /**
118 * The ID of the signing job on output.
119 */
120 jobId?: JobId;
121 /**
122 * The object that contains the name of your S3 bucket or your raw code.
123 */
124 source?: Source;
125 /**
126 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your code signing certificate.
127 */
128 signingMaterial?: SigningMaterial;
129 /**
130 * The microcontroller platform to which your signed code image will be distributed.
131 */
132 platformId?: PlatformId;
133 /**
134 * The name of the profile that initiated the signing operation.
135 */
136 profileName?: ProfileName;
137 /**
138 * A list of any overrides that were applied to the signing operation.
139 */
140 overrides?: SigningPlatformOverrides;
141 /**
142 * Map of user-assigned key-value pairs used during signing. These values contain any information that you specified for use in your signing job.
143 */
144 signingParameters?: SigningParameters;
145 /**
146 * Date and time that the signing job was created.
147 */
148 createdAt?: CreatedAt;
149 /**
150 * Date and time that the signing job was completed.
151 */
152 completedAt?: CompletedAt;
153 /**
154 * The IAM principal that requested the signing job.
155 */
156 requestedBy?: RequestedBy;
157 /**
158 * Status of the signing job.
159 */
160 status?: SigningStatus;
161 /**
162 * String value that contains the status reason.
163 */
164 statusReason?: StatusReason;
165 /**
166 * Name of the S3 bucket where the signed code image is saved by AWS Signer.
167 */
168 signedObject?: SignedObject;
169 }
170 export interface Destination {
171 /**
172 * The S3Destination object.
173 */
174 s3?: S3Destination;
175 }
176 export type DisplayName = string;
177 export type EncryptionAlgorithm = "RSA"|"ECDSA"|string;
178 export interface EncryptionAlgorithmOptions {
179 /**
180 * The set of accepted encryption algorithms that are allowed in an AWS Signer job.
181 */
182 allowedValues: EncryptionAlgorithms;
183 /**
184 * The default encryption algorithm that is used by an AWS Signer job.
185 */
186 defaultValue: EncryptionAlgorithm;
187 }
188 export type EncryptionAlgorithms = EncryptionAlgorithm[];
189 export interface GetSigningPlatformRequest {
190 /**
191 * The ID of the target signing platform.
192 */
193 platformId: PlatformId;
194 }
195 export interface GetSigningPlatformResponse {
196 /**
197 * The ID of the target signing platform.
198 */
199 platformId?: PlatformId;
200 /**
201 * The display name of the target signing platform.
202 */
203 displayName?: DisplayName;
204 /**
205 * A list of partner entities that use the target signing platform.
206 */
207 partner?: String;
208 /**
209 * The validation template that is used by the target signing platform.
210 */
211 target?: String;
212 /**
213 * The category type of the target signing platform.
214 */
215 category?: Category;
216 /**
217 * A list of configurations applied to the target platform at signing.
218 */
219 signingConfiguration?: SigningConfiguration;
220 /**
221 * The format of the target platform's signing image.
222 */
223 signingImageFormat?: SigningImageFormat;
224 /**
225 * The maximum size (in MB) of the payload that can be signed by the target platform.
226 */
227 maxSizeInMB?: MaxSizeInMB;
228 }
229 export interface GetSigningProfileRequest {
230 /**
231 * The name of the target signing profile.
232 */
233 profileName: ProfileName;
234 }
235 export interface GetSigningProfileResponse {
236 /**
237 * The name of the target signing profile.
238 */
239 profileName?: ProfileName;
240 /**
241 * The ARN of the certificate that the target profile uses for signing operations.
242 */
243 signingMaterial?: SigningMaterial;
244 /**
245 * The ID of the platform that is used by the target signing profile.
246 */
247 platformId?: PlatformId;
248 /**
249 * A list of overrides applied by the target signing profile for signing operations.
250 */
251 overrides?: SigningPlatformOverrides;
252 /**
253 * A map of key-value pairs for signing operations that is attached to the target signing profile.
254 */
255 signingParameters?: SigningParameters;
256 /**
257 * The status of the target signing profile.
258 */
259 status?: SigningProfileStatus;
260 }
261 export type HashAlgorithm = "SHA1"|"SHA256"|string;
262 export interface HashAlgorithmOptions {
263 /**
264 * The set of accepted hash algorithms allowed in an AWS Signer job.
265 */
266 allowedValues: HashAlgorithms;
267 /**
268 * The default hash algorithm that is used in an AWS Signer job.
269 */
270 defaultValue: HashAlgorithm;
271 }
272 export type HashAlgorithms = HashAlgorithm[];
273 export type ImageFormat = "JSON"|string;
274 export type ImageFormats = ImageFormat[];
275 export type JobId = string;
276 export type Key = string;
277 export interface ListSigningJobsRequest {
278 /**
279 * A status value with which to filter your results.
280 */
281 status?: SigningStatus;
282 /**
283 * The ID of microcontroller platform that you specified for the distribution of your code image.
284 */
285 platformId?: PlatformId;
286 /**
287 * The IAM principal that requested the signing job.
288 */
289 requestedBy?: RequestedBy;
290 /**
291 * Specifies the maximum number of items to return in the response. Use this parameter when paginating results. If additional items exist beyond the number you specify, the nextToken element is set in the response. Use the nextToken value in a subsequent request to retrieve additional items.
292 */
293 maxResults?: MaxResults;
294 /**
295 * String for specifying the next set of paginated results to return. After you receive a response with truncated results, use this parameter in a subsequent request. Set it to the value of nextToken from the response that you just received.
296 */
297 nextToken?: NextToken;
298 }
299 export interface ListSigningJobsResponse {
300 /**
301 * A list of your signing jobs.
302 */
303 jobs?: SigningJobs;
304 /**
305 * String for specifying the next set of paginated results.
306 */
307 nextToken?: NextToken;
308 }
309 export interface ListSigningPlatformsRequest {
310 /**
311 * The category type of a signing platform.
312 */
313 category?: String;
314 /**
315 * Any partner entities connected to a signing platform.
316 */
317 partner?: String;
318 /**
319 * The validation template that is used by the target signing platform.
320 */
321 target?: String;
322 /**
323 * The maximum number of results to be returned by this operation.
324 */
325 maxResults?: MaxResults;
326 /**
327 * Value for specifying the next set of paginated results to return. After you receive a response with truncated results, use this parameter in a subsequent request. Set it to the value of nextToken from the response that you just received.
328 */
329 nextToken?: String;
330 }
331 export interface ListSigningPlatformsResponse {
332 /**
333 * A list of all platforms that match the request parameters.
334 */
335 platforms?: SigningPlatforms;
336 /**
337 * Value for specifying the next set of paginated results to return.
338 */
339 nextToken?: String;
340 }
341 export interface ListSigningProfilesRequest {
342 /**
343 * Designates whether to include profiles with the status of CANCELED.
344 */
345 includeCanceled?: bool;
346 /**
347 * The maximum number of profiles to be returned.
348 */
349 maxResults?: MaxResults;
350 /**
351 * Value for specifying the next set of paginated results to return. After you receive a response with truncated results, use this parameter in a subsequent request. Set it to the value of nextToken from the response that you just received.
352 */
353 nextToken?: NextToken;
354 }
355 export interface ListSigningProfilesResponse {
356 /**
357 * A list of profiles that are available in the AWS account. This includes profiles with the status of CANCELED if the includeCanceled parameter is set to true.
358 */
359 profiles?: SigningProfiles;
360 /**
361 * Value for specifying the next set of paginated results to return.
362 */
363 nextToken?: NextToken;
364 }
365 export type MaxResults = number;
366 export type MaxSizeInMB = number;
367 export type NextToken = string;
368 export type PlatformId = string;
369 export type Prefix = string;
370 export type ProfileName = string;
371 export interface PutSigningProfileRequest {
372 /**
373 * The name of the signing profile to be created.
374 */
375 profileName: ProfileName;
376 /**
377 * The AWS Certificate Manager certificate that will be used to sign code with the new signing profile.
378 */
379 signingMaterial: SigningMaterial;
380 /**
381 * The ID of the signing profile to be created.
382 */
383 platformId: PlatformId;
384 /**
385 * A subfield of platform. This specifies any different configuration options that you want to apply to the chosen platform (such as a different hash-algorithm or signing-algorithm).
386 */
387 overrides?: SigningPlatformOverrides;
388 /**
389 * Map of key-value pairs for signing. These can include any information that you want to use during signing.
390 */
391 signingParameters?: SigningParameters;
392 }
393 export interface PutSigningProfileResponse {
394 /**
395 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the signing profile created.
396 */
397 arn?: string;
398 }
399 export type RequestedBy = string;
400 export interface S3Destination {
401 /**
402 * Name of the S3 bucket.
403 */
404 bucketName?: BucketName;
405 /**
406 * An Amazon S3 prefix that you can use to limit responses to those that begin with the specified prefix.
407 */
408 prefix?: Prefix;
409 }
410 export interface S3SignedObject {
411 /**
412 * Name of the S3 bucket.
413 */
414 bucketName?: BucketName;
415 /**
416 * Key name that uniquely identifies a signed code image in your bucket.
417 */
418 key?: key;
419 }
420 export interface S3Source {
421 /**
422 * Name of the S3 bucket.
423 */
424 bucketName: BucketName;
425 /**
426 * Key name of the bucket object that contains your unsigned code.
427 */
428 key: Key;
429 /**
430 * Version of your source image in your version enabled S3 bucket.
431 */
432 version: Version;
433 }
434 export interface SignedObject {
435 /**
436 * The S3SignedObject.
437 */
438 s3?: S3SignedObject;
439 }
440 export interface SigningConfiguration {
441 /**
442 * The encryption algorithm options that are available for an AWS Signer job.
443 */
444 encryptionAlgorithmOptions: EncryptionAlgorithmOptions;
445 /**
446 * The hash algorithm options that are available for an AWS Signer job.
447 */
448 hashAlgorithmOptions: HashAlgorithmOptions;
449 }
450 export interface SigningConfigurationOverrides {
451 /**
452 * A specified override of the default encryption algorithm that is used in an AWS Signer job.
453 */
454 encryptionAlgorithm?: EncryptionAlgorithm;
455 /**
456 * A specified override of the default hash algorithm that is used in an AWS Signer job.
457 */
458 hashAlgorithm?: HashAlgorithm;
459 }
460 export interface SigningImageFormat {
461 /**
462 * The supported formats of an AWS Signer signing image.
463 */
464 supportedFormats: ImageFormats;
465 /**
466 * The default format of an AWS Signer signing image.
467 */
468 defaultFormat: ImageFormat;
469 }
470 export interface SigningJob {
471 /**
472 * The ID of the signing job.
473 */
474 jobId?: JobId;
475 /**
476 * A Source that contains information about a signing job's code image source.
477 */
478 source?: Source;
479 /**
480 * A SignedObject structure that contains information about a signing job's signed code image.
481 */
482 signedObject?: SignedObject;
483 /**
484 * A SigningMaterial object that contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for the signing job.
485 */
486 signingMaterial?: SigningMaterial;
487 /**
488 * The date and time that the signing job was created.
489 */
490 createdAt?: CreatedAt;
491 /**
492 * The status of the signing job.
493 */
494 status?: SigningStatus;
495 }
496 export type SigningJobs = SigningJob[];
497 export interface SigningMaterial {
498 /**
499 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificates that is used to sign your code.
500 */
501 certificateArn: CertificateArn;
502 }
503 export type SigningParameterKey = string;
504 export type SigningParameterValue = string;
505 export type SigningParameters = {[key: string]: SigningParameterValue};
506 export interface SigningPlatform {
507 /**
508 * The ID of an AWS Signer platform.
509 */
510 platformId?: String;
511 /**
512 * The display name of an AWS Signer platform.
513 */
514 displayName?: String;
515 /**
516 * Any partner entities linked to an AWS Signer platform.
517 */
518 partner?: String;
519 /**
520 * The types of targets that can be signed by an AWS Signer platform.
521 */
522 target?: String;
523 /**
524 * The category of an AWS Signer platform.
525 */
526 category?: Category;
527 /**
528 * The configuration of an AWS Signer platform. This includes the designated hash algorithm and encryption algorithm of a signing platform.
529 */
530 signingConfiguration?: SigningConfiguration;
531 /**
532 * The signing image format that is used by an AWS Signer platform.
533 */
534 signingImageFormat?: SigningImageFormat;
535 /**
536 * The maximum size (in MB) of code that can be signed by a AWS Signer platform.
537 */
538 maxSizeInMB?: MaxSizeInMB;
539 }
540 export interface SigningPlatformOverrides {
541 signingConfiguration?: SigningConfigurationOverrides;
542 }
543 export type SigningPlatforms = SigningPlatform[];
544 export interface SigningProfile {
545 /**
546 * The name of the AWS Signer profile.
547 */
548 profileName?: ProfileName;
549 /**
550 * The ACM certificate that is available for use by a signing profile.
551 */
552 signingMaterial?: SigningMaterial;
553 /**
554 * The ID of a platform that is available for use by a signing profile.
555 */
556 platformId?: PlatformId;
557 /**
558 * The parameters that are available for use by an AWS Signer user.
559 */
560 signingParameters?: SigningParameters;
561 /**
562 * The status of an AWS Signer profile.
563 */
564 status?: SigningProfileStatus;
565 }
566 export type SigningProfileStatus = "Active"|"Canceled"|string;
567 export type SigningProfiles = SigningProfile[];
568 export type SigningStatus = "InProgress"|"Failed"|"Succeeded"|string;
569 export interface Source {
570 /**
571 * The S3Source object.
572 */
573 s3?: S3Source;
574 }
575 export interface StartSigningJobRequest {
576 /**
577 * The S3 bucket that contains the object to sign or a BLOB that contains your raw code.
578 */
579 source: Source;
580 /**
581 * The S3 bucket in which to save your signed object. The destination contains the name of your bucket and an optional prefix.
582 */
583 destination: Destination;
584 /**
585 * The name of the signing profile.
586 */
587 profileName?: ProfileName;
588 /**
589 * String that identifies the signing request. All calls after the first that use this token return the same response as the first call.
590 */
591 clientRequestToken: ClientRequestToken;
592 }
593 export interface StartSigningJobResponse {
594 /**
595 * The ID of your signing job.
596 */
597 jobId?: JobId;
598 }
599 export type StatusReason = string;
600 export type String = string;
601 export type Version = string;
602 export type bool = boolean;
603 /**
604 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
605 */
606 export type apiVersion = "2017-08-25"|"latest"|string;
607 export interface ClientApiVersions {
608 /**
609 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
610 */
611 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
612 }
613 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
614 /**
615 * Contains interfaces for use with the Signer client.
616 */
617 export import Types = Signer;
619export = Signer;