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1var AWS = require('../core');
2var STS = require('../../clients/sts');
5 * Represents credentials retrieved from STS SAML support.
6 *
7 * By default this provider gets credentials using the
8 * {AWS.STS.assumeRoleWithSAML} service operation. This operation
9 * requires a `RoleArn` containing the ARN of the IAM trust policy for the
10 * application for which credentials will be given, as well as a `PrincipalArn`
11 * representing the ARN for the SAML identity provider. In addition, the
12 * `SAMLAssertion` must be set to the token provided by the identity
13 * provider. See {constructor} for an example on creating a credentials
14 * object with proper `RoleArn`, `PrincipalArn`, and `SAMLAssertion` values.
15 *
16 * ## Refreshing Credentials from Identity Service
17 *
18 * In addition to AWS credentials expiring after a given amount of time, the
19 * login token from the identity provider will also expire. Once this token
20 * expires, it will not be usable to refresh AWS credentials, and another
21 * token will be needed. The SDK does not manage refreshing of the token value,
22 * but this can be done through a "refresh token" supported by most identity
23 * providers. Consult the documentation for the identity provider for refreshing
24 * tokens. Once the refreshed token is acquired, you should make sure to update
25 * this new token in the credentials object's {params} property. The following
26 * code will update the SAMLAssertion, assuming you have retrieved an updated
27 * token from the identity provider:
28 *
29 * ```javascript
30 * AWS.config.credentials.params.SAMLAssertion = updatedToken;
31 * ```
32 *
33 * Future calls to `credentials.refresh()` will now use the new token.
34 *
35 * @!attribute params
36 * @return [map] the map of params passed to
37 * {AWS.STS.assumeRoleWithSAML}. To update the token, set the
38 * `params.SAMLAssertion` property.
39 */
40AWS.SAMLCredentials = AWS.util.inherit(AWS.Credentials, {
41 /**
42 * Creates a new credentials object.
43 * @param (see AWS.STS.assumeRoleWithSAML)
44 * @example Creating a new credentials object
45 * AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.SAMLCredentials({
46 * RoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/SAMLRole',
47 * PrincipalArn: 'arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/SAMLPrincipal',
48 * SAMLAssertion: 'base64-token', // base64-encoded token from IdP
49 * });
50 * @see AWS.STS.assumeRoleWithSAML
51 */
52 constructor: function SAMLCredentials(params) {
53 AWS.Credentials.call(this);
54 this.expired = true;
55 this.params = params;
56 },
58 /**
59 * Refreshes credentials using {AWS.STS.assumeRoleWithSAML}
60 *
61 * @callback callback function(err)
62 * Called when the STS service responds (or fails). When
63 * this callback is called with no error, it means that the credentials
64 * information has been loaded into the object (as the `accessKeyId`,
65 * `secretAccessKey`, and `sessionToken` properties).
66 * @param err [Error] if an error occurred, this value will be filled
67 * @see get
68 */
69 refresh: function refresh(callback) {
70 this.coalesceRefresh(callback || AWS.util.fn.callback);
71 },
73 /**
74 * @api private
75 */
76 load: function load(callback) {
77 var self = this;
78 self.createClients();
79 self.service.assumeRoleWithSAML(function (err, data) {
80 if (!err) {
81 self.service.credentialsFrom(data, self);
82 }
83 callback(err);
84 });
85 },
87 /**
88 * @api private
89 */
90 createClients: function() {
91 this.service = this.service || new STS({params: this.params});
92 }