1.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {HttpResponse} from './http_response';
2import {Request} from './request';
3export class Response<D, E> {
4 /**
5 * Whether more pages of data can be returned by further requests.
6 */
7 hasNextPage(): boolean;
8 /**
9 * Creates a new request for the next page of response data, calling the callback with the page data if a callback is provided.
10 */
11 nextPage(callback?: (err: E, data: D) => void): Request<D, E>|void;
12 /**
13 * The de-serialized response data from the service.
14 * Can be null if an error occurred.
15 */
16 data: D|void
17 /**
18 * A structure containing information about a service or networking error.
19 */
20 error: E|void
21 /**
22 * Returns the unique request ID associated with the response.
23 * Log this value when debugging requests for AWS support.
24 */
25 requestId: string
26 /**
27 * The number of redirects that were followed before the request was completed.
28 */
29 redirectCount: number
30 /**
31 * The number of retries that were attempted before the request was completed.
32 */
33 retryCount: number
34 /**
35 * The raw HTTP response object containing the response headers and body information from the server.
36 */
37 httpResponse: HttpResponse;
38 }