157 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class DeviceFarm extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: DeviceFarm.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & DeviceFarm.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Creates a device pool.
16 */
17 createDevicePool(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateDevicePoolRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Creates a device pool.
20 */
21 createDevicePool(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Creates a profile that can be applied to one or more private fleet device instances.
24 */
25 createInstanceProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateInstanceProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Creates a profile that can be applied to one or more private fleet device instances.
28 */
29 createInstanceProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Creates a network profile.
32 */
33 createNetworkProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateNetworkProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Creates a network profile.
36 */
37 createNetworkProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Creates a new project.
40 */
41 createProject(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateProjectResult, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Creates a new project.
44 */
45 createProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateProjectResult, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Specifies and starts a remote access session.
48 */
49 createRemoteAccessSession(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateRemoteAccessSessionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Specifies and starts a remote access session.
52 */
53 createRemoteAccessSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Uploads an app or test scripts.
56 */
57 createUpload(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateUploadRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateUploadResult, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Uploads an app or test scripts.
60 */
61 createUpload(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateUploadResult, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Creates a configuration record in Device Farm for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.
64 */
65 createVPCEConfiguration(params: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateVPCEConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Creates a configuration record in Device Farm for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.
68 */
69 createVPCEConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.CreateVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.CreateVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Deletes a device pool given the pool ARN. Does not allow deletion of curated pools owned by the system.
72 */
73 deleteDevicePool(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteDevicePoolRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Deletes a device pool given the pool ARN. Does not allow deletion of curated pools owned by the system.
76 */
77 deleteDevicePool(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Deletes a profile that can be applied to one or more private device instances.
80 */
81 deleteInstanceProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteInstanceProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Deletes a profile that can be applied to one or more private device instances.
84 */
85 deleteInstanceProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Deletes a network profile.
88 */
89 deleteNetworkProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteNetworkProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Deletes a network profile.
92 */
93 deleteNetworkProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Deletes an AWS Device Farm project, given the project ARN. Note Deleting this resource does not stop an in-progress run.
96 */
97 deleteProject(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteProjectResult, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Deletes an AWS Device Farm project, given the project ARN. Note Deleting this resource does not stop an in-progress run.
100 */
101 deleteProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteProjectResult, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Deletes a completed remote access session and its results.
104 */
105 deleteRemoteAccessSession(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRemoteAccessSessionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Deletes a completed remote access session and its results.
108 */
109 deleteRemoteAccessSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Deletes the run, given the run ARN. Note Deleting this resource does not stop an in-progress run.
112 */
113 deleteRun(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRunRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRunResult, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Deletes the run, given the run ARN. Note Deleting this resource does not stop an in-progress run.
116 */
117 deleteRun(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteRunResult, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Deletes an upload given the upload ARN.
120 */
121 deleteUpload(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteUploadRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteUploadResult, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Deletes an upload given the upload ARN.
124 */
125 deleteUpload(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteUploadResult, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Deletes a configuration for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.
128 */
129 deleteVPCEConfiguration(params: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteVPCEConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Deletes a configuration for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.
132 */
133 deleteVPCEConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.DeleteVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Returns the number of unmetered iOS and/or unmetered Android devices that have been purchased by the account.
136 */
137 getAccountSettings(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetAccountSettingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetAccountSettingsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetAccountSettingsResult, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Returns the number of unmetered iOS and/or unmetered Android devices that have been purchased by the account.
140 */
141 getAccountSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetAccountSettingsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetAccountSettingsResult, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Gets information about a unique device type.
144 */
145 getDevice(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceResult, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Gets information about a unique device type.
148 */
149 getDevice(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceResult, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Returns information about a device instance belonging to a private device fleet.
152 */
153 getDeviceInstance(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceInstanceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceInstanceResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceInstanceResult, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Returns information about a device instance belonging to a private device fleet.
156 */
157 getDeviceInstance(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceInstanceResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDeviceInstanceResult, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Gets information about a device pool.
160 */
161 getDevicePool(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Gets information about a device pool.
164 */
165 getDevicePool(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Gets information about compatibility with a device pool.
168 */
169 getDevicePoolCompatibility(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Gets information about compatibility with a device pool.
172 */
173 getDevicePoolCompatibility(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Returns information about the specified instance profile.
176 */
177 getInstanceProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetInstanceProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Returns information about the specified instance profile.
180 */
181 getInstanceProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Gets information about a job.
184 */
185 getJob(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetJobResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetJobResult, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Gets information about a job.
188 */
189 getJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetJobResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetJobResult, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Returns information about a network profile.
192 */
193 getNetworkProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetNetworkProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Returns information about a network profile.
196 */
197 getNetworkProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Gets the current status and future status of all offerings purchased by an AWS account. The response indicates how many offerings are currently available and the offerings that will be available in the next period. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
200 */
201 getOfferingStatus(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetOfferingStatusRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetOfferingStatusResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetOfferingStatusResult, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Gets the current status and future status of all offerings purchased by an AWS account. The response indicates how many offerings are currently available and the offerings that will be available in the next period. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
204 */
205 getOfferingStatus(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetOfferingStatusResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetOfferingStatusResult, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Gets information about a project.
208 */
209 getProject(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetProjectResult, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Gets information about a project.
212 */
213 getProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetProjectResult, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * Returns a link to a currently running remote access session.
216 */
217 getRemoteAccessSession(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetRemoteAccessSessionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * Returns a link to a currently running remote access session.
220 */
221 getRemoteAccessSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * Gets information about a run.
224 */
225 getRun(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetRunRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetRunResult, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * Gets information about a run.
228 */
229 getRun(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetRunResult, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * Gets information about a suite.
232 */
233 getSuite(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetSuiteRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetSuiteResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetSuiteResult, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * Gets information about a suite.
236 */
237 getSuite(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetSuiteResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetSuiteResult, AWSError>;
238 /**
239 * Gets information about a test.
240 */
241 getTest(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetTestRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetTestResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetTestResult, AWSError>;
242 /**
243 * Gets information about a test.
244 */
245 getTest(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetTestResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetTestResult, AWSError>;
246 /**
247 * Gets information about an upload.
248 */
249 getUpload(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetUploadRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetUploadResult, AWSError>;
250 /**
251 * Gets information about an upload.
252 */
253 getUpload(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetUploadResult, AWSError>;
254 /**
255 * Returns information about the configuration settings for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.
256 */
257 getVPCEConfiguration(params: DeviceFarm.Types.GetVPCEConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
258 /**
259 * Returns information about the configuration settings for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint.
260 */
261 getVPCEConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.GetVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.GetVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
262 /**
263 * Installs an application to the device in a remote access session. For Android applications, the file must be in .apk format. For iOS applications, the file must be in .ipa format.
264 */
265 installToRemoteAccessSession(params: DeviceFarm.Types.InstallToRemoteAccessSessionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.InstallToRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.InstallToRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
266 /**
267 * Installs an application to the device in a remote access session. For Android applications, the file must be in .apk format. For iOS applications, the file must be in .ipa format.
268 */
269 installToRemoteAccessSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.InstallToRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.InstallToRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
270 /**
271 * Gets information about artifacts.
272 */
273 listArtifacts(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListArtifactsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListArtifactsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListArtifactsResult, AWSError>;
274 /**
275 * Gets information about artifacts.
276 */
277 listArtifacts(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListArtifactsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListArtifactsResult, AWSError>;
278 /**
279 * Returns information about the private device instances associated with one or more AWS accounts.
280 */
281 listDeviceInstances(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDeviceInstancesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDeviceInstancesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListDeviceInstancesResult, AWSError>;
282 /**
283 * Returns information about the private device instances associated with one or more AWS accounts.
284 */
285 listDeviceInstances(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDeviceInstancesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListDeviceInstancesResult, AWSError>;
286 /**
287 * Gets information about device pools.
288 */
289 listDevicePools(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicePoolsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicePoolsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicePoolsResult, AWSError>;
290 /**
291 * Gets information about device pools.
292 */
293 listDevicePools(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicePoolsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicePoolsResult, AWSError>;
294 /**
295 * Gets information about unique device types.
296 */
297 listDevices(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicesResult, AWSError>;
298 /**
299 * Gets information about unique device types.
300 */
301 listDevices(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListDevicesResult, AWSError>;
302 /**
303 * Returns information about all the instance profiles in an AWS account.
304 */
305 listInstanceProfiles(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListInstanceProfilesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListInstanceProfilesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListInstanceProfilesResult, AWSError>;
306 /**
307 * Returns information about all the instance profiles in an AWS account.
308 */
309 listInstanceProfiles(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListInstanceProfilesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListInstanceProfilesResult, AWSError>;
310 /**
311 * Gets information about jobs for a given test run.
312 */
313 listJobs(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListJobsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListJobsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListJobsResult, AWSError>;
314 /**
315 * Gets information about jobs for a given test run.
316 */
317 listJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListJobsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListJobsResult, AWSError>;
318 /**
319 * Returns the list of available network profiles.
320 */
321 listNetworkProfiles(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListNetworkProfilesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListNetworkProfilesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListNetworkProfilesResult, AWSError>;
322 /**
323 * Returns the list of available network profiles.
324 */
325 listNetworkProfiles(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListNetworkProfilesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListNetworkProfilesResult, AWSError>;
326 /**
327 * Returns a list of offering promotions. Each offering promotion record contains the ID and description of the promotion. The API returns a NotEligible error if the caller is not permitted to invoke the operation. Contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
328 */
329 listOfferingPromotions(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingPromotionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingPromotionsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingPromotionsResult, AWSError>;
330 /**
331 * Returns a list of offering promotions. Each offering promotion record contains the ID and description of the promotion. The API returns a NotEligible error if the caller is not permitted to invoke the operation. Contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
332 */
333 listOfferingPromotions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingPromotionsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingPromotionsResult, AWSError>;
334 /**
335 * Returns a list of all historical purchases, renewals, and system renewal transactions for an AWS account. The list is paginated and ordered by a descending timestamp (most recent transactions are first). The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
336 */
337 listOfferingTransactions(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingTransactionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingTransactionsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingTransactionsResult, AWSError>;
338 /**
339 * Returns a list of all historical purchases, renewals, and system renewal transactions for an AWS account. The list is paginated and ordered by a descending timestamp (most recent transactions are first). The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
340 */
341 listOfferingTransactions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingTransactionsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingTransactionsResult, AWSError>;
342 /**
343 * Returns a list of products or offerings that the user can manage through the API. Each offering record indicates the recurring price per unit and the frequency for that offering. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
344 */
345 listOfferings(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingsResult, AWSError>;
346 /**
347 * Returns a list of products or offerings that the user can manage through the API. Each offering record indicates the recurring price per unit and the frequency for that offering. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
348 */
349 listOfferings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListOfferingsResult, AWSError>;
350 /**
351 * Gets information about projects.
352 */
353 listProjects(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListProjectsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListProjectsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListProjectsResult, AWSError>;
354 /**
355 * Gets information about projects.
356 */
357 listProjects(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListProjectsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListProjectsResult, AWSError>;
358 /**
359 * Returns a list of all currently running remote access sessions.
360 */
361 listRemoteAccessSessions(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListRemoteAccessSessionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListRemoteAccessSessionsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListRemoteAccessSessionsResult, AWSError>;
362 /**
363 * Returns a list of all currently running remote access sessions.
364 */
365 listRemoteAccessSessions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListRemoteAccessSessionsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListRemoteAccessSessionsResult, AWSError>;
366 /**
367 * Gets information about runs, given an AWS Device Farm project ARN.
368 */
369 listRuns(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListRunsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListRunsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListRunsResult, AWSError>;
370 /**
371 * Gets information about runs, given an AWS Device Farm project ARN.
372 */
373 listRuns(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListRunsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListRunsResult, AWSError>;
374 /**
375 * Gets information about samples, given an AWS Device Farm job ARN.
376 */
377 listSamples(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListSamplesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListSamplesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListSamplesResult, AWSError>;
378 /**
379 * Gets information about samples, given an AWS Device Farm job ARN.
380 */
381 listSamples(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListSamplesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListSamplesResult, AWSError>;
382 /**
383 * Gets information about test suites for a given job.
384 */
385 listSuites(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListSuitesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListSuitesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListSuitesResult, AWSError>;
386 /**
387 * Gets information about test suites for a given job.
388 */
389 listSuites(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListSuitesResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListSuitesResult, AWSError>;
390 /**
391 * List the tags for an AWS Device Farm resource.
392 */
393 listTagsForResource(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
394 /**
395 * List the tags for an AWS Device Farm resource.
396 */
397 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
398 /**
399 * Gets information about tests in a given test suite.
400 */
401 listTests(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListTestsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListTestsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListTestsResult, AWSError>;
402 /**
403 * Gets information about tests in a given test suite.
404 */
405 listTests(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListTestsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListTestsResult, AWSError>;
406 /**
407 * Gets information about unique problems.
408 */
409 listUniqueProblems(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListUniqueProblemsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListUniqueProblemsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListUniqueProblemsResult, AWSError>;
410 /**
411 * Gets information about unique problems.
412 */
413 listUniqueProblems(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListUniqueProblemsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListUniqueProblemsResult, AWSError>;
414 /**
415 * Gets information about uploads, given an AWS Device Farm project ARN.
416 */
417 listUploads(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListUploadsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListUploadsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListUploadsResult, AWSError>;
418 /**
419 * Gets information about uploads, given an AWS Device Farm project ARN.
420 */
421 listUploads(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListUploadsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListUploadsResult, AWSError>;
422 /**
423 * Returns information about all Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint configurations in the AWS account.
424 */
425 listVPCEConfigurations(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ListVPCEConfigurationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListVPCEConfigurationsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListVPCEConfigurationsResult, AWSError>;
426 /**
427 * Returns information about all Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint configurations in the AWS account.
428 */
429 listVPCEConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ListVPCEConfigurationsResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ListVPCEConfigurationsResult, AWSError>;
430 /**
431 * Immediately purchases offerings for an AWS account. Offerings renew with the latest total purchased quantity for an offering, unless the renewal was overridden. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
432 */
433 purchaseOffering(params: DeviceFarm.Types.PurchaseOfferingRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.PurchaseOfferingResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.PurchaseOfferingResult, AWSError>;
434 /**
435 * Immediately purchases offerings for an AWS account. Offerings renew with the latest total purchased quantity for an offering, unless the renewal was overridden. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
436 */
437 purchaseOffering(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.PurchaseOfferingResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.PurchaseOfferingResult, AWSError>;
438 /**
439 * Explicitly sets the quantity of devices to renew for an offering, starting from the effectiveDate of the next period. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
440 */
441 renewOffering(params: DeviceFarm.Types.RenewOfferingRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.RenewOfferingResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.RenewOfferingResult, AWSError>;
442 /**
443 * Explicitly sets the quantity of devices to renew for an offering, starting from the effectiveDate of the next period. The API returns a NotEligible error if the user is not permitted to invoke the operation. Please contact aws-devicefarm-support@amazon.com if you believe that you should be able to invoke this operation.
444 */
445 renewOffering(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.RenewOfferingResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.RenewOfferingResult, AWSError>;
446 /**
447 * Schedules a run.
448 */
449 scheduleRun(params: DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunResult, AWSError>;
450 /**
451 * Schedules a run.
452 */
453 scheduleRun(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.ScheduleRunResult, AWSError>;
454 /**
455 * Initiates a stop request for the current job. AWS Device Farm will immediately stop the job on the device where tests have not started executing, and you will not be billed for this device. On the device where tests have started executing, Setup Suite and Teardown Suite tests will run to completion before stopping execution on the device. You will be billed for Setup, Teardown, and any tests that were in progress or already completed.
456 */
457 stopJob(params: DeviceFarm.Types.StopJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.StopJobResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.StopJobResult, AWSError>;
458 /**
459 * Initiates a stop request for the current job. AWS Device Farm will immediately stop the job on the device where tests have not started executing, and you will not be billed for this device. On the device where tests have started executing, Setup Suite and Teardown Suite tests will run to completion before stopping execution on the device. You will be billed for Setup, Teardown, and any tests that were in progress or already completed.
460 */
461 stopJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.StopJobResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.StopJobResult, AWSError>;
462 /**
463 * Ends a specified remote access session.
464 */
465 stopRemoteAccessSession(params: DeviceFarm.Types.StopRemoteAccessSessionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.StopRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.StopRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
466 /**
467 * Ends a specified remote access session.
468 */
469 stopRemoteAccessSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.StopRemoteAccessSessionResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.StopRemoteAccessSessionResult, AWSError>;
470 /**
471 * Initiates a stop request for the current test run. AWS Device Farm will immediately stop the run on devices where tests have not started executing, and you will not be billed for these devices. On devices where tests have started executing, Setup Suite and Teardown Suite tests will run to completion before stopping execution on those devices. You will be billed for Setup, Teardown, and any tests that were in progress or already completed.
472 */
473 stopRun(params: DeviceFarm.Types.StopRunRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.StopRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.StopRunResult, AWSError>;
474 /**
475 * Initiates a stop request for the current test run. AWS Device Farm will immediately stop the run on devices where tests have not started executing, and you will not be billed for these devices. On devices where tests have started executing, Setup Suite and Teardown Suite tests will run to completion before stopping execution on those devices. You will be billed for Setup, Teardown, and any tests that were in progress or already completed.
476 */
477 stopRun(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.StopRunResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.StopRunResult, AWSError>;
478 /**
479 * Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified resourceArn. If existing tags on a resource are not specified in the request parameters, they are not changed. When a resource is deleted, the tags associated with that resource are deleted as well.
480 */
481 tagResource(params: DeviceFarm.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
482 /**
483 * Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified resourceArn. If existing tags on a resource are not specified in the request parameters, they are not changed. When a resource is deleted, the tags associated with that resource are deleted as well.
484 */
485 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
486 /**
487 * Deletes the specified tags from a resource.
488 */
489 untagResource(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
490 /**
491 * Deletes the specified tags from a resource.
492 */
493 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
494 /**
495 * Updates information about an existing private device instance.
496 */
497 updateDeviceInstance(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDeviceInstanceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDeviceInstanceResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDeviceInstanceResult, AWSError>;
498 /**
499 * Updates information about an existing private device instance.
500 */
501 updateDeviceInstance(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDeviceInstanceResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDeviceInstanceResult, AWSError>;
502 /**
503 * Modifies the name, description, and rules in a device pool given the attributes and the pool ARN. Rule updates are all-or-nothing, meaning they can only be updated as a whole (or not at all).
504 */
505 updateDevicePool(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDevicePoolRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
506 /**
507 * Modifies the name, description, and rules in a device pool given the attributes and the pool ARN. Rule updates are all-or-nothing, meaning they can only be updated as a whole (or not at all).
508 */
509 updateDevicePool(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDevicePoolResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateDevicePoolResult, AWSError>;
510 /**
511 * Updates information about an existing private device instance profile.
512 */
513 updateInstanceProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateInstanceProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
514 /**
515 * Updates information about an existing private device instance profile.
516 */
517 updateInstanceProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateInstanceProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateInstanceProfileResult, AWSError>;
518 /**
519 * Updates the network profile with specific settings.
520 */
521 updateNetworkProfile(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateNetworkProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
522 /**
523 * Updates the network profile with specific settings.
524 */
525 updateNetworkProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateNetworkProfileResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateNetworkProfileResult, AWSError>;
526 /**
527 * Modifies the specified project name, given the project ARN and a new name.
528 */
529 updateProject(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateProjectResult, AWSError>;
530 /**
531 * Modifies the specified project name, given the project ARN and a new name.
532 */
533 updateProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateProjectResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateProjectResult, AWSError>;
534 /**
535 * Update an uploaded test specification (test spec).
536 */
537 updateUpload(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateUploadRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateUploadResult, AWSError>;
538 /**
539 * Update an uploaded test specification (test spec).
540 */
541 updateUpload(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateUploadResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateUploadResult, AWSError>;
542 /**
543 * Updates information about an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint configuration.
544 */
545 updateVPCEConfiguration(params: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateVPCEConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
546 /**
547 * Updates information about an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint configuration.
548 */
549 updateVPCEConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateVPCEConfigurationResult) => void): Request<DeviceFarm.Types.UpdateVPCEConfigurationResult, AWSError>;
551declare namespace DeviceFarm {
552 export type AWSAccountNumber = string;
553 export interface AccountSettings {
554 /**
555 * The AWS account number specified in the AccountSettings container.
556 */
557 awsAccountNumber?: AWSAccountNumber;
558 /**
559 * Returns the unmetered devices you have purchased or want to purchase.
560 */
561 unmeteredDevices?: PurchasedDevicesMap;
562 /**
563 * Returns the unmetered remote access devices you have purchased or want to purchase.
564 */
565 unmeteredRemoteAccessDevices?: PurchasedDevicesMap;
566 /**
567 * The maximum number of minutes a test run will execute before it times out.
568 */
569 maxJobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
570 /**
571 * Information about an AWS account's usage of free trial device minutes.
572 */
573 trialMinutes?: TrialMinutes;
574 /**
575 * The maximum number of device slots that the AWS account can purchase. Each maximum is expressed as an offering-id:number pair, where the offering-id represents one of the IDs returned by the ListOfferings command.
576 */
577 maxSlots?: MaxSlotMap;
578 /**
579 * The default number of minutes (at the account level) a test run will execute before it times out. The default value is 150 minutes.
580 */
581 defaultJobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
582 /**
583 * When set to true, for private devices, Device Farm will not sign your app again. For public devices, Device Farm always signs your apps again and this parameter has no effect. For more information about how Device Farm re-signs your app(s), see Do you modify my app? in the AWS Device Farm FAQs.
584 */
585 skipAppResign?: SkipAppResign;
586 }
587 export type AccountsCleanup = boolean;
588 export type AmazonResourceName = string;
589 export type AmazonResourceNames = AmazonResourceName[];
590 export type AndroidPaths = String[];
591 export type AppPackagesCleanup = boolean;
592 export interface Artifact {
593 /**
594 * The artifact's ARN.
595 */
596 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
597 /**
598 * The artifact's name.
599 */
600 name?: Name;
601 /**
602 * The artifact's type. Allowed values include the following: UNKNOWN: An unknown type. SCREENSHOT: The screenshot type. DEVICE_LOG: The device log type. MESSAGE_LOG: The message log type. VIDEO_LOG: The video log type. RESULT_LOG: The result log type. SERVICE_LOG: The service log type. WEBKIT_LOG: The web kit log type. INSTRUMENTATION_OUTPUT: The instrumentation type. EXERCISER_MONKEY_OUTPUT: For Android, the artifact (log) generated by an Android fuzz test. CALABASH_JSON_OUTPUT: The Calabash JSON output type. CALABASH_PRETTY_OUTPUT: The Calabash pretty output type. CALABASH_STANDARD_OUTPUT: The Calabash standard output type. CALABASH_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT: The Calabash Java XML output type. AUTOMATION_OUTPUT: The automation output type. APPIUM_SERVER_OUTPUT: The Appium server output type. APPIUM_JAVA_OUTPUT: The Appium Java output type. APPIUM_JAVA_XML_OUTPUT: The Appium Java XML output type. APPIUM_PYTHON_OUTPUT: The Appium Python output type. APPIUM_PYTHON_XML_OUTPUT: The Appium Python XML output type. EXPLORER_EVENT_LOG: The Explorer event log output type. EXPLORER_SUMMARY_LOG: The Explorer summary log output type. APPLICATION_CRASH_REPORT: The application crash report output type. XCTEST_LOG: The Xcode test output type. VIDEO: The Video output type. CUSTOMER_ARTIFACT:The Customer Artifact output type. CUSTOMER_ARTIFACT_LOG: The Customer Artifact Log output type. TESTSPEC_OUTPUT: The Test Spec Output type.
603 */
604 type?: ArtifactType;
605 /**
606 * The artifact's file extension.
607 */
608 extension?: String;
609 /**
610 * The pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that can be used with a corresponding GET request to download the artifact's file.
611 */
612 url?: URL;
613 }
614 export type ArtifactCategory = "SCREENSHOT"|"FILE"|"LOG"|string;
616 export type Artifacts = Artifact[];
617 export type BillingMethod = "METERED"|"UNMETERED"|string;
618 export type Boolean = boolean;
619 export interface CPU {
620 /**
621 * The CPU's frequency.
622 */
623 frequency?: String;
624 /**
625 * The CPU's architecture, for example x86 or ARM.
626 */
627 architecture?: String;
628 /**
629 * The clock speed of the device's CPU, expressed in hertz (Hz). For example, a 1.2 GHz CPU is expressed as 1200000000.
630 */
631 clock?: Double;
632 }
633 export type ClientId = string;
634 export type ContentType = string;
635 export interface Counters {
636 /**
637 * The total number of entities.
638 */
639 total?: Integer;
640 /**
641 * The number of passed entities.
642 */
643 passed?: Integer;
644 /**
645 * The number of failed entities.
646 */
647 failed?: Integer;
648 /**
649 * The number of warned entities.
650 */
651 warned?: Integer;
652 /**
653 * The number of errored entities.
654 */
655 errored?: Integer;
656 /**
657 * The number of stopped entities.
658 */
659 stopped?: Integer;
660 /**
661 * The number of skipped entities.
662 */
663 skipped?: Integer;
664 }
665 export interface CreateDevicePoolRequest {
666 /**
667 * The ARN of the project for the device pool.
668 */
669 projectArn: AmazonResourceName;
670 /**
671 * The device pool's name.
672 */
673 name: Name;
674 /**
675 * The device pool's description.
676 */
677 description?: Message;
678 /**
679 * The device pool's rules.
680 */
681 rules: Rules;
682 /**
683 * The number of devices that Device Farm can add to your device pool. Device Farm adds devices that are available and that meet the criteria that you assign for the rules parameter. Depending on how many devices meet these constraints, your device pool might contain fewer devices than the value for this parameter. By specifying the maximum number of devices, you can control the costs that you incur by running tests.
684 */
685 maxDevices?: Integer;
686 }
687 export interface CreateDevicePoolResult {
688 /**
689 * The newly created device pool.
690 */
691 devicePool?: DevicePool;
692 }
693 export interface CreateInstanceProfileRequest {
694 /**
695 * The name of your instance profile.
696 */
697 name: Name;
698 /**
699 * The description of your instance profile.
700 */
701 description?: Message;
702 /**
703 * When set to true, Device Farm will remove app packages after a test run. The default value is false for private devices.
704 */
705 packageCleanup?: Boolean;
706 /**
707 * An array of strings specifying the list of app packages that should not be cleaned up from the device after a test run is over. The list of packages is only considered if you set packageCleanup to true.
708 */
709 excludeAppPackagesFromCleanup?: PackageIds;
710 /**
711 * When set to true, Device Farm will reboot the instance after a test run. The default value is true.
712 */
713 rebootAfterUse?: Boolean;
714 }
715 export interface CreateInstanceProfileResult {
716 /**
717 * An object containing information about your instance profile.
718 */
719 instanceProfile?: InstanceProfile;
720 }
721 export interface CreateNetworkProfileRequest {
722 /**
723 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project for which you want to create a network profile.
724 */
725 projectArn: AmazonResourceName;
726 /**
727 * The name you wish to specify for the new network profile.
728 */
729 name: Name;
730 /**
731 * The description of the network profile.
732 */
733 description?: Message;
734 /**
735 * The type of network profile you wish to create. Valid values are listed below.
736 */
737 type?: NetworkProfileType;
738 /**
739 * The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.
740 */
741 uplinkBandwidthBits?: Long;
742 /**
743 * The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.
744 */
745 downlinkBandwidthBits?: Long;
746 /**
747 * Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
748 */
749 uplinkDelayMs?: Long;
750 /**
751 * Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
752 */
753 downlinkDelayMs?: Long;
754 /**
755 * Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
756 */
757 uplinkJitterMs?: Long;
758 /**
759 * Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
760 */
761 downlinkJitterMs?: Long;
762 /**
763 * Proportion of transmitted packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.
764 */
765 uplinkLossPercent?: PercentInteger;
766 /**
767 * Proportion of received packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.
768 */
769 downlinkLossPercent?: PercentInteger;
770 }
771 export interface CreateNetworkProfileResult {
772 /**
773 * The network profile that is returned by the create network profile request.
774 */
775 networkProfile?: NetworkProfile;
776 }
777 export interface CreateProjectRequest {
778 /**
779 * The project's name.
780 */
781 name: Name;
782 /**
783 * Sets the execution timeout value (in minutes) for a project. All test runs in this project will use the specified execution timeout value unless overridden when scheduling a run.
784 */
785 defaultJobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
786 }
787 export interface CreateProjectResult {
788 /**
789 * The newly created project.
790 */
791 project?: Project;
792 }
793 export interface CreateRemoteAccessSessionConfiguration {
794 /**
795 * The billing method for the remote access session.
796 */
797 billingMethod?: BillingMethod;
798 /**
799 * An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) included in the VPC endpoint configuration.
800 */
801 vpceConfigurationArns?: AmazonResourceNames;
802 }
803 export interface CreateRemoteAccessSessionRequest {
804 /**
805 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project for which you want to create a remote access session.
806 */
807 projectArn: AmazonResourceName;
808 /**
809 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device for which you want to create a remote access session.
810 */
811 deviceArn: AmazonResourceName;
812 /**
813 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance for which you want to create a remote access session.
814 */
815 instanceArn?: AmazonResourceName;
816 /**
817 * Ignored. The public key of the ssh key pair you want to use for connecting to remote devices in your remote debugging session. This is only required if remoteDebugEnabled is set to true. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
818 */
819 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
820 /**
821 * Set to true if you want to access devices remotely for debugging in your remote access session. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
822 */
823 remoteDebugEnabled?: Boolean;
824 /**
825 * Set to true to enable remote recording for the remote access session.
826 */
827 remoteRecordEnabled?: Boolean;
828 /**
829 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the app to be recorded in the remote access session.
830 */
831 remoteRecordAppArn?: AmazonResourceName;
832 /**
833 * The name of the remote access session that you wish to create.
834 */
835 name?: Name;
836 /**
837 * Unique identifier for the client. If you want access to multiple devices on the same client, you should pass the same clientId value in each call to CreateRemoteAccessSession. This is required only if remoteDebugEnabled is set to true. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
838 */
839 clientId?: ClientId;
840 /**
841 * The configuration information for the remote access session request.
842 */
843 configuration?: CreateRemoteAccessSessionConfiguration;
844 /**
845 * The interaction mode of the remote access session. Valid values are: INTERACTIVE: You can interact with the iOS device by viewing, touching, and rotating the screen. You cannot run XCUITest framework-based tests in this mode. NO_VIDEO: You are connected to the device but cannot interact with it or view the screen. This mode has the fastest test execution speed. You can run XCUITest framework-based tests in this mode. VIDEO_ONLY: You can view the screen but cannot touch or rotate it. You can run XCUITest framework-based tests and watch the screen in this mode.
846 */
847 interactionMode?: InteractionMode;
848 /**
849 * When set to true, for private devices, Device Farm will not sign your app again. For public devices, Device Farm always signs your apps again and this parameter has no effect. For more information about how Device Farm re-signs your app(s), see Do you modify my app? in the AWS Device Farm FAQs.
850 */
851 skipAppResign?: Boolean;
852 }
853 export interface CreateRemoteAccessSessionResult {
854 /**
855 * A container that describes the remote access session when the request to create a remote access session is sent.
856 */
857 remoteAccessSession?: RemoteAccessSession;
858 }
859 export interface CreateUploadRequest {
860 /**
861 * The ARN of the project for the upload.
862 */
863 projectArn: AmazonResourceName;
864 /**
865 * The upload's file name. The name should not contain the '/' character. If uploading an iOS app, the file name needs to end with the .ipa extension. If uploading an Android app, the file name needs to end with the .apk extension. For all others, the file name must end with the .zip file extension.
866 */
867 name: Name;
868 /**
869 * The upload's upload type. Must be one of the following values: ANDROID_APP: An Android upload. IOS_APP: An iOS upload. WEB_APP: A web application upload. EXTERNAL_DATA: An external data upload. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload. APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Python test package upload. APPIUM_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Node.js test package upload. APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Ruby test package upload. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Python test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Node.js test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Ruby test package upload for a web app. CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE: A Calabash test package upload. INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE: An instrumentation upload. UIAUTOMATION_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomation test package upload. UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomator test package upload. XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE: An Xcode test package upload. XCTEST_UI_TEST_PACKAGE: An Xcode UI test package upload. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java JUnit test spec upload. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java TestNG test spec upload. APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Python test spec upload. APPIUM_NODE_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Node.js test spec upload. APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Ruby test spec upload. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java JUnit test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java TestNG test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Python test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Node.js test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Ruby test spec upload for a web app. INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_SPEC: An instrumentation test spec upload. XCTEST_UI_TEST_SPEC: An Xcode UI test spec upload. Note If you call CreateUpload with WEB_APP specified, AWS Device Farm throws an ArgumentException error.
870 */
871 type: UploadType;
872 /**
873 * The upload's content type (for example, "application/octet-stream").
874 */
875 contentType?: ContentType;
876 }
877 export interface CreateUploadResult {
878 /**
879 * The newly created upload.
880 */
881 upload?: Upload;
882 }
883 export interface CreateVPCEConfigurationRequest {
884 /**
885 * The friendly name you give to your VPC endpoint configuration, to manage your configurations more easily.
886 */
887 vpceConfigurationName: VPCEConfigurationName;
888 /**
889 * The name of the VPC endpoint service running inside your AWS account that you want Device Farm to test.
890 */
891 vpceServiceName: VPCEServiceName;
892 /**
893 * The DNS name of the service running in your VPC that you want Device Farm to test.
894 */
895 serviceDnsName: ServiceDnsName;
896 /**
897 * An optional description, providing more details about your VPC endpoint configuration.
898 */
899 vpceConfigurationDescription?: VPCEConfigurationDescription;
900 }
901 export interface CreateVPCEConfigurationResult {
902 /**
903 * An object containing information about your VPC endpoint configuration.
904 */
905 vpceConfiguration?: VPCEConfiguration;
906 }
907 export type CurrencyCode = "USD"|string;
908 export interface CustomerArtifactPaths {
909 /**
910 * Comma-separated list of paths on the iOS device where the artifacts generated by the customer's tests will be pulled from.
911 */
912 iosPaths?: IosPaths;
913 /**
914 * Comma-separated list of paths on the Android device where the artifacts generated by the customer's tests will be pulled from.
915 */
916 androidPaths?: AndroidPaths;
917 /**
918 * Comma-separated list of paths in the test execution environment where the artifacts generated by the customer's tests will be pulled from.
919 */
920 deviceHostPaths?: DeviceHostPaths;
921 }
922 export type DateTime = Date;
923 export interface DeleteDevicePoolRequest {
924 /**
925 * Represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm device pool you wish to delete.
926 */
927 arn: AmazonResourceName;
928 }
929 export interface DeleteDevicePoolResult {
930 }
931 export interface DeleteInstanceProfileRequest {
932 /**
933 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile you are requesting to delete.
934 */
935 arn: AmazonResourceName;
936 }
937 export interface DeleteInstanceProfileResult {
938 }
939 export interface DeleteNetworkProfileRequest {
940 /**
941 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the network profile you want to delete.
942 */
943 arn: AmazonResourceName;
944 }
945 export interface DeleteNetworkProfileResult {
946 }
947 export interface DeleteProjectRequest {
948 /**
949 * Represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm project you wish to delete.
950 */
951 arn: AmazonResourceName;
952 }
953 export interface DeleteProjectResult {
954 }
955 export interface DeleteRemoteAccessSessionRequest {
956 /**
957 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the session for which you want to delete remote access.
958 */
959 arn: AmazonResourceName;
960 }
961 export interface DeleteRemoteAccessSessionResult {
962 }
963 export interface DeleteRunRequest {
964 /**
965 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the run you wish to delete.
966 */
967 arn: AmazonResourceName;
968 }
969 export interface DeleteRunResult {
970 }
971 export interface DeleteUploadRequest {
972 /**
973 * Represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm upload you wish to delete.
974 */
975 arn: AmazonResourceName;
976 }
977 export interface DeleteUploadResult {
978 }
979 export interface DeleteVPCEConfigurationRequest {
980 /**
981 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC endpoint configuration you want to delete.
982 */
983 arn: AmazonResourceName;
984 }
985 export interface DeleteVPCEConfigurationResult {
986 }
987 export interface Device {
988 /**
989 * The device's ARN.
990 */
991 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
992 /**
993 * The device's display name.
994 */
995 name?: Name;
996 /**
997 * The device's manufacturer name.
998 */
999 manufacturer?: String;
1000 /**
1001 * The device's model name.
1002 */
1003 model?: String;
1004 /**
1005 * The device's model ID.
1006 */
1007 modelId?: String;
1008 /**
1009 * The device's form factor. Allowed values include: PHONE: The phone form factor. TABLET: The tablet form factor.
1010 */
1011 formFactor?: DeviceFormFactor;
1012 /**
1013 * The device's platform. Allowed values include: ANDROID: The Android platform. IOS: The iOS platform.
1014 */
1015 platform?: DevicePlatform;
1016 /**
1017 * The device's operating system type.
1018 */
1019 os?: String;
1020 /**
1021 * Information about the device's CPU.
1022 */
1023 cpu?: CPU;
1024 /**
1025 * The resolution of the device.
1026 */
1027 resolution?: Resolution;
1028 /**
1029 * The device's heap size, expressed in bytes.
1030 */
1031 heapSize?: Long;
1032 /**
1033 * The device's total memory size, expressed in bytes.
1034 */
1035 memory?: Long;
1036 /**
1037 * The device's image name.
1038 */
1039 image?: String;
1040 /**
1041 * The device's carrier.
1042 */
1043 carrier?: String;
1044 /**
1045 * The device's radio.
1046 */
1047 radio?: String;
1048 /**
1049 * Specifies whether remote access has been enabled for the specified device.
1050 */
1051 remoteAccessEnabled?: Boolean;
1052 /**
1053 * This flag is set to true if remote debugging is enabled for the device. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
1054 */
1055 remoteDebugEnabled?: Boolean;
1056 /**
1057 * The type of fleet to which this device belongs. Possible values for fleet type are PRIVATE and PUBLIC.
1058 */
1059 fleetType?: String;
1060 /**
1061 * The name of the fleet to which this device belongs.
1062 */
1063 fleetName?: String;
1064 /**
1065 * The instances belonging to this device.
1066 */
1067 instances?: DeviceInstances;
1068 /**
1069 * Reflects how likely a device will be available for a test run. It is currently available in the ListDevices and GetDevice API methods.
1070 */
1071 availability?: DeviceAvailability;
1072 }
1074 export type DeviceAvailability = "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE"|"BUSY"|"AVAILABLE"|"HIGHLY_AVAILABLE"|string;
1075 export interface DeviceFilter {
1076 /**
1077 * The aspect of a device such as platform or model used as the selection criteria in a device filter. The supported operators for each attribute are provided in the following list. ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device. For example, "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:12345Example". Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN PLATFORM The device platform. Valid values are "ANDROID" or "IOS". Supported operators: EQUALS OS_VERSION The operating system version. For example, "10.3.2". Supported operators: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, IN, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS, NOT_IN MODEL The device model. For example, "iPad 5th Gen". Supported operators: CONTAINS, EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN AVAILABILITY The current availability of the device. Valid values are "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE". Supported operators: EQUALS FORM_FACTOR The device form factor. Valid values are "PHONE" or "TABLET". Supported operators: EQUALS MANUFACTURER The device manufacturer. For example, "Apple". Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED Whether the device is enabled for remote access. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". Supported operators: EQUALS REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED Ignored.Whether the device is enabled for remote debugging. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". Supported operators: EQUALS This filter will be ignored, as remote debugging is no longer supported. INSTANCE_ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance. Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN INSTANCE_LABELS The label of the device instance. Supported operators: CONTAINS FLEET_TYPE The fleet type. Valid values are "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". Supported operators: EQUALS
1078 */
1079 attribute?: DeviceFilterAttribute;
1080 /**
1081 * Specifies how Device Farm compares the filter's attribute to the value. For the operators that are supported by each attribute, see the attribute descriptions.
1082 */
1083 operator?: RuleOperator;
1084 /**
1085 * An array of one or more filter values used in a device filter. Operator Values The IN and NOT_IN operators can take a values array that has more than one element. The other operators require an array with a single element. Attribute Values The PLATFORM attribute can be set to "ANDROID" or "IOS". The AVAILABILITY attribute can be set to "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE". The FORM_FACTOR attribute can be set to "PHONE" or "TABLET". The FLEET_TYPE attribute can be set to "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE".
1086 */
1087 values?: DeviceFilterValues;
1088 }
1090 export type DeviceFilterValues = String[];
1091 export type DeviceFilters = DeviceFilter[];
1092 export type DeviceFormFactor = "PHONE"|"TABLET"|string;
1093 export type DeviceHostPaths = String[];
1094 export interface DeviceInstance {
1095 /**
1096 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance.
1097 */
1098 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
1099 /**
1100 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device.
1101 */
1102 deviceArn?: AmazonResourceName;
1103 /**
1104 * An array of strings describing the device instance.
1105 */
1106 labels?: InstanceLabels;
1107 /**
1108 * The status of the device instance. Valid values are listed below.
1109 */
1110 status?: InstanceStatus;
1111 /**
1112 * Unique device identifier for the device instance.
1113 */
1114 udid?: String;
1115 /**
1116 * A object containing information about the instance profile.
1117 */
1118 instanceProfile?: InstanceProfile;
1119 }
1120 export type DeviceInstances = DeviceInstance[];
1121 export interface DeviceMinutes {
1122 /**
1123 * When specified, represents the total minutes used by the resource to run tests.
1124 */
1125 total?: Double;
1126 /**
1127 * When specified, represents only the sum of metered minutes used by the resource to run tests.
1128 */
1129 metered?: Double;
1130 /**
1131 * When specified, represents only the sum of unmetered minutes used by the resource to run tests.
1132 */
1133 unmetered?: Double;
1134 }
1135 export type DevicePlatform = "ANDROID"|"IOS"|string;
1136 export interface DevicePool {
1137 /**
1138 * The device pool's ARN.
1139 */
1140 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
1141 /**
1142 * The device pool's name.
1143 */
1144 name?: Name;
1145 /**
1146 * The device pool's description.
1147 */
1148 description?: Message;
1149 /**
1150 * The device pool's type. Allowed values include: CURATED: A device pool that is created and managed by AWS Device Farm. PRIVATE: A device pool that is created and managed by the device pool developer.
1151 */
1152 type?: DevicePoolType;
1153 /**
1154 * Information about the device pool's rules.
1155 */
1156 rules?: Rules;
1157 /**
1158 * The number of devices that Device Farm can add to your device pool. Device Farm adds devices that are available and that meet the criteria that you assign for the rules parameter. Depending on how many devices meet these constraints, your device pool might contain fewer devices than the value for this parameter. By specifying the maximum number of devices, you can control the costs that you incur by running tests.
1159 */
1160 maxDevices?: Integer;
1161 }
1162 export interface DevicePoolCompatibilityResult {
1163 /**
1164 * The device (phone or tablet) that you wish to return information about.
1165 */
1166 device?: Device;
1167 /**
1168 * Whether the result was compatible with the device pool.
1169 */
1170 compatible?: Boolean;
1171 /**
1172 * Information about the compatibility.
1173 */
1174 incompatibilityMessages?: IncompatibilityMessages;
1175 }
1176 export type DevicePoolCompatibilityResults = DevicePoolCompatibilityResult[];
1177 export type DevicePoolType = "CURATED"|"PRIVATE"|string;
1178 export type DevicePools = DevicePool[];
1179 export interface DeviceSelectionConfiguration {
1180 /**
1181 * Used to dynamically select a set of devices for a test run. A filter is made up of an attribute, an operator, and one or more values. Attribute The aspect of a device such as platform or model used as the selection criteria in a device filter. Allowed values include: ARN: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device. For example, "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:12345Example". PLATFORM: The device platform. Valid values are "ANDROID" or "IOS". OS_VERSION: The operating system version. For example, "10.3.2". MODEL: The device model. For example, "iPad 5th Gen". AVAILABILITY: The current availability of the device. Valid values are "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE". FORM_FACTOR: The device form factor. Valid values are "PHONE" or "TABLET". MANUFACTURER: The device manufacturer. For example, "Apple". REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED: Whether the device is enabled for remote access. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED: Whether the device is enabled for remote debugging. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". This filter will be ignored, as remote debugging is no longer supported. INSTANCE_ARN: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance. INSTANCE_LABELS: The label of the device instance. FLEET_TYPE: The fleet type. Valid values are "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". Operator The filter operator. The EQUALS operator is available for every attribute except INSTANCE_LABELS. The CONTAINS operator is available for the INSTANCE_LABELS and MODEL attributes. The IN and NOT_IN operators are available for the ARN, OS_VERSION, MODEL, MANUFACTURER, and INSTANCE_ARN attributes. The LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS, and GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS operators are also available for the OS_VERSION attribute. Values An array of one or more filter values. Operator Values The IN and NOT_IN operators can take a values array that has more than one element. The other operators require an array with a single element. Attribute Values The PLATFORM attribute can be set to "ANDROID" or "IOS". The AVAILABILITY attribute can be set to "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE". The FORM_FACTOR attribute can be set to "PHONE" or "TABLET". The FLEET_TYPE attribute can be set to "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE".
1182 */
1183 filters: DeviceFilters;
1184 /**
1185 * The maximum number of devices to be included in a test run.
1186 */
1187 maxDevices: Integer;
1188 }
1189 export interface DeviceSelectionResult {
1190 /**
1191 * The filters in a device selection result.
1192 */
1193 filters?: DeviceFilters;
1194 /**
1195 * The number of devices that matched the device filter selection criteria.
1196 */
1197 matchedDevicesCount?: Integer;
1198 /**
1199 * The maximum number of devices to be selected by a device filter and included in a test run.
1200 */
1201 maxDevices?: Integer;
1202 }
1203 export type Devices = Device[];
1204 export type Double = number;
1205 export interface ExecutionConfiguration {
1206 /**
1207 * The number of minutes a test run will execute before it times out.
1208 */
1209 jobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
1210 /**
1211 * True if account cleanup is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false.
1212 */
1213 accountsCleanup?: AccountsCleanup;
1214 /**
1215 * True if app package cleanup is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false.
1216 */
1217 appPackagesCleanup?: AppPackagesCleanup;
1218 /**
1219 * Set to true to enable video capture; otherwise, set to false. The default is true.
1220 */
1221 videoCapture?: VideoCapture;
1222 /**
1223 * When set to true, for private devices, Device Farm will not sign your app again. For public devices, Device Farm always signs your apps again and this parameter has no effect. For more information about how Device Farm re-signs your app(s), see Do you modify my app? in the AWS Device Farm FAQs.
1224 */
1225 skipAppResign?: SkipAppResign;
1226 }
1227 export type ExecutionResult = "PENDING"|"PASSED"|"WARNED"|"FAILED"|"SKIPPED"|"ERRORED"|"STOPPED"|string;
1228 export type ExecutionResultCode = "PARSING_FAILED"|"VPC_ENDPOINT_SETUP_FAILED"|string;
1230 export type Filter = string;
1231 export interface GetAccountSettingsRequest {
1232 }
1233 export interface GetAccountSettingsResult {
1234 /**
1235 * The account settings.
1236 */
1237 accountSettings?: AccountSettings;
1238 }
1239 export interface GetDeviceInstanceRequest {
1240 /**
1241 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance you're requesting information about.
1242 */
1243 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1244 }
1245 export interface GetDeviceInstanceResult {
1246 /**
1247 * An object containing information about your device instance.
1248 */
1249 deviceInstance?: DeviceInstance;
1250 }
1251 export interface GetDevicePoolCompatibilityRequest {
1252 /**
1253 * The device pool's ARN.
1254 */
1255 devicePoolArn: AmazonResourceName;
1256 /**
1257 * The ARN of the app that is associated with the specified device pool.
1258 */
1259 appArn?: AmazonResourceName;
1260 /**
1261 * The test type for the specified device pool. Allowed values include the following: BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. APPIUM_PYTHON: The Appium Python type. APPIUM_NODE: The Appium Node.js type. APPIUM_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON: The Appium Python type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE: The Appium Node.js type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type for web apps. CALABASH: The Calabash type. INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. XCTEST: The Xcode test type. XCTEST_UI: The Xcode UI test type.
1262 */
1263 testType?: TestType;
1264 /**
1265 * Information about the uploaded test to be run against the device pool.
1266 */
1267 test?: ScheduleRunTest;
1268 /**
1269 * An object containing information about the settings for a run.
1270 */
1271 configuration?: ScheduleRunConfiguration;
1272 }
1273 export interface GetDevicePoolCompatibilityResult {
1274 /**
1275 * Information about compatible devices.
1276 */
1277 compatibleDevices?: DevicePoolCompatibilityResults;
1278 /**
1279 * Information about incompatible devices.
1280 */
1281 incompatibleDevices?: DevicePoolCompatibilityResults;
1282 }
1283 export interface GetDevicePoolRequest {
1284 /**
1285 * The device pool's ARN.
1286 */
1287 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1288 }
1289 export interface GetDevicePoolResult {
1290 /**
1291 * An object containing information about the requested device pool.
1292 */
1293 devicePool?: DevicePool;
1294 }
1295 export interface GetDeviceRequest {
1296 /**
1297 * The device type's ARN.
1298 */
1299 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1300 }
1301 export interface GetDeviceResult {
1302 /**
1303 * An object containing information about the requested device.
1304 */
1305 device?: Device;
1306 }
1307 export interface GetInstanceProfileRequest {
1308 /**
1309 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your instance profile.
1310 */
1311 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1312 }
1313 export interface GetInstanceProfileResult {
1314 /**
1315 * An object containing information about your instance profile.
1316 */
1317 instanceProfile?: InstanceProfile;
1318 }
1319 export interface GetJobRequest {
1320 /**
1321 * The job's ARN.
1322 */
1323 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1324 }
1325 export interface GetJobResult {
1326 /**
1327 * An object containing information about the requested job.
1328 */
1329 job?: Job;
1330 }
1331 export interface GetNetworkProfileRequest {
1332 /**
1333 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the network profile you want to return information about.
1334 */
1335 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1336 }
1337 export interface GetNetworkProfileResult {
1338 /**
1339 * The network profile.
1340 */
1341 networkProfile?: NetworkProfile;
1342 }
1343 export interface GetOfferingStatusRequest {
1344 /**
1345 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1346 */
1347 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1348 }
1349 export interface GetOfferingStatusResult {
1350 /**
1351 * When specified, gets the offering status for the current period.
1352 */
1353 current?: OfferingStatusMap;
1354 /**
1355 * When specified, gets the offering status for the next period.
1356 */
1357 nextPeriod?: OfferingStatusMap;
1358 /**
1359 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1360 */
1361 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1362 }
1363 export interface GetProjectRequest {
1364 /**
1365 * The project's ARN.
1366 */
1367 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1368 }
1369 export interface GetProjectResult {
1370 /**
1371 * The project you wish to get information about.
1372 */
1373 project?: Project;
1374 }
1375 export interface GetRemoteAccessSessionRequest {
1376 /**
1377 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the remote access session about which you want to get session information.
1378 */
1379 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1380 }
1381 export interface GetRemoteAccessSessionResult {
1382 /**
1383 * A container that lists detailed information about the remote access session.
1384 */
1385 remoteAccessSession?: RemoteAccessSession;
1386 }
1387 export interface GetRunRequest {
1388 /**
1389 * The run's ARN.
1390 */
1391 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1392 }
1393 export interface GetRunResult {
1394 /**
1395 * The run you wish to get results from.
1396 */
1397 run?: Run;
1398 }
1399 export interface GetSuiteRequest {
1400 /**
1401 * The suite's ARN.
1402 */
1403 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1404 }
1405 export interface GetSuiteResult {
1406 /**
1407 * A collection of one or more tests.
1408 */
1409 suite?: Suite;
1410 }
1411 export interface GetTestRequest {
1412 /**
1413 * The test's ARN.
1414 */
1415 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1416 }
1417 export interface GetTestResult {
1418 /**
1419 * A test condition that is evaluated.
1420 */
1421 test?: Test;
1422 }
1423 export interface GetUploadRequest {
1424 /**
1425 * The upload's ARN.
1426 */
1427 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1428 }
1429 export interface GetUploadResult {
1430 /**
1431 * An app or a set of one or more tests to upload or that have been uploaded.
1432 */
1433 upload?: Upload;
1434 }
1435 export interface GetVPCEConfigurationRequest {
1436 /**
1437 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC endpoint configuration you want to describe.
1438 */
1439 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1440 }
1441 export interface GetVPCEConfigurationResult {
1442 /**
1443 * An object containing information about your VPC endpoint configuration.
1444 */
1445 vpceConfiguration?: VPCEConfiguration;
1446 }
1447 export type HostAddress = string;
1448 export interface IncompatibilityMessage {
1449 /**
1450 * A message about the incompatibility.
1451 */
1452 message?: Message;
1453 /**
1454 * The type of incompatibility. Allowed values include: ARN: The ARN. FORM_FACTOR: The form factor (for example, phone or tablet). MANUFACTURER: The manufacturer. PLATFORM: The platform (for example, Android or iOS). REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED: Whether the device is enabled for remote access. APPIUM_VERSION: The Appium version for the test.
1455 */
1456 type?: DeviceAttribute;
1457 }
1458 export type IncompatibilityMessages = IncompatibilityMessage[];
1459 export interface InstallToRemoteAccessSessionRequest {
1460 /**
1461 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the remote access session about which you are requesting information.
1462 */
1463 remoteAccessSessionArn: AmazonResourceName;
1464 /**
1465 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the app about which you are requesting information.
1466 */
1467 appArn: AmazonResourceName;
1468 }
1469 export interface InstallToRemoteAccessSessionResult {
1470 /**
1471 * An app to upload or that has been uploaded.
1472 */
1473 appUpload?: Upload;
1474 }
1475 export type InstanceLabels = String[];
1476 export interface InstanceProfile {
1477 /**
1478 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.
1479 */
1480 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
1481 /**
1482 * When set to true, Device Farm will remove app packages after a test run. The default value is false for private devices.
1483 */
1484 packageCleanup?: Boolean;
1485 /**
1486 * An array of strings specifying the list of app packages that should not be cleaned up from the device after a test run is over. The list of packages is only considered if you set packageCleanup to true.
1487 */
1488 excludeAppPackagesFromCleanup?: PackageIds;
1489 /**
1490 * When set to true, Device Farm will reboot the instance after a test run. The default value is true.
1491 */
1492 rebootAfterUse?: Boolean;
1493 /**
1494 * The name of the instance profile.
1495 */
1496 name?: Name;
1497 /**
1498 * The description of the instance profile.
1499 */
1500 description?: Message;
1501 }
1502 export type InstanceProfiles = InstanceProfile[];
1503 export type InstanceStatus = "IN_USE"|"PREPARING"|"AVAILABLE"|"NOT_AVAILABLE"|string;
1504 export type Integer = number;
1505 export type InteractionMode = "INTERACTIVE"|"NO_VIDEO"|"VIDEO_ONLY"|string;
1506 export type IosPaths = String[];
1507 export interface Job {
1508 /**
1509 * The job's ARN.
1510 */
1511 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
1512 /**
1513 * The job's name.
1514 */
1515 name?: Name;
1516 /**
1517 * The job's type. Allowed values include the following: BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. APPIUM_PYTHON: The Appium Python type. APPIUM_NODE: The Appium Node.js type. APPIUM_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON: The Appium Python type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE: The Appium Node.js type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY: The Appium Ruby test type for web apps. CALABASH: The Calabash type. INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. XCTEST: The Xcode test type. XCTEST_UI: The Xcode UI test type.
1518 */
1519 type?: TestType;
1520 /**
1521 * When the job was created.
1522 */
1523 created?: DateTime;
1524 /**
1525 * The job's status. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending status. PENDING_CONCURRENCY: A pending concurrency status. PENDING_DEVICE: A pending device status. PROCESSING: A processing status. SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. PREPARING: A preparing status. RUNNING: A running status. COMPLETED: A completed status. STOPPING: A stopping status.
1526 */
1527 status?: ExecutionStatus;
1528 /**
1529 * The job's result. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
1530 */
1531 result?: ExecutionResult;
1532 /**
1533 * The job's start time.
1534 */
1535 started?: DateTime;
1536 /**
1537 * The job's stop time.
1538 */
1539 stopped?: DateTime;
1540 /**
1541 * The job's result counters.
1542 */
1543 counters?: Counters;
1544 /**
1545 * A message about the job's result.
1546 */
1547 message?: Message;
1548 /**
1549 * The device (phone or tablet).
1550 */
1551 device?: Device;
1552 /**
1553 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
1554 */
1555 instanceArn?: AmazonResourceName;
1556 /**
1557 * Represents the total (metered or unmetered) minutes used by the job.
1558 */
1559 deviceMinutes?: DeviceMinutes;
1560 /**
1561 * The endpoint for streaming device video.
1562 */
1563 videoEndpoint?: String;
1564 /**
1565 * This value is set to true if video capture is enabled; otherwise, it is set to false.
1566 */
1567 videoCapture?: VideoCapture;
1568 }
1569 export type JobTimeoutMinutes = number;
1570 export type Jobs = Job[];
1571 export interface ListArtifactsRequest {
1572 /**
1573 * The Run, Job, Suite, or Test ARN.
1574 */
1575 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1576 /**
1577 * The artifacts' type. Allowed values include: FILE: The artifacts are files. LOG: The artifacts are logs. SCREENSHOT: The artifacts are screenshots.
1578 */
1579 type: ArtifactCategory;
1580 /**
1581 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1582 */
1583 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1584 }
1585 export interface ListArtifactsResult {
1586 /**
1587 * Information about the artifacts.
1588 */
1589 artifacts?: Artifacts;
1590 /**
1591 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1592 */
1593 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1594 }
1595 export interface ListDeviceInstancesRequest {
1596 /**
1597 * An integer specifying the maximum number of items you want to return in the API response.
1598 */
1599 maxResults?: Integer;
1600 /**
1601 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1602 */
1603 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1604 }
1605 export interface ListDeviceInstancesResult {
1606 /**
1607 * An object containing information about your device instances.
1608 */
1609 deviceInstances?: DeviceInstances;
1610 /**
1611 * An identifier that can be used in the next call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1612 */
1613 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1614 }
1615 export interface ListDevicePoolsRequest {
1616 /**
1617 * The project ARN.
1618 */
1619 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1620 /**
1621 * The device pools' type. Allowed values include: CURATED: A device pool that is created and managed by AWS Device Farm. PRIVATE: A device pool that is created and managed by the device pool developer.
1622 */
1623 type?: DevicePoolType;
1624 /**
1625 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1626 */
1627 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1628 }
1629 export interface ListDevicePoolsResult {
1630 /**
1631 * Information about the device pools.
1632 */
1633 devicePools?: DevicePools;
1634 /**
1635 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1636 */
1637 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1638 }
1639 export interface ListDevicesRequest {
1640 /**
1641 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project.
1642 */
1643 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
1644 /**
1645 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1646 */
1647 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1648 /**
1649 * Used to select a set of devices. A filter is made up of an attribute, an operator, and one or more values. Attribute: The aspect of a device such as platform or model used as the selection criteria in a device filter. Allowed values include: ARN: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device. For example, "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:12345Example". PLATFORM: The device platform. Valid values are "ANDROID" or "IOS". OS_VERSION: The operating system version. For example, "10.3.2". MODEL: The device model. For example, "iPad 5th Gen". AVAILABILITY: The current availability of the device. Valid values are "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE". FORM_FACTOR: The device form factor. Valid values are "PHONE" or "TABLET". MANUFACTURER: The device manufacturer. For example, "Apple". REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED: Whether the device is enabled for remote access. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED: Whether the device is enabled for remote debugging. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". This attribute will be ignored, as remote debugging is no longer supported. INSTANCE_ARN: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance. INSTANCE_LABELS: The label of the device instance. FLEET_TYPE: The fleet type. Valid values are "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". Operator: The filter operator. The EQUALS operator is available for every attribute except INSTANCE_LABELS. The CONTAINS operator is available for the INSTANCE_LABELS and MODEL attributes. The IN and NOT_IN operators are available for the ARN, OS_VERSION, MODEL, MANUFACTURER, and INSTANCE_ARN attributes. The LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS, and GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS operators are also available for the OS_VERSION attribute. Values: An array of one or more filter values. The IN and NOT_IN operators take a values array that has one or more elements. The other operators require an array with a single element. In a request, the AVAILABILITY attribute takes "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE" as values.
1650 */
1651 filters?: DeviceFilters;
1652 }
1653 export interface ListDevicesResult {
1654 /**
1655 * Information about the devices.
1656 */
1657 devices?: Devices;
1658 /**
1659 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1660 */
1661 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1662 }
1663 export interface ListInstanceProfilesRequest {
1664 /**
1665 * An integer specifying the maximum number of items you want to return in the API response.
1666 */
1667 maxResults?: Integer;
1668 /**
1669 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1670 */
1671 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1672 }
1673 export interface ListInstanceProfilesResult {
1674 /**
1675 * An object containing information about your instance profiles.
1676 */
1677 instanceProfiles?: InstanceProfiles;
1678 /**
1679 * An identifier that can be used in the next call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1680 */
1681 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1682 }
1683 export interface ListJobsRequest {
1684 /**
1685 * The run's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
1686 */
1687 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1688 /**
1689 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1690 */
1691 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1692 }
1693 export interface ListJobsResult {
1694 /**
1695 * Information about the jobs.
1696 */
1697 jobs?: Jobs;
1698 /**
1699 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1700 */
1701 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1702 }
1703 export interface ListNetworkProfilesRequest {
1704 /**
1705 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project for which you want to list network profiles.
1706 */
1707 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1708 /**
1709 * The type of network profile you wish to return information about. Valid values are listed below.
1710 */
1711 type?: NetworkProfileType;
1712 /**
1713 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1714 */
1715 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1716 }
1717 export interface ListNetworkProfilesResult {
1718 /**
1719 * A list of the available network profiles.
1720 */
1721 networkProfiles?: NetworkProfiles;
1722 /**
1723 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1724 */
1725 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1726 }
1727 export interface ListOfferingPromotionsRequest {
1728 /**
1729 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1730 */
1731 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1732 }
1733 export interface ListOfferingPromotionsResult {
1734 /**
1735 * Information about the offering promotions.
1736 */
1737 offeringPromotions?: OfferingPromotions;
1738 /**
1739 * An identifier to be used in the next call to this operation, to return the next set of items in the list.
1740 */
1741 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1742 }
1743 export interface ListOfferingTransactionsRequest {
1744 /**
1745 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1746 */
1747 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1748 }
1749 export interface ListOfferingTransactionsResult {
1750 /**
1751 * The audit log of subscriptions you have purchased and modified through AWS Device Farm.
1752 */
1753 offeringTransactions?: OfferingTransactions;
1754 /**
1755 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1756 */
1757 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1758 }
1759 export interface ListOfferingsRequest {
1760 /**
1761 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1762 */
1763 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1764 }
1765 export interface ListOfferingsResult {
1766 /**
1767 * A value representing the list offering results.
1768 */
1769 offerings?: Offerings;
1770 /**
1771 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1772 */
1773 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1774 }
1775 export interface ListProjectsRequest {
1776 /**
1777 * Optional. If no Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is specified, then AWS Device Farm returns a list of all projects for the AWS account. You can also specify a project ARN.
1778 */
1779 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
1780 /**
1781 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1782 */
1783 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1784 }
1785 export interface ListProjectsResult {
1786 /**
1787 * Information about the projects.
1788 */
1789 projects?: Projects;
1790 /**
1791 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1792 */
1793 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1794 }
1795 export interface ListRemoteAccessSessionsRequest {
1796 /**
1797 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project about which you are requesting information.
1798 */
1799 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1800 /**
1801 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1802 */
1803 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1804 }
1805 export interface ListRemoteAccessSessionsResult {
1806 /**
1807 * A container representing the metadata from the service about each remote access session you are requesting.
1808 */
1809 remoteAccessSessions?: RemoteAccessSessions;
1810 /**
1811 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1812 */
1813 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1814 }
1815 export interface ListRunsRequest {
1816 /**
1817 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project for which you want to list runs.
1818 */
1819 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1820 /**
1821 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1822 */
1823 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1824 }
1825 export interface ListRunsResult {
1826 /**
1827 * Information about the runs.
1828 */
1829 runs?: Runs;
1830 /**
1831 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1832 */
1833 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1834 }
1835 export interface ListSamplesRequest {
1836 /**
1837 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job used to list samples.
1838 */
1839 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1840 /**
1841 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1842 */
1843 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1844 }
1845 export interface ListSamplesResult {
1846 /**
1847 * Information about the samples.
1848 */
1849 samples?: Samples;
1850 /**
1851 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1852 */
1853 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1854 }
1855 export interface ListSuitesRequest {
1856 /**
1857 * The job's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
1858 */
1859 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1860 /**
1861 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1862 */
1863 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1864 }
1865 export interface ListSuitesResult {
1866 /**
1867 * Information about the suites.
1868 */
1869 suites?: Suites;
1870 /**
1871 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1872 */
1873 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1874 }
1875 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
1876 /**
1877 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource(s) for which to list tags. You can associate tags with the following Device Farm resources: PROJECT, RUN, NETWORK_PROFILE, INSTANCE_PROFILE, DEVICE_INSTANCE, SESSION, DEVICE_POOL, DEVICE, and VPCE_CONFIGURATION.
1878 */
1879 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
1880 }
1881 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
1882 /**
1883 * The tags to add to the resource. A tag is an array of key-value pairs. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
1884 */
1885 Tags?: TagList;
1886 }
1887 export interface ListTestsRequest {
1888 /**
1889 * The test suite's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
1890 */
1891 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1892 /**
1893 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1894 */
1895 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1896 }
1897 export interface ListTestsResult {
1898 /**
1899 * Information about the tests.
1900 */
1901 tests?: Tests;
1902 /**
1903 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1904 */
1905 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1906 }
1907 export interface ListUniqueProblemsRequest {
1908 /**
1909 * The unique problems' ARNs.
1910 */
1911 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1912 /**
1913 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1914 */
1915 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1916 }
1917 export interface ListUniqueProblemsResult {
1918 /**
1919 * Information about the unique problems. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
1920 */
1921 uniqueProblems?: UniqueProblemsByExecutionResultMap;
1922 /**
1923 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1924 */
1925 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1926 }
1927 export interface ListUploadsRequest {
1928 /**
1929 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project for which you want to list uploads.
1930 */
1931 arn: AmazonResourceName;
1932 /**
1933 * The type of upload. Must be one of the following values: ANDROID_APP: An Android upload. IOS_APP: An iOS upload. WEB_APP: A web application upload. EXTERNAL_DATA: An external data upload. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload. APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Python test package upload. APPIUM_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Node.js test package upload. APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Ruby test package upload. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Python test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Node.js test package upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Ruby test package upload for a web app. CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE: A Calabash test package upload. INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE: An instrumentation upload. UIAUTOMATION_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomation test package upload. UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomator test package upload. XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE: An Xcode test package upload. XCTEST_UI_TEST_PACKAGE: An Xcode UI test package upload. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java JUnit test spec upload. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java TestNG test spec upload. APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Python test spec upload. APPIUM_NODE_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Node.js test spec upload. APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Ruby test spec upload. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java JUnit test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java TestNG test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Python test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Node.js test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Ruby test spec upload for a web app. INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_SPEC: An instrumentation test spec upload. XCTEST_UI_TEST_SPEC: An Xcode UI test spec upload.
1934 */
1935 type?: UploadType;
1936 /**
1937 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1938 */
1939 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1940 }
1941 export interface ListUploadsResult {
1942 /**
1943 * Information about the uploads.
1944 */
1945 uploads?: Uploads;
1946 /**
1947 * If the number of items that are returned is significantly large, this is an identifier that is also returned, which can be used in a subsequent call to this operation to return the next set of items in the list.
1948 */
1949 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1950 }
1951 export interface ListVPCEConfigurationsRequest {
1952 /**
1953 * An integer specifying the maximum number of items you want to return in the API response.
1954 */
1955 maxResults?: Integer;
1956 /**
1957 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1958 */
1959 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1960 }
1961 export interface ListVPCEConfigurationsResult {
1962 /**
1963 * An array of VPCEConfiguration objects containing information about your VPC endpoint configuration.
1964 */
1965 vpceConfigurations?: VPCEConfigurations;
1966 /**
1967 * An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.
1968 */
1969 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
1970 }
1971 export interface Location {
1972 /**
1973 * The latitude.
1974 */
1975 latitude: Double;
1976 /**
1977 * The longitude.
1978 */
1979 longitude: Double;
1980 }
1981 export type Long = number;
1982 export type MaxSlotMap = {[key: string]: Integer};
1983 export type Message = string;
1984 export type Metadata = string;
1985 export interface MonetaryAmount {
1986 /**
1987 * The numerical amount of an offering or transaction.
1988 */
1989 amount?: Double;
1990 /**
1991 * The currency code of a monetary amount. For example, USD means "U.S. dollars."
1992 */
1993 currencyCode?: CurrencyCode;
1994 }
1995 export type Name = string;
1996 export interface NetworkProfile {
1997 /**
1998 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the network profile.
1999 */
2000 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2001 /**
2002 * The name of the network profile.
2003 */
2004 name?: Name;
2005 /**
2006 * The description of the network profile.
2007 */
2008 description?: Message;
2009 /**
2010 * The type of network profile. Valid values are listed below.
2011 */
2012 type?: NetworkProfileType;
2013 /**
2014 * The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.
2015 */
2016 uplinkBandwidthBits?: Long;
2017 /**
2018 * The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.
2019 */
2020 downlinkBandwidthBits?: Long;
2021 /**
2022 * Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2023 */
2024 uplinkDelayMs?: Long;
2025 /**
2026 * Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2027 */
2028 downlinkDelayMs?: Long;
2029 /**
2030 * Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2031 */
2032 uplinkJitterMs?: Long;
2033 /**
2034 * Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2035 */
2036 downlinkJitterMs?: Long;
2037 /**
2038 * Proportion of transmitted packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.
2039 */
2040 uplinkLossPercent?: PercentInteger;
2041 /**
2042 * Proportion of received packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.
2043 */
2044 downlinkLossPercent?: PercentInteger;
2045 }
2046 export type NetworkProfileType = "CURATED"|"PRIVATE"|string;
2047 export type NetworkProfiles = NetworkProfile[];
2048 export interface Offering {
2049 /**
2050 * The ID that corresponds to a device offering.
2051 */
2052 id?: OfferingIdentifier;
2053 /**
2054 * A string describing the offering.
2055 */
2056 description?: Message;
2057 /**
2058 * The type of offering (e.g., "RECURRING") for a device.
2059 */
2060 type?: OfferingType;
2061 /**
2062 * The platform of the device (e.g., ANDROID or IOS).
2063 */
2064 platform?: DevicePlatform;
2065 /**
2066 * Specifies whether there are recurring charges for the offering.
2067 */
2068 recurringCharges?: RecurringCharges;
2069 }
2070 export type OfferingIdentifier = string;
2071 export interface OfferingPromotion {
2072 /**
2073 * The ID of the offering promotion.
2074 */
2075 id?: OfferingPromotionIdentifier;
2076 /**
2077 * A string describing the offering promotion.
2078 */
2079 description?: Message;
2080 }
2081 export type OfferingPromotionIdentifier = string;
2082 export type OfferingPromotions = OfferingPromotion[];
2083 export interface OfferingStatus {
2084 /**
2085 * The type specified for the offering status.
2086 */
2087 type?: OfferingTransactionType;
2088 /**
2089 * Represents the metadata of an offering status.
2090 */
2091 offering?: Offering;
2092 /**
2093 * The number of available devices in the offering.
2094 */
2095 quantity?: Integer;
2096 /**
2097 * The date on which the offering is effective.
2098 */
2099 effectiveOn?: DateTime;
2100 }
2101 export type OfferingStatusMap = {[key: string]: OfferingStatus};
2102 export interface OfferingTransaction {
2103 /**
2104 * The status of an offering transaction.
2105 */
2106 offeringStatus?: OfferingStatus;
2107 /**
2108 * The transaction ID of the offering transaction.
2109 */
2110 transactionId?: TransactionIdentifier;
2111 /**
2112 * The ID that corresponds to a device offering promotion.
2113 */
2114 offeringPromotionId?: OfferingPromotionIdentifier;
2115 /**
2116 * The date on which an offering transaction was created.
2117 */
2118 createdOn?: DateTime;
2119 /**
2120 * The cost of an offering transaction.
2121 */
2122 cost?: MonetaryAmount;
2123 }
2124 export type OfferingTransactionType = "PURCHASE"|"RENEW"|"SYSTEM"|string;
2125 export type OfferingTransactions = OfferingTransaction[];
2126 export type OfferingType = "RECURRING"|string;
2127 export type Offerings = Offering[];
2128 export type PackageIds = String[];
2129 export type PaginationToken = string;
2130 export type PercentInteger = number;
2131 export interface Problem {
2132 /**
2133 * Information about the associated run.
2134 */
2135 run?: ProblemDetail;
2136 /**
2137 * Information about the associated job.
2138 */
2139 job?: ProblemDetail;
2140 /**
2141 * Information about the associated suite.
2142 */
2143 suite?: ProblemDetail;
2144 /**
2145 * Information about the associated test.
2146 */
2147 test?: ProblemDetail;
2148 /**
2149 * Information about the associated device.
2150 */
2151 device?: Device;
2152 /**
2153 * The problem's result. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
2154 */
2155 result?: ExecutionResult;
2156 /**
2157 * A message about the problem's result.
2158 */
2159 message?: Message;
2160 }
2161 export interface ProblemDetail {
2162 /**
2163 * The problem detail's ARN.
2164 */
2165 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2166 /**
2167 * The problem detail's name.
2168 */
2169 name?: Name;
2170 }
2171 export type Problems = Problem[];
2172 export interface Project {
2173 /**
2174 * The project's ARN.
2175 */
2176 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2177 /**
2178 * The project's name.
2179 */
2180 name?: Name;
2181 /**
2182 * The default number of minutes (at the project level) a test run will execute before it times out. The default value is 150 minutes.
2183 */
2184 defaultJobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
2185 /**
2186 * When the project was created.
2187 */
2188 created?: DateTime;
2189 }
2190 export type Projects = Project[];
2191 export interface PurchaseOfferingRequest {
2192 /**
2193 * The ID of the offering.
2194 */
2195 offeringId?: OfferingIdentifier;
2196 /**
2197 * The number of device slots you wish to purchase in an offering request.
2198 */
2199 quantity?: Integer;
2200 /**
2201 * The ID of the offering promotion to be applied to the purchase.
2202 */
2203 offeringPromotionId?: OfferingPromotionIdentifier;
2204 }
2205 export interface PurchaseOfferingResult {
2206 /**
2207 * Represents the offering transaction for the purchase result.
2208 */
2209 offeringTransaction?: OfferingTransaction;
2210 }
2211 export type PurchasedDevicesMap = {[key: string]: Integer};
2212 export interface Radios {
2213 /**
2214 * True if Wi-Fi is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false.
2215 */
2216 wifi?: Boolean;
2217 /**
2218 * True if Bluetooth is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false.
2219 */
2220 bluetooth?: Boolean;
2221 /**
2222 * True if NFC is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false.
2223 */
2224 nfc?: Boolean;
2225 /**
2226 * True if GPS is enabled at the beginning of the test; otherwise, false.
2227 */
2228 gps?: Boolean;
2229 }
2230 export interface RecurringCharge {
2231 /**
2232 * The cost of the recurring charge.
2233 */
2234 cost?: MonetaryAmount;
2235 /**
2236 * The frequency in which charges will recur.
2237 */
2238 frequency?: RecurringChargeFrequency;
2239 }
2240 export type RecurringChargeFrequency = "MONTHLY"|string;
2241 export type RecurringCharges = RecurringCharge[];
2242 export interface RemoteAccessSession {
2243 /**
2244 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the remote access session.
2245 */
2246 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2247 /**
2248 * The name of the remote access session.
2249 */
2250 name?: Name;
2251 /**
2252 * The date and time the remote access session was created.
2253 */
2254 created?: DateTime;
2255 /**
2256 * The status of the remote access session. Can be any of the following: PENDING: A pending status. PENDING_CONCURRENCY: A pending concurrency status. PENDING_DEVICE: A pending device status. PROCESSING: A processing status. SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. PREPARING: A preparing status. RUNNING: A running status. COMPLETED: A completed status. STOPPING: A stopping status.
2257 */
2258 status?: ExecutionStatus;
2259 /**
2260 * The result of the remote access session. Can be any of the following: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
2261 */
2262 result?: ExecutionResult;
2263 /**
2264 * A message about the remote access session.
2265 */
2266 message?: Message;
2267 /**
2268 * The date and time the remote access session was started.
2269 */
2270 started?: DateTime;
2271 /**
2272 * The date and time the remote access session was stopped.
2273 */
2274 stopped?: DateTime;
2275 /**
2276 * The device (phone or tablet) used in the remote access session.
2277 */
2278 device?: Device;
2279 /**
2280 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.
2281 */
2282 instanceArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2283 /**
2284 * This flag is set to true if remote debugging is enabled for the remote access session. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
2285 */
2286 remoteDebugEnabled?: Boolean;
2287 /**
2288 * This flag is set to true if remote recording is enabled for the remote access session.
2289 */
2290 remoteRecordEnabled?: Boolean;
2291 /**
2292 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the app to be recorded in the remote access session.
2293 */
2294 remoteRecordAppArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2295 /**
2296 * IP address of the EC2 host where you need to connect to remotely debug devices. Only returned if remote debugging is enabled for the remote access session. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
2297 */
2298 hostAddress?: HostAddress;
2299 /**
2300 * Unique identifier of your client for the remote access session. Only returned if remote debugging is enabled for the remote access session. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
2301 */
2302 clientId?: ClientId;
2303 /**
2304 * The billing method of the remote access session. Possible values include METERED or UNMETERED. For more information about metered devices, see AWS Device Farm terminology."
2305 */
2306 billingMethod?: BillingMethod;
2307 /**
2308 * The number of minutes a device is used in a remote access session (including setup and teardown minutes).
2309 */
2310 deviceMinutes?: DeviceMinutes;
2311 /**
2312 * The endpoint for the remote access sesssion.
2313 */
2314 endpoint?: String;
2315 /**
2316 * Unique device identifier for the remote device. Only returned if remote debugging is enabled for the remote access session. Remote debugging is no longer supported.
2317 */
2318 deviceUdid?: String;
2319 /**
2320 * The interaction mode of the remote access session. Valid values are: INTERACTIVE: You can interact with the iOS device by viewing, touching, and rotating the screen. You cannot run XCUITest framework-based tests in this mode. NO_VIDEO: You are connected to the device but cannot interact with it or view the screen. This mode has the fastest test execution speed. You can run XCUITest framework-based tests in this mode. VIDEO_ONLY: You can view the screen but cannot touch or rotate it. You can run XCUITest framework-based tests and watch the screen in this mode.
2321 */
2322 interactionMode?: InteractionMode;
2323 /**
2324 * When set to true, for private devices, Device Farm will not sign your app again. For public devices, Device Farm always signs your apps again and this parameter has no effect. For more information about how Device Farm re-signs your app(s), see Do you modify my app? in the AWS Device Farm FAQs.
2325 */
2326 skipAppResign?: SkipAppResign;
2327 }
2328 export type RemoteAccessSessions = RemoteAccessSession[];
2329 export interface RenewOfferingRequest {
2330 /**
2331 * The ID of a request to renew an offering.
2332 */
2333 offeringId?: OfferingIdentifier;
2334 /**
2335 * The quantity requested in an offering renewal.
2336 */
2337 quantity?: Integer;
2338 }
2339 export interface RenewOfferingResult {
2340 /**
2341 * Represents the status of the offering transaction for the renewal.
2342 */
2343 offeringTransaction?: OfferingTransaction;
2344 }
2345 export interface Resolution {
2346 /**
2347 * The screen resolution's width, expressed in pixels.
2348 */
2349 width?: Integer;
2350 /**
2351 * The screen resolution's height, expressed in pixels.
2352 */
2353 height?: Integer;
2354 }
2355 export interface Rule {
2356 /**
2357 * The rule's stringified attribute. For example, specify the value as "\"abc\"". The supported operators for each attribute are provided in the following list. APPIUM_VERSION The Appium version for the test. Supported operators: CONTAINS ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device. For example, "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2::device:12345Example". Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN AVAILABILITY The current availability of the device. Valid values are "AVAILABLE", "HIGHLY_AVAILABLE", "BUSY", or "TEMPORARY_NOT_AVAILABLE". Supported operators: EQUALS FLEET_TYPE The fleet type. Valid values are "PUBLIC" or "PRIVATE". Supported operators: EQUALS FORM_FACTOR The device form factor. Valid values are "PHONE" or "TABLET". Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN INSTANCE_ARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance. Supported operators: IN, NOT_IN INSTANCE_LABELS The label of the device instance. Supported operators: CONTAINS MANUFACTURER The device manufacturer. For example, "Apple". Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN MODEL The device model, such as "Apple iPad Air 2" or "Google Pixel". Supported operators: CONTAINS, EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN OS_VERSION The operating system version. For example, "10.3.2". Supported operators: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, IN, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS, NOT_IN PLATFORM The device platform. Valid values are "ANDROID" or "IOS". Supported operators: EQUALS, IN, NOT_IN REMOTE_ACCESS_ENABLED Whether the device is enabled for remote access. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". Supported operators: EQUALS REMOTE_DEBUG_ENABLED Whether the device is enabled for remote debugging. Valid values are "TRUE" or "FALSE". Supported operators: EQUALS This filter will be ignored, as remote debugging is no longer supported.
2358 */
2359 attribute?: DeviceAttribute;
2360 /**
2361 * Specifies how Device Farm compares the rule's attribute to the value. For the operators that are supported by each attribute, see the attribute descriptions.
2362 */
2363 operator?: RuleOperator;
2364 /**
2365 * The rule's value.
2366 */
2367 value?: String;
2368 }
2370 export type Rules = Rule[];
2371 export interface Run {
2372 /**
2373 * The run's ARN.
2374 */
2375 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2376 /**
2377 * The run's name.
2378 */
2379 name?: Name;
2380 /**
2381 * The run's type. Must be one of the following values: BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. APPIUM_PYTHON: The Appium Python type. APPIUM_NODE: The Appium Node.js type. APPIUM_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON: The Appium Python type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE: The Appium Node.js type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type for web apps. CALABASH: The Calabash type. INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. XCTEST: The Xcode test type. XCTEST_UI: The Xcode UI test type.
2382 */
2383 type?: TestType;
2384 /**
2385 * The run's platform. Allowed values include: ANDROID: The Android platform. IOS: The iOS platform.
2386 */
2387 platform?: DevicePlatform;
2388 /**
2389 * When the run was created.
2390 */
2391 created?: DateTime;
2392 /**
2393 * The run's status. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending status. PENDING_CONCURRENCY: A pending concurrency status. PENDING_DEVICE: A pending device status. PROCESSING: A processing status. SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. PREPARING: A preparing status. RUNNING: A running status. COMPLETED: A completed status. STOPPING: A stopping status.
2394 */
2395 status?: ExecutionStatus;
2396 /**
2397 * The run's result. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
2398 */
2399 result?: ExecutionResult;
2400 /**
2401 * The run's start time.
2402 */
2403 started?: DateTime;
2404 /**
2405 * The run's stop time.
2406 */
2407 stopped?: DateTime;
2408 /**
2409 * The run's result counters.
2410 */
2411 counters?: Counters;
2412 /**
2413 * A message about the run's result.
2414 */
2415 message?: Message;
2416 /**
2417 * The total number of jobs for the run.
2418 */
2419 totalJobs?: Integer;
2420 /**
2421 * The total number of completed jobs.
2422 */
2423 completedJobs?: Integer;
2424 /**
2425 * Specifies the billing method for a test run: metered or unmetered. If the parameter is not specified, the default value is metered.
2426 */
2427 billingMethod?: BillingMethod;
2428 /**
2429 * Represents the total (metered or unmetered) minutes used by the test run.
2430 */
2431 deviceMinutes?: DeviceMinutes;
2432 /**
2433 * The network profile being used for a test run.
2434 */
2435 networkProfile?: NetworkProfile;
2436 /**
2437 * Read-only URL for an object in S3 bucket where you can get the parsing results of the test package. If the test package doesn't parse, the reason why it doesn't parse appears in the file that this URL points to.
2438 */
2439 parsingResultUrl?: String;
2440 /**
2441 * Supporting field for the result field. Set only if result is SKIPPED. PARSING_FAILED if the result is skipped because of test package parsing failure.
2442 */
2443 resultCode?: ExecutionResultCode;
2444 /**
2445 * For fuzz tests, this is a seed to use for randomizing the UI fuzz test. Using the same seed value between tests ensures identical event sequences.
2446 */
2447 seed?: Integer;
2448 /**
2449 * An app to upload or that has been uploaded.
2450 */
2451 appUpload?: AmazonResourceName;
2452 /**
2453 * For fuzz tests, this is the number of events, between 1 and 10000, that the UI fuzz test should perform.
2454 */
2455 eventCount?: Integer;
2456 /**
2457 * The number of minutes the job will execute before it times out.
2458 */
2459 jobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
2460 /**
2461 * The ARN of the device pool for the run.
2462 */
2463 devicePoolArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2464 /**
2465 * Information about the locale that is used for the run.
2466 */
2467 locale?: String;
2468 /**
2469 * Information about the radio states for the run.
2470 */
2471 radios?: Radios;
2472 /**
2473 * Information about the location that is used for the run.
2474 */
2475 location?: Location;
2476 /**
2477 * Output CustomerArtifactPaths object for the test run.
2478 */
2479 customerArtifactPaths?: CustomerArtifactPaths;
2480 /**
2481 * The Device Farm console URL for the recording of the run.
2482 */
2483 webUrl?: String;
2484 /**
2485 * When set to true, for private devices, Device Farm will not sign your app again. For public devices, Device Farm always signs your apps again and this parameter has no effect. For more information about how Device Farm re-signs your app(s), see Do you modify my app? in the AWS Device Farm FAQs.
2486 */
2487 skipAppResign?: SkipAppResign;
2488 /**
2489 * The ARN of the YAML-formatted test specification for the run.
2490 */
2491 testSpecArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2492 /**
2493 * The results of a device filter used to select the devices for a test run.
2494 */
2495 deviceSelectionResult?: DeviceSelectionResult;
2496 }
2497 export type Runs = Run[];
2498 export interface Sample {
2499 /**
2500 * The sample's ARN.
2501 */
2502 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2503 /**
2504 * The sample's type. Must be one of the following values: CPU: A CPU sample type. This is expressed as the app processing CPU time (including child processes) as reported by process, as a percentage. MEMORY: A memory usage sample type. This is expressed as the total proportional set size of an app process, in kilobytes. NATIVE_AVG_DRAWTIME NATIVE_FPS NATIVE_FRAMES NATIVE_MAX_DRAWTIME NATIVE_MIN_DRAWTIME OPENGL_AVG_DRAWTIME OPENGL_FPS OPENGL_FRAMES OPENGL_MAX_DRAWTIME OPENGL_MIN_DRAWTIME RX RX_RATE: The total number of bytes per second (TCP and UDP) that are sent, by app process. THREADS: A threads sample type. This is expressed as the total number of threads per app process. TX TX_RATE: The total number of bytes per second (TCP and UDP) that are received, by app process.
2505 */
2506 type?: SampleType;
2507 /**
2508 * The pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that can be used with a corresponding GET request to download the sample's file.
2509 */
2510 url?: URL;
2511 }
2513 export type Samples = Sample[];
2514 export interface ScheduleRunConfiguration {
2515 /**
2516 * The ARN of the extra data for the run. The extra data is a .zip file that AWS Device Farm will extract to external data for Android or the app's sandbox for iOS.
2517 */
2518 extraDataPackageArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2519 /**
2520 * Reserved for internal use.
2521 */
2522 networkProfileArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2523 /**
2524 * Information about the locale that is used for the run.
2525 */
2526 locale?: String;
2527 /**
2528 * Information about the location that is used for the run.
2529 */
2530 location?: Location;
2531 /**
2532 * An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for your VPC endpoint configurations.
2533 */
2534 vpceConfigurationArns?: AmazonResourceNames;
2535 /**
2536 * Input CustomerArtifactPaths object for the scheduled run configuration.
2537 */
2538 customerArtifactPaths?: CustomerArtifactPaths;
2539 /**
2540 * Information about the radio states for the run.
2541 */
2542 radios?: Radios;
2543 /**
2544 * A list of Upload ARNs for app packages that will be installed alongside your app.
2545 */
2546 auxiliaryApps?: AmazonResourceNames;
2547 /**
2548 * Specifies the billing method for a test run: metered or unmetered. If the parameter is not specified, the default value is metered.
2549 */
2550 billingMethod?: BillingMethod;
2551 }
2552 export interface ScheduleRunRequest {
2553 /**
2554 * The ARN of the project for the run to be scheduled.
2555 */
2556 projectArn: AmazonResourceName;
2557 /**
2558 * The ARN of the app to schedule a run.
2559 */
2560 appArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2561 /**
2562 * The ARN of the device pool for the run to be scheduled.
2563 */
2564 devicePoolArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2565 /**
2566 * The filter criteria used to dynamically select a set of devices for a test run, as well as the maximum number of devices to be included in the run. Either devicePoolArn or deviceSelectionConfiguration is required in a request.
2567 */
2568 deviceSelectionConfiguration?: DeviceSelectionConfiguration;
2569 /**
2570 * The name for the run to be scheduled.
2571 */
2572 name?: Name;
2573 /**
2574 * Information about the test for the run to be scheduled.
2575 */
2576 test: ScheduleRunTest;
2577 /**
2578 * Information about the settings for the run to be scheduled.
2579 */
2580 configuration?: ScheduleRunConfiguration;
2581 /**
2582 * Specifies configuration information about a test run, such as the execution timeout (in minutes).
2583 */
2584 executionConfiguration?: ExecutionConfiguration;
2585 }
2586 export interface ScheduleRunResult {
2587 /**
2588 * Information about the scheduled run.
2589 */
2590 run?: Run;
2591 }
2592 export interface ScheduleRunTest {
2593 /**
2594 * The test's type. Must be one of the following values: BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. APPIUM_PYTHON: The Appium Python type. APPIUM_NODE: The Appium Node.js type. APPIUM_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON: The Appium Python type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE: The Appium Node.js type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type for web apps. CALABASH: The Calabash type. INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. XCTEST: The Xcode test type. XCTEST_UI: The Xcode UI test type.
2595 */
2596 type: TestType;
2597 /**
2598 * The ARN of the uploaded test that will be run.
2599 */
2600 testPackageArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2601 /**
2602 * The ARN of the YAML-formatted test specification.
2603 */
2604 testSpecArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2605 /**
2606 * The test's filter.
2607 */
2608 filter?: Filter;
2609 /**
2610 * The test's parameters, such as test framework parameters and fixture settings. Parameters are represented by name-value pairs of strings. For all tests: app_performance_monitoring: Performance monitoring is enabled by default. Set this parameter to "false" to disable it. For Calabash tests: profile: A cucumber profile, for example, "my_profile_name". tags: You can limit execution to features or scenarios that have (or don't have) certain tags, for example, "@smoke" or "@smoke,~@wip". For Appium tests (all types): appium_version: The Appium version. Currently supported values are "1.6.5" (and higher), "latest", and "default". “latest” will run the latest Appium version supported by Device Farm (1.9.1). For “default”, Device Farm will choose a compatible version of Appium for the device. The current behavior is to run 1.7.2 on Android devices and iOS 9 and earlier, 1.7.2 for iOS 10 and later. This behavior is subject to change. For Fuzz tests (Android only): event_count: The number of events, between 1 and 10000, that the UI fuzz test should perform. throttle: The time, in ms, between 0 and 1000, that the UI fuzz test should wait between events. seed: A seed to use for randomizing the UI fuzz test. Using the same seed value between tests ensures identical event sequences. For Explorer tests: username: A username to use if the Explorer encounters a login form. If not supplied, no username will be inserted. password: A password to use if the Explorer encounters a login form. If not supplied, no password will be inserted. For Instrumentation: filter: A test filter string. Examples: Running a single test case: "com.android.abc.Test1" Running a single test: "com.android.abc.Test1#smoke" Running multiple tests: "com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2" For XCTest and XCTestUI: filter: A test filter string. Examples: Running a single test class: "LoginTests" Running a multiple test classes: "LoginTests,SmokeTests" Running a single test: "LoginTests/testValid" Running multiple tests: "LoginTests/testValid,LoginTests/testInvalid" For UIAutomator: filter: A test filter string. Examples: Running a single test case: "com.android.abc.Test1" Running a single test: "com.android.abc.Test1#smoke" Running multiple tests: "com.android.abc.Test1,com.android.abc.Test2"
2611 */
2612 parameters?: TestParameters;
2613 }
2614 export type ServiceDnsName = string;
2615 export type SkipAppResign = boolean;
2616 export type SshPublicKey = string;
2617 export interface StopJobRequest {
2618 /**
2619 * Represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm job you wish to stop.
2620 */
2621 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2622 }
2623 export interface StopJobResult {
2624 /**
2625 * The job that was stopped.
2626 */
2627 job?: Job;
2628 }
2629 export interface StopRemoteAccessSessionRequest {
2630 /**
2631 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the remote access session you wish to stop.
2632 */
2633 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2634 }
2635 export interface StopRemoteAccessSessionResult {
2636 /**
2637 * A container representing the metadata from the service about the remote access session you are stopping.
2638 */
2639 remoteAccessSession?: RemoteAccessSession;
2640 }
2641 export interface StopRunRequest {
2642 /**
2643 * Represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm run you wish to stop.
2644 */
2645 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2646 }
2647 export interface StopRunResult {
2648 /**
2649 * The run that was stopped.
2650 */
2651 run?: Run;
2652 }
2653 export type String = string;
2654 export interface Suite {
2655 /**
2656 * The suite's ARN.
2657 */
2658 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2659 /**
2660 * The suite's name.
2661 */
2662 name?: Name;
2663 /**
2664 * The suite's type. Must be one of the following values: BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. APPIUM_PYTHON: The Appium Python type. APPIUM_NODE: The Appium Node.js type. APPIUM_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON: The Appium Python type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE: The Appium Node.js type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type for web apps. CALABASH: The Calabash type. INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. XCTEST: The Xcode test type. XCTEST_UI: The Xcode UI test type.
2665 */
2666 type?: TestType;
2667 /**
2668 * When the suite was created.
2669 */
2670 created?: DateTime;
2671 /**
2672 * The suite's status. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending status. PENDING_CONCURRENCY: A pending concurrency status. PENDING_DEVICE: A pending device status. PROCESSING: A processing status. SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. PREPARING: A preparing status. RUNNING: A running status. COMPLETED: A completed status. STOPPING: A stopping status.
2673 */
2674 status?: ExecutionStatus;
2675 /**
2676 * The suite's result. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
2677 */
2678 result?: ExecutionResult;
2679 /**
2680 * The suite's start time.
2681 */
2682 started?: DateTime;
2683 /**
2684 * The suite's stop time.
2685 */
2686 stopped?: DateTime;
2687 /**
2688 * The suite's result counters.
2689 */
2690 counters?: Counters;
2691 /**
2692 * A message about the suite's result.
2693 */
2694 message?: Message;
2695 /**
2696 * Represents the total (metered or unmetered) minutes used by the test suite.
2697 */
2698 deviceMinutes?: DeviceMinutes;
2699 }
2700 export type Suites = Suite[];
2701 export interface Tag {
2702 /**
2703 * One part of a key-value pair that make up a tag. A key is a general label that acts like a category for more specific tag values.
2704 */
2705 Key: TagKey;
2706 /**
2707 * The optional part of a key-value pair that make up a tag. A value acts as a descriptor within a tag category (key).
2708 */
2709 Value: TagValue;
2710 }
2711 export type TagKey = string;
2712 export type TagKeyList = TagKey[];
2713 export type TagList = Tag[];
2714 export interface TagResourceRequest {
2715 /**
2716 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource(s) to which to add tags. You can associate tags with the following Device Farm resources: PROJECT, RUN, NETWORK_PROFILE, INSTANCE_PROFILE, DEVICE_INSTANCE, SESSION, DEVICE_POOL, DEVICE, and VPCE_CONFIGURATION.
2717 */
2718 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
2719 /**
2720 * The tags to add to the resource. A tag is an array of key-value pairs. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
2721 */
2722 Tags: TagList;
2723 }
2724 export interface TagResourceResponse {
2725 }
2726 export type TagValue = string;
2727 export interface Test {
2728 /**
2729 * The test's ARN.
2730 */
2731 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
2732 /**
2733 * The test's name.
2734 */
2735 name?: Name;
2736 /**
2737 * The test's type. Must be one of the following values: BUILTIN_FUZZ: The built-in fuzz type. BUILTIN_EXPLORER: For Android, an app explorer that will traverse an Android app, interacting with it and capturing screenshots at the same time. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type. APPIUM_PYTHON: The Appium Python type. APPIUM_NODE: The Appium Node.js type. APPIUM_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT: The Appium Java JUnit type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG: The Appium Java TestNG type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON: The Appium Python type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE: The Appium Node.js type for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY: The Appium Ruby type for web apps. CALABASH: The Calabash type. INSTRUMENTATION: The Instrumentation type. UIAUTOMATION: The uiautomation type. UIAUTOMATOR: The uiautomator type. XCTEST: The Xcode test type. XCTEST_UI: The Xcode UI test type.
2738 */
2739 type?: TestType;
2740 /**
2741 * When the test was created.
2742 */
2743 created?: DateTime;
2744 /**
2745 * The test's status. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending status. PENDING_CONCURRENCY: A pending concurrency status. PENDING_DEVICE: A pending device status. PROCESSING: A processing status. SCHEDULING: A scheduling status. PREPARING: A preparing status. RUNNING: A running status. COMPLETED: A completed status. STOPPING: A stopping status.
2746 */
2747 status?: ExecutionStatus;
2748 /**
2749 * The test's result. Allowed values include: PENDING: A pending condition. PASSED: A passing condition. WARNED: A warning condition. FAILED: A failed condition. SKIPPED: A skipped condition. ERRORED: An error condition. STOPPED: A stopped condition.
2750 */
2751 result?: ExecutionResult;
2752 /**
2753 * The test's start time.
2754 */
2755 started?: DateTime;
2756 /**
2757 * The test's stop time.
2758 */
2759 stopped?: DateTime;
2760 /**
2761 * The test's result counters.
2762 */
2763 counters?: Counters;
2764 /**
2765 * A message about the test's result.
2766 */
2767 message?: Message;
2768 /**
2769 * Represents the total (metered or unmetered) minutes used by the test.
2770 */
2771 deviceMinutes?: DeviceMinutes;
2772 }
2773 export type TestParameters = {[key: string]: String};
2775 export type Tests = Test[];
2776 export type TransactionIdentifier = string;
2777 export interface TrialMinutes {
2778 /**
2779 * The total number of free trial minutes that the account started with.
2780 */
2781 total?: Double;
2782 /**
2783 * The number of free trial minutes remaining in the account.
2784 */
2785 remaining?: Double;
2786 }
2787 export type URL = string;
2788 export interface UniqueProblem {
2789 /**
2790 * A message about the unique problems' result.
2791 */
2792 message?: Message;
2793 /**
2794 * Information about the problems.
2795 */
2796 problems?: Problems;
2797 }
2798 export type UniqueProblems = UniqueProblem[];
2799 export type UniqueProblemsByExecutionResultMap = {[key: string]: UniqueProblems};
2800 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
2801 /**
2802 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource(s) from which to delete tags. You can associate tags with the following Device Farm resources: PROJECT, RUN, NETWORK_PROFILE, INSTANCE_PROFILE, DEVICE_INSTANCE, SESSION, DEVICE_POOL, DEVICE, and VPCE_CONFIGURATION.
2803 */
2804 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
2805 /**
2806 * The keys of the tags to be removed.
2807 */
2808 TagKeys: TagKeyList;
2809 }
2810 export interface UntagResourceResponse {
2811 }
2812 export interface UpdateDeviceInstanceRequest {
2813 /**
2814 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device instance.
2815 */
2816 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2817 /**
2818 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the profile that you want to associate with the device instance.
2819 */
2820 profileArn?: AmazonResourceName;
2821 /**
2822 * An array of strings that you want to associate with the device instance.
2823 */
2824 labels?: InstanceLabels;
2825 }
2826 export interface UpdateDeviceInstanceResult {
2827 /**
2828 * An object containing information about your device instance.
2829 */
2830 deviceInstance?: DeviceInstance;
2831 }
2832 export interface UpdateDevicePoolRequest {
2833 /**
2834 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Device Farm device pool you wish to update.
2835 */
2836 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2837 /**
2838 * A string representing the name of the device pool you wish to update.
2839 */
2840 name?: Name;
2841 /**
2842 * A description of the device pool you wish to update.
2843 */
2844 description?: Message;
2845 /**
2846 * Represents the rules you wish to modify for the device pool. Updating rules is optional; however, if you choose to update rules for your request, the update will replace the existing rules.
2847 */
2848 rules?: Rules;
2849 /**
2850 * The number of devices that Device Farm can add to your device pool. Device Farm adds devices that are available and that meet the criteria that you assign for the rules parameter. Depending on how many devices meet these constraints, your device pool might contain fewer devices than the value for this parameter. By specifying the maximum number of devices, you can control the costs that you incur by running tests. If you use this parameter in your request, you cannot use the clearMaxDevices parameter in the same request.
2851 */
2852 maxDevices?: Integer;
2853 /**
2854 * Sets whether the maxDevices parameter applies to your device pool. If you set this parameter to true, the maxDevices parameter does not apply, and Device Farm does not limit the number of devices that it adds to your device pool. In this case, Device Farm adds all available devices that meet the criteria that are specified for the rules parameter. If you use this parameter in your request, you cannot use the maxDevices parameter in the same request.
2855 */
2856 clearMaxDevices?: Boolean;
2857 }
2858 export interface UpdateDevicePoolResult {
2859 /**
2860 * The device pool you just updated.
2861 */
2862 devicePool?: DevicePool;
2863 }
2864 export interface UpdateInstanceProfileRequest {
2865 /**
2866 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.
2867 */
2868 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2869 /**
2870 * The updated name for your instance profile.
2871 */
2872 name?: Name;
2873 /**
2874 * The updated description for your instance profile.
2875 */
2876 description?: Message;
2877 /**
2878 * The updated choice for whether you want to specify package cleanup. The default value is false for private devices.
2879 */
2880 packageCleanup?: Boolean;
2881 /**
2882 * An array of strings specifying the list of app packages that should not be cleaned up from the device after a test run is over. The list of packages is only considered if you set packageCleanup to true.
2883 */
2884 excludeAppPackagesFromCleanup?: PackageIds;
2885 /**
2886 * The updated choice for whether you want to reboot the device after use. The default value is true.
2887 */
2888 rebootAfterUse?: Boolean;
2889 }
2890 export interface UpdateInstanceProfileResult {
2891 /**
2892 * An object containing information about your instance profile.
2893 */
2894 instanceProfile?: InstanceProfile;
2895 }
2896 export interface UpdateNetworkProfileRequest {
2897 /**
2898 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project for which you want to update network profile settings.
2899 */
2900 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2901 /**
2902 * The name of the network profile about which you are returning information.
2903 */
2904 name?: Name;
2905 /**
2906 * The description of the network profile about which you are returning information.
2907 */
2908 description?: Message;
2909 /**
2910 * The type of network profile you wish to return information about. Valid values are listed below.
2911 */
2912 type?: NetworkProfileType;
2913 /**
2914 * The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.
2915 */
2916 uplinkBandwidthBits?: Long;
2917 /**
2918 * The data throughput rate in bits per second, as an integer from 0 to 104857600.
2919 */
2920 downlinkBandwidthBits?: Long;
2921 /**
2922 * Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2923 */
2924 uplinkDelayMs?: Long;
2925 /**
2926 * Delay time for all packets to destination in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2927 */
2928 downlinkDelayMs?: Long;
2929 /**
2930 * Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2931 */
2932 uplinkJitterMs?: Long;
2933 /**
2934 * Time variation in the delay of received packets in milliseconds as an integer from 0 to 2000.
2935 */
2936 downlinkJitterMs?: Long;
2937 /**
2938 * Proportion of transmitted packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.
2939 */
2940 uplinkLossPercent?: PercentInteger;
2941 /**
2942 * Proportion of received packets that fail to arrive from 0 to 100 percent.
2943 */
2944 downlinkLossPercent?: PercentInteger;
2945 }
2946 export interface UpdateNetworkProfileResult {
2947 /**
2948 * A list of the available network profiles.
2949 */
2950 networkProfile?: NetworkProfile;
2951 }
2952 export interface UpdateProjectRequest {
2953 /**
2954 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project whose name you wish to update.
2955 */
2956 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2957 /**
2958 * A string representing the new name of the project that you are updating.
2959 */
2960 name?: Name;
2961 /**
2962 * The number of minutes a test run in the project will execute before it times out.
2963 */
2964 defaultJobTimeoutMinutes?: JobTimeoutMinutes;
2965 }
2966 export interface UpdateProjectResult {
2967 /**
2968 * The project you wish to update.
2969 */
2970 project?: Project;
2971 }
2972 export interface UpdateUploadRequest {
2973 /**
2974 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the uploaded test spec.
2975 */
2976 arn: AmazonResourceName;
2977 /**
2978 * The upload's test spec file name. The name should not contain the '/' character. The test spec file name must end with the .yaml or .yml file extension.
2979 */
2980 name?: Name;
2981 /**
2982 * The upload's content type (for example, "application/x-yaml").
2983 */
2984 contentType?: ContentType;
2985 /**
2986 * Set to true if the YAML file has changed and needs to be updated; otherwise, set to false.
2987 */
2988 editContent?: Boolean;
2989 }
2990 export interface UpdateUploadResult {
2991 /**
2992 * A test spec uploaded to Device Farm.
2993 */
2994 upload?: Upload;
2995 }
2996 export interface UpdateVPCEConfigurationRequest {
2997 /**
2998 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC endpoint configuration you want to update.
2999 */
3000 arn: AmazonResourceName;
3001 /**
3002 * The friendly name you give to your VPC endpoint configuration, to manage your configurations more easily.
3003 */
3004 vpceConfigurationName?: VPCEConfigurationName;
3005 /**
3006 * The name of the VPC endpoint service running inside your AWS account that you want Device Farm to test.
3007 */
3008 vpceServiceName?: VPCEServiceName;
3009 /**
3010 * The DNS (domain) name used to connect to your private service in your Amazon VPC. The DNS name must not already be in use on the Internet.
3011 */
3012 serviceDnsName?: ServiceDnsName;
3013 /**
3014 * An optional description, providing more details about your VPC endpoint configuration.
3015 */
3016 vpceConfigurationDescription?: VPCEConfigurationDescription;
3017 }
3018 export interface UpdateVPCEConfigurationResult {
3019 /**
3020 * An object containing information about your VPC endpoint configuration.
3021 */
3022 vpceConfiguration?: VPCEConfiguration;
3023 }
3024 export interface Upload {
3025 /**
3026 * The upload's ARN.
3027 */
3028 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
3029 /**
3030 * The upload's file name.
3031 */
3032 name?: Name;
3033 /**
3034 * When the upload was created.
3035 */
3036 created?: DateTime;
3037 /**
3038 * The upload's type. Must be one of the following values: ANDROID_APP: An Android upload. IOS_APP: An iOS upload. WEB_APP: A web application upload. EXTERNAL_DATA: An external data upload. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload. APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Python test package upload. APPIUM_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Node.js test package upload. APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Ruby test package upload. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java JUnit test package upload for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Java TestNG test package upload for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Python test package upload for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Node.js test package upload for web apps. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_PACKAGE: An Appium Ruby test package upload for web apps. CALABASH_TEST_PACKAGE: A Calabash test package upload. INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_PACKAGE: An instrumentation upload. UIAUTOMATION_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomation test package upload. UIAUTOMATOR_TEST_PACKAGE: A uiautomator test package upload. XCTEST_TEST_PACKAGE: An Xcode test package upload. XCTEST_UI_TEST_PACKAGE: An Xcode UI test package upload. APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java JUnit test spec upload. APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java TestNG test spec upload. APPIUM_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Python test spec upload. APPIUM_NODE_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Node.js test spec upload. APPIUM_RUBY_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Ruby test spec upload. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java JUnit test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Java TestNG test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Python test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_NODE_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Node.js test spec upload for a web app. APPIUM_WEB_RUBY_TEST_SPEC: An Appium Ruby test spec upload for a web app. INSTRUMENTATION_TEST_SPEC: An instrumentation test spec upload. XCTEST_UI_TEST_SPEC: An Xcode UI test spec upload.
3039 */
3040 type?: UploadType;
3041 /**
3042 * The upload's status. Must be one of the following values: FAILED: A failed status. INITIALIZED: An initialized status. PROCESSING: A processing status. SUCCEEDED: A succeeded status.
3043 */
3044 status?: UploadStatus;
3045 /**
3046 * The pre-signed Amazon S3 URL that was used to store a file through a corresponding PUT request.
3047 */
3048 url?: URL;
3049 /**
3050 * The upload's metadata. For example, for Android, this contains information that is parsed from the manifest and is displayed in the AWS Device Farm console after the associated app is uploaded.
3051 */
3052 metadata?: Metadata;
3053 /**
3054 * The upload's content type (for example, "application/octet-stream").
3055 */
3056 contentType?: ContentType;
3057 /**
3058 * A message about the upload's result.
3059 */
3060 message?: Message;
3061 /**
3062 * The upload's category. Allowed values include: CURATED: An upload managed by AWS Device Farm. PRIVATE: An upload managed by the AWS Device Farm customer.
3063 */
3064 category?: UploadCategory;
3065 }
3066 export type UploadCategory = "CURATED"|"PRIVATE"|string;
3067 export type UploadStatus = "INITIALIZED"|"PROCESSING"|"SUCCEEDED"|"FAILED"|string;
3069 export type Uploads = Upload[];
3070 export interface VPCEConfiguration {
3071 /**
3072 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC endpoint configuration.
3073 */
3074 arn?: AmazonResourceName;
3075 /**
3076 * The friendly name you give to your VPC endpoint configuration, to manage your configurations more easily.
3077 */
3078 vpceConfigurationName?: VPCEConfigurationName;
3079 /**
3080 * The name of the VPC endpoint service running inside your AWS account that you want Device Farm to test.
3081 */
3082 vpceServiceName?: VPCEServiceName;
3083 /**
3084 * The DNS name that maps to the private IP address of the service you want to access.
3085 */
3086 serviceDnsName?: ServiceDnsName;
3087 /**
3088 * An optional description, providing more details about your VPC endpoint configuration.
3089 */
3090 vpceConfigurationDescription?: VPCEConfigurationDescription;
3091 }
3092 export type VPCEConfigurationDescription = string;
3093 export type VPCEConfigurationName = string;
3094 export type VPCEConfigurations = VPCEConfiguration[];
3095 export type VPCEServiceName = string;
3096 export type VideoCapture = boolean;
3097 /**
3098 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
3099 */
3100 export type apiVersion = "2015-06-23"|"latest"|string;
3101 export interface ClientApiVersions {
3102 /**
3103 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
3104 */
3105 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
3106 }
3107 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
3108 /**
3109 * Contains interfaces for use with the DeviceFarm client.
3110 */
3111 export import Types = DeviceFarm;
3113export = DeviceFarm;