46.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class MediaPackage extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: MediaPackage.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & MediaPackage.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Creates a new Channel.
16 */
17 createChannel(params: MediaPackage.Types.CreateChannelRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.CreateChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.CreateChannelResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Creates a new Channel.
20 */
21 createChannel(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.CreateChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.CreateChannelResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Creates a new HarvestJob record.
24 */
25 createHarvestJob(params: MediaPackage.Types.CreateHarvestJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.CreateHarvestJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.CreateHarvestJobResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Creates a new HarvestJob record.
28 */
29 createHarvestJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.CreateHarvestJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.CreateHarvestJobResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Creates a new OriginEndpoint record.
32 */
33 createOriginEndpoint(params: MediaPackage.Types.CreateOriginEndpointRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.CreateOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.CreateOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Creates a new OriginEndpoint record.
36 */
37 createOriginEndpoint(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.CreateOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.CreateOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Deletes an existing Channel.
40 */
41 deleteChannel(params: MediaPackage.Types.DeleteChannelRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DeleteChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DeleteChannelResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Deletes an existing Channel.
44 */
45 deleteChannel(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DeleteChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DeleteChannelResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Deletes an existing OriginEndpoint.
48 */
49 deleteOriginEndpoint(params: MediaPackage.Types.DeleteOriginEndpointRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DeleteOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DeleteOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Deletes an existing OriginEndpoint.
52 */
53 deleteOriginEndpoint(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DeleteOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DeleteOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Gets details about a Channel.
56 */
57 describeChannel(params: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeChannelRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DescribeChannelResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Gets details about a Channel.
60 */
61 describeChannel(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DescribeChannelResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Gets details about an existing HarvestJob.
64 */
65 describeHarvestJob(params: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeHarvestJobRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeHarvestJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DescribeHarvestJobResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Gets details about an existing HarvestJob.
68 */
69 describeHarvestJob(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeHarvestJobResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DescribeHarvestJobResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Gets details about an existing OriginEndpoint.
72 */
73 describeOriginEndpoint(params: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeOriginEndpointRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DescribeOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Gets details about an existing OriginEndpoint.
76 */
77 describeOriginEndpoint(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.DescribeOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.DescribeOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Returns a collection of Channels.
80 */
81 listChannels(params: MediaPackage.Types.ListChannelsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListChannelsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListChannelsResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Returns a collection of Channels.
84 */
85 listChannels(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListChannelsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListChannelsResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Returns a collection of HarvestJob records.
88 */
89 listHarvestJobs(params: MediaPackage.Types.ListHarvestJobsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListHarvestJobsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListHarvestJobsResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Returns a collection of HarvestJob records.
92 */
93 listHarvestJobs(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListHarvestJobsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListHarvestJobsResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Returns a collection of OriginEndpoint records.
96 */
97 listOriginEndpoints(params: MediaPackage.Types.ListOriginEndpointsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListOriginEndpointsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListOriginEndpointsResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Returns a collection of OriginEndpoint records.
100 */
101 listOriginEndpoints(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListOriginEndpointsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListOriginEndpointsResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 *
104 */
105 listTagsForResource(params: MediaPackage.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 *
108 */
109 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Changes the Channel's first IngestEndpoint's username and password. WARNING - This API is deprecated. Please use RotateIngestEndpointCredentials instead
112 */
113 rotateChannelCredentials(params: MediaPackage.Types.RotateChannelCredentialsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.RotateChannelCredentialsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.RotateChannelCredentialsResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Changes the Channel's first IngestEndpoint's username and password. WARNING - This API is deprecated. Please use RotateIngestEndpointCredentials instead
116 */
117 rotateChannelCredentials(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.RotateChannelCredentialsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.RotateChannelCredentialsResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Rotate the IngestEndpoint's username and password, as specified by the IngestEndpoint's id.
120 */
121 rotateIngestEndpointCredentials(params: MediaPackage.Types.RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Rotate the IngestEndpoint's username and password, as specified by the IngestEndpoint's id.
124 */
125 rotateIngestEndpointCredentials(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 *
128 */
129 tagResource(params: MediaPackage.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 *
132 */
133 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 *
136 */
137 untagResource(params: MediaPackage.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 *
140 */
141 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Updates an existing Channel.
144 */
145 updateChannel(params: MediaPackage.Types.UpdateChannelRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.UpdateChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.UpdateChannelResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Updates an existing Channel.
148 */
149 updateChannel(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.UpdateChannelResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.UpdateChannelResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Updates an existing OriginEndpoint.
152 */
153 updateOriginEndpoint(params: MediaPackage.Types.UpdateOriginEndpointRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.UpdateOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.UpdateOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Updates an existing OriginEndpoint.
156 */
157 updateOriginEndpoint(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MediaPackage.Types.UpdateOriginEndpointResponse) => void): Request<MediaPackage.Types.UpdateOriginEndpointResponse, AWSError>;
159declare namespace MediaPackage {
160 export type AdMarkers = "NONE"|"SCTE35_ENHANCED"|"PASSTHROUGH"|string;
161 export type AdTriggers = __AdTriggersElement[];
162 export type AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions = "NONE"|"RESTRICTED"|"UNRESTRICTED"|"BOTH"|string;
163 export interface Channel {
164 /**
165 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
166 */
167 Arn?: __string;
168 /**
169 * A short text description of the Channel.
170 */
171 Description?: __string;
172 HlsIngest?: HlsIngest;
173 /**
174 * The ID of the Channel.
175 */
176 Id?: __string;
177 Tags?: Tags;
178 }
179 export interface CmafEncryption {
180 /**
181 * Time (in seconds) between each encryption key rotation.
182 */
183 KeyRotationIntervalSeconds?: __integer;
184 SpekeKeyProvider: SpekeKeyProvider;
185 }
186 export interface CmafPackage {
187 Encryption?: CmafEncryption;
188 /**
189 * A list of HLS manifest configurations
190 */
191 HlsManifests?: __listOfHlsManifest;
192 /**
193 * Duration (in seconds) of each segment. Actual segments will be
194rounded to the nearest multiple of the source segment duration.
196 */
197 SegmentDurationSeconds?: __integer;
198 /**
199 * An optional custom string that is prepended to the name of each segment. If not specified, it defaults to the ChannelId.
200 */
201 SegmentPrefix?: __string;
202 StreamSelection?: StreamSelection;
203 }
204 export interface CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters {
205 Encryption?: CmafEncryption;
206 /**
207 * A list of HLS manifest configurations
208 */
209 HlsManifests?: __listOfHlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters;
210 /**
211 * Duration (in seconds) of each segment. Actual segments will be
212rounded to the nearest multiple of the source segment duration.
214 */
215 SegmentDurationSeconds?: __integer;
216 /**
217 * An optional custom string that is prepended to the name of each segment. If not specified, it defaults to the ChannelId.
218 */
219 SegmentPrefix?: __string;
220 StreamSelection?: StreamSelection;
221 }
222 export interface CreateChannelRequest {
223 /**
224 * A short text description of the Channel.
225 */
226 Description?: __string;
227 /**
228 * The ID of the Channel. The ID must be unique within the region and it
229cannot be changed after a Channel is created.
231 */
232 Id: __string;
233 Tags?: Tags;
234 }
235 export interface CreateChannelResponse {
236 /**
237 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
238 */
239 Arn?: __string;
240 /**
241 * A short text description of the Channel.
242 */
243 Description?: __string;
244 HlsIngest?: HlsIngest;
245 /**
246 * The ID of the Channel.
247 */
248 Id?: __string;
249 Tags?: Tags;
250 }
251 export interface CreateHarvestJobRequest {
252 /**
253 * The end of the time-window which will be harvested
255 */
256 EndTime: __string;
257 /**
258 * The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region
259and it cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted
261 */
262 Id: __string;
263 /**
264 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
265This cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
267 */
268 OriginEndpointId: __string;
269 S3Destination: S3Destination;
270 /**
271 * The start of the time-window which will be harvested
273 */
274 StartTime: __string;
275 }
276 export interface CreateHarvestJobResponse {
277 /**
278 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the HarvestJob.
280 */
281 Arn?: __string;
282 /**
283 * The ID of the Channel that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
285 */
286 ChannelId?: __string;
287 /**
288 * The time the HarvestJob was submitted
290 */
291 CreatedAt?: __string;
292 /**
293 * The end of the time-window which will be harvested.
295 */
296 EndTime?: __string;
297 /**
298 * The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region
299and it cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
301 */
302 Id?: __string;
303 /**
304 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
305This cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
307 */
308 OriginEndpointId?: __string;
309 S3Destination?: S3Destination;
310 /**
311 * The start of the time-window which will be harvested.
313 */
314 StartTime?: __string;
315 /**
316 * The current status of the HarvestJob. Consider setting up a CloudWatch Event to listen for
317HarvestJobs as they succeed or fail. In the event of failure, the CloudWatch Event will
318include an explanation of why the HarvestJob failed.
320 */
321 Status?: Status;
322 }
323 export interface CreateOriginEndpointRequest {
324 /**
325 * The ID of the Channel that the OriginEndpoint will be associated with.
326This cannot be changed after the OriginEndpoint is created.
328 */
329 ChannelId: __string;
330 CmafPackage?: CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters;
331 DashPackage?: DashPackage;
332 /**
333 * A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
334 */
335 Description?: __string;
336 HlsPackage?: HlsPackage;
337 /**
338 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint. The ID must be unique within the region
339and it cannot be changed after the OriginEndpoint is created.
341 */
342 Id: __string;
343 /**
344 * A short string that will be used as the filename of the OriginEndpoint URL (defaults to "index").
345 */
346 ManifestName?: __string;
347 MssPackage?: MssPackage;
348 /**
349 * Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint. If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint
350may by requested, pursuant to any other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not be
351requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for temporarily disabling origination
353 */
354 Origination?: Origination;
355 /**
356 * Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
357If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the OriginEndpoint.
359 */
360 StartoverWindowSeconds?: __integer;
361 Tags?: Tags;
362 /**
363 * Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
364If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the OriginEndpoint.
366 */
367 TimeDelaySeconds?: __integer;
368 /**
369 * A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the OriginEndpoint.
370 */
371 Whitelist?: __listOf__string;
372 }
373 export interface CreateOriginEndpointResponse {
374 /**
375 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
376 */
377 Arn?: __string;
378 /**
379 * The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
380 */
381 ChannelId?: __string;
382 CmafPackage?: CmafPackage;
383 DashPackage?: DashPackage;
384 /**
385 * A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
386 */
387 Description?: __string;
388 HlsPackage?: HlsPackage;
389 /**
390 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
391 */
392 Id?: __string;
393 /**
394 * A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
395 */
396 ManifestName?: __string;
397 MssPackage?: MssPackage;
398 /**
399 * Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint. If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint
400may by requested, pursuant to any other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not be
401requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for temporarily disabling origination
403 */
404 Origination?: Origination;
405 /**
406 * Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
407If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the OriginEndpoint.
409 */
410 StartoverWindowSeconds?: __integer;
411 Tags?: Tags;
412 /**
413 * Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
414If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the OriginEndpoint.
416 */
417 TimeDelaySeconds?: __integer;
418 /**
419 * The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
420 */
421 Url?: __string;
422 /**
423 * A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the OriginEndpoint.
424 */
425 Whitelist?: __listOf__string;
426 }
427 export interface DashEncryption {
428 /**
429 * Time (in seconds) between each encryption key rotation.
430 */
431 KeyRotationIntervalSeconds?: __integer;
432 SpekeKeyProvider: SpekeKeyProvider;
433 }
434 export interface DashPackage {
435 AdTriggers?: AdTriggers;
436 AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions?: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions;
437 Encryption?: DashEncryption;
438 /**
439 * Determines the position of some tags in the Media Presentation Description (MPD). When set to FULL, elements like SegmentTemplate and ContentProtection are included in each Representation. When set to COMPACT, duplicate elements are combined and presented at the AdaptationSet level.
440 */
441 ManifestLayout?: ManifestLayout;
442 /**
443 * Time window (in seconds) contained in each manifest.
444 */
445 ManifestWindowSeconds?: __integer;
446 /**
447 * Minimum duration (in seconds) that a player will buffer media before starting the presentation.
448 */
449 MinBufferTimeSeconds?: __integer;
450 /**
451 * Minimum duration (in seconds) between potential changes to the Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) Media Presentation Description (MPD).
452 */
453 MinUpdatePeriodSeconds?: __integer;
454 /**
455 * A list of triggers that controls when the outgoing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
456Media Presentation Description (MPD) will be partitioned into multiple periods. If empty, the content will not
457be partitioned into more than one period. If the list contains "ADS", new periods will be created where
458the Channel source contains SCTE-35 ad markers.
460 */
461 PeriodTriggers?: __listOf__PeriodTriggersElement;
462 /**
463 * The Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) profile type. When set to "HBBTV_1_5", HbbTV 1.5 compliant output is enabled.
464 */
465 Profile?: Profile;
466 /**
467 * Duration (in seconds) of each segment. Actual segments will be
468rounded to the nearest multiple of the source segment duration.
470 */
471 SegmentDurationSeconds?: __integer;
472 /**
473 * Determines the type of SegmentTemplate included in the Media Presentation Description (MPD). When set to NUMBER_WITH_TIMELINE, a full timeline is presented in each SegmentTemplate, with $Number$ media URLs. When set to TIME_WITH_TIMELINE, a full timeline is presented in each SegmentTemplate, with $Time$ media URLs. When set to NUMBER_WITH_DURATION, only a duration is included in each SegmentTemplate, with $Number$ media URLs.
474 */
475 SegmentTemplateFormat?: SegmentTemplateFormat;
476 StreamSelection?: StreamSelection;
477 /**
478 * Duration (in seconds) to delay live content before presentation.
479 */
480 SuggestedPresentationDelaySeconds?: __integer;
481 }
482 export interface DeleteChannelRequest {
483 /**
484 * The ID of the Channel to delete.
485 */
486 Id: __string;
487 }
488 export interface DeleteChannelResponse {
489 }
490 export interface DeleteOriginEndpointRequest {
491 /**
492 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint to delete.
493 */
494 Id: __string;
495 }
496 export interface DeleteOriginEndpointResponse {
497 }
498 export interface DescribeChannelRequest {
499 /**
500 * The ID of a Channel.
501 */
502 Id: __string;
503 }
504 export interface DescribeChannelResponse {
505 /**
506 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
507 */
508 Arn?: __string;
509 /**
510 * A short text description of the Channel.
511 */
512 Description?: __string;
513 HlsIngest?: HlsIngest;
514 /**
515 * The ID of the Channel.
516 */
517 Id?: __string;
518 Tags?: Tags;
519 }
520 export interface DescribeHarvestJobRequest {
521 /**
522 * The ID of the HarvestJob.
523 */
524 Id: __string;
525 }
526 export interface DescribeHarvestJobResponse {
527 /**
528 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the HarvestJob.
530 */
531 Arn?: __string;
532 /**
533 * The ID of the Channel that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
535 */
536 ChannelId?: __string;
537 /**
538 * The time the HarvestJob was submitted
540 */
541 CreatedAt?: __string;
542 /**
543 * The end of the time-window which will be harvested.
545 */
546 EndTime?: __string;
547 /**
548 * The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region
549and it cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
551 */
552 Id?: __string;
553 /**
554 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
555This cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
557 */
558 OriginEndpointId?: __string;
559 S3Destination?: S3Destination;
560 /**
561 * The start of the time-window which will be harvested.
563 */
564 StartTime?: __string;
565 /**
566 * The current status of the HarvestJob. Consider setting up a CloudWatch Event to listen for
567HarvestJobs as they succeed or fail. In the event of failure, the CloudWatch Event will
568include an explanation of why the HarvestJob failed.
570 */
571 Status?: Status;
572 }
573 export interface DescribeOriginEndpointRequest {
574 /**
575 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
576 */
577 Id: __string;
578 }
579 export interface DescribeOriginEndpointResponse {
580 /**
581 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
582 */
583 Arn?: __string;
584 /**
585 * The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
586 */
587 ChannelId?: __string;
588 CmafPackage?: CmafPackage;
589 DashPackage?: DashPackage;
590 /**
591 * A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
592 */
593 Description?: __string;
594 HlsPackage?: HlsPackage;
595 /**
596 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
597 */
598 Id?: __string;
599 /**
600 * A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
601 */
602 ManifestName?: __string;
603 MssPackage?: MssPackage;
604 /**
605 * Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint. If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint
606may by requested, pursuant to any other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not be
607requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for temporarily disabling origination
609 */
610 Origination?: Origination;
611 /**
612 * Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
613If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the OriginEndpoint.
615 */
616 StartoverWindowSeconds?: __integer;
617 Tags?: Tags;
618 /**
619 * Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
620If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the OriginEndpoint.
622 */
623 TimeDelaySeconds?: __integer;
624 /**
625 * The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
626 */
627 Url?: __string;
628 /**
629 * A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the OriginEndpoint.
630 */
631 Whitelist?: __listOf__string;
632 }
633 export type EncryptionMethod = "AES_128"|"SAMPLE_AES"|string;
634 export interface HarvestJob {
635 /**
636 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the HarvestJob.
638 */
639 Arn?: __string;
640 /**
641 * The ID of the Channel that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
643 */
644 ChannelId?: __string;
645 /**
646 * The time the HarvestJob was submitted
648 */
649 CreatedAt?: __string;
650 /**
651 * The end of the time-window which will be harvested.
653 */
654 EndTime?: __string;
655 /**
656 * The ID of the HarvestJob. The ID must be unique within the region
657and it cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
659 */
660 Id?: __string;
661 /**
662 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint that the HarvestJob will harvest from.
663This cannot be changed after the HarvestJob is submitted.
665 */
666 OriginEndpointId?: __string;
667 S3Destination?: S3Destination;
668 /**
669 * The start of the time-window which will be harvested.
671 */
672 StartTime?: __string;
673 /**
674 * The current status of the HarvestJob. Consider setting up a CloudWatch Event to listen for
675HarvestJobs as they succeed or fail. In the event of failure, the CloudWatch Event will
676include an explanation of why the HarvestJob failed.
678 */
679 Status?: Status;
680 }
681 export interface HlsEncryption {
682 /**
683 * A constant initialization vector for encryption (optional).
684When not specified the initialization vector will be periodically rotated.
686 */
687 ConstantInitializationVector?: __string;
688 /**
689 * The encryption method to use.
690 */
691 EncryptionMethod?: EncryptionMethod;
692 /**
693 * Interval (in seconds) between each encryption key rotation.
694 */
695 KeyRotationIntervalSeconds?: __integer;
696 /**
697 * When enabled, the EXT-X-KEY tag will be repeated in output manifests.
698 */
699 RepeatExtXKey?: __boolean;
700 SpekeKeyProvider: SpekeKeyProvider;
701 }
702 export interface HlsIngest {
703 /**
704 * A list of endpoints to which the source stream should be sent.
705 */
706 IngestEndpoints?: __listOfIngestEndpoint;
707 }
708 export interface HlsManifest {
709 /**
710 * This setting controls how ad markers are included in the packaged OriginEndpoint.
711"NONE" will omit all SCTE-35 ad markers from the output.
712"PASSTHROUGH" causes the manifest to contain a copy of the SCTE-35 ad
713markers (comments) taken directly from the input HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest.
714"SCTE35_ENHANCED" generates ad markers and blackout tags based on SCTE-35
715messages in the input source.
717 */
718 AdMarkers?: AdMarkers;
719 /**
720 * The ID of the manifest. The ID must be unique within the OriginEndpoint and it cannot be changed after it is created.
721 */
722 Id: __string;
723 /**
724 * When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
725 */
726 IncludeIframeOnlyStream?: __boolean;
727 /**
728 * An optional short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL. If not specified, defaults to the manifestName for the OriginEndpoint.
729 */
730 ManifestName?: __string;
731 /**
732 * The HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist type.
733When either "EVENT" or "VOD" is specified, a corresponding EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE
734entry will be included in the media playlist.
736 */
737 PlaylistType?: PlaylistType;
738 /**
739 * Time window (in seconds) contained in each parent manifest.
740 */
741 PlaylistWindowSeconds?: __integer;
742 /**
743 * The interval (in seconds) between each EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag
744inserted into manifests. Additionally, when an interval is specified
745ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated every 5 seconds using the
746ingest time of the content.
747If the interval is not specified, or set to 0, then
748no EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags will be inserted into manifests and no
749ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated. Note that irrespective
750of this parameter, if any ID3 Timed Metadata is found in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input,
751it will be passed through to HLS output.
753 */
754 ProgramDateTimeIntervalSeconds?: __integer;
755 /**
756 * The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
757 */
758 Url?: __string;
759 }
760 export interface HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters {
761 /**
762 * This setting controls how ad markers are included in the packaged OriginEndpoint.
763"NONE" will omit all SCTE-35 ad markers from the output.
764"PASSTHROUGH" causes the manifest to contain a copy of the SCTE-35 ad
765markers (comments) taken directly from the input HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest.
766"SCTE35_ENHANCED" generates ad markers and blackout tags based on SCTE-35
767messages in the input source.
769 */
770 AdMarkers?: AdMarkers;
771 AdTriggers?: AdTriggers;
772 AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions?: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions;
773 /**
774 * The ID of the manifest. The ID must be unique within the OriginEndpoint and it cannot be changed after it is created.
775 */
776 Id: __string;
777 /**
778 * When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
779 */
780 IncludeIframeOnlyStream?: __boolean;
781 /**
782 * An optional short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL. If not specified, defaults to the manifestName for the OriginEndpoint.
783 */
784 ManifestName?: __string;
785 /**
786 * The HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist type.
787When either "EVENT" or "VOD" is specified, a corresponding EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE
788entry will be included in the media playlist.
790 */
791 PlaylistType?: PlaylistType;
792 /**
793 * Time window (in seconds) contained in each parent manifest.
794 */
795 PlaylistWindowSeconds?: __integer;
796 /**
797 * The interval (in seconds) between each EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag
798inserted into manifests. Additionally, when an interval is specified
799ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated every 5 seconds using the
800ingest time of the content.
801If the interval is not specified, or set to 0, then
802no EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags will be inserted into manifests and no
803ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated. Note that irrespective
804of this parameter, if any ID3 Timed Metadata is found in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input,
805it will be passed through to HLS output.
807 */
808 ProgramDateTimeIntervalSeconds?: __integer;
809 }
810 export interface HlsPackage {
811 /**
812 * This setting controls how ad markers are included in the packaged OriginEndpoint.
813"NONE" will omit all SCTE-35 ad markers from the output.
814"PASSTHROUGH" causes the manifest to contain a copy of the SCTE-35 ad
815markers (comments) taken directly from the input HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest.
816"SCTE35_ENHANCED" generates ad markers and blackout tags based on SCTE-35
817messages in the input source.
819 */
820 AdMarkers?: AdMarkers;
821 AdTriggers?: AdTriggers;
822 AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions?: AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions;
823 Encryption?: HlsEncryption;
824 /**
825 * When enabled, an I-Frame only stream will be included in the output.
826 */
827 IncludeIframeOnlyStream?: __boolean;
828 /**
829 * The HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) playlist type.
830When either "EVENT" or "VOD" is specified, a corresponding EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE
831entry will be included in the media playlist.
833 */
834 PlaylistType?: PlaylistType;
835 /**
836 * Time window (in seconds) contained in each parent manifest.
837 */
838 PlaylistWindowSeconds?: __integer;
839 /**
840 * The interval (in seconds) between each EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag
841inserted into manifests. Additionally, when an interval is specified
842ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated every 5 seconds using the
843ingest time of the content.
844If the interval is not specified, or set to 0, then
845no EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags will be inserted into manifests and no
846ID3Timed Metadata messages will be generated. Note that irrespective
847of this parameter, if any ID3 Timed Metadata is found in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input,
848it will be passed through to HLS output.
850 */
851 ProgramDateTimeIntervalSeconds?: __integer;
852 /**
853 * Duration (in seconds) of each fragment. Actual fragments will be
854rounded to the nearest multiple of the source fragment duration.
856 */
857 SegmentDurationSeconds?: __integer;
858 StreamSelection?: StreamSelection;
859 /**
860 * When enabled, audio streams will be placed in rendition groups in the output.
861 */
862 UseAudioRenditionGroup?: __boolean;
863 }
864 export interface IngestEndpoint {
865 /**
866 * The system generated unique identifier for the IngestEndpoint
867 */
868 Id?: __string;
869 /**
870 * The system generated password for ingest authentication.
871 */
872 Password?: __string;
873 /**
874 * The ingest URL to which the source stream should be sent.
875 */
876 Url?: __string;
877 /**
878 * The system generated username for ingest authentication.
879 */
880 Username?: __string;
881 }
882 export interface ListChannelsRequest {
883 /**
884 * Upper bound on number of records to return.
885 */
886 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
887 /**
888 * A token used to resume pagination from the end of a previous request.
889 */
890 NextToken?: __string;
891 }
892 export interface ListChannelsResponse {
893 /**
894 * A list of Channel records.
895 */
896 Channels?: __listOfChannel;
897 /**
898 * A token that can be used to resume pagination from the end of the collection.
899 */
900 NextToken?: __string;
901 }
902 export interface ListHarvestJobsRequest {
903 /**
904 * When specified, the request will return only HarvestJobs associated with the given Channel ID.
905 */
906 IncludeChannelId?: __string;
907 /**
908 * When specified, the request will return only HarvestJobs in the given status.
909 */
910 IncludeStatus?: __string;
911 /**
912 * The upper bound on the number of records to return.
913 */
914 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
915 /**
916 * A token used to resume pagination from the end of a previous request.
917 */
918 NextToken?: __string;
919 }
920 export interface ListHarvestJobsResponse {
921 /**
922 * A list of HarvestJob records.
923 */
924 HarvestJobs?: __listOfHarvestJob;
925 /**
926 * A token that can be used to resume pagination from the end of the collection.
927 */
928 NextToken?: __string;
929 }
930 export interface ListOriginEndpointsRequest {
931 /**
932 * When specified, the request will return only OriginEndpoints associated with the given Channel ID.
933 */
934 ChannelId?: __string;
935 /**
936 * The upper bound on the number of records to return.
937 */
938 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
939 /**
940 * A token used to resume pagination from the end of a previous request.
941 */
942 NextToken?: __string;
943 }
944 export interface ListOriginEndpointsResponse {
945 /**
946 * A token that can be used to resume pagination from the end of the collection.
947 */
948 NextToken?: __string;
949 /**
950 * A list of OriginEndpoint records.
951 */
952 OriginEndpoints?: __listOfOriginEndpoint;
953 }
954 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
955 ResourceArn: __string;
956 }
957 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
958 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
959 }
960 export type ManifestLayout = "FULL"|"COMPACT"|string;
961 export type MaxResults = number;
962 export interface MssEncryption {
963 SpekeKeyProvider: SpekeKeyProvider;
964 }
965 export interface MssPackage {
966 Encryption?: MssEncryption;
967 /**
968 * The time window (in seconds) contained in each manifest.
969 */
970 ManifestWindowSeconds?: __integer;
971 /**
972 * The duration (in seconds) of each segment.
973 */
974 SegmentDurationSeconds?: __integer;
975 StreamSelection?: StreamSelection;
976 }
977 export interface OriginEndpoint {
978 /**
979 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
980 */
981 Arn?: __string;
982 /**
983 * The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
984 */
985 ChannelId?: __string;
986 CmafPackage?: CmafPackage;
987 DashPackage?: DashPackage;
988 /**
989 * A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
990 */
991 Description?: __string;
992 HlsPackage?: HlsPackage;
993 /**
994 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
995 */
996 Id?: __string;
997 /**
998 * A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
999 */
1000 ManifestName?: __string;
1001 MssPackage?: MssPackage;
1002 /**
1003 * Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint. If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint
1004may by requested, pursuant to any other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not be
1005requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for temporarily disabling origination
1007 */
1008 Origination?: Origination;
1009 /**
1010 * Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
1011If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the OriginEndpoint.
1013 */
1014 StartoverWindowSeconds?: __integer;
1015 Tags?: Tags;
1016 /**
1017 * Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
1018If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the OriginEndpoint.
1020 */
1021 TimeDelaySeconds?: __integer;
1022 /**
1023 * The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
1024 */
1025 Url?: __string;
1026 /**
1027 * A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the OriginEndpoint.
1028 */
1029 Whitelist?: __listOf__string;
1030 }
1031 export type Origination = "ALLOW"|"DENY"|string;
1032 export type PlaylistType = "NONE"|"EVENT"|"VOD"|string;
1033 export type Profile = "NONE"|"HBBTV_1_5"|string;
1034 export interface RotateChannelCredentialsRequest {
1035 /**
1036 * The ID of the channel to update.
1037 */
1038 Id: __string;
1039 }
1040 export interface RotateChannelCredentialsResponse {
1041 /**
1042 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
1043 */
1044 Arn?: __string;
1045 /**
1046 * A short text description of the Channel.
1047 */
1048 Description?: __string;
1049 HlsIngest?: HlsIngest;
1050 /**
1051 * The ID of the Channel.
1052 */
1053 Id?: __string;
1054 Tags?: Tags;
1055 }
1056 export interface RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsRequest {
1057 /**
1058 * The ID of the channel the IngestEndpoint is on.
1059 */
1060 Id: __string;
1061 /**
1062 * The id of the IngestEndpoint whose credentials should be rotated
1063 */
1064 IngestEndpointId: __string;
1065 }
1066 export interface RotateIngestEndpointCredentialsResponse {
1067 /**
1068 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
1069 */
1070 Arn?: __string;
1071 /**
1072 * A short text description of the Channel.
1073 */
1074 Description?: __string;
1075 HlsIngest?: HlsIngest;
1076 /**
1077 * The ID of the Channel.
1078 */
1079 Id?: __string;
1080 Tags?: Tags;
1081 }
1082 export interface S3Destination {
1083 /**
1084 * The name of an S3 bucket within which harvested content will be exported
1086 */
1087 BucketName: __string;
1088 /**
1089 * The key in the specified S3 bucket where the harvested top-level manifest will be placed.
1091 */
1092 ManifestKey: __string;
1093 /**
1094 * The IAM role used to write to the specified S3 bucket
1096 */
1097 RoleArn: __string;
1098 }
1099 export type SegmentTemplateFormat = "NUMBER_WITH_TIMELINE"|"TIME_WITH_TIMELINE"|"NUMBER_WITH_DURATION"|string;
1100 export interface SpekeKeyProvider {
1101 /**
1102 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a Certificate Manager certificate
1103that MediaPackage will use for enforcing secure end-to-end data
1104transfer with the key provider service.
1106 */
1107 CertificateArn?: __string;
1108 /**
1109 * The resource ID to include in key requests.
1110 */
1111 ResourceId: __string;
1112 /**
1113 * An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that AWS Elemental
1114MediaPackage will assume when accessing the key provider service.
1116 */
1117 RoleArn: __string;
1118 /**
1119 * The system IDs to include in key requests.
1120 */
1121 SystemIds: __listOf__string;
1122 /**
1123 * The URL of the external key provider service.
1124 */
1125 Url: __string;
1126 }
1127 export type Status = "IN_PROGRESS"|"SUCCEEDED"|"FAILED"|string;
1129 export interface StreamSelection {
1130 /**
1131 * The maximum video bitrate (bps) to include in output.
1132 */
1133 MaxVideoBitsPerSecond?: __integer;
1134 /**
1135 * The minimum video bitrate (bps) to include in output.
1136 */
1137 MinVideoBitsPerSecond?: __integer;
1138 /**
1139 * A directive that determines the order of streams in the output.
1140 */
1141 StreamOrder?: StreamOrder;
1142 }
1143 export interface TagResourceRequest {
1144 ResourceArn: __string;
1145 Tags: __mapOf__string;
1146 }
1147 export type Tags = {[key: string]: __string};
1148 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
1149 ResourceArn: __string;
1150 /**
1151 * The key(s) of tag to be deleted
1152 */
1153 TagKeys: __listOf__string;
1154 }
1155 export interface UpdateChannelRequest {
1156 /**
1157 * A short text description of the Channel.
1158 */
1159 Description?: __string;
1160 /**
1161 * The ID of the Channel to update.
1162 */
1163 Id: __string;
1164 }
1165 export interface UpdateChannelResponse {
1166 /**
1167 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the Channel.
1168 */
1169 Arn?: __string;
1170 /**
1171 * A short text description of the Channel.
1172 */
1173 Description?: __string;
1174 HlsIngest?: HlsIngest;
1175 /**
1176 * The ID of the Channel.
1177 */
1178 Id?: __string;
1179 Tags?: Tags;
1180 }
1181 export interface UpdateOriginEndpointRequest {
1182 CmafPackage?: CmafPackageCreateOrUpdateParameters;
1183 DashPackage?: DashPackage;
1184 /**
1185 * A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
1186 */
1187 Description?: __string;
1188 HlsPackage?: HlsPackage;
1189 /**
1190 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint to update.
1191 */
1192 Id: __string;
1193 /**
1194 * A short string that will be appended to the end of the Endpoint URL.
1195 */
1196 ManifestName?: __string;
1197 MssPackage?: MssPackage;
1198 /**
1199 * Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint. If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint
1200may by requested, pursuant to any other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not be
1201requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for temporarily disabling origination
1203 */
1204 Origination?: Origination;
1205 /**
1206 * Maximum duration (in seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
1207If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the OriginEndpoint.
1209 */
1210 StartoverWindowSeconds?: __integer;
1211 /**
1212 * Amount of delay (in seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
1213If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the OriginEndpoint.
1215 */
1216 TimeDelaySeconds?: __integer;
1217 /**
1218 * A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the OriginEndpoint.
1219 */
1220 Whitelist?: __listOf__string;
1221 }
1222 export interface UpdateOriginEndpointResponse {
1223 /**
1224 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the OriginEndpoint.
1225 */
1226 Arn?: __string;
1227 /**
1228 * The ID of the Channel the OriginEndpoint is associated with.
1229 */
1230 ChannelId?: __string;
1231 CmafPackage?: CmafPackage;
1232 DashPackage?: DashPackage;
1233 /**
1234 * A short text description of the OriginEndpoint.
1235 */
1236 Description?: __string;
1237 HlsPackage?: HlsPackage;
1238 /**
1239 * The ID of the OriginEndpoint.
1240 */
1241 Id?: __string;
1242 /**
1243 * A short string appended to the end of the OriginEndpoint URL.
1244 */
1245 ManifestName?: __string;
1246 MssPackage?: MssPackage;
1247 /**
1248 * Control whether origination of video is allowed for this OriginEndpoint. If set to ALLOW, the OriginEndpoint
1249may by requested, pursuant to any other form of access control. If set to DENY, the OriginEndpoint may not be
1250requested. This can be helpful for Live to VOD harvesting, or for temporarily disabling origination
1252 */
1253 Origination?: Origination;
1254 /**
1255 * Maximum duration (seconds) of content to retain for startover playback.
1256If not specified, startover playback will be disabled for the OriginEndpoint.
1258 */
1259 StartoverWindowSeconds?: __integer;
1260 Tags?: Tags;
1261 /**
1262 * Amount of delay (seconds) to enforce on the playback of live content.
1263If not specified, there will be no time delay in effect for the OriginEndpoint.
1265 */
1266 TimeDelaySeconds?: __integer;
1267 /**
1268 * The URL of the packaged OriginEndpoint for consumption.
1269 */
1270 Url?: __string;
1271 /**
1272 * A list of source IP CIDR blocks that will be allowed to access the OriginEndpoint.
1273 */
1274 Whitelist?: __listOf__string;
1275 }
1277 export type __PeriodTriggersElement = "ADS"|string;
1278 export type __boolean = boolean;
1279 export type __integer = number;
1280 export type __listOfChannel = Channel[];
1281 export type __listOfHarvestJob = HarvestJob[];
1282 export type __listOfHlsManifest = HlsManifest[];
1283 export type __listOfHlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters = HlsManifestCreateOrUpdateParameters[];
1284 export type __listOfIngestEndpoint = IngestEndpoint[];
1285 export type __listOfOriginEndpoint = OriginEndpoint[];
1286 export type __listOf__PeriodTriggersElement = __PeriodTriggersElement[];
1287 export type __listOf__string = __string[];
1288 export type __mapOf__string = {[key: string]: __string};
1289 export type __string = string;
1290 /**
1291 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1292 */
1293 export type apiVersion = "2017-10-12"|"latest"|string;
1294 export interface ClientApiVersions {
1295 /**
1296 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1297 */
1298 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
1299 }
1300 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
1301 /**
1302 * Contains interfaces for use with the MediaPackage client.
1303 */
1304 export import Types = MediaPackage;
1306export = MediaPackage;