47.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class MQ extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: MQ.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & MQ.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Creates a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.
16 */
17 createBroker(params: MQ.Types.CreateBrokerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.CreateBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.CreateBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Creates a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.
20 */
21 createBroker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.CreateBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.CreateBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version).
24 */
25 createConfiguration(params: MQ.Types.CreateConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.CreateConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.CreateConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version).
28 */
29 createConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.CreateConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.CreateConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Add a tag to a resource.
32 */
33 createTags(params: MQ.Types.CreateTagsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Add a tag to a resource.
36 */
37 createTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Creates an ActiveMQ user.
40 */
41 createUser(params: MQ.Types.CreateUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.CreateUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.CreateUserResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Creates an ActiveMQ user.
44 */
45 createUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.CreateUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.CreateUserResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Deletes a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.
48 */
49 deleteBroker(params: MQ.Types.DeleteBrokerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DeleteBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DeleteBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Deletes a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.
52 */
53 deleteBroker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DeleteBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DeleteBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Removes a tag from a resource.
56 */
57 deleteTags(params: MQ.Types.DeleteTagsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Removes a tag from a resource.
60 */
61 deleteTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Deletes an ActiveMQ user.
64 */
65 deleteUser(params: MQ.Types.DeleteUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DeleteUserResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Deletes an ActiveMQ user.
68 */
69 deleteUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DeleteUserResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Returns information about the specified broker.
72 */
73 describeBroker(params: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Returns information about the specified broker.
76 */
77 describeBroker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Describe available engine types and versions.
80 */
81 describeBrokerEngineTypes(params: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerEngineTypesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Describe available engine types and versions.
84 */
85 describeBrokerEngineTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Describe available broker instance options.
88 */
89 describeBrokerInstanceOptions(params: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Describe available broker instance options.
92 */
93 describeBrokerInstanceOptions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Returns information about the specified configuration.
96 */
97 describeConfiguration(params: MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Returns information about the specified configuration.
100 */
101 describeConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Returns the specified configuration revision for the specified configuration.
104 */
105 describeConfigurationRevision(params: MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationRevisionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Returns the specified configuration revision for the specified configuration.
108 */
109 describeConfigurationRevision(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Returns information about an ActiveMQ user.
112 */
113 describeUser(params: MQ.Types.DescribeUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeUserResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Returns information about an ActiveMQ user.
116 */
117 describeUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.DescribeUserResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Returns a list of all brokers.
120 */
121 listBrokers(params: MQ.Types.ListBrokersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListBrokersResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListBrokersResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Returns a list of all brokers.
124 */
125 listBrokers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListBrokersResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListBrokersResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Returns a list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
128 */
129 listConfigurationRevisions(params: MQ.Types.ListConfigurationRevisionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Returns a list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
132 */
133 listConfigurationRevisions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Returns a list of all configurations.
136 */
137 listConfigurations(params: MQ.Types.ListConfigurationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListConfigurationsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListConfigurationsResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Returns a list of all configurations.
140 */
141 listConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListConfigurationsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListConfigurationsResponse, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Lists tags for a resource.
144 */
145 listTags(params: MQ.Types.ListTagsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListTagsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListTagsResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Lists tags for a resource.
148 */
149 listTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListTagsResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListTagsResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Returns a list of all ActiveMQ users.
152 */
153 listUsers(params: MQ.Types.ListUsersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListUsersResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Returns a list of all ActiveMQ users.
156 */
157 listUsers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.ListUsersResponse, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Reboots a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.
160 */
161 rebootBroker(params: MQ.Types.RebootBrokerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.RebootBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.RebootBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Reboots a broker. Note: This API is asynchronous.
164 */
165 rebootBroker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.RebootBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.RebootBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Adds a pending configuration change to a broker.
168 */
169 updateBroker(params: MQ.Types.UpdateBrokerRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.UpdateBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.UpdateBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Adds a pending configuration change to a broker.
172 */
173 updateBroker(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.UpdateBrokerResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.UpdateBrokerResponse, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Updates the specified configuration.
176 */
177 updateConfiguration(params: MQ.Types.UpdateConfigurationRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.UpdateConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.UpdateConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Updates the specified configuration.
180 */
181 updateConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.UpdateConfigurationResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.UpdateConfigurationResponse, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Updates the information for an ActiveMQ user.
184 */
185 updateUser(params: MQ.Types.UpdateUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.UpdateUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.UpdateUserResponse, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Updates the information for an ActiveMQ user.
188 */
189 updateUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: MQ.Types.UpdateUserResponse) => void): Request<MQ.Types.UpdateUserResponse, AWSError>;
191declare namespace MQ {
192 export interface AvailabilityZone {
193 /**
194 * Id for the availability zone.
195 */
196 Name?: __string;
197 }
198 export interface BrokerEngineType {
199 /**
200 * The type of broker engine.
201 */
202 EngineType?: EngineType;
203 /**
204 * The list of engine versions.
205 */
206 EngineVersions?: __listOfEngineVersion;
207 }
208 export interface BrokerInstance {
209 /**
210 * The URL of the broker's ActiveMQ Web Console.
211 */
212 ConsoleURL?: __string;
213 /**
214 * The broker's wire-level protocol endpoints.
215 */
216 Endpoints?: __listOf__string;
217 /**
218 * The IP address of the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) attached to the broker.
219 */
220 IpAddress?: __string;
221 }
222 export interface BrokerInstanceOption {
223 /**
224 * The list of available az.
225 */
226 AvailabilityZones?: __listOfAvailabilityZone;
227 /**
228 * The type of broker engine.
229 */
230 EngineType?: EngineType;
231 /**
232 * The type of broker instance.
233 */
234 HostInstanceType?: __string;
235 /**
236 * The list of supported engine versions.
237 */
238 SupportedEngineVersions?: __listOf__string;
239 }
241 export interface BrokerSummary {
242 /**
243 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.
244 */
245 BrokerArn?: __string;
246 /**
247 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
248 */
249 BrokerId?: __string;
250 /**
251 * The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.
252 */
253 BrokerName?: __string;
254 /**
255 * The status of the broker.
256 */
257 BrokerState?: BrokerState;
258 /**
259 * The time when the broker was created.
260 */
261 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
262 /**
263 * Required. The deployment mode of the broker.
264 */
265 DeploymentMode?: DeploymentMode;
266 /**
267 * The broker's instance type.
268 */
269 HostInstanceType?: __string;
270 }
271 export type ChangeType = "CREATE"|"UPDATE"|"DELETE"|string;
272 export interface Configuration {
273 /**
274 * Required. The ARN of the configuration.
275 */
276 Arn?: __string;
277 /**
278 * Required. The date and time of the configuration revision.
279 */
280 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
281 /**
282 * Required. The description of the configuration.
283 */
284 Description?: __string;
285 /**
286 * Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.
287 */
288 EngineType?: EngineType;
289 /**
290 * Required. The version of the broker engine. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
291 */
292 EngineVersion?: __string;
293 /**
294 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
295 */
296 Id?: __string;
297 /**
298 * Required. The latest revision of the configuration.
299 */
300 LatestRevision?: ConfigurationRevision;
301 /**
302 * Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
303 */
304 Name?: __string;
305 /**
306 * The list of all tags associated with this configuration.
307 */
308 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
309 }
310 export interface ConfigurationId {
311 /**
312 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
313 */
314 Id?: __string;
315 /**
316 * The revision number of the configuration.
317 */
318 Revision?: __integer;
319 }
320 export interface ConfigurationRevision {
321 /**
322 * Required. The date and time of the configuration revision.
323 */
324 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
325 /**
326 * The description of the configuration revision.
327 */
328 Description?: __string;
329 /**
330 * Required. The revision number of the configuration.
331 */
332 Revision?: __integer;
333 }
334 export interface Configurations {
335 /**
336 * The current configuration of the broker.
337 */
338 Current?: ConfigurationId;
339 /**
340 * The history of configurations applied to the broker.
341 */
342 History?: __listOfConfigurationId;
343 /**
344 * The pending configuration of the broker.
345 */
346 Pending?: ConfigurationId;
347 }
348 export interface CreateBrokerRequest {
349 /**
350 * Required. Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as Apache releases the versions. The automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window of the broker or after a manual broker reboot.
351 */
352 AutoMinorVersionUpgrade?: __boolean;
353 /**
354 * Required. The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.
355 */
356 BrokerName?: __string;
357 /**
358 * A list of information about the configuration.
359 */
360 Configuration?: ConfigurationId;
361 /**
362 * The unique ID that the requester receives for the created broker. Amazon MQ passes your ID with the API action. Note: We recommend using a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) for the creatorRequestId. You may omit the creatorRequestId if your application doesn't require idempotency.
363 */
364 CreatorRequestId?: __string;
365 /**
366 * Required. The deployment mode of the broker.
367 */
368 DeploymentMode?: DeploymentMode;
369 /**
370 * Encryption options for the broker.
371 */
372 EncryptionOptions?: EncryptionOptions;
373 /**
374 * Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.
375 */
376 EngineType?: EngineType;
377 /**
378 * Required. The version of the broker engine. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
379 */
380 EngineVersion?: __string;
381 /**
382 * Required. The broker's instance type.
383 */
384 HostInstanceType?: __string;
385 /**
386 * Enables Amazon CloudWatch logging for brokers.
387 */
388 Logs?: Logs;
389 /**
390 * The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.
391 */
392 MaintenanceWindowStartTime?: WeeklyStartTime;
393 /**
394 * Required. Enables connections from applications outside of the VPC that hosts the broker's subnets.
395 */
396 PubliclyAccessible?: __boolean;
397 /**
398 * The list of security groups (1 minimum, 5 maximum) that authorize connections to brokers.
399 */
400 SecurityGroups?: __listOf__string;
401 /**
402 * The list of groups (2 maximum) that define which subnets and IP ranges the broker can use from different Availability Zones. A SINGLE_INSTANCE deployment requires one subnet (for example, the default subnet). An ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ deployment requires two subnets.
403 */
404 SubnetIds?: __listOf__string;
405 /**
406 * Create tags when creating the broker.
407 */
408 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
409 /**
410 * Required. The list of ActiveMQ users (persons or applications) who can access queues and topics. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
411 */
412 Users?: __listOfUser;
413 }
414 export interface CreateBrokerResponse {
415 /**
416 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.
417 */
418 BrokerArn?: __string;
419 /**
420 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
421 */
422 BrokerId?: __string;
423 }
424 export interface CreateConfigurationRequest {
425 /**
426 * Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.
427 */
428 EngineType?: EngineType;
429 /**
430 * Required. The version of the broker engine. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
431 */
432 EngineVersion?: __string;
433 /**
434 * Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
435 */
436 Name?: __string;
437 /**
438 * Create tags when creating the configuration.
439 */
440 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
441 }
442 export interface CreateConfigurationResponse {
443 /**
444 * Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
445 */
446 Arn?: __string;
447 /**
448 * Required. The date and time of the configuration.
449 */
450 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
451 /**
452 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
453 */
454 Id?: __string;
455 /**
456 * The latest revision of the configuration.
457 */
458 LatestRevision?: ConfigurationRevision;
459 /**
460 * Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
461 */
462 Name?: __string;
463 }
464 export interface CreateTagsRequest {
465 /**
466 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource tag.
467 */
468 ResourceArn: __string;
469 /**
470 * The key-value pair for the resource tag.
471 */
472 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
473 }
474 export interface CreateUserRequest {
475 /**
476 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
477 */
478 BrokerId: __string;
479 /**
480 * Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
481 */
482 ConsoleAccess?: __boolean;
483 /**
484 * The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
485 */
486 Groups?: __listOf__string;
487 /**
488 * Required. The password of the user. This value must be at least 12 characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain commas.
489 */
490 Password?: __string;
491 /**
492 * The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
493 */
494 Username: __string;
495 }
496 export interface CreateUserResponse {
497 }
498 export type DayOfWeek = "MONDAY"|"TUESDAY"|"WEDNESDAY"|"THURSDAY"|"FRIDAY"|"SATURDAY"|"SUNDAY"|string;
499 export interface DeleteBrokerRequest {
500 /**
501 * The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.
502 */
503 BrokerId: __string;
504 }
505 export interface DeleteBrokerResponse {
506 /**
507 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
508 */
509 BrokerId?: __string;
510 }
511 export interface DeleteTagsRequest {
512 /**
513 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource tag.
514 */
515 ResourceArn: __string;
516 /**
517 * An array of tag keys to delete
518 */
519 TagKeys: __listOf__string;
520 }
521 export interface DeleteUserRequest {
522 /**
523 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
524 */
525 BrokerId: __string;
526 /**
527 * The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
528 */
529 Username: __string;
530 }
531 export interface DeleteUserResponse {
532 }
533 export type DeploymentMode = "SINGLE_INSTANCE"|"ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ"|string;
534 export interface DescribeBrokerEngineTypesRequest {
535 /**
536 * Filter response by engine type.
537 */
538 EngineType?: __string;
539 /**
540 * The maximum number of engine types that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
541 */
542 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
543 /**
544 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
545 */
546 NextToken?: __string;
547 }
548 export interface DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse {
549 /**
550 * List of available engine types and versions.
551 */
552 BrokerEngineTypes?: __listOfBrokerEngineType;
553 /**
554 * Required. The maximum number of engine types that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
555 */
556 MaxResults?: __integerMin5Max100;
557 /**
558 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
559 */
560 NextToken?: __string;
561 }
562 export interface DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsRequest {
563 /**
564 * Filter response by engine type.
565 */
566 EngineType?: __string;
567 /**
568 * Filter response by host instance type.
569 */
570 HostInstanceType?: __string;
571 /**
572 * The maximum number of instance options that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
573 */
574 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
575 /**
576 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
577 */
578 NextToken?: __string;
579 }
580 export interface DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse {
581 /**
582 * List of available broker instance options.
583 */
584 BrokerInstanceOptions?: __listOfBrokerInstanceOption;
585 /**
586 * Required. The maximum number of instance options that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
587 */
588 MaxResults?: __integerMin5Max100;
589 /**
590 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
591 */
592 NextToken?: __string;
593 }
594 export interface DescribeBrokerRequest {
595 /**
596 * The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.
597 */
598 BrokerId: __string;
599 }
600 export interface DescribeBrokerResponse {
601 /**
602 * Required. Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as Apache releases the versions. The automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window of the broker or after a manual broker reboot.
603 */
604 AutoMinorVersionUpgrade?: __boolean;
605 /**
606 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the broker.
607 */
608 BrokerArn?: __string;
609 /**
610 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
611 */
612 BrokerId?: __string;
613 /**
614 * A list of information about allocated brokers.
615 */
616 BrokerInstances?: __listOfBrokerInstance;
617 /**
618 * The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.
619 */
620 BrokerName?: __string;
621 /**
622 * The status of the broker.
623 */
624 BrokerState?: BrokerState;
625 /**
626 * The list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
627 */
628 Configurations?: Configurations;
629 /**
630 * The time when the broker was created.
631 */
632 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
633 /**
634 * Required. The deployment mode of the broker.
635 */
636 DeploymentMode?: DeploymentMode;
637 /**
638 * Encryption options for the broker.
639 */
640 EncryptionOptions?: EncryptionOptions;
641 /**
642 * Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.
643 */
644 EngineType?: EngineType;
645 /**
646 * The version of the broker engine. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
647 */
648 EngineVersion?: __string;
649 /**
650 * The broker's instance type.
651 */
652 HostInstanceType?: __string;
653 /**
654 * The list of information about logs currently enabled and pending to be deployed for the specified broker.
655 */
656 Logs?: LogsSummary;
657 /**
658 * The parameters that determine the WeeklyStartTime.
659 */
660 MaintenanceWindowStartTime?: WeeklyStartTime;
661 /**
662 * The version of the broker engine to upgrade to. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
663 */
664 PendingEngineVersion?: __string;
665 /**
666 * The list of pending security groups to authorize connections to brokers.
667 */
668 PendingSecurityGroups?: __listOf__string;
669 /**
670 * The host instance type of the broker to upgrade to. For a list of supported instance types, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide//broker.html#broker-instance-types
671 */
672 PendingHostInstanceType?: __string;
673 /**
674 * Required. Enables connections from applications outside of the VPC that hosts the broker's subnets.
675 */
676 PubliclyAccessible?: __boolean;
677 /**
678 * The list of security groups (1 minimum, 5 maximum) that authorize connections to brokers.
679 */
680 SecurityGroups?: __listOf__string;
681 /**
682 * The list of groups (2 maximum) that define which subnets and IP ranges the broker can use from different Availability Zones. A SINGLE_INSTANCE deployment requires one subnet (for example, the default subnet). An ACTIVE_STANDBY_MULTI_AZ deployment requires two subnets.
683 */
684 SubnetIds?: __listOf__string;
685 /**
686 * The list of all tags associated with this broker.
687 */
688 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
689 /**
690 * The list of all ActiveMQ usernames for the specified broker.
691 */
692 Users?: __listOfUserSummary;
693 }
694 export interface DescribeConfigurationRequest {
695 /**
696 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
697 */
698 ConfigurationId: __string;
699 }
700 export interface DescribeConfigurationResponse {
701 /**
702 * Required. The ARN of the configuration.
703 */
704 Arn?: __string;
705 /**
706 * Required. The date and time of the configuration revision.
707 */
708 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
709 /**
710 * Required. The description of the configuration.
711 */
712 Description?: __string;
713 /**
714 * Required. The type of broker engine. Note: Currently, Amazon MQ supports only ACTIVEMQ.
715 */
716 EngineType?: EngineType;
717 /**
718 * Required. The version of the broker engine. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
719 */
720 EngineVersion?: __string;
721 /**
722 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
723 */
724 Id?: __string;
725 /**
726 * Required. The latest revision of the configuration.
727 */
728 LatestRevision?: ConfigurationRevision;
729 /**
730 * Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
731 */
732 Name?: __string;
733 /**
734 * The list of all tags associated with this configuration.
735 */
736 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
737 }
738 export interface DescribeConfigurationRevisionRequest {
739 /**
740 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
741 */
742 ConfigurationId: __string;
743 /**
744 * The revision of the configuration.
745 */
746 ConfigurationRevision: __string;
747 }
748 export interface DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse {
749 /**
750 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
751 */
752 ConfigurationId?: __string;
753 /**
754 * Required. The date and time of the configuration.
755 */
756 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
757 /**
758 * Required. The base64-encoded XML configuration.
759 */
760 Data?: __string;
761 /**
762 * The description of the configuration.
763 */
764 Description?: __string;
765 }
766 export interface DescribeUserRequest {
767 /**
768 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
769 */
770 BrokerId: __string;
771 /**
772 * The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
773 */
774 Username: __string;
775 }
776 export interface DescribeUserResponse {
777 /**
778 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
779 */
780 BrokerId?: __string;
781 /**
782 * Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
783 */
784 ConsoleAccess?: __boolean;
785 /**
786 * The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
787 */
788 Groups?: __listOf__string;
789 /**
790 * The status of the changes pending for the ActiveMQ user.
791 */
792 Pending?: UserPendingChanges;
793 /**
794 * Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
795 */
796 Username?: __string;
797 }
798 export interface EncryptionOptions {
799 /**
800 * The customer master key (CMK) to use for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). This key is used to encrypt your data at rest. If not provided, Amazon MQ will use a default CMK to encrypt your data.
801 */
802 KmsKeyId?: __string;
803 /**
804 * Enables the use of an AWS owned CMK using AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
805 */
806 UseAwsOwnedKey: __boolean;
807 }
808 export type EngineType = "ACTIVEMQ"|string;
809 export interface EngineVersion {
810 /**
811 * Id for the version.
812 */
813 Name?: __string;
814 }
815 export interface ListBrokersRequest {
816 /**
817 * The maximum number of brokers that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
818 */
819 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
820 /**
821 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
822 */
823 NextToken?: __string;
824 }
825 export interface ListBrokersResponse {
826 /**
827 * A list of information about all brokers.
828 */
829 BrokerSummaries?: __listOfBrokerSummary;
830 /**
831 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
832 */
833 NextToken?: __string;
834 }
835 export interface ListConfigurationRevisionsRequest {
836 /**
837 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
838 */
839 ConfigurationId: __string;
840 /**
841 * The maximum number of configurations that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
842 */
843 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
844 /**
845 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
846 */
847 NextToken?: __string;
848 }
849 export interface ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse {
850 /**
851 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
852 */
853 ConfigurationId?: __string;
854 /**
855 * The maximum number of configuration revisions that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
856 */
857 MaxResults?: __integer;
858 /**
859 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
860 */
861 NextToken?: __string;
862 /**
863 * The list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
864 */
865 Revisions?: __listOfConfigurationRevision;
866 }
867 export interface ListConfigurationsRequest {
868 /**
869 * The maximum number of configurations that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
870 */
871 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
872 /**
873 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
874 */
875 NextToken?: __string;
876 }
877 export interface ListConfigurationsResponse {
878 /**
879 * The list of all revisions for the specified configuration.
880 */
881 Configurations?: __listOfConfiguration;
882 /**
883 * The maximum number of configurations that Amazon MQ can return per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
884 */
885 MaxResults?: __integer;
886 /**
887 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
888 */
889 NextToken?: __string;
890 }
891 export interface ListTagsRequest {
892 /**
893 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource tag.
894 */
895 ResourceArn: __string;
896 }
897 export interface ListTagsResponse {
898 /**
899 * The key-value pair for the resource tag.
900 */
901 Tags?: __mapOf__string;
902 }
903 export interface ListUsersRequest {
904 /**
905 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
906 */
907 BrokerId: __string;
908 /**
909 * The maximum number of ActiveMQ users that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
910 */
911 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
912 /**
913 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
914 */
915 NextToken?: __string;
916 }
917 export interface ListUsersResponse {
918 /**
919 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
920 */
921 BrokerId?: __string;
922 /**
923 * Required. The maximum number of ActiveMQ users that can be returned per page (20 by default). This value must be an integer from 5 to 100.
924 */
925 MaxResults?: __integerMin5Max100;
926 /**
927 * The token that specifies the next page of results Amazon MQ should return. To request the first page, leave nextToken empty.
928 */
929 NextToken?: __string;
930 /**
931 * Required. The list of all ActiveMQ usernames for the specified broker.
932 */
933 Users?: __listOfUserSummary;
934 }
935 export interface Logs {
936 /**
937 * Enables audit logging. Every user management action made using JMX or the ActiveMQ Web Console is logged.
938 */
939 Audit?: __boolean;
940 /**
941 * Enables general logging.
942 */
943 General?: __boolean;
944 }
945 export interface LogsSummary {
946 /**
947 * Enables audit logging. Every user management action made using JMX or the ActiveMQ Web Console is logged.
948 */
949 Audit?: __boolean;
950 /**
951 * The location of the CloudWatch Logs log group where audit logs are sent.
952 */
953 AuditLogGroup?: __string;
954 /**
955 * Enables general logging.
956 */
957 General?: __boolean;
958 /**
959 * The location of the CloudWatch Logs log group where general logs are sent.
960 */
961 GeneralLogGroup?: __string;
962 /**
963 * The list of information about logs pending to be deployed for the specified broker.
964 */
965 Pending?: PendingLogs;
966 }
967 export type MaxResults = number;
968 export interface PendingLogs {
969 /**
970 * Enables audit logging. Every user management action made using JMX or the ActiveMQ Web Console is logged.
971 */
972 Audit?: __boolean;
973 /**
974 * Enables general logging.
975 */
976 General?: __boolean;
977 }
978 export interface RebootBrokerRequest {
979 /**
980 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
981 */
982 BrokerId: __string;
983 }
984 export interface RebootBrokerResponse {
985 }
986 export interface SanitizationWarning {
987 /**
988 * The name of the XML attribute that has been sanitized.
989 */
990 AttributeName?: __string;
991 /**
992 * The name of the XML element that has been sanitized.
993 */
994 ElementName?: __string;
995 /**
996 * Required. The reason for which the XML elements or attributes were sanitized.
997 */
998 Reason?: SanitizationWarningReason;
999 }
1001 export interface UpdateBrokerRequest {
1002 /**
1003 * Enables automatic upgrades to new minor versions for brokers, as Apache releases the versions. The automatic upgrades occur during the maintenance window of the broker or after a manual broker reboot.
1004 */
1005 AutoMinorVersionUpgrade?: __boolean;
1006 /**
1007 * The name of the broker. This value must be unique in your AWS account, 1-50 characters long, must contain only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, and must not contain whitespaces, brackets, wildcard characters, or special characters.
1008 */
1009 BrokerId: __string;
1010 /**
1011 * A list of information about the configuration.
1012 */
1013 Configuration?: ConfigurationId;
1014 /**
1015 * The version of the broker engine. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
1016 */
1017 EngineVersion?: __string;
1018 /**
1019 * The host instance type of the broker to upgrade to. For a list of supported instance types, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide//broker.html#broker-instance-types
1020 */
1021 HostInstanceType?: __string;
1022 /**
1023 * Enables Amazon CloudWatch logging for brokers.
1024 */
1025 Logs?: Logs;
1026 /**
1027 * The list of security groups (1 minimum, 5 maximum) that authorize connections to brokers.
1028 */
1029 SecurityGroups?: __listOf__string;
1030 }
1031 export interface UpdateBrokerResponse {
1032 /**
1033 * The new value of automatic upgrades to new minor version for brokers.
1034 */
1035 AutoMinorVersionUpgrade?: __boolean;
1036 /**
1037 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
1038 */
1039 BrokerId?: __string;
1040 /**
1041 * The ID of the updated configuration.
1042 */
1043 Configuration?: ConfigurationId;
1044 /**
1045 * The version of the broker engine to upgrade to. For a list of supported engine versions, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide/broker-engine.html
1046 */
1047 EngineVersion?: __string;
1048 /**
1049 * The host instance type of the broker to upgrade to. For a list of supported instance types, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazon-mq/latest/developer-guide//broker.html#broker-instance-types
1050 */
1051 HostInstanceType?: __string;
1052 /**
1053 * The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified broker.
1054 */
1055 Logs?: Logs;
1056 /**
1057 * The list of security groups (1 minimum, 5 maximum) that authorize connections to brokers.
1058 */
1059 SecurityGroups?: __listOf__string;
1060 }
1061 export interface UpdateConfigurationRequest {
1062 /**
1063 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
1064 */
1065 ConfigurationId: __string;
1066 /**
1067 * Required. The base64-encoded XML configuration.
1068 */
1069 Data?: __string;
1070 /**
1071 * The description of the configuration.
1072 */
1073 Description?: __string;
1074 }
1075 export interface UpdateConfigurationResponse {
1076 /**
1077 * Required. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the configuration.
1078 */
1079 Arn?: __string;
1080 /**
1081 * Required. The date and time of the configuration.
1082 */
1083 Created?: __timestampIso8601;
1084 /**
1085 * Required. The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the configuration.
1086 */
1087 Id?: __string;
1088 /**
1089 * The latest revision of the configuration.
1090 */
1091 LatestRevision?: ConfigurationRevision;
1092 /**
1093 * Required. The name of the configuration. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 1-150 characters long.
1094 */
1095 Name?: __string;
1096 /**
1097 * The list of the first 20 warnings about the configuration XML elements or attributes that were sanitized.
1098 */
1099 Warnings?: __listOfSanitizationWarning;
1100 }
1101 export interface UpdateUserRequest {
1102 /**
1103 * The unique ID that Amazon MQ generates for the broker.
1104 */
1105 BrokerId: __string;
1106 /**
1107 * Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
1108 */
1109 ConsoleAccess?: __boolean;
1110 /**
1111 * The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
1112 */
1113 Groups?: __listOf__string;
1114 /**
1115 * The password of the user. This value must be at least 12 characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain commas.
1116 */
1117 Password?: __string;
1118 /**
1119 * Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
1120 */
1121 Username: __string;
1122 }
1123 export interface UpdateUserResponse {
1124 }
1125 export interface User {
1126 /**
1127 * Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
1128 */
1129 ConsoleAccess?: __boolean;
1130 /**
1131 * The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
1132 */
1133 Groups?: __listOf__string;
1134 /**
1135 * Required. The password of the ActiveMQ user. This value must be at least 12 characters long, must contain at least 4 unique characters, and must not contain commas.
1136 */
1137 Password?: __string;
1138 /**
1139 * Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
1140 */
1141 Username?: __string;
1142 }
1143 export interface UserPendingChanges {
1144 /**
1145 * Enables access to the the ActiveMQ Web Console for the ActiveMQ user.
1146 */
1147 ConsoleAccess?: __boolean;
1148 /**
1149 * The list of groups (20 maximum) to which the ActiveMQ user belongs. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
1150 */
1151 Groups?: __listOf__string;
1152 /**
1153 * Required. The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user.
1154 */
1155 PendingChange?: ChangeType;
1156 }
1157 export interface UserSummary {
1158 /**
1159 * The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user.
1160 */
1161 PendingChange?: ChangeType;
1162 /**
1163 * Required. The username of the ActiveMQ user. This value can contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, underscores, and tildes (- . _ ~). This value must be 2-100 characters long.
1164 */
1165 Username?: __string;
1166 }
1167 export interface WeeklyStartTime {
1168 /**
1169 * Required. The day of the week.
1170 */
1171 DayOfWeek?: DayOfWeek;
1172 /**
1173 * Required. The time, in 24-hour format.
1174 */
1175 TimeOfDay?: __string;
1176 /**
1177 * The time zone, UTC by default, in either the Country/City format, or the UTC offset format.
1178 */
1179 TimeZone?: __string;
1180 }
1181 export type __boolean = boolean;
1182 export type __integer = number;
1183 export type __integerMin5Max100 = number;
1184 export type __listOfAvailabilityZone = AvailabilityZone[];
1185 export type __listOfBrokerEngineType = BrokerEngineType[];
1186 export type __listOfBrokerInstance = BrokerInstance[];
1187 export type __listOfBrokerInstanceOption = BrokerInstanceOption[];
1188 export type __listOfBrokerSummary = BrokerSummary[];
1189 export type __listOfConfiguration = Configuration[];
1190 export type __listOfConfigurationId = ConfigurationId[];
1191 export type __listOfConfigurationRevision = ConfigurationRevision[];
1192 export type __listOfEngineVersion = EngineVersion[];
1193 export type __listOfSanitizationWarning = SanitizationWarning[];
1194 export type __listOfUser = User[];
1195 export type __listOfUserSummary = UserSummary[];
1196 export type __listOf__string = __string[];
1197 export type __mapOf__string = {[key: string]: __string};
1198 export type __string = string;
1199 export type __timestampIso8601 = Date;
1200 /**
1201 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1202 */
1203 export type apiVersion = "2017-11-27"|"latest"|string;
1204 export interface ClientApiVersions {
1205 /**
1206 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1207 */
1208 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
1209 }
1210 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
1211 /**
1212 * Contains interfaces for use with the MQ client.
1213 */
1214 export import Types = MQ;
1216export = MQ;