40.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class QuickSight extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: QuickSight.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & QuickSight.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Creates an Amazon QuickSight group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:<relevant-aws-account-id>:group/default/<group-name> . The response is a group object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight create-group --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name="Sales-Management" --description="Sales Management - Forecasting"
16 */
17 createGroup(params: QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Creates an Amazon QuickSight group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;relevant-aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is a group object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight create-group --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name="Sales-Management" --description="Sales Management - Forecasting"
20 */
21 createGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Adds an Amazon QuickSight user to an Amazon QuickSight group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The condition resource is the user name. The condition key is quicksight:UserName. The response is the group member object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight create-group-membership --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name=Sales --member-name=Pat
24 */
25 createGroupMembership(params: QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupMembershipRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupMembershipResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupMembershipResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Adds an Amazon QuickSight user to an Amazon QuickSight group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The condition resource is the user name. The condition key is quicksight:UserName. The response is the group member object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight create-group-membership --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name=Sales --member-name=Pat
28 */
29 createGroupMembership(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupMembershipResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.CreateGroupMembershipResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Removes a user group from Amazon QuickSight. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-group -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default -\-group-name=Sales-Management
32 */
33 deleteGroup(params: QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Removes a user group from Amazon QuickSight. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-group -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default -\-group-name=Sales-Management
36 */
37 deleteGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Removes a user from a group so that the user is no longer a member of the group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The condition resource is the user name. The condition key is quicksight:UserName. CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-group-membership --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name=Sales-Management --member-name=Charlie
40 */
41 deleteGroupMembership(params: QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupMembershipRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupMembershipResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupMembershipResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Removes a user from a group so that the user is no longer a member of the group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The condition resource is the user name. The condition key is quicksight:UserName. CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-group-membership --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name=Sales-Management --member-name=Charlie
44 */
45 deleteGroupMembership(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupMembershipResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteGroupMembershipResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Deletes the Amazon QuickSight user that is associated with the identity of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that's making the call. The IAM user isn't deleted as a result of this call. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-user --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --user-name=Pat
48 */
49 deleteUser(params: QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Deletes the Amazon QuickSight user that is associated with the identity of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that's making the call. The IAM user isn't deleted as a result of this call. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-user --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --user-name=Pat
52 */
53 deleteUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Deletes a user identified by its principal ID. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-user-by-principal-id --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --principal-id=ABCDEFJA26JLI7EUUOEHS
56 */
57 deleteUserByPrincipalId(params: QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Deletes a user identified by its principal ID. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . CLI Sample: aws quicksight delete-user-by-principal-id --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --principal-id=ABCDEFJA26JLI7EUUOEHS
60 */
61 deleteUserByPrincipalId(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Returns an Amazon QuickSight group's description and Amazon Resource Name (ARN). The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;relevant-aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is the group object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight describe-group -\-aws-account-id=11112222333 -\-namespace=default -\-group-name=Sales
64 */
65 describeGroup(params: QuickSight.Types.DescribeGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DescribeGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DescribeGroupResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Returns an Amazon QuickSight group's description and Amazon Resource Name (ARN). The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;relevant-aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is the group object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight describe-group -\-aws-account-id=11112222333 -\-namespace=default -\-group-name=Sales
68 */
69 describeGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DescribeGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DescribeGroupResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Returns information about a user, given the user name. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The response is a user object that contains the user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and email address. CLI Sample: aws quicksight describe-user --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --user-name=Pat
72 */
73 describeUser(params: QuickSight.Types.DescribeUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DescribeUserResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Returns information about a user, given the user name. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The response is a user object that contains the user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and email address. CLI Sample: aws quicksight describe-user --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --user-name=Pat
76 */
77 describeUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.DescribeUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.DescribeUserResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Generates a server-side embeddable URL and authorization code. Before this can work properly, first you need to configure the dashboards and user permissions. For more information, see Embedding Amazon QuickSight Dashboards. Currently, you can use GetDashboardEmbedURL only from the server, not from the user’s browser. CLI Sample: Assume the role with permissions enabled for actions: quickSight:RegisterUser and quicksight:GetDashboardEmbedURL. You can use assume-role, assume-role-with-web-identity, or assume-role-with-saml. aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/embedding_quicksight_dashboard_role" --role-session-name embeddingsession If the user does not exist in QuickSight, register the user: aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id 111122223333 --namespace default --identity-type IAM --iam-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/embedding_quicksight_dashboard_role" --user-role READER --session-name "embeddingsession" --email user123@example.com --region us-east-1 Get the URL for the embedded dashboard aws quicksight get-dashboard-embed-url --aws-account-id 111122223333 --dashboard-id 1a1ac2b2-3fc3-4b44-5e5d-c6db6778df89 --identity-type IAM
80 */
81 getDashboardEmbedUrl(params: QuickSight.Types.GetDashboardEmbedUrlRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Generates a server-side embeddable URL and authorization code. Before this can work properly, first you need to configure the dashboards and user permissions. For more information, see Embedding Amazon QuickSight Dashboards. Currently, you can use GetDashboardEmbedURL only from the server, not from the user’s browser. CLI Sample: Assume the role with permissions enabled for actions: quickSight:RegisterUser and quicksight:GetDashboardEmbedURL. You can use assume-role, assume-role-with-web-identity, or assume-role-with-saml. aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/embedding_quicksight_dashboard_role" --role-session-name embeddingsession If the user does not exist in QuickSight, register the user: aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id 111122223333 --namespace default --identity-type IAM --iam-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/embedding_quicksight_dashboard_role" --user-role READER --session-name "embeddingsession" --email user123@example.com --region us-east-1 Get the URL for the embedded dashboard aws quicksight get-dashboard-embed-url --aws-account-id 111122223333 --dashboard-id 1a1ac2b2-3fc3-4b44-5e5d-c6db6778df89 --identity-type IAM
84 */
85 getDashboardEmbedUrl(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Lists member users in a group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is a list of group member objects. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-group-memberships -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default
88 */
89 listGroupMemberships(params: QuickSight.Types.ListGroupMembershipsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListGroupMembershipsResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListGroupMembershipsResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Lists member users in a group. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is a list of group member objects. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-group-memberships -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default
92 */
93 listGroupMemberships(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListGroupMembershipsResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListGroupMembershipsResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Lists all user groups in Amazon QuickSight. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/*. The response is a list of group objects. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-groups -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default
96 */
97 listGroups(params: QuickSight.Types.ListGroupsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListGroupsResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Lists all user groups in Amazon QuickSight. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/*. The response is a list of group objects. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-groups -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default
100 */
101 listGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListGroupsResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Lists the Amazon QuickSight groups that an Amazon QuickSight user is a member of. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The response is a one or more group objects. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-user-groups -\-user-name=Pat -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default -\-region=us-east-1
104 */
105 listUserGroups(params: QuickSight.Types.ListUserGroupsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListUserGroupsResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListUserGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Lists the Amazon QuickSight groups that an Amazon QuickSight user is a member of. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The response is a one or more group objects. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-user-groups -\-user-name=Pat -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default -\-region=us-east-1
108 */
109 listUserGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListUserGroupsResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListUserGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Returns a list of all of the Amazon QuickSight users belonging to this account. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/* . The response is a list of user objects, containing each user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and email address. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-users --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default
112 */
113 listUsers(params: QuickSight.Types.ListUsersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListUsersResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Returns a list of all of the Amazon QuickSight users belonging to this account. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/* . The response is a list of user objects, containing each user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, and email address. CLI Sample: aws quicksight list-users --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default
116 */
117 listUsers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.ListUsersResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.ListUsersResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Creates an Amazon QuickSight user, whose identity is associated with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity or role specified in the request. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The condition resource is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM user or role, and the session name. The condition keys are quicksight:IamArn and quicksight:SessionName. CLI Sample: aws quicksight register-user -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default -\-email=pat@example.com -\-identity-type=IAM -\-user-role=AUTHOR -\-iam-arn=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/Pat
120 */
121 registerUser(params: QuickSight.Types.RegisterUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.RegisterUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.RegisterUserResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Creates an Amazon QuickSight user, whose identity is associated with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity or role specified in the request. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The condition resource is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM user or role, and the session name. The condition keys are quicksight:IamArn and quicksight:SessionName. CLI Sample: aws quicksight register-user -\-aws-account-id=111122223333 -\-namespace=default -\-email=pat@example.com -\-identity-type=IAM -\-user-role=AUTHOR -\-iam-arn=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/Pat
124 */
125 registerUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.RegisterUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.RegisterUserResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Changes a group description. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is a group object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight update-group --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name=Sales --description="Sales BI Dashboards"
128 */
129 updateGroup(params: QuickSight.Types.UpdateGroupRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.UpdateGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.UpdateGroupResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Changes a group description. The permissions resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:group/default/&lt;group-name&gt; . The response is a group object. CLI Sample: aws quicksight update-group --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --group-name=Sales --description="Sales BI Dashboards"
132 */
133 updateGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.UpdateGroupResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.UpdateGroupResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Updates an Amazon QuickSight user. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The response is a user object that contains the user's Amazon QuickSight user name, email address, active or inactive status in Amazon QuickSight, Amazon QuickSight role, and Amazon Resource Name (ARN). CLI Sample: aws quicksight update-user --user-name=Pat --role=ADMIN --email=new_address@amazon.com --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --region=us-east-1
136 */
137 updateUser(params: QuickSight.Types.UpdateUserRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.UpdateUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.UpdateUserResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Updates an Amazon QuickSight user. The permission resource is arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:&lt;aws-account-id&gt;:user/default/&lt;user-name&gt; . The response is a user object that contains the user's Amazon QuickSight user name, email address, active or inactive status in Amazon QuickSight, Amazon QuickSight role, and Amazon Resource Name (ARN). CLI Sample: aws quicksight update-user --user-name=Pat --role=ADMIN --email=new_address@amazon.com --aws-account-id=111122223333 --namespace=default --region=us-east-1
140 */
141 updateUser(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: QuickSight.Types.UpdateUserResponse) => void): Request<QuickSight.Types.UpdateUserResponse, AWSError>;
143declare namespace QuickSight {
144 export type Arn = string;
145 export type AwsAccountId = string;
146 export type Boolean = boolean;
147 export interface CreateGroupMembershipRequest {
148 /**
149 * The name of the user that you want to add to the group membership.
150 */
151 MemberName: GroupMemberName;
152 /**
153 * The name of the group that you want to add the user to.
154 */
155 GroupName: GroupName;
156 /**
157 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
158 */
159 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
160 /**
161 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
162 */
163 Namespace: Namespace;
164 }
165 export interface CreateGroupMembershipResponse {
166 /**
167 * The group member.
168 */
169 GroupMember?: GroupMember;
170 /**
171 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
172 */
173 RequestId?: String;
174 /**
175 * The http status of the request.
176 */
177 Status?: StatusCode;
178 }
179 export interface CreateGroupRequest {
180 /**
181 * A name for the group that you want to create.
182 */
183 GroupName: GroupName;
184 /**
185 * A description for the group that you want to create.
186 */
187 Description?: GroupDescription;
188 /**
189 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
190 */
191 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
192 /**
193 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
194 */
195 Namespace: Namespace;
196 }
197 export interface CreateGroupResponse {
198 /**
199 * The name of the group.
200 */
201 Group?: Group;
202 /**
203 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
204 */
205 RequestId?: String;
206 /**
207 * The http status of the request.
208 */
209 Status?: StatusCode;
210 }
211 export interface DeleteGroupMembershipRequest {
212 /**
213 * The name of the user that you want to delete from the group membership.
214 */
215 MemberName: GroupMemberName;
216 /**
217 * The name of the group that you want to delete the user from.
218 */
219 GroupName: GroupName;
220 /**
221 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
222 */
223 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
224 /**
225 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
226 */
227 Namespace: Namespace;
228 }
229 export interface DeleteGroupMembershipResponse {
230 /**
231 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
232 */
233 RequestId?: String;
234 /**
235 * The http status of the request.
236 */
237 Status?: StatusCode;
238 }
239 export interface DeleteGroupRequest {
240 /**
241 * The name of the group that you want to delete.
242 */
243 GroupName: GroupName;
244 /**
245 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
246 */
247 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
248 /**
249 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
250 */
251 Namespace: Namespace;
252 }
253 export interface DeleteGroupResponse {
254 /**
255 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
256 */
257 RequestId?: String;
258 /**
259 * The http status of the request.
260 */
261 Status?: StatusCode;
262 }
263 export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest {
264 /**
265 * The principal ID of the user.
266 */
267 PrincipalId: String;
268 /**
269 * The ID for the AWS account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
270 */
271 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
272 /**
273 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
274 */
275 Namespace: Namespace;
276 }
277 export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse {
278 /**
279 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
280 */
281 RequestId?: String;
282 /**
283 * The http status of the request.
284 */
285 Status?: StatusCode;
286 }
287 export interface DeleteUserRequest {
288 /**
289 * The name of the user that you want to delete.
290 */
291 UserName: UserName;
292 /**
293 * The ID for the AWS account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
294 */
295 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
296 /**
297 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
298 */
299 Namespace: Namespace;
300 }
301 export interface DeleteUserResponse {
302 /**
303 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
304 */
305 RequestId?: String;
306 /**
307 * The http status of the request.
308 */
309 Status?: StatusCode;
310 }
311 export interface DescribeGroupRequest {
312 /**
313 * The name of the group that you want to describe.
314 */
315 GroupName: GroupName;
316 /**
317 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
318 */
319 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
320 /**
321 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
322 */
323 Namespace: Namespace;
324 }
325 export interface DescribeGroupResponse {
326 /**
327 * The name of the group.
328 */
329 Group?: Group;
330 /**
331 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
332 */
333 RequestId?: String;
334 /**
335 * The http status of the request.
336 */
337 Status?: StatusCode;
338 }
339 export interface DescribeUserRequest {
340 /**
341 * The name of the user that you want to describe.
342 */
343 UserName: UserName;
344 /**
345 * The ID for the AWS account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
346 */
347 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
348 /**
349 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
350 */
351 Namespace: Namespace;
352 }
353 export interface DescribeUserResponse {
354 /**
355 * The user name.
356 */
357 User?: User;
358 /**
359 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
360 */
361 RequestId?: String;
362 /**
363 * The http status of the request.
364 */
365 Status?: StatusCode;
366 }
367 export type EmbeddingUrl = string;
368 export interface GetDashboardEmbedUrlRequest {
369 /**
370 * AWS account ID that contains the dashboard you are embedding.
371 */
372 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
373 /**
374 * The ID for the dashboard, also added to IAM policy
375 */
376 DashboardId: String;
377 /**
378 * The authentication method the user uses to sign in (IAM only).
379 */
380 IdentityType: IdentityType;
381 /**
382 * How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be between 15 and 600 minutes.
383 */
384 SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: SessionLifetimeInMinutes;
385 /**
386 * Remove the undo/redo button on embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the undo/redo button.
387 */
388 UndoRedoDisabled?: boolean;
389 /**
390 * Remove the reset button on embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which allows the reset button.
391 */
392 ResetDisabled?: boolean;
393 /**
394 * The Amazon QuickSight user's ARN, for use with QUICKSIGHT identity type. You can use this for any of the following: Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or admins) AD users Invited non-federated users Federated IAM users Federated IAM role-based sessions
395 */
396 UserArn?: Arn;
397 }
398 export interface GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse {
399 /**
400 * URL that you can put into your server-side webpage to embed your dashboard. This URL is valid for 5 minutes, and the resulting session is valid for 10 hours. The API provides the URL with an auth_code that enables a single-signon session.
401 */
402 EmbedUrl?: EmbeddingUrl;
403 /**
404 * The http status of the request.
405 */
406 Status?: StatusCode;
407 /**
408 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
409 */
410 RequestId?: String;
411 }
412 export interface Group {
413 /**
414 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group.
415 */
416 Arn?: Arn;
417 /**
418 * The name of the group.
419 */
420 GroupName?: GroupName;
421 /**
422 * The group description.
423 */
424 Description?: GroupDescription;
425 /**
426 * The principal ID of the group.
427 */
428 PrincipalId?: String;
429 }
430 export type GroupDescription = string;
431 export type GroupList = Group[];
432 export interface GroupMember {
433 /**
434 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group member (user).
435 */
436 Arn?: Arn;
437 /**
438 * The name of the group member (user).
439 */
440 MemberName?: GroupMemberName;
441 }
442 export type GroupMemberList = GroupMember[];
443 export type GroupMemberName = string;
444 export type GroupName = string;
445 export type IdentityType = "IAM"|"QUICKSIGHT"|string;
446 export interface ListGroupMembershipsRequest {
447 /**
448 * The name of the group that you want to see a membership list of.
449 */
450 GroupName: GroupName;
451 /**
452 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
453 */
454 NextToken?: String;
455 /**
456 * The maximum number of results to return from this request.
457 */
458 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
459 /**
460 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
461 */
462 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
463 /**
464 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
465 */
466 Namespace: Namespace;
467 }
468 export interface ListGroupMembershipsResponse {
469 /**
470 * The list of the members of the group.
471 */
472 GroupMemberList?: GroupMemberList;
473 /**
474 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
475 */
476 NextToken?: String;
477 /**
478 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
479 */
480 RequestId?: String;
481 /**
482 * The http status of the request.
483 */
484 Status?: StatusCode;
485 }
486 export interface ListGroupsRequest {
487 /**
488 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
489 */
490 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
491 /**
492 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
493 */
494 NextToken?: String;
495 /**
496 * The maximum number of results to return.
497 */
498 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
499 /**
500 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
501 */
502 Namespace: Namespace;
503 }
504 export interface ListGroupsResponse {
505 /**
506 * The list of the groups.
507 */
508 GroupList?: GroupList;
509 /**
510 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
511 */
512 NextToken?: String;
513 /**
514 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
515 */
516 RequestId?: String;
517 /**
518 * The http status of the request.
519 */
520 Status?: StatusCode;
521 }
522 export interface ListUserGroupsRequest {
523 /**
524 * The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to list group memberships for.
525 */
526 UserName: UserName;
527 /**
528 * The AWS Account ID that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
529 */
530 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
531 /**
532 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
533 */
534 Namespace: Namespace;
535 /**
536 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
537 */
538 NextToken?: String;
539 /**
540 * The maximum number of results to return from this request.
541 */
542 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
543 }
544 export interface ListUserGroupsResponse {
545 /**
546 * The list of groups the user is a member of.
547 */
548 GroupList?: GroupList;
549 /**
550 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
551 */
552 NextToken?: String;
553 /**
554 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
555 */
556 RequestId?: String;
557 /**
558 * The HTTP status of the request.
559 */
560 Status?: StatusCode;
561 }
562 export interface ListUsersRequest {
563 /**
564 * The ID for the AWS account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
565 */
566 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
567 /**
568 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
569 */
570 NextToken?: String;
571 /**
572 * The maximum number of results to return from this request.
573 */
574 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
575 /**
576 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
577 */
578 Namespace: Namespace;
579 }
580 export interface ListUsersResponse {
581 /**
582 * The list of users.
583 */
584 UserList?: UserList;
585 /**
586 * A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
587 */
588 NextToken?: String;
589 /**
590 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
591 */
592 RequestId?: String;
593 /**
594 * The http status of the request.
595 */
596 Status?: StatusCode;
597 }
598 export type MaxResults = number;
599 export type Namespace = string;
600 export interface RegisterUserRequest {
601 /**
602 * Amazon QuickSight supports several ways of managing the identity of users. This parameter accepts two values: IAM: A user whose identity maps to an existing IAM user or role. QUICKSIGHT: A user whose identity is owned and managed internally by Amazon QuickSight.
603 */
604 IdentityType: IdentityType;
605 /**
606 * The email address of the user that you want to register.
607 */
608 Email: String;
609 /**
610 * The Amazon QuickSight role of the user. The user role can be one of the following: READER: A user who has read-only access to dashboards. AUTHOR: A user who can create data sources, data sets, analyses, and dashboards. ADMIN: A user who is an author, who can also manage Amazon QuickSight settings.
611 */
612 UserRole: UserRole;
613 /**
614 * The ARN of the IAM user or role that you are registering with Amazon QuickSight.
615 */
616 IamArn?: String;
617 /**
618 * You need to use this parameter only when you register one or more users using an assumed IAM role. You don't need to provide the session name for other scenarios, for example when you are registering an IAM user or an Amazon QuickSight user. You can register multiple users using the same IAM role if each user has a different session name. For more information on assuming IAM roles, see assume-role in the AWS CLI Reference.
619 */
620 SessionName?: RoleSessionName;
621 /**
622 * The ID for the AWS account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
623 */
624 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
625 /**
626 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
627 */
628 Namespace: Namespace;
629 /**
630 * The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to create for the user you are registering.
631 */
632 UserName?: UserName;
633 }
634 export interface RegisterUserResponse {
635 /**
636 * The user name.
637 */
638 User?: User;
639 /**
640 * The URL the user visits to complete registration and provide a password. This is returned only for users with an identity type of QUICKSIGHT.
641 */
642 UserInvitationUrl?: String;
643 /**
644 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
645 */
646 RequestId?: String;
647 /**
648 * The http status of the request.
649 */
650 Status?: StatusCode;
651 }
652 export type RoleSessionName = string;
653 export type SessionLifetimeInMinutes = number;
654 export type StatusCode = number;
655 export type String = string;
656 export interface UpdateGroupRequest {
657 /**
658 * The name of the group that you want to update.
659 */
660 GroupName: GroupName;
661 /**
662 * The description for the group that you want to update.
663 */
664 Description?: GroupDescription;
665 /**
666 * The ID for the AWS account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
667 */
668 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
669 /**
670 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
671 */
672 Namespace: Namespace;
673 }
674 export interface UpdateGroupResponse {
675 /**
676 * The name of the group.
677 */
678 Group?: Group;
679 /**
680 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
681 */
682 RequestId?: String;
683 /**
684 * The http status of the request.
685 */
686 Status?: StatusCode;
687 }
688 export interface UpdateUserRequest {
689 /**
690 * The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to update.
691 */
692 UserName: UserName;
693 /**
694 * The ID for the AWS account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the AWS account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
695 */
696 AwsAccountId: AwsAccountId;
697 /**
698 * The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default.
699 */
700 Namespace: Namespace;
701 /**
702 * The email address of the user that you want to update.
703 */
704 Email: String;
705 /**
706 * The Amazon QuickSight role of the user. The user role can be one of the following: READER: A user who has read-only access to dashboards. AUTHOR: A user who can create data sources, data sets, analyses, and dashboards. ADMIN: A user who is an author, who can also manage Amazon QuickSight settings.
707 */
708 Role: UserRole;
709 }
710 export interface UpdateUserResponse {
711 /**
712 * The Amazon QuickSight user.
713 */
714 User?: User;
715 /**
716 * The AWS request ID for this operation.
717 */
718 RequestId?: String;
719 /**
720 * The http status of the request.
721 */
722 Status?: StatusCode;
723 }
724 export interface User {
725 /**
726 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the user.
727 */
728 Arn?: Arn;
729 /**
730 * The user's user name.
731 */
732 UserName?: UserName;
733 /**
734 * The user's email address.
735 */
736 Email?: String;
737 /**
738 * The Amazon QuickSight role for the user.
739 */
740 Role?: UserRole;
741 /**
742 * The type of identity authentication used by the user.
743 */
744 IdentityType?: IdentityType;
745 /**
746 * Active status of user. When you create an Amazon QuickSight user that’s not an IAM user or an AD user, that user is inactive until they sign in and provide a password
747 */
748 Active?: Boolean;
749 /**
750 * The principal ID of the user.
751 */
752 PrincipalId?: String;
753 }
754 export type UserList = User[];
755 export type UserName = string;
757 /**
758 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
759 */
760 export type apiVersion = "2018-04-01"|"latest"|string;
761 export interface ClientApiVersions {
762 /**
763 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
764 */
765 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
766 }
767 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
768 /**
769 * Contains interfaces for use with the QuickSight client.
770 */
771 export import Types = QuickSight;
773export = QuickSight;