36.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class Shield extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: Shield.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & Shield.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Authorizes the DDoS Response team (DRT) to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket containing your AWS WAF logs. You can associate up to 10 Amazon S3 buckets with your subscription. To use the services of the DRT and make an AssociateDRTLogBucket request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan.
16 */
17 associateDRTLogBucket(params: Shield.Types.AssociateDRTLogBucketRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.AssociateDRTLogBucketResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.AssociateDRTLogBucketResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Authorizes the DDoS Response team (DRT) to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket containing your AWS WAF logs. You can associate up to 10 Amazon S3 buckets with your subscription. To use the services of the DRT and make an AssociateDRTLogBucket request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan.
20 */
21 associateDRTLogBucket(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.AssociateDRTLogBucketResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.AssociateDRTLogBucketResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Authorizes the DDoS Response team (DRT), using the specified role, to access your AWS account to assist with DDoS attack mitigation during potential attacks. This enables the DRT to inspect your AWS WAF configuration and create or update AWS WAF rules and web ACLs. You can associate only one RoleArn with your subscription. If you submit an AssociateDRTRole request for an account that already has an associated role, the new RoleArn will replace the existing RoleArn. Prior to making the AssociateDRTRole request, you must attach the AWSShieldDRTAccessPolicy managed policy to the role you will specify in the request. For more information see Attaching and Detaching IAM Policies. The role must also trust the service principal drt.shield.amazonaws.com. For more information, see IAM JSON Policy Elements: Principal. The DRT will have access only to your AWS WAF and Shield resources. By submitting this request, you authorize the DRT to inspect your AWS WAF and Shield configuration and create and update AWS WAF rules and web ACLs on your behalf. The DRT takes these actions only if explicitly authorized by you. You must have the iam:PassRole permission to make an AssociateDRTRole request. For more information, see Granting a User Permissions to Pass a Role to an AWS Service. To use the services of the DRT and make an AssociateDRTRole request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan.
24 */
25 associateDRTRole(params: Shield.Types.AssociateDRTRoleRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.AssociateDRTRoleResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.AssociateDRTRoleResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Authorizes the DDoS Response team (DRT), using the specified role, to access your AWS account to assist with DDoS attack mitigation during potential attacks. This enables the DRT to inspect your AWS WAF configuration and create or update AWS WAF rules and web ACLs. You can associate only one RoleArn with your subscription. If you submit an AssociateDRTRole request for an account that already has an associated role, the new RoleArn will replace the existing RoleArn. Prior to making the AssociateDRTRole request, you must attach the AWSShieldDRTAccessPolicy managed policy to the role you will specify in the request. For more information see Attaching and Detaching IAM Policies. The role must also trust the service principal drt.shield.amazonaws.com. For more information, see IAM JSON Policy Elements: Principal. The DRT will have access only to your AWS WAF and Shield resources. By submitting this request, you authorize the DRT to inspect your AWS WAF and Shield configuration and create and update AWS WAF rules and web ACLs on your behalf. The DRT takes these actions only if explicitly authorized by you. You must have the iam:PassRole permission to make an AssociateDRTRole request. For more information, see Granting a User Permissions to Pass a Role to an AWS Service. To use the services of the DRT and make an AssociateDRTRole request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan.
28 */
29 associateDRTRole(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.AssociateDRTRoleResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.AssociateDRTRoleResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Enables AWS Shield Advanced for a specific AWS resource. The resource can be an Amazon CloudFront distribution, Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, AWS Global Accelerator accelerator, Elastic IP Address, or an Amazon Route 53 hosted zone. You can add protection to only a single resource with each CreateProtection request. If you want to add protection to multiple resources at once, use the AWS WAF console. For more information see Getting Started with AWS Shield Advanced and Add AWS Shield Advanced Protection to more AWS Resources.
32 */
33 createProtection(params: Shield.Types.CreateProtectionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.CreateProtectionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.CreateProtectionResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Enables AWS Shield Advanced for a specific AWS resource. The resource can be an Amazon CloudFront distribution, Elastic Load Balancing load balancer, AWS Global Accelerator accelerator, Elastic IP Address, or an Amazon Route 53 hosted zone. You can add protection to only a single resource with each CreateProtection request. If you want to add protection to multiple resources at once, use the AWS WAF console. For more information see Getting Started with AWS Shield Advanced and Add AWS Shield Advanced Protection to more AWS Resources.
36 */
37 createProtection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.CreateProtectionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.CreateProtectionResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Activates AWS Shield Advanced for an account. As part of this request you can specify EmergencySettings that automaticaly grant the DDoS response team (DRT) needed permissions to assist you during a suspected DDoS attack. For more information see Authorize the DDoS Response Team to Create Rules and Web ACLs on Your Behalf. To use the services of the DRT, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan. When you initally create a subscription, your subscription is set to be automatically renewed at the end of the existing subscription period. You can change this by submitting an UpdateSubscription request.
40 */
41 createSubscription(params: Shield.Types.CreateSubscriptionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.CreateSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.CreateSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Activates AWS Shield Advanced for an account. As part of this request you can specify EmergencySettings that automaticaly grant the DDoS response team (DRT) needed permissions to assist you during a suspected DDoS attack. For more information see Authorize the DDoS Response Team to Create Rules and Web ACLs on Your Behalf. To use the services of the DRT, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan. When you initally create a subscription, your subscription is set to be automatically renewed at the end of the existing subscription period. You can change this by submitting an UpdateSubscription request.
44 */
45 createSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.CreateSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.CreateSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Deletes an AWS Shield Advanced Protection.
48 */
49 deleteProtection(params: Shield.Types.DeleteProtectionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DeleteProtectionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DeleteProtectionResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Deletes an AWS Shield Advanced Protection.
52 */
53 deleteProtection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DeleteProtectionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DeleteProtectionResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Removes AWS Shield Advanced from an account. AWS Shield Advanced requires a 1-year subscription commitment. You cannot delete a subscription prior to the completion of that commitment.
56 */
57 deleteSubscription(params: Shield.Types.DeleteSubscriptionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DeleteSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DeleteSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Removes AWS Shield Advanced from an account. AWS Shield Advanced requires a 1-year subscription commitment. You cannot delete a subscription prior to the completion of that commitment.
60 */
61 deleteSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DeleteSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DeleteSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Describes the details of a DDoS attack.
64 */
65 describeAttack(params: Shield.Types.DescribeAttackRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeAttackResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeAttackResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Describes the details of a DDoS attack.
68 */
69 describeAttack(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeAttackResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeAttackResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Returns the current role and list of Amazon S3 log buckets used by the DDoS Response team (DRT) to access your AWS account while assisting with attack mitigation.
72 */
73 describeDRTAccess(params: Shield.Types.DescribeDRTAccessRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeDRTAccessResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeDRTAccessResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Returns the current role and list of Amazon S3 log buckets used by the DDoS Response team (DRT) to access your AWS account while assisting with attack mitigation.
76 */
77 describeDRTAccess(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeDRTAccessResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeDRTAccessResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Lists the email addresses that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
80 */
81 describeEmergencyContactSettings(params: Shield.Types.DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Lists the email addresses that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
84 */
85 describeEmergencyContactSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Lists the details of a Protection object.
88 */
89 describeProtection(params: Shield.Types.DescribeProtectionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeProtectionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeProtectionResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Lists the details of a Protection object.
92 */
93 describeProtection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeProtectionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeProtectionResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Provides details about the AWS Shield Advanced subscription for an account.
96 */
97 describeSubscription(params: Shield.Types.DescribeSubscriptionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Provides details about the AWS Shield Advanced subscription for an account.
100 */
101 describeSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DescribeSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DescribeSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Removes the DDoS Response team's (DRT) access to the specified Amazon S3 bucket containing your AWS WAF logs. To make a DisassociateDRTLogBucket request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan. However, if you are not subscribed to one of these support plans, but had been previously and had granted the DRT access to your account, you can submit a DisassociateDRTLogBucket request to remove this access.
104 */
105 disassociateDRTLogBucket(params: Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTLogBucketRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTLogBucketResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTLogBucketResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Removes the DDoS Response team's (DRT) access to the specified Amazon S3 bucket containing your AWS WAF logs. To make a DisassociateDRTLogBucket request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan. However, if you are not subscribed to one of these support plans, but had been previously and had granted the DRT access to your account, you can submit a DisassociateDRTLogBucket request to remove this access.
108 */
109 disassociateDRTLogBucket(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTLogBucketResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTLogBucketResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Removes the DDoS Response team's (DRT) access to your AWS account. To make a DisassociateDRTRole request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan. However, if you are not subscribed to one of these support plans, but had been previously and had granted the DRT access to your account, you can submit a DisassociateDRTRole request to remove this access.
112 */
113 disassociateDRTRole(params: Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTRoleRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTRoleResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTRoleResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Removes the DDoS Response team's (DRT) access to your AWS account. To make a DisassociateDRTRole request, you must be subscribed to the Business Support plan or the Enterprise Support plan. However, if you are not subscribed to one of these support plans, but had been previously and had granted the DRT access to your account, you can submit a DisassociateDRTRole request to remove this access.
116 */
117 disassociateDRTRole(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTRoleResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.DisassociateDRTRoleResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Returns the SubscriptionState, either Active or Inactive.
120 */
121 getSubscriptionState(params: Shield.Types.GetSubscriptionStateRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.GetSubscriptionStateResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.GetSubscriptionStateResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Returns the SubscriptionState, either Active or Inactive.
124 */
125 getSubscriptionState(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.GetSubscriptionStateResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.GetSubscriptionStateResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Returns all ongoing DDoS attacks or all DDoS attacks during a specified time period.
128 */
129 listAttacks(params: Shield.Types.ListAttacksRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.ListAttacksResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.ListAttacksResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Returns all ongoing DDoS attacks or all DDoS attacks during a specified time period.
132 */
133 listAttacks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.ListAttacksResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.ListAttacksResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Lists all Protection objects for the account.
136 */
137 listProtections(params: Shield.Types.ListProtectionsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.ListProtectionsResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.ListProtectionsResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Lists all Protection objects for the account.
140 */
141 listProtections(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.ListProtectionsResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.ListProtectionsResponse, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Updates the details of the list of email addresses that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
144 */
145 updateEmergencyContactSettings(params: Shield.Types.UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Updates the details of the list of email addresses that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
148 */
149 updateEmergencyContactSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Updates the details of an existing subscription. Only enter values for parameters you want to change. Empty parameters are not updated.
152 */
153 updateSubscription(params: Shield.Types.UpdateSubscriptionRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.UpdateSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.UpdateSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Updates the details of an existing subscription. Only enter values for parameters you want to change. Empty parameters are not updated.
156 */
157 updateSubscription(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: Shield.Types.UpdateSubscriptionResponse) => void): Request<Shield.Types.UpdateSubscriptionResponse, AWSError>;
159declare namespace Shield {
160 export interface AssociateDRTLogBucketRequest {
161 /**
162 * The Amazon S3 bucket that contains your AWS WAF logs.
163 */
164 LogBucket: LogBucket;
165 }
166 export interface AssociateDRTLogBucketResponse {
167 }
168 export interface AssociateDRTRoleRequest {
169 /**
170 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role the DRT will use to access your AWS account. Prior to making the AssociateDRTRole request, you must attach the AWSShieldDRTAccessPolicy managed policy to this role. For more information see Attaching and Detaching IAM Policies.
171 */
172 RoleArn: RoleArn;
173 }
174 export interface AssociateDRTRoleResponse {
175 }
176 export interface AttackDetail {
177 /**
178 * The unique identifier (ID) of the attack.
179 */
180 AttackId?: AttackId;
181 /**
182 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the resource that was attacked.
183 */
184 ResourceArn?: ResourceArn;
185 /**
186 * If applicable, additional detail about the resource being attacked, for example, IP address or URL.
187 */
188 SubResources?: SubResourceSummaryList;
189 /**
190 * The time the attack started, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
191 */
192 StartTime?: AttackTimestamp;
193 /**
194 * The time the attack ended, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
195 */
196 EndTime?: AttackTimestamp;
197 /**
198 * List of counters that describe the attack for the specified time period.
199 */
200 AttackCounters?: SummarizedCounterList;
201 /**
202 * The array of AttackProperty objects.
203 */
204 AttackProperties?: AttackProperties;
205 /**
206 * List of mitigation actions taken for the attack.
207 */
208 Mitigations?: MitigationList;
209 }
210 export type AttackId = string;
211 export type AttackLayer = "NETWORK"|"APPLICATION"|string;
212 export type AttackProperties = AttackProperty[];
213 export interface AttackProperty {
214 /**
215 * The type of distributed denial of service (DDoS) event that was observed. NETWORK indicates layer 3 and layer 4 events and APPLICATION indicates layer 7 events.
216 */
217 AttackLayer?: AttackLayer;
218 /**
219 * Defines the DDoS attack property information that is provided. The WORDPRESS_PINGBACK_REFLECTOR and WORDPRESS_PINGBACK_SOURCE values are valid only for WordPress reflective pingback DDoS attacks.
220 */
221 AttackPropertyIdentifier?: AttackPropertyIdentifier;
222 /**
223 * The array of Contributor objects that includes the top five contributors to an attack.
224 */
225 TopContributors?: TopContributors;
226 /**
227 * The unit of the Value of the contributions.
228 */
229 Unit?: Unit;
230 /**
231 * The total contributions made to this attack by all contributors, not just the five listed in the TopContributors list.
232 */
233 Total?: Long;
234 }
236 export type AttackSummaries = AttackSummary[];
237 export interface AttackSummary {
238 /**
239 * The unique identifier (ID) of the attack.
240 */
241 AttackId?: String;
242 /**
243 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the resource that was attacked.
244 */
245 ResourceArn?: String;
246 /**
247 * The start time of the attack, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
248 */
249 StartTime?: AttackTimestamp;
250 /**
251 * The end time of the attack, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
252 */
253 EndTime?: AttackTimestamp;
254 /**
255 * The list of attacks for a specified time period.
256 */
257 AttackVectors?: AttackVectorDescriptionList;
258 }
259 export type AttackTimestamp = Date;
260 export interface AttackVectorDescription {
261 /**
263 */
264 VectorType: String;
265 }
266 export type AttackVectorDescriptionList = AttackVectorDescription[];
267 export type AutoRenew = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"|string;
268 export interface Contributor {
269 /**
270 * The name of the contributor. This is dependent on the AttackPropertyIdentifier. For example, if the AttackPropertyIdentifier is SOURCE_COUNTRY, the Name could be United States.
271 */
272 Name?: String;
273 /**
274 * The contribution of this contributor expressed in Protection units. For example 10,000.
275 */
276 Value?: Long;
277 }
278 export interface CreateProtectionRequest {
279 /**
280 * Friendly name for the Protection you are creating.
281 */
282 Name: ProtectionName;
283 /**
284 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the resource to be protected. The ARN should be in one of the following formats: For an Application Load Balancer: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region:account-id:loadbalancer/app/load-balancer-name/load-balancer-id For an Elastic Load Balancer (Classic Load Balancer): arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region:account-id:loadbalancer/load-balancer-name For an AWS CloudFront distribution: arn:aws:cloudfront::account-id:distribution/distribution-id For an AWS Global Accelerator accelerator: arn:aws:globalaccelerator::account-id:accelerator/accelerator-id For Amazon Route 53: arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/hosted-zone-id For an Elastic IP address: arn:aws:ec2:region:account-id:eip-allocation/allocation-id
285 */
286 ResourceArn: ResourceArn;
287 }
288 export interface CreateProtectionResponse {
289 /**
290 * The unique identifier (ID) for the Protection object that is created.
291 */
292 ProtectionId?: ProtectionId;
293 }
294 export interface CreateSubscriptionRequest {
295 }
296 export interface CreateSubscriptionResponse {
297 }
298 export interface DeleteProtectionRequest {
299 /**
300 * The unique identifier (ID) for the Protection object to be deleted.
301 */
302 ProtectionId: ProtectionId;
303 }
304 export interface DeleteProtectionResponse {
305 }
306 export interface DeleteSubscriptionRequest {
307 }
308 export interface DeleteSubscriptionResponse {
309 }
310 export interface DescribeAttackRequest {
311 /**
312 * The unique identifier (ID) for the attack that to be described.
313 */
314 AttackId: AttackId;
315 }
316 export interface DescribeAttackResponse {
317 /**
318 * The attack that is described.
319 */
320 Attack?: AttackDetail;
321 }
322 export interface DescribeDRTAccessRequest {
323 }
324 export interface DescribeDRTAccessResponse {
325 /**
326 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role the DRT used to access your AWS account.
327 */
328 RoleArn?: RoleArn;
329 /**
330 * The list of Amazon S3 buckets accessed by the DRT.
331 */
332 LogBucketList?: LogBucketList;
333 }
334 export interface DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsRequest {
335 }
336 export interface DescribeEmergencyContactSettingsResponse {
337 /**
338 * A list of email addresses that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
339 */
340 EmergencyContactList?: EmergencyContactList;
341 }
342 export interface DescribeProtectionRequest {
343 /**
344 * The unique identifier (ID) for the Protection object that is described. When submitting the DescribeProtection request you must provide either the ResourceArn or the ProtectionID, but not both.
345 */
346 ProtectionId?: ProtectionId;
347 /**
348 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the AWS resource for the Protection object that is described. When submitting the DescribeProtection request you must provide either the ResourceArn or the ProtectionID, but not both.
349 */
350 ResourceArn?: ResourceArn;
351 }
352 export interface DescribeProtectionResponse {
353 /**
354 * The Protection object that is described.
355 */
356 Protection?: Protection;
357 }
358 export interface DescribeSubscriptionRequest {
359 }
360 export interface DescribeSubscriptionResponse {
361 /**
362 * The AWS Shield Advanced subscription details for an account.
363 */
364 Subscription?: Subscription;
365 }
366 export interface DisassociateDRTLogBucketRequest {
367 /**
368 * The Amazon S3 bucket that contains your AWS WAF logs.
369 */
370 LogBucket: LogBucket;
371 }
372 export interface DisassociateDRTLogBucketResponse {
373 }
374 export interface DisassociateDRTRoleRequest {
375 }
376 export interface DisassociateDRTRoleResponse {
377 }
378 export type Double = number;
379 export type DurationInSeconds = number;
380 export type EmailAddress = string;
381 export interface EmergencyContact {
382 /**
383 * An email address that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
384 */
385 EmailAddress: EmailAddress;
386 }
387 export type EmergencyContactList = EmergencyContact[];
388 export interface GetSubscriptionStateRequest {
389 }
390 export interface GetSubscriptionStateResponse {
391 /**
392 * The status of the subscription.
393 */
394 SubscriptionState: SubscriptionState;
395 }
396 export type Integer = number;
397 export interface Limit {
398 /**
399 * The type of protection.
400 */
401 Type?: String;
402 /**
403 * The maximum number of protections that can be created for the specified Type.
404 */
405 Max?: Long;
406 }
407 export type Limits = Limit[];
408 export interface ListAttacksRequest {
409 /**
410 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the resource that was attacked. If this is left blank, all applicable resources for this account will be included.
411 */
412 ResourceArns?: ResourceArnFilterList;
413 /**
414 * The start of the time period for the attacks. This is a timestamp type. The sample request above indicates a number type because the default used by WAF is Unix time in seconds. However any valid timestamp format is allowed.
415 */
416 StartTime?: TimeRange;
417 /**
418 * The end of the time period for the attacks. This is a timestamp type. The sample request above indicates a number type because the default used by WAF is Unix time in seconds. However any valid timestamp format is allowed.
419 */
420 EndTime?: TimeRange;
421 /**
422 * The ListAttacksRequest.NextMarker value from a previous call to ListAttacksRequest. Pass null if this is the first call.
423 */
424 NextToken?: Token;
425 /**
426 * The maximum number of AttackSummary objects to be returned. If this is left blank, the first 20 results will be returned. This is a maximum value; it is possible that AWS WAF will return the results in smaller batches. That is, the number of AttackSummary objects returned could be less than MaxResults, even if there are still more AttackSummary objects yet to return. If there are more AttackSummary objects to return, AWS WAF will always also return a NextToken.
427 */
428 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
429 }
430 export interface ListAttacksResponse {
431 /**
432 * The attack information for the specified time range.
433 */
434 AttackSummaries?: AttackSummaries;
435 /**
436 * The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available. If not null, more results are available. Pass this value for the NextMarker parameter in a subsequent call to ListAttacks to retrieve the next set of items. AWS WAF might return the list of AttackSummary objects in batches smaller than the number specified by MaxResults. If there are more AttackSummary objects to return, AWS WAF will always also return a NextToken.
437 */
438 NextToken?: Token;
439 }
440 export interface ListProtectionsRequest {
441 /**
442 * The ListProtectionsRequest.NextToken value from a previous call to ListProtections. Pass null if this is the first call.
443 */
444 NextToken?: Token;
445 /**
446 * The maximum number of Protection objects to be returned. If this is left blank the first 20 results will be returned. This is a maximum value; it is possible that AWS WAF will return the results in smaller batches. That is, the number of Protection objects returned could be less than MaxResults, even if there are still more Protection objects yet to return. If there are more Protection objects to return, AWS WAF will always also return a NextToken.
447 */
448 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
449 }
450 export interface ListProtectionsResponse {
451 /**
452 * The array of enabled Protection objects.
453 */
454 Protections?: Protections;
455 /**
456 * If you specify a value for MaxResults and you have more Protections than the value of MaxResults, AWS Shield Advanced returns a NextToken value in the response that allows you to list another group of Protections. For the second and subsequent ListProtections requests, specify the value of NextToken from the previous response to get information about another batch of Protections. AWS WAF might return the list of Protection objects in batches smaller than the number specified by MaxResults. If there are more Protection objects to return, AWS WAF will always also return a NextToken.
457 */
458 NextToken?: Token;
459 }
460 export type LogBucket = string;
461 export type LogBucketList = LogBucket[];
462 export type Long = number;
463 export type MaxResults = number;
464 export interface Mitigation {
465 /**
466 * The name of the mitigation taken for this attack.
467 */
468 MitigationName?: String;
469 }
470 export type MitigationList = Mitigation[];
471 export interface Protection {
472 /**
473 * The unique identifier (ID) of the protection.
474 */
475 Id?: ProtectionId;
476 /**
477 * The friendly name of the protection. For example, My CloudFront distributions.
478 */
479 Name?: ProtectionName;
480 /**
481 * The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the AWS resource that is protected.
482 */
483 ResourceArn?: ResourceArn;
484 }
485 export type ProtectionId = string;
486 export type ProtectionName = string;
487 export type Protections = Protection[];
488 export type ResourceArn = string;
489 export type ResourceArnFilterList = ResourceArn[];
490 export type RoleArn = string;
491 export type String = string;
492 export interface SubResourceSummary {
493 /**
494 * The SubResource type.
495 */
496 Type?: SubResourceType;
497 /**
498 * The unique identifier (ID) of the SubResource.
499 */
500 Id?: String;
501 /**
502 * The list of attack types and associated counters.
503 */
504 AttackVectors?: SummarizedAttackVectorList;
505 /**
506 * The counters that describe the details of the attack.
507 */
508 Counters?: SummarizedCounterList;
509 }
510 export type SubResourceSummaryList = SubResourceSummary[];
511 export type SubResourceType = "IP"|"URL"|string;
512 export interface Subscription {
513 /**
514 * The start time of the subscription, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
515 */
516 StartTime?: Timestamp;
517 /**
518 * The date and time your subscription will end.
519 */
520 EndTime?: Timestamp;
521 /**
522 * The length, in seconds, of the AWS Shield Advanced subscription for the account.
523 */
524 TimeCommitmentInSeconds?: DurationInSeconds;
525 /**
526 * If ENABLED, the subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of the existing subscription period. When you initally create a subscription, AutoRenew is set to ENABLED. You can change this by submitting an UpdateSubscription request. If the UpdateSubscription request does not included a value for AutoRenew, the existing value for AutoRenew remains unchanged.
527 */
528 AutoRenew?: AutoRenew;
529 /**
530 * Specifies how many protections of a given type you can create.
531 */
532 Limits?: Limits;
533 }
534 export type SubscriptionState = "ACTIVE"|"INACTIVE"|string;
535 export interface SummarizedAttackVector {
536 /**
537 * The attack type, for example, SNMP reflection or SYN flood.
538 */
539 VectorType: String;
540 /**
541 * The list of counters that describe the details of the attack.
542 */
543 VectorCounters?: SummarizedCounterList;
544 }
545 export type SummarizedAttackVectorList = SummarizedAttackVector[];
546 export interface SummarizedCounter {
547 /**
548 * The counter name.
549 */
550 Name?: String;
551 /**
552 * The maximum value of the counter for a specified time period.
553 */
554 Max?: Double;
555 /**
556 * The average value of the counter for a specified time period.
557 */
558 Average?: Double;
559 /**
560 * The total of counter values for a specified time period.
561 */
562 Sum?: Double;
563 /**
564 * The number of counters for a specified time period.
565 */
566 N?: Integer;
567 /**
568 * The unit of the counters.
569 */
570 Unit?: String;
571 }
572 export type SummarizedCounterList = SummarizedCounter[];
573 export interface TimeRange {
574 /**
575 * The start time, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
576 */
577 FromInclusive?: AttackTimestamp;
578 /**
579 * The end time, in Unix time in seconds. For more information see timestamp.
580 */
581 ToExclusive?: AttackTimestamp;
582 }
583 export type Timestamp = Date;
584 export type Token = string;
585 export type TopContributors = Contributor[];
586 export type Unit = "BITS"|"BYTES"|"PACKETS"|"REQUESTS"|string;
587 export interface UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsRequest {
588 /**
589 * A list of email addresses that the DRT can use to contact you during a suspected attack.
590 */
591 EmergencyContactList?: EmergencyContactList;
592 }
593 export interface UpdateEmergencyContactSettingsResponse {
594 }
595 export interface UpdateSubscriptionRequest {
596 /**
597 * When you initally create a subscription, AutoRenew is set to ENABLED. If ENABLED, the subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of the existing subscription period. You can change this by submitting an UpdateSubscription request. If the UpdateSubscription request does not included a value for AutoRenew, the existing value for AutoRenew remains unchanged.
598 */
599 AutoRenew?: AutoRenew;
600 }
601 export interface UpdateSubscriptionResponse {
602 }
603 /**
604 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
605 */
606 export type apiVersion = "2016-06-02"|"latest"|string;
607 export interface ClientApiVersions {
608 /**
609 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
610 */
611 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
612 }
613 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
614 /**
615 * Contains interfaces for use with the Shield client.
616 */
617 export import Types = Shield;
619export = Shield;