160 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class AutoScaling extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: AutoScaling.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & AutoScaling.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Attaches one or more EC2 instances to the specified Auto Scaling group. When you attach instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling increases the desired capacity of the group by the number of instances being attached. If the number of instances being attached plus the desired capacity of the group exceeds the maximum size of the group, the operation fails. If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the target groups. For more information, see Attach EC2 Instances to Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
16 */
17 attachInstances(params: AutoScaling.Types.AttachInstancesQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Attaches one or more EC2 instances to the specified Auto Scaling group. When you attach instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling increases the desired capacity of the group by the number of instances being attached. If the number of instances being attached plus the desired capacity of the group exceeds the maximum size of the group, the operation fails. If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to your Auto Scaling group, the instances are also registered with the target groups. For more information, see Attach EC2 Instances to Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
20 */
21 attachInstances(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Attaches one or more target groups to the specified Auto Scaling group. To describe the target groups for an Auto Scaling group, use DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups. To detach the target group from the Auto Scaling group, use DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. With Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers, instances are registered as targets with a target group. With Classic Load Balancers, instances are registered with the load balancer. For more information, see Attaching a Load Balancer to Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
24 */
25 attachLoadBalancerTargetGroups(params: AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Attaches one or more target groups to the specified Auto Scaling group. To describe the target groups for an Auto Scaling group, use DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups. To detach the target group from the Auto Scaling group, use DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. With Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers, instances are registered as targets with a target group. With Classic Load Balancers, instances are registered with the load balancer. For more information, see Attaching a Load Balancer to Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
28 */
29 attachLoadBalancerTargetGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Attaches one or more Classic Load Balancers to the specified Auto Scaling group. To attach an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer instead, see AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. To describe the load balancers for an Auto Scaling group, use DescribeLoadBalancers. To detach the load balancer from the Auto Scaling group, use DetachLoadBalancers. For more information, see Attaching a Load Balancer to Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
32 */
33 attachLoadBalancers(params: AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancersType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancersResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancersResultType, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Attaches one or more Classic Load Balancers to the specified Auto Scaling group. To attach an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer instead, see AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups. To describe the load balancers for an Auto Scaling group, use DescribeLoadBalancers. To detach the load balancer from the Auto Scaling group, use DetachLoadBalancers. For more information, see Attaching a Load Balancer to Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
36 */
37 attachLoadBalancers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancersResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AttachLoadBalancersResultType, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Deletes one or more scheduled actions for the specified Auto Scaling group.
40 */
41 batchDeleteScheduledAction(params: AutoScaling.Types.BatchDeleteScheduledActionType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.BatchDeleteScheduledActionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.BatchDeleteScheduledActionAnswer, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Deletes one or more scheduled actions for the specified Auto Scaling group.
44 */
45 batchDeleteScheduledAction(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.BatchDeleteScheduledActionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.BatchDeleteScheduledActionAnswer, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Creates or updates one or more scheduled scaling actions for an Auto Scaling group. If you leave a parameter unspecified when updating a scheduled scaling action, the corresponding value remains unchanged.
48 */
49 batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction(params: AutoScaling.Types.BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionAnswer, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Creates or updates one or more scheduled scaling actions for an Auto Scaling group. If you leave a parameter unspecified when updating a scheduled scaling action, the corresponding value remains unchanged.
52 */
53 batchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionAnswer, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Completes the lifecycle action for the specified token or instance with the specified result. This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group: (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows CloudWatch Events to invoke your Lambda function when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state. If you finish before the timeout period ends, complete the lifecycle action. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
56 */
57 completeLifecycleAction(params: AutoScaling.Types.CompleteLifecycleActionType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Completes the lifecycle action for the specified token or instance with the specified result. This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group: (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows CloudWatch Events to invoke your Lambda function when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state. If you finish before the timeout period ends, complete the lifecycle action. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
60 */
61 completeLifecycleAction(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Creates an Auto Scaling group with the specified name and attributes. If you exceed your maximum limit of Auto Scaling groups, the call fails. For information about viewing this limit, see DescribeAccountLimits. For information about updating this limit, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Service Quotas in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
64 */
65 createAutoScalingGroup(params: AutoScaling.Types.CreateAutoScalingGroupType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Creates an Auto Scaling group with the specified name and attributes. If you exceed your maximum limit of Auto Scaling groups, the call fails. For information about viewing this limit, see DescribeAccountLimits. For information about updating this limit, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Service Quotas in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
68 */
69 createAutoScalingGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Creates a launch configuration. If you exceed your maximum limit of launch configurations, the call fails. For information about viewing this limit, see DescribeAccountLimits. For information about updating this limit, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Service Quotas in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. For more information, see Launch Configurations in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
72 */
73 createLaunchConfiguration(params: AutoScaling.Types.CreateLaunchConfigurationType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Creates a launch configuration. If you exceed your maximum limit of launch configurations, the call fails. For information about viewing this limit, see DescribeAccountLimits. For information about updating this limit, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Service Quotas in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. For more information, see Launch Configurations in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
76 */
77 createLaunchConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Creates or updates tags for the specified Auto Scaling group. When you specify a tag with a key that already exists, the operation overwrites the previous tag definition, and you do not get an error message. For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling Groups and Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
80 */
81 createOrUpdateTags(params: AutoScaling.Types.CreateOrUpdateTagsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Creates or updates tags for the specified Auto Scaling group. When you specify a tag with a key that already exists, the operation overwrites the previous tag definition, and you do not get an error message. For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling Groups and Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
84 */
85 createOrUpdateTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Deletes the specified Auto Scaling group. If the group has instances or scaling activities in progress, you must specify the option to force the deletion in order for it to succeed. If the group has policies, deleting the group deletes the policies, the underlying alarm actions, and any alarm that no longer has an associated action. To remove instances from the Auto Scaling group before deleting it, call DetachInstances with the list of instances and the option to decrement the desired capacity. This ensures that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not launch replacement instances. To terminate all instances before deleting the Auto Scaling group, call UpdateAutoScalingGroup and set the minimum size and desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group to zero.
88 */
89 deleteAutoScalingGroup(params: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteAutoScalingGroupType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Deletes the specified Auto Scaling group. If the group has instances or scaling activities in progress, you must specify the option to force the deletion in order for it to succeed. If the group has policies, deleting the group deletes the policies, the underlying alarm actions, and any alarm that no longer has an associated action. To remove instances from the Auto Scaling group before deleting it, call DetachInstances with the list of instances and the option to decrement the desired capacity. This ensures that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not launch replacement instances. To terminate all instances before deleting the Auto Scaling group, call UpdateAutoScalingGroup and set the minimum size and desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group to zero.
92 */
93 deleteAutoScalingGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Deletes the specified launch configuration. The launch configuration must not be attached to an Auto Scaling group. When this call completes, the launch configuration is no longer available for use.
96 */
97 deleteLaunchConfiguration(params: AutoScaling.Types.LaunchConfigurationNameType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Deletes the specified launch configuration. The launch configuration must not be attached to an Auto Scaling group. When this call completes, the launch configuration is no longer available for use.
100 */
101 deleteLaunchConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Deletes the specified lifecycle hook. If there are any outstanding lifecycle actions, they are completed first (ABANDON for launching instances, CONTINUE for terminating instances).
104 */
105 deleteLifecycleHook(params: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteLifecycleHookType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Deletes the specified lifecycle hook. If there are any outstanding lifecycle actions, they are completed first (ABANDON for launching instances, CONTINUE for terminating instances).
108 */
109 deleteLifecycleHook(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Deletes the specified notification.
112 */
113 deleteNotificationConfiguration(params: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteNotificationConfigurationType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Deletes the specified notification.
116 */
117 deleteNotificationConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Deletes the specified scaling policy. Deleting either a step scaling policy or a simple scaling policy deletes the underlying alarm action, but does not delete the alarm, even if it no longer has an associated action. For more information, see Deleting a Scaling Policy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
120 */
121 deletePolicy(params: AutoScaling.Types.DeletePolicyType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Deletes the specified scaling policy. Deleting either a step scaling policy or a simple scaling policy deletes the underlying alarm action, but does not delete the alarm, even if it no longer has an associated action. For more information, see Deleting a Scaling Policy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
124 */
125 deletePolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Deletes the specified scheduled action.
128 */
129 deleteScheduledAction(params: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteScheduledActionType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Deletes the specified scheduled action.
132 */
133 deleteScheduledAction(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Deletes the specified tags.
136 */
137 deleteTags(params: AutoScaling.Types.DeleteTagsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Deletes the specified tags.
140 */
141 deleteTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Describes the current Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resource quotas for your AWS account. For information about requesting an increase, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Service Quotas in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
144 */
145 describeAccountLimits(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAccountLimitsAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAccountLimitsAnswer, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Describes the policy adjustment types for use with PutScalingPolicy.
148 */
149 describeAdjustmentTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAdjustmentTypesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAdjustmentTypesAnswer, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Describes one or more Auto Scaling groups.
152 */
153 describeAutoScalingGroups(params: AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingGroupNamesType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingGroupsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingGroupsType, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Describes one or more Auto Scaling groups.
156 */
157 describeAutoScalingGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingGroupsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingGroupsType, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Describes one or more Auto Scaling instances.
160 */
161 describeAutoScalingInstances(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAutoScalingInstancesType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingInstancesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingInstancesType, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Describes one or more Auto Scaling instances.
164 */
165 describeAutoScalingInstances(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingInstancesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.AutoScalingInstancesType, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Describes the notification types that are supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
168 */
169 describeAutoScalingNotificationTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesAnswer, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Describes one or more launch configurations.
172 */
173 describeLaunchConfigurations(params: AutoScaling.Types.LaunchConfigurationNamesType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.LaunchConfigurationsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.LaunchConfigurationsType, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Describes one or more launch configurations.
176 */
177 describeLaunchConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.LaunchConfigurationsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.LaunchConfigurationsType, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Describes the available types of lifecycle hooks. The following hook types are supported: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING
180 */
181 describeLifecycleHookTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHookTypesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHookTypesAnswer, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Describes the lifecycle hooks for the specified Auto Scaling group.
184 */
185 describeLifecycleHooks(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHooksType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Describes the lifecycle hooks for the specified Auto Scaling group.
188 */
189 describeLifecycleHooks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Describes the target groups for the specified Auto Scaling group.
192 */
193 describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Describes the target groups for the specified Auto Scaling group.
196 */
197 describeLoadBalancerTargetGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Describes the load balancers for the specified Auto Scaling group. This operation describes only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers, use DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups instead.
200 */
201 describeLoadBalancers(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancersResponse) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancersResponse, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Describes the load balancers for the specified Auto Scaling group. This operation describes only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers, use DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups instead.
204 */
205 describeLoadBalancers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancersResponse) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeLoadBalancersResponse, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Describes the available CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling. The GroupStandbyInstances metric is not returned by default. You must explicitly request this metric when calling EnableMetricsCollection.
208 */
209 describeMetricCollectionTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeMetricCollectionTypesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeMetricCollectionTypesAnswer, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Describes the notification actions associated with the specified Auto Scaling group.
212 */
213 describeNotificationConfigurations(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeNotificationConfigurationsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * Describes the notification actions associated with the specified Auto Scaling group.
216 */
217 describeNotificationConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * Describes the policies for the specified Auto Scaling group.
220 */
221 describePolicies(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribePoliciesType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.PoliciesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.PoliciesType, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * Describes the policies for the specified Auto Scaling group.
224 */
225 describePolicies(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.PoliciesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.PoliciesType, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * Describes one or more scaling activities for the specified Auto Scaling group.
228 */
229 describeScalingActivities(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeScalingActivitiesType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ActivitiesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ActivitiesType, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * Describes one or more scaling activities for the specified Auto Scaling group.
232 */
233 describeScalingActivities(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ActivitiesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ActivitiesType, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * Describes the scaling process types for use with ResumeProcesses and SuspendProcesses.
236 */
237 describeScalingProcessTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ProcessesType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ProcessesType, AWSError>;
238 /**
239 * Describes the actions scheduled for your Auto Scaling group that haven't run or that have not reached their end time. To describe the actions that have already run, use DescribeScalingActivities.
240 */
241 describeScheduledActions(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeScheduledActionsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ScheduledActionsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ScheduledActionsType, AWSError>;
242 /**
243 * Describes the actions scheduled for your Auto Scaling group that haven't run or that have not reached their end time. To describe the actions that have already run, use DescribeScalingActivities.
244 */
245 describeScheduledActions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ScheduledActionsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ScheduledActionsType, AWSError>;
246 /**
247 * Describes the specified tags. You can use filters to limit the results. For example, you can query for the tags for a specific Auto Scaling group. You can specify multiple values for a filter. A tag must match at least one of the specified values for it to be included in the results. You can also specify multiple filters. The result includes information for a particular tag only if it matches all the filters. If there's no match, no special message is returned.
248 */
249 describeTags(params: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeTagsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.TagsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.TagsType, AWSError>;
250 /**
251 * Describes the specified tags. You can use filters to limit the results. For example, you can query for the tags for a specific Auto Scaling group. You can specify multiple values for a filter. A tag must match at least one of the specified values for it to be included in the results. You can also specify multiple filters. The result includes information for a particular tag only if it matches all the filters. If there's no match, no special message is returned.
252 */
253 describeTags(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.TagsType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.TagsType, AWSError>;
254 /**
255 * Describes the termination policies supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling. For more information, see Controlling Which Auto Scaling Instances Terminate During Scale In in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
256 */
257 describeTerminationPolicyTypes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesAnswer, AWSError>;
258 /**
259 * Removes one or more instances from the specified Auto Scaling group. After the instances are detached, you can manage them independent of the Auto Scaling group. If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are detached. If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the target groups. For more information, see Detach EC2 Instances from Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
260 */
261 detachInstances(params: AutoScaling.Types.DetachInstancesQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DetachInstancesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DetachInstancesAnswer, AWSError>;
262 /**
263 * Removes one or more instances from the specified Auto Scaling group. After the instances are detached, you can manage them independent of the Auto Scaling group. If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are detached. If there is a Classic Load Balancer attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the load balancer. If there are target groups attached to the Auto Scaling group, the instances are deregistered from the target groups. For more information, see Detach EC2 Instances from Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
264 */
265 detachInstances(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DetachInstancesAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DetachInstancesAnswer, AWSError>;
266 /**
267 * Detaches one or more target groups from the specified Auto Scaling group.
268 */
269 detachLoadBalancerTargetGroups(params: AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType, AWSError>;
270 /**
271 * Detaches one or more target groups from the specified Auto Scaling group.
272 */
273 detachLoadBalancerTargetGroups(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType, AWSError>;
274 /**
275 * Detaches one or more Classic Load Balancers from the specified Auto Scaling group. This operation detaches only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers, use DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups instead. When you detach a load balancer, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the load balancer using DescribeLoadBalancers. The instances remain running.
276 */
277 detachLoadBalancers(params: AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancersType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancersResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancersResultType, AWSError>;
278 /**
279 * Detaches one or more Classic Load Balancers from the specified Auto Scaling group. This operation detaches only Classic Load Balancers. If you have Application Load Balancers or Network Load Balancers, use DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups instead. When you detach a load balancer, it enters the Removing state while deregistering the instances in the group. When all instances are deregistered, then you can no longer describe the load balancer using DescribeLoadBalancers. The instances remain running.
280 */
281 detachLoadBalancers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancersResultType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.DetachLoadBalancersResultType, AWSError>;
282 /**
283 * Disables group metrics for the specified Auto Scaling group.
284 */
285 disableMetricsCollection(params: AutoScaling.Types.DisableMetricsCollectionQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
286 /**
287 * Disables group metrics for the specified Auto Scaling group.
288 */
289 disableMetricsCollection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
290 /**
291 * Enables group metrics for the specified Auto Scaling group. For more information, see Monitoring Your Auto Scaling Groups and Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
292 */
293 enableMetricsCollection(params: AutoScaling.Types.EnableMetricsCollectionQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
294 /**
295 * Enables group metrics for the specified Auto Scaling group. For more information, see Monitoring Your Auto Scaling Groups and Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
296 */
297 enableMetricsCollection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
298 /**
299 * Moves the specified instances into the standby state. If you choose to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the instances can enter standby as long as the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group after the instances are placed into standby is equal to or greater than the minimum capacity of the group. If you choose not to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the Auto Scaling group launches new instances to replace the instances on standby. For more information, see Temporarily Removing Instances from Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
300 */
301 enterStandby(params: AutoScaling.Types.EnterStandbyQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.EnterStandbyAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.EnterStandbyAnswer, AWSError>;
302 /**
303 * Moves the specified instances into the standby state. If you choose to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the instances can enter standby as long as the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group after the instances are placed into standby is equal to or greater than the minimum capacity of the group. If you choose not to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group, the Auto Scaling group launches new instances to replace the instances on standby. For more information, see Temporarily Removing Instances from Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
304 */
305 enterStandby(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.EnterStandbyAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.EnterStandbyAnswer, AWSError>;
306 /**
307 * Executes the specified policy.
308 */
309 executePolicy(params: AutoScaling.Types.ExecutePolicyType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
310 /**
311 * Executes the specified policy.
312 */
313 executePolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
314 /**
315 * Moves the specified instances out of the standby state. After you put the instances back in service, the desired capacity is incremented. For more information, see Temporarily Removing Instances from Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
316 */
317 exitStandby(params: AutoScaling.Types.ExitStandbyQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ExitStandbyAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ExitStandbyAnswer, AWSError>;
318 /**
319 * Moves the specified instances out of the standby state. After you put the instances back in service, the desired capacity is incremented. For more information, see Temporarily Removing Instances from Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
320 */
321 exitStandby(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ExitStandbyAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ExitStandbyAnswer, AWSError>;
322 /**
323 * Creates or updates a lifecycle hook for the specified Auto Scaling group. A lifecycle hook tells Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to perform an action on an instance when the instance launches (before it is put into service) or as the instance terminates (before it is fully terminated). This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group: (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows CloudWatch Events to invoke your Lambda function when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state using RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat. If you finish before the timeout period ends, complete the lifecycle action using CompleteLifecycleAction. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. If you exceed your maximum limit of lifecycle hooks, which by default is 50 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails. You can view the lifecycle hooks for an Auto Scaling group using DescribeLifecycleHooks. If you are no longer using a lifecycle hook, you can delete it using DeleteLifecycleHook.
324 */
325 putLifecycleHook(params: AutoScaling.Types.PutLifecycleHookType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.PutLifecycleHookAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.PutLifecycleHookAnswer, AWSError>;
326 /**
327 * Creates or updates a lifecycle hook for the specified Auto Scaling group. A lifecycle hook tells Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to perform an action on an instance when the instance launches (before it is put into service) or as the instance terminates (before it is fully terminated). This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group: (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows CloudWatch Events to invoke your Lambda function when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state using RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat. If you finish before the timeout period ends, complete the lifecycle action using CompleteLifecycleAction. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. If you exceed your maximum limit of lifecycle hooks, which by default is 50 per Auto Scaling group, the call fails. You can view the lifecycle hooks for an Auto Scaling group using DescribeLifecycleHooks. If you are no longer using a lifecycle hook, you can delete it using DeleteLifecycleHook.
328 */
329 putLifecycleHook(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.PutLifecycleHookAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.PutLifecycleHookAnswer, AWSError>;
330 /**
331 * Configures an Auto Scaling group to send notifications when specified events take place. Subscribers to the specified topic can have messages delivered to an endpoint such as a web server or an email address. This configuration overwrites any existing configuration. For more information, see Getting Amazon SNS Notifications When Your Auto Scaling Group Scales in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
332 */
333 putNotificationConfiguration(params: AutoScaling.Types.PutNotificationConfigurationType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
334 /**
335 * Configures an Auto Scaling group to send notifications when specified events take place. Subscribers to the specified topic can have messages delivered to an endpoint such as a web server or an email address. This configuration overwrites any existing configuration. For more information, see Getting Amazon SNS Notifications When Your Auto Scaling Group Scales in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
336 */
337 putNotificationConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
338 /**
339 * Creates or updates a scaling policy for an Auto Scaling group. For more information about using scaling policies to scale your Auto Scaling group automatically, see Dynamic Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
340 */
341 putScalingPolicy(params: AutoScaling.Types.PutScalingPolicyType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.PolicyARNType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.PolicyARNType, AWSError>;
342 /**
343 * Creates or updates a scaling policy for an Auto Scaling group. For more information about using scaling policies to scale your Auto Scaling group automatically, see Dynamic Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
344 */
345 putScalingPolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.PolicyARNType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.PolicyARNType, AWSError>;
346 /**
347 * Creates or updates a scheduled scaling action for an Auto Scaling group. If you leave a parameter unspecified when updating a scheduled scaling action, the corresponding value remains unchanged. For more information, see Scheduled Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
348 */
349 putScheduledUpdateGroupAction(params: AutoScaling.Types.PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
350 /**
351 * Creates or updates a scheduled scaling action for an Auto Scaling group. If you leave a parameter unspecified when updating a scheduled scaling action, the corresponding value remains unchanged. For more information, see Scheduled Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
352 */
353 putScheduledUpdateGroupAction(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
354 /**
355 * Records a heartbeat for the lifecycle action associated with the specified token or instance. This extends the timeout by the length of time defined using PutLifecycleHook. This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group: (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows CloudWatch Events to invoke your Lambda function when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state. If you finish before the timeout period ends, complete the lifecycle action. For more information, see Auto Scaling Lifecycle in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
356 */
357 recordLifecycleActionHeartbeat(params: AutoScaling.Types.RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer, AWSError>;
358 /**
359 * Records a heartbeat for the lifecycle action associated with the specified token or instance. This extends the timeout by the length of time defined using PutLifecycleHook. This step is a part of the procedure for adding a lifecycle hook to an Auto Scaling group: (Optional) Create a Lambda function and a rule that allows CloudWatch Events to invoke your Lambda function when Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches or terminates instances. (Optional) Create a notification target and an IAM role. The target can be either an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. The role allows Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to publish lifecycle notifications to the target. Create the lifecycle hook. Specify whether the hook is used when the instances launch or terminate. If you need more time, record the lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state. If you finish before the timeout period ends, complete the lifecycle action. For more information, see Auto Scaling Lifecycle in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
360 */
361 recordLifecycleActionHeartbeat(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer, AWSError>;
362 /**
363 * Resumes the specified suspended automatic scaling processes, or all suspended process, for the specified Auto Scaling group. For more information, see Suspending and Resuming Scaling Processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
364 */
365 resumeProcesses(params: AutoScaling.Types.ScalingProcessQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
366 /**
367 * Resumes the specified suspended automatic scaling processes, or all suspended process, for the specified Auto Scaling group. For more information, see Suspending and Resuming Scaling Processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
368 */
369 resumeProcesses(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
370 /**
371 * Sets the size of the specified Auto Scaling group. For more information about desired capacity, see What Is Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling? in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
372 */
373 setDesiredCapacity(params: AutoScaling.Types.SetDesiredCapacityType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
374 /**
375 * Sets the size of the specified Auto Scaling group. For more information about desired capacity, see What Is Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling? in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
376 */
377 setDesiredCapacity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
378 /**
379 * Sets the health status of the specified instance. For more information, see Health Checks for Auto Scaling Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
380 */
381 setInstanceHealth(params: AutoScaling.Types.SetInstanceHealthQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
382 /**
383 * Sets the health status of the specified instance. For more information, see Health Checks for Auto Scaling Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
384 */
385 setInstanceHealth(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
386 /**
387 * Updates the instance protection settings of the specified instances. For more information about preventing instances that are part of an Auto Scaling group from terminating on scale in, see Instance Protection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
388 */
389 setInstanceProtection(params: AutoScaling.Types.SetInstanceProtectionQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.SetInstanceProtectionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.SetInstanceProtectionAnswer, AWSError>;
390 /**
391 * Updates the instance protection settings of the specified instances. For more information about preventing instances that are part of an Auto Scaling group from terminating on scale in, see Instance Protection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
392 */
393 setInstanceProtection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.SetInstanceProtectionAnswer) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.SetInstanceProtectionAnswer, AWSError>;
394 /**
395 * Suspends the specified automatic scaling processes, or all processes, for the specified Auto Scaling group. If you suspend either the Launch or Terminate process types, it can prevent other process types from functioning properly. To resume processes that have been suspended, use ResumeProcesses. For more information, see Suspending and Resuming Scaling Processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
396 */
397 suspendProcesses(params: AutoScaling.Types.ScalingProcessQuery, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
398 /**
399 * Suspends the specified automatic scaling processes, or all processes, for the specified Auto Scaling group. If you suspend either the Launch or Terminate process types, it can prevent other process types from functioning properly. To resume processes that have been suspended, use ResumeProcesses. For more information, see Suspending and Resuming Scaling Processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
400 */
401 suspendProcesses(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
402 /**
403 * Terminates the specified instance and optionally adjusts the desired group size. This call simply makes a termination request. The instance is not terminated immediately. When an instance is terminated, the instance status changes to terminated. You can't connect to or start an instance after you've terminated it. If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are terminated. By default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling balances instances across all Availability Zones. If you decrement the desired capacity, your Auto Scaling group can become unbalanced between Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tries to rebalance the group, and rebalancing might terminate instances in other zones. For more information, see Rebalancing Activities in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
404 */
405 terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup(params: AutoScaling.Types.TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ActivityType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ActivityType, AWSError>;
406 /**
407 * Terminates the specified instance and optionally adjusts the desired group size. This call simply makes a termination request. The instance is not terminated immediately. When an instance is terminated, the instance status changes to terminated. You can't connect to or start an instance after you've terminated it. If you do not specify the option to decrement the desired capacity, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches instances to replace the ones that are terminated. By default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling balances instances across all Availability Zones. If you decrement the desired capacity, your Auto Scaling group can become unbalanced between Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling tries to rebalance the group, and rebalancing might terminate instances in other zones. For more information, see Rebalancing Activities in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
408 */
409 terminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: AutoScaling.Types.ActivityType) => void): Request<AutoScaling.Types.ActivityType, AWSError>;
410 /**
411 * Updates the configuration for the specified Auto Scaling group. To update an Auto Scaling group, specify the name of the group and the parameter that you want to change. Any parameters that you don't specify are not changed by this update request. The new settings take effect on any scaling activities after this call returns. If you associate a new launch configuration or template with an Auto Scaling group, all new instances will get the updated configuration. Existing instances continue to run with the configuration that they were originally launched with. When you update a group to specify a mixed instances policy instead of a launch configuration or template, existing instances may be replaced to match the new purchasing options that you specified in the policy. For example, if the group currently has 100% On-Demand capacity and the policy specifies 50% Spot capacity, this means that half of your instances will be gradually terminated and relaunched as Spot Instances. When replacing instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches new instances before terminating the old ones, so that updating your group does not compromise the performance or availability of your application. Note the following about changing DesiredCapacity, MaxSize, or MinSize: If a scale-in event occurs as a result of a new DesiredCapacity value that is lower than the current size of the group, the Auto Scaling group uses its termination policy to determine which instances to terminate. If you specify a new value for MinSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MinSize is larger than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MinSize value. If you specify a new value for MaxSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MaxSize is smaller than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MaxSize value. To see which parameters have been set, use DescribeAutoScalingGroups. You can also view the scaling policies for an Auto Scaling group using DescribePolicies. If the group has scaling policies, you can update them using PutScalingPolicy.
412 */
413 updateAutoScalingGroup(params: AutoScaling.Types.UpdateAutoScalingGroupType, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
414 /**
415 * Updates the configuration for the specified Auto Scaling group. To update an Auto Scaling group, specify the name of the group and the parameter that you want to change. Any parameters that you don't specify are not changed by this update request. The new settings take effect on any scaling activities after this call returns. If you associate a new launch configuration or template with an Auto Scaling group, all new instances will get the updated configuration. Existing instances continue to run with the configuration that they were originally launched with. When you update a group to specify a mixed instances policy instead of a launch configuration or template, existing instances may be replaced to match the new purchasing options that you specified in the policy. For example, if the group currently has 100% On-Demand capacity and the policy specifies 50% Spot capacity, this means that half of your instances will be gradually terminated and relaunched as Spot Instances. When replacing instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches new instances before terminating the old ones, so that updating your group does not compromise the performance or availability of your application. Note the following about changing DesiredCapacity, MaxSize, or MinSize: If a scale-in event occurs as a result of a new DesiredCapacity value that is lower than the current size of the group, the Auto Scaling group uses its termination policy to determine which instances to terminate. If you specify a new value for MinSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MinSize is larger than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MinSize value. If you specify a new value for MaxSize without specifying a value for DesiredCapacity, and the new MaxSize is smaller than the current size of the group, this sets the group's DesiredCapacity to the new MaxSize value. To see which parameters have been set, use DescribeAutoScalingGroups. You can also view the scaling policies for an Auto Scaling group using DescribePolicies. If the group has scaling policies, you can update them using PutScalingPolicy.
416 */
417 updateAutoScalingGroup(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
419declare namespace AutoScaling {
420 export type Activities = Activity[];
421 export interface ActivitiesType {
422 /**
423 * The scaling activities. Activities are sorted by start time. Activities still in progress are described first.
424 */
425 Activities: Activities;
426 /**
427 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
428 */
429 NextToken?: XmlString;
430 }
431 export interface Activity {
432 /**
433 * The ID of the activity.
434 */
435 ActivityId: XmlString;
436 /**
437 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
438 */
439 AutoScalingGroupName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
440 /**
441 * A friendly, more verbose description of the activity.
442 */
443 Description?: XmlString;
444 /**
445 * The reason the activity began.
446 */
447 Cause: XmlStringMaxLen1023;
448 /**
449 * The start time of the activity.
450 */
451 StartTime: TimestampType;
452 /**
453 * The end time of the activity.
454 */
455 EndTime?: TimestampType;
456 /**
457 * The current status of the activity.
458 */
459 StatusCode: ScalingActivityStatusCode;
460 /**
461 * A friendly, more verbose description of the activity status.
462 */
463 StatusMessage?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
464 /**
465 * A value between 0 and 100 that indicates the progress of the activity.
466 */
467 Progress?: Progress;
468 /**
469 * The details about the activity.
470 */
471 Details?: XmlString;
472 }
473 export type ActivityIds = XmlString[];
474 export interface ActivityType {
475 /**
476 * A scaling activity.
477 */
478 Activity?: Activity;
479 }
480 export interface AdjustmentType {
481 /**
482 * The policy adjustment type. The valid values are ChangeInCapacity, ExactCapacity, and PercentChangeInCapacity.
483 */
484 AdjustmentType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
485 }
486 export type AdjustmentTypes = AdjustmentType[];
487 export interface Alarm {
488 /**
489 * The name of the alarm.
490 */
491 AlarmName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
492 /**
493 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the alarm.
494 */
495 AlarmARN?: ResourceName;
496 }
497 export type Alarms = Alarm[];
498 export type AsciiStringMaxLen255 = string;
499 export type AssociatePublicIpAddress = boolean;
500 export interface AttachInstancesQuery {
501 /**
502 * The IDs of the instances. You can specify up to 20 instances.
503 */
504 InstanceIds?: InstanceIds;
505 /**
506 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
507 */
508 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
509 }
510 export interface AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType {
511 }
512 export interface AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsType {
513 /**
514 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
515 */
516 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
517 /**
518 * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the target groups. You can specify up to 10 target groups.
519 */
520 TargetGroupARNs: TargetGroupARNs;
521 }
522 export interface AttachLoadBalancersResultType {
523 }
524 export interface AttachLoadBalancersType {
525 /**
526 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
527 */
528 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
529 /**
530 * The names of the load balancers. You can specify up to 10 load balancers.
531 */
532 LoadBalancerNames: LoadBalancerNames;
533 }
534 export interface AutoScalingGroup {
535 /**
536 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
537 */
538 AutoScalingGroupName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
539 /**
540 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Auto Scaling group.
541 */
542 AutoScalingGroupARN?: ResourceName;
543 /**
544 * The name of the associated launch configuration.
545 */
546 LaunchConfigurationName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
547 /**
548 * The launch template for the group.
549 */
550 LaunchTemplate?: LaunchTemplateSpecification;
551 /**
552 * The mixed instances policy for the group.
553 */
554 MixedInstancesPolicy?: MixedInstancesPolicy;
555 /**
556 * The minimum size of the group.
557 */
558 MinSize: AutoScalingGroupMinSize;
559 /**
560 * The maximum size of the group.
561 */
562 MaxSize: AutoScalingGroupMaxSize;
563 /**
564 * The desired size of the group.
565 */
566 DesiredCapacity: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
567 /**
568 * The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before another scaling activity can start.
569 */
570 DefaultCooldown: Cooldown;
571 /**
572 * One or more Availability Zones for the group.
573 */
574 AvailabilityZones: AvailabilityZones;
575 /**
576 * One or more load balancers associated with the group.
577 */
578 LoadBalancerNames?: LoadBalancerNames;
579 /**
580 * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the target groups for your load balancer.
581 */
582 TargetGroupARNs?: TargetGroupARNs;
583 /**
584 * The service to use for the health checks. The valid values are EC2 and ELB. If you configure an Auto Scaling group to use ELB health checks, it considers the instance unhealthy if it fails either the EC2 status checks or the load balancer health checks.
585 */
586 HealthCheckType: XmlStringMaxLen32;
587 /**
588 * The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service.
589 */
590 HealthCheckGracePeriod?: HealthCheckGracePeriod;
591 /**
592 * The EC2 instances associated with the group.
593 */
594 Instances?: Instances;
595 /**
596 * The date and time the group was created.
597 */
598 CreatedTime: TimestampType;
599 /**
600 * The suspended processes associated with the group.
601 */
602 SuspendedProcesses?: SuspendedProcesses;
603 /**
604 * The name of the placement group into which to launch your instances, if any.
605 */
606 PlacementGroup?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
607 /**
608 * One or more subnet IDs, if applicable, separated by commas.
609 */
610 VPCZoneIdentifier?: XmlStringMaxLen2047;
611 /**
612 * The metrics enabled for the group.
613 */
614 EnabledMetrics?: EnabledMetrics;
615 /**
616 * The current state of the group when DeleteAutoScalingGroup is in progress.
617 */
618 Status?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
619 /**
620 * The tags for the group.
621 */
622 Tags?: TagDescriptionList;
623 /**
624 * The termination policies for the group.
625 */
626 TerminationPolicies?: TerminationPolicies;
627 /**
628 * Indicates whether newly launched instances are protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in.
629 */
630 NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn?: InstanceProtected;
631 /**
632 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service-linked role that the Auto Scaling group uses to call other AWS services on your behalf.
633 */
634 ServiceLinkedRoleARN?: ResourceName;
635 /**
636 * The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an instance can be in service. Valid Range: Minimum value of 604800.
637 */
638 MaxInstanceLifetime?: MaxInstanceLifetime;
639 }
640 export type AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity = number;
641 export type AutoScalingGroupMaxSize = number;
642 export type AutoScalingGroupMinSize = number;
643 export type AutoScalingGroupNames = ResourceName[];
644 export interface AutoScalingGroupNamesType {
645 /**
646 * The names of the Auto Scaling groups. Each name can be a maximum of 1600 characters. By default, you can only specify up to 50 names. You can optionally increase this limit using the MaxRecords parameter. If you omit this parameter, all Auto Scaling groups are described.
647 */
648 AutoScalingGroupNames?: AutoScalingGroupNames;
649 /**
650 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
651 */
652 NextToken?: XmlString;
653 /**
654 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.
655 */
656 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
657 }
658 export type AutoScalingGroups = AutoScalingGroup[];
659 export interface AutoScalingGroupsType {
660 /**
661 * The groups.
662 */
663 AutoScalingGroups: AutoScalingGroups;
664 /**
665 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
666 */
667 NextToken?: XmlString;
668 }
669 export interface AutoScalingInstanceDetails {
670 /**
671 * The ID of the instance.
672 */
673 InstanceId: XmlStringMaxLen19;
674 /**
675 * The instance type of the EC2 instance.
676 */
677 InstanceType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
678 /**
679 * The name of the Auto Scaling group for the instance.
680 */
681 AutoScalingGroupName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
682 /**
683 * The Availability Zone for the instance.
684 */
685 AvailabilityZone: XmlStringMaxLen255;
686 /**
687 * The lifecycle state for the instance.
688 */
689 LifecycleState: XmlStringMaxLen32;
690 /**
691 * The last reported health status of this instance. "Healthy" means that the instance is healthy and should remain in service. "Unhealthy" means that the instance is unhealthy and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling should terminate and replace it.
692 */
693 HealthStatus: XmlStringMaxLen32;
694 /**
695 * The launch configuration used to launch the instance. This value is not available if you attached the instance to the Auto Scaling group.
696 */
697 LaunchConfigurationName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
698 /**
699 * The launch template for the instance.
700 */
701 LaunchTemplate?: LaunchTemplateSpecification;
702 /**
703 * Indicates whether the instance is protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in.
704 */
705 ProtectedFromScaleIn: InstanceProtected;
706 /**
707 * The number of capacity units contributed by the instance based on its instance type. Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 999.
708 */
709 WeightedCapacity?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
710 }
711 export type AutoScalingInstances = AutoScalingInstanceDetails[];
712 export interface AutoScalingInstancesType {
713 /**
714 * The instances.
715 */
716 AutoScalingInstances?: AutoScalingInstances;
717 /**
718 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
719 */
720 NextToken?: XmlString;
721 }
722 export type AutoScalingNotificationTypes = XmlStringMaxLen255[];
723 export type AvailabilityZones = XmlStringMaxLen255[];
724 export interface BatchDeleteScheduledActionAnswer {
725 /**
726 * The names of the scheduled actions that could not be deleted, including an error message.
727 */
728 FailedScheduledActions?: FailedScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequests;
729 }
730 export interface BatchDeleteScheduledActionType {
731 /**
732 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
733 */
734 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
735 /**
736 * The names of the scheduled actions to delete. The maximum number allowed is 50.
737 */
738 ScheduledActionNames: ScheduledActionNames;
739 }
740 export interface BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionAnswer {
741 /**
742 * The names of the scheduled actions that could not be created or updated, including an error message.
743 */
744 FailedScheduledUpdateGroupActions?: FailedScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequests;
745 }
746 export interface BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupActionType {
747 /**
748 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
749 */
750 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
751 /**
752 * One or more scheduled actions. The maximum number allowed is 50.
753 */
754 ScheduledUpdateGroupActions: ScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequests;
755 }
756 export type BlockDeviceEbsDeleteOnTermination = boolean;
757 export type BlockDeviceEbsEncrypted = boolean;
758 export type BlockDeviceEbsIops = number;
759 export type BlockDeviceEbsVolumeSize = number;
760 export type BlockDeviceEbsVolumeType = string;
761 export interface BlockDeviceMapping {
762 /**
763 * The name of the virtual device (for example, ephemeral0).
764 */
765 VirtualName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
766 /**
767 * The device name exposed to the EC2 instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh). For more information, see Device Naming on Linux Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
768 */
769 DeviceName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
770 /**
771 * The information about the Amazon EBS volume.
772 */
773 Ebs?: Ebs;
774 /**
775 * Suppresses a device mapping. If this parameter is true for the root device, the instance might fail the EC2 health check. In that case, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches a replacement instance.
776 */
777 NoDevice?: NoDevice;
778 }
779 export type BlockDeviceMappings = BlockDeviceMapping[];
780 export type ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups = XmlStringMaxLen255[];
781 export interface CompleteLifecycleActionAnswer {
782 }
783 export interface CompleteLifecycleActionType {
784 /**
785 * The name of the lifecycle hook.
786 */
787 LifecycleHookName: AsciiStringMaxLen255;
788 /**
789 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
790 */
791 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
792 /**
793 * A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a specific lifecycle action associated with an instance. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends this token to the notification target you specified when you created the lifecycle hook.
794 */
795 LifecycleActionToken?: LifecycleActionToken;
796 /**
797 * The action for the group to take. This parameter can be either CONTINUE or ABANDON.
798 */
799 LifecycleActionResult: LifecycleActionResult;
800 /**
801 * The ID of the instance.
802 */
803 InstanceId?: XmlStringMaxLen19;
804 }
805 export type Cooldown = number;
806 export interface CreateAutoScalingGroupType {
807 /**
808 * The name of the Auto Scaling group. This name must be unique per Region per account.
809 */
810 AutoScalingGroupName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
811 /**
812 * The name of the launch configuration. If you do not specify LaunchConfigurationName, you must specify one of the following parameters: InstanceId, LaunchTemplate, or MixedInstancesPolicy.
813 */
814 LaunchConfigurationName?: ResourceName;
815 /**
816 * The launch template to use to launch instances. For more information, see LaunchTemplateSpecification in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference. If you do not specify LaunchTemplate, you must specify one of the following parameters: InstanceId, LaunchConfigurationName, or MixedInstancesPolicy.
817 */
818 LaunchTemplate?: LaunchTemplateSpecification;
819 /**
820 * An embedded object that specifies a mixed instances policy. The required parameters must be specified. If optional parameters are unspecified, their default values are used. The policy includes parameters that not only define the distribution of On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances, the maximum price to pay for Spot Instances, and how the Auto Scaling group allocates instance types to fulfill On-Demand and Spot capacity, but also the parameters that specify the instance configuration information—the launch template and instance types. For more information, see MixedInstancesPolicy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference and Auto Scaling Groups with Multiple Instance Types and Purchase Options in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. You must specify one of the following parameters in your request: LaunchConfigurationName, LaunchTemplate, InstanceId, or MixedInstancesPolicy.
821 */
822 MixedInstancesPolicy?: MixedInstancesPolicy;
823 /**
824 * The ID of the instance used to create a launch configuration for the group. When you specify an ID of an instance, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling creates a new launch configuration and associates it with the group. This launch configuration derives its attributes from the specified instance, except for the block device mapping. For more information, see Create an Auto Scaling Group Using an EC2 Instance in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. You must specify one of the following parameters in your request: LaunchConfigurationName, LaunchTemplate, InstanceId, or MixedInstancesPolicy.
825 */
826 InstanceId?: XmlStringMaxLen19;
827 /**
828 * The minimum size of the group.
829 */
830 MinSize: AutoScalingGroupMinSize;
831 /**
832 * The maximum size of the group.
833 */
834 MaxSize: AutoScalingGroupMaxSize;
835 /**
836 * The number of Amazon EC2 instances that the Auto Scaling group attempts to maintain. This number must be greater than or equal to the minimum size of the group and less than or equal to the maximum size of the group. If you do not specify a desired capacity, the default is the minimum size of the group.
837 */
838 DesiredCapacity?: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
839 /**
840 * The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before another scaling activity can start. The default value is 300. For more information, see Scaling Cooldowns in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
841 */
842 DefaultCooldown?: Cooldown;
843 /**
844 * One or more Availability Zones for the group. This parameter is optional if you specify one or more subnets for VPCZoneIdentifier. Conditional: If your account supports EC2-Classic and VPC, this parameter is required to launch instances into EC2-Classic.
845 */
846 AvailabilityZones?: AvailabilityZones;
847 /**
848 * A list of Classic Load Balancers associated with this Auto Scaling group. For Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers, specify a list of target groups using the TargetGroupARNs property instead. For more information, see Using a Load Balancer with an Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
849 */
850 LoadBalancerNames?: LoadBalancerNames;
851 /**
852 * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the target groups to associate with the Auto Scaling group. Instances are registered as targets in a target group, and traffic is routed to the target group. For more information, see Using a Load Balancer with an Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
853 */
854 TargetGroupARNs?: TargetGroupARNs;
855 /**
856 * The service to use for the health checks. The valid values are EC2 and ELB. The default value is EC2. If you configure an Auto Scaling group to use ELB health checks, it considers the instance unhealthy if it fails either the EC2 status checks or the load balancer health checks. For more information, see Health Checks for Auto Scaling Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
857 */
858 HealthCheckType?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
859 /**
860 * The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service. During this time, any health check failures for the instance are ignored. The default value is 0. For more information, see Health Check Grace Period in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. Conditional: This parameter is required if you are adding an ELB health check.
861 */
862 HealthCheckGracePeriod?: HealthCheckGracePeriod;
863 /**
864 * The name of the placement group into which to launch your instances, if any. A placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. You cannot specify multiple Availability Zones and a placement group. For more information, see Placement Groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
865 */
866 PlacementGroup?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
867 /**
868 * A comma-separated list of subnet IDs for your virtual private cloud (VPC). If you specify VPCZoneIdentifier with AvailabilityZones, the subnets that you specify for this parameter must reside in those Availability Zones. Conditional: If your account supports EC2-Classic and VPC, this parameter is required to launch instances into a VPC.
869 */
870 VPCZoneIdentifier?: XmlStringMaxLen2047;
871 /**
872 * One or more termination policies used to select the instance to terminate. These policies are executed in the order that they are listed. For more information, see Controlling Which Instances Auto Scaling Terminates During Scale In in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
873 */
874 TerminationPolicies?: TerminationPolicies;
875 /**
876 * Indicates whether newly launched instances are protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in. For more information about preventing instances from terminating on scale in, see Instance Protection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
877 */
878 NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn?: InstanceProtected;
879 /**
880 * One or more lifecycle hooks.
881 */
882 LifecycleHookSpecificationList?: LifecycleHookSpecifications;
883 /**
884 * One or more tags. For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling Groups and Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
885 */
886 Tags?: Tags;
887 /**
888 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service-linked role that the Auto Scaling group uses to call other AWS services on your behalf. By default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling uses a service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling, which it creates if it does not exist. For more information, see Service-Linked Roles in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
889 */
890 ServiceLinkedRoleARN?: ResourceName;
891 /**
892 * The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an instance can be in service. For more information, see Replacing Auto Scaling Instances Based on Maximum Instance Lifetime in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. Valid Range: Minimum value of 604800.
893 */
894 MaxInstanceLifetime?: MaxInstanceLifetime;
895 }
896 export interface CreateLaunchConfigurationType {
897 /**
898 * The name of the launch configuration. This name must be unique per Region per account.
899 */
900 LaunchConfigurationName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
901 /**
902 * The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that was assigned during registration. For more information, see Finding an AMI in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. If you do not specify InstanceId, you must specify ImageId.
903 */
904 ImageId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
905 /**
906 * The name of the key pair. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
907 */
908 KeyName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
909 /**
910 * A list that contains the security groups to assign to the instances in the Auto Scaling group. [EC2-VPC] Specify the security group IDs. For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide. [EC2-Classic] Specify either the security group names or the security group IDs. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Security Groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
911 */
912 SecurityGroups?: SecurityGroups;
913 /**
914 * The ID of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC to link your EC2-Classic instances to. For more information, see ClassicLink in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances and Linking EC2-Classic Instances to a VPC in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. This parameter can only be used if you are launching EC2-Classic instances.
915 */
916 ClassicLinkVPCId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
917 /**
918 * The IDs of one or more security groups for the specified ClassicLink-enabled VPC. For more information, see ClassicLink in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances and Linking EC2-Classic Instances to a VPC in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. If you specify the ClassicLinkVPCId parameter, you must specify this parameter.
919 */
920 ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups?: ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups;
921 /**
922 * The Base64-encoded user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances. For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
923 */
924 UserData?: XmlStringUserData;
925 /**
926 * The ID of the instance to use to create the launch configuration. The new launch configuration derives attributes from the instance, except for the block device mapping. To create a launch configuration with a block device mapping or override any other instance attributes, specify them as part of the same request. For more information, see Create a Launch Configuration Using an EC2 Instance in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. If you do not specify InstanceId, you must specify both ImageId and InstanceType.
927 */
928 InstanceId?: XmlStringMaxLen19;
929 /**
930 * Specifies the instance type of the EC2 instance. For information about available instance types, see Available Instance Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. If you do not specify InstanceId, you must specify InstanceType.
931 */
932 InstanceType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
933 /**
934 * The ID of the kernel associated with the AMI.
935 */
936 KernelId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
937 /**
938 * The ID of the RAM disk to select.
939 */
940 RamdiskId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
941 /**
942 * A block device mapping, which specifies the block devices for the instance. You can specify virtual devices and EBS volumes. For more information, see Block Device Mapping in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
943 */
944 BlockDeviceMappings?: BlockDeviceMappings;
945 /**
946 * Controls whether instances in this group are launched with detailed (true) or basic (false) monitoring. The default value is true (enabled). When detailed monitoring is enabled, Amazon CloudWatch generates metrics every minute and your account is charged a fee. When you disable detailed monitoring, CloudWatch generates metrics every 5 minutes. For more information, see Configure Monitoring for Auto Scaling Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
947 */
948 InstanceMonitoring?: InstanceMonitoring;
949 /**
950 * The maximum hourly price to be paid for any Spot Instance launched to fulfill the request. Spot Instances are launched when the price you specify exceeds the current Spot price. For more information, see Launching Spot Instances in Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. When you change your maximum price by creating a new launch configuration, running instances will continue to run as long as the maximum price for those running instances is higher than the current Spot price.
951 */
952 SpotPrice?: SpotPrice;
953 /**
954 * The name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the instance. The instance profile contains the IAM role. For more information, see IAM Role for Applications That Run on Amazon EC2 Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
955 */
956 IamInstanceProfile?: XmlStringMaxLen1600;
957 /**
958 * Specifies whether the launch configuration is optimized for EBS I/O (true) or not (false). The optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal I/O performance. This optimization is not available with all instance types. Additional fees are incurred when you enable EBS optimization for an instance type that is not EBS-optimized by default. For more information, see Amazon EBS-Optimized Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. The default value is false.
959 */
960 EbsOptimized?: EbsOptimized;
961 /**
962 * For Auto Scaling groups that are running in a virtual private cloud (VPC), specifies whether to assign a public IP address to the group's instances. If you specify true, each instance in the Auto Scaling group receives a unique public IP address. For more information, see Launching Auto Scaling Instances in a VPC in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. If you specify this parameter, you must specify at least one subnet for VPCZoneIdentifier when you create your group. If the instance is launched into a default subnet, the default is to assign a public IP address, unless you disabled the option to assign a public IP address on the subnet. If the instance is launched into a nondefault subnet, the default is not to assign a public IP address, unless you enabled the option to assign a public IP address on the subnet.
963 */
964 AssociatePublicIpAddress?: AssociatePublicIpAddress;
965 /**
966 * The tenancy of the instance. An instance with dedicated tenancy runs on isolated, single-tenant hardware and can only be launched into a VPC. To launch dedicated instances into a shared tenancy VPC (a VPC with the instance placement tenancy attribute set to default), you must set the value of this parameter to dedicated. If you specify PlacementTenancy, you must specify at least one subnet for VPCZoneIdentifier when you create your group. For more information, see Instance Placement Tenancy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. Valid Values: default | dedicated
967 */
968 PlacementTenancy?: XmlStringMaxLen64;
969 }
970 export interface CreateOrUpdateTagsType {
971 /**
972 * One or more tags.
973 */
974 Tags: Tags;
975 }
976 export interface CustomizedMetricSpecification {
977 /**
978 * The name of the metric.
979 */
980 MetricName: MetricName;
981 /**
982 * The namespace of the metric.
983 */
984 Namespace: MetricNamespace;
985 /**
986 * The dimensions of the metric. Conditional: If you published your metric with dimensions, you must specify the same dimensions in your scaling policy.
987 */
988 Dimensions?: MetricDimensions;
989 /**
990 * The statistic of the metric.
991 */
992 Statistic: MetricStatistic;
993 /**
994 * The unit of the metric.
995 */
996 Unit?: MetricUnit;
997 }
998 export interface DeleteAutoScalingGroupType {
999 /**
1000 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1001 */
1002 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1003 /**
1004 * Specifies that the group is to be deleted along with all instances associated with the group, without waiting for all instances to be terminated. This parameter also deletes any lifecycle actions associated with the group.
1005 */
1006 ForceDelete?: ForceDelete;
1007 }
1008 export interface DeleteLifecycleHookAnswer {
1009 }
1010 export interface DeleteLifecycleHookType {
1011 /**
1012 * The name of the lifecycle hook.
1013 */
1014 LifecycleHookName: AsciiStringMaxLen255;
1015 /**
1016 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1017 */
1018 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1019 }
1020 export interface DeleteNotificationConfigurationType {
1021 /**
1022 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1023 */
1024 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1025 /**
1026 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.
1027 */
1028 TopicARN: ResourceName;
1029 }
1030 export interface DeletePolicyType {
1031 /**
1032 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1033 */
1034 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1035 /**
1036 * The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the policy.
1037 */
1038 PolicyName: ResourceName;
1039 }
1040 export interface DeleteScheduledActionType {
1041 /**
1042 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1043 */
1044 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1045 /**
1046 * The name of the action to delete.
1047 */
1048 ScheduledActionName: ResourceName;
1049 }
1050 export interface DeleteTagsType {
1051 /**
1052 * One or more tags.
1053 */
1054 Tags: Tags;
1055 }
1056 export interface DescribeAccountLimitsAnswer {
1057 /**
1058 * The maximum number of groups allowed for your AWS account. The default is 200 groups per AWS Region.
1059 */
1060 MaxNumberOfAutoScalingGroups?: MaxNumberOfAutoScalingGroups;
1061 /**
1062 * The maximum number of launch configurations allowed for your AWS account. The default is 200 launch configurations per AWS Region.
1063 */
1064 MaxNumberOfLaunchConfigurations?: MaxNumberOfLaunchConfigurations;
1065 /**
1066 * The current number of groups for your AWS account.
1067 */
1068 NumberOfAutoScalingGroups?: NumberOfAutoScalingGroups;
1069 /**
1070 * The current number of launch configurations for your AWS account.
1071 */
1072 NumberOfLaunchConfigurations?: NumberOfLaunchConfigurations;
1073 }
1074 export interface DescribeAdjustmentTypesAnswer {
1075 /**
1076 * The policy adjustment types.
1077 */
1078 AdjustmentTypes?: AdjustmentTypes;
1079 }
1080 export interface DescribeAutoScalingInstancesType {
1081 /**
1082 * The IDs of the instances. You can specify up to MaxRecords IDs. If you omit this parameter, all Auto Scaling instances are described. If you specify an ID that does not exist, it is ignored with no error.
1083 */
1084 InstanceIds?: InstanceIds;
1085 /**
1086 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 50.
1087 */
1088 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1089 /**
1090 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1091 */
1092 NextToken?: XmlString;
1093 }
1094 export interface DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypesAnswer {
1095 /**
1096 * The notification types.
1097 */
1098 AutoScalingNotificationTypes?: AutoScalingNotificationTypes;
1099 }
1100 export interface DescribeLifecycleHookTypesAnswer {
1101 /**
1102 * The lifecycle hook types.
1103 */
1104 LifecycleHookTypes?: AutoScalingNotificationTypes;
1105 }
1106 export interface DescribeLifecycleHooksAnswer {
1107 /**
1108 * The lifecycle hooks for the specified group.
1109 */
1110 LifecycleHooks?: LifecycleHooks;
1111 }
1112 export interface DescribeLifecycleHooksType {
1113 /**
1114 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1115 */
1116 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1117 /**
1118 * The names of one or more lifecycle hooks. If you omit this parameter, all lifecycle hooks are described.
1119 */
1120 LifecycleHookNames?: LifecycleHookNames;
1121 }
1122 export interface DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsRequest {
1123 /**
1124 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1125 */
1126 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1127 /**
1128 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1129 */
1130 NextToken?: XmlString;
1131 /**
1132 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 100.
1133 */
1134 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1135 }
1136 export interface DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResponse {
1137 /**
1138 * Information about the target groups.
1139 */
1140 LoadBalancerTargetGroups?: LoadBalancerTargetGroupStates;
1141 /**
1142 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
1143 */
1144 NextToken?: XmlString;
1145 }
1146 export interface DescribeLoadBalancersRequest {
1147 /**
1148 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1149 */
1150 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1151 /**
1152 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1153 */
1154 NextToken?: XmlString;
1155 /**
1156 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 100.
1157 */
1158 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1159 }
1160 export interface DescribeLoadBalancersResponse {
1161 /**
1162 * The load balancers.
1163 */
1164 LoadBalancers?: LoadBalancerStates;
1165 /**
1166 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
1167 */
1168 NextToken?: XmlString;
1169 }
1170 export interface DescribeMetricCollectionTypesAnswer {
1171 /**
1172 * One or more metrics.
1173 */
1174 Metrics?: MetricCollectionTypes;
1175 /**
1176 * The granularities for the metrics.
1177 */
1178 Granularities?: MetricGranularityTypes;
1179 }
1180 export interface DescribeNotificationConfigurationsAnswer {
1181 /**
1182 * The notification configurations.
1183 */
1184 NotificationConfigurations: NotificationConfigurations;
1185 /**
1186 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
1187 */
1188 NextToken?: XmlString;
1189 }
1190 export interface DescribeNotificationConfigurationsType {
1191 /**
1192 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1193 */
1194 AutoScalingGroupNames?: AutoScalingGroupNames;
1195 /**
1196 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1197 */
1198 NextToken?: XmlString;
1199 /**
1200 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.
1201 */
1202 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1203 }
1204 export interface DescribePoliciesType {
1205 /**
1206 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1207 */
1208 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1209 /**
1210 * The names of one or more policies. If you omit this parameter, all policies are described. If a group name is provided, the results are limited to that group. This list is limited to 50 items. If you specify an unknown policy name, it is ignored with no error.
1211 */
1212 PolicyNames?: PolicyNames;
1213 /**
1214 * One or more policy types. The valid values are SimpleScaling, StepScaling, and TargetTrackingScaling.
1215 */
1216 PolicyTypes?: PolicyTypes;
1217 /**
1218 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1219 */
1220 NextToken?: XmlString;
1221 /**
1222 * The maximum number of items to be returned with each call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.
1223 */
1224 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1225 }
1226 export interface DescribeScalingActivitiesType {
1227 /**
1228 * The activity IDs of the desired scaling activities. You can specify up to 50 IDs. If you omit this parameter, all activities for the past six weeks are described. If unknown activities are requested, they are ignored with no error. If you specify an Auto Scaling group, the results are limited to that group.
1229 */
1230 ActivityIds?: ActivityIds;
1231 /**
1232 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1233 */
1234 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1235 /**
1236 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 100.
1237 */
1238 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1239 /**
1240 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1241 */
1242 NextToken?: XmlString;
1243 }
1244 export interface DescribeScheduledActionsType {
1245 /**
1246 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1247 */
1248 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1249 /**
1250 * The names of one or more scheduled actions. You can specify up to 50 actions. If you omit this parameter, all scheduled actions are described. If you specify an unknown scheduled action, it is ignored with no error.
1251 */
1252 ScheduledActionNames?: ScheduledActionNames;
1253 /**
1254 * The earliest scheduled start time to return. If scheduled action names are provided, this parameter is ignored.
1255 */
1256 StartTime?: TimestampType;
1257 /**
1258 * The latest scheduled start time to return. If scheduled action names are provided, this parameter is ignored.
1259 */
1260 EndTime?: TimestampType;
1261 /**
1262 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1263 */
1264 NextToken?: XmlString;
1265 /**
1266 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.
1267 */
1268 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1269 }
1270 export interface DescribeTagsType {
1271 /**
1272 * One or more filters to scope the tags to return. The maximum number of filters per filter type (for example, auto-scaling-group) is 1000.
1273 */
1274 Filters?: Filters;
1275 /**
1276 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1277 */
1278 NextToken?: XmlString;
1279 /**
1280 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.
1281 */
1282 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1283 }
1284 export interface DescribeTerminationPolicyTypesAnswer {
1285 /**
1286 * The termination policies supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: OldestInstance, OldestLaunchConfiguration, NewestInstance, ClosestToNextInstanceHour, Default, OldestLaunchTemplate, and AllocationStrategy.
1287 */
1288 TerminationPolicyTypes?: TerminationPolicies;
1289 }
1290 export interface DetachInstancesAnswer {
1291 /**
1292 * The activities related to detaching the instances from the Auto Scaling group.
1293 */
1294 Activities?: Activities;
1295 }
1296 export interface DetachInstancesQuery {
1297 /**
1298 * The IDs of the instances. You can specify up to 20 instances.
1299 */
1300 InstanceIds?: InstanceIds;
1301 /**
1302 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1303 */
1304 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1305 /**
1306 * Indicates whether the Auto Scaling group decrements the desired capacity value by the number of instances detached.
1307 */
1308 ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity: ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity;
1309 }
1310 export interface DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsResultType {
1311 }
1312 export interface DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroupsType {
1313 /**
1314 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1315 */
1316 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1317 /**
1318 * The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the target groups. You can specify up to 10 target groups.
1319 */
1320 TargetGroupARNs: TargetGroupARNs;
1321 }
1322 export interface DetachLoadBalancersResultType {
1323 }
1324 export interface DetachLoadBalancersType {
1325 /**
1326 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1327 */
1328 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1329 /**
1330 * The names of the load balancers. You can specify up to 10 load balancers.
1331 */
1332 LoadBalancerNames: LoadBalancerNames;
1333 }
1334 export interface DisableMetricsCollectionQuery {
1335 /**
1336 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1337 */
1338 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1339 /**
1340 * One or more of the following metrics. If you omit this parameter, all metrics are disabled. GroupMinSize GroupMaxSize GroupDesiredCapacity GroupInServiceInstances GroupPendingInstances GroupStandbyInstances GroupTerminatingInstances GroupTotalInstances
1341 */
1342 Metrics?: Metrics;
1343 }
1344 export type DisableScaleIn = boolean;
1345 export interface Ebs {
1346 /**
1347 * The snapshot ID of the volume to use. Conditional: This parameter is optional if you specify a volume size. If you specify both SnapshotId and VolumeSize, VolumeSize must be equal or greater than the size of the snapshot.
1348 */
1349 SnapshotId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1350 /**
1351 * The volume size, in Gibibytes (GiB). This can be a number from 1-1,024 for standard, 4-16,384 for io1, 1-16,384 for gp2, and 500-16,384 for st1 and sc1. If you specify a snapshot, the volume size must be equal to or larger than the snapshot size. Default: If you create a volume from a snapshot and you don't specify a volume size, the default is the snapshot size. At least one of VolumeSize or SnapshotId is required.
1352 */
1353 VolumeSize?: BlockDeviceEbsVolumeSize;
1354 /**
1355 * The volume type, which can be standard for Magnetic, io1 for Provisioned IOPS SSD, gp2 for General Purpose SSD, st1 for Throughput Optimized HDD, or sc1 for Cold HDD. For more information, see Amazon EBS Volume Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. Valid Values: standard | io1 | gp2 | st1 | sc1
1356 */
1357 VolumeType?: BlockDeviceEbsVolumeType;
1358 /**
1359 * Indicates whether the volume is deleted on instance termination. For Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, the default value is true.
1360 */
1361 DeleteOnTermination?: BlockDeviceEbsDeleteOnTermination;
1362 /**
1363 * The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) to provision for the volume. The maximum ratio of IOPS to volume size (in GiB) is 50:1. For more information, see Amazon EBS Volume Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. Conditional: This parameter is required when the volume type is io1. (Not used with standard, gp2, st1, or sc1 volumes.)
1364 */
1365 Iops?: BlockDeviceEbsIops;
1366 /**
1367 * Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted. Encrypted EBS volumes can only be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. For more information, see Supported Instance Types. If your AMI uses encrypted volumes, you can also only launch it on supported instance types. If you are creating a volume from a snapshot, you cannot specify an encryption value. Volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are automatically encrypted, and volumes that are created from unencrypted snapshots are automatically unencrypted. By default, encrypted snapshots use the AWS managed CMK that is used for EBS encryption, but you can specify a custom CMK when you create the snapshot. The ability to encrypt a snapshot during copying also allows you to apply a new CMK to an already-encrypted snapshot. Volumes restored from the resulting copy are only accessible using the new CMK. Enabling encryption by default results in all EBS volumes being encrypted with the AWS managed CMK or a customer managed CMK, whether or not the snapshot was encrypted. For more information, see Using Encryption with EBS-Backed AMIs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances and Required CMK Key Policy for Use with Encrypted Volumes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1368 */
1369 Encrypted?: BlockDeviceEbsEncrypted;
1370 }
1371 export type EbsOptimized = boolean;
1372 export interface EnableMetricsCollectionQuery {
1373 /**
1374 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1375 */
1376 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1377 /**
1378 * One or more of the following metrics. If you omit this parameter, all metrics are enabled. GroupMinSize GroupMaxSize GroupDesiredCapacity GroupInServiceInstances GroupPendingInstances GroupStandbyInstances GroupTerminatingInstances GroupTotalInstances
1379 */
1380 Metrics?: Metrics;
1381 /**
1382 * The granularity to associate with the metrics to collect. The only valid value is 1Minute.
1383 */
1384 Granularity: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1385 }
1386 export interface EnabledMetric {
1387 /**
1388 * One of the following metrics: GroupMinSize GroupMaxSize GroupDesiredCapacity GroupInServiceInstances GroupPendingInstances GroupStandbyInstances GroupTerminatingInstances GroupTotalInstances
1389 */
1390 Metric?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1391 /**
1392 * The granularity of the metric. The only valid value is 1Minute.
1393 */
1394 Granularity?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1395 }
1396 export type EnabledMetrics = EnabledMetric[];
1397 export interface EnterStandbyAnswer {
1398 /**
1399 * The activities related to moving instances into Standby mode.
1400 */
1401 Activities?: Activities;
1402 }
1403 export interface EnterStandbyQuery {
1404 /**
1405 * The IDs of the instances. You can specify up to 20 instances.
1406 */
1407 InstanceIds?: InstanceIds;
1408 /**
1409 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1410 */
1411 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1412 /**
1413 * Indicates whether to decrement the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group by the number of instances moved to Standby mode.
1414 */
1415 ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity: ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity;
1416 }
1417 export type EstimatedInstanceWarmup = number;
1418 export interface ExecutePolicyType {
1419 /**
1420 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1421 */
1422 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1423 /**
1424 * The name or ARN of the policy.
1425 */
1426 PolicyName: ResourceName;
1427 /**
1428 * Indicates whether Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits for the cooldown period to complete before executing the policy. This parameter is not supported if the policy type is StepScaling or TargetTrackingScaling. For more information, see Scaling Cooldowns in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1429 */
1430 HonorCooldown?: HonorCooldown;
1431 /**
1432 * The metric value to compare to BreachThreshold. This enables you to execute a policy of type StepScaling and determine which step adjustment to use. For example, if the breach threshold is 50 and you want to use a step adjustment with a lower bound of 0 and an upper bound of 10, you can set the metric value to 59. If you specify a metric value that doesn't correspond to a step adjustment for the policy, the call returns an error. Conditional: This parameter is required if the policy type is StepScaling and not supported otherwise.
1433 */
1434 MetricValue?: MetricScale;
1435 /**
1436 * The breach threshold for the alarm. Conditional: This parameter is required if the policy type is StepScaling and not supported otherwise.
1437 */
1438 BreachThreshold?: MetricScale;
1439 }
1440 export interface ExitStandbyAnswer {
1441 /**
1442 * The activities related to moving instances out of Standby mode.
1443 */
1444 Activities?: Activities;
1445 }
1446 export interface ExitStandbyQuery {
1447 /**
1448 * The IDs of the instances. You can specify up to 20 instances.
1449 */
1450 InstanceIds?: InstanceIds;
1451 /**
1452 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1453 */
1454 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1455 }
1456 export interface FailedScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest {
1457 /**
1458 * The name of the scheduled action.
1459 */
1460 ScheduledActionName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1461 /**
1462 * The error code.
1463 */
1464 ErrorCode?: XmlStringMaxLen64;
1465 /**
1466 * The error message accompanying the error code.
1467 */
1468 ErrorMessage?: XmlString;
1469 }
1470 export type FailedScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequests = FailedScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest[];
1471 export interface Filter {
1472 /**
1473 * The name of the filter. The valid values are: "auto-scaling-group", "key", "value", and "propagate-at-launch".
1474 */
1475 Name?: XmlString;
1476 /**
1477 * The value of the filter.
1478 */
1479 Values?: Values;
1480 }
1481 export type Filters = Filter[];
1482 export type ForceDelete = boolean;
1483 export type GlobalTimeout = number;
1484 export type HealthCheckGracePeriod = number;
1485 export type HeartbeatTimeout = number;
1486 export type HonorCooldown = boolean;
1487 export interface Instance {
1488 /**
1489 * The ID of the instance.
1490 */
1491 InstanceId: XmlStringMaxLen19;
1492 /**
1493 * The instance type of the EC2 instance.
1494 */
1495 InstanceType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1496 /**
1497 * The Availability Zone in which the instance is running.
1498 */
1499 AvailabilityZone: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1500 /**
1501 * A description of the current lifecycle state. The Quarantined state is not used.
1502 */
1503 LifecycleState: LifecycleState;
1504 /**
1505 * The last reported health status of the instance. "Healthy" means that the instance is healthy and should remain in service. "Unhealthy" means that the instance is unhealthy and that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling should terminate and replace it.
1506 */
1507 HealthStatus: XmlStringMaxLen32;
1508 /**
1509 * The launch configuration associated with the instance.
1510 */
1511 LaunchConfigurationName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1512 /**
1513 * The launch template for the instance.
1514 */
1515 LaunchTemplate?: LaunchTemplateSpecification;
1516 /**
1517 * Indicates whether the instance is protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in.
1518 */
1519 ProtectedFromScaleIn: InstanceProtected;
1520 /**
1521 * The number of capacity units contributed by the instance based on its instance type. Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 999.
1522 */
1523 WeightedCapacity?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
1524 }
1525 export type InstanceIds = XmlStringMaxLen19[];
1526 export interface InstanceMonitoring {
1527 /**
1528 * If true, detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled.
1529 */
1530 Enabled?: MonitoringEnabled;
1531 }
1532 export type InstanceProtected = boolean;
1533 export type Instances = Instance[];
1534 export interface InstancesDistribution {
1535 /**
1536 * Indicates how to allocate instance types to fulfill On-Demand capacity. The only valid value is prioritized, which is also the default value. This strategy uses the order of instance type overrides for the LaunchTemplate to define the launch priority of each instance type. The first instance type in the array is prioritized higher than the last. If all your On-Demand capacity cannot be fulfilled using your highest priority instance, then the Auto Scaling groups launches the remaining capacity using the second priority instance type, and so on.
1537 */
1538 OnDemandAllocationStrategy?: XmlString;
1539 /**
1540 * The minimum amount of the Auto Scaling group's capacity that must be fulfilled by On-Demand Instances. This base portion is provisioned first as your group scales. Default if not set is 0. If you leave it set to 0, On-Demand Instances are launched as a percentage of the Auto Scaling group's desired capacity, per the OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity setting. An update to this setting means a gradual replacement of instances to maintain the specified number of On-Demand Instances for your base capacity. When replacing instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches new instances before terminating the old ones.
1541 */
1542 OnDemandBaseCapacity?: OnDemandBaseCapacity;
1543 /**
1544 * Controls the percentages of On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances for your additional capacity beyond OnDemandBaseCapacity. Default if not set is 100. If you leave it set to 100, the percentages are 100% for On-Demand Instances and 0% for Spot Instances. An update to this setting means a gradual replacement of instances to maintain the percentage of On-Demand Instances for your additional capacity above the base capacity. When replacing instances, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches new instances before terminating the old ones. Valid Range: Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 100.
1545 */
1546 OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity?: OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity;
1547 /**
1548 * Indicates how to allocate instances across Spot Instance pools. If the allocation strategy is lowest-price, the Auto Scaling group launches instances using the Spot pools with the lowest price, and evenly allocates your instances across the number of Spot pools that you specify. If the allocation strategy is capacity-optimized, the Auto Scaling group launches instances using Spot pools that are optimally chosen based on the available Spot capacity. The default Spot allocation strategy for calls that you make through the API, the AWS CLI, or the AWS SDKs is lowest-price. The default Spot allocation strategy for the AWS Management Console is capacity-optimized. Valid values: lowest-price | capacity-optimized
1549 */
1550 SpotAllocationStrategy?: XmlString;
1551 /**
1552 * The number of Spot Instance pools across which to allocate your Spot Instances. The Spot pools are determined from the different instance types in the Overrides array of LaunchTemplate. Default if not set is 2. Used only when the Spot allocation strategy is lowest-price. Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 20.
1553 */
1554 SpotInstancePools?: SpotInstancePools;
1555 /**
1556 * The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. If you leave the value of this parameter blank (which is the default), the maximum Spot price is set at the On-Demand price. To remove a value that you previously set, include the parameter but leave the value blank.
1557 */
1558 SpotMaxPrice?: MixedInstanceSpotPrice;
1559 }
1560 export interface LaunchConfiguration {
1561 /**
1562 * The name of the launch configuration.
1563 */
1564 LaunchConfigurationName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1565 /**
1566 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the launch configuration.
1567 */
1568 LaunchConfigurationARN?: ResourceName;
1569 /**
1570 * The ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use to launch your EC2 instances. For more information, see Finding an AMI in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
1571 */
1572 ImageId: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1573 /**
1574 * The name of the key pair. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
1575 */
1576 KeyName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1577 /**
1578 * A list that contains the security groups to assign to the instances in the Auto Scaling group. For more information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.
1579 */
1580 SecurityGroups?: SecurityGroups;
1581 /**
1582 * The ID of a ClassicLink-enabled VPC to link your EC2-Classic instances to. For more information, see ClassicLink in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances and Linking EC2-Classic Instances to a VPC in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1583 */
1584 ClassicLinkVPCId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1585 /**
1586 * The IDs of one or more security groups for the VPC specified in ClassicLinkVPCId. For more information, see ClassicLink in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances and Linking EC2-Classic Instances to a VPC in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1587 */
1588 ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups?: ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups;
1589 /**
1590 * The Base64-encoded user data to make available to the launched EC2 instances. For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
1591 */
1592 UserData?: XmlStringUserData;
1593 /**
1594 * The instance type for the instances. For information about available instance types, see Available Instance Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
1595 */
1596 InstanceType: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1597 /**
1598 * The ID of the kernel associated with the AMI.
1599 */
1600 KernelId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1601 /**
1602 * The ID of the RAM disk associated with the AMI.
1603 */
1604 RamdiskId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1605 /**
1606 * A block device mapping, which specifies the block devices for the instance. For more information, see Block Device Mapping in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
1607 */
1608 BlockDeviceMappings?: BlockDeviceMappings;
1609 /**
1610 * Controls whether instances in this group are launched with detailed (true) or basic (false) monitoring. For more information, see Configure Monitoring for Auto Scaling Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1611 */
1612 InstanceMonitoring?: InstanceMonitoring;
1613 /**
1614 * The maximum hourly price to be paid for any Spot Instance launched to fulfill the request. Spot Instances are launched when the price you specify exceeds the current Spot price. For more information, see Launching Spot Instances in Your Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1615 */
1616 SpotPrice?: SpotPrice;
1617 /**
1618 * The name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the instance. The instance profile contains the IAM role. For more information, see IAM Role for Applications That Run on Amazon EC2 Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1619 */
1620 IamInstanceProfile?: XmlStringMaxLen1600;
1621 /**
1622 * The creation date and time for the launch configuration.
1623 */
1624 CreatedTime: TimestampType;
1625 /**
1626 * Specifies whether the launch configuration is optimized for EBS I/O (true) or not (false). For more information, see Amazon EBS-Optimized Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
1627 */
1628 EbsOptimized?: EbsOptimized;
1629 /**
1630 * For Auto Scaling groups that are running in a VPC, specifies whether to assign a public IP address to the group's instances. For more information, see Launching Auto Scaling Instances in a VPC in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1631 */
1632 AssociatePublicIpAddress?: AssociatePublicIpAddress;
1633 /**
1634 * The tenancy of the instance, either default or dedicated. An instance with dedicated tenancy runs on isolated, single-tenant hardware and can only be launched into a VPC. For more information, see Instance Placement Tenancy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1635 */
1636 PlacementTenancy?: XmlStringMaxLen64;
1637 }
1638 export interface LaunchConfigurationNameType {
1639 /**
1640 * The name of the launch configuration.
1641 */
1642 LaunchConfigurationName: ResourceName;
1643 }
1644 export type LaunchConfigurationNames = ResourceName[];
1645 export interface LaunchConfigurationNamesType {
1646 /**
1647 * The launch configuration names. If you omit this parameter, all launch configurations are described.
1648 */
1649 LaunchConfigurationNames?: LaunchConfigurationNames;
1650 /**
1651 * The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)
1652 */
1653 NextToken?: XmlString;
1654 /**
1655 * The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 50 and the maximum value is 100.
1656 */
1657 MaxRecords?: MaxRecords;
1658 }
1659 export type LaunchConfigurations = LaunchConfiguration[];
1660 export interface LaunchConfigurationsType {
1661 /**
1662 * The launch configurations.
1663 */
1664 LaunchConfigurations: LaunchConfigurations;
1665 /**
1666 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
1667 */
1668 NextToken?: XmlString;
1669 }
1670 export interface LaunchTemplate {
1671 /**
1672 * The launch template to use. You must specify either the launch template ID or launch template name in the request.
1673 */
1674 LaunchTemplateSpecification?: LaunchTemplateSpecification;
1675 /**
1676 * An optional setting. Any parameters that you specify override the same parameters in the launch template. Currently, the only supported override is instance type. You can specify between 1 and 20 instance types.
1677 */
1678 Overrides?: Overrides;
1679 }
1680 export type LaunchTemplateName = string;
1681 export interface LaunchTemplateOverrides {
1682 /**
1683 * The instance type. For information about available instance types, see Available Instance Types in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.
1684 */
1685 InstanceType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1686 /**
1687 * The number of capacity units, which gives the instance type a proportional weight to other instance types. For example, larger instance types are generally weighted more than smaller instance types. These are the same units that you chose to set the desired capacity in terms of instances, or a performance attribute such as vCPUs, memory, or I/O. For more information, see Instance Weighting for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 999.
1688 */
1689 WeightedCapacity?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
1690 }
1691 export interface LaunchTemplateSpecification {
1692 /**
1693 * The ID of the launch template. You must specify either a template ID or a template name.
1694 */
1695 LaunchTemplateId?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1696 /**
1697 * The name of the launch template. You must specify either a template name or a template ID.
1698 */
1699 LaunchTemplateName?: LaunchTemplateName;
1700 /**
1701 * The version number, $Latest, or $Default. If the value is $Latest, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling selects the latest version of the launch template when launching instances. If the value is $Default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling selects the default version of the launch template when launching instances. The default value is $Default.
1702 */
1703 Version?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1704 }
1705 export type LifecycleActionResult = string;
1706 export type LifecycleActionToken = string;
1707 export interface LifecycleHook {
1708 /**
1709 * The name of the lifecycle hook.
1710 */
1711 LifecycleHookName?: AsciiStringMaxLen255;
1712 /**
1713 * The name of the Auto Scaling group for the lifecycle hook.
1714 */
1715 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1716 /**
1717 * The state of the EC2 instance to which to attach the lifecycle hook. The following are possible values: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING
1718 */
1719 LifecycleTransition?: LifecycleTransition;
1720 /**
1721 * The ARN of the target that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends notifications to when an instance is in the transition state for the lifecycle hook. The notification target can be either an SQS queue or an SNS topic.
1722 */
1723 NotificationTargetARN?: ResourceName;
1724 /**
1725 * The ARN of the IAM role that allows the Auto Scaling group to publish to the specified notification target.
1726 */
1727 RoleARN?: ResourceName;
1728 /**
1729 * Additional information that is included any time Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends a message to the notification target.
1730 */
1731 NotificationMetadata?: XmlStringMaxLen1023;
1732 /**
1733 * The maximum time, in seconds, that can elapse before the lifecycle hook times out. If the lifecycle hook times out, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling performs the action that you specified in the DefaultResult parameter.
1734 */
1735 HeartbeatTimeout?: HeartbeatTimeout;
1736 /**
1737 * The maximum time, in seconds, that an instance can remain in a Pending:Wait or Terminating:Wait state. The maximum is 172800 seconds (48 hours) or 100 times HeartbeatTimeout, whichever is smaller.
1738 */
1739 GlobalTimeout?: GlobalTimeout;
1740 /**
1741 * Defines the action the Auto Scaling group should take when the lifecycle hook timeout elapses or if an unexpected failure occurs. The possible values are CONTINUE and ABANDON.
1742 */
1743 DefaultResult?: LifecycleActionResult;
1744 }
1745 export type LifecycleHookNames = AsciiStringMaxLen255[];
1746 export interface LifecycleHookSpecification {
1747 /**
1748 * The name of the lifecycle hook.
1749 */
1750 LifecycleHookName: AsciiStringMaxLen255;
1751 /**
1752 * The state of the EC2 instance to which you want to attach the lifecycle hook. The valid values are: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING
1753 */
1754 LifecycleTransition: LifecycleTransition;
1755 /**
1756 * Additional information that you want to include any time Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends a message to the notification target.
1757 */
1758 NotificationMetadata?: XmlStringMaxLen1023;
1759 /**
1760 * The maximum time, in seconds, that can elapse before the lifecycle hook times out. If the lifecycle hook times out, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling performs the action that you specified in the DefaultResult parameter. You can prevent the lifecycle hook from timing out by calling RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat.
1761 */
1762 HeartbeatTimeout?: HeartbeatTimeout;
1763 /**
1764 * Defines the action the Auto Scaling group should take when the lifecycle hook timeout elapses or if an unexpected failure occurs. The valid values are CONTINUE and ABANDON. The default value is ABANDON.
1765 */
1766 DefaultResult?: LifecycleActionResult;
1767 /**
1768 * The ARN of the target that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends notifications to when an instance is in the transition state for the lifecycle hook. The notification target can be either an SQS queue or an SNS topic.
1769 */
1770 NotificationTargetARN?: NotificationTargetResourceName;
1771 /**
1772 * The ARN of the IAM role that allows the Auto Scaling group to publish to the specified notification target, for example, an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon SQS queue.
1773 */
1774 RoleARN?: ResourceName;
1775 }
1776 export type LifecycleHookSpecifications = LifecycleHookSpecification[];
1777 export type LifecycleHooks = LifecycleHook[];
1778 export type LifecycleState = "Pending"|"Pending:Wait"|"Pending:Proceed"|"Quarantined"|"InService"|"Terminating"|"Terminating:Wait"|"Terminating:Proceed"|"Terminated"|"Detaching"|"Detached"|"EnteringStandby"|"Standby"|string;
1779 export type LifecycleTransition = string;
1780 export type LoadBalancerNames = XmlStringMaxLen255[];
1781 export interface LoadBalancerState {
1782 /**
1783 * The name of the load balancer.
1784 */
1785 LoadBalancerName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1786 /**
1787 * One of the following load balancer states: Adding - The instances in the group are being registered with the load balancer. Added - All instances in the group are registered with the load balancer. InService - At least one instance in the group passed an ELB health check. Removing - The instances in the group are being deregistered from the load balancer. If connection draining is enabled, Elastic Load Balancing waits for in-flight requests to complete before deregistering the instances. Removed - All instances in the group are deregistered from the load balancer.
1788 */
1789 State?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1790 }
1791 export type LoadBalancerStates = LoadBalancerState[];
1792 export interface LoadBalancerTargetGroupState {
1793 /**
1794 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group.
1795 */
1796 LoadBalancerTargetGroupARN?: XmlStringMaxLen511;
1797 /**
1798 * The state of the target group. Adding - The Auto Scaling instances are being registered with the target group. Added - All Auto Scaling instances are registered with the target group. InService - At least one Auto Scaling instance passed an ELB health check. Removing - The Auto Scaling instances are being deregistered from the target group. If connection draining is enabled, Elastic Load Balancing waits for in-flight requests to complete before deregistering the instances. Removed - All Auto Scaling instances are deregistered from the target group.
1799 */
1800 State?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1801 }
1802 export type LoadBalancerTargetGroupStates = LoadBalancerTargetGroupState[];
1803 export type MaxInstanceLifetime = number;
1804 export type MaxNumberOfAutoScalingGroups = number;
1805 export type MaxNumberOfLaunchConfigurations = number;
1806 export type MaxRecords = number;
1807 export interface MetricCollectionType {
1808 /**
1809 * One of the following metrics: GroupMinSize GroupMaxSize GroupDesiredCapacity GroupInServiceInstances GroupPendingInstances GroupStandbyInstances GroupTerminatingInstances GroupTotalInstances
1810 */
1811 Metric?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1812 }
1813 export type MetricCollectionTypes = MetricCollectionType[];
1814 export interface MetricDimension {
1815 /**
1816 * The name of the dimension.
1817 */
1818 Name: MetricDimensionName;
1819 /**
1820 * The value of the dimension.
1821 */
1822 Value: MetricDimensionValue;
1823 }
1824 export type MetricDimensionName = string;
1825 export type MetricDimensionValue = string;
1826 export type MetricDimensions = MetricDimension[];
1827 export interface MetricGranularityType {
1828 /**
1829 * The granularity. The only valid value is 1Minute.
1830 */
1831 Granularity?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1832 }
1833 export type MetricGranularityTypes = MetricGranularityType[];
1834 export type MetricName = string;
1835 export type MetricNamespace = string;
1836 export type MetricScale = number;
1837 export type MetricStatistic = "Average"|"Minimum"|"Maximum"|"SampleCount"|"Sum"|string;
1838 export type MetricType = "ASGAverageCPUUtilization"|"ASGAverageNetworkIn"|"ASGAverageNetworkOut"|"ALBRequestCountPerTarget"|string;
1839 export type MetricUnit = string;
1840 export type Metrics = XmlStringMaxLen255[];
1841 export type MinAdjustmentMagnitude = number;
1842 export type MinAdjustmentStep = number;
1843 export type MixedInstanceSpotPrice = string;
1844 export interface MixedInstancesPolicy {
1845 /**
1846 * The launch template and instance types (overrides). This parameter must be specified when creating a mixed instances policy.
1847 */
1848 LaunchTemplate?: LaunchTemplate;
1849 /**
1850 * The instances distribution to use. If you leave this parameter unspecified, the value for each parameter in InstancesDistribution uses a default value.
1851 */
1852 InstancesDistribution?: InstancesDistribution;
1853 }
1854 export type MonitoringEnabled = boolean;
1855 export type NoDevice = boolean;
1856 export interface NotificationConfiguration {
1857 /**
1858 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1859 */
1860 AutoScalingGroupName?: ResourceName;
1861 /**
1862 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.
1863 */
1864 TopicARN?: ResourceName;
1865 /**
1866 * One of the following event notification types: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_ERROR autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE_ERROR autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION
1867 */
1868 NotificationType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1869 }
1870 export type NotificationConfigurations = NotificationConfiguration[];
1871 export type NotificationTargetResourceName = string;
1872 export type NumberOfAutoScalingGroups = number;
1873 export type NumberOfLaunchConfigurations = number;
1874 export type OnDemandBaseCapacity = number;
1875 export type OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity = number;
1876 export type Overrides = LaunchTemplateOverrides[];
1877 export interface PoliciesType {
1878 /**
1879 * The scaling policies.
1880 */
1881 ScalingPolicies?: ScalingPolicies;
1882 /**
1883 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
1884 */
1885 NextToken?: XmlString;
1886 }
1887 export interface PolicyARNType {
1888 /**
1889 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the policy.
1890 */
1891 PolicyARN?: ResourceName;
1892 /**
1893 * The CloudWatch alarms created for the target tracking scaling policy.
1894 */
1895 Alarms?: Alarms;
1896 }
1897 export type PolicyIncrement = number;
1898 export type PolicyNames = ResourceName[];
1899 export type PolicyTypes = XmlStringMaxLen64[];
1900 export interface PredefinedMetricSpecification {
1901 /**
1902 * The metric type. The following predefined metrics are available: ASGAverageCPUUtilization - Average CPU utilization of the Auto Scaling group. ASGAverageNetworkIn - Average number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Auto Scaling group. ASGAverageNetworkOut - Average number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the Auto Scaling group. ALBRequestCountPerTarget - Number of requests completed per target in an Application Load Balancer target group.
1903 */
1904 PredefinedMetricType: MetricType;
1905 /**
1906 * Identifies the resource associated with the metric type. You can't specify a resource label unless the metric type is ALBRequestCountPerTarget and there is a target group attached to the Auto Scaling group. The format is app/load-balancer-name/load-balancer-id/targetgroup/target-group-name/target-group-id , where app/load-balancer-name/load-balancer-id is the final portion of the load balancer ARN, and targetgroup/target-group-name/target-group-id is the final portion of the target group ARN.
1907 */
1908 ResourceLabel?: XmlStringMaxLen1023;
1909 }
1910 export type ProcessNames = XmlStringMaxLen255[];
1911 export interface ProcessType {
1912 /**
1913 * One of the following processes: Launch Terminate AddToLoadBalancer AlarmNotification AZRebalance HealthCheck ReplaceUnhealthy ScheduledActions
1914 */
1915 ProcessName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1916 }
1917 export type Processes = ProcessType[];
1918 export interface ProcessesType {
1919 /**
1920 * The names of the process types.
1921 */
1922 Processes?: Processes;
1923 }
1924 export type Progress = number;
1925 export type PropagateAtLaunch = boolean;
1926 export type ProtectedFromScaleIn = boolean;
1927 export interface PutLifecycleHookAnswer {
1928 }
1929 export interface PutLifecycleHookType {
1930 /**
1931 * The name of the lifecycle hook.
1932 */
1933 LifecycleHookName: AsciiStringMaxLen255;
1934 /**
1935 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1936 */
1937 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1938 /**
1939 * The instance state to which you want to attach the lifecycle hook. The valid values are: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING Conditional: This parameter is required for new lifecycle hooks, but optional when updating existing hooks.
1940 */
1941 LifecycleTransition?: LifecycleTransition;
1942 /**
1943 * The ARN of the IAM role that allows the Auto Scaling group to publish to the specified notification target, for example, an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon SQS queue. Conditional: This parameter is required for new lifecycle hooks, but optional when updating existing hooks.
1944 */
1945 RoleARN?: ResourceName;
1946 /**
1947 * The ARN of the notification target that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling uses to notify you when an instance is in the transition state for the lifecycle hook. This target can be either an SQS queue or an SNS topic. If you specify an empty string, this overrides the current ARN. This operation uses the JSON format when sending notifications to an Amazon SQS queue, and an email key-value pair format when sending notifications to an Amazon SNS topic. When you specify a notification target, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends it a test message. Test messages contain the following additional key-value pair: "Event": "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION".
1948 */
1949 NotificationTargetARN?: NotificationTargetResourceName;
1950 /**
1951 * Additional information that you want to include any time Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends a message to the notification target.
1952 */
1953 NotificationMetadata?: XmlStringMaxLen1023;
1954 /**
1955 * The maximum time, in seconds, that can elapse before the lifecycle hook times out. The range is from 30 to 7200 seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour). If the lifecycle hook times out, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling performs the action that you specified in the DefaultResult parameter. You can prevent the lifecycle hook from timing out by calling RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat.
1956 */
1957 HeartbeatTimeout?: HeartbeatTimeout;
1958 /**
1959 * Defines the action the Auto Scaling group should take when the lifecycle hook timeout elapses or if an unexpected failure occurs. This parameter can be either CONTINUE or ABANDON. The default value is ABANDON.
1960 */
1961 DefaultResult?: LifecycleActionResult;
1962 }
1963 export interface PutNotificationConfigurationType {
1964 /**
1965 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1966 */
1967 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1968 /**
1969 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic.
1970 */
1971 TopicARN: ResourceName;
1972 /**
1973 * The type of event that causes the notification to be sent. For more information about notification types supported by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, see DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes.
1974 */
1975 NotificationTypes: AutoScalingNotificationTypes;
1976 }
1977 export interface PutScalingPolicyType {
1978 /**
1979 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
1980 */
1981 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
1982 /**
1983 * The name of the policy.
1984 */
1985 PolicyName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1986 /**
1987 * The policy type. The valid values are SimpleScaling, StepScaling, and TargetTrackingScaling. If the policy type is null, the value is treated as SimpleScaling.
1988 */
1989 PolicyType?: XmlStringMaxLen64;
1990 /**
1991 * Specifies whether the ScalingAdjustment parameter is an absolute number or a percentage of the current capacity. The valid values are ChangeInCapacity, ExactCapacity, and PercentChangeInCapacity. Valid only if the policy type is StepScaling or SimpleScaling. For more information, see Scaling Adjustment Types in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
1992 */
1993 AdjustmentType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
1994 /**
1995 * Available for backward compatibility. Use MinAdjustmentMagnitude instead.
1996 */
1997 MinAdjustmentStep?: MinAdjustmentStep;
1998 /**
1999 * The minimum number of instances to scale. If the value of AdjustmentType is PercentChangeInCapacity, the scaling policy changes the DesiredCapacity of the Auto Scaling group by at least this many instances. Otherwise, the error is ValidationError. This property replaces the MinAdjustmentStep property. For example, suppose that you create a step scaling policy to scale out an Auto Scaling group by 25 percent and you specify a MinAdjustmentMagnitude of 2. If the group has 4 instances and the scaling policy is performed, 25 percent of 4 is 1. However, because you specified a MinAdjustmentMagnitude of 2, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling scales out the group by 2 instances. Valid only if the policy type is SimpleScaling or StepScaling.
2000 */
2001 MinAdjustmentMagnitude?: MinAdjustmentMagnitude;
2002 /**
2003 * The amount by which a simple scaling policy scales the Auto Scaling group in response to an alarm breach. The adjustment is based on the value that you specified in the AdjustmentType parameter (either an absolute number or a percentage). A positive value adds to the current capacity and a negative value subtracts from the current capacity. For exact capacity, you must specify a positive value. Conditional: If you specify SimpleScaling for the policy type, you must specify this parameter. (Not used with any other policy type.)
2004 */
2005 ScalingAdjustment?: PolicyIncrement;
2006 /**
2007 * The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before any further dynamic scaling activities can start. If this parameter is not specified, the default cooldown period for the group applies. Valid only if the policy type is SimpleScaling. For more information, see Scaling Cooldowns in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2008 */
2009 Cooldown?: Cooldown;
2010 /**
2011 * The aggregation type for the CloudWatch metrics. The valid values are Minimum, Maximum, and Average. If the aggregation type is null, the value is treated as Average. Valid only if the policy type is StepScaling.
2012 */
2013 MetricAggregationType?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
2014 /**
2015 * A set of adjustments that enable you to scale based on the size of the alarm breach. Conditional: If you specify StepScaling for the policy type, you must specify this parameter. (Not used with any other policy type.)
2016 */
2017 StepAdjustments?: StepAdjustments;
2018 /**
2019 * The estimated time, in seconds, until a newly launched instance can contribute to the CloudWatch metrics. The default is to use the value specified for the default cooldown period for the group. Valid only if the policy type is StepScaling or TargetTrackingScaling.
2020 */
2021 EstimatedInstanceWarmup?: EstimatedInstanceWarmup;
2022 /**
2023 * A target tracking scaling policy. Includes support for predefined or customized metrics. For more information, see TargetTrackingConfiguration in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference. Conditional: If you specify TargetTrackingScaling for the policy type, you must specify this parameter. (Not used with any other policy type.)
2024 */
2025 TargetTrackingConfiguration?: TargetTrackingConfiguration;
2026 /**
2027 * Indicates whether the scaling policy is enabled or disabled. The default is enabled. For more information, see Disabling a Scaling Policy for an Auto Scaling Group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2028 */
2029 Enabled?: ScalingPolicyEnabled;
2030 }
2031 export interface PutScheduledUpdateGroupActionType {
2032 /**
2033 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2034 */
2035 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
2036 /**
2037 * The name of this scaling action.
2038 */
2039 ScheduledActionName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2040 /**
2041 * This parameter is no longer used.
2042 */
2043 Time?: TimestampType;
2044 /**
2045 * The date and time for this action to start, in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format in UTC/GMT only and in quotes (for example, "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z"). If you specify Recurrence and StartTime, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling performs the action at this time, and then performs the action based on the specified recurrence. If you try to schedule your action in the past, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns an error message.
2046 */
2047 StartTime?: TimestampType;
2048 /**
2049 * The date and time for the recurring schedule to end. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not perform the action after this time.
2050 */
2051 EndTime?: TimestampType;
2052 /**
2053 * The recurring schedule for this action, in Unix cron syntax format. This format consists of five fields separated by white spaces: [Minute] [Hour] [Day_of_Month] [Month_of_Year] [Day_of_Week]. The value must be in quotes (for example, "30 0 1 1,6,12 *"). For more information about this format, see Crontab. When StartTime and EndTime are specified with Recurrence, they form the boundaries of when the recurring action starts and stops.
2054 */
2055 Recurrence?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2056 /**
2057 * The minimum number of instances in the Auto Scaling group.
2058 */
2059 MinSize?: AutoScalingGroupMinSize;
2060 /**
2061 * The maximum number of instances in the Auto Scaling group.
2062 */
2063 MaxSize?: AutoScalingGroupMaxSize;
2064 /**
2065 * The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the Auto Scaling group.
2066 */
2067 DesiredCapacity?: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
2068 }
2069 export interface RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatAnswer {
2070 }
2071 export interface RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatType {
2072 /**
2073 * The name of the lifecycle hook.
2074 */
2075 LifecycleHookName: AsciiStringMaxLen255;
2076 /**
2077 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2078 */
2079 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
2080 /**
2081 * A token that uniquely identifies a specific lifecycle action associated with an instance. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling sends this token to the notification target that you specified when you created the lifecycle hook.
2082 */
2083 LifecycleActionToken?: LifecycleActionToken;
2084 /**
2085 * The ID of the instance.
2086 */
2087 InstanceId?: XmlStringMaxLen19;
2088 }
2089 export type ResourceName = string;
2090 export type ScalingActivityStatusCode = "PendingSpotBidPlacement"|"WaitingForSpotInstanceRequestId"|"WaitingForSpotInstanceId"|"WaitingForInstanceId"|"PreInService"|"InProgress"|"WaitingForELBConnectionDraining"|"MidLifecycleAction"|"WaitingForInstanceWarmup"|"Successful"|"Failed"|"Cancelled"|string;
2091 export type ScalingPolicies = ScalingPolicy[];
2092 export interface ScalingPolicy {
2093 /**
2094 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2095 */
2096 AutoScalingGroupName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2097 /**
2098 * The name of the scaling policy.
2099 */
2100 PolicyName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2101 /**
2102 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the policy.
2103 */
2104 PolicyARN?: ResourceName;
2105 /**
2106 * The policy type. The valid values are SimpleScaling, StepScaling, and TargetTrackingScaling.
2107 */
2108 PolicyType?: XmlStringMaxLen64;
2109 /**
2110 * The adjustment type, which specifies how ScalingAdjustment is interpreted. The valid values are ChangeInCapacity, ExactCapacity, and PercentChangeInCapacity.
2111 */
2112 AdjustmentType?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2113 /**
2114 * Available for backward compatibility. Use MinAdjustmentMagnitude instead.
2115 */
2116 MinAdjustmentStep?: MinAdjustmentStep;
2117 /**
2118 * The minimum number of instances to scale. If the value of AdjustmentType is PercentChangeInCapacity, the scaling policy changes the DesiredCapacity of the Auto Scaling group by at least this many instances. Otherwise, the error is ValidationError.
2119 */
2120 MinAdjustmentMagnitude?: MinAdjustmentMagnitude;
2121 /**
2122 * The amount by which to scale, based on the specified adjustment type. A positive value adds to the current capacity while a negative number removes from the current capacity.
2123 */
2124 ScalingAdjustment?: PolicyIncrement;
2125 /**
2126 * The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before any further dynamic scaling activities can start.
2127 */
2128 Cooldown?: Cooldown;
2129 /**
2130 * A set of adjustments that enable you to scale based on the size of the alarm breach.
2131 */
2132 StepAdjustments?: StepAdjustments;
2133 /**
2134 * The aggregation type for the CloudWatch metrics. The valid values are Minimum, Maximum, and Average.
2135 */
2136 MetricAggregationType?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
2137 /**
2138 * The estimated time, in seconds, until a newly launched instance can contribute to the CloudWatch metrics.
2139 */
2140 EstimatedInstanceWarmup?: EstimatedInstanceWarmup;
2141 /**
2142 * The CloudWatch alarms related to the policy.
2143 */
2144 Alarms?: Alarms;
2145 /**
2146 * A target tracking scaling policy.
2147 */
2148 TargetTrackingConfiguration?: TargetTrackingConfiguration;
2149 /**
2150 * Indicates whether the policy is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
2151 */
2152 Enabled?: ScalingPolicyEnabled;
2153 }
2154 export type ScalingPolicyEnabled = boolean;
2155 export interface ScalingProcessQuery {
2156 /**
2157 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2158 */
2159 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
2160 /**
2161 * One or more of the following processes. If you omit this parameter, all processes are specified. Launch Terminate HealthCheck ReplaceUnhealthy AZRebalance AlarmNotification ScheduledActions AddToLoadBalancer
2162 */
2163 ScalingProcesses?: ProcessNames;
2164 }
2165 export type ScheduledActionNames = ResourceName[];
2166 export interface ScheduledActionsType {
2167 /**
2168 * The scheduled actions.
2169 */
2170 ScheduledUpdateGroupActions?: ScheduledUpdateGroupActions;
2171 /**
2172 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
2173 */
2174 NextToken?: XmlString;
2175 }
2176 export interface ScheduledUpdateGroupAction {
2177 /**
2178 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2179 */
2180 AutoScalingGroupName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2181 /**
2182 * The name of the scheduled action.
2183 */
2184 ScheduledActionName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2185 /**
2186 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the scheduled action.
2187 */
2188 ScheduledActionARN?: ResourceName;
2189 /**
2190 * This parameter is no longer used.
2191 */
2192 Time?: TimestampType;
2193 /**
2194 * The date and time in UTC for this action to start. For example, "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z".
2195 */
2196 StartTime?: TimestampType;
2197 /**
2198 * The date and time in UTC for the recurring schedule to end. For example, "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z".
2199 */
2200 EndTime?: TimestampType;
2201 /**
2202 * The recurring schedule for the action, in Unix cron syntax format. When StartTime and EndTime are specified with Recurrence, they form the boundaries of when the recurring action starts and stops.
2203 */
2204 Recurrence?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2205 /**
2206 * The minimum number of instances in the Auto Scaling group.
2207 */
2208 MinSize?: AutoScalingGroupMinSize;
2209 /**
2210 * The maximum number of instances in the Auto Scaling group.
2211 */
2212 MaxSize?: AutoScalingGroupMaxSize;
2213 /**
2214 * The number of instances you prefer to maintain in the group.
2215 */
2216 DesiredCapacity?: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
2217 }
2218 export interface ScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest {
2219 /**
2220 * The name of the scaling action.
2221 */
2222 ScheduledActionName: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2223 /**
2224 * The date and time for the action to start, in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format in UTC/GMT only and in quotes (for example, "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z"). If you specify Recurrence and StartTime, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling performs the action at this time, and then performs the action based on the specified recurrence. If you try to schedule the action in the past, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling returns an error message.
2225 */
2226 StartTime?: TimestampType;
2227 /**
2228 * The date and time for the recurring schedule to end. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not perform the action after this time.
2229 */
2230 EndTime?: TimestampType;
2231 /**
2232 * The recurring schedule for the action, in Unix cron syntax format. This format consists of five fields separated by white spaces: [Minute] [Hour] [Day_of_Month] [Month_of_Year] [Day_of_Week]. The value must be in quotes (for example, "30 0 1 1,6,12 *"). For more information about this format, see Crontab. When StartTime and EndTime are specified with Recurrence, they form the boundaries of when the recurring action starts and stops.
2233 */
2234 Recurrence?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2235 /**
2236 * The minimum number of instances in the Auto Scaling group.
2237 */
2238 MinSize?: AutoScalingGroupMinSize;
2239 /**
2240 * The maximum number of instances in the Auto Scaling group.
2241 */
2242 MaxSize?: AutoScalingGroupMaxSize;
2243 /**
2244 * The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the group.
2245 */
2246 DesiredCapacity?: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
2247 }
2248 export type ScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequests = ScheduledUpdateGroupActionRequest[];
2249 export type ScheduledUpdateGroupActions = ScheduledUpdateGroupAction[];
2250 export type SecurityGroups = XmlString[];
2251 export interface SetDesiredCapacityType {
2252 /**
2253 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2254 */
2255 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
2256 /**
2257 * The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the Auto Scaling group.
2258 */
2259 DesiredCapacity: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
2260 /**
2261 * Indicates whether Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits for the cooldown period to complete before initiating a scaling activity to set your Auto Scaling group to its new capacity. By default, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling does not honor the cooldown period during manual scaling activities.
2262 */
2263 HonorCooldown?: HonorCooldown;
2264 }
2265 export interface SetInstanceHealthQuery {
2266 /**
2267 * The ID of the instance.
2268 */
2269 InstanceId: XmlStringMaxLen19;
2270 /**
2271 * The health status of the instance. Set to Healthy to have the instance remain in service. Set to Unhealthy to have the instance be out of service. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling terminates and replaces the unhealthy instance.
2272 */
2273 HealthStatus: XmlStringMaxLen32;
2274 /**
2275 * If the Auto Scaling group of the specified instance has a HealthCheckGracePeriod specified for the group, by default, this call respects the grace period. Set this to False, to have the call not respect the grace period associated with the group. For more information about the health check grace period, see CreateAutoScalingGroup.
2276 */
2277 ShouldRespectGracePeriod?: ShouldRespectGracePeriod;
2278 }
2279 export interface SetInstanceProtectionAnswer {
2280 }
2281 export interface SetInstanceProtectionQuery {
2282 /**
2283 * One or more instance IDs.
2284 */
2285 InstanceIds: InstanceIds;
2286 /**
2287 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2288 */
2289 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
2290 /**
2291 * Indicates whether the instance is protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in.
2292 */
2293 ProtectedFromScaleIn: ProtectedFromScaleIn;
2294 }
2295 export type ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity = boolean;
2296 export type ShouldRespectGracePeriod = boolean;
2297 export type SpotInstancePools = number;
2298 export type SpotPrice = string;
2299 export interface StepAdjustment {
2300 /**
2301 * The lower bound for the difference between the alarm threshold and the CloudWatch metric. If the metric value is above the breach threshold, the lower bound is inclusive (the metric must be greater than or equal to the threshold plus the lower bound). Otherwise, it is exclusive (the metric must be greater than the threshold plus the lower bound). A null value indicates negative infinity.
2302 */
2303 MetricIntervalLowerBound?: MetricScale;
2304 /**
2305 * The upper bound for the difference between the alarm threshold and the CloudWatch metric. If the metric value is above the breach threshold, the upper bound is exclusive (the metric must be less than the threshold plus the upper bound). Otherwise, it is inclusive (the metric must be less than or equal to the threshold plus the upper bound). A null value indicates positive infinity. The upper bound must be greater than the lower bound.
2306 */
2307 MetricIntervalUpperBound?: MetricScale;
2308 /**
2309 * The amount by which to scale, based on the specified adjustment type. A positive value adds to the current capacity while a negative number removes from the current capacity.
2310 */
2311 ScalingAdjustment: PolicyIncrement;
2312 }
2313 export type StepAdjustments = StepAdjustment[];
2314 export interface SuspendedProcess {
2315 /**
2316 * The name of the suspended process.
2317 */
2318 ProcessName?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2319 /**
2320 * The reason that the process was suspended.
2321 */
2322 SuspensionReason?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2323 }
2324 export type SuspendedProcesses = SuspendedProcess[];
2325 export interface Tag {
2326 /**
2327 * The name of the group.
2328 */
2329 ResourceId?: XmlString;
2330 /**
2331 * The type of resource. The only supported value is auto-scaling-group.
2332 */
2333 ResourceType?: XmlString;
2334 /**
2335 * The tag key.
2336 */
2337 Key: TagKey;
2338 /**
2339 * The tag value.
2340 */
2341 Value?: TagValue;
2342 /**
2343 * Determines whether the tag is added to new instances as they are launched in the group.
2344 */
2345 PropagateAtLaunch?: PropagateAtLaunch;
2346 }
2347 export interface TagDescription {
2348 /**
2349 * The name of the group.
2350 */
2351 ResourceId?: XmlString;
2352 /**
2353 * The type of resource. The only supported value is auto-scaling-group.
2354 */
2355 ResourceType?: XmlString;
2356 /**
2357 * The tag key.
2358 */
2359 Key?: TagKey;
2360 /**
2361 * The tag value.
2362 */
2363 Value?: TagValue;
2364 /**
2365 * Determines whether the tag is added to new instances as they are launched in the group.
2366 */
2367 PropagateAtLaunch?: PropagateAtLaunch;
2368 }
2369 export type TagDescriptionList = TagDescription[];
2370 export type TagKey = string;
2371 export type TagValue = string;
2372 export type Tags = Tag[];
2373 export interface TagsType {
2374 /**
2375 * One or more tags.
2376 */
2377 Tags?: TagDescriptionList;
2378 /**
2379 * A string that indicates that the response contains more items than can be returned in a single response. To receive additional items, specify this string for the NextToken value when requesting the next set of items. This value is null when there are no more items to return.
2380 */
2381 NextToken?: XmlString;
2382 }
2383 export type TargetGroupARNs = XmlStringMaxLen511[];
2384 export interface TargetTrackingConfiguration {
2385 /**
2386 * A predefined metric. You must specify either a predefined metric or a customized metric.
2387 */
2388 PredefinedMetricSpecification?: PredefinedMetricSpecification;
2389 /**
2390 * A customized metric. You must specify either a predefined metric or a customized metric.
2391 */
2392 CustomizedMetricSpecification?: CustomizedMetricSpecification;
2393 /**
2394 * The target value for the metric.
2395 */
2396 TargetValue: MetricScale;
2397 /**
2398 * Indicates whether scaling in by the target tracking scaling policy is disabled. If scaling in is disabled, the target tracking scaling policy doesn't remove instances from the Auto Scaling group. Otherwise, the target tracking scaling policy can remove instances from the Auto Scaling group. The default is false.
2399 */
2400 DisableScaleIn?: DisableScaleIn;
2401 }
2402 export interface TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroupType {
2403 /**
2404 * The ID of the instance.
2405 */
2406 InstanceId: XmlStringMaxLen19;
2407 /**
2408 * Indicates whether terminating the instance also decrements the size of the Auto Scaling group.
2409 */
2410 ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity: ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity;
2411 }
2412 export type TerminationPolicies = XmlStringMaxLen1600[];
2413 export type TimestampType = Date;
2414 export interface UpdateAutoScalingGroupType {
2415 /**
2416 * The name of the Auto Scaling group.
2417 */
2418 AutoScalingGroupName: ResourceName;
2419 /**
2420 * The name of the launch configuration. If you specify LaunchConfigurationName in your update request, you can't specify LaunchTemplate or MixedInstancesPolicy.
2421 */
2422 LaunchConfigurationName?: ResourceName;
2423 /**
2424 * The launch template and version to use to specify the updates. If you specify LaunchTemplate in your update request, you can't specify LaunchConfigurationName or MixedInstancesPolicy. For more information, see LaunchTemplateSpecification in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
2425 */
2426 LaunchTemplate?: LaunchTemplateSpecification;
2427 /**
2428 * An embedded object that specifies a mixed instances policy. In your call to UpdateAutoScalingGroup, you can make changes to the policy that is specified. All optional parameters are left unchanged if not specified. For more information, see MixedInstancesPolicy in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference and Auto Scaling Groups with Multiple Instance Types and Purchase Options in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2429 */
2430 MixedInstancesPolicy?: MixedInstancesPolicy;
2431 /**
2432 * The minimum size of the Auto Scaling group.
2433 */
2434 MinSize?: AutoScalingGroupMinSize;
2435 /**
2436 * The maximum size of the Auto Scaling group.
2437 */
2438 MaxSize?: AutoScalingGroupMaxSize;
2439 /**
2440 * The number of EC2 instances that should be running in the Auto Scaling group. This number must be greater than or equal to the minimum size of the group and less than or equal to the maximum size of the group.
2441 */
2442 DesiredCapacity?: AutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity;
2443 /**
2444 * The amount of time, in seconds, after a scaling activity completes before another scaling activity can start. The default value is 300. This cooldown period is not used when a scaling-specific cooldown is specified. Cooldown periods are not supported for target tracking scaling policies, step scaling policies, or scheduled scaling. For more information, see Scaling Cooldowns in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2445 */
2446 DefaultCooldown?: Cooldown;
2447 /**
2448 * One or more Availability Zones for the group.
2449 */
2450 AvailabilityZones?: AvailabilityZones;
2451 /**
2452 * The service to use for the health checks. The valid values are EC2 and ELB. If you configure an Auto Scaling group to use ELB health checks, it considers the instance unhealthy if it fails either the EC2 status checks or the load balancer health checks.
2453 */
2454 HealthCheckType?: XmlStringMaxLen32;
2455 /**
2456 * The amount of time, in seconds, that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling waits before checking the health status of an EC2 instance that has come into service. The default value is 0. For more information, see Health Check Grace Period in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. Conditional: This parameter is required if you are adding an ELB health check.
2457 */
2458 HealthCheckGracePeriod?: HealthCheckGracePeriod;
2459 /**
2460 * The name of the placement group into which to launch your instances, if any. A placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. You cannot specify multiple Availability Zones and a placement group. For more information, see Placement Groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
2461 */
2462 PlacementGroup?: XmlStringMaxLen255;
2463 /**
2464 * A comma-separated list of subnet IDs for virtual private cloud (VPC). If you specify VPCZoneIdentifier with AvailabilityZones, the subnets that you specify for this parameter must reside in those Availability Zones.
2465 */
2466 VPCZoneIdentifier?: XmlStringMaxLen2047;
2467 /**
2468 * A standalone termination policy or a list of termination policies used to select the instance to terminate. The policies are executed in the order that they are listed. For more information, see Controlling Which Instances Auto Scaling Terminates During Scale In in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2469 */
2470 TerminationPolicies?: TerminationPolicies;
2471 /**
2472 * Indicates whether newly launched instances are protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in. For more information about preventing instances from terminating on scale in, see Instance Protection in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2473 */
2474 NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn?: InstanceProtected;
2475 /**
2476 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service-linked role that the Auto Scaling group uses to call other AWS services on your behalf. For more information, see Service-Linked Roles in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
2477 */
2478 ServiceLinkedRoleARN?: ResourceName;
2479 /**
2480 * The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an instance can be in service. For more information, see Replacing Auto Scaling Instances Based on Maximum Instance Lifetime in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. Valid Range: Minimum value of 604800.
2481 */
2482 MaxInstanceLifetime?: MaxInstanceLifetime;
2483 }
2484 export type Values = XmlString[];
2485 export type XmlString = string;
2486 export type XmlStringMaxLen1023 = string;
2487 export type XmlStringMaxLen1600 = string;
2488 export type XmlStringMaxLen19 = string;
2489 export type XmlStringMaxLen2047 = string;
2490 export type XmlStringMaxLen255 = string;
2491 export type XmlStringMaxLen32 = string;
2492 export type XmlStringMaxLen511 = string;
2493 export type XmlStringMaxLen64 = string;
2494 export type XmlStringUserData = string;
2495 /**
2496 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
2497 */
2498 export type apiVersion = "2011-01-01"|"latest"|string;
2499 export interface ClientApiVersions {
2500 /**
2501 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
2502 */
2503 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
2504 }
2505 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
2506 /**
2507 * Contains interfaces for use with the AutoScaling client.
2508 */
2509 export import Types = AutoScaling;
2511export = AutoScaling;