344 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class GameLift extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: GameLift.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & GameLift.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Registers a player's acceptance or rejection of a proposed FlexMatch match. A matchmaking configuration may require player acceptance; if so, then matches built with that configuration cannot be completed unless all players accept the proposed match within a specified time limit. When FlexMatch builds a match, all the matchmaking tickets involved in the proposed match are placed into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE. This is a trigger for your game to get acceptance from all players in the ticket. Acceptances are only valid for tickets when they are in this status; all other acceptances result in an error. To register acceptance, specify the ticket ID, a response, and one or more players. Once all players have registered acceptance, the matchmaking tickets advance to status PLACING, where a new game session is created for the match. If any player rejects the match, or if acceptances are not received before a specified timeout, the proposed match is dropped. The matchmaking tickets are then handled in one of two ways: For tickets where one or more players rejected the match, the ticket status is returned to SEARCHING to find a new match. For tickets where one or more players failed to respond, the ticket status is set to CANCELLED, and processing is terminated. A new matchmaking request for these players can be submitted as needed. Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client FlexMatch Events Reference Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
16 */
17 acceptMatch(params: GameLift.Types.AcceptMatchInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.AcceptMatchOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.AcceptMatchOutput, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Registers a player's acceptance or rejection of a proposed FlexMatch match. A matchmaking configuration may require player acceptance; if so, then matches built with that configuration cannot be completed unless all players accept the proposed match within a specified time limit. When FlexMatch builds a match, all the matchmaking tickets involved in the proposed match are placed into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE. This is a trigger for your game to get acceptance from all players in the ticket. Acceptances are only valid for tickets when they are in this status; all other acceptances result in an error. To register acceptance, specify the ticket ID, a response, and one or more players. Once all players have registered acceptance, the matchmaking tickets advance to status PLACING, where a new game session is created for the match. If any player rejects the match, or if acceptances are not received before a specified timeout, the proposed match is dropped. The matchmaking tickets are then handled in one of two ways: For tickets where one or more players rejected the match, the ticket status is returned to SEARCHING to find a new match. For tickets where one or more players failed to respond, the ticket status is set to CANCELLED, and processing is terminated. A new matchmaking request for these players can be submitted as needed. Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client FlexMatch Events Reference Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
20 */
21 acceptMatch(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.AcceptMatchOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.AcceptMatchOutput, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Creates an alias for a fleet. In most situations, you can use an alias ID in place of a fleet ID. An alias provides a level of abstraction for a fleet that is useful when redirecting player traffic from one fleet to another, such as when updating your game build. Amazon GameLift supports two types of routing strategies for aliases: simple and terminal. A simple alias points to an active fleet. A terminal alias is used to display messaging or link to a URL instead of routing players to an active fleet. For example, you might use a terminal alias when a game version is no longer supported and you want to direct players to an upgrade site. To create a fleet alias, specify an alias name, routing strategy, and optional description. Each simple alias can point to only one fleet, but a fleet can have multiple aliases. If successful, a new alias record is returned, including an alias ID and an ARN. You can reassign an alias to another fleet by calling UpdateAlias. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
24 */
25 createAlias(params: GameLift.Types.CreateAliasInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateAliasOutput, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Creates an alias for a fleet. In most situations, you can use an alias ID in place of a fleet ID. An alias provides a level of abstraction for a fleet that is useful when redirecting player traffic from one fleet to another, such as when updating your game build. Amazon GameLift supports two types of routing strategies for aliases: simple and terminal. A simple alias points to an active fleet. A terminal alias is used to display messaging or link to a URL instead of routing players to an active fleet. For example, you might use a terminal alias when a game version is no longer supported and you want to direct players to an upgrade site. To create a fleet alias, specify an alias name, routing strategy, and optional description. Each simple alias can point to only one fleet, but a fleet can have multiple aliases. If successful, a new alias record is returned, including an alias ID and an ARN. You can reassign an alias to another fleet by calling UpdateAlias. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
28 */
29 createAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateAliasOutput, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Creates a new Amazon GameLift build record for your game server binary files and points to the location of your game server build files in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location. Game server binaries must be combined into a zip file for use with Amazon GameLift. To create new builds directly from a file directory, use the AWS CLI command upload-build . This helper command uploads build files and creates a new build record in one step, and automatically handles the necessary permissions. The CreateBuild operation should be used only in the following scenarios: To create a new game build with build files that are in an Amazon S3 bucket under your own AWS account. To use this option, you must first give Amazon GameLift access to that Amazon S3 bucket. Then call CreateBuild and specify a build name, operating system, and the Amazon S3 storage location of your game build. To upload build files directly to Amazon GameLift's Amazon S3 account. To use this option, first call CreateBuild and specify a build name and operating system. This action creates a new build record and returns an Amazon S3 storage location (bucket and key only) and temporary access credentials. Use the credentials to manually upload your build file to the provided storage location (see the Amazon S3 topic Uploading Objects). You can upload build files to the GameLift Amazon S3 location only once. If successful, this operation creates a new build record with a unique build ID and places it in INITIALIZED status. You can use DescribeBuild to check the status of your build. A build must be in READY status before it can be used to create fleets. Learn more Uploading Your Game https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html Create a Build with Files in Amazon S3 Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
32 */
33 createBuild(params: GameLift.Types.CreateBuildInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateBuildOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateBuildOutput, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Creates a new Amazon GameLift build record for your game server binary files and points to the location of your game server build files in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location. Game server binaries must be combined into a zip file for use with Amazon GameLift. To create new builds directly from a file directory, use the AWS CLI command upload-build . This helper command uploads build files and creates a new build record in one step, and automatically handles the necessary permissions. The CreateBuild operation should be used only in the following scenarios: To create a new game build with build files that are in an Amazon S3 bucket under your own AWS account. To use this option, you must first give Amazon GameLift access to that Amazon S3 bucket. Then call CreateBuild and specify a build name, operating system, and the Amazon S3 storage location of your game build. To upload build files directly to Amazon GameLift's Amazon S3 account. To use this option, first call CreateBuild and specify a build name and operating system. This action creates a new build record and returns an Amazon S3 storage location (bucket and key only) and temporary access credentials. Use the credentials to manually upload your build file to the provided storage location (see the Amazon S3 topic Uploading Objects). You can upload build files to the GameLift Amazon S3 location only once. If successful, this operation creates a new build record with a unique build ID and places it in INITIALIZED status. You can use DescribeBuild to check the status of your build. A build must be in READY status before it can be used to create fleets. Learn more Uploading Your Game https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html Create a Build with Files in Amazon S3 Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
36 */
37 createBuild(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateBuildOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateBuildOutput, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Creates a new fleet to run your game servers. whether they are custom game builds or Realtime Servers with game-specific script. A fleet is a set of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, each of which can host multiple game sessions. When creating a fleet, you choose the hardware specifications, set some configuration options, and specify the game server to deploy on the new fleet. To create a new fleet, you must provide the following: (1) a fleet name, (2) an EC2 instance type and fleet type (spot or on-demand), (3) the build ID for your game build or script ID if using Realtime Servers, and (4) a runtime configuration, which determines how game servers will run on each instance in the fleet. If the CreateFleet call is successful, Amazon GameLift performs the following tasks. You can track the process of a fleet by checking the fleet status or by monitoring fleet creation events: Creates a fleet record. Status: NEW. Begins writing events to the fleet event log, which can be accessed in the Amazon GameLift console. Sets the fleet's target capacity to 1 (desired instances), which triggers Amazon GameLift to start one new EC2 instance. Downloads the game build or Realtime script to the new instance and installs it. Statuses: DOWNLOADING, VALIDATING, BUILDING. Starts launching server processes on the instance. If the fleet is configured to run multiple server processes per instance, Amazon GameLift staggers each process launch by a few seconds. Status: ACTIVATING. Sets the fleet's status to ACTIVE as soon as one server process is ready to host a game session. Learn more Setting Up Fleets Debug Fleet Creation Issues Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
40 */
41 createFleet(params: GameLift.Types.CreateFleetInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateFleetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateFleetOutput, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Creates a new fleet to run your game servers. whether they are custom game builds or Realtime Servers with game-specific script. A fleet is a set of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, each of which can host multiple game sessions. When creating a fleet, you choose the hardware specifications, set some configuration options, and specify the game server to deploy on the new fleet. To create a new fleet, you must provide the following: (1) a fleet name, (2) an EC2 instance type and fleet type (spot or on-demand), (3) the build ID for your game build or script ID if using Realtime Servers, and (4) a runtime configuration, which determines how game servers will run on each instance in the fleet. If the CreateFleet call is successful, Amazon GameLift performs the following tasks. You can track the process of a fleet by checking the fleet status or by monitoring fleet creation events: Creates a fleet record. Status: NEW. Begins writing events to the fleet event log, which can be accessed in the Amazon GameLift console. Sets the fleet's target capacity to 1 (desired instances), which triggers Amazon GameLift to start one new EC2 instance. Downloads the game build or Realtime script to the new instance and installs it. Statuses: DOWNLOADING, VALIDATING, BUILDING. Starts launching server processes on the instance. If the fleet is configured to run multiple server processes per instance, Amazon GameLift staggers each process launch by a few seconds. Status: ACTIVATING. Sets the fleet's status to ACTIVE as soon as one server process is ready to host a game session. Learn more Setting Up Fleets Debug Fleet Creation Issues Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
44 */
45 createFleet(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateFleetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateFleetOutput, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Creates a multiplayer game session for players. This action creates a game session record and assigns an available server process in the specified fleet to host the game session. A fleet must have an ACTIVE status before a game session can be created in it. To create a game session, specify either fleet ID or alias ID and indicate a maximum number of players to allow in the game session. You can also provide a name and game-specific properties for this game session. If successful, a GameSession object is returned containing the game session properties and other settings you specified. Idempotency tokens. You can add a token that uniquely identifies game session requests. This is useful for ensuring that game session requests are idempotent. Multiple requests with the same idempotency token are processed only once; subsequent requests return the original result. All response values are the same with the exception of game session status, which may change. Resource creation limits. If you are creating a game session on a fleet with a resource creation limit policy in force, then you must specify a creator ID. Without this ID, Amazon GameLift has no way to evaluate the policy for this new game session request. Player acceptance policy. By default, newly created game sessions are open to new players. You can restrict new player access by using UpdateGameSession to change the game session's player session creation policy. Game session logs. Logs are retained for all active game sessions for 14 days. To access the logs, call GetGameSessionLogUrl to download the log files. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
48 */
49 createGameSession(params: GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionOutput, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Creates a multiplayer game session for players. This action creates a game session record and assigns an available server process in the specified fleet to host the game session. A fleet must have an ACTIVE status before a game session can be created in it. To create a game session, specify either fleet ID or alias ID and indicate a maximum number of players to allow in the game session. You can also provide a name and game-specific properties for this game session. If successful, a GameSession object is returned containing the game session properties and other settings you specified. Idempotency tokens. You can add a token that uniquely identifies game session requests. This is useful for ensuring that game session requests are idempotent. Multiple requests with the same idempotency token are processed only once; subsequent requests return the original result. All response values are the same with the exception of game session status, which may change. Resource creation limits. If you are creating a game session on a fleet with a resource creation limit policy in force, then you must specify a creator ID. Without this ID, Amazon GameLift has no way to evaluate the policy for this new game session request. Player acceptance policy. By default, newly created game sessions are open to new players. You can restrict new player access by using UpdateGameSession to change the game session's player session creation policy. Game session logs. Logs are retained for all active game sessions for 14 days. To access the logs, call GetGameSessionLogUrl to download the log files. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
52 */
53 createGameSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionOutput, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Establishes a new queue for processing requests to place new game sessions. A queue identifies where new game sessions can be hosted -- by specifying a list of destinations (fleets or aliases) -- and how long requests can wait in the queue before timing out. You can set up a queue to try to place game sessions on fleets in multiple Regions. To add placement requests to a queue, call StartGameSessionPlacement and reference the queue name. Destination order. When processing a request for a game session, Amazon GameLift tries each destination in order until it finds one with available resources to host the new game session. A queue's default order is determined by how destinations are listed. The default order is overridden when a game session placement request provides player latency information. Player latency information enables Amazon GameLift to prioritize destinations where players report the lowest average latency, as a result placing the new game session where the majority of players will have the best possible gameplay experience. Player latency policies. For placement requests containing player latency information, use player latency policies to protect individual players from very high latencies. With a latency cap, even when a destination can deliver a low latency for most players, the game is not placed where any individual player is reporting latency higher than a policy's maximum. A queue can have multiple latency policies, which are enforced consecutively starting with the policy with the lowest latency cap. Use multiple policies to gradually relax latency controls; for example, you might set a policy with a low latency cap for the first 60 seconds, a second policy with a higher cap for the next 60 seconds, etc. To create a new queue, provide a name, timeout value, a list of destinations and, if desired, a set of latency policies. If successful, a new queue object is returned. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
56 */
57 createGameSessionQueue(params: GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionQueueInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionQueueOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionQueueOutput, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Establishes a new queue for processing requests to place new game sessions. A queue identifies where new game sessions can be hosted -- by specifying a list of destinations (fleets or aliases) -- and how long requests can wait in the queue before timing out. You can set up a queue to try to place game sessions on fleets in multiple Regions. To add placement requests to a queue, call StartGameSessionPlacement and reference the queue name. Destination order. When processing a request for a game session, Amazon GameLift tries each destination in order until it finds one with available resources to host the new game session. A queue's default order is determined by how destinations are listed. The default order is overridden when a game session placement request provides player latency information. Player latency information enables Amazon GameLift to prioritize destinations where players report the lowest average latency, as a result placing the new game session where the majority of players will have the best possible gameplay experience. Player latency policies. For placement requests containing player latency information, use player latency policies to protect individual players from very high latencies. With a latency cap, even when a destination can deliver a low latency for most players, the game is not placed where any individual player is reporting latency higher than a policy's maximum. A queue can have multiple latency policies, which are enforced consecutively starting with the policy with the lowest latency cap. Use multiple policies to gradually relax latency controls; for example, you might set a policy with a low latency cap for the first 60 seconds, a second policy with a higher cap for the next 60 seconds, etc. To create a new queue, provide a name, timeout value, a list of destinations and, if desired, a set of latency policies. If successful, a new queue object is returned. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
60 */
61 createGameSessionQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionQueueOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateGameSessionQueueOutput, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Defines a new matchmaking configuration for use with FlexMatch. A matchmaking configuration sets out guidelines for matching players and getting the matches into games. You can set up multiple matchmaking configurations to handle the scenarios needed for your game. Each matchmaking ticket (StartMatchmaking or StartMatchBackfill) specifies a configuration for the match and provides player attributes to support the configuration being used. To create a matchmaking configuration, at a minimum you must specify the following: configuration name; a rule set that governs how to evaluate players and find acceptable matches; a game session queue to use when placing a new game session for the match; and the maximum time allowed for a matchmaking attempt. There are two ways to track the progress of matchmaking tickets: (1) polling ticket status with DescribeMatchmaking; or (2) receiving notifications with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). To use notifications, you first need to set up an SNS topic to receive the notifications, and provide the topic ARN in the matchmaking configuration. Since notifications promise only "best effort" delivery, we recommend calling DescribeMatchmaking if no notifications are received within 30 seconds. Learn more Design a FlexMatch Matchmaker Setting up Notifications for Matchmaking Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
64 */
65 createMatchmakingConfiguration(params: GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingConfigurationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Defines a new matchmaking configuration for use with FlexMatch. A matchmaking configuration sets out guidelines for matching players and getting the matches into games. You can set up multiple matchmaking configurations to handle the scenarios needed for your game. Each matchmaking ticket (StartMatchmaking or StartMatchBackfill) specifies a configuration for the match and provides player attributes to support the configuration being used. To create a matchmaking configuration, at a minimum you must specify the following: configuration name; a rule set that governs how to evaluate players and find acceptable matches; a game session queue to use when placing a new game session for the match; and the maximum time allowed for a matchmaking attempt. There are two ways to track the progress of matchmaking tickets: (1) polling ticket status with DescribeMatchmaking; or (2) receiving notifications with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). To use notifications, you first need to set up an SNS topic to receive the notifications, and provide the topic ARN in the matchmaking configuration. Since notifications promise only "best effort" delivery, we recommend calling DescribeMatchmaking if no notifications are received within 30 seconds. Learn more Design a FlexMatch Matchmaker Setting up Notifications for Matchmaking Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
68 */
69 createMatchmakingConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Creates a new rule set for FlexMatch matchmaking. A rule set describes the type of match to create, such as the number and size of teams. It also sets the parameters for acceptable player matches, such as minimum skill level or character type. A rule set is used by a MatchmakingConfiguration. To create a matchmaking rule set, provide unique rule set name and the rule set body in JSON format. Rule sets must be defined in the same Region as the matchmaking configuration they are used with. Since matchmaking rule sets cannot be edited, it is a good idea to check the rule set syntax using ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet before creating a new rule set. Learn more Build a Rule Set Design a Matchmaker Matchmaking with FlexMatch Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
72 */
73 createMatchmakingRuleSet(params: GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingRuleSetInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Creates a new rule set for FlexMatch matchmaking. A rule set describes the type of match to create, such as the number and size of teams. It also sets the parameters for acceptable player matches, such as minimum skill level or character type. A rule set is used by a MatchmakingConfiguration. To create a matchmaking rule set, provide unique rule set name and the rule set body in JSON format. Rule sets must be defined in the same Region as the matchmaking configuration they are used with. Since matchmaking rule sets cannot be edited, it is a good idea to check the rule set syntax using ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet before creating a new rule set. Learn more Build a Rule Set Design a Matchmaker Matchmaking with FlexMatch Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
76 */
77 createMatchmakingRuleSet(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Reserves an open player slot in an active game session. Before a player can be added, a game session must have an ACTIVE status, have a creation policy of ALLOW_ALL, and have an open player slot. To add a group of players to a game session, use CreatePlayerSessions. When the player connects to the game server and references a player session ID, the game server contacts the Amazon GameLift service to validate the player reservation and accept the player. To create a player session, specify a game session ID, player ID, and optionally a string of player data. If successful, a slot is reserved in the game session for the player and a new PlayerSession object is returned. Player sessions cannot be updated. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreatePlayerSession CreatePlayerSessions DescribePlayerSessions Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
80 */
81 createPlayerSession(params: GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionOutput, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Reserves an open player slot in an active game session. Before a player can be added, a game session must have an ACTIVE status, have a creation policy of ALLOW_ALL, and have an open player slot. To add a group of players to a game session, use CreatePlayerSessions. When the player connects to the game server and references a player session ID, the game server contacts the Amazon GameLift service to validate the player reservation and accept the player. To create a player session, specify a game session ID, player ID, and optionally a string of player data. If successful, a slot is reserved in the game session for the player and a new PlayerSession object is returned. Player sessions cannot be updated. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreatePlayerSession CreatePlayerSessions DescribePlayerSessions Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
84 */
85 createPlayerSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionOutput, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Reserves open slots in a game session for a group of players. Before players can be added, a game session must have an ACTIVE status, have a creation policy of ALLOW_ALL, and have an open player slot. To add a single player to a game session, use CreatePlayerSession. When a player connects to the game server and references a player session ID, the game server contacts the Amazon GameLift service to validate the player reservation and accept the player. To create player sessions, specify a game session ID, a list of player IDs, and optionally a set of player data strings. If successful, a slot is reserved in the game session for each player and a set of new PlayerSession objects is returned. Player sessions cannot be updated. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreatePlayerSession CreatePlayerSessions DescribePlayerSessions Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
88 */
89 createPlayerSessions(params: GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Reserves open slots in a game session for a group of players. Before players can be added, a game session must have an ACTIVE status, have a creation policy of ALLOW_ALL, and have an open player slot. To add a single player to a game session, use CreatePlayerSession. When a player connects to the game server and references a player session ID, the game server contacts the Amazon GameLift service to validate the player reservation and accept the player. To create player sessions, specify a game session ID, a list of player IDs, and optionally a set of player data strings. If successful, a slot is reserved in the game session for each player and a set of new PlayerSession objects is returned. Player sessions cannot be updated. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreatePlayerSession CreatePlayerSessions DescribePlayerSessions Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
92 */
93 createPlayerSessions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreatePlayerSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Creates a new script record for your Realtime Servers script. Realtime scripts are JavaScript that provide configuration settings and optional custom game logic for your game. The script is deployed when you create a Realtime Servers fleet to host your game sessions. Script logic is executed during an active game session. To create a new script record, specify a script name and provide the script file(s). The script files and all dependencies must be zipped into a single file. You can pull the zip file from either of these locations: A locally available directory. Use the ZipFile parameter for this option. An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket under your AWS account. Use the StorageLocation parameter for this option. You'll need to have an Identity Access Management (IAM) role that allows the Amazon GameLift service to access your S3 bucket. If the call is successful, a new script record is created with a unique script ID. If the script file is provided as a local file, the file is uploaded to an Amazon GameLift-owned S3 bucket and the script record's storage location reflects this location. If the script file is provided as an S3 bucket, Amazon GameLift accesses the file at this storage location as needed for deployment. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Set Up a Role for Amazon GameLift Access Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
96 */
97 createScript(params: GameLift.Types.CreateScriptInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateScriptOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateScriptOutput, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Creates a new script record for your Realtime Servers script. Realtime scripts are JavaScript that provide configuration settings and optional custom game logic for your game. The script is deployed when you create a Realtime Servers fleet to host your game sessions. Script logic is executed during an active game session. To create a new script record, specify a script name and provide the script file(s). The script files and all dependencies must be zipped into a single file. You can pull the zip file from either of these locations: A locally available directory. Use the ZipFile parameter for this option. An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket under your AWS account. Use the StorageLocation parameter for this option. You'll need to have an Identity Access Management (IAM) role that allows the Amazon GameLift service to access your S3 bucket. If the call is successful, a new script record is created with a unique script ID. If the script file is provided as a local file, the file is uploaded to an Amazon GameLift-owned S3 bucket and the script record's storage location reflects this location. If the script file is provided as an S3 bucket, Amazon GameLift accesses the file at this storage location as needed for deployment. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Set Up a Role for Amazon GameLift Access Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
100 */
101 createScript(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateScriptOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateScriptOutput, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Requests authorization to create or delete a peer connection between the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet and a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your AWS account. VPC peering enables the game servers on your fleet to communicate directly with other AWS resources. Once you've received authorization, call CreateVpcPeeringConnection to establish the peering connection. For more information, see VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets. You can peer with VPCs that are owned by any AWS account you have access to, including the account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleets. You cannot peer with VPCs that are in different Regions. To request authorization to create a connection, call this operation from the AWS account with the VPC that you want to peer to your Amazon GameLift fleet. For example, to enable your game servers to retrieve data from a DynamoDB table, use the account that manages that DynamoDB resource. Identify the following values: (1) The ID of the VPC that you want to peer with, and (2) the ID of the AWS account that you use to manage Amazon GameLift. If successful, VPC peering is authorized for the specified VPC. To request authorization to delete a connection, call this operation from the AWS account with the VPC that is peered with your Amazon GameLift fleet. Identify the following values: (1) VPC ID that you want to delete the peering connection for, and (2) ID of the AWS account that you use to manage Amazon GameLift. The authorization remains valid for 24 hours unless it is canceled by a call to DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization. You must create or delete the peering connection while the authorization is valid. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
104 */
105 createVpcPeeringAuthorization(params: GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Requests authorization to create or delete a peer connection between the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet and a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your AWS account. VPC peering enables the game servers on your fleet to communicate directly with other AWS resources. Once you've received authorization, call CreateVpcPeeringConnection to establish the peering connection. For more information, see VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets. You can peer with VPCs that are owned by any AWS account you have access to, including the account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleets. You cannot peer with VPCs that are in different Regions. To request authorization to create a connection, call this operation from the AWS account with the VPC that you want to peer to your Amazon GameLift fleet. For example, to enable your game servers to retrieve data from a DynamoDB table, use the account that manages that DynamoDB resource. Identify the following values: (1) The ID of the VPC that you want to peer with, and (2) the ID of the AWS account that you use to manage Amazon GameLift. If successful, VPC peering is authorized for the specified VPC. To request authorization to delete a connection, call this operation from the AWS account with the VPC that is peered with your Amazon GameLift fleet. Identify the following values: (1) VPC ID that you want to delete the peering connection for, and (2) ID of the AWS account that you use to manage Amazon GameLift. The authorization remains valid for 24 hours unless it is canceled by a call to DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization. You must create or delete the peering connection while the authorization is valid. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
108 */
109 createVpcPeeringAuthorization(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Establishes a VPC peering connection between a virtual private cloud (VPC) in an AWS account with the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet. VPC peering enables the game servers on your fleet to communicate directly with other AWS resources. You can peer with VPCs in any AWS account that you have access to, including the account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleets. You cannot peer with VPCs that are in different Regions. For more information, see VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets. Before calling this operation to establish the peering connection, you first need to call CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization and identify the VPC you want to peer with. Once the authorization for the specified VPC is issued, you have 24 hours to establish the connection. These two operations handle all tasks necessary to peer the two VPCs, including acceptance, updating routing tables, etc. To establish the connection, call this operation from the AWS account that is used to manage the Amazon GameLift fleets. Identify the following values: (1) The ID of the fleet you want to be enable a VPC peering connection for; (2) The AWS account with the VPC that you want to peer with; and (3) The ID of the VPC you want to peer with. This operation is asynchronous. If successful, a VpcPeeringConnection request is created. You can use continuous polling to track the request's status using DescribeVpcPeeringConnections, or by monitoring fleet events for success or failure using DescribeFleetEvents. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
112 */
113 createVpcPeeringConnection(params: GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionOutput, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Establishes a VPC peering connection between a virtual private cloud (VPC) in an AWS account with the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet. VPC peering enables the game servers on your fleet to communicate directly with other AWS resources. You can peer with VPCs in any AWS account that you have access to, including the account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleets. You cannot peer with VPCs that are in different Regions. For more information, see VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets. Before calling this operation to establish the peering connection, you first need to call CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization and identify the VPC you want to peer with. Once the authorization for the specified VPC is issued, you have 24 hours to establish the connection. These two operations handle all tasks necessary to peer the two VPCs, including acceptance, updating routing tables, etc. To establish the connection, call this operation from the AWS account that is used to manage the Amazon GameLift fleets. Identify the following values: (1) The ID of the fleet you want to be enable a VPC peering connection for; (2) The AWS account with the VPC that you want to peer with; and (3) The ID of the VPC you want to peer with. This operation is asynchronous. If successful, a VpcPeeringConnection request is created. You can use continuous polling to track the request's status using DescribeVpcPeeringConnections, or by monitoring fleet events for success or failure using DescribeFleetEvents. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
116 */
117 createVpcPeeringConnection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.CreateVpcPeeringConnectionOutput, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Deletes an alias. This action removes all record of the alias. Game clients attempting to access a server process using the deleted alias receive an error. To delete an alias, specify the alias ID to be deleted. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
120 */
121 deleteAlias(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteAliasInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Deletes an alias. This action removes all record of the alias. Game clients attempting to access a server process using the deleted alias receive an error. To delete an alias, specify the alias ID to be deleted. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
124 */
125 deleteAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Deletes a build. This action permanently deletes the build record and any uploaded build files. To delete a build, specify its ID. Deleting a build does not affect the status of any active fleets using the build, but you can no longer create new fleets with the deleted build. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
128 */
129 deleteBuild(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteBuildInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Deletes a build. This action permanently deletes the build record and any uploaded build files. To delete a build, specify its ID. Deleting a build does not affect the status of any active fleets using the build, but you can no longer create new fleets with the deleted build. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
132 */
133 deleteBuild(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Deletes everything related to a fleet. Before deleting a fleet, you must set the fleet's desired capacity to zero. See UpdateFleetCapacity. If the fleet being deleted has a VPC peering connection, you first need to get a valid authorization (good for 24 hours) by calling CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization. You do not need to explicitly delete the VPC peering connection--this is done as part of the delete fleet process. This action removes the fleet's resources and the fleet record. Once a fleet is deleted, you can no longer use that fleet. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
136 */
137 deleteFleet(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteFleetInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Deletes everything related to a fleet. Before deleting a fleet, you must set the fleet's desired capacity to zero. See UpdateFleetCapacity. If the fleet being deleted has a VPC peering connection, you first need to get a valid authorization (good for 24 hours) by calling CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization. You do not need to explicitly delete the VPC peering connection--this is done as part of the delete fleet process. This action removes the fleet's resources and the fleet record. Once a fleet is deleted, you can no longer use that fleet. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
140 */
141 deleteFleet(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Deletes a game session queue. This action means that any StartGameSessionPlacement requests that reference this queue will fail. To delete a queue, specify the queue name. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
144 */
145 deleteGameSessionQueue(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteGameSessionQueueInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteGameSessionQueueOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteGameSessionQueueOutput, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Deletes a game session queue. This action means that any StartGameSessionPlacement requests that reference this queue will fail. To delete a queue, specify the queue name. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
148 */
149 deleteGameSessionQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteGameSessionQueueOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteGameSessionQueueOutput, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Permanently removes a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration. To delete, specify the configuration name. A matchmaking configuration cannot be deleted if it is being used in any active matchmaking tickets. Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
152 */
153 deleteMatchmakingConfiguration(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Permanently removes a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration. To delete, specify the configuration name. A matchmaking configuration cannot be deleted if it is being used in any active matchmaking tickets. Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
156 */
157 deleteMatchmakingConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Deletes an existing matchmaking rule set. To delete the rule set, provide the rule set name. Rule sets cannot be deleted if they are currently being used by a matchmaking configuration. Learn more Build a Rule Set Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
160 */
161 deleteMatchmakingRuleSet(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetOutput, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Deletes an existing matchmaking rule set. To delete the rule set, provide the rule set name. Rule sets cannot be deleted if they are currently being used by a matchmaking configuration. Learn more Build a Rule Set Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
164 */
165 deleteMatchmakingRuleSet(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetOutput, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Deletes a fleet scaling policy. This action means that the policy is no longer in force and removes all record of it. To delete a scaling policy, specify both the scaling policy name and the fleet ID it is associated with. To temporarily suspend scaling policies, call StopFleetActions. This operation suspends all policies for the fleet. DescribeFleetCapacity UpdateFleetCapacity DescribeEC2InstanceLimits Manage scaling policies: PutScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) DescribeScalingPolicies (auto-scaling) DeleteScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
168 */
169 deleteScalingPolicy(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteScalingPolicyInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Deletes a fleet scaling policy. This action means that the policy is no longer in force and removes all record of it. To delete a scaling policy, specify both the scaling policy name and the fleet ID it is associated with. To temporarily suspend scaling policies, call StopFleetActions. This operation suspends all policies for the fleet. DescribeFleetCapacity UpdateFleetCapacity DescribeEC2InstanceLimits Manage scaling policies: PutScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) DescribeScalingPolicies (auto-scaling) DeleteScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
172 */
173 deleteScalingPolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Deletes a Realtime script. This action permanently deletes the script record. If script files were uploaded, they are also deleted (files stored in an S3 bucket are not deleted). To delete a script, specify the script ID. Before deleting a script, be sure to terminate all fleets that are deployed with the script being deleted. Fleet instances periodically check for script updates, and if the script record no longer exists, the instance will go into an error state and be unable to host game sessions. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
176 */
177 deleteScript(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteScriptInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Deletes a Realtime script. This action permanently deletes the script record. If script files were uploaded, they are also deleted (files stored in an S3 bucket are not deleted). To delete a script, specify the script ID. Before deleting a script, be sure to terminate all fleets that are deployed with the script being deleted. Fleet instances periodically check for script updates, and if the script record no longer exists, the instance will go into an error state and be unable to host game sessions. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
180 */
181 deleteScript(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: {}) => void): Request<{}, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Cancels a pending VPC peering authorization for the specified VPC. If you need to delete an existing VPC peering connection, call DeleteVpcPeeringConnection. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
184 */
185 deleteVpcPeeringAuthorization(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Cancels a pending VPC peering authorization for the specified VPC. If you need to delete an existing VPC peering connection, call DeleteVpcPeeringConnection. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
188 */
189 deleteVpcPeeringAuthorization(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Removes a VPC peering connection. To delete the connection, you must have a valid authorization for the VPC peering connection that you want to delete. You can check for an authorization by calling DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations or request a new one using CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization. Once a valid authorization exists, call this operation from the AWS account that is used to manage the Amazon GameLift fleets. Identify the connection to delete by the connection ID and fleet ID. If successful, the connection is removed. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
192 */
193 deleteVpcPeeringConnection(params: GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionOutput, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Removes a VPC peering connection. To delete the connection, you must have a valid authorization for the VPC peering connection that you want to delete. You can check for an authorization by calling DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations or request a new one using CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization. Once a valid authorization exists, call this operation from the AWS account that is used to manage the Amazon GameLift fleets. Identify the connection to delete by the connection ID and fleet ID. If successful, the connection is removed. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
196 */
197 deleteVpcPeeringConnection(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionOutput, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Retrieves properties for an alias. This operation returns all alias metadata and settings. To get an alias's target fleet ID only, use ResolveAlias. To get alias properties, specify the alias ID. If successful, the requested alias record is returned. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
200 */
201 describeAlias(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeAliasInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeAliasOutput, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Retrieves properties for an alias. This operation returns all alias metadata and settings. To get an alias's target fleet ID only, use ResolveAlias. To get alias properties, specify the alias ID. If successful, the requested alias record is returned. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
204 */
205 describeAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeAliasOutput, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Retrieves properties for a build. To request a build record, specify a build ID. If successful, an object containing the build properties is returned. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
208 */
209 describeBuild(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeBuildInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeBuildOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeBuildOutput, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Retrieves properties for a build. To request a build record, specify a build ID. If successful, an object containing the build properties is returned. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
212 */
213 describeBuild(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeBuildOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeBuildOutput, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * Retrieves the following information for the specified EC2 instance type: maximum number of instances allowed per AWS account (service limit) current usage level for the AWS account Service limits vary depending on Region. Available Regions for Amazon GameLift can be found in the AWS Management Console for Amazon GameLift (see the drop-down list in the upper right corner). Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
216 */
217 describeEC2InstanceLimits(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * Retrieves the following information for the specified EC2 instance type: maximum number of instances allowed per AWS account (service limit) current usage level for the AWS account Service limits vary depending on Region. Available Regions for Amazon GameLift can be found in the AWS Management Console for Amazon GameLift (see the drop-down list in the upper right corner). Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
220 */
221 describeEC2InstanceLimits(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * Retrieves fleet properties, including metadata, status, and configuration, for one or more fleets. You can request attributes for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a FleetAttributes object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, attribute objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
224 */
225 describeFleetAttributes(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetAttributesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetAttributesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetAttributesOutput, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * Retrieves fleet properties, including metadata, status, and configuration, for one or more fleets. You can request attributes for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a FleetAttributes object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, attribute objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
228 */
229 describeFleetAttributes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetAttributesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetAttributesOutput, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * Retrieves the current status of fleet capacity for one or more fleets. This information includes the number of instances that have been requested for the fleet and the number currently active. You can request capacity for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a FleetCapacity object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, attribute objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
232 */
233 describeFleetCapacity(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetCapacityInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetCapacityOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetCapacityOutput, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * Retrieves the current status of fleet capacity for one or more fleets. This information includes the number of instances that have been requested for the fleet and the number currently active. You can request capacity for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a FleetCapacity object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, attribute objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
236 */
237 describeFleetCapacity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetCapacityOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetCapacityOutput, AWSError>;
238 /**
239 * Retrieves entries from the specified fleet's event log. You can specify a time range to limit the result set. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a collection of event log entries matching the request are returned. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
240 */
241 describeFleetEvents(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetEventsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetEventsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetEventsOutput, AWSError>;
242 /**
243 * Retrieves entries from the specified fleet's event log. You can specify a time range to limit the result set. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a collection of event log entries matching the request are returned. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
244 */
245 describeFleetEvents(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetEventsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetEventsOutput, AWSError>;
246 /**
247 * Retrieves the inbound connection permissions for a fleet. Connection permissions include a range of IP addresses and port settings that incoming traffic can use to access server processes in the fleet. To get a fleet's inbound connection permissions, specify a fleet ID. If successful, a collection of IpPermission objects is returned for the requested fleet ID. If the requested fleet has been deleted, the result set is empty. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
248 */
249 describeFleetPortSettings(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetPortSettingsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetPortSettingsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetPortSettingsOutput, AWSError>;
250 /**
251 * Retrieves the inbound connection permissions for a fleet. Connection permissions include a range of IP addresses and port settings that incoming traffic can use to access server processes in the fleet. To get a fleet's inbound connection permissions, specify a fleet ID. If successful, a collection of IpPermission objects is returned for the requested fleet ID. If the requested fleet has been deleted, the result set is empty. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
252 */
253 describeFleetPortSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetPortSettingsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetPortSettingsOutput, AWSError>;
254 /**
255 * Retrieves utilization statistics for one or more fleets. You can request utilization data for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a FleetUtilization object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, utilization objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
256 */
257 describeFleetUtilization(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetUtilizationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetUtilizationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetUtilizationOutput, AWSError>;
258 /**
259 * Retrieves utilization statistics for one or more fleets. You can request utilization data for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a FleetUtilization object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, utilization objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
260 */
261 describeFleetUtilization(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetUtilizationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeFleetUtilizationOutput, AWSError>;
262 /**
263 * Retrieves properties, including the protection policy in force, for one or more game sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a GameSessionId or GameSessionArn to request details for a specific game session; (2) provide either a FleetId or an AliasId to request properties for all game sessions running on a fleet. To get game session record(s), specify just one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSessionDetail object is returned for each session matching the request. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
264 */
265 describeGameSessionDetails(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionDetailsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionDetailsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionDetailsOutput, AWSError>;
266 /**
267 * Retrieves properties, including the protection policy in force, for one or more game sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a GameSessionId or GameSessionArn to request details for a specific game session; (2) provide either a FleetId or an AliasId to request properties for all game sessions running on a fleet. To get game session record(s), specify just one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSessionDetail object is returned for each session matching the request. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
268 */
269 describeGameSessionDetails(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionDetailsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionDetailsOutput, AWSError>;
270 /**
271 * Retrieves properties and current status of a game session placement request. To get game session placement details, specify the placement ID. If successful, a GameSessionPlacement object is returned. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
272 */
273 describeGameSessionPlacement(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionPlacementInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionPlacementOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionPlacementOutput, AWSError>;
274 /**
275 * Retrieves properties and current status of a game session placement request. To get game session placement details, specify the placement ID. If successful, a GameSessionPlacement object is returned. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
276 */
277 describeGameSessionPlacement(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionPlacementOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionPlacementOutput, AWSError>;
278 /**
279 * Retrieves the properties for one or more game session queues. When requesting multiple queues, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSessionQueue object is returned for each requested queue. When specifying a list of queues, objects are returned only for queues that currently exist in the Region. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
280 */
281 describeGameSessionQueues(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionQueuesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionQueuesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionQueuesOutput, AWSError>;
282 /**
283 * Retrieves the properties for one or more game session queues. When requesting multiple queues, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSessionQueue object is returned for each requested queue. When specifying a list of queues, objects are returned only for queues that currently exist in the Region. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
284 */
285 describeGameSessionQueues(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionQueuesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionQueuesOutput, AWSError>;
286 /**
287 * Retrieves a set of one or more game sessions. Request a specific game session or request all game sessions on a fleet. Alternatively, use SearchGameSessions to request a set of active game sessions that are filtered by certain criteria. To retrieve protection policy settings for game sessions, use DescribeGameSessionDetails. To get game sessions, specify one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSession object is returned for each game session matching the request. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
288 */
289 describeGameSessions(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
290 /**
291 * Retrieves a set of one or more game sessions. Request a specific game session or request all game sessions on a fleet. Alternatively, use SearchGameSessions to request a set of active game sessions that are filtered by certain criteria. To retrieve protection policy settings for game sessions, use DescribeGameSessionDetails. To get game sessions, specify one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a GameSession object is returned for each game session matching the request. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
292 */
293 describeGameSessions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeGameSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
294 /**
295 * Retrieves information about a fleet's instances, including instance IDs. Use this action to get details on all instances in the fleet or get details on one specific instance. To get a specific instance, specify fleet ID and instance ID. To get all instances in a fleet, specify a fleet ID only. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, an Instance object is returned for each result.
296 */
297 describeInstances(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeInstancesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeInstancesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeInstancesOutput, AWSError>;
298 /**
299 * Retrieves information about a fleet's instances, including instance IDs. Use this action to get details on all instances in the fleet or get details on one specific instance. To get a specific instance, specify fleet ID and instance ID. To get all instances in a fleet, specify a fleet ID only. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, an Instance object is returned for each result.
300 */
301 describeInstances(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeInstancesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeInstancesOutput, AWSError>;
302 /**
303 * Retrieves one or more matchmaking tickets. Use this operation to retrieve ticket information, including status and--once a successful match is made--acquire connection information for the resulting new game session. You can use this operation to track the progress of matchmaking requests (through polling) as an alternative to using event notifications. See more details on tracking matchmaking requests through polling or notifications in StartMatchmaking. To request matchmaking tickets, provide a list of up to 10 ticket IDs. If the request is successful, a ticket object is returned for each requested ID that currently exists. Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client Set Up FlexMatch Event Notification Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
304 */
305 describeMatchmaking(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingOutput, AWSError>;
306 /**
307 * Retrieves one or more matchmaking tickets. Use this operation to retrieve ticket information, including status and--once a successful match is made--acquire connection information for the resulting new game session. You can use this operation to track the progress of matchmaking requests (through polling) as an alternative to using event notifications. See more details on tracking matchmaking requests through polling or notifications in StartMatchmaking. To request matchmaking tickets, provide a list of up to 10 ticket IDs. If the request is successful, a ticket object is returned for each requested ID that currently exists. Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client Set Up FlexMatch Event Notification Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
308 */
309 describeMatchmaking(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingOutput, AWSError>;
310 /**
311 * Retrieves the details of FlexMatch matchmaking configurations. With this operation, you have the following options: (1) retrieve all existing configurations, (2) provide the names of one or more configurations to retrieve, or (3) retrieve all configurations that use a specified rule set name. When requesting multiple items, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a configuration is returned for each requested name. When specifying a list of names, only configurations that currently exist are returned. Learn more Setting Up FlexMatch Matchmakers Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
312 */
313 describeMatchmakingConfigurations(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsOutput, AWSError>;
314 /**
315 * Retrieves the details of FlexMatch matchmaking configurations. With this operation, you have the following options: (1) retrieve all existing configurations, (2) provide the names of one or more configurations to retrieve, or (3) retrieve all configurations that use a specified rule set name. When requesting multiple items, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a configuration is returned for each requested name. When specifying a list of names, only configurations that currently exist are returned. Learn more Setting Up FlexMatch Matchmakers Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
316 */
317 describeMatchmakingConfigurations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsOutput, AWSError>;
318 /**
319 * Retrieves the details for FlexMatch matchmaking rule sets. You can request all existing rule sets for the Region, or provide a list of one or more rule set names. When requesting multiple items, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a rule set is returned for each requested name. Learn more Build a Rule Set Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
320 */
321 describeMatchmakingRuleSets(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsOutput, AWSError>;
322 /**
323 * Retrieves the details for FlexMatch matchmaking rule sets. You can request all existing rule sets for the Region, or provide a list of one or more rule set names. When requesting multiple items, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a rule set is returned for each requested name. Learn more Build a Rule Set Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
324 */
325 describeMatchmakingRuleSets(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsOutput, AWSError>;
326 /**
327 * Retrieves properties for one or more player sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a PlayerSessionId to request properties for a specific player session; (2) provide a GameSessionId to request properties for all player sessions in the specified game session; (3) provide a PlayerId to request properties for all player sessions of a specified player. To get game session record(s), specify only one of the following: a player session ID, a game session ID, or a player ID. You can filter this request by player session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a PlayerSession object is returned for each session matching the request. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreatePlayerSession CreatePlayerSessions DescribePlayerSessions Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
328 */
329 describePlayerSessions(params: GameLift.Types.DescribePlayerSessionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribePlayerSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribePlayerSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
330 /**
331 * Retrieves properties for one or more player sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a PlayerSessionId to request properties for a specific player session; (2) provide a GameSessionId to request properties for all player sessions in the specified game session; (3) provide a PlayerId to request properties for all player sessions of a specified player. To get game session record(s), specify only one of the following: a player session ID, a game session ID, or a player ID. You can filter this request by player session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a PlayerSession object is returned for each session matching the request. Available in Amazon GameLift Local. CreatePlayerSession CreatePlayerSessions DescribePlayerSessions Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
332 */
333 describePlayerSessions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribePlayerSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribePlayerSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
334 /**
335 * Retrieves the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet. The runtime configuration tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
336 */
337 describeRuntimeConfiguration(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeRuntimeConfigurationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeRuntimeConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeRuntimeConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
338 /**
339 * Retrieves the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet. The runtime configuration tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
340 */
341 describeRuntimeConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeRuntimeConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeRuntimeConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
342 /**
343 * Retrieves all scaling policies applied to a fleet. To get a fleet's scaling policies, specify the fleet ID. You can filter this request by policy status, such as to retrieve only active scaling policies. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, set of ScalingPolicy objects is returned for the fleet. A fleet may have all of its scaling policies suspended (StopFleetActions). This action does not affect the status of the scaling policies, which remains ACTIVE. To see whether a fleet's scaling policies are in force or suspended, call DescribeFleetAttributes and check the stopped actions. DescribeFleetCapacity UpdateFleetCapacity DescribeEC2InstanceLimits Manage scaling policies: PutScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) DescribeScalingPolicies (auto-scaling) DeleteScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
344 */
345 describeScalingPolicies(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeScalingPoliciesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, AWSError>;
346 /**
347 * Retrieves all scaling policies applied to a fleet. To get a fleet's scaling policies, specify the fleet ID. You can filter this request by policy status, such as to retrieve only active scaling policies. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, set of ScalingPolicy objects is returned for the fleet. A fleet may have all of its scaling policies suspended (StopFleetActions). This action does not affect the status of the scaling policies, which remains ACTIVE. To see whether a fleet's scaling policies are in force or suspended, call DescribeFleetAttributes and check the stopped actions. DescribeFleetCapacity UpdateFleetCapacity DescribeEC2InstanceLimits Manage scaling policies: PutScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) DescribeScalingPolicies (auto-scaling) DeleteScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
348 */
349 describeScalingPolicies(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput, AWSError>;
350 /**
351 * Retrieves properties for a Realtime script. To request a script record, specify the script ID. If successful, an object containing the script properties is returned. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
352 */
353 describeScript(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeScriptInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeScriptOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeScriptOutput, AWSError>;
354 /**
355 * Retrieves properties for a Realtime script. To request a script record, specify the script ID. If successful, an object containing the script properties is returned. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
356 */
357 describeScript(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeScriptOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeScriptOutput, AWSError>;
358 /**
359 * Retrieves valid VPC peering authorizations that are pending for the AWS account. This operation returns all VPC peering authorizations and requests for peering. This includes those initiated and received by this account. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
360 */
361 describeVpcPeeringAuthorizations(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsOutput, AWSError>;
362 /**
363 * Retrieves valid VPC peering authorizations that are pending for the AWS account. This operation returns all VPC peering authorizations and requests for peering. This includes those initiated and received by this account. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
364 */
365 describeVpcPeeringAuthorizations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsOutput, AWSError>;
366 /**
367 * Retrieves information on VPC peering connections. Use this operation to get peering information for all fleets or for one specific fleet ID. To retrieve connection information, call this operation from the AWS account that is used to manage the Amazon GameLift fleets. Specify a fleet ID or leave the parameter empty to retrieve all connection records. If successful, the retrieved information includes both active and pending connections. Active connections identify the IpV4 CIDR block that the VPC uses to connect. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
368 */
369 describeVpcPeeringConnections(params: GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput, AWSError>;
370 /**
371 * Retrieves information on VPC peering connections. Use this operation to get peering information for all fleets or for one specific fleet ID. To retrieve connection information, call this operation from the AWS account that is used to manage the Amazon GameLift fleets. Specify a fleet ID or leave the parameter empty to retrieve all connection records. If successful, the retrieved information includes both active and pending connections. Active connections identify the IpV4 CIDR block that the VPC uses to connect. CreateVpcPeeringAuthorization DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizations DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorization CreateVpcPeeringConnection DescribeVpcPeeringConnections DeleteVpcPeeringConnection
372 */
373 describeVpcPeeringConnections(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput, AWSError>;
374 /**
375 * Retrieves the location of stored game session logs for a specified game session. When a game session is terminated, Amazon GameLift automatically stores the logs in Amazon S3 and retains them for 14 days. Use this URL to download the logs. See the AWS Service Limits page for maximum log file sizes. Log files that exceed this limit are not saved. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
376 */
377 getGameSessionLogUrl(params: GameLift.Types.GetGameSessionLogUrlInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.GetGameSessionLogUrlOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.GetGameSessionLogUrlOutput, AWSError>;
378 /**
379 * Retrieves the location of stored game session logs for a specified game session. When a game session is terminated, Amazon GameLift automatically stores the logs in Amazon S3 and retains them for 14 days. Use this URL to download the logs. See the AWS Service Limits page for maximum log file sizes. Log files that exceed this limit are not saved. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
380 */
381 getGameSessionLogUrl(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.GetGameSessionLogUrlOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.GetGameSessionLogUrlOutput, AWSError>;
382 /**
383 * Requests remote access to a fleet instance. Remote access is useful for debugging, gathering benchmarking data, or watching activity in real time. Access requires credentials that match the operating system of the instance. For a Windows instance, Amazon GameLift returns a user name and password as strings for use with a Windows Remote Desktop client. For a Linux instance, Amazon GameLift returns a user name and RSA private key, also as strings, for use with an SSH client. The private key must be saved in the proper format to a .pem file before using. If you're making this request using the AWS CLI, saving the secret can be handled as part of the GetInstanceAccess request. (See the example later in this topic). For more information on remote access, see Remotely Accessing an Instance. To request access to a specific instance, specify the IDs of both the instance and the fleet it belongs to. You can retrieve a fleet's instance IDs by calling DescribeInstances. If successful, an InstanceAccess object is returned containing the instance's IP address and a set of credentials.
384 */
385 getInstanceAccess(params: GameLift.Types.GetInstanceAccessInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.GetInstanceAccessOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.GetInstanceAccessOutput, AWSError>;
386 /**
387 * Requests remote access to a fleet instance. Remote access is useful for debugging, gathering benchmarking data, or watching activity in real time. Access requires credentials that match the operating system of the instance. For a Windows instance, Amazon GameLift returns a user name and password as strings for use with a Windows Remote Desktop client. For a Linux instance, Amazon GameLift returns a user name and RSA private key, also as strings, for use with an SSH client. The private key must be saved in the proper format to a .pem file before using. If you're making this request using the AWS CLI, saving the secret can be handled as part of the GetInstanceAccess request. (See the example later in this topic). For more information on remote access, see Remotely Accessing an Instance. To request access to a specific instance, specify the IDs of both the instance and the fleet it belongs to. You can retrieve a fleet's instance IDs by calling DescribeInstances. If successful, an InstanceAccess object is returned containing the instance's IP address and a set of credentials.
388 */
389 getInstanceAccess(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.GetInstanceAccessOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.GetInstanceAccessOutput, AWSError>;
390 /**
391 * Retrieves all aliases for this AWS account. You can filter the result set by alias name and/or routing strategy type. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. Returned aliases are not listed in any particular order. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
392 */
393 listAliases(params: GameLift.Types.ListAliasesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListAliasesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListAliasesOutput, AWSError>;
394 /**
395 * Retrieves all aliases for this AWS account. You can filter the result set by alias name and/or routing strategy type. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. Returned aliases are not listed in any particular order. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
396 */
397 listAliases(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListAliasesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListAliasesOutput, AWSError>;
398 /**
399 * Retrieves build records for all builds associated with the AWS account in use. You can limit results to builds that are in a specific status by using the Status parameter. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in a set of sequential pages. Build records are not listed in any particular order. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
400 */
401 listBuilds(params: GameLift.Types.ListBuildsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListBuildsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListBuildsOutput, AWSError>;
402 /**
403 * Retrieves build records for all builds associated with the AWS account in use. You can limit results to builds that are in a specific status by using the Status parameter. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in a set of sequential pages. Build records are not listed in any particular order. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
404 */
405 listBuilds(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListBuildsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListBuildsOutput, AWSError>;
406 /**
407 * Retrieves a collection of fleet records for this AWS account. You can filter the result set to find only those fleets that are deployed with a specific build or script. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. Fleet records are not listed in a particular order. Learn more Set Up Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
408 */
409 listFleets(params: GameLift.Types.ListFleetsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListFleetsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListFleetsOutput, AWSError>;
410 /**
411 * Retrieves a collection of fleet records for this AWS account. You can filter the result set to find only those fleets that are deployed with a specific build or script. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. Fleet records are not listed in a particular order. Learn more Set Up Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes UpdateFleetAttributes Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
412 */
413 listFleets(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListFleetsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListFleetsOutput, AWSError>;
414 /**
415 * Retrieves script records for all Realtime scripts that are associated with the AWS account in use. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
416 */
417 listScripts(params: GameLift.Types.ListScriptsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListScriptsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListScriptsOutput, AWSError>;
418 /**
419 * Retrieves script records for all Realtime scripts that are associated with the AWS account in use. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
420 */
421 listScripts(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListScriptsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListScriptsOutput, AWSError>;
422 /**
423 * Retrieves all tags that are assigned to a GameLift resource. Resource tags are used to organize AWS resources for a range of purposes. This action handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types: Build Script Fleet Alias GameSessionQueue MatchmakingConfiguration MatchmakingRuleSet To list tags for a resource, specify the unique ARN value for the resource. Learn more Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference AWS Tagging Strategies Related operations TagResource UntagResource ListTagsForResource
424 */
425 listTagsForResource(params: GameLift.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
426 /**
427 * Retrieves all tags that are assigned to a GameLift resource. Resource tags are used to organize AWS resources for a range of purposes. This action handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types: Build Script Fleet Alias GameSessionQueue MatchmakingConfiguration MatchmakingRuleSet To list tags for a resource, specify the unique ARN value for the resource. Learn more Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference AWS Tagging Strategies Related operations TagResource UntagResource ListTagsForResource
428 */
429 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
430 /**
431 * Creates or updates a scaling policy for a fleet. Scaling policies are used to automatically scale a fleet's hosting capacity to meet player demand. An active scaling policy instructs Amazon GameLift to track a fleet metric and automatically change the fleet's capacity when a certain threshold is reached. There are two types of scaling policies: target-based and rule-based. Use a target-based policy to quickly and efficiently manage fleet scaling; this option is the most commonly used. Use rule-based policies when you need to exert fine-grained control over auto-scaling. Fleets can have multiple scaling policies of each type in force at the same time; you can have one target-based policy, one or multiple rule-based scaling policies, or both. We recommend caution, however, because multiple auto-scaling policies can have unintended consequences. You can temporarily suspend all scaling policies for a fleet by calling StopFleetActions with the fleet action AUTO_SCALING. To resume scaling policies, call StartFleetActions with the same fleet action. To stop just one scaling policy--or to permanently remove it, you must delete the policy with DeleteScalingPolicy. Learn more about how to work with auto-scaling in Set Up Fleet Automatic Scaling. Target-based policy A target-based policy tracks a single metric: PercentAvailableGameSessions. This metric tells us how much of a fleet's hosting capacity is ready to host game sessions but is not currently in use. This is the fleet's buffer; it measures the additional player demand that the fleet could handle at current capacity. With a target-based policy, you set your ideal buffer size and leave it to Amazon GameLift to take whatever action is needed to maintain that target. For example, you might choose to maintain a 10% buffer for a fleet that has the capacity to host 100 simultaneous game sessions. This policy tells Amazon GameLift to take action whenever the fleet's available capacity falls below or rises above 10 game sessions. Amazon GameLift will start new instances or stop unused instances in order to return to the 10% buffer. To create or update a target-based policy, specify a fleet ID and name, and set the policy type to "TargetBased". Specify the metric to track (PercentAvailableGameSessions) and reference a TargetConfiguration object with your desired buffer value. Exclude all other parameters. On a successful request, the policy name is returned. The scaling policy is automatically in force as soon as it's successfully created. If the fleet's auto-scaling actions are temporarily suspended, the new policy will be in force once the fleet actions are restarted. Rule-based policy A rule-based policy tracks specified fleet metric, sets a threshold value, and specifies the type of action to initiate when triggered. With a rule-based policy, you can select from several available fleet metrics. Each policy specifies whether to scale up or scale down (and by how much), so you need one policy for each type of action. For example, a policy may make the following statement: "If the percentage of idle instances is greater than 20% for more than 15 minutes, then reduce the fleet capacity by 10%." A policy's rule statement has the following structure: If [MetricName] is [ComparisonOperator] [Threshold] for [EvaluationPeriods] minutes, then [ScalingAdjustmentType] to/by [ScalingAdjustment]. To implement the example, the rule statement would look like this: If [PercentIdleInstances] is [GreaterThanThreshold] [20] for [15] minutes, then [PercentChangeInCapacity] to/by [10]. To create or update a scaling policy, specify a unique combination of name and fleet ID, and set the policy type to "RuleBased". Specify the parameter values for a policy rule statement. On a successful request, the policy name is returned. Scaling policies are automatically in force as soon as they're successfully created. If the fleet's auto-scaling actions are temporarily suspended, the new policy will be in force once the fleet actions are restarted. DescribeFleetCapacity UpdateFleetCapacity DescribeEC2InstanceLimits Manage scaling policies: PutScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) DescribeScalingPolicies (auto-scaling) DeleteScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
432 */
433 putScalingPolicy(params: GameLift.Types.PutScalingPolicyInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.PutScalingPolicyOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.PutScalingPolicyOutput, AWSError>;
434 /**
435 * Creates or updates a scaling policy for a fleet. Scaling policies are used to automatically scale a fleet's hosting capacity to meet player demand. An active scaling policy instructs Amazon GameLift to track a fleet metric and automatically change the fleet's capacity when a certain threshold is reached. There are two types of scaling policies: target-based and rule-based. Use a target-based policy to quickly and efficiently manage fleet scaling; this option is the most commonly used. Use rule-based policies when you need to exert fine-grained control over auto-scaling. Fleets can have multiple scaling policies of each type in force at the same time; you can have one target-based policy, one or multiple rule-based scaling policies, or both. We recommend caution, however, because multiple auto-scaling policies can have unintended consequences. You can temporarily suspend all scaling policies for a fleet by calling StopFleetActions with the fleet action AUTO_SCALING. To resume scaling policies, call StartFleetActions with the same fleet action. To stop just one scaling policy--or to permanently remove it, you must delete the policy with DeleteScalingPolicy. Learn more about how to work with auto-scaling in Set Up Fleet Automatic Scaling. Target-based policy A target-based policy tracks a single metric: PercentAvailableGameSessions. This metric tells us how much of a fleet's hosting capacity is ready to host game sessions but is not currently in use. This is the fleet's buffer; it measures the additional player demand that the fleet could handle at current capacity. With a target-based policy, you set your ideal buffer size and leave it to Amazon GameLift to take whatever action is needed to maintain that target. For example, you might choose to maintain a 10% buffer for a fleet that has the capacity to host 100 simultaneous game sessions. This policy tells Amazon GameLift to take action whenever the fleet's available capacity falls below or rises above 10 game sessions. Amazon GameLift will start new instances or stop unused instances in order to return to the 10% buffer. To create or update a target-based policy, specify a fleet ID and name, and set the policy type to "TargetBased". Specify the metric to track (PercentAvailableGameSessions) and reference a TargetConfiguration object with your desired buffer value. Exclude all other parameters. On a successful request, the policy name is returned. The scaling policy is automatically in force as soon as it's successfully created. If the fleet's auto-scaling actions are temporarily suspended, the new policy will be in force once the fleet actions are restarted. Rule-based policy A rule-based policy tracks specified fleet metric, sets a threshold value, and specifies the type of action to initiate when triggered. With a rule-based policy, you can select from several available fleet metrics. Each policy specifies whether to scale up or scale down (and by how much), so you need one policy for each type of action. For example, a policy may make the following statement: "If the percentage of idle instances is greater than 20% for more than 15 minutes, then reduce the fleet capacity by 10%." A policy's rule statement has the following structure: If [MetricName] is [ComparisonOperator] [Threshold] for [EvaluationPeriods] minutes, then [ScalingAdjustmentType] to/by [ScalingAdjustment]. To implement the example, the rule statement would look like this: If [PercentIdleInstances] is [GreaterThanThreshold] [20] for [15] minutes, then [PercentChangeInCapacity] to/by [10]. To create or update a scaling policy, specify a unique combination of name and fleet ID, and set the policy type to "RuleBased". Specify the parameter values for a policy rule statement. On a successful request, the policy name is returned. Scaling policies are automatically in force as soon as they're successfully created. If the fleet's auto-scaling actions are temporarily suspended, the new policy will be in force once the fleet actions are restarted. DescribeFleetCapacity UpdateFleetCapacity DescribeEC2InstanceLimits Manage scaling policies: PutScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) DescribeScalingPolicies (auto-scaling) DeleteScalingPolicy (auto-scaling) Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
436 */
437 putScalingPolicy(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.PutScalingPolicyOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.PutScalingPolicyOutput, AWSError>;
438 /**
439 * Retrieves a fresh set of credentials for use when uploading a new set of game build files to Amazon GameLift's Amazon S3. This is done as part of the build creation process; see CreateBuild. To request new credentials, specify the build ID as returned with an initial CreateBuild request. If successful, a new set of credentials are returned, along with the S3 storage location associated with the build ID. Learn more Uploading Your Game Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
440 */
441 requestUploadCredentials(params: GameLift.Types.RequestUploadCredentialsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.RequestUploadCredentialsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.RequestUploadCredentialsOutput, AWSError>;
442 /**
443 * Retrieves a fresh set of credentials for use when uploading a new set of game build files to Amazon GameLift's Amazon S3. This is done as part of the build creation process; see CreateBuild. To request new credentials, specify the build ID as returned with an initial CreateBuild request. If successful, a new set of credentials are returned, along with the S3 storage location associated with the build ID. Learn more Uploading Your Game Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
444 */
445 requestUploadCredentials(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.RequestUploadCredentialsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.RequestUploadCredentialsOutput, AWSError>;
446 /**
447 * Retrieves the fleet ID that an alias is currently pointing to. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
448 */
449 resolveAlias(params: GameLift.Types.ResolveAliasInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ResolveAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ResolveAliasOutput, AWSError>;
450 /**
451 * Retrieves the fleet ID that an alias is currently pointing to. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
452 */
453 resolveAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ResolveAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ResolveAliasOutput, AWSError>;
454 /**
455 * Retrieves all active game sessions that match a set of search criteria and sorts them in a specified order. You can search or sort by the following game session attributes: gameSessionId -- A unique identifier for the game session. You can use either a GameSessionId or GameSessionArn value. gameSessionName -- Name assigned to a game session. This value is set when requesting a new game session with CreateGameSession or updating with UpdateGameSession. Game session names do not need to be unique to a game session. gameSessionProperties -- Custom data defined in a game session's GameProperty parameter. GameProperty values are stored as key:value pairs; the filter expression must indicate the key and a string to search the data values for. For example, to search for game sessions with custom data containing the key:value pair "gameMode:brawl", specify the following: gameSessionProperties.gameMode = "brawl". All custom data values are searched as strings. maximumSessions -- Maximum number of player sessions allowed for a game session. This value is set when requesting a new game session with CreateGameSession or updating with UpdateGameSession. creationTimeMillis -- Value indicating when a game session was created. It is expressed in Unix time as milliseconds. playerSessionCount -- Number of players currently connected to a game session. This value changes rapidly as players join the session or drop out. hasAvailablePlayerSessions -- Boolean value indicating whether a game session has reached its maximum number of players. It is highly recommended that all search requests include this filter attribute to optimize search performance and return only sessions that players can join. Returned values for playerSessionCount and hasAvailablePlayerSessions change quickly as players join sessions and others drop out. Results should be considered a snapshot in time. Be sure to refresh search results often, and handle sessions that fill up before a player can join. To search or sort, specify either a fleet ID or an alias ID, and provide a search filter expression, a sort expression, or both. If successful, a collection of GameSession objects matching the request is returned. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. You can search for game sessions one fleet at a time only. To find game sessions across multiple fleets, you must search each fleet separately and combine the results. This search feature finds only game sessions that are in ACTIVE status. To locate games in statuses other than active, use DescribeGameSessionDetails. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
456 */
457 searchGameSessions(params: GameLift.Types.SearchGameSessionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.SearchGameSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.SearchGameSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
458 /**
459 * Retrieves all active game sessions that match a set of search criteria and sorts them in a specified order. You can search or sort by the following game session attributes: gameSessionId -- A unique identifier for the game session. You can use either a GameSessionId or GameSessionArn value. gameSessionName -- Name assigned to a game session. This value is set when requesting a new game session with CreateGameSession or updating with UpdateGameSession. Game session names do not need to be unique to a game session. gameSessionProperties -- Custom data defined in a game session's GameProperty parameter. GameProperty values are stored as key:value pairs; the filter expression must indicate the key and a string to search the data values for. For example, to search for game sessions with custom data containing the key:value pair "gameMode:brawl", specify the following: gameSessionProperties.gameMode = "brawl". All custom data values are searched as strings. maximumSessions -- Maximum number of player sessions allowed for a game session. This value is set when requesting a new game session with CreateGameSession or updating with UpdateGameSession. creationTimeMillis -- Value indicating when a game session was created. It is expressed in Unix time as milliseconds. playerSessionCount -- Number of players currently connected to a game session. This value changes rapidly as players join the session or drop out. hasAvailablePlayerSessions -- Boolean value indicating whether a game session has reached its maximum number of players. It is highly recommended that all search requests include this filter attribute to optimize search performance and return only sessions that players can join. Returned values for playerSessionCount and hasAvailablePlayerSessions change quickly as players join sessions and others drop out. Results should be considered a snapshot in time. Be sure to refresh search results often, and handle sessions that fill up before a player can join. To search or sort, specify either a fleet ID or an alias ID, and provide a search filter expression, a sort expression, or both. If successful, a collection of GameSession objects matching the request is returned. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. You can search for game sessions one fleet at a time only. To find game sessions across multiple fleets, you must search each fleet separately and combine the results. This search feature finds only game sessions that are in ACTIVE status. To locate games in statuses other than active, use DescribeGameSessionDetails. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
460 */
461 searchGameSessions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.SearchGameSessionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.SearchGameSessionsOutput, AWSError>;
462 /**
463 * Resumes activity on a fleet that was suspended with StopFleetActions. Currently, this operation is used to restart a fleet's auto-scaling activity. To start fleet actions, specify the fleet ID and the type of actions to restart. When auto-scaling fleet actions are restarted, Amazon GameLift once again initiates scaling events as triggered by the fleet's scaling policies. If actions on the fleet were never stopped, this operation will have no effect. You can view a fleet's stopped actions using DescribeFleetAttributes. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
464 */
465 startFleetActions(params: GameLift.Types.StartFleetActionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartFleetActionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartFleetActionsOutput, AWSError>;
466 /**
467 * Resumes activity on a fleet that was suspended with StopFleetActions. Currently, this operation is used to restart a fleet's auto-scaling activity. To start fleet actions, specify the fleet ID and the type of actions to restart. When auto-scaling fleet actions are restarted, Amazon GameLift once again initiates scaling events as triggered by the fleet's scaling policies. If actions on the fleet were never stopped, this operation will have no effect. You can view a fleet's stopped actions using DescribeFleetAttributes. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
468 */
469 startFleetActions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartFleetActionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartFleetActionsOutput, AWSError>;
470 /**
471 * Places a request for a new game session in a queue (see CreateGameSessionQueue). When processing a placement request, Amazon GameLift searches for available resources on the queue's destinations, scanning each until it finds resources or the placement request times out. A game session placement request can also request player sessions. When a new game session is successfully created, Amazon GameLift creates a player session for each player included in the request. When placing a game session, by default Amazon GameLift tries each fleet in the order they are listed in the queue configuration. Ideally, a queue's destinations are listed in preference order. Alternatively, when requesting a game session with players, you can also provide latency data for each player in relevant Regions. Latency data indicates the performance lag a player experiences when connected to a fleet in the Region. Amazon GameLift uses latency data to reorder the list of destinations to place the game session in a Region with minimal lag. If latency data is provided for multiple players, Amazon GameLift calculates each Region's average lag for all players and reorders to get the best game play across all players. To place a new game session request, specify the following: The queue name and a set of game session properties and settings A unique ID (such as a UUID) for the placement. You use this ID to track the status of the placement request (Optional) A set of player data and a unique player ID for each player that you are joining to the new game session (player data is optional, but if you include it, you must also provide a unique ID for each player) Latency data for all players (if you want to optimize game play for the players) If successful, a new game session placement is created. To track the status of a placement request, call DescribeGameSessionPlacement and check the request's status. If the status is FULFILLED, a new game session has been created and a game session ARN and Region are referenced. If the placement request times out, you can resubmit the request or retry it with a different queue. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
472 */
473 startGameSessionPlacement(params: GameLift.Types.StartGameSessionPlacementInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartGameSessionPlacementOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartGameSessionPlacementOutput, AWSError>;
474 /**
475 * Places a request for a new game session in a queue (see CreateGameSessionQueue). When processing a placement request, Amazon GameLift searches for available resources on the queue's destinations, scanning each until it finds resources or the placement request times out. A game session placement request can also request player sessions. When a new game session is successfully created, Amazon GameLift creates a player session for each player included in the request. When placing a game session, by default Amazon GameLift tries each fleet in the order they are listed in the queue configuration. Ideally, a queue's destinations are listed in preference order. Alternatively, when requesting a game session with players, you can also provide latency data for each player in relevant Regions. Latency data indicates the performance lag a player experiences when connected to a fleet in the Region. Amazon GameLift uses latency data to reorder the list of destinations to place the game session in a Region with minimal lag. If latency data is provided for multiple players, Amazon GameLift calculates each Region's average lag for all players and reorders to get the best game play across all players. To place a new game session request, specify the following: The queue name and a set of game session properties and settings A unique ID (such as a UUID) for the placement. You use this ID to track the status of the placement request (Optional) A set of player data and a unique player ID for each player that you are joining to the new game session (player data is optional, but if you include it, you must also provide a unique ID for each player) Latency data for all players (if you want to optimize game play for the players) If successful, a new game session placement is created. To track the status of a placement request, call DescribeGameSessionPlacement and check the request's status. If the status is FULFILLED, a new game session has been created and a game session ARN and Region are referenced. If the placement request times out, you can resubmit the request or retry it with a different queue. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
476 */
477 startGameSessionPlacement(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartGameSessionPlacementOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartGameSessionPlacementOutput, AWSError>;
478 /**
479 * Finds new players to fill open slots in an existing game session. This operation can be used to add players to matched games that start with fewer than the maximum number of players or to replace players when they drop out. By backfilling with the same matchmaker used to create the original match, you ensure that new players meet the match criteria and maintain a consistent experience throughout the game session. You can backfill a match anytime after a game session has been created. To request a match backfill, specify a unique ticket ID, the existing game session's ARN, a matchmaking configuration, and a set of data that describes all current players in the game session. If successful, a match backfill ticket is created and returned with status set to QUEUED. The ticket is placed in the matchmaker's ticket pool and processed. Track the status of the ticket to respond as needed. The process of finding backfill matches is essentially identical to the initial matchmaking process. The matchmaker searches the pool and groups tickets together to form potential matches, allowing only one backfill ticket per potential match. Once the a match is formed, the matchmaker creates player sessions for the new players. All tickets in the match are updated with the game session's connection information, and the GameSession object is updated to include matchmaker data on the new players. For more detail on how match backfill requests are processed, see How Amazon GameLift FlexMatch Works. Learn more Backfill Existing Games with FlexMatch How GameLift FlexMatch Works Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
480 */
481 startMatchBackfill(params: GameLift.Types.StartMatchBackfillInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartMatchBackfillOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartMatchBackfillOutput, AWSError>;
482 /**
483 * Finds new players to fill open slots in an existing game session. This operation can be used to add players to matched games that start with fewer than the maximum number of players or to replace players when they drop out. By backfilling with the same matchmaker used to create the original match, you ensure that new players meet the match criteria and maintain a consistent experience throughout the game session. You can backfill a match anytime after a game session has been created. To request a match backfill, specify a unique ticket ID, the existing game session's ARN, a matchmaking configuration, and a set of data that describes all current players in the game session. If successful, a match backfill ticket is created and returned with status set to QUEUED. The ticket is placed in the matchmaker's ticket pool and processed. Track the status of the ticket to respond as needed. The process of finding backfill matches is essentially identical to the initial matchmaking process. The matchmaker searches the pool and groups tickets together to form potential matches, allowing only one backfill ticket per potential match. Once the a match is formed, the matchmaker creates player sessions for the new players. All tickets in the match are updated with the game session's connection information, and the GameSession object is updated to include matchmaker data on the new players. For more detail on how match backfill requests are processed, see How Amazon GameLift FlexMatch Works. Learn more Backfill Existing Games with FlexMatch How GameLift FlexMatch Works Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
484 */
485 startMatchBackfill(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartMatchBackfillOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartMatchBackfillOutput, AWSError>;
486 /**
487 * Uses FlexMatch to create a game match for a group of players based on custom matchmaking rules, and starts a new game for the matched players. Each matchmaking request specifies the type of match to build (team configuration, rules for an acceptable match, etc.). The request also specifies the players to find a match for and where to host the new game session for optimal performance. A matchmaking request might start with a single player or a group of players who want to play together. FlexMatch finds additional players as needed to fill the match. Match type, rules, and the queue used to place a new game session are defined in a MatchmakingConfiguration. To start matchmaking, provide a unique ticket ID, specify a matchmaking configuration, and include the players to be matched. You must also include a set of player attributes relevant for the matchmaking configuration. If successful, a matchmaking ticket is returned with status set to QUEUED. Track the status of the ticket to respond as needed and acquire game session connection information for successfully completed matches. Tracking ticket status -- A couple of options are available for tracking the status of matchmaking requests: Polling -- Call DescribeMatchmaking. This operation returns the full ticket object, including current status and (for completed tickets) game session connection info. We recommend polling no more than once every 10 seconds. Notifications -- Get event notifications for changes in ticket status using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Notifications are easy to set up (see CreateMatchmakingConfiguration) and typically deliver match status changes faster and more efficiently than polling. We recommend that you use polling to back up to notifications (since delivery is not guaranteed) and call DescribeMatchmaking only when notifications are not received within 30 seconds. Processing a matchmaking request -- FlexMatch handles a matchmaking request as follows: Your client code submits a StartMatchmaking request for one or more players and tracks the status of the request ticket. FlexMatch uses this ticket and others in process to build an acceptable match. When a potential match is identified, all tickets in the proposed match are advanced to the next status. If the match requires player acceptance (set in the matchmaking configuration), the tickets move into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE. This status triggers your client code to solicit acceptance from all players in every ticket involved in the match, and then call AcceptMatch for each player. If any player rejects or fails to accept the match before a specified timeout, the proposed match is dropped (see AcceptMatch for more details). Once a match is proposed and accepted, the matchmaking tickets move into status PLACING. FlexMatch locates resources for a new game session using the game session queue (set in the matchmaking configuration) and creates the game session based on the match data. When the match is successfully placed, the matchmaking tickets move into COMPLETED status. Connection information (including game session endpoint and player session) is added to the matchmaking tickets. Matched players can use the connection information to join the game. Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client Set Up FlexMatch Event Notification FlexMatch Integration Roadmap How GameLift FlexMatch Works Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
488 */
489 startMatchmaking(params: GameLift.Types.StartMatchmakingInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartMatchmakingOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartMatchmakingOutput, AWSError>;
490 /**
491 * Uses FlexMatch to create a game match for a group of players based on custom matchmaking rules, and starts a new game for the matched players. Each matchmaking request specifies the type of match to build (team configuration, rules for an acceptable match, etc.). The request also specifies the players to find a match for and where to host the new game session for optimal performance. A matchmaking request might start with a single player or a group of players who want to play together. FlexMatch finds additional players as needed to fill the match. Match type, rules, and the queue used to place a new game session are defined in a MatchmakingConfiguration. To start matchmaking, provide a unique ticket ID, specify a matchmaking configuration, and include the players to be matched. You must also include a set of player attributes relevant for the matchmaking configuration. If successful, a matchmaking ticket is returned with status set to QUEUED. Track the status of the ticket to respond as needed and acquire game session connection information for successfully completed matches. Tracking ticket status -- A couple of options are available for tracking the status of matchmaking requests: Polling -- Call DescribeMatchmaking. This operation returns the full ticket object, including current status and (for completed tickets) game session connection info. We recommend polling no more than once every 10 seconds. Notifications -- Get event notifications for changes in ticket status using Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Notifications are easy to set up (see CreateMatchmakingConfiguration) and typically deliver match status changes faster and more efficiently than polling. We recommend that you use polling to back up to notifications (since delivery is not guaranteed) and call DescribeMatchmaking only when notifications are not received within 30 seconds. Processing a matchmaking request -- FlexMatch handles a matchmaking request as follows: Your client code submits a StartMatchmaking request for one or more players and tracks the status of the request ticket. FlexMatch uses this ticket and others in process to build an acceptable match. When a potential match is identified, all tickets in the proposed match are advanced to the next status. If the match requires player acceptance (set in the matchmaking configuration), the tickets move into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE. This status triggers your client code to solicit acceptance from all players in every ticket involved in the match, and then call AcceptMatch for each player. If any player rejects or fails to accept the match before a specified timeout, the proposed match is dropped (see AcceptMatch for more details). Once a match is proposed and accepted, the matchmaking tickets move into status PLACING. FlexMatch locates resources for a new game session using the game session queue (set in the matchmaking configuration) and creates the game session based on the match data. When the match is successfully placed, the matchmaking tickets move into COMPLETED status. Connection information (including game session endpoint and player session) is added to the matchmaking tickets. Matched players can use the connection information to join the game. Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client Set Up FlexMatch Event Notification FlexMatch Integration Roadmap How GameLift FlexMatch Works Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
492 */
493 startMatchmaking(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StartMatchmakingOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StartMatchmakingOutput, AWSError>;
494 /**
495 * Suspends activity on a fleet. Currently, this operation is used to stop a fleet's auto-scaling activity. It is used to temporarily stop scaling events triggered by the fleet's scaling policies. The policies can be retained and auto-scaling activity can be restarted using StartFleetActions. You can view a fleet's stopped actions using DescribeFleetAttributes. To stop fleet actions, specify the fleet ID and the type of actions to suspend. When auto-scaling fleet actions are stopped, Amazon GameLift no longer initiates scaling events except to maintain the fleet's desired instances setting (FleetCapacity. Changes to the fleet's capacity must be done manually using UpdateFleetCapacity. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
496 */
497 stopFleetActions(params: GameLift.Types.StopFleetActionsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StopFleetActionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StopFleetActionsOutput, AWSError>;
498 /**
499 * Suspends activity on a fleet. Currently, this operation is used to stop a fleet's auto-scaling activity. It is used to temporarily stop scaling events triggered by the fleet's scaling policies. The policies can be retained and auto-scaling activity can be restarted using StartFleetActions. You can view a fleet's stopped actions using DescribeFleetAttributes. To stop fleet actions, specify the fleet ID and the type of actions to suspend. When auto-scaling fleet actions are stopped, Amazon GameLift no longer initiates scaling events except to maintain the fleet's desired instances setting (FleetCapacity. Changes to the fleet's capacity must be done manually using UpdateFleetCapacity. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet Describe fleets: DescribeFleetAttributes DescribeFleetCapacity DescribeFleetPortSettings DescribeFleetUtilization DescribeRuntimeConfiguration DescribeEC2InstanceLimits DescribeFleetEvents Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
500 */
501 stopFleetActions(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StopFleetActionsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StopFleetActionsOutput, AWSError>;
502 /**
503 * Cancels a game session placement that is in PENDING status. To stop a placement, provide the placement ID values. If successful, the placement is moved to CANCELLED status. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
504 */
505 stopGameSessionPlacement(params: GameLift.Types.StopGameSessionPlacementInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StopGameSessionPlacementOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StopGameSessionPlacementOutput, AWSError>;
506 /**
507 * Cancels a game session placement that is in PENDING status. To stop a placement, provide the placement ID values. If successful, the placement is moved to CANCELLED status. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
508 */
509 stopGameSessionPlacement(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StopGameSessionPlacementOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StopGameSessionPlacementOutput, AWSError>;
510 /**
511 * Cancels a matchmaking ticket or match backfill ticket that is currently being processed. To stop the matchmaking operation, specify the ticket ID. If successful, work on the ticket is stopped, and the ticket status is changed to CANCELLED. This call is also used to turn off automatic backfill for an individual game session. This is for game sessions that are created with a matchmaking configuration that has automatic backfill enabled. The ticket ID is included in the MatchmakerData of an updated game session object, which is provided to the game server. If the action is successful, the service sends back an empty JSON struct with the HTTP 200 response (not an empty HTTP body). Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
512 */
513 stopMatchmaking(params: GameLift.Types.StopMatchmakingInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StopMatchmakingOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StopMatchmakingOutput, AWSError>;
514 /**
515 * Cancels a matchmaking ticket or match backfill ticket that is currently being processed. To stop the matchmaking operation, specify the ticket ID. If successful, work on the ticket is stopped, and the ticket status is changed to CANCELLED. This call is also used to turn off automatic backfill for an individual game session. This is for game sessions that are created with a matchmaking configuration that has automatic backfill enabled. The ticket ID is included in the MatchmakerData of an updated game session object, which is provided to the game server. If the action is successful, the service sends back an empty JSON struct with the HTTP 200 response (not an empty HTTP body). Learn more Add FlexMatch to a Game Client Related operations StartMatchmaking DescribeMatchmaking StopMatchmaking AcceptMatch StartMatchBackfill
516 */
517 stopMatchmaking(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.StopMatchmakingOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.StopMatchmakingOutput, AWSError>;
518 /**
519 * Assigns a tag to a GameLift resource. AWS resource tags provide an additional management tool set. You can use tags to organize resources, create IAM permissions policies to manage access to groups of resources, customize AWS cost breakdowns, etc. This action handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types: Build Script Fleet Alias GameSessionQueue MatchmakingConfiguration MatchmakingRuleSet To add a tag to a resource, specify the unique ARN value for the resource and provide a trig list containing one or more tags. The operation succeeds even if the list includes tags that are already assigned to the specified resource. Learn more Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference AWS Tagging Strategies Related operations TagResource UntagResource ListTagsForResource
520 */
521 tagResource(params: GameLift.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
522 /**
523 * Assigns a tag to a GameLift resource. AWS resource tags provide an additional management tool set. You can use tags to organize resources, create IAM permissions policies to manage access to groups of resources, customize AWS cost breakdowns, etc. This action handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types: Build Script Fleet Alias GameSessionQueue MatchmakingConfiguration MatchmakingRuleSet To add a tag to a resource, specify the unique ARN value for the resource and provide a trig list containing one or more tags. The operation succeeds even if the list includes tags that are already assigned to the specified resource. Learn more Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference AWS Tagging Strategies Related operations TagResource UntagResource ListTagsForResource
524 */
525 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
526 /**
527 * Removes a tag that is assigned to a GameLift resource. Resource tags are used to organize AWS resources for a range of purposes. This action handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types: Build Script Fleet Alias GameSessionQueue MatchmakingConfiguration MatchmakingRuleSet To remove a tag from a resource, specify the unique ARN value for the resource and provide a string list containing one or more tags to be removed. This action succeeds even if the list includes tags that are not currently assigned to the specified resource. Learn more Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference AWS Tagging Strategies Related operations TagResource UntagResource ListTagsForResource
528 */
529 untagResource(params: GameLift.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
530 /**
531 * Removes a tag that is assigned to a GameLift resource. Resource tags are used to organize AWS resources for a range of purposes. This action handles the permissions necessary to manage tags for the following GameLift resource types: Build Script Fleet Alias GameSessionQueue MatchmakingConfiguration MatchmakingRuleSet To remove a tag from a resource, specify the unique ARN value for the resource and provide a string list containing one or more tags to be removed. This action succeeds even if the list includes tags that are not currently assigned to the specified resource. Learn more Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference AWS Tagging Strategies Related operations TagResource UntagResource ListTagsForResource
532 */
533 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
534 /**
535 * Updates properties for an alias. To update properties, specify the alias ID to be updated and provide the information to be changed. To reassign an alias to another fleet, provide an updated routing strategy. If successful, the updated alias record is returned. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
536 */
537 updateAlias(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateAliasInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateAliasOutput, AWSError>;
538 /**
539 * Updates properties for an alias. To update properties, specify the alias ID to be updated and provide the information to be changed. To reassign an alias to another fleet, provide an updated routing strategy. If successful, the updated alias record is returned. CreateAlias ListAliases DescribeAlias UpdateAlias DeleteAlias ResolveAlias
540 */
541 updateAlias(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateAliasOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateAliasOutput, AWSError>;
542 /**
543 * Updates metadata in a build record, including the build name and version. To update the metadata, specify the build ID to update and provide the new values. If successful, a build object containing the updated metadata is returned. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
544 */
545 updateBuild(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateBuildInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateBuildOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateBuildOutput, AWSError>;
546 /**
547 * Updates metadata in a build record, including the build name and version. To update the metadata, specify the build ID to update and provide the new values. If successful, a build object containing the updated metadata is returned. Learn more Working with Builds Related operations CreateBuild ListBuilds DescribeBuild UpdateBuild DeleteBuild
548 */
549 updateBuild(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateBuildOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateBuildOutput, AWSError>;
550 /**
551 * Updates fleet properties, including name and description, for a fleet. To update metadata, specify the fleet ID and the property values that you want to change. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
552 */
553 updateFleetAttributes(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetAttributesInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetAttributesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetAttributesOutput, AWSError>;
554 /**
555 * Updates fleet properties, including name and description, for a fleet. To update metadata, specify the fleet ID and the property values that you want to change. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
556 */
557 updateFleetAttributes(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetAttributesOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetAttributesOutput, AWSError>;
558 /**
559 * Updates capacity settings for a fleet. Use this action to specify the number of EC2 instances (hosts) that you want this fleet to contain. Before calling this action, you may want to call DescribeEC2InstanceLimits to get the maximum capacity based on the fleet's EC2 instance type. Specify minimum and maximum number of instances. Amazon GameLift will not change fleet capacity to values fall outside of this range. This is particularly important when using auto-scaling (see PutScalingPolicy) to allow capacity to adjust based on player demand while imposing limits on automatic adjustments. To update fleet capacity, specify the fleet ID and the number of instances you want the fleet to host. If successful, Amazon GameLift starts or terminates instances so that the fleet's active instance count matches the desired instance count. You can view a fleet's current capacity information by calling DescribeFleetCapacity. If the desired instance count is higher than the instance type's limit, the "Limit Exceeded" exception occurs. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
560 */
561 updateFleetCapacity(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetCapacityInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetCapacityOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetCapacityOutput, AWSError>;
562 /**
563 * Updates capacity settings for a fleet. Use this action to specify the number of EC2 instances (hosts) that you want this fleet to contain. Before calling this action, you may want to call DescribeEC2InstanceLimits to get the maximum capacity based on the fleet's EC2 instance type. Specify minimum and maximum number of instances. Amazon GameLift will not change fleet capacity to values fall outside of this range. This is particularly important when using auto-scaling (see PutScalingPolicy) to allow capacity to adjust based on player demand while imposing limits on automatic adjustments. To update fleet capacity, specify the fleet ID and the number of instances you want the fleet to host. If successful, Amazon GameLift starts or terminates instances so that the fleet's active instance count matches the desired instance count. You can view a fleet's current capacity information by calling DescribeFleetCapacity. If the desired instance count is higher than the instance type's limit, the "Limit Exceeded" exception occurs. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
564 */
565 updateFleetCapacity(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetCapacityOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetCapacityOutput, AWSError>;
566 /**
567 * Updates port settings for a fleet. To update settings, specify the fleet ID to be updated and list the permissions you want to update. List the permissions you want to add in InboundPermissionAuthorizations, and permissions you want to remove in InboundPermissionRevocations. Permissions to be removed must match existing fleet permissions. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
568 */
569 updateFleetPortSettings(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetPortSettingsInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetPortSettingsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetPortSettingsOutput, AWSError>;
570 /**
571 * Updates port settings for a fleet. To update settings, specify the fleet ID to be updated and list the permissions you want to update. List the permissions you want to add in InboundPermissionAuthorizations, and permissions you want to remove in InboundPermissionRevocations. Permissions to be removed must match existing fleet permissions. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
572 */
573 updateFleetPortSettings(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetPortSettingsOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateFleetPortSettingsOutput, AWSError>;
574 /**
575 * Updates game session properties. This includes the session name, maximum player count, protection policy, which controls whether or not an active game session can be terminated during a scale-down event, and the player session creation policy, which controls whether or not new players can join the session. To update a game session, specify the game session ID and the values you want to change. If successful, an updated GameSession object is returned. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
576 */
577 updateGameSession(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionOutput, AWSError>;
578 /**
579 * Updates game session properties. This includes the session name, maximum player count, protection policy, which controls whether or not an active game session can be terminated during a scale-down event, and the player session creation policy, which controls whether or not new players can join the session. To update a game session, specify the game session ID and the values you want to change. If successful, an updated GameSession object is returned. CreateGameSession DescribeGameSessions DescribeGameSessionDetails SearchGameSessions UpdateGameSession GetGameSessionLogUrl Game session placements StartGameSessionPlacement DescribeGameSessionPlacement StopGameSessionPlacement
580 */
581 updateGameSession(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionOutput, AWSError>;
582 /**
583 * Updates settings for a game session queue, which determines how new game session requests in the queue are processed. To update settings, specify the queue name to be updated and provide the new settings. When updating destinations, provide a complete list of destinations. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
584 */
585 updateGameSessionQueue(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionQueueInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionQueueOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionQueueOutput, AWSError>;
586 /**
587 * Updates settings for a game session queue, which determines how new game session requests in the queue are processed. To update settings, specify the queue name to be updated and provide the new settings. When updating destinations, provide a complete list of destinations. CreateGameSessionQueue DescribeGameSessionQueues UpdateGameSessionQueue DeleteGameSessionQueue
588 */
589 updateGameSessionQueue(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionQueueOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateGameSessionQueueOutput, AWSError>;
590 /**
591 * Updates settings for a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration. These changes affect all matches and game sessions that are created after the update. To update settings, specify the configuration name to be updated and provide the new settings. Learn more Design a FlexMatch Matchmaker Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
592 */
593 updateMatchmakingConfiguration(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
594 /**
595 * Updates settings for a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration. These changes affect all matches and game sessions that are created after the update. To update settings, specify the configuration name to be updated and provide the new settings. Learn more Design a FlexMatch Matchmaker Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
596 */
597 updateMatchmakingConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
598 /**
599 * Updates the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet, which tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. You can update a fleet's runtime configuration at any time after the fleet is created; it does not need to be in an ACTIVE status. To update runtime configuration, specify the fleet ID and provide a RuntimeConfiguration object with an updated set of server process configurations. Each instance in a Amazon GameLift fleet checks regularly for an updated runtime configuration and changes how it launches server processes to comply with the latest version. Existing server processes are not affected by the update; runtime configuration changes are applied gradually as existing processes shut down and new processes are launched during Amazon GameLift's normal process recycling activity. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
600 */
601 updateRuntimeConfiguration(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateRuntimeConfigurationInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateRuntimeConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateRuntimeConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
602 /**
603 * Updates the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet, which tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. You can update a fleet's runtime configuration at any time after the fleet is created; it does not need to be in an ACTIVE status. To update runtime configuration, specify the fleet ID and provide a RuntimeConfiguration object with an updated set of server process configurations. Each instance in a Amazon GameLift fleet checks regularly for an updated runtime configuration and changes how it launches server processes to comply with the latest version. Existing server processes are not affected by the update; runtime configuration changes are applied gradually as existing processes shut down and new processes are launched during Amazon GameLift's normal process recycling activity. Learn more Working with Fleets. Related operations CreateFleet ListFleets DeleteFleet DescribeFleetAttributes Update fleets: UpdateFleetAttributes UpdateFleetCapacity UpdateFleetPortSettings UpdateRuntimeConfiguration Manage fleet actions: StartFleetActions StopFleetActions
604 */
605 updateRuntimeConfiguration(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateRuntimeConfigurationOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateRuntimeConfigurationOutput, AWSError>;
606 /**
607 * Updates Realtime script metadata and content. To update script metadata, specify the script ID and provide updated name and/or version values. To update script content, provide an updated zip file by pointing to either a local file or an Amazon S3 bucket location. You can use either method regardless of how the original script was uploaded. Use the Version parameter to track updates to the script. If the call is successful, the updated metadata is stored in the script record and a revised script is uploaded to the Amazon GameLift service. Once the script is updated and acquired by a fleet instance, the new version is used for all new game sessions. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
608 */
609 updateScript(params: GameLift.Types.UpdateScriptInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateScriptOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateScriptOutput, AWSError>;
610 /**
611 * Updates Realtime script metadata and content. To update script metadata, specify the script ID and provide updated name and/or version values. To update script content, provide an updated zip file by pointing to either a local file or an Amazon S3 bucket location. You can use either method regardless of how the original script was uploaded. Use the Version parameter to track updates to the script. If the call is successful, the updated metadata is stored in the script record and a revised script is uploaded to the Amazon GameLift service. Once the script is updated and acquired by a fleet instance, the new version is used for all new game sessions. Learn more Amazon GameLift Realtime Servers Related operations CreateScript ListScripts DescribeScript UpdateScript DeleteScript
612 */
613 updateScript(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.UpdateScriptOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.UpdateScriptOutput, AWSError>;
614 /**
615 * Validates the syntax of a matchmaking rule or rule set. This operation checks that the rule set is using syntactically correct JSON and that it conforms to allowed property expressions. To validate syntax, provide a rule set JSON string. Learn more Build a Rule Set Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
616 */
617 validateMatchmakingRuleSet(params: GameLift.Types.ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetInput, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput, AWSError>;
618 /**
619 * Validates the syntax of a matchmaking rule or rule set. This operation checks that the rule set is using syntactically correct JSON and that it conforms to allowed property expressions. To validate syntax, provide a rule set JSON string. Learn more Build a Rule Set Related operations CreateMatchmakingConfiguration DescribeMatchmakingConfigurations UpdateMatchmakingConfiguration DeleteMatchmakingConfiguration CreateMatchmakingRuleSet DescribeMatchmakingRuleSets ValidateMatchmakingRuleSet DeleteMatchmakingRuleSet
620 */
621 validateMatchmakingRuleSet(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: GameLift.Types.ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput) => void): Request<GameLift.Types.ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput, AWSError>;
623declare namespace GameLift {
624 export interface AcceptMatchInput {
625 /**
626 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking ticket. The ticket must be in status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE; otherwise this request will fail.
627 */
628 TicketId: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
629 /**
630 * A unique identifier for a player delivering the response. This parameter can include one or multiple player IDs.
631 */
632 PlayerIds: StringList;
633 /**
634 * Player response to the proposed match.
635 */
636 AcceptanceType: AcceptanceType;
637 }
638 export interface AcceptMatchOutput {
639 }
640 export type AcceptanceType = "ACCEPT"|"REJECT"|string;
641 export interface Alias {
642 /**
643 * A unique identifier for an alias. Alias IDs are unique within a Region.
644 */
645 AliasId?: AliasId;
646 /**
647 * A descriptive label that is associated with an alias. Alias names do not need to be unique.
648 */
649 Name?: NonBlankAndLengthConstraintString;
650 /**
651 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift alias resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions.. In a GameLift alias ARN, the resource ID matches the alias ID value.
652 */
653 AliasArn?: ArnStringModel;
654 /**
655 * A human-readable description of an alias.
656 */
657 Description?: FreeText;
658 /**
659 * The routing configuration, including routing type and fleet target, for the alias.
660 */
661 RoutingStrategy?: RoutingStrategy;
662 /**
663 * A time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
664 */
665 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
666 /**
667 * The time that this data object was last modified. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
668 */
669 LastUpdatedTime?: Timestamp;
670 }
671 export type AliasId = string;
672 export type AliasList = Alias[];
673 export type AmazonResourceName = string;
674 export type ArnStringModel = string;
675 export interface AttributeValue {
676 /**
677 * For single string values. Maximum string length is 100 characters.
678 */
679 S?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
680 /**
681 * For number values, expressed as double.
682 */
683 N?: DoubleObject;
684 /**
685 * For a list of up to 10 strings. Maximum length for each string is 100 characters. Duplicate values are not recognized; all occurrences of the repeated value after the first of a repeated value are ignored.
686 */
687 SL?: StringList;
688 /**
689 * For a map of up to 10 data type:value pairs. Maximum length for each string value is 100 characters.
690 */
691 SDM?: StringDoubleMap;
692 }
693 export interface AwsCredentials {
694 /**
695 * Temporary key allowing access to the Amazon GameLift S3 account.
696 */
697 AccessKeyId?: NonEmptyString;
698 /**
699 * Temporary secret key allowing access to the Amazon GameLift S3 account.
700 */
701 SecretAccessKey?: NonEmptyString;
702 /**
703 * Token used to associate a specific build ID with the files uploaded using these credentials.
704 */
705 SessionToken?: NonEmptyString;
706 }
707 export type BackfillMode = "AUTOMATIC"|"MANUAL"|string;
708 export type BooleanModel = boolean;
709 export interface Build {
710 /**
711 * A unique identifier for a build.
712 */
713 BuildId?: BuildId;
714 /**
715 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift build resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. In a GameLift build ARN, the resource ID matches the BuildId value.
716 */
717 BuildArn?: BuildArn;
718 /**
719 * A descriptive label that is associated with a build. Build names do not need to be unique. It can be set using CreateBuild or UpdateBuild.
720 */
721 Name?: FreeText;
722 /**
723 * Version information that is associated with a build or script. Version strings do not need to be unique. This value can be set using CreateBuild or UpdateBuild.
724 */
725 Version?: FreeText;
726 /**
727 * Current status of the build. Possible build statuses include the following: INITIALIZED -- A new build has been defined, but no files have been uploaded. You cannot create fleets for builds that are in this status. When a build is successfully created, the build status is set to this value. READY -- The game build has been successfully uploaded. You can now create new fleets for this build. FAILED -- The game build upload failed. You cannot create new fleets for this build.
728 */
729 Status?: BuildStatus;
730 /**
731 * File size of the uploaded game build, expressed in bytes. When the build status is INITIALIZED, this value is 0.
732 */
733 SizeOnDisk?: PositiveLong;
734 /**
735 * Operating system that the game server binaries are built to run on. This value determines the type of fleet resources that you can use for this build.
736 */
737 OperatingSystem?: OperatingSystem;
738 /**
739 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
740 */
741 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
742 }
743 export type BuildArn = string;
744 export type BuildId = string;
745 export type BuildList = Build[];
746 export type BuildStatus = "INITIALIZED"|"READY"|"FAILED"|string;
747 export interface CertificateConfiguration {
748 /**
749 * Indicates whether a TLS/SSL certificate was generated for a fleet.
750 */
751 CertificateType: CertificateType;
752 }
753 export type CertificateType = "DISABLED"|"GENERATED"|string;
754 export type ComparisonOperatorType = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"|"GreaterThanThreshold"|"LessThanThreshold"|"LessThanOrEqualToThreshold"|string;
755 export interface CreateAliasInput {
756 /**
757 * A descriptive label that is associated with an alias. Alias names do not need to be unique.
758 */
759 Name: NonBlankAndLengthConstraintString;
760 /**
761 * A human-readable description of the alias.
762 */
763 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
764 /**
765 * The routing configuration, including routing type and fleet target, for the alias.
766 */
767 RoutingStrategy: RoutingStrategy;
768 /**
769 * A list of labels to assign to the new alias resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
770 */
771 Tags?: TagList;
772 }
773 export interface CreateAliasOutput {
774 /**
775 * The newly created alias resource.
776 */
777 Alias?: Alias;
778 }
779 export interface CreateBuildInput {
780 /**
781 * A descriptive label that is associated with a build. Build names do not need to be unique. You can use UpdateBuild to change this value later.
782 */
783 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
784 /**
785 * Version information that is associated with a build or script. Version strings do not need to be unique. You can use UpdateBuild to change this value later.
786 */
787 Version?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
788 /**
789 * Information indicating where your game build files are stored. Use this parameter only when creating a build with files stored in an Amazon S3 bucket that you own. The storage location must specify an Amazon S3 bucket name and key. The location must also specify a role ARN that you set up to allow Amazon GameLift to access your Amazon S3 bucket. The S3 bucket and your new build must be in the same Region.
790 */
791 StorageLocation?: S3Location;
792 /**
793 * The operating system that the game server binaries are built to run on. This value determines the type of fleet resources that you can use for this build. If your game build contains multiple executables, they all must run on the same operating system. If an operating system is not specified when creating a build, Amazon GameLift uses the default value (WINDOWS_2012). This value cannot be changed later.
794 */
795 OperatingSystem?: OperatingSystem;
796 /**
797 * A list of labels to assign to the new build resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
798 */
799 Tags?: TagList;
800 }
801 export interface CreateBuildOutput {
802 /**
803 * The newly created build record, including a unique build IDs and status.
804 */
805 Build?: Build;
806 /**
807 * This element is returned only when the operation is called without a storage location. It contains credentials to use when you are uploading a build file to an Amazon S3 bucket that is owned by Amazon GameLift. Credentials have a limited life span. To refresh these credentials, call RequestUploadCredentials.
808 */
809 UploadCredentials?: AwsCredentials;
810 /**
811 * Amazon S3 location for your game build file, including bucket name and key.
812 */
813 StorageLocation?: S3Location;
814 }
815 export interface CreateFleetInput {
816 /**
817 * A descriptive label that is associated with a fleet. Fleet names do not need to be unique.
818 */
819 Name: NonZeroAndMaxString;
820 /**
821 * A human-readable description of a fleet.
822 */
823 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
824 /**
825 * A unique identifier for a build to be deployed on the new fleet. You can use either the build ID or ARN value. The custom game server build must have been successfully uploaded to Amazon GameLift and be in a READY status. This fleet setting cannot be changed once the fleet is created.
826 */
827 BuildId?: BuildId;
828 /**
829 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script to be deployed on the new fleet. You can use either the script ID or ARN value. The Realtime script must have been successfully uploaded to Amazon GameLift. This fleet setting cannot be changed once the fleet is created.
830 */
831 ScriptId?: ScriptId;
832 /**
833 * This parameter is no longer used. Instead, specify a server launch path using the RuntimeConfiguration parameter. Requests that specify a server launch path and launch parameters instead of a runtime configuration will continue to work.
834 */
835 ServerLaunchPath?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
836 /**
837 * This parameter is no longer used. Instead, specify server launch parameters in the RuntimeConfiguration parameter. (Requests that specify a server launch path and launch parameters instead of a runtime configuration will continue to work.)
838 */
839 ServerLaunchParameters?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
840 /**
841 * This parameter is no longer used. Instead, to specify where Amazon GameLift should store log files once a server process shuts down, use the Amazon GameLift server API ProcessReady() and specify one or more directory paths in logParameters. See more information in the Server API Reference.
842 */
843 LogPaths?: StringList;
844 /**
845 * The name of an EC2 instance type that is supported in Amazon GameLift. A fleet instance type determines the computing resources of each instance in the fleet, including CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity. Amazon GameLift supports the following EC2 instance types. See Amazon EC2 Instance Types for detailed descriptions.
846 */
847 EC2InstanceType: EC2InstanceType;
848 /**
849 * Range of IP addresses and port settings that permit inbound traffic to access game sessions that are running on the fleet. For fleets using a custom game build, this parameter is required before game sessions running on the fleet can accept connections. For Realtime Servers fleets, Amazon GameLift automatically sets TCP and UDP ranges for use by the Realtime servers. You can specify multiple permission settings or add more by updating the fleet.
850 */
851 EC2InboundPermissions?: IpPermissionsList;
852 /**
853 * A game session protection policy to apply to all instances in this fleet. If this parameter is not set, instances in this fleet default to no protection. You can change a fleet's protection policy using UpdateFleetAttributes, but this change will only affect sessions created after the policy change. You can also set protection for individual instances using UpdateGameSession. NoProtection - The game session can be terminated during a scale-down event. FullProtection - If the game session is in an ACTIVE status, it cannot be terminated during a scale-down event.
854 */
855 NewGameSessionProtectionPolicy?: ProtectionPolicy;
856 /**
857 * Instructions for launching server processes on each instance in the fleet. Server processes run either a custom game build executable or a Realtime script. The runtime configuration defines the server executables or launch script file, launch parameters, and the number of processes to run concurrently on each instance. When creating a fleet, the runtime configuration must have at least one server process configuration; otherwise the request fails with an invalid request exception. (This parameter replaces the parameters ServerLaunchPath and ServerLaunchParameters, although requests that contain values for these parameters instead of a runtime configuration will continue to work.) This parameter is required unless the parameters ServerLaunchPath and ServerLaunchParameters are defined. Runtime configuration replaced these parameters, but fleets that use them will continue to work.
858 */
859 RuntimeConfiguration?: RuntimeConfiguration;
860 /**
861 * A policy that limits the number of game sessions an individual player can create over a span of time for this fleet.
862 */
863 ResourceCreationLimitPolicy?: ResourceCreationLimitPolicy;
864 /**
865 * The name of an Amazon CloudWatch metric group to add this fleet to. A metric group aggregates the metrics for all fleets in the group. Specify an existing metric group name, or provide a new name to create a new metric group. A fleet can only be included in one metric group at a time.
866 */
867 MetricGroups?: MetricGroupList;
868 /**
869 * A unique identifier for the AWS account with the VPC that you want to peer your Amazon GameLift fleet with. You can find your account ID in the AWS Management Console under account settings.
870 */
871 PeerVpcAwsAccountId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
872 /**
873 * A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet. The VPC must be in the same Region as your fleet. To look up a VPC ID, use the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about VPC peering in VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
874 */
875 PeerVpcId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
876 /**
877 * Indicates whether to use On-Demand instances or Spot instances for this fleet. If empty, the default is ON_DEMAND. Both categories of instances use identical hardware and configurations based on the instance type selected for this fleet. Learn more about On-Demand versus Spot Instances.
878 */
879 FleetType?: FleetType;
880 /**
881 * A unique identifier for an AWS IAM role that manages access to your AWS services. With an instance role ARN set, any application that runs on an instance in this fleet can assume the role, including install scripts, server processes, and daemons (background processes). Create a role or look up a role's ARN from the IAM dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about using on-box credentials for your game servers at Access external resources from a game server.
882 */
883 InstanceRoleArn?: NonEmptyString;
884 /**
885 * Indicates whether to generate a TLS/SSL certificate for the new fleet. TLS certificates are used for encrypting traffic between game clients and game servers running on GameLift. If this parameter is not specified, the default value, DISABLED, is used. This fleet setting cannot be changed once the fleet is created. Learn more at Securing Client/Server Communication. Note: This feature requires the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) service, which is available in the AWS global partition but not in all other partitions. When working in a partition that does not support this feature, a request for a new fleet with certificate generation results fails with a 4xx unsupported Region error. Valid values include: GENERATED - Generate a TLS/SSL certificate for this fleet. DISABLED - (default) Do not generate a TLS/SSL certificate for this fleet.
886 */
887 CertificateConfiguration?: CertificateConfiguration;
888 /**
889 * A list of labels to assign to the new fleet resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
890 */
891 Tags?: TagList;
892 }
893 export interface CreateFleetOutput {
894 /**
895 * Properties for the newly created fleet.
896 */
897 FleetAttributes?: FleetAttributes;
898 }
899 export interface CreateGameSessionInput {
900 /**
901 * A unique identifier for a fleet to create a game session in. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value. Each request must reference either a fleet ID or alias ID, but not both.
902 */
903 FleetId?: FleetId;
904 /**
905 * A unique identifier for an alias associated with the fleet to create a game session in. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value. Each request must reference either a fleet ID or alias ID, but not both.
906 */
907 AliasId?: AliasId;
908 /**
909 * The maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously to the game session.
910 */
911 MaximumPlayerSessionCount: WholeNumber;
912 /**
913 * A descriptive label that is associated with a game session. Session names do not need to be unique.
914 */
915 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
916 /**
917 * Set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key:value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
918 */
919 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
920 /**
921 * A unique identifier for a player or entity creating the game session. This ID is used to enforce a resource protection policy (if one exists) that limits the number of concurrent active game sessions one player can have.
922 */
923 CreatorId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
924 /**
925 * This parameter is no longer preferred. Please use IdempotencyToken instead. Custom string that uniquely identifies a request for a new game session. Maximum token length is 48 characters. If provided, this string is included in the new game session's ID. (A game session ARN has the following format: arn:aws:gamelift:&lt;region&gt;::gamesession/&lt;fleet ID&gt;/&lt;custom ID string or idempotency token&gt;.)
926 */
927 GameSessionId?: IdStringModel;
928 /**
929 * Custom string that uniquely identifies a request for a new game session. Maximum token length is 48 characters. If provided, this string is included in the new game session's ID. (A game session ARN has the following format: arn:aws:gamelift:&lt;region&gt;::gamesession/&lt;fleet ID&gt;/&lt;custom ID string or idempotency token&gt;.) Idempotency tokens remain in use for 30 days after a game session has ended; game session objects are retained for this time period and then deleted.
930 */
931 IdempotencyToken?: IdStringModel;
932 /**
933 * Set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
934 */
935 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
936 }
937 export interface CreateGameSessionOutput {
938 /**
939 * Object that describes the newly created game session record.
940 */
941 GameSession?: GameSession;
942 }
943 export interface CreateGameSessionQueueInput {
944 /**
945 * A descriptive label that is associated with game session queue. Queue names must be unique within each Region.
946 */
947 Name: GameSessionQueueName;
948 /**
949 * The maximum time, in seconds, that a new game session placement request remains in the queue. When a request exceeds this time, the game session placement changes to a TIMED_OUT status.
950 */
951 TimeoutInSeconds?: WholeNumber;
952 /**
953 * A collection of latency policies to apply when processing game sessions placement requests with player latency information. Multiple policies are evaluated in order of the maximum latency value, starting with the lowest latency values. With just one policy, the policy is enforced at the start of the game session placement for the duration period. With multiple policies, each policy is enforced consecutively for its duration period. For example, a queue might enforce a 60-second policy followed by a 120-second policy, and then no policy for the remainder of the placement. A player latency policy must set a value for MaximumIndividualPlayerLatencyMilliseconds. If none is set, this API request fails.
954 */
955 PlayerLatencyPolicies?: PlayerLatencyPolicyList;
956 /**
957 * A list of fleets that can be used to fulfill game session placement requests in the queue. Fleets are identified by either a fleet ARN or a fleet alias ARN. Destinations are listed in default preference order.
958 */
959 Destinations?: GameSessionQueueDestinationList;
960 /**
961 * A list of labels to assign to the new game session queue resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
962 */
963 Tags?: TagList;
964 }
965 export interface CreateGameSessionQueueOutput {
966 /**
967 * An object that describes the newly created game session queue.
968 */
969 GameSessionQueue?: GameSessionQueue;
970 }
971 export interface CreateMatchmakingConfigurationInput {
972 /**
973 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking configuration. This name is used to identify the configuration associated with a matchmaking request or ticket.
974 */
975 Name: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
976 /**
977 * A human-readable description of the matchmaking configuration.
978 */
979 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
980 /**
981 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift game session queue resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. These queues are used when placing game sessions for matches that are created with this matchmaking configuration. Queues can be located in any Region.
982 */
983 GameSessionQueueArns: QueueArnsList;
984 /**
985 * The maximum duration, in seconds, that a matchmaking ticket can remain in process before timing out. Requests that fail due to timing out can be resubmitted as needed.
986 */
987 RequestTimeoutSeconds: MatchmakingRequestTimeoutInteger;
988 /**
989 * The length of time (in seconds) to wait for players to accept a proposed match. If any player rejects the match or fails to accept before the timeout, the ticket continues to look for an acceptable match.
990 */
991 AcceptanceTimeoutSeconds?: MatchmakingAcceptanceTimeoutInteger;
992 /**
993 * A flag that determines whether a match that was created with this configuration must be accepted by the matched players. To require acceptance, set to TRUE.
994 */
995 AcceptanceRequired: BooleanModel;
996 /**
997 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set to use with this configuration. You can use either the rule set name or ARN value. A matchmaking configuration can only use rule sets that are defined in the same Region.
998 */
999 RuleSetName: MatchmakingRuleSetName;
1000 /**
1001 * An SNS topic ARN that is set up to receive matchmaking notifications.
1002 */
1003 NotificationTarget?: SnsArnStringModel;
1004 /**
1005 * The number of player slots in a match to keep open for future players. For example, assume that the configuration's rule set specifies a match for a single 12-person team. If the additional player count is set to 2, only 10 players are initially selected for the match.
1006 */
1007 AdditionalPlayerCount?: WholeNumber;
1008 /**
1009 * Information to be added to all events related to this matchmaking configuration.
1010 */
1011 CustomEventData?: CustomEventData;
1012 /**
1013 * A set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key-value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). This information is added to the new GameSession object that is created for a successful match.
1014 */
1015 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
1016 /**
1017 * A set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). This information is added to the new GameSession object that is created for a successful match.
1018 */
1019 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
1020 /**
1021 * The method used to backfill game sessions that are created with this matchmaking configuration. Specify MANUAL when your game manages backfill requests manually or does not use the match backfill feature. Specify AUTOMATIC to have GameLift create a StartMatchBackfill request whenever a game session has one or more open slots. Learn more about manual and automatic backfill in Backfill Existing Games with FlexMatch.
1022 */
1023 BackfillMode?: BackfillMode;
1024 /**
1025 * A list of labels to assign to the new matchmaking configuration resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
1026 */
1027 Tags?: TagList;
1028 }
1029 export interface CreateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput {
1030 /**
1031 * Object that describes the newly created matchmaking configuration.
1032 */
1033 Configuration?: MatchmakingConfiguration;
1034 }
1035 export interface CreateMatchmakingRuleSetInput {
1036 /**
1037 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set. A matchmaking configuration identifies the rule set it uses by this name value. Note that the rule set name is different from the optional name field in the rule set body.
1038 */
1039 Name: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
1040 /**
1041 * A collection of matchmaking rules, formatted as a JSON string. Comments are not allowed in JSON, but most elements support a description field.
1042 */
1043 RuleSetBody: RuleSetBody;
1044 /**
1045 * A list of labels to assign to the new matchmaking rule set resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
1046 */
1047 Tags?: TagList;
1048 }
1049 export interface CreateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput {
1050 /**
1051 * The newly created matchmaking rule set.
1052 */
1053 RuleSet: MatchmakingRuleSet;
1054 }
1055 export interface CreatePlayerSessionInput {
1056 /**
1057 * A unique identifier for the game session to add a player to.
1058 */
1059 GameSessionId: ArnStringModel;
1060 /**
1061 * A unique identifier for a player. Player IDs are developer-defined.
1062 */
1063 PlayerId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1064 /**
1065 * Developer-defined information related to a player. Amazon GameLift does not use this data, so it can be formatted as needed for use in the game.
1066 */
1067 PlayerData?: PlayerData;
1068 }
1069 export interface CreatePlayerSessionOutput {
1070 /**
1071 * Object that describes the newly created player session record.
1072 */
1073 PlayerSession?: PlayerSession;
1074 }
1075 export interface CreatePlayerSessionsInput {
1076 /**
1077 * A unique identifier for the game session to add players to.
1078 */
1079 GameSessionId: ArnStringModel;
1080 /**
1081 * List of unique identifiers for the players to be added.
1082 */
1083 PlayerIds: PlayerIdList;
1084 /**
1085 * Map of string pairs, each specifying a player ID and a set of developer-defined information related to the player. Amazon GameLift does not use this data, so it can be formatted as needed for use in the game. Player data strings for player IDs not included in the PlayerIds parameter are ignored.
1086 */
1087 PlayerDataMap?: PlayerDataMap;
1088 }
1089 export interface CreatePlayerSessionsOutput {
1090 /**
1091 * A collection of player session objects created for the added players.
1092 */
1093 PlayerSessions?: PlayerSessionList;
1094 }
1095 export interface CreateScriptInput {
1096 /**
1097 * A descriptive label that is associated with a script. Script names do not need to be unique. You can use UpdateScript to change this value later.
1098 */
1099 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1100 /**
1101 * The version that is associated with a build or script. Version strings do not need to be unique. You can use UpdateScript to change this value later.
1102 */
1103 Version?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1104 /**
1105 * The location of the Amazon S3 bucket where a zipped file containing your Realtime scripts is stored. The storage location must specify the Amazon S3 bucket name, the zip file name (the "key"), and a role ARN that allows Amazon GameLift to access the Amazon S3 storage location. The S3 bucket must be in the same Region where you want to create a new script. By default, Amazon GameLift uploads the latest version of the zip file; if you have S3 object versioning turned on, you can use the ObjectVersion parameter to specify an earlier version.
1106 */
1107 StorageLocation?: S3Location;
1108 /**
1109 * A data object containing your Realtime scripts and dependencies as a zip file. The zip file can have one or multiple files. Maximum size of a zip file is 5 MB. When using the AWS CLI tool to create a script, this parameter is set to the zip file name. It must be prepended with the string "fileb://" to indicate that the file data is a binary object. For example: --zip-file fileb://myRealtimeScript.zip.
1110 */
1111 ZipFile?: ZipBlob;
1112 /**
1113 * A list of labels to assign to the new script resource. Tags are developer-defined key-value pairs. Tagging AWS resources are useful for resource management, access management and cost allocation. For more information, see Tagging AWS Resources in the AWS General Reference. Once the resource is created, you can use TagResource, UntagResource, and ListTagsForResource to add, remove, and view tags. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See the AWS General Reference for actual tagging limits.
1114 */
1115 Tags?: TagList;
1116 }
1117 export interface CreateScriptOutput {
1118 /**
1119 * The newly created script record with a unique script ID and ARN. The new script's storage location reflects an Amazon S3 location: (1) If the script was uploaded from an S3 bucket under your account, the storage location reflects the information that was provided in the CreateScript request; (2) If the script file was uploaded from a local zip file, the storage location reflects an S3 location controls by the Amazon GameLift service.
1120 */
1121 Script?: Script;
1122 }
1123 export interface CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationInput {
1124 /**
1125 * A unique identifier for the AWS account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleet. You can find your Account ID in the AWS Management Console under account settings.
1126 */
1127 GameLiftAwsAccountId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1128 /**
1129 * A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet. The VPC must be in the same Region where your fleet is deployed. Look up a VPC ID using the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about VPC peering in VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
1130 */
1131 PeerVpcId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1132 }
1133 export interface CreateVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput {
1134 /**
1135 * Details on the requested VPC peering authorization, including expiration.
1136 */
1137 VpcPeeringAuthorization?: VpcPeeringAuthorization;
1138 }
1139 export interface CreateVpcPeeringConnectionInput {
1140 /**
1141 * A unique identifier for a fleet. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value. This tells Amazon GameLift which GameLift VPC to peer with.
1142 */
1143 FleetId: FleetId;
1144 /**
1145 * A unique identifier for the AWS account with the VPC that you want to peer your Amazon GameLift fleet with. You can find your Account ID in the AWS Management Console under account settings.
1146 */
1147 PeerVpcAwsAccountId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1148 /**
1149 * A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet. The VPC must be in the same Region where your fleet is deployed. Look up a VPC ID using the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about VPC peering in VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
1150 */
1151 PeerVpcId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1152 }
1153 export interface CreateVpcPeeringConnectionOutput {
1154 }
1155 export type CustomEventData = string;
1156 export interface DeleteAliasInput {
1157 /**
1158 * A unique identifier of the alias that you want to delete. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.
1159 */
1160 AliasId: AliasId;
1161 }
1162 export interface DeleteBuildInput {
1163 /**
1164 * A unique identifier for a build to delete. You can use either the build ID or ARN value.
1165 */
1166 BuildId: BuildId;
1167 }
1168 export interface DeleteFleetInput {
1169 /**
1170 * A unique identifier for a fleet to be deleted. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1171 */
1172 FleetId: FleetId;
1173 }
1174 export interface DeleteGameSessionQueueInput {
1175 /**
1176 * A descriptive label that is associated with game session queue. Queue names must be unique within each Region. You can use either the queue ID or ARN value.
1177 */
1178 Name: GameSessionQueueName;
1179 }
1180 export interface DeleteGameSessionQueueOutput {
1181 }
1182 export interface DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationInput {
1183 /**
1184 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking configuration. You can use either the configuration name or ARN value.
1185 */
1186 Name: MatchmakingConfigurationName;
1187 }
1188 export interface DeleteMatchmakingConfigurationOutput {
1189 }
1190 export interface DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetInput {
1191 /**
1192 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set to be deleted. (Note: The rule set name is different from the optional "name" field in the rule set body.) You can use either the rule set name or ARN value.
1193 */
1194 Name: MatchmakingRuleSetName;
1195 }
1196 export interface DeleteMatchmakingRuleSetOutput {
1197 }
1198 export interface DeleteScalingPolicyInput {
1199 /**
1200 * A descriptive label that is associated with a scaling policy. Policy names do not need to be unique.
1201 */
1202 Name: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1203 /**
1204 * A unique identifier for a fleet to be deleted. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1205 */
1206 FleetId: FleetId;
1207 }
1208 export interface DeleteScriptInput {
1209 /**
1210 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script to delete. You can use either the script ID or ARN value.
1211 */
1212 ScriptId: ScriptId;
1213 }
1214 export interface DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationInput {
1215 /**
1216 * A unique identifier for the AWS account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleet. You can find your Account ID in the AWS Management Console under account settings.
1217 */
1218 GameLiftAwsAccountId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1219 /**
1220 * A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet. The VPC must be in the same Region where your fleet is deployed. Look up a VPC ID using the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about VPC peering in VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
1221 */
1222 PeerVpcId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1223 }
1224 export interface DeleteVpcPeeringAuthorizationOutput {
1225 }
1226 export interface DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionInput {
1227 /**
1228 * A unique identifier for a fleet. This fleet specified must match the fleet referenced in the VPC peering connection record. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1229 */
1230 FleetId: FleetId;
1231 /**
1232 * A unique identifier for a VPC peering connection. This value is included in the VpcPeeringConnection object, which can be retrieved by calling DescribeVpcPeeringConnections.
1233 */
1234 VpcPeeringConnectionId: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1235 }
1236 export interface DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionOutput {
1237 }
1238 export interface DescribeAliasInput {
1239 /**
1240 * The unique identifier for the fleet alias that you want to retrieve. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.
1241 */
1242 AliasId: AliasId;
1243 }
1244 export interface DescribeAliasOutput {
1245 /**
1246 * The requested alias resource.
1247 */
1248 Alias?: Alias;
1249 }
1250 export interface DescribeBuildInput {
1251 /**
1252 * A unique identifier for a build to retrieve properties for. You can use either the build ID or ARN value.
1253 */
1254 BuildId: BuildId;
1255 }
1256 export interface DescribeBuildOutput {
1257 /**
1258 * Set of properties describing the requested build.
1259 */
1260 Build?: Build;
1261 }
1262 export interface DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsInput {
1263 /**
1264 * Name of an EC2 instance type that is supported in Amazon GameLift. A fleet instance type determines the computing resources of each instance in the fleet, including CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity. Amazon GameLift supports the following EC2 instance types. See Amazon EC2 Instance Types for detailed descriptions. Leave this parameter blank to retrieve limits for all types.
1265 */
1266 EC2InstanceType?: EC2InstanceType;
1267 }
1268 export interface DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput {
1269 /**
1270 * The maximum number of instances for the specified instance type.
1271 */
1272 EC2InstanceLimits?: EC2InstanceLimitList;
1273 }
1274 export interface DescribeFleetAttributesInput {
1275 /**
1276 * A unique identifier for a fleet(s) to retrieve attributes for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1277 */
1278 FleetIds?: FleetIdList;
1279 /**
1280 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages. This parameter is ignored when the request specifies one or a list of fleet IDs.
1281 */
1282 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1283 /**
1284 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value. This parameter is ignored when the request specifies one or a list of fleet IDs.
1285 */
1286 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1287 }
1288 export interface DescribeFleetAttributesOutput {
1289 /**
1290 * A collection of objects containing attribute metadata for each requested fleet ID.
1291 */
1292 FleetAttributes?: FleetAttributesList;
1293 /**
1294 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1295 */
1296 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1297 }
1298 export interface DescribeFleetCapacityInput {
1299 /**
1300 * A unique identifier for a fleet(s) to retrieve capacity information for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1301 */
1302 FleetIds?: FleetIdList;
1303 /**
1304 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages. This parameter is ignored when the request specifies one or a list of fleet IDs.
1305 */
1306 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1307 /**
1308 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value. This parameter is ignored when the request specifies one or a list of fleet IDs.
1309 */
1310 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1311 }
1312 export interface DescribeFleetCapacityOutput {
1313 /**
1314 * A collection of objects containing capacity information for each requested fleet ID. Leave this parameter empty to retrieve capacity information for all fleets.
1315 */
1316 FleetCapacity?: FleetCapacityList;
1317 /**
1318 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1319 */
1320 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1321 }
1322 export interface DescribeFleetEventsInput {
1323 /**
1324 * A unique identifier for a fleet to get event logs for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1325 */
1326 FleetId: FleetId;
1327 /**
1328 * Earliest date to retrieve event logs for. If no start time is specified, this call returns entries starting from when the fleet was created to the specified end time. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (ex: "1469498468.057").
1329 */
1330 StartTime?: Timestamp;
1331 /**
1332 * Most recent date to retrieve event logs for. If no end time is specified, this call returns entries from the specified start time up to the present. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (ex: "1469498468.057").
1333 */
1334 EndTime?: Timestamp;
1335 /**
1336 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1337 */
1338 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1339 /**
1340 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1341 */
1342 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1343 }
1344 export interface DescribeFleetEventsOutput {
1345 /**
1346 * A collection of objects containing event log entries for the specified fleet.
1347 */
1348 Events?: EventList;
1349 /**
1350 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1351 */
1352 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1353 }
1354 export interface DescribeFleetPortSettingsInput {
1355 /**
1356 * A unique identifier for a fleet to retrieve port settings for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1357 */
1358 FleetId: FleetId;
1359 }
1360 export interface DescribeFleetPortSettingsOutput {
1361 /**
1362 * The port settings for the requested fleet ID.
1363 */
1364 InboundPermissions?: IpPermissionsList;
1365 }
1366 export interface DescribeFleetUtilizationInput {
1367 /**
1368 * A unique identifier for a fleet(s) to retrieve utilization data for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1369 */
1370 FleetIds?: FleetIdList;
1371 /**
1372 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages. This parameter is ignored when the request specifies one or a list of fleet IDs.
1373 */
1374 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1375 /**
1376 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value. This parameter is ignored when the request specifies one or a list of fleet IDs.
1377 */
1378 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1379 }
1380 export interface DescribeFleetUtilizationOutput {
1381 /**
1382 * A collection of objects containing utilization information for each requested fleet ID.
1383 */
1384 FleetUtilization?: FleetUtilizationList;
1385 /**
1386 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1387 */
1388 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1389 }
1390 export interface DescribeGameSessionDetailsInput {
1391 /**
1392 * A unique identifier for a fleet to retrieve all game sessions active on the fleet. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1393 */
1394 FleetId?: FleetId;
1395 /**
1396 * A unique identifier for the game session to retrieve.
1397 */
1398 GameSessionId?: ArnStringModel;
1399 /**
1400 * A unique identifier for an alias associated with the fleet to retrieve all game sessions for. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.
1401 */
1402 AliasId?: AliasId;
1403 /**
1404 * Game session status to filter results on. Possible game session statuses include ACTIVE, TERMINATED, ACTIVATING and TERMINATING (the last two are transitory).
1405 */
1406 StatusFilter?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1407 /**
1408 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1409 */
1410 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1411 /**
1412 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1413 */
1414 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1415 }
1416 export interface DescribeGameSessionDetailsOutput {
1417 /**
1418 * A collection of objects containing game session properties and the protection policy currently in force for each session matching the request.
1419 */
1420 GameSessionDetails?: GameSessionDetailList;
1421 /**
1422 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1423 */
1424 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1425 }
1426 export interface DescribeGameSessionPlacementInput {
1427 /**
1428 * A unique identifier for a game session placement to retrieve.
1429 */
1430 PlacementId: IdStringModel;
1431 }
1432 export interface DescribeGameSessionPlacementOutput {
1433 /**
1434 * Object that describes the requested game session placement.
1435 */
1436 GameSessionPlacement?: GameSessionPlacement;
1437 }
1438 export interface DescribeGameSessionQueuesInput {
1439 /**
1440 * A list of queue names to retrieve information for. You can use either the queue ID or ARN value. To request settings for all queues, leave this parameter empty.
1441 */
1442 Names?: GameSessionQueueNameList;
1443 /**
1444 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1445 */
1446 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1447 /**
1448 * A token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1449 */
1450 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1451 }
1452 export interface DescribeGameSessionQueuesOutput {
1453 /**
1454 * A collection of objects that describe the requested game session queues.
1455 */
1456 GameSessionQueues?: GameSessionQueueList;
1457 /**
1458 * A token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1459 */
1460 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1461 }
1462 export interface DescribeGameSessionsInput {
1463 /**
1464 * A unique identifier for a fleet to retrieve all game sessions for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1465 */
1466 FleetId?: FleetId;
1467 /**
1468 * A unique identifier for the game session to retrieve.
1469 */
1470 GameSessionId?: ArnStringModel;
1471 /**
1472 * A unique identifier for an alias associated with the fleet to retrieve all game sessions for. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.
1473 */
1474 AliasId?: AliasId;
1475 /**
1476 * Game session status to filter results on. Possible game session statuses include ACTIVE, TERMINATED, ACTIVATING, and TERMINATING (the last two are transitory).
1477 */
1478 StatusFilter?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1479 /**
1480 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1481 */
1482 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1483 /**
1484 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1485 */
1486 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1487 }
1488 export interface DescribeGameSessionsOutput {
1489 /**
1490 * A collection of objects containing game session properties for each session matching the request.
1491 */
1492 GameSessions?: GameSessionList;
1493 /**
1494 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1495 */
1496 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1497 }
1498 export interface DescribeInstancesInput {
1499 /**
1500 * A unique identifier for a fleet to retrieve instance information for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1501 */
1502 FleetId: FleetId;
1503 /**
1504 * A unique identifier for an instance to retrieve. Specify an instance ID or leave blank to retrieve all instances in the fleet.
1505 */
1506 InstanceId?: InstanceId;
1507 /**
1508 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1509 */
1510 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1511 /**
1512 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1513 */
1514 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1515 }
1516 export interface DescribeInstancesOutput {
1517 /**
1518 * A collection of objects containing properties for each instance returned.
1519 */
1520 Instances?: InstanceList;
1521 /**
1522 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1523 */
1524 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1525 }
1526 export interface DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsInput {
1527 /**
1528 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking configuration(s) to retrieve. You can use either the configuration name or ARN value. To request all existing configurations, leave this parameter empty.
1529 */
1530 Names?: MatchmakingConfigurationNameList;
1531 /**
1532 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set. You can use either the rule set name or ARN value. Use this parameter to retrieve all matchmaking configurations that use this rule set.
1533 */
1534 RuleSetName?: MatchmakingRuleSetName;
1535 /**
1536 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages. This parameter is limited to 10.
1537 */
1538 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1539 /**
1540 * A token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1541 */
1542 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1543 }
1544 export interface DescribeMatchmakingConfigurationsOutput {
1545 /**
1546 * A collection of requested matchmaking configurations.
1547 */
1548 Configurations?: MatchmakingConfigurationList;
1549 /**
1550 * A token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1551 */
1552 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1553 }
1554 export interface DescribeMatchmakingInput {
1555 /**
1556 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking ticket. You can include up to 10 ID values.
1557 */
1558 TicketIds: MatchmakingIdList;
1559 }
1560 export interface DescribeMatchmakingOutput {
1561 /**
1562 * A collection of existing matchmaking ticket objects matching the request.
1563 */
1564 TicketList?: MatchmakingTicketList;
1565 }
1566 export interface DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsInput {
1567 /**
1568 * A list of one or more matchmaking rule set names to retrieve details for. (Note: The rule set name is different from the optional "name" field in the rule set body.) You can use either the rule set name or ARN value.
1569 */
1570 Names?: MatchmakingRuleSetNameList;
1571 /**
1572 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1573 */
1574 Limit?: RuleSetLimit;
1575 /**
1576 * A token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1577 */
1578 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1579 }
1580 export interface DescribeMatchmakingRuleSetsOutput {
1581 /**
1582 * A collection of requested matchmaking rule set objects.
1583 */
1584 RuleSets: MatchmakingRuleSetList;
1585 /**
1586 * A token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1587 */
1588 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1589 }
1590 export interface DescribePlayerSessionsInput {
1591 /**
1592 * A unique identifier for the game session to retrieve player sessions for.
1593 */
1594 GameSessionId?: ArnStringModel;
1595 /**
1596 * A unique identifier for a player to retrieve player sessions for.
1597 */
1598 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1599 /**
1600 * A unique identifier for a player session to retrieve.
1601 */
1602 PlayerSessionId?: PlayerSessionId;
1603 /**
1604 * Player session status to filter results on. Possible player session statuses include the following: RESERVED -- The player session request has been received, but the player has not yet connected to the server process and/or been validated. ACTIVE -- The player has been validated by the server process and is currently connected. COMPLETED -- The player connection has been dropped. TIMEDOUT -- A player session request was received, but the player did not connect and/or was not validated within the timeout limit (60 seconds).
1605 */
1606 PlayerSessionStatusFilter?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1607 /**
1608 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages. If a player session ID is specified, this parameter is ignored.
1609 */
1610 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1611 /**
1612 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value. If a player session ID is specified, this parameter is ignored.
1613 */
1614 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1615 }
1616 export interface DescribePlayerSessionsOutput {
1617 /**
1618 * A collection of objects containing properties for each player session that matches the request.
1619 */
1620 PlayerSessions?: PlayerSessionList;
1621 /**
1622 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1623 */
1624 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1625 }
1626 export interface DescribeRuntimeConfigurationInput {
1627 /**
1628 * A unique identifier for a fleet to get the runtime configuration for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1629 */
1630 FleetId: FleetId;
1631 }
1632 export interface DescribeRuntimeConfigurationOutput {
1633 /**
1634 * Instructions describing how server processes should be launched and maintained on each instance in the fleet.
1635 */
1636 RuntimeConfiguration?: RuntimeConfiguration;
1637 }
1638 export interface DescribeScalingPoliciesInput {
1639 /**
1640 * A unique identifier for a fleet to retrieve scaling policies for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1641 */
1642 FleetId: FleetId;
1643 /**
1644 * Scaling policy status to filter results on. A scaling policy is only in force when in an ACTIVE status. ACTIVE -- The scaling policy is currently in force. UPDATEREQUESTED -- A request to update the scaling policy has been received. UPDATING -- A change is being made to the scaling policy. DELETEREQUESTED -- A request to delete the scaling policy has been received. DELETING -- The scaling policy is being deleted. DELETED -- The scaling policy has been deleted. ERROR -- An error occurred in creating the policy. It should be removed and recreated.
1645 */
1646 StatusFilter?: ScalingStatusType;
1647 /**
1648 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
1649 */
1650 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
1651 /**
1652 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
1653 */
1654 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1655 }
1656 export interface DescribeScalingPoliciesOutput {
1657 /**
1658 * A collection of objects containing the scaling policies matching the request.
1659 */
1660 ScalingPolicies?: ScalingPolicyList;
1661 /**
1662 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
1663 */
1664 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1665 }
1666 export interface DescribeScriptInput {
1667 /**
1668 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script to retrieve properties for. You can use either the script ID or ARN value.
1669 */
1670 ScriptId: ScriptId;
1671 }
1672 export interface DescribeScriptOutput {
1673 /**
1674 * A set of properties describing the requested script.
1675 */
1676 Script?: Script;
1677 }
1678 export interface DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsInput {
1679 }
1680 export interface DescribeVpcPeeringAuthorizationsOutput {
1681 /**
1682 * A collection of objects that describe all valid VPC peering operations for the current AWS account.
1683 */
1684 VpcPeeringAuthorizations?: VpcPeeringAuthorizationList;
1685 }
1686 export interface DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsInput {
1687 /**
1688 * A unique identifier for a fleet. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
1689 */
1690 FleetId?: FleetId;
1691 }
1692 export interface DescribeVpcPeeringConnectionsOutput {
1693 /**
1694 * A collection of VPC peering connection records that match the request.
1695 */
1696 VpcPeeringConnections?: VpcPeeringConnectionList;
1697 }
1698 export interface DesiredPlayerSession {
1699 /**
1700 * A unique identifier for a player to associate with the player session.
1701 */
1702 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1703 /**
1704 * Developer-defined information related to a player. Amazon GameLift does not use this data, so it can be formatted as needed for use in the game.
1705 */
1706 PlayerData?: PlayerData;
1707 }
1708 export type DesiredPlayerSessionList = DesiredPlayerSession[];
1709 export type DnsName = string;
1710 export type Double = number;
1711 export type DoubleObject = number;
1712 export interface EC2InstanceCounts {
1713 /**
1714 * Ideal number of active instances in the fleet.
1715 */
1716 DESIRED?: WholeNumber;
1717 /**
1718 * The minimum value allowed for the fleet's instance count.
1719 */
1720 MINIMUM?: WholeNumber;
1721 /**
1722 * The maximum value allowed for the fleet's instance count.
1723 */
1724 MAXIMUM?: WholeNumber;
1725 /**
1726 * Number of instances in the fleet that are starting but not yet active.
1727 */
1728 PENDING?: WholeNumber;
1729 /**
1730 * Actual number of active instances in the fleet.
1731 */
1732 ACTIVE?: WholeNumber;
1733 /**
1734 * Number of active instances in the fleet that are not currently hosting a game session.
1735 */
1736 IDLE?: WholeNumber;
1737 /**
1738 * Number of instances in the fleet that are no longer active but haven't yet been terminated.
1739 */
1740 TERMINATING?: WholeNumber;
1741 }
1742 export interface EC2InstanceLimit {
1743 /**
1744 * Name of an EC2 instance type that is supported in Amazon GameLift. A fleet instance type determines the computing resources of each instance in the fleet, including CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity. Amazon GameLift supports the following EC2 instance types. See Amazon EC2 Instance Types for detailed descriptions.
1745 */
1746 EC2InstanceType?: EC2InstanceType;
1747 /**
1748 * Number of instances of the specified type that are currently in use by this AWS account.
1749 */
1750 CurrentInstances?: WholeNumber;
1751 /**
1752 * Number of instances allowed.
1753 */
1754 InstanceLimit?: WholeNumber;
1755 }
1756 export type EC2InstanceLimitList = EC2InstanceLimit[];
1757 export type EC2InstanceType = "t2.micro"|"t2.small"|"t2.medium"|"t2.large"|"c3.large"|"c3.xlarge"|"c3.2xlarge"|"c3.4xlarge"|"c3.8xlarge"|"c4.large"|"c4.xlarge"|"c4.2xlarge"|"c4.4xlarge"|"c4.8xlarge"|"c5.large"|"c5.xlarge"|"c5.2xlarge"|"c5.4xlarge"|"c5.9xlarge"|"c5.12xlarge"|"c5.18xlarge"|"c5.24xlarge"|"r3.large"|"r3.xlarge"|"r3.2xlarge"|"r3.4xlarge"|"r3.8xlarge"|"r4.large"|"r4.xlarge"|"r4.2xlarge"|"r4.4xlarge"|"r4.8xlarge"|"r4.16xlarge"|"r5.large"|"r5.xlarge"|"r5.2xlarge"|"r5.4xlarge"|"r5.8xlarge"|"r5.12xlarge"|"r5.16xlarge"|"r5.24xlarge"|"m3.medium"|"m3.large"|"m3.xlarge"|"m3.2xlarge"|"m4.large"|"m4.xlarge"|"m4.2xlarge"|"m4.4xlarge"|"m4.10xlarge"|"m5.large"|"m5.xlarge"|"m5.2xlarge"|"m5.4xlarge"|"m5.8xlarge"|"m5.12xlarge"|"m5.16xlarge"|"m5.24xlarge"|string;
1758 export interface Event {
1759 /**
1760 * A unique identifier for a fleet event.
1761 */
1762 EventId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1763 /**
1764 * A unique identifier for an event resource, such as a fleet ID.
1765 */
1766 ResourceId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1767 /**
1768 * The type of event being logged. Fleet creation events (ordered by fleet creation activity): FLEET_CREATED -- A fleet record was successfully created with a status of NEW. Event messaging includes the fleet ID. FLEET_STATE_DOWNLOADING -- Fleet status changed from NEW to DOWNLOADING. The compressed build has started downloading to a fleet instance for installation. FLEET_BINARY_DOWNLOAD_FAILED -- The build failed to download to the fleet instance. FLEET_CREATION_EXTRACTING_BUILD – The game server build was successfully downloaded to an instance, and the build files are now being extracted from the uploaded build and saved to an instance. Failure at this stage prevents a fleet from moving to ACTIVE status. Logs for this stage display a list of the files that are extracted and saved on the instance. Access the logs by using the URL in PreSignedLogUrl. FLEET_CREATION_RUNNING_INSTALLER – The game server build files were successfully extracted, and the Amazon GameLift is now running the build's install script (if one is included). Failure in this stage prevents a fleet from moving to ACTIVE status. Logs for this stage list the installation steps and whether or not the install completed successfully. Access the logs by using the URL in PreSignedLogUrl. FLEET_CREATION_VALIDATING_RUNTIME_CONFIG -- The build process was successful, and the Amazon GameLift is now verifying that the game server launch paths, which are specified in the fleet's runtime configuration, exist. If any listed launch path exists, Amazon GameLift tries to launch a game server process and waits for the process to report ready. Failures in this stage prevent a fleet from moving to ACTIVE status. Logs for this stage list the launch paths in the runtime configuration and indicate whether each is found. Access the logs by using the URL in PreSignedLogUrl. FLEET_STATE_VALIDATING -- Fleet status changed from DOWNLOADING to VALIDATING. FLEET_VALIDATION_LAUNCH_PATH_NOT_FOUND -- Validation of the runtime configuration failed because the executable specified in a launch path does not exist on the instance. FLEET_STATE_BUILDING -- Fleet status changed from VALIDATING to BUILDING. FLEET_VALIDATION_EXECUTABLE_RUNTIME_FAILURE -- Validation of the runtime configuration failed because the executable specified in a launch path failed to run on the fleet instance. FLEET_STATE_ACTIVATING -- Fleet status changed from BUILDING to ACTIVATING. FLEET_ACTIVATION_FAILED - The fleet failed to successfully complete one of the steps in the fleet activation process. This event code indicates that the game build was successfully downloaded to a fleet instance, built, and validated, but was not able to start a server process. Learn more at Debug Fleet Creation Issues FLEET_STATE_ACTIVE -- The fleet's status changed from ACTIVATING to ACTIVE. The fleet is now ready to host game sessions. VPC peering events: FLEET_VPC_PEERING_SUCCEEDED -- A VPC peering connection has been established between the VPC for an Amazon GameLift fleet and a VPC in your AWS account. FLEET_VPC_PEERING_FAILED -- A requested VPC peering connection has failed. Event details and status information (see DescribeVpcPeeringConnections) provide additional detail. A common reason for peering failure is that the two VPCs have overlapping CIDR blocks of IPv4 addresses. To resolve this, change the CIDR block for the VPC in your AWS account. For more information on VPC peering failures, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/PeeringGuide/invalid-peering-configurations.html FLEET_VPC_PEERING_DELETED -- A VPC peering connection has been successfully deleted. Spot instance events: INSTANCE_INTERRUPTED -- A spot instance was interrupted by EC2 with a two-minute notification. Other fleet events: FLEET_SCALING_EVENT -- A change was made to the fleet's capacity settings (desired instances, minimum/maximum scaling limits). Event messaging includes the new capacity settings. FLEET_NEW_GAME_SESSION_PROTECTION_POLICY_UPDATED -- A change was made to the fleet's game session protection policy setting. Event messaging includes both the old and new policy setting. FLEET_DELETED -- A request to delete a fleet was initiated. GENERIC_EVENT -- An unspecified event has occurred.
1769 */
1770 EventCode?: EventCode;
1771 /**
1772 * Additional information related to the event.
1773 */
1774 Message?: NonEmptyString;
1775 /**
1776 * Time stamp indicating when this event occurred. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
1777 */
1778 EventTime?: Timestamp;
1779 /**
1780 * Location of stored logs with additional detail that is related to the event. This is useful for debugging issues. The URL is valid for 15 minutes. You can also access fleet creation logs through the Amazon GameLift console.
1781 */
1782 PreSignedLogUrl?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1783 }
1785 export type EventList = Event[];
1786 export type FleetAction = "AUTO_SCALING"|string;
1787 export type FleetActionList = FleetAction[];
1788 export interface FleetAttributes {
1789 /**
1790 * A unique identifier for a fleet.
1791 */
1792 FleetId?: FleetId;
1793 /**
1794 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift fleet resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. In a GameLift fleet ARN, the resource ID matches the FleetId value.
1795 */
1796 FleetArn?: ArnStringModel;
1797 /**
1798 * Indicates whether the fleet uses on-demand or spot instances. A spot instance in use may be interrupted with a two-minute notification.
1799 */
1800 FleetType?: FleetType;
1801 /**
1802 * EC2 instance type indicating the computing resources of each instance in the fleet, including CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity. See Amazon EC2 Instance Types for detailed descriptions.
1803 */
1804 InstanceType?: EC2InstanceType;
1805 /**
1806 * Human-readable description of the fleet.
1807 */
1808 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1809 /**
1810 * A descriptive label that is associated with a fleet. Fleet names do not need to be unique.
1811 */
1812 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1813 /**
1814 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
1815 */
1816 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
1817 /**
1818 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was terminated. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
1819 */
1820 TerminationTime?: Timestamp;
1821 /**
1822 * Current status of the fleet. Possible fleet statuses include the following: NEW -- A new fleet has been defined and desired instances is set to 1. DOWNLOADING/VALIDATING/BUILDING/ACTIVATING -- Amazon GameLift is setting up the new fleet, creating new instances with the game build or Realtime script and starting server processes. ACTIVE -- Hosts can now accept game sessions. ERROR -- An error occurred when downloading, validating, building, or activating the fleet. DELETING -- Hosts are responding to a delete fleet request. TERMINATED -- The fleet no longer exists.
1823 */
1824 Status?: FleetStatus;
1825 /**
1826 * A unique identifier for a build.
1827 */
1828 BuildId?: BuildId;
1829 /**
1830 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift build resource that is deployed on instances in this fleet. In a GameLift build ARN, the resource ID matches the BuildId value.
1831 */
1832 BuildArn?: BuildArn;
1833 /**
1834 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script.
1835 */
1836 ScriptId?: ScriptId;
1837 /**
1838 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift script resource that is deployed on instances in this fleet. In a GameLift script ARN, the resource ID matches the ScriptId value.
1839 */
1840 ScriptArn?: ScriptArn;
1841 /**
1842 * Path to a game server executable in the fleet's build, specified for fleets created before 2016-08-04 (or AWS SDK v. 0.12.16). Server launch paths for fleets created after this date are specified in the fleet's RuntimeConfiguration.
1843 */
1844 ServerLaunchPath?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1845 /**
1846 * Game server launch parameters specified for fleets created before 2016-08-04 (or AWS SDK v. 0.12.16). Server launch parameters for fleets created after this date are specified in the fleet's RuntimeConfiguration.
1847 */
1848 ServerLaunchParameters?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1849 /**
1850 * Location of default log files. When a server process is shut down, Amazon GameLift captures and stores any log files in this location. These logs are in addition to game session logs; see more on game session logs in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide. If no default log path for a fleet is specified, Amazon GameLift automatically uploads logs that are stored on each instance at C:\game\logs (for Windows) or /local/game/logs (for Linux). Use the Amazon GameLift console to access stored logs.
1851 */
1852 LogPaths?: StringList;
1853 /**
1854 * The type of game session protection to set for all new instances started in the fleet. NoProtection -- The game session can be terminated during a scale-down event. FullProtection -- If the game session is in an ACTIVE status, it cannot be terminated during a scale-down event.
1855 */
1856 NewGameSessionProtectionPolicy?: ProtectionPolicy;
1857 /**
1858 * Operating system of the fleet's computing resources. A fleet's operating system depends on the OS specified for the build that is deployed on this fleet.
1859 */
1860 OperatingSystem?: OperatingSystem;
1861 /**
1862 * Fleet policy to limit the number of game sessions an individual player can create over a span of time.
1863 */
1864 ResourceCreationLimitPolicy?: ResourceCreationLimitPolicy;
1865 /**
1866 * Names of metric groups that this fleet is included in. In Amazon CloudWatch, you can view metrics for an individual fleet or aggregated metrics for fleets that are in a fleet metric group. A fleet can be included in only one metric group at a time.
1867 */
1868 MetricGroups?: MetricGroupList;
1869 /**
1870 * List of fleet actions that have been suspended using StopFleetActions. This includes auto-scaling.
1871 */
1872 StoppedActions?: FleetActionList;
1873 /**
1874 * A unique identifier for an AWS IAM role that manages access to your AWS services. With an instance role ARN set, any application that runs on an instance in this fleet can assume the role, including install scripts, server processes, and daemons (background processes). Create a role or look up a role's ARN from the IAM dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about using on-box credentials for your game servers at Access external resources from a game server.
1875 */
1876 InstanceRoleArn?: NonEmptyString;
1877 /**
1878 * Indicates whether a TLS/SSL certificate was generated for the fleet.
1879 */
1880 CertificateConfiguration?: CertificateConfiguration;
1881 }
1882 export type FleetAttributesList = FleetAttributes[];
1883 export interface FleetCapacity {
1884 /**
1885 * A unique identifier for a fleet.
1886 */
1887 FleetId?: FleetId;
1888 /**
1889 * Name of an EC2 instance type that is supported in Amazon GameLift. A fleet instance type determines the computing resources of each instance in the fleet, including CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity. Amazon GameLift supports the following EC2 instance types. See Amazon EC2 Instance Types for detailed descriptions.
1890 */
1891 InstanceType?: EC2InstanceType;
1892 /**
1893 * Current status of fleet capacity.
1894 */
1895 InstanceCounts?: EC2InstanceCounts;
1896 }
1897 export type FleetCapacityList = FleetCapacity[];
1898 export type FleetId = string;
1899 export type FleetIdList = FleetId[];
1901 export type FleetType = "ON_DEMAND"|"SPOT"|string;
1902 export interface FleetUtilization {
1903 /**
1904 * A unique identifier for a fleet.
1905 */
1906 FleetId?: FleetId;
1907 /**
1908 * Number of server processes in an ACTIVE status currently running across all instances in the fleet
1909 */
1910 ActiveServerProcessCount?: WholeNumber;
1911 /**
1912 * Number of active game sessions currently being hosted on all instances in the fleet.
1913 */
1914 ActiveGameSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
1915 /**
1916 * Number of active player sessions currently being hosted on all instances in the fleet.
1917 */
1918 CurrentPlayerSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
1919 /**
1920 * The maximum number of players allowed across all game sessions currently being hosted on all instances in the fleet.
1921 */
1922 MaximumPlayerSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
1923 }
1924 export type FleetUtilizationList = FleetUtilization[];
1925 export type Float = number;
1926 export type FreeText = string;
1927 export interface GameProperty {
1928 /**
1929 * The game property identifier.
1930 */
1931 Key: GamePropertyKey;
1932 /**
1933 * The game property value.
1934 */
1935 Value: GamePropertyValue;
1936 }
1937 export type GamePropertyKey = string;
1938 export type GamePropertyList = GameProperty[];
1939 export type GamePropertyValue = string;
1940 export interface GameSession {
1941 /**
1942 * A unique identifier for the game session. A game session ARN has the following format: arn:aws:gamelift:&lt;region&gt;::gamesession/&lt;fleet ID&gt;/&lt;custom ID string or idempotency token&gt;.
1943 */
1944 GameSessionId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1945 /**
1946 * A descriptive label that is associated with a game session. Session names do not need to be unique.
1947 */
1948 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
1949 /**
1950 * A unique identifier for a fleet that the game session is running on.
1951 */
1952 FleetId?: FleetId;
1953 /**
1954 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift fleet that this game session is running on.
1955 */
1956 FleetArn?: ArnStringModel;
1957 /**
1958 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
1959 */
1960 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
1961 /**
1962 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was terminated. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
1963 */
1964 TerminationTime?: Timestamp;
1965 /**
1966 * Number of players currently in the game session.
1967 */
1968 CurrentPlayerSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
1969 /**
1970 * The maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously to the game session.
1971 */
1972 MaximumPlayerSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
1973 /**
1974 * Current status of the game session. A game session must have an ACTIVE status to have player sessions.
1975 */
1976 Status?: GameSessionStatus;
1977 /**
1978 * Provides additional information about game session status. INTERRUPTED indicates that the game session was hosted on a spot instance that was reclaimed, causing the active game session to be terminated.
1979 */
1980 StatusReason?: GameSessionStatusReason;
1981 /**
1982 * Set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key:value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). You can search for active game sessions based on this custom data with SearchGameSessions.
1983 */
1984 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
1985 /**
1986 * IP address of the instance that is running the game session. When connecting to a Amazon GameLift game server, a client needs to reference an IP address (or DNS name) and port number.
1987 */
1988 IpAddress?: IpAddress;
1989 /**
1990 * DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format: TLS-enabled fleets: &lt;unique identifier&gt;.&lt;region identifier&gt;.amazongamelift.com. Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-&lt;unique identifier&gt;.compute.amazonaws.com. (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing.) When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.
1991 */
1992 DnsName?: DnsName;
1993 /**
1994 * Port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number.
1995 */
1996 Port?: PortNumber;
1997 /**
1998 * Indicates whether or not the game session is accepting new players.
1999 */
2000 PlayerSessionCreationPolicy?: PlayerSessionCreationPolicy;
2001 /**
2002 * A unique identifier for a player. This ID is used to enforce a resource protection policy (if one exists), that limits the number of game sessions a player can create.
2003 */
2004 CreatorId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2005 /**
2006 * Set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
2007 */
2008 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
2009 /**
2010 * Information about the matchmaking process that was used to create the game session. It is in JSON syntax, formatted as a string. In addition the matchmaking configuration used, it contains data on all players assigned to the match, including player attributes and team assignments. For more details on matchmaker data, see Match Data. Matchmaker data is useful when requesting match backfills, and is updated whenever new players are added during a successful backfill (see StartMatchBackfill).
2011 */
2012 MatchmakerData?: MatchmakerData;
2013 }
2014 export type GameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds = number;
2015 export interface GameSessionConnectionInfo {
2016 /**
2017 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a game session and uniquely identifies it.
2018 */
2019 GameSessionArn?: ArnStringModel;
2020 /**
2021 * IP address of the instance that is running the game session. When connecting to a Amazon GameLift game server, a client needs to reference an IP address (or DNS name) and port number.
2022 */
2023 IpAddress?: StringModel;
2024 /**
2025 * DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format: TLS-enabled fleets: &lt;unique identifier&gt;.&lt;region identifier&gt;.amazongamelift.com. Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-&lt;unique identifier&gt;.compute.amazonaws.com. (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing.) When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.
2026 */
2027 DnsName?: DnsName;
2028 /**
2029 * Port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number.
2030 */
2031 Port?: PositiveInteger;
2032 /**
2033 * A collection of player session IDs, one for each player ID that was included in the original matchmaking request.
2034 */
2035 MatchedPlayerSessions?: MatchedPlayerSessionList;
2036 }
2037 export type GameSessionData = string;
2038 export interface GameSessionDetail {
2039 /**
2040 * Object that describes a game session.
2041 */
2042 GameSession?: GameSession;
2043 /**
2044 * Current status of protection for the game session. NoProtection -- The game session can be terminated during a scale-down event. FullProtection -- If the game session is in an ACTIVE status, it cannot be terminated during a scale-down event.
2045 */
2046 ProtectionPolicy?: ProtectionPolicy;
2047 }
2048 export type GameSessionDetailList = GameSessionDetail[];
2049 export type GameSessionList = GameSession[];
2050 export interface GameSessionPlacement {
2051 /**
2052 * A unique identifier for a game session placement.
2053 */
2054 PlacementId?: IdStringModel;
2055 /**
2056 * A descriptive label that is associated with game session queue. Queue names must be unique within each Region.
2057 */
2058 GameSessionQueueName?: GameSessionQueueName;
2059 /**
2060 * Current status of the game session placement request. PENDING -- The placement request is currently in the queue waiting to be processed. FULFILLED -- A new game session and player sessions (if requested) have been successfully created. Values for GameSessionArn and GameSessionRegion are available. CANCELLED -- The placement request was canceled with a call to StopGameSessionPlacement. TIMED_OUT -- A new game session was not successfully created before the time limit expired. You can resubmit the placement request as needed. FAILED -- GameLift is not able to complete the process of placing the game session. Common reasons are the game session terminated before the placement process was completed, or an unexpected internal error.
2061 */
2062 Status?: GameSessionPlacementState;
2063 /**
2064 * Set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key:value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
2065 */
2066 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
2067 /**
2068 * The maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously to the game session.
2069 */
2070 MaximumPlayerSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
2071 /**
2072 * A descriptive label that is associated with a game session. Session names do not need to be unique.
2073 */
2074 GameSessionName?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2075 /**
2076 * A unique identifier for the game session. This value is set once the new game session is placed (placement status is FULFILLED).
2077 */
2078 GameSessionId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2079 /**
2080 * Identifier for the game session created by this placement request. This value is set once the new game session is placed (placement status is FULFILLED). This identifier is unique across all Regions. You can use this value as a GameSessionId value as needed.
2081 */
2082 GameSessionArn?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2083 /**
2084 * Name of the Region where the game session created by this placement request is running. This value is set once the new game session is placed (placement status is FULFILLED).
2085 */
2086 GameSessionRegion?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2087 /**
2088 * Set of values, expressed in milliseconds, indicating the amount of latency that a player experiences when connected to AWS Regions.
2089 */
2090 PlayerLatencies?: PlayerLatencyList;
2091 /**
2092 * Time stamp indicating when this request was placed in the queue. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2093 */
2094 StartTime?: Timestamp;
2095 /**
2096 * Time stamp indicating when this request was completed, canceled, or timed out.
2097 */
2098 EndTime?: Timestamp;
2099 /**
2100 * IP address of the instance that is running the game session. When connecting to a Amazon GameLift game server, a client needs to reference an IP address (or DNS name) and port number. This value is set once the new game session is placed (placement status is FULFILLED).
2101 */
2102 IpAddress?: IpAddress;
2103 /**
2104 * DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format: TLS-enabled fleets: &lt;unique identifier&gt;.&lt;region identifier&gt;.amazongamelift.com. Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-&lt;unique identifier&gt;.compute.amazonaws.com. (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing.) When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.
2105 */
2106 DnsName?: DnsName;
2107 /**
2108 * Port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number. This value is set once the new game session is placed (placement status is FULFILLED).
2109 */
2110 Port?: PortNumber;
2111 /**
2112 * A collection of information on player sessions created in response to the game session placement request. These player sessions are created only once a new game session is successfully placed (placement status is FULFILLED). This information includes the player ID (as provided in the placement request) and the corresponding player session ID. Retrieve full player sessions by calling DescribePlayerSessions with the player session ID.
2113 */
2114 PlacedPlayerSessions?: PlacedPlayerSessionList;
2115 /**
2116 * Set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
2117 */
2118 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
2119 /**
2120 * Information on the matchmaking process for this game. Data is in JSON syntax, formatted as a string. It identifies the matchmaking configuration used to create the match, and contains data on all players assigned to the match, including player attributes and team assignments. For more details on matchmaker data, see Match Data.
2121 */
2122 MatchmakerData?: MatchmakerData;
2123 }
2124 export type GameSessionPlacementState = "PENDING"|"FULFILLED"|"CANCELLED"|"TIMED_OUT"|"FAILED"|string;
2125 export interface GameSessionQueue {
2126 /**
2127 * A descriptive label that is associated with game session queue. Queue names must be unique within each Region.
2128 */
2129 Name?: GameSessionQueueName;
2130 /**
2131 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift game session queue resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. In a GameLift game session queue ARN, the resource ID matches the Name value.
2132 */
2133 GameSessionQueueArn?: ArnStringModel;
2134 /**
2135 * The maximum time, in seconds, that a new game session placement request remains in the queue. When a request exceeds this time, the game session placement changes to a TIMED_OUT status.
2136 */
2137 TimeoutInSeconds?: WholeNumber;
2138 /**
2139 * A collection of latency policies to apply when processing game sessions placement requests with player latency information. Multiple policies are evaluated in order of the maximum latency value, starting with the lowest latency values. With just one policy, the policy is enforced at the start of the game session placement for the duration period. With multiple policies, each policy is enforced consecutively for its duration period. For example, a queue might enforce a 60-second policy followed by a 120-second policy, and then no policy for the remainder of the placement.
2140 */
2141 PlayerLatencyPolicies?: PlayerLatencyPolicyList;
2142 /**
2143 * A list of fleets that can be used to fulfill game session placement requests in the queue. Fleets are identified by either a fleet ARN or a fleet alias ARN. Destinations are listed in default preference order.
2144 */
2145 Destinations?: GameSessionQueueDestinationList;
2146 }
2147 export interface GameSessionQueueDestination {
2148 /**
2149 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to fleet or fleet alias. ARNs, which include a fleet ID or alias ID and a Region name, provide a unique identifier across all Regions.
2150 */
2151 DestinationArn?: ArnStringModel;
2152 }
2153 export type GameSessionQueueDestinationList = GameSessionQueueDestination[];
2154 export type GameSessionQueueList = GameSessionQueue[];
2155 export type GameSessionQueueName = string;
2156 export type GameSessionQueueNameList = GameSessionQueueName[];
2157 export type GameSessionStatus = "ACTIVE"|"ACTIVATING"|"TERMINATED"|"TERMINATING"|"ERROR"|string;
2158 export type GameSessionStatusReason = "INTERRUPTED"|string;
2159 export interface GetGameSessionLogUrlInput {
2160 /**
2161 * A unique identifier for the game session to get logs for.
2162 */
2163 GameSessionId: ArnStringModel;
2164 }
2165 export interface GetGameSessionLogUrlOutput {
2166 /**
2167 * Location of the requested game session logs, available for download. This URL is valid for 15 minutes, after which S3 will reject any download request using this URL. You can request a new URL any time within the 14-day period that the logs are retained.
2168 */
2169 PreSignedUrl?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2170 }
2171 export interface GetInstanceAccessInput {
2172 /**
2173 * A unique identifier for a fleet that contains the instance you want access to. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value. The fleet can be in any of the following statuses: ACTIVATING, ACTIVE, or ERROR. Fleets with an ERROR status may be accessible for a short time before they are deleted.
2174 */
2175 FleetId: FleetId;
2176 /**
2177 * A unique identifier for an instance you want to get access to. You can access an instance in any status.
2178 */
2179 InstanceId: InstanceId;
2180 }
2181 export interface GetInstanceAccessOutput {
2182 /**
2183 * The connection information for a fleet instance, including IP address and access credentials.
2184 */
2185 InstanceAccess?: InstanceAccess;
2186 }
2187 export type IdStringModel = string;
2188 export interface Instance {
2189 /**
2190 * A unique identifier for a fleet that the instance is in.
2191 */
2192 FleetId?: FleetId;
2193 /**
2194 * A unique identifier for an instance.
2195 */
2196 InstanceId?: InstanceId;
2197 /**
2198 * IP address that is assigned to the instance.
2199 */
2200 IpAddress?: IpAddress;
2201 /**
2202 * DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format: TLS-enabled fleets: &lt;unique identifier&gt;.&lt;region identifier&gt;.amazongamelift.com. Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-&lt;unique identifier&gt;.compute.amazonaws.com. (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing.) When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.
2203 */
2204 DnsName?: DnsName;
2205 /**
2206 * Operating system that is running on this instance.
2207 */
2208 OperatingSystem?: OperatingSystem;
2209 /**
2210 * EC2 instance type that defines the computing resources of this instance.
2211 */
2212 Type?: EC2InstanceType;
2213 /**
2214 * Current status of the instance. Possible statuses include the following: PENDING -- The instance is in the process of being created and launching server processes as defined in the fleet's run-time configuration. ACTIVE -- The instance has been successfully created and at least one server process has successfully launched and reported back to Amazon GameLift that it is ready to host a game session. The instance is now considered ready to host game sessions. TERMINATING -- The instance is in the process of shutting down. This may happen to reduce capacity during a scaling down event or to recycle resources in the event of a problem.
2215 */
2216 Status?: InstanceStatus;
2217 /**
2218 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2219 */
2220 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
2221 }
2222 export interface InstanceAccess {
2223 /**
2224 * A unique identifier for a fleet containing the instance being accessed.
2225 */
2226 FleetId?: FleetId;
2227 /**
2228 * A unique identifier for an instance being accessed.
2229 */
2230 InstanceId?: InstanceId;
2231 /**
2232 * IP address that is assigned to the instance.
2233 */
2234 IpAddress?: IpAddress;
2235 /**
2236 * Operating system that is running on the instance.
2237 */
2238 OperatingSystem?: OperatingSystem;
2239 /**
2240 * Credentials required to access the instance.
2241 */
2242 Credentials?: InstanceCredentials;
2243 }
2244 export interface InstanceCredentials {
2245 /**
2246 * User login string.
2247 */
2248 UserName?: NonEmptyString;
2249 /**
2250 * Secret string. For Windows instances, the secret is a password for use with Windows Remote Desktop. For Linux instances, it is a private key (which must be saved as a .pem file) for use with SSH.
2251 */
2252 Secret?: NonEmptyString;
2253 }
2254 export type InstanceId = string;
2255 export type InstanceList = Instance[];
2256 export type InstanceStatus = "PENDING"|"ACTIVE"|"TERMINATING"|string;
2257 export type Integer = number;
2258 export type IpAddress = string;
2259 export interface IpPermission {
2260 /**
2261 * A starting value for a range of allowed port numbers.
2262 */
2263 FromPort: PortNumber;
2264 /**
2265 * An ending value for a range of allowed port numbers. Port numbers are end-inclusive. This value must be higher than FromPort.
2266 */
2267 ToPort: PortNumber;
2268 /**
2269 * A range of allowed IP addresses. This value must be expressed in CIDR notation. Example: "[subnet mask]" or optionally the shortened version "[subnet mask]".
2270 */
2271 IpRange: NonBlankString;
2272 /**
2273 * The network communication protocol used by the fleet.
2274 */
2275 Protocol: IpProtocol;
2276 }
2277 export type IpPermissionsList = IpPermission[];
2278 export type IpProtocol = "TCP"|"UDP"|string;
2279 export type LatencyMap = {[key: string]: PositiveInteger};
2280 export interface ListAliasesInput {
2281 /**
2282 * The routing type to filter results on. Use this parameter to retrieve only aliases with a certain routing type. To retrieve all aliases, leave this parameter empty. Possible routing types include the following: SIMPLE -- The alias resolves to one specific fleet. Use this type when routing to active fleets. TERMINAL -- The alias does not resolve to a fleet but instead can be used to display a message to the user. A terminal alias throws a TerminalRoutingStrategyException with the RoutingStrategy message embedded.
2283 */
2284 RoutingStrategyType?: RoutingStrategyType;
2285 /**
2286 * A descriptive label that is associated with an alias. Alias names do not need to be unique.
2287 */
2288 Name?: NonEmptyString;
2289 /**
2290 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
2291 */
2292 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
2293 /**
2294 * A token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
2295 */
2296 NextToken?: NonEmptyString;
2297 }
2298 export interface ListAliasesOutput {
2299 /**
2300 * A collection of alias resources that match the request parameters.
2301 */
2302 Aliases?: AliasList;
2303 /**
2304 * A token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
2305 */
2306 NextToken?: NonEmptyString;
2307 }
2308 export interface ListBuildsInput {
2309 /**
2310 * Build status to filter results by. To retrieve all builds, leave this parameter empty. Possible build statuses include the following: INITIALIZED -- A new build has been defined, but no files have been uploaded. You cannot create fleets for builds that are in this status. When a build is successfully created, the build status is set to this value. READY -- The game build has been successfully uploaded. You can now create new fleets for this build. FAILED -- The game build upload failed. You cannot create new fleets for this build.
2311 */
2312 Status?: BuildStatus;
2313 /**
2314 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
2315 */
2316 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
2317 /**
2318 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
2319 */
2320 NextToken?: NonEmptyString;
2321 }
2322 export interface ListBuildsOutput {
2323 /**
2324 * A collection of build records that match the request.
2325 */
2326 Builds?: BuildList;
2327 /**
2328 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
2329 */
2330 NextToken?: NonEmptyString;
2331 }
2332 export interface ListFleetsInput {
2333 /**
2334 * A unique identifier for a build to return fleets for. Use this parameter to return only fleets using the specified build. Use either the build ID or ARN value.To retrieve all fleets, leave this parameter empty.
2335 */
2336 BuildId?: BuildId;
2337 /**
2338 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script to return fleets for. Use this parameter to return only fleets using the specified script. Use either the script ID or ARN value.To retrieve all fleets, leave this parameter empty.
2339 */
2340 ScriptId?: ScriptId;
2341 /**
2342 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
2343 */
2344 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
2345 /**
2346 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
2347 */
2348 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2349 }
2350 export interface ListFleetsOutput {
2351 /**
2352 * Set of fleet IDs matching the list request. You can retrieve additional information about all returned fleets by passing this result set to a call to DescribeFleetAttributes, DescribeFleetCapacity, or DescribeFleetUtilization.
2353 */
2354 FleetIds?: FleetIdList;
2355 /**
2356 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
2357 */
2358 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2359 }
2360 export interface ListScriptsInput {
2361 /**
2362 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.
2363 */
2364 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
2365 /**
2366 * A token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
2367 */
2368 NextToken?: NonEmptyString;
2369 }
2370 export interface ListScriptsOutput {
2371 /**
2372 * A set of properties describing the requested script.
2373 */
2374 Scripts?: ScriptList;
2375 /**
2376 * A token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
2377 */
2378 NextToken?: NonEmptyString;
2379 }
2380 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
2381 /**
2382 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to and uniquely identifies the GameLift resource that you want to retrieve tags for. GameLift resource ARNs are included in the data object for the resource, which can be retrieved by calling a List or Describe action for the resource type.
2383 */
2384 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
2385 }
2386 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
2387 /**
2388 * The collection of tags that have been assigned to the specified resource.
2389 */
2390 Tags?: TagList;
2391 }
2392 export interface MatchedPlayerSession {
2393 /**
2394 * A unique identifier for a player
2395 */
2396 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2397 /**
2398 * A unique identifier for a player session
2399 */
2400 PlayerSessionId?: PlayerSessionId;
2401 }
2402 export type MatchedPlayerSessionList = MatchedPlayerSession[];
2403 export type MatchmakerData = string;
2404 export type MatchmakingAcceptanceTimeoutInteger = number;
2405 export interface MatchmakingConfiguration {
2406 /**
2407 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking configuration. This name is used to identify the configuration associated with a matchmaking request or ticket.
2408 */
2409 Name?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
2410 /**
2411 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift matchmaking configuration resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. In a GameLift configuration ARN, the resource ID matches the Name value.
2412 */
2413 ConfigurationArn?: MatchmakingConfigurationArn;
2414 /**
2415 * A descriptive label that is associated with matchmaking configuration.
2416 */
2417 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2418 /**
2419 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift game session queue resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. GameLift uses the listed queues when placing game sessions for matches that are created with this matchmaking configuration. Queues can be located in any Region.
2420 */
2421 GameSessionQueueArns?: QueueArnsList;
2422 /**
2423 * The maximum duration, in seconds, that a matchmaking ticket can remain in process before timing out. Requests that fail due to timing out can be resubmitted as needed.
2424 */
2425 RequestTimeoutSeconds?: MatchmakingRequestTimeoutInteger;
2426 /**
2427 * The length of time (in seconds) to wait for players to accept a proposed match. If any player rejects the match or fails to accept before the timeout, the ticket continues to look for an acceptable match.
2428 */
2429 AcceptanceTimeoutSeconds?: MatchmakingAcceptanceTimeoutInteger;
2430 /**
2431 * A flag that indicates whether a match that was created with this configuration must be accepted by the matched players. To require acceptance, set to TRUE.
2432 */
2433 AcceptanceRequired?: BooleanModel;
2434 /**
2435 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set to use with this configuration. A matchmaking configuration can only use rule sets that are defined in the same Region.
2436 */
2437 RuleSetName?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
2438 /**
2439 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift matchmaking rule set resource that this configuration uses.
2440 */
2441 RuleSetArn?: MatchmakingRuleSetArn;
2442 /**
2443 * An SNS topic ARN that is set up to receive matchmaking notifications.
2444 */
2445 NotificationTarget?: SnsArnStringModel;
2446 /**
2447 * The number of player slots in a match to keep open for future players. For example, assume that the configuration's rule set specifies a match for a single 12-person team. If the additional player count is set to 2, only 10 players are initially selected for the match.
2448 */
2449 AdditionalPlayerCount?: WholeNumber;
2450 /**
2451 * Information to attach to all events related to the matchmaking configuration.
2452 */
2453 CustomEventData?: CustomEventData;
2454 /**
2455 * The time stamp indicating when this data object was created. The format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2456 */
2457 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
2458 /**
2459 * A set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key-value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). This information is added to the new GameSession object that is created for a successful match.
2460 */
2461 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
2462 /**
2463 * A set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). This information is added to the new GameSession object that is created for a successful match.
2464 */
2465 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
2466 /**
2467 * The method used to backfill game sessions created with this matchmaking configuration. MANUAL indicates that the game makes backfill requests or does not use the match backfill feature. AUTOMATIC indicates that GameLift creates StartMatchBackfill requests whenever a game session has one or more open slots. Learn more about manual and automatic backfill in Backfill Existing Games with FlexMatch.
2468 */
2469 BackfillMode?: BackfillMode;
2470 }
2471 export type MatchmakingConfigurationArn = string;
2472 export type MatchmakingConfigurationList = MatchmakingConfiguration[];
2473 export type MatchmakingConfigurationName = string;
2474 export type MatchmakingConfigurationNameList = MatchmakingConfigurationName[];
2475 export type MatchmakingConfigurationStatus = "CANCELLED"|"COMPLETED"|"FAILED"|"PLACING"|"QUEUED"|"REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE"|"SEARCHING"|"TIMED_OUT"|string;
2476 export type MatchmakingIdList = MatchmakingIdStringModel[];
2477 export type MatchmakingIdStringModel = string;
2478 export type MatchmakingRequestTimeoutInteger = number;
2479 export interface MatchmakingRuleSet {
2480 /**
2481 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set
2482 */
2483 RuleSetName?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
2484 /**
2485 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift matchmaking rule set resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. In a GameLift rule set ARN, the resource ID matches the RuleSetName value.
2486 */
2487 RuleSetArn?: MatchmakingRuleSetArn;
2488 /**
2489 * A collection of matchmaking rules, formatted as a JSON string. Comments are not allowed in JSON, but most elements support a description field.
2490 */
2491 RuleSetBody: RuleSetBody;
2492 /**
2493 * The time stamp indicating when this data object was created. The format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2494 */
2495 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
2496 }
2497 export type MatchmakingRuleSetArn = string;
2498 export type MatchmakingRuleSetList = MatchmakingRuleSet[];
2499 export type MatchmakingRuleSetName = string;
2500 export type MatchmakingRuleSetNameList = MatchmakingRuleSetName[];
2501 export interface MatchmakingTicket {
2502 /**
2503 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking ticket.
2504 */
2505 TicketId?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
2506 /**
2507 * Name of the MatchmakingConfiguration that is used with this ticket. Matchmaking configurations determine how players are grouped into a match and how a new game session is created for the match.
2508 */
2509 ConfigurationName?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
2510 /**
2511 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift matchmaking configuration resource that is used with this ticket.
2512 */
2513 ConfigurationArn?: MatchmakingConfigurationArn;
2514 /**
2515 * Current status of the matchmaking request. QUEUED -- The matchmaking request has been received and is currently waiting to be processed. SEARCHING -- The matchmaking request is currently being processed. REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE -- A match has been proposed and the players must accept the match (see AcceptMatch). This status is used only with requests that use a matchmaking configuration with a player acceptance requirement. PLACING -- The FlexMatch engine has matched players and is in the process of placing a new game session for the match. COMPLETED -- Players have been matched and a game session is ready to host the players. A ticket in this state contains the necessary connection information for players. FAILED -- The matchmaking request was not completed. CANCELLED -- The matchmaking request was canceled. This may be the result of a call to StopMatchmaking or a proposed match that one or more players failed to accept. TIMED_OUT -- The matchmaking request was not successful within the duration specified in the matchmaking configuration. Matchmaking requests that fail to successfully complete (statuses FAILED, CANCELLED, TIMED_OUT) can be resubmitted as new requests with new ticket IDs.
2516 */
2517 Status?: MatchmakingConfigurationStatus;
2518 /**
2519 * Code to explain the current status. For example, a status reason may indicate when a ticket has returned to SEARCHING status after a proposed match fails to receive player acceptances.
2520 */
2521 StatusReason?: StringModel;
2522 /**
2523 * Additional information about the current status.
2524 */
2525 StatusMessage?: StringModel;
2526 /**
2527 * Time stamp indicating when this matchmaking request was received. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2528 */
2529 StartTime?: Timestamp;
2530 /**
2531 * Time stamp indicating when this matchmaking request stopped being processed due to success, failure, or cancellation. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2532 */
2533 EndTime?: Timestamp;
2534 /**
2535 * A set of Player objects, each representing a player to find matches for. Players are identified by a unique player ID and may include latency data for use during matchmaking. If the ticket is in status COMPLETED, the Player objects include the team the players were assigned to in the resulting match.
2536 */
2537 Players?: PlayerList;
2538 /**
2539 * Identifier and connection information of the game session created for the match. This information is added to the ticket only after the matchmaking request has been successfully completed.
2540 */
2541 GameSessionConnectionInfo?: GameSessionConnectionInfo;
2542 /**
2543 * Average amount of time (in seconds) that players are currently waiting for a match. If there is not enough recent data, this property may be empty.
2544 */
2545 EstimatedWaitTime?: WholeNumber;
2546 }
2547 export type MatchmakingTicketList = MatchmakingTicket[];
2548 export type MaxConcurrentGameSessionActivations = number;
2549 export type MetricGroup = string;
2550 export type MetricGroupList = MetricGroup[];
2551 export type MetricName = "ActivatingGameSessions"|"ActiveGameSessions"|"ActiveInstances"|"AvailableGameSessions"|"AvailablePlayerSessions"|"CurrentPlayerSessions"|"IdleInstances"|"PercentAvailableGameSessions"|"PercentIdleInstances"|"QueueDepth"|"WaitTime"|string;
2552 export type NonBlankAndLengthConstraintString = string;
2553 export type NonBlankString = string;
2554 export type NonEmptyString = string;
2555 export type NonZeroAndMaxString = string;
2556 export type OperatingSystem = "WINDOWS_2012"|"AMAZON_LINUX"|"AMAZON_LINUX_2"|string;
2557 export interface PlacedPlayerSession {
2558 /**
2559 * A unique identifier for a player that is associated with this player session.
2560 */
2561 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2562 /**
2563 * A unique identifier for a player session.
2564 */
2565 PlayerSessionId?: PlayerSessionId;
2566 }
2567 export type PlacedPlayerSessionList = PlacedPlayerSession[];
2568 export interface Player {
2569 /**
2570 * A unique identifier for a player
2571 */
2572 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2573 /**
2574 * A collection of key:value pairs containing player information for use in matchmaking. Player attribute keys must match the playerAttributes used in a matchmaking rule set. Example: "PlayerAttributes": {"skill": {"N": "23"}, "gameMode": {"S": "deathmatch"}}.
2575 */
2576 PlayerAttributes?: PlayerAttributeMap;
2577 /**
2578 * Name of the team that the player is assigned to in a match. Team names are defined in a matchmaking rule set.
2579 */
2580 Team?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2581 /**
2582 * Set of values, expressed in milliseconds, indicating the amount of latency that a player experiences when connected to AWS Regions. If this property is present, FlexMatch considers placing the match only in Regions for which latency is reported. If a matchmaker has a rule that evaluates player latency, players must report latency in order to be matched. If no latency is reported in this scenario, FlexMatch assumes that no Regions are available to the player and the ticket is not matchable.
2583 */
2584 LatencyInMs?: LatencyMap;
2585 }
2586 export type PlayerAttributeMap = {[key: string]: AttributeValue};
2587 export type PlayerData = string;
2588 export type PlayerDataMap = {[key: string]: PlayerData};
2589 export type PlayerIdList = NonZeroAndMaxString[];
2590 export interface PlayerLatency {
2591 /**
2592 * A unique identifier for a player associated with the latency data.
2593 */
2594 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2595 /**
2596 * Name of the Region that is associated with the latency value.
2597 */
2598 RegionIdentifier?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2599 /**
2600 * Amount of time that represents the time lag experienced by the player when connected to the specified Region.
2601 */
2602 LatencyInMilliseconds?: Float;
2603 }
2604 export type PlayerLatencyList = PlayerLatency[];
2605 export interface PlayerLatencyPolicy {
2606 /**
2607 * The maximum latency value that is allowed for any player, in milliseconds. All policies must have a value set for this property.
2608 */
2609 MaximumIndividualPlayerLatencyMilliseconds?: WholeNumber;
2610 /**
2611 * The length of time, in seconds, that the policy is enforced while placing a new game session. A null value for this property means that the policy is enforced until the queue times out.
2612 */
2613 PolicyDurationSeconds?: WholeNumber;
2614 }
2615 export type PlayerLatencyPolicyList = PlayerLatencyPolicy[];
2616 export type PlayerList = Player[];
2617 export interface PlayerSession {
2618 /**
2619 * A unique identifier for a player session.
2620 */
2621 PlayerSessionId?: PlayerSessionId;
2622 /**
2623 * A unique identifier for a player that is associated with this player session.
2624 */
2625 PlayerId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2626 /**
2627 * A unique identifier for the game session that the player session is connected to.
2628 */
2629 GameSessionId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2630 /**
2631 * A unique identifier for a fleet that the player's game session is running on.
2632 */
2633 FleetId?: FleetId;
2634 /**
2635 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift fleet that the player's game session is running on.
2636 */
2637 FleetArn?: ArnStringModel;
2638 /**
2639 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was created. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2640 */
2641 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
2642 /**
2643 * Time stamp indicating when this data object was terminated. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2644 */
2645 TerminationTime?: Timestamp;
2646 /**
2647 * Current status of the player session. Possible player session statuses include the following: RESERVED -- The player session request has been received, but the player has not yet connected to the server process and/or been validated. ACTIVE -- The player has been validated by the server process and is currently connected. COMPLETED -- The player connection has been dropped. TIMEDOUT -- A player session request was received, but the player did not connect and/or was not validated within the timeout limit (60 seconds).
2648 */
2649 Status?: PlayerSessionStatus;
2650 /**
2651 * IP address of the instance that is running the game session. When connecting to a Amazon GameLift game server, a client needs to reference an IP address (or DNS name) and port number.
2652 */
2653 IpAddress?: IpAddress;
2654 /**
2655 * DNS identifier assigned to the instance that is running the game session. Values have the following format: TLS-enabled fleets: &lt;unique identifier&gt;.&lt;region identifier&gt;.amazongamelift.com. Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-&lt;unique identifier&gt;.compute.amazonaws.com. (See Amazon EC2 Instance IP Addressing.) When connecting to a game session that is running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.
2656 */
2657 DnsName?: DnsName;
2658 /**
2659 * Port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift server process, an app needs both the IP address and port number.
2660 */
2661 Port?: PortNumber;
2662 /**
2663 * Developer-defined information related to a player. Amazon GameLift does not use this data, so it can be formatted as needed for use in the game.
2664 */
2665 PlayerData?: PlayerData;
2666 }
2667 export type PlayerSessionCreationPolicy = "ACCEPT_ALL"|"DENY_ALL"|string;
2668 export type PlayerSessionId = string;
2669 export type PlayerSessionList = PlayerSession[];
2670 export type PlayerSessionStatus = "RESERVED"|"ACTIVE"|"COMPLETED"|"TIMEDOUT"|string;
2671 export type PolicyType = "RuleBased"|"TargetBased"|string;
2672 export type PortNumber = number;
2673 export type PositiveInteger = number;
2674 export type PositiveLong = number;
2675 export type ProtectionPolicy = "NoProtection"|"FullProtection"|string;
2676 export interface PutScalingPolicyInput {
2677 /**
2678 * A descriptive label that is associated with a scaling policy. Policy names do not need to be unique. A fleet can have only one scaling policy with the same name.
2679 */
2680 Name: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2681 /**
2682 * A unique identifier for a fleet to apply this policy to. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value. The fleet cannot be in any of the following statuses: ERROR or DELETING.
2683 */
2684 FleetId: FleetId;
2685 /**
2686 * Amount of adjustment to make, based on the scaling adjustment type.
2687 */
2688 ScalingAdjustment?: Integer;
2689 /**
2690 * The type of adjustment to make to a fleet's instance count (see FleetCapacity): ChangeInCapacity -- add (or subtract) the scaling adjustment value from the current instance count. Positive values scale up while negative values scale down. ExactCapacity -- set the instance count to the scaling adjustment value. PercentChangeInCapacity -- increase or reduce the current instance count by the scaling adjustment, read as a percentage. Positive values scale up while negative values scale down; for example, a value of "-10" scales the fleet down by 10%.
2691 */
2692 ScalingAdjustmentType?: ScalingAdjustmentType;
2693 /**
2694 * Metric value used to trigger a scaling event.
2695 */
2696 Threshold?: Double;
2697 /**
2698 * Comparison operator to use when measuring the metric against the threshold value.
2699 */
2700 ComparisonOperator?: ComparisonOperatorType;
2701 /**
2702 * Length of time (in minutes) the metric must be at or beyond the threshold before a scaling event is triggered.
2703 */
2704 EvaluationPeriods?: PositiveInteger;
2705 /**
2706 * Name of the Amazon GameLift-defined metric that is used to trigger a scaling adjustment. For detailed descriptions of fleet metrics, see Monitor Amazon GameLift with Amazon CloudWatch. ActivatingGameSessions -- Game sessions in the process of being created. ActiveGameSessions -- Game sessions that are currently running. ActiveInstances -- Fleet instances that are currently running at least one game session. AvailableGameSessions -- Additional game sessions that fleet could host simultaneously, given current capacity. AvailablePlayerSessions -- Empty player slots in currently active game sessions. This includes game sessions that are not currently accepting players. Reserved player slots are not included. CurrentPlayerSessions -- Player slots in active game sessions that are being used by a player or are reserved for a player. IdleInstances -- Active instances that are currently hosting zero game sessions. PercentAvailableGameSessions -- Unused percentage of the total number of game sessions that a fleet could host simultaneously, given current capacity. Use this metric for a target-based scaling policy. PercentIdleInstances -- Percentage of the total number of active instances that are hosting zero game sessions. QueueDepth -- Pending game session placement requests, in any queue, where the current fleet is the top-priority destination. WaitTime -- Current wait time for pending game session placement requests, in any queue, where the current fleet is the top-priority destination.
2707 */
2708 MetricName: MetricName;
2709 /**
2710 * The type of scaling policy to create. For a target-based policy, set the parameter MetricName to 'PercentAvailableGameSessions' and specify a TargetConfiguration. For a rule-based policy set the following parameters: MetricName, ComparisonOperator, Threshold, EvaluationPeriods, ScalingAdjustmentType, and ScalingAdjustment.
2711 */
2712 PolicyType?: PolicyType;
2713 /**
2714 * The settings for a target-based scaling policy.
2715 */
2716 TargetConfiguration?: TargetConfiguration;
2717 }
2718 export interface PutScalingPolicyOutput {
2719 /**
2720 * A descriptive label that is associated with a scaling policy. Policy names do not need to be unique.
2721 */
2722 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2723 }
2724 export type QueueArnsList = ArnStringModel[];
2725 export interface RequestUploadCredentialsInput {
2726 /**
2727 * A unique identifier for a build to get credentials for. You can use either the build ID or ARN value.
2728 */
2729 BuildId: BuildId;
2730 }
2731 export interface RequestUploadCredentialsOutput {
2732 /**
2733 * AWS credentials required when uploading a game build to the storage location. These credentials have a limited lifespan and are valid only for the build they were issued for.
2734 */
2735 UploadCredentials?: AwsCredentials;
2736 /**
2737 * Amazon S3 path and key, identifying where the game build files are stored.
2738 */
2739 StorageLocation?: S3Location;
2740 }
2741 export interface ResolveAliasInput {
2742 /**
2743 * The unique identifier of the alias that you want to retrieve a fleet ID for. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.
2744 */
2745 AliasId: AliasId;
2746 }
2747 export interface ResolveAliasOutput {
2748 /**
2749 * The fleet identifier that the alias is pointing to.
2750 */
2751 FleetId?: FleetId;
2752 /**
2753 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift fleet resource that this alias points to.
2754 */
2755 FleetArn?: ArnStringModel;
2756 }
2757 export interface ResourceCreationLimitPolicy {
2758 /**
2759 * The maximum number of game sessions that an individual can create during the policy period.
2760 */
2761 NewGameSessionsPerCreator?: WholeNumber;
2762 /**
2763 * The time span used in evaluating the resource creation limit policy.
2764 */
2765 PolicyPeriodInMinutes?: WholeNumber;
2766 }
2767 export interface RoutingStrategy {
2768 /**
2769 * The type of routing strategy for the alias. Possible routing types include the following: SIMPLE - The alias resolves to one specific fleet. Use this type when routing to active fleets. TERMINAL - The alias does not resolve to a fleet but instead can be used to display a message to the user. A terminal alias throws a TerminalRoutingStrategyException with the RoutingStrategy message embedded.
2770 */
2771 Type?: RoutingStrategyType;
2772 /**
2773 * The unique identifier for a fleet that the alias points to. This value is the fleet ID, not the fleet ARN.
2774 */
2775 FleetId?: FleetId;
2776 /**
2777 * The message text to be used with a terminal routing strategy.
2778 */
2779 Message?: FreeText;
2780 }
2781 export type RoutingStrategyType = "SIMPLE"|"TERMINAL"|string;
2782 export type RuleSetBody = string;
2783 export type RuleSetLimit = number;
2784 export interface RuntimeConfiguration {
2785 /**
2786 * A collection of server process configurations that describe which server processes to run on each instance in a fleet.
2787 */
2788 ServerProcesses?: ServerProcessList;
2789 /**
2790 * The maximum number of game sessions with status ACTIVATING to allow on an instance simultaneously. This setting limits the amount of instance resources that can be used for new game activations at any one time.
2791 */
2792 MaxConcurrentGameSessionActivations?: MaxConcurrentGameSessionActivations;
2793 /**
2794 * The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that a game session can remain in status ACTIVATING. If the game session is not active before the timeout, activation is terminated and the game session status is changed to TERMINATED.
2795 */
2796 GameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds?: GameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds;
2797 }
2798 export interface S3Location {
2799 /**
2800 * An Amazon S3 bucket identifier. This is the name of the S3 bucket.
2801 */
2802 Bucket?: NonEmptyString;
2803 /**
2804 * The name of the zip file that contains the build files or script files.
2805 */
2806 Key?: NonEmptyString;
2807 /**
2808 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an IAM role that allows Amazon GameLift to access the S3 bucket.
2809 */
2810 RoleArn?: NonEmptyString;
2811 /**
2812 * The version of the file, if object versioning is turned on for the bucket. Amazon GameLift uses this information when retrieving files from an S3 bucket that you own. Use this parameter to specify a specific version of the file. If not set, the latest version of the file is retrieved.
2813 */
2814 ObjectVersion?: NonEmptyString;
2815 }
2816 export type ScalingAdjustmentType = "ChangeInCapacity"|"ExactCapacity"|"PercentChangeInCapacity"|string;
2817 export interface ScalingPolicy {
2818 /**
2819 * A unique identifier for a fleet that is associated with this scaling policy.
2820 */
2821 FleetId?: FleetId;
2822 /**
2823 * A descriptive label that is associated with a scaling policy. Policy names do not need to be unique.
2824 */
2825 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2826 /**
2827 * Current status of the scaling policy. The scaling policy can be in force only when in an ACTIVE status. Scaling policies can be suspended for individual fleets (see StopFleetActions; if suspended for a fleet, the policy status does not change. View a fleet's stopped actions by calling DescribeFleetCapacity. ACTIVE -- The scaling policy can be used for auto-scaling a fleet. UPDATE_REQUESTED -- A request to update the scaling policy has been received. UPDATING -- A change is being made to the scaling policy. DELETE_REQUESTED -- A request to delete the scaling policy has been received. DELETING -- The scaling policy is being deleted. DELETED -- The scaling policy has been deleted. ERROR -- An error occurred in creating the policy. It should be removed and recreated.
2828 */
2829 Status?: ScalingStatusType;
2830 /**
2831 * Amount of adjustment to make, based on the scaling adjustment type.
2832 */
2833 ScalingAdjustment?: Integer;
2834 /**
2835 * The type of adjustment to make to a fleet's instance count (see FleetCapacity): ChangeInCapacity -- add (or subtract) the scaling adjustment value from the current instance count. Positive values scale up while negative values scale down. ExactCapacity -- set the instance count to the scaling adjustment value. PercentChangeInCapacity -- increase or reduce the current instance count by the scaling adjustment, read as a percentage. Positive values scale up while negative values scale down.
2836 */
2837 ScalingAdjustmentType?: ScalingAdjustmentType;
2838 /**
2839 * Comparison operator to use when measuring a metric against the threshold value.
2840 */
2841 ComparisonOperator?: ComparisonOperatorType;
2842 /**
2843 * Metric value used to trigger a scaling event.
2844 */
2845 Threshold?: Double;
2846 /**
2847 * Length of time (in minutes) the metric must be at or beyond the threshold before a scaling event is triggered.
2848 */
2849 EvaluationPeriods?: PositiveInteger;
2850 /**
2851 * Name of the Amazon GameLift-defined metric that is used to trigger a scaling adjustment. For detailed descriptions of fleet metrics, see Monitor Amazon GameLift with Amazon CloudWatch. ActivatingGameSessions -- Game sessions in the process of being created. ActiveGameSessions -- Game sessions that are currently running. ActiveInstances -- Fleet instances that are currently running at least one game session. AvailableGameSessions -- Additional game sessions that fleet could host simultaneously, given current capacity. AvailablePlayerSessions -- Empty player slots in currently active game sessions. This includes game sessions that are not currently accepting players. Reserved player slots are not included. CurrentPlayerSessions -- Player slots in active game sessions that are being used by a player or are reserved for a player. IdleInstances -- Active instances that are currently hosting zero game sessions. PercentAvailableGameSessions -- Unused percentage of the total number of game sessions that a fleet could host simultaneously, given current capacity. Use this metric for a target-based scaling policy. PercentIdleInstances -- Percentage of the total number of active instances that are hosting zero game sessions. QueueDepth -- Pending game session placement requests, in any queue, where the current fleet is the top-priority destination. WaitTime -- Current wait time for pending game session placement requests, in any queue, where the current fleet is the top-priority destination.
2852 */
2853 MetricName?: MetricName;
2854 /**
2855 * The type of scaling policy to create. For a target-based policy, set the parameter MetricName to 'PercentAvailableGameSessions' and specify a TargetConfiguration. For a rule-based policy set the following parameters: MetricName, ComparisonOperator, Threshold, EvaluationPeriods, ScalingAdjustmentType, and ScalingAdjustment.
2856 */
2857 PolicyType?: PolicyType;
2858 /**
2859 * The settings for a target-based scaling policy.
2860 */
2861 TargetConfiguration?: TargetConfiguration;
2862 }
2863 export type ScalingPolicyList = ScalingPolicy[];
2865 export interface Script {
2866 /**
2867 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script
2868 */
2869 ScriptId?: ScriptId;
2870 /**
2871 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift script resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. In a GameLift script ARN, the resource ID matches the ScriptId value.
2872 */
2873 ScriptArn?: ScriptArn;
2874 /**
2875 * A descriptive label that is associated with a script. Script names do not need to be unique.
2876 */
2877 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2878 /**
2879 * The version that is associated with a build or script. Version strings do not need to be unique.
2880 */
2881 Version?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2882 /**
2883 * The file size of the uploaded Realtime script, expressed in bytes. When files are uploaded from an S3 location, this value remains at "0".
2884 */
2885 SizeOnDisk?: PositiveLong;
2886 /**
2887 * A time stamp indicating when this data object was created. The format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
2888 */
2889 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
2890 StorageLocation?: S3Location;
2891 }
2892 export type ScriptArn = string;
2893 export type ScriptId = string;
2894 export type ScriptList = Script[];
2895 export interface SearchGameSessionsInput {
2896 /**
2897 * A unique identifier for a fleet to search for active game sessions. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value. Each request must reference either a fleet ID or alias ID, but not both.
2898 */
2899 FleetId?: FleetId;
2900 /**
2901 * A unique identifier for an alias associated with the fleet to search for active game sessions. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value. Each request must reference either a fleet ID or alias ID, but not both.
2902 */
2903 AliasId?: AliasId;
2904 /**
2905 * String containing the search criteria for the session search. If no filter expression is included, the request returns results for all game sessions in the fleet that are in ACTIVE status. A filter expression can contain one or multiple conditions. Each condition consists of the following: Operand -- Name of a game session attribute. Valid values are gameSessionName, gameSessionId, gameSessionProperties, maximumSessions, creationTimeMillis, playerSessionCount, hasAvailablePlayerSessions. Comparator -- Valid comparators are: =, &lt;&gt;, &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=. Value -- Value to be searched for. Values may be numbers, boolean values (true/false) or strings depending on the operand. String values are case sensitive and must be enclosed in single quotes. Special characters must be escaped. Boolean and string values can only be used with the comparators = and &lt;&gt;. For example, the following filter expression searches on gameSessionName: "FilterExpression": "gameSessionName = 'Matt\\'s Awesome Game 1'". To chain multiple conditions in a single expression, use the logical keywords AND, OR, and NOT and parentheses as needed. For example: x AND y AND NOT z, NOT (x OR y). Session search evaluates conditions from left to right using the following precedence rules: =, &lt;&gt;, &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;= Parentheses NOT AND OR For example, this filter expression retrieves game sessions hosting at least ten players that have an open player slot: "maximumSessions&gt;=10 AND hasAvailablePlayerSessions=true".
2906 */
2907 FilterExpression?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2908 /**
2909 * Instructions on how to sort the search results. If no sort expression is included, the request returns results in random order. A sort expression consists of the following elements: Operand -- Name of a game session attribute. Valid values are gameSessionName, gameSessionId, gameSessionProperties, maximumSessions, creationTimeMillis, playerSessionCount, hasAvailablePlayerSessions. Order -- Valid sort orders are ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending). For example, this sort expression returns the oldest active sessions first: "SortExpression": "creationTimeMillis ASC". Results with a null value for the sort operand are returned at the end of the list.
2910 */
2911 SortExpression?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2912 /**
2913 * The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages. The maximum number of results returned is 20, even if this value is not set or is set higher than 20.
2914 */
2915 Limit?: PositiveInteger;
2916 /**
2917 * Token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this action. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.
2918 */
2919 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2920 }
2921 export interface SearchGameSessionsOutput {
2922 /**
2923 * A collection of objects containing game session properties for each session matching the request.
2924 */
2925 GameSessions?: GameSessionList;
2926 /**
2927 * Token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this action. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list.
2928 */
2929 NextToken?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2930 }
2931 export interface ServerProcess {
2932 /**
2933 * The location of the server executable in a custom game build or the name of the Realtime script file that contains the Init() function. Game builds and Realtime scripts are installed on instances at the root: Windows (for custom game builds only): C:\game. Example: "C:\game\MyGame\server.exe" Linux: /local/game. Examples: "/local/game/MyGame/server.exe" or "/local/game/MyRealtimeScript.js"
2934 */
2935 LaunchPath: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2936 /**
2937 * An optional list of parameters to pass to the server executable or Realtime script on launch.
2938 */
2939 Parameters?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2940 /**
2941 * The number of server processes that use this configuration to run concurrently on an instance.
2942 */
2943 ConcurrentExecutions: PositiveInteger;
2944 }
2945 export type ServerProcessList = ServerProcess[];
2946 export type SnsArnStringModel = string;
2947 export interface StartFleetActionsInput {
2948 /**
2949 * A unique identifier for a fleet to start actions on. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
2950 */
2951 FleetId: FleetId;
2952 /**
2953 * List of actions to restart on the fleet.
2954 */
2955 Actions: FleetActionList;
2956 }
2957 export interface StartFleetActionsOutput {
2958 }
2959 export interface StartGameSessionPlacementInput {
2960 /**
2961 * A unique identifier to assign to the new game session placement. This value is developer-defined. The value must be unique across all Regions and cannot be reused unless you are resubmitting a canceled or timed-out placement request.
2962 */
2963 PlacementId: IdStringModel;
2964 /**
2965 * Name of the queue to use to place the new game session. You can use either the qieue name or ARN value.
2966 */
2967 GameSessionQueueName: GameSessionQueueName;
2968 /**
2969 * Set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key:value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
2970 */
2971 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
2972 /**
2973 * The maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously to the game session.
2974 */
2975 MaximumPlayerSessionCount: WholeNumber;
2976 /**
2977 * A descriptive label that is associated with a game session. Session names do not need to be unique.
2978 */
2979 GameSessionName?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
2980 /**
2981 * Set of values, expressed in milliseconds, indicating the amount of latency that a player experiences when connected to AWS Regions. This information is used to try to place the new game session where it can offer the best possible gameplay experience for the players.
2982 */
2983 PlayerLatencies?: PlayerLatencyList;
2984 /**
2985 * Set of information on each player to create a player session for.
2986 */
2987 DesiredPlayerSessions?: DesiredPlayerSessionList;
2988 /**
2989 * Set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session).
2990 */
2991 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
2992 }
2993 export interface StartGameSessionPlacementOutput {
2994 /**
2995 * Object that describes the newly created game session placement. This object includes all the information provided in the request, as well as start/end time stamps and placement status.
2996 */
2997 GameSessionPlacement?: GameSessionPlacement;
2998 }
2999 export interface StartMatchBackfillInput {
3000 /**
3001 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking ticket. If no ticket ID is specified here, Amazon GameLift will generate one in the form of a UUID. Use this identifier to track the match backfill ticket status and retrieve match results.
3002 */
3003 TicketId?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
3004 /**
3005 * Name of the matchmaker to use for this request. You can use either the configuration name or ARN value. The ARN of the matchmaker that was used with the original game session is listed in the GameSession object, MatchmakerData property.
3006 */
3007 ConfigurationName: MatchmakingConfigurationName;
3008 /**
3009 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a game session and uniquely identifies it. This is the same as the game session ID.
3010 */
3011 GameSessionArn: ArnStringModel;
3012 /**
3013 * Match information on all players that are currently assigned to the game session. This information is used by the matchmaker to find new players and add them to the existing game. PlayerID, PlayerAttributes, Team -\\- This information is maintained in the GameSession object, MatchmakerData property, for all players who are currently assigned to the game session. The matchmaker data is in JSON syntax, formatted as a string. For more details, see Match Data. LatencyInMs -\\- If the matchmaker uses player latency, include a latency value, in milliseconds, for the Region that the game session is currently in. Do not include latency values for any other Region.
3014 */
3015 Players: PlayerList;
3016 }
3017 export interface StartMatchBackfillOutput {
3018 /**
3019 * Ticket representing the backfill matchmaking request. This object includes the information in the request, ticket status, and match results as generated during the matchmaking process.
3020 */
3021 MatchmakingTicket?: MatchmakingTicket;
3022 }
3023 export interface StartMatchmakingInput {
3024 /**
3025 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking ticket. If no ticket ID is specified here, Amazon GameLift will generate one in the form of a UUID. Use this identifier to track the matchmaking ticket status and retrieve match results.
3026 */
3027 TicketId?: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
3028 /**
3029 * Name of the matchmaking configuration to use for this request. Matchmaking configurations must exist in the same Region as this request. You can use either the configuration name or ARN value.
3030 */
3031 ConfigurationName: MatchmakingConfigurationName;
3032 /**
3033 * Information on each player to be matched. This information must include a player ID, and may contain player attributes and latency data to be used in the matchmaking process. After a successful match, Player objects contain the name of the team the player is assigned to.
3034 */
3035 Players: PlayerList;
3036 }
3037 export interface StartMatchmakingOutput {
3038 /**
3039 * Ticket representing the matchmaking request. This object include the information included in the request, ticket status, and match results as generated during the matchmaking process.
3040 */
3041 MatchmakingTicket?: MatchmakingTicket;
3042 }
3043 export interface StopFleetActionsInput {
3044 /**
3045 * A unique identifier for a fleet to stop actions on. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
3046 */
3047 FleetId: FleetId;
3048 /**
3049 * List of actions to suspend on the fleet.
3050 */
3051 Actions: FleetActionList;
3052 }
3053 export interface StopFleetActionsOutput {
3054 }
3055 export interface StopGameSessionPlacementInput {
3056 /**
3057 * A unique identifier for a game session placement to cancel.
3058 */
3059 PlacementId: IdStringModel;
3060 }
3061 export interface StopGameSessionPlacementOutput {
3062 /**
3063 * Object that describes the canceled game session placement, with CANCELLED status and an end time stamp.
3064 */
3065 GameSessionPlacement?: GameSessionPlacement;
3066 }
3067 export interface StopMatchmakingInput {
3068 /**
3069 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking ticket.
3070 */
3071 TicketId: MatchmakingIdStringModel;
3072 }
3073 export interface StopMatchmakingOutput {
3074 }
3075 export type StringDoubleMap = {[key: string]: DoubleObject};
3076 export type StringList = NonZeroAndMaxString[];
3077 export type StringModel = string;
3078 export interface Tag {
3079 /**
3080 * The key for a developer-defined key:value pair for tagging an AWS resource.
3081 */
3082 Key: TagKey;
3083 /**
3084 * The value for a developer-defined key:value pair for tagging an AWS resource.
3085 */
3086 Value: TagValue;
3087 }
3088 export type TagKey = string;
3089 export type TagKeyList = TagKey[];
3090 export type TagList = Tag[];
3091 export interface TagResourceRequest {
3092 /**
3093 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to and uniquely identifies the GameLift resource that you want to assign tags to. GameLift resource ARNs are included in the data object for the resource, which can be retrieved by calling a List or Describe action for the resource type.
3094 */
3095 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
3096 /**
3097 * A list of one or more tags to assign to the specified GameLift resource. Tags are developer-defined and structured as key-value pairs. The maximum tag limit may be lower than stated. See Tagging AWS Resources for actual tagging limits.
3098 */
3099 Tags: TagList;
3100 }
3101 export interface TagResourceResponse {
3102 }
3103 export type TagValue = string;
3104 export interface TargetConfiguration {
3105 /**
3106 * Desired value to use with a target-based scaling policy. The value must be relevant for whatever metric the scaling policy is using. For example, in a policy using the metric PercentAvailableGameSessions, the target value should be the preferred size of the fleet's buffer (the percent of capacity that should be idle and ready for new game sessions).
3107 */
3108 TargetValue: Double;
3109 }
3110 export type Timestamp = Date;
3111 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
3112 /**
3113 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to and uniquely identifies the GameLift resource that you want to remove tags from. GameLift resource ARNs are included in the data object for the resource, which can be retrieved by calling a List or Describe action for the resource type.
3114 */
3115 ResourceARN: AmazonResourceName;
3116 /**
3117 * A list of one or more tags to remove from the specified GameLift resource. Tags are developer-defined and structured as key-value pairs.
3118 */
3119 TagKeys: TagKeyList;
3120 }
3121 export interface UntagResourceResponse {
3122 }
3123 export interface UpdateAliasInput {
3124 /**
3125 * A unique identifier for the alias that you want to update. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.
3126 */
3127 AliasId: AliasId;
3128 /**
3129 * A descriptive label that is associated with an alias. Alias names do not need to be unique.
3130 */
3131 Name?: NonBlankAndLengthConstraintString;
3132 /**
3133 * A human-readable description of the alias.
3134 */
3135 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3136 /**
3137 * The routing configuration, including routing type and fleet target, for the alias.
3138 */
3139 RoutingStrategy?: RoutingStrategy;
3140 }
3141 export interface UpdateAliasOutput {
3142 /**
3143 * The updated alias resource.
3144 */
3145 Alias?: Alias;
3146 }
3147 export interface UpdateBuildInput {
3148 /**
3149 * A unique identifier for a build to update. You can use either the build ID or ARN value.
3150 */
3151 BuildId: BuildId;
3152 /**
3153 * A descriptive label that is associated with a build. Build names do not need to be unique.
3154 */
3155 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3156 /**
3157 * Version information that is associated with a build or script. Version strings do not need to be unique.
3158 */
3159 Version?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3160 }
3161 export interface UpdateBuildOutput {
3162 /**
3163 * The updated build record.
3164 */
3165 Build?: Build;
3166 }
3167 export interface UpdateFleetAttributesInput {
3168 /**
3169 * A unique identifier for a fleet to update attribute metadata for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
3170 */
3171 FleetId: FleetId;
3172 /**
3173 * A descriptive label that is associated with a fleet. Fleet names do not need to be unique.
3174 */
3175 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3176 /**
3177 * Human-readable description of a fleet.
3178 */
3179 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3180 /**
3181 * Game session protection policy to apply to all new instances created in this fleet. Instances that already exist are not affected. You can set protection for individual instances using UpdateGameSession. NoProtection -- The game session can be terminated during a scale-down event. FullProtection -- If the game session is in an ACTIVE status, it cannot be terminated during a scale-down event.
3182 */
3183 NewGameSessionProtectionPolicy?: ProtectionPolicy;
3184 /**
3185 * Policy that limits the number of game sessions an individual player can create over a span of time.
3186 */
3187 ResourceCreationLimitPolicy?: ResourceCreationLimitPolicy;
3188 /**
3189 * Names of metric groups to include this fleet in. Amazon CloudWatch uses a fleet metric group is to aggregate metrics from multiple fleets. Use an existing metric group name to add this fleet to the group. Or use a new name to create a new metric group. A fleet can only be included in one metric group at a time.
3190 */
3191 MetricGroups?: MetricGroupList;
3192 }
3193 export interface UpdateFleetAttributesOutput {
3194 /**
3195 * A unique identifier for a fleet that was updated. Use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
3196 */
3197 FleetId?: FleetId;
3198 }
3199 export interface UpdateFleetCapacityInput {
3200 /**
3201 * A unique identifier for a fleet to update capacity for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
3202 */
3203 FleetId: FleetId;
3204 /**
3205 * Number of EC2 instances you want this fleet to host.
3206 */
3207 DesiredInstances?: WholeNumber;
3208 /**
3209 * The minimum value allowed for the fleet's instance count. Default if not set is 0.
3210 */
3211 MinSize?: WholeNumber;
3212 /**
3213 * The maximum value allowed for the fleet's instance count. Default if not set is 1.
3214 */
3215 MaxSize?: WholeNumber;
3216 }
3217 export interface UpdateFleetCapacityOutput {
3218 /**
3219 * A unique identifier for a fleet that was updated.
3220 */
3221 FleetId?: FleetId;
3222 }
3223 export interface UpdateFleetPortSettingsInput {
3224 /**
3225 * A unique identifier for a fleet to update port settings for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
3226 */
3227 FleetId: FleetId;
3228 /**
3229 * A collection of port settings to be added to the fleet record.
3230 */
3231 InboundPermissionAuthorizations?: IpPermissionsList;
3232 /**
3233 * A collection of port settings to be removed from the fleet record.
3234 */
3235 InboundPermissionRevocations?: IpPermissionsList;
3236 }
3237 export interface UpdateFleetPortSettingsOutput {
3238 /**
3239 * A unique identifier for a fleet that was updated.
3240 */
3241 FleetId?: FleetId;
3242 }
3243 export interface UpdateGameSessionInput {
3244 /**
3245 * A unique identifier for the game session to update.
3246 */
3247 GameSessionId: ArnStringModel;
3248 /**
3249 * The maximum number of players that can be connected simultaneously to the game session.
3250 */
3251 MaximumPlayerSessionCount?: WholeNumber;
3252 /**
3253 * A descriptive label that is associated with a game session. Session names do not need to be unique.
3254 */
3255 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3256 /**
3257 * Policy determining whether or not the game session accepts new players.
3258 */
3259 PlayerSessionCreationPolicy?: PlayerSessionCreationPolicy;
3260 /**
3261 * Game session protection policy to apply to this game session only. NoProtection -- The game session can be terminated during a scale-down event. FullProtection -- If the game session is in an ACTIVE status, it cannot be terminated during a scale-down event.
3262 */
3263 ProtectionPolicy?: ProtectionPolicy;
3264 }
3265 export interface UpdateGameSessionOutput {
3266 /**
3267 * The updated game session metadata.
3268 */
3269 GameSession?: GameSession;
3270 }
3271 export interface UpdateGameSessionQueueInput {
3272 /**
3273 * A descriptive label that is associated with game session queue. Queue names must be unique within each Region. You can use either the queue ID or ARN value.
3274 */
3275 Name: GameSessionQueueName;
3276 /**
3277 * The maximum time, in seconds, that a new game session placement request remains in the queue. When a request exceeds this time, the game session placement changes to a TIMED_OUT status.
3278 */
3279 TimeoutInSeconds?: WholeNumber;
3280 /**
3281 * A collection of latency policies to apply when processing game sessions placement requests with player latency information. Multiple policies are evaluated in order of the maximum latency value, starting with the lowest latency values. With just one policy, the policy is enforced at the start of the game session placement for the duration period. With multiple policies, each policy is enforced consecutively for its duration period. For example, a queue might enforce a 60-second policy followed by a 120-second policy, and then no policy for the remainder of the placement. When updating policies, provide a complete collection of policies.
3282 */
3283 PlayerLatencyPolicies?: PlayerLatencyPolicyList;
3284 /**
3285 * A list of fleets that can be used to fulfill game session placement requests in the queue. Fleets are identified by either a fleet ARN or a fleet alias ARN. Destinations are listed in default preference order. When updating this list, provide a complete list of destinations.
3286 */
3287 Destinations?: GameSessionQueueDestinationList;
3288 }
3289 export interface UpdateGameSessionQueueOutput {
3290 /**
3291 * An object that describes the newly updated game session queue.
3292 */
3293 GameSessionQueue?: GameSessionQueue;
3294 }
3295 export interface UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationInput {
3296 /**
3297 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking configuration to update. You can use either the configuration name or ARN value.
3298 */
3299 Name: MatchmakingConfigurationName;
3300 /**
3301 * A descriptive label that is associated with matchmaking configuration.
3302 */
3303 Description?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3304 /**
3305 * Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is assigned to a GameLift game session queue resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. These queues are used when placing game sessions for matches that are created with this matchmaking configuration. Queues can be located in any Region.
3306 */
3307 GameSessionQueueArns?: QueueArnsList;
3308 /**
3309 * The maximum duration, in seconds, that a matchmaking ticket can remain in process before timing out. Requests that fail due to timing out can be resubmitted as needed.
3310 */
3311 RequestTimeoutSeconds?: MatchmakingRequestTimeoutInteger;
3312 /**
3313 * The length of time (in seconds) to wait for players to accept a proposed match. If any player rejects the match or fails to accept before the timeout, the ticket continues to look for an acceptable match.
3314 */
3315 AcceptanceTimeoutSeconds?: MatchmakingAcceptanceTimeoutInteger;
3316 /**
3317 * A flag that indicates whether a match that was created with this configuration must be accepted by the matched players. To require acceptance, set to TRUE.
3318 */
3319 AcceptanceRequired?: BooleanModel;
3320 /**
3321 * A unique identifier for a matchmaking rule set to use with this configuration. You can use either the rule set name or ARN value. A matchmaking configuration can only use rule sets that are defined in the same Region.
3322 */
3323 RuleSetName?: MatchmakingRuleSetName;
3324 /**
3325 * An SNS topic ARN that is set up to receive matchmaking notifications. See Setting up Notifications for Matchmaking for more information.
3326 */
3327 NotificationTarget?: SnsArnStringModel;
3328 /**
3329 * The number of player slots in a match to keep open for future players. For example, assume that the configuration's rule set specifies a match for a single 12-person team. If the additional player count is set to 2, only 10 players are initially selected for the match.
3330 */
3331 AdditionalPlayerCount?: WholeNumber;
3332 /**
3333 * Information to add to all events related to the matchmaking configuration.
3334 */
3335 CustomEventData?: CustomEventData;
3336 /**
3337 * A set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key-value pairs. These properties are passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). This information is added to the new GameSession object that is created for a successful match.
3338 */
3339 GameProperties?: GamePropertyList;
3340 /**
3341 * A set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value. This data is passed to a game server process in the GameSession object with a request to start a new game session (see Start a Game Session). This information is added to the new GameSession object that is created for a successful match.
3342 */
3343 GameSessionData?: GameSessionData;
3344 /**
3345 * The method that is used to backfill game sessions created with this matchmaking configuration. Specify MANUAL when your game manages backfill requests manually or does not use the match backfill feature. Specify AUTOMATIC to have GameLift create a StartMatchBackfill request whenever a game session has one or more open slots. Learn more about manual and automatic backfill in Backfill Existing Games with FlexMatch.
3346 */
3347 BackfillMode?: BackfillMode;
3348 }
3349 export interface UpdateMatchmakingConfigurationOutput {
3350 /**
3351 * The updated matchmaking configuration.
3352 */
3353 Configuration?: MatchmakingConfiguration;
3354 }
3355 export interface UpdateRuntimeConfigurationInput {
3356 /**
3357 * A unique identifier for a fleet to update runtime configuration for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.
3358 */
3359 FleetId: FleetId;
3360 /**
3361 * Instructions for launching server processes on each instance in the fleet. Server processes run either a custom game build executable or a Realtime Servers script. The runtime configuration lists the types of server processes to run on an instance and includes the following configuration settings: the server executable or launch script file, launch parameters, and the number of processes to run concurrently on each instance. A CreateFleet request must include a runtime configuration with at least one server process configuration.
3362 */
3363 RuntimeConfiguration: RuntimeConfiguration;
3364 }
3365 export interface UpdateRuntimeConfigurationOutput {
3366 /**
3367 * The runtime configuration currently in force. If the update was successful, this object matches the one in the request.
3368 */
3369 RuntimeConfiguration?: RuntimeConfiguration;
3370 }
3371 export interface UpdateScriptInput {
3372 /**
3373 * A unique identifier for a Realtime script to update. You can use either the script ID or ARN value.
3374 */
3375 ScriptId: ScriptId;
3376 /**
3377 * A descriptive label that is associated with a script. Script names do not need to be unique.
3378 */
3379 Name?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3380 /**
3381 * The version that is associated with a build or script. Version strings do not need to be unique.
3382 */
3383 Version?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3384 /**
3385 * The location of the Amazon S3 bucket where a zipped file containing your Realtime scripts is stored. The storage location must specify the Amazon S3 bucket name, the zip file name (the "key"), and a role ARN that allows Amazon GameLift to access the Amazon S3 storage location. The S3 bucket must be in the same Region where you want to create a new script. By default, Amazon GameLift uploads the latest version of the zip file; if you have S3 object versioning turned on, you can use the ObjectVersion parameter to specify an earlier version.
3386 */
3387 StorageLocation?: S3Location;
3388 /**
3389 * A data object containing your Realtime scripts and dependencies as a zip file. The zip file can have one or multiple files. Maximum size of a zip file is 5 MB. When using the AWS CLI tool to create a script, this parameter is set to the zip file name. It must be prepended with the string "fileb://" to indicate that the file data is a binary object. For example: --zip-file fileb://myRealtimeScript.zip.
3390 */
3391 ZipFile?: ZipBlob;
3392 }
3393 export interface UpdateScriptOutput {
3394 /**
3395 * The newly created script record with a unique script ID. The new script's storage location reflects an Amazon S3 location: (1) If the script was uploaded from an S3 bucket under your account, the storage location reflects the information that was provided in the CreateScript request; (2) If the script file was uploaded from a local zip file, the storage location reflects an S3 location controls by the Amazon GameLift service.
3396 */
3397 Script?: Script;
3398 }
3399 export interface ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetInput {
3400 /**
3401 * A collection of matchmaking rules to validate, formatted as a JSON string.
3402 */
3403 RuleSetBody: RuleSetBody;
3404 }
3405 export interface ValidateMatchmakingRuleSetOutput {
3406 /**
3407 * A response indicating whether the rule set is valid.
3408 */
3409 Valid?: BooleanModel;
3410 }
3411 export interface VpcPeeringAuthorization {
3412 /**
3413 * A unique identifier for the AWS account that you use to manage your Amazon GameLift fleet. You can find your Account ID in the AWS Management Console under account settings.
3414 */
3415 GameLiftAwsAccountId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3416 /**
3417 *
3418 */
3419 PeerVpcAwsAccountId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3420 /**
3421 * A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet. The VPC must be in the same Region where your fleet is deployed. Look up a VPC ID using the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about VPC peering in VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
3422 */
3423 PeerVpcId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3424 /**
3425 * Time stamp indicating when this authorization was issued. Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
3426 */
3427 CreationTime?: Timestamp;
3428 /**
3429 * Time stamp indicating when this authorization expires (24 hours after issuance). Format is a number expressed in Unix time as milliseconds (for example "1469498468.057").
3430 */
3431 ExpirationTime?: Timestamp;
3432 }
3433 export type VpcPeeringAuthorizationList = VpcPeeringAuthorization[];
3434 export interface VpcPeeringConnection {
3435 /**
3436 * A unique identifier for a fleet. This ID determines the ID of the Amazon GameLift VPC for your fleet.
3437 */
3438 FleetId?: FleetId;
3439 /**
3440 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the GameLift fleet resource for this connection.
3441 */
3442 FleetArn?: ArnStringModel;
3443 /**
3444 * CIDR block of IPv4 addresses assigned to the VPC peering connection for the GameLift VPC. The peered VPC also has an IPv4 CIDR block associated with it; these blocks cannot overlap or the peering connection cannot be created.
3445 */
3446 IpV4CidrBlock?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3447 /**
3448 * A unique identifier that is automatically assigned to the connection record. This ID is referenced in VPC peering connection events, and is used when deleting a connection with DeleteVpcPeeringConnection.
3449 */
3450 VpcPeeringConnectionId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3451 /**
3452 * The status information about the connection. Status indicates if a connection is pending, successful, or failed.
3453 */
3454 Status?: VpcPeeringConnectionStatus;
3455 /**
3456 * A unique identifier for a VPC with resources to be accessed by your Amazon GameLift fleet. The VPC must be in the same Region where your fleet is deployed. Look up a VPC ID using the VPC Dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Learn more about VPC peering in VPC Peering with Amazon GameLift Fleets.
3457 */
3458 PeerVpcId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3459 /**
3460 * A unique identifier for the VPC that contains the Amazon GameLift fleet for this connection. This VPC is managed by Amazon GameLift and does not appear in your AWS account.
3461 */
3462 GameLiftVpcId?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3463 }
3464 export type VpcPeeringConnectionList = VpcPeeringConnection[];
3465 export interface VpcPeeringConnectionStatus {
3466 /**
3467 * Code indicating the status of a VPC peering connection.
3468 */
3469 Code?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3470 /**
3471 * Additional messaging associated with the connection status.
3472 */
3473 Message?: NonZeroAndMaxString;
3474 }
3475 export type WholeNumber = number;
3476 export type ZipBlob = Buffer|Uint8Array|Blob|string;
3477 /**
3478 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
3479 */
3480 export type apiVersion = "2015-10-01"|"latest"|string;
3481 export interface ClientApiVersions {
3482 /**
3483 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
3484 */
3485 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
3486 }
3487 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
3488 /**
3489 * Contains interfaces for use with the GameLift client.
3490 */
3491 export import Types = GameLift;
3493export = GameLift;