43.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class NetworkManager extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: NetworkManager.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & NetworkManager.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Associates a customer gateway with a device and optionally, with a link. If you specify a link, it must be associated with the specified device. You can only associate customer gateways that are connected to a VPN attachment on a transit gateway. The transit gateway must be registered in your global network. When you register a transit gateway, customer gateways that are connected to the transit gateway are automatically included in the global network. To list customer gateways that are connected to a transit gateway, use the DescribeVpnConnections EC2 API and filter by transit-gateway-id. You cannot associate a customer gateway with more than one device and link.
16 */
17 associateCustomerGateway(params: NetworkManager.Types.AssociateCustomerGatewayRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.AssociateCustomerGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.AssociateCustomerGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Associates a customer gateway with a device and optionally, with a link. If you specify a link, it must be associated with the specified device. You can only associate customer gateways that are connected to a VPN attachment on a transit gateway. The transit gateway must be registered in your global network. When you register a transit gateway, customer gateways that are connected to the transit gateway are automatically included in the global network. To list customer gateways that are connected to a transit gateway, use the DescribeVpnConnections EC2 API and filter by transit-gateway-id. You cannot associate a customer gateway with more than one device and link.
20 */
21 associateCustomerGateway(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.AssociateCustomerGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.AssociateCustomerGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Associates a link to a device. A device can be associated to multiple links and a link can be associated to multiple devices. The device and link must be in the same global network and the same site.
24 */
25 associateLink(params: NetworkManager.Types.AssociateLinkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.AssociateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.AssociateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Associates a link to a device. A device can be associated to multiple links and a link can be associated to multiple devices. The device and link must be in the same global network and the same site.
28 */
29 associateLink(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.AssociateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.AssociateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Creates a new device in a global network. If you specify both a site ID and a location, the location of the site is used for visualization in the Network Manager console.
32 */
33 createDevice(params: NetworkManager.Types.CreateDeviceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateDeviceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Creates a new device in a global network. If you specify both a site ID and a location, the location of the site is used for visualization in the Network Manager console.
36 */
37 createDevice(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateDeviceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Creates a new, empty global network.
40 */
41 createGlobalNetwork(params: NetworkManager.Types.CreateGlobalNetworkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateGlobalNetworkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateGlobalNetworkResponse, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Creates a new, empty global network.
44 */
45 createGlobalNetwork(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateGlobalNetworkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateGlobalNetworkResponse, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Creates a new link for a specified site.
48 */
49 createLink(params: NetworkManager.Types.CreateLinkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Creates a new link for a specified site.
52 */
53 createLink(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Creates a new site in a global network.
56 */
57 createSite(params: NetworkManager.Types.CreateSiteRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateSiteResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateSiteResponse, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Creates a new site in a global network.
60 */
61 createSite(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.CreateSiteResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.CreateSiteResponse, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Deletes an existing device. You must first disassociate the device from any links and customer gateways.
64 */
65 deleteDevice(params: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteDeviceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteDeviceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Deletes an existing device. You must first disassociate the device from any links and customer gateways.
68 */
69 deleteDevice(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteDeviceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Deletes an existing global network. You must first delete all global network objects (devices, links, and sites) and deregister all transit gateways.
72 */
73 deleteGlobalNetwork(params: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteGlobalNetworkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteGlobalNetworkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteGlobalNetworkResponse, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Deletes an existing global network. You must first delete all global network objects (devices, links, and sites) and deregister all transit gateways.
76 */
77 deleteGlobalNetwork(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteGlobalNetworkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteGlobalNetworkResponse, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Deletes an existing link. You must first disassociate the link from any devices and customer gateways.
80 */
81 deleteLink(params: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteLinkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteLinkResponse, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Deletes an existing link. You must first disassociate the link from any devices and customer gateways.
84 */
85 deleteLink(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteLinkResponse, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Deletes an existing site. The site cannot be associated with any device or link.
88 */
89 deleteSite(params: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteSiteRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteSiteResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteSiteResponse, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Deletes an existing site. The site cannot be associated with any device or link.
92 */
93 deleteSite(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeleteSiteResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeleteSiteResponse, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Deregisters a transit gateway from your global network. This action does not delete your transit gateway, or modify any of its attachments. This action removes any customer gateway associations.
96 */
97 deregisterTransitGateway(params: NetworkManager.Types.DeregisterTransitGatewayRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeregisterTransitGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeregisterTransitGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Deregisters a transit gateway from your global network. This action does not delete your transit gateway, or modify any of its attachments. This action removes any customer gateway associations.
100 */
101 deregisterTransitGateway(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DeregisterTransitGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DeregisterTransitGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Describes one or more global networks. By default, all global networks are described. To describe the objects in your global network, you must use the appropriate Get* action. For example, to list the transit gateways in your global network, use GetTransitGatewayRegistrations.
104 */
105 describeGlobalNetworks(params: NetworkManager.Types.DescribeGlobalNetworksRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DescribeGlobalNetworksResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DescribeGlobalNetworksResponse, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Describes one or more global networks. By default, all global networks are described. To describe the objects in your global network, you must use the appropriate Get* action. For example, to list the transit gateways in your global network, use GetTransitGatewayRegistrations.
108 */
109 describeGlobalNetworks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DescribeGlobalNetworksResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DescribeGlobalNetworksResponse, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Disassociates a customer gateway from a device and a link.
112 */
113 disassociateCustomerGateway(params: NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateCustomerGatewayRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateCustomerGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateCustomerGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Disassociates a customer gateway from a device and a link.
116 */
117 disassociateCustomerGateway(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateCustomerGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateCustomerGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Disassociates an existing device from a link. You must first disassociate any customer gateways that are associated with the link.
120 */
121 disassociateLink(params: NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateLinkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Disassociates an existing device from a link. You must first disassociate any customer gateways that are associated with the link.
124 */
125 disassociateLink(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.DisassociateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Gets the association information for customer gateways that are associated with devices and links in your global network.
128 */
129 getCustomerGatewayAssociations(params: NetworkManager.Types.GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsResponse, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Gets the association information for customer gateways that are associated with devices and links in your global network.
132 */
133 getCustomerGatewayAssociations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsResponse, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Gets information about one or more of your devices in a global network.
136 */
137 getDevices(params: NetworkManager.Types.GetDevicesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetDevicesResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetDevicesResponse, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Gets information about one or more of your devices in a global network.
140 */
141 getDevices(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetDevicesResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetDevicesResponse, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Gets the link associations for a device or a link. Either the device ID or the link ID must be specified.
144 */
145 getLinkAssociations(params: NetworkManager.Types.GetLinkAssociationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetLinkAssociationsResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetLinkAssociationsResponse, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Gets the link associations for a device or a link. Either the device ID or the link ID must be specified.
148 */
149 getLinkAssociations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetLinkAssociationsResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetLinkAssociationsResponse, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Gets information about one or more links in a specified global network. If you specify the site ID, you cannot specify the type or provider in the same request. You can specify the type and provider in the same request.
152 */
153 getLinks(params: NetworkManager.Types.GetLinksRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetLinksResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetLinksResponse, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Gets information about one or more links in a specified global network. If you specify the site ID, you cannot specify the type or provider in the same request. You can specify the type and provider in the same request.
156 */
157 getLinks(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetLinksResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetLinksResponse, AWSError>;
158 /**
159 * Gets information about one or more of your sites in a global network.
160 */
161 getSites(params: NetworkManager.Types.GetSitesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetSitesResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetSitesResponse, AWSError>;
162 /**
163 * Gets information about one or more of your sites in a global network.
164 */
165 getSites(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetSitesResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetSitesResponse, AWSError>;
166 /**
167 * Gets information about the transit gateway registrations in a specified global network.
168 */
169 getTransitGatewayRegistrations(params: NetworkManager.Types.GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsResponse, AWSError>;
170 /**
171 * Gets information about the transit gateway registrations in a specified global network.
172 */
173 getTransitGatewayRegistrations(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsResponse, AWSError>;
174 /**
175 * Lists the tags for a specified resource.
176 */
177 listTagsForResource(params: NetworkManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
178 /**
179 * Lists the tags for a specified resource.
180 */
181 listTagsForResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.ListTagsForResourceResponse, AWSError>;
182 /**
183 * Registers a transit gateway in your global network. The transit gateway can be in any AWS Region, but it must be owned by the same AWS account that owns the global network. You cannot register a transit gateway in more than one global network.
184 */
185 registerTransitGateway(params: NetworkManager.Types.RegisterTransitGatewayRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.RegisterTransitGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.RegisterTransitGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
186 /**
187 * Registers a transit gateway in your global network. The transit gateway can be in any AWS Region, but it must be owned by the same AWS account that owns the global network. You cannot register a transit gateway in more than one global network.
188 */
189 registerTransitGateway(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.RegisterTransitGatewayResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.RegisterTransitGatewayResponse, AWSError>;
190 /**
191 * Tags a specified resource.
192 */
193 tagResource(params: NetworkManager.Types.TagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
194 /**
195 * Tags a specified resource.
196 */
197 tagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.TagResourceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.TagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
198 /**
199 * Removes tags from a specified resource.
200 */
201 untagResource(params: NetworkManager.Types.UntagResourceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
202 /**
203 * Removes tags from a specified resource.
204 */
205 untagResource(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UntagResourceResponse, AWSError>;
206 /**
207 * Updates the details for an existing device. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
208 */
209 updateDevice(params: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateDeviceRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateDeviceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
210 /**
211 * Updates the details for an existing device. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
212 */
213 updateDevice(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateDeviceResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateDeviceResponse, AWSError>;
214 /**
215 * Updates an existing global network. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
216 */
217 updateGlobalNetwork(params: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateGlobalNetworkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse, AWSError>;
218 /**
219 * Updates an existing global network. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
220 */
221 updateGlobalNetwork(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse, AWSError>;
222 /**
223 * Updates the details for an existing link. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
224 */
225 updateLink(params: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateLinkRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
226 /**
227 * Updates the details for an existing link. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
228 */
229 updateLink(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateLinkResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateLinkResponse, AWSError>;
230 /**
231 * Updates the information for an existing site. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
232 */
233 updateSite(params: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateSiteRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateSiteResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateSiteResponse, AWSError>;
234 /**
235 * Updates the information for an existing site. To remove information for any of the parameters, specify an empty string.
236 */
237 updateSite(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: NetworkManager.Types.UpdateSiteResponse) => void): Request<NetworkManager.Types.UpdateSiteResponse, AWSError>;
239declare namespace NetworkManager {
240 export interface AssociateCustomerGatewayRequest {
241 /**
242 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer gateway. For more information, see Resources Defined by Amazon EC2.
243 */
244 CustomerGatewayArn: String;
245 /**
246 * The ID of the global network.
247 */
248 GlobalNetworkId: String;
249 /**
250 * The ID of the device.
251 */
252 DeviceId: String;
253 /**
254 * The ID of the link.
255 */
256 LinkId?: String;
257 }
258 export interface AssociateCustomerGatewayResponse {
259 /**
260 * The customer gateway association.
261 */
262 CustomerGatewayAssociation?: CustomerGatewayAssociation;
263 }
264 export interface AssociateLinkRequest {
265 /**
266 * The ID of the global network.
267 */
268 GlobalNetworkId: String;
269 /**
270 * The ID of the device.
271 */
272 DeviceId: String;
273 /**
274 * The ID of the link.
275 */
276 LinkId: String;
277 }
278 export interface AssociateLinkResponse {
279 /**
280 * The link association.
281 */
282 LinkAssociation?: LinkAssociation;
283 }
284 export interface Bandwidth {
285 /**
286 * Upload speed in Mbps.
287 */
288 UploadSpeed?: Integer;
289 /**
290 * Download speed in Mbps.
291 */
292 DownloadSpeed?: Integer;
293 }
294 export interface CreateDeviceRequest {
295 /**
296 * The ID of the global network.
297 */
298 GlobalNetworkId: String;
299 /**
300 * A description of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
301 */
302 Description?: String;
303 /**
304 * The type of the device.
305 */
306 Type?: String;
307 /**
308 * The vendor of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
309 */
310 Vendor?: String;
311 /**
312 * The model of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
313 */
314 Model?: String;
315 /**
316 * The serial number of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
317 */
318 SerialNumber?: String;
319 /**
320 * The location of the device.
321 */
322 Location?: Location;
323 /**
324 * The ID of the site.
325 */
326 SiteId?: String;
327 /**
328 * The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
329 */
330 Tags?: TagList;
331 }
332 export interface CreateDeviceResponse {
333 /**
334 * Information about the device.
335 */
336 Device?: Device;
337 }
338 export interface CreateGlobalNetworkRequest {
339 /**
340 * A description of the global network. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
341 */
342 Description?: String;
343 /**
344 * The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
345 */
346 Tags?: TagList;
347 }
348 export interface CreateGlobalNetworkResponse {
349 /**
350 * Information about the global network object.
351 */
352 GlobalNetwork?: GlobalNetwork;
353 }
354 export interface CreateLinkRequest {
355 /**
356 * The ID of the global network.
357 */
358 GlobalNetworkId: String;
359 /**
360 * A description of the link. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
361 */
362 Description?: String;
363 /**
364 * The type of the link. Constraints: Cannot include the following characters: | \ ^ Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
365 */
366 Type?: String;
367 /**
368 * The upload speed and download speed in Mbps.
369 */
370 Bandwidth: Bandwidth;
371 /**
372 * The provider of the link. Constraints: Cannot include the following characters: | \ ^ Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
373 */
374 Provider?: String;
375 /**
376 * The ID of the site.
377 */
378 SiteId: String;
379 /**
380 * The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
381 */
382 Tags?: TagList;
383 }
384 export interface CreateLinkResponse {
385 /**
386 * Information about the link.
387 */
388 Link?: Link;
389 }
390 export interface CreateSiteRequest {
391 /**
392 * The ID of the global network.
393 */
394 GlobalNetworkId: String;
395 /**
396 * A description of your site. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
397 */
398 Description?: String;
399 /**
400 * The site location. This information is used for visualization in the Network Manager console. If you specify the address, the latitude and longitude are automatically calculated. Address: The physical address of the site. Latitude: The latitude of the site. Longitude: The longitude of the site.
401 */
402 Location?: Location;
403 /**
404 * The tags to apply to the resource during creation.
405 */
406 Tags?: TagList;
407 }
408 export interface CreateSiteResponse {
409 /**
410 * Information about the site.
411 */
412 Site?: Site;
413 }
414 export interface CustomerGatewayAssociation {
415 /**
416 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer gateway.
417 */
418 CustomerGatewayArn?: String;
419 /**
420 * The ID of the global network.
421 */
422 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
423 /**
424 * The ID of the device.
425 */
426 DeviceId?: String;
427 /**
428 * The ID of the link.
429 */
430 LinkId?: String;
431 /**
432 * The association state.
433 */
434 State?: CustomerGatewayAssociationState;
435 }
436 export type CustomerGatewayAssociationList = CustomerGatewayAssociation[];
437 export type CustomerGatewayAssociationState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"DELETED"|string;
438 export type DateTime = Date;
439 export interface DeleteDeviceRequest {
440 /**
441 * The ID of the global network.
442 */
443 GlobalNetworkId: String;
444 /**
445 * The ID of the device.
446 */
447 DeviceId: String;
448 }
449 export interface DeleteDeviceResponse {
450 /**
451 * Information about the device.
452 */
453 Device?: Device;
454 }
455 export interface DeleteGlobalNetworkRequest {
456 /**
457 * The ID of the global network.
458 */
459 GlobalNetworkId: String;
460 }
461 export interface DeleteGlobalNetworkResponse {
462 /**
463 * Information about the global network.
464 */
465 GlobalNetwork?: GlobalNetwork;
466 }
467 export interface DeleteLinkRequest {
468 /**
469 * The ID of the global network.
470 */
471 GlobalNetworkId: String;
472 /**
473 * The ID of the link.
474 */
475 LinkId: String;
476 }
477 export interface DeleteLinkResponse {
478 /**
479 * Information about the link.
480 */
481 Link?: Link;
482 }
483 export interface DeleteSiteRequest {
484 /**
485 * The ID of the global network.
486 */
487 GlobalNetworkId: String;
488 /**
489 * The ID of the site.
490 */
491 SiteId: String;
492 }
493 export interface DeleteSiteResponse {
494 /**
495 * Information about the site.
496 */
497 Site?: Site;
498 }
499 export interface DeregisterTransitGatewayRequest {
500 /**
501 * The ID of the global network.
502 */
503 GlobalNetworkId: String;
504 /**
505 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway.
506 */
507 TransitGatewayArn: String;
508 }
509 export interface DeregisterTransitGatewayResponse {
510 /**
511 * The transit gateway registration information.
512 */
513 TransitGatewayRegistration?: TransitGatewayRegistration;
514 }
515 export interface DescribeGlobalNetworksRequest {
516 /**
517 * The IDs of one or more global networks. The maximum is 10.
518 */
519 GlobalNetworkIds?: StringList;
520 /**
521 * The maximum number of results to return.
522 */
523 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
524 /**
525 * The token for the next page of results.
526 */
527 NextToken?: String;
528 }
529 export interface DescribeGlobalNetworksResponse {
530 /**
531 * Information about the global networks.
532 */
533 GlobalNetworks?: GlobalNetworkList;
534 /**
535 * The token for the next page of results.
536 */
537 NextToken?: String;
538 }
539 export interface Device {
540 /**
541 * The ID of the device.
542 */
543 DeviceId?: String;
544 /**
545 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the device.
546 */
547 DeviceArn?: String;
548 /**
549 * The ID of the global network.
550 */
551 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
552 /**
553 * The description of the device.
554 */
555 Description?: String;
556 /**
557 * The device type.
558 */
559 Type?: String;
560 /**
561 * The device vendor.
562 */
563 Vendor?: String;
564 /**
565 * The device model.
566 */
567 Model?: String;
568 /**
569 * The device serial number.
570 */
571 SerialNumber?: String;
572 /**
573 * The site location.
574 */
575 Location?: Location;
576 /**
577 * The site ID.
578 */
579 SiteId?: String;
580 /**
581 * The date and time that the site was created.
582 */
583 CreatedAt?: DateTime;
584 /**
585 * The device state.
586 */
587 State?: DeviceState;
588 /**
589 * The tags for the device.
590 */
591 Tags?: TagList;
592 }
593 export type DeviceList = Device[];
594 export type DeviceState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"UPDATING"|string;
595 export interface DisassociateCustomerGatewayRequest {
596 /**
597 * The ID of the global network.
598 */
599 GlobalNetworkId: String;
600 /**
601 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customer gateway. For more information, see Resources Defined by Amazon EC2.
602 */
603 CustomerGatewayArn: String;
604 }
605 export interface DisassociateCustomerGatewayResponse {
606 /**
607 * Information about the customer gateway association.
608 */
609 CustomerGatewayAssociation?: CustomerGatewayAssociation;
610 }
611 export interface DisassociateLinkRequest {
612 /**
613 * The ID of the global network.
614 */
615 GlobalNetworkId: String;
616 /**
617 * The ID of the device.
618 */
619 DeviceId: String;
620 /**
621 * The ID of the link.
622 */
623 LinkId: String;
624 }
625 export interface DisassociateLinkResponse {
626 /**
627 * Information about the link association.
628 */
629 LinkAssociation?: LinkAssociation;
630 }
631 export interface GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsRequest {
632 /**
633 * The ID of the global network.
634 */
635 GlobalNetworkId: String;
636 /**
637 * One or more customer gateway Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). For more information, see Resources Defined by Amazon EC2. The maximum is 10.
638 */
639 CustomerGatewayArns?: StringList;
640 /**
641 * The maximum number of results to return.
642 */
643 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
644 /**
645 * The token for the next page of results.
646 */
647 NextToken?: String;
648 }
649 export interface GetCustomerGatewayAssociationsResponse {
650 /**
651 * The customer gateway associations.
652 */
653 CustomerGatewayAssociations?: CustomerGatewayAssociationList;
654 /**
655 * The token for the next page of results.
656 */
657 NextToken?: String;
658 }
659 export interface GetDevicesRequest {
660 /**
661 * The ID of the global network.
662 */
663 GlobalNetworkId: String;
664 /**
665 * One or more device IDs. The maximum is 10.
666 */
667 DeviceIds?: StringList;
668 /**
669 * The ID of the site.
670 */
671 SiteId?: String;
672 /**
673 * The maximum number of results to return.
674 */
675 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
676 /**
677 * The token for the next page of results.
678 */
679 NextToken?: String;
680 }
681 export interface GetDevicesResponse {
682 /**
683 * The devices.
684 */
685 Devices?: DeviceList;
686 /**
687 * The token for the next page of results.
688 */
689 NextToken?: String;
690 }
691 export interface GetLinkAssociationsRequest {
692 /**
693 * The ID of the global network.
694 */
695 GlobalNetworkId: String;
696 /**
697 * The ID of the device.
698 */
699 DeviceId?: String;
700 /**
701 * The ID of the link.
702 */
703 LinkId?: String;
704 /**
705 * The maximum number of results to return.
706 */
707 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
708 /**
709 * The token for the next page of results.
710 */
711 NextToken?: String;
712 }
713 export interface GetLinkAssociationsResponse {
714 /**
715 * The link associations.
716 */
717 LinkAssociations?: LinkAssociationList;
718 /**
719 * The token for the next page of results.
720 */
721 NextToken?: String;
722 }
723 export interface GetLinksRequest {
724 /**
725 * The ID of the global network.
726 */
727 GlobalNetworkId: String;
728 /**
729 * One or more link IDs. The maximum is 10.
730 */
731 LinkIds?: StringList;
732 /**
733 * The ID of the site.
734 */
735 SiteId?: String;
736 /**
737 * The link type.
738 */
739 Type?: String;
740 /**
741 * The link provider.
742 */
743 Provider?: String;
744 /**
745 * The maximum number of results to return.
746 */
747 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
748 /**
749 * The token for the next page of results.
750 */
751 NextToken?: String;
752 }
753 export interface GetLinksResponse {
754 /**
755 * The links.
756 */
757 Links?: LinkList;
758 /**
759 * The token for the next page of results.
760 */
761 NextToken?: String;
762 }
763 export interface GetSitesRequest {
764 /**
765 * The ID of the global network.
766 */
767 GlobalNetworkId: String;
768 /**
769 * One or more site IDs. The maximum is 10.
770 */
771 SiteIds?: StringList;
772 /**
773 * The maximum number of results to return.
774 */
775 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
776 /**
777 * The token for the next page of results.
778 */
779 NextToken?: String;
780 }
781 export interface GetSitesResponse {
782 /**
783 * The sites.
784 */
785 Sites?: SiteList;
786 /**
787 * The token for the next page of results.
788 */
789 NextToken?: String;
790 }
791 export interface GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsRequest {
792 /**
793 * The ID of the global network.
794 */
795 GlobalNetworkId: String;
796 /**
797 * The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of one or more transit gateways. The maximum is 10.
798 */
799 TransitGatewayArns?: StringList;
800 /**
801 * The maximum number of results to return.
802 */
803 MaxResults?: MaxResults;
804 /**
805 * The token for the next page of results.
806 */
807 NextToken?: String;
808 }
809 export interface GetTransitGatewayRegistrationsResponse {
810 /**
811 * The transit gateway registrations.
812 */
813 TransitGatewayRegistrations?: TransitGatewayRegistrationList;
814 /**
815 * The token for the next page of results.
816 */
817 NextToken?: String;
818 }
819 export interface GlobalNetwork {
820 /**
821 * The ID of the global network.
822 */
823 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
824 /**
825 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the global network.
826 */
827 GlobalNetworkArn?: String;
828 /**
829 * The description of the global network.
830 */
831 Description?: String;
832 /**
833 * The date and time that the global network was created.
834 */
835 CreatedAt?: DateTime;
836 /**
837 * The state of the global network.
838 */
839 State?: GlobalNetworkState;
840 /**
841 * The tags for the global network.
842 */
843 Tags?: TagList;
844 }
845 export type GlobalNetworkList = GlobalNetwork[];
846 export type GlobalNetworkState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"UPDATING"|string;
847 export type Integer = number;
848 export interface Link {
849 /**
850 * The ID of the link.
851 */
852 LinkId?: String;
853 /**
854 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the link.
855 */
856 LinkArn?: String;
857 /**
858 * The ID of the global network.
859 */
860 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
861 /**
862 * The ID of the site.
863 */
864 SiteId?: String;
865 /**
866 * The description of the link.
867 */
868 Description?: String;
869 /**
870 * The type of the link.
871 */
872 Type?: String;
873 /**
874 * The bandwidth for the link.
875 */
876 Bandwidth?: Bandwidth;
877 /**
878 * The provider of the link.
879 */
880 Provider?: String;
881 /**
882 * The date and time that the link was created.
883 */
884 CreatedAt?: DateTime;
885 /**
886 * The state of the link.
887 */
888 State?: LinkState;
889 /**
890 * The tags for the link.
891 */
892 Tags?: TagList;
893 }
894 export interface LinkAssociation {
895 /**
896 * The ID of the global network.
897 */
898 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
899 /**
900 * The device ID for the link association.
901 */
902 DeviceId?: String;
903 /**
904 * The ID of the link.
905 */
906 LinkId?: String;
907 /**
908 * The state of the association.
909 */
910 LinkAssociationState?: LinkAssociationState;
911 }
912 export type LinkAssociationList = LinkAssociation[];
913 export type LinkAssociationState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"DELETED"|string;
914 export type LinkList = Link[];
915 export type LinkState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"UPDATING"|string;
916 export interface ListTagsForResourceRequest {
917 /**
918 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
919 */
920 ResourceArn: ResourceARN;
921 }
922 export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {
923 /**
924 * The list of tags.
925 */
926 TagList?: TagList;
927 }
928 export interface Location {
929 /**
930 * The physical address.
931 */
932 Address?: String;
933 /**
934 * The latitude.
935 */
936 Latitude?: String;
937 /**
938 * The longitude.
939 */
940 Longitude?: String;
941 }
942 export type MaxResults = number;
943 export interface RegisterTransitGatewayRequest {
944 /**
945 * The ID of the global network.
946 */
947 GlobalNetworkId: String;
948 /**
949 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway. For more information, see Resources Defined by Amazon EC2.
950 */
951 TransitGatewayArn: String;
952 }
953 export interface RegisterTransitGatewayResponse {
954 /**
955 * Information about the transit gateway registration.
956 */
957 TransitGatewayRegistration?: TransitGatewayRegistration;
958 }
959 export type ResourceARN = string;
960 export interface Site {
961 /**
962 * The ID of the site.
963 */
964 SiteId?: String;
965 /**
966 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the site.
967 */
968 SiteArn?: String;
969 /**
970 * The ID of the global network.
971 */
972 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
973 /**
974 * The description of the site.
975 */
976 Description?: String;
977 /**
978 * The location of the site.
979 */
980 Location?: Location;
981 /**
982 * The date and time that the site was created.
983 */
984 CreatedAt?: DateTime;
985 /**
986 * The state of the site.
987 */
988 State?: SiteState;
989 /**
990 * The tags for the site.
991 */
992 Tags?: TagList;
993 }
994 export type SiteList = Site[];
995 export type SiteState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"UPDATING"|string;
996 export type String = string;
997 export type StringList = String[];
998 export interface Tag {
999 /**
1000 * The tag key. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
1001 */
1002 Key?: TagKey;
1003 /**
1004 * The tag value. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
1005 */
1006 Value?: TagValue;
1007 }
1008 export type TagKey = string;
1009 export type TagKeyList = TagKey[];
1010 export type TagList = Tag[];
1011 export interface TagResourceRequest {
1012 /**
1013 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
1014 */
1015 ResourceArn: ResourceARN;
1016 /**
1017 * The tags to apply to the specified resource.
1018 */
1019 Tags: TagList;
1020 }
1021 export interface TagResourceResponse {
1022 }
1023 export type TagValue = string;
1024 export interface TransitGatewayRegistration {
1025 /**
1026 * The ID of the global network.
1027 */
1028 GlobalNetworkId?: String;
1029 /**
1030 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the transit gateway.
1031 */
1032 TransitGatewayArn?: String;
1033 /**
1034 * The state of the transit gateway registration.
1035 */
1036 State?: TransitGatewayRegistrationStateReason;
1037 }
1038 export type TransitGatewayRegistrationList = TransitGatewayRegistration[];
1039 export type TransitGatewayRegistrationState = "PENDING"|"AVAILABLE"|"DELETING"|"DELETED"|"FAILED"|string;
1040 export interface TransitGatewayRegistrationStateReason {
1041 /**
1042 * The code for the state reason.
1043 */
1044 Code?: TransitGatewayRegistrationState;
1045 /**
1046 * The message for the state reason.
1047 */
1048 Message?: String;
1049 }
1050 export interface UntagResourceRequest {
1051 /**
1052 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
1053 */
1054 ResourceArn: ResourceARN;
1055 /**
1056 * The tag keys to remove from the specified resource.
1057 */
1058 TagKeys: TagKeyList;
1059 }
1060 export interface UntagResourceResponse {
1061 }
1062 export interface UpdateDeviceRequest {
1063 /**
1064 * The ID of the global network.
1065 */
1066 GlobalNetworkId: String;
1067 /**
1068 * The ID of the device.
1069 */
1070 DeviceId: String;
1071 /**
1072 * A description of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
1073 */
1074 Description?: String;
1075 /**
1076 * The type of the device.
1077 */
1078 Type?: String;
1079 /**
1080 * The vendor of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
1081 */
1082 Vendor?: String;
1083 /**
1084 * The model of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
1085 */
1086 Model?: String;
1087 /**
1088 * The serial number of the device. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
1089 */
1090 SerialNumber?: String;
1091 Location?: Location;
1092 /**
1093 * The ID of the site.
1094 */
1095 SiteId?: String;
1096 }
1097 export interface UpdateDeviceResponse {
1098 /**
1099 * Information about the device.
1100 */
1101 Device?: Device;
1102 }
1103 export interface UpdateGlobalNetworkRequest {
1104 /**
1105 * The ID of your global network.
1106 */
1107 GlobalNetworkId: String;
1108 /**
1109 * A description of the global network. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
1110 */
1111 Description?: String;
1112 }
1113 export interface UpdateGlobalNetworkResponse {
1114 /**
1115 * Information about the global network object.
1116 */
1117 GlobalNetwork?: GlobalNetwork;
1118 }
1119 export interface UpdateLinkRequest {
1120 /**
1121 * The ID of the global network.
1122 */
1123 GlobalNetworkId: String;
1124 /**
1125 * The ID of the link.
1126 */
1127 LinkId: String;
1128 /**
1129 * A description of the link. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
1130 */
1131 Description?: String;
1132 /**
1133 * The type of the link. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
1134 */
1135 Type?: String;
1136 /**
1137 * The upload and download speed in Mbps.
1138 */
1139 Bandwidth?: Bandwidth;
1140 /**
1141 * The provider of the link. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 128 characters.
1142 */
1143 Provider?: String;
1144 }
1145 export interface UpdateLinkResponse {
1146 /**
1147 * Information about the link.
1148 */
1149 Link?: Link;
1150 }
1151 export interface UpdateSiteRequest {
1152 /**
1153 * The ID of the global network.
1154 */
1155 GlobalNetworkId: String;
1156 /**
1157 * The ID of your site.
1158 */
1159 SiteId: String;
1160 /**
1161 * A description of your site. Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256 characters.
1162 */
1163 Description?: String;
1164 /**
1165 * The site location: Address: The physical address of the site. Latitude: The latitude of the site. Longitude: The longitude of the site.
1166 */
1167 Location?: Location;
1168 }
1169 export interface UpdateSiteResponse {
1170 /**
1171 * Information about the site.
1172 */
1173 Site?: Site;
1174 }
1175 /**
1176 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1177 */
1178 export type apiVersion = "2019-07-05"|"latest"|string;
1179 export interface ClientApiVersions {
1180 /**
1181 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
1182 */
1183 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
1184 }
1185 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
1186 /**
1187 * Contains interfaces for use with the NetworkManager client.
1188 */
1189 export import Types = NetworkManager;
1191export = NetworkManager;