8.7 kBJSONView Raw
2 "version": "1.0",
3 "examples": {
4 "CreateFileSystem": [
5 {
6 "input": {
7 "CreationToken": "tokenstring",
8 "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose",
9 "Tags": [
10 {
11 "Key": "Name",
12 "Value": "MyFileSystem"
13 }
14 ]
15 },
16 "output": {
17 "CreationTime": "1481841524.0",
18 "CreationToken": "tokenstring",
19 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
20 "LifeCycleState": "creating",
21 "NumberOfMountTargets": 0,
22 "OwnerId": "012345678912",
23 "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose",
24 "SizeInBytes": {
25 "Value": 0
26 },
27 "Tags": [
28 {
29 "Key": "Name",
30 "Value": "MyFileSystem"
31 }
32 ]
33 },
34 "comments": {
35 "input": {
36 },
37 "output": {
38 }
39 },
40 "description": "This operation creates a new file system with the default generalpurpose performance mode.",
41 "id": "to-create-a-new-file-system-1481840798547",
42 "title": "To create a new file system"
43 }
44 ],
45 "CreateMountTarget": [
46 {
47 "input": {
48 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
49 "SubnetId": "subnet-1234abcd"
50 },
51 "output": {
52 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
53 "IpAddress": "",
54 "LifeCycleState": "creating",
55 "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc",
56 "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-cedf6789",
57 "OwnerId": "012345678912",
58 "SubnetId": "subnet-1234abcd"
59 },
60 "comments": {
61 "input": {
62 },
63 "output": {
64 }
65 },
66 "description": "This operation creates a new mount target for an EFS file system.",
67 "id": "to-create-a-new-mount-target-1481842289329",
68 "title": "To create a new mount target"
69 }
70 ],
71 "CreateTags": [
72 {
73 "input": {
74 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
75 "Tags": [
76 {
77 "Key": "Name",
78 "Value": "MyFileSystem"
79 }
80 ]
81 },
82 "comments": {
83 },
84 "description": "This operation creates a new tag for an EFS file system.",
85 "id": "to-create-a-new-tag-1481843409357",
86 "title": "To create a new tag"
87 }
88 ],
89 "DeleteFileSystem": [
90 {
91 "input": {
92 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567"
93 },
94 "comments": {
95 },
96 "description": "This operation deletes an EFS file system.",
97 "id": "to-delete-a-file-system-1481847318348",
98 "title": "To delete a file system"
99 }
100 ],
101 "DeleteMountTarget": [
102 {
103 "input": {
104 "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc"
105 },
106 "comments": {
107 },
108 "description": "This operation deletes a mount target.",
109 "id": "to-delete-a-mount-target-1481847635607",
110 "title": "To delete a mount target"
111 }
112 ],
113 "DeleteTags": [
114 {
115 "input": {
116 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
117 "TagKeys": [
118 "Name"
119 ]
120 },
121 "comments": {
122 },
123 "description": "This operation deletes tags for an EFS file system.",
124 "id": "to-delete-tags-for-an-efs-file-system-1481848189061",
125 "title": "To delete tags for an EFS file system"
126 }
127 ],
128 "DescribeFileSystems": [
129 {
130 "input": {
131 },
132 "output": {
133 "FileSystems": [
134 {
135 "CreationTime": "1481841524.0",
136 "CreationToken": "tokenstring",
137 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
138 "LifeCycleState": "available",
139 "Name": "MyFileSystem",
140 "NumberOfMountTargets": 1,
141 "OwnerId": "012345678912",
142 "PerformanceMode": "generalPurpose",
143 "SizeInBytes": {
144 "Value": 6144
145 },
146 "Tags": [
147 {
148 "Key": "Name",
149 "Value": "MyFileSystem"
150 }
151 ]
152 }
153 ]
154 },
155 "comments": {
156 },
157 "description": "This operation describes all of the EFS file systems in an account.",
158 "id": "to-describe-an-efs-file-system-1481848448460",
159 "title": "To describe an EFS file system"
160 }
161 ],
162 "DescribeLifecycleConfiguration": [
163 {
164 "input": {
165 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567"
166 },
167 "output": {
168 "LifecyclePolicies": [
169 {
170 "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS"
171 }
172 ]
173 },
174 "comments": {
175 "input": {
176 },
177 "output": {
178 }
179 },
180 "description": "This operation describes a file system's LifecycleConfiguration. EFS lifecycle management uses the LifecycleConfiguration object to identify which files to move to the EFS Infrequent Access (IA) storage class. ",
181 "id": "to-describe-the-lifecycle-configuration-for-a-file-system-1551200664502",
182 "title": "To describe the lifecycle configuration for a file system"
183 }
184 ],
185 "DescribeMountTargetSecurityGroups": [
186 {
187 "input": {
188 "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc"
189 },
190 "output": {
191 "SecurityGroups": [
192 "sg-fghi4567"
193 ]
194 },
195 "comments": {
196 },
197 "description": "This operation describes all of the security groups for a file system's mount target.",
198 "id": "to-describe-the-security-groups-for-a-mount-target-1481849317823",
199 "title": "To describe the security groups for a mount target"
200 }
201 ],
202 "DescribeMountTargets": [
203 {
204 "input": {
205 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567"
206 },
207 "output": {
208 "MountTargets": [
209 {
210 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
211 "IpAddress": "",
212 "LifeCycleState": "available",
213 "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc",
214 "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-cedf6789",
215 "OwnerId": "012345678912",
216 "SubnetId": "subnet-1234abcd"
217 }
218 ]
219 },
220 "comments": {
221 },
222 "description": "This operation describes all of a file system's mount targets.",
223 "id": "to-describe-the-mount-targets-for-a-file-system-1481849958584",
224 "title": "To describe the mount targets for a file system"
225 }
226 ],
227 "DescribeTags": [
228 {
229 "input": {
230 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567"
231 },
232 "output": {
233 "Tags": [
234 {
235 "Key": "Name",
236 "Value": "MyFileSystem"
237 }
238 ]
239 },
240 "comments": {
241 },
242 "description": "This operation describes all of a file system's tags.",
243 "id": "to-describe-the-tags-for-a-file-system-1481850497090",
244 "title": "To describe the tags for a file system"
245 }
246 ],
247 "ModifyMountTargetSecurityGroups": [
248 {
249 "input": {
250 "MountTargetId": "fsmt-12340abc",
251 "SecurityGroups": [
252 "sg-abcd1234"
253 ]
254 },
255 "comments": {
256 },
257 "description": "This operation modifies the security groups associated with a mount target for a file system.",
258 "id": "to-modify-the-security-groups-associated-with-a-mount-target-for-a-file-system-1481850772562",
259 "title": "To modify the security groups associated with a mount target for a file system"
260 }
261 ],
262 "PutLifecycleConfiguration": [
263 {
264 "input": {
265 "FileSystemId": "fs-01234567",
266 "LifecyclePolicies": [
267 {
268 "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS"
269 }
270 ]
271 },
272 "output": {
273 "LifecyclePolicies": [
274 {
275 "TransitionToIA": "AFTER_30_DAYS"
276 }
277 ]
278 },
279 "comments": {
280 "input": {
281 },
282 "output": {
283 }
284 },
285 "description": "This operation enables lifecycle management on a file system by creating a new LifecycleConfiguration object. A LifecycleConfiguration object defines when files in an Amazon EFS file system are automatically transitioned to the lower-cost EFS Infrequent Access (IA) storage class. A LifecycleConfiguration applies to all files in a file system.",
286 "id": "creates-a-new-lifecycleconfiguration-object-for-a-file-system-1551201594692",
287 "title": "Creates a new lifecycleconfiguration object for a file system"
288 }
289 ]
290 }