36.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import {Request} from '../lib/request';
2import {Response} from '../lib/response';
3import {AWSError} from '../lib/error';
4import {Service} from '../lib/service';
5import {ServiceConfigurationOptions} from '../lib/service';
6import {ConfigBase as Config} from '../lib/config';
7interface Blob {}
8declare class CodeStar extends Service {
9 /**
10 * Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.
11 */
12 constructor(options?: CodeStar.Types.ClientConfiguration)
13 config: Config & CodeStar.Types.ClientConfiguration;
14 /**
15 * Adds an IAM user to the team for an AWS CodeStar project.
16 */
17 associateTeamMember(params: CodeStar.Types.AssociateTeamMemberRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.AssociateTeamMemberResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.AssociateTeamMemberResult, AWSError>;
18 /**
19 * Adds an IAM user to the team for an AWS CodeStar project.
20 */
21 associateTeamMember(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.AssociateTeamMemberResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.AssociateTeamMemberResult, AWSError>;
22 /**
23 * Creates a project, including project resources. This action creates a project based on a submitted project request. A set of source code files and a toolchain template file can be included with the project request. If these are not provided, an empty project is created.
24 */
25 createProject(params: CodeStar.Types.CreateProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.CreateProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.CreateProjectResult, AWSError>;
26 /**
27 * Creates a project, including project resources. This action creates a project based on a submitted project request. A set of source code files and a toolchain template file can be included with the project request. If these are not provided, an empty project is created.
28 */
29 createProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.CreateProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.CreateProjectResult, AWSError>;
30 /**
31 * Creates a profile for a user that includes user preferences, such as the display name and email address assocciated with the user, in AWS CodeStar. The user profile is not project-specific. Information in the user profile is displayed wherever the user's information appears to other users in AWS CodeStar.
32 */
33 createUserProfile(params: CodeStar.Types.CreateUserProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.CreateUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.CreateUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
34 /**
35 * Creates a profile for a user that includes user preferences, such as the display name and email address assocciated with the user, in AWS CodeStar. The user profile is not project-specific. Information in the user profile is displayed wherever the user's information appears to other users in AWS CodeStar.
36 */
37 createUserProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.CreateUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.CreateUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
38 /**
39 * Deletes a project, including project resources. Does not delete users associated with the project, but does delete the IAM roles that allowed access to the project.
40 */
41 deleteProject(params: CodeStar.Types.DeleteProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DeleteProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DeleteProjectResult, AWSError>;
42 /**
43 * Deletes a project, including project resources. Does not delete users associated with the project, but does delete the IAM roles that allowed access to the project.
44 */
45 deleteProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DeleteProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DeleteProjectResult, AWSError>;
46 /**
47 * Deletes a user profile in AWS CodeStar, including all personal preference data associated with that profile, such as display name and email address. It does not delete the history of that user, for example the history of commits made by that user.
48 */
49 deleteUserProfile(params: CodeStar.Types.DeleteUserProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DeleteUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DeleteUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
50 /**
51 * Deletes a user profile in AWS CodeStar, including all personal preference data associated with that profile, such as display name and email address. It does not delete the history of that user, for example the history of commits made by that user.
52 */
53 deleteUserProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DeleteUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DeleteUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
54 /**
55 * Describes a project and its resources.
56 */
57 describeProject(params: CodeStar.Types.DescribeProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DescribeProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DescribeProjectResult, AWSError>;
58 /**
59 * Describes a project and its resources.
60 */
61 describeProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DescribeProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DescribeProjectResult, AWSError>;
62 /**
63 * Describes a user in AWS CodeStar and the user attributes across all projects.
64 */
65 describeUserProfile(params: CodeStar.Types.DescribeUserProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DescribeUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DescribeUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
66 /**
67 * Describes a user in AWS CodeStar and the user attributes across all projects.
68 */
69 describeUserProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DescribeUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DescribeUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
70 /**
71 * Removes a user from a project. Removing a user from a project also removes the IAM policies from that user that allowed access to the project and its resources. Disassociating a team member does not remove that user's profile from AWS CodeStar. It does not remove the user from IAM.
72 */
73 disassociateTeamMember(params: CodeStar.Types.DisassociateTeamMemberRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DisassociateTeamMemberResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DisassociateTeamMemberResult, AWSError>;
74 /**
75 * Removes a user from a project. Removing a user from a project also removes the IAM policies from that user that allowed access to the project and its resources. Disassociating a team member does not remove that user's profile from AWS CodeStar. It does not remove the user from IAM.
76 */
77 disassociateTeamMember(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.DisassociateTeamMemberResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.DisassociateTeamMemberResult, AWSError>;
78 /**
79 * Lists all projects in AWS CodeStar associated with your AWS account.
80 */
81 listProjects(params: CodeStar.Types.ListProjectsRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListProjectsResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListProjectsResult, AWSError>;
82 /**
83 * Lists all projects in AWS CodeStar associated with your AWS account.
84 */
85 listProjects(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListProjectsResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListProjectsResult, AWSError>;
86 /**
87 * Lists resources associated with a project in AWS CodeStar.
88 */
89 listResources(params: CodeStar.Types.ListResourcesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListResourcesResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListResourcesResult, AWSError>;
90 /**
91 * Lists resources associated with a project in AWS CodeStar.
92 */
93 listResources(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListResourcesResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListResourcesResult, AWSError>;
94 /**
95 * Gets the tags for a project.
96 */
97 listTagsForProject(params: CodeStar.Types.ListTagsForProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListTagsForProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListTagsForProjectResult, AWSError>;
98 /**
99 * Gets the tags for a project.
100 */
101 listTagsForProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListTagsForProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListTagsForProjectResult, AWSError>;
102 /**
103 * Lists all team members associated with a project.
104 */
105 listTeamMembers(params: CodeStar.Types.ListTeamMembersRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListTeamMembersResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListTeamMembersResult, AWSError>;
106 /**
107 * Lists all team members associated with a project.
108 */
109 listTeamMembers(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListTeamMembersResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListTeamMembersResult, AWSError>;
110 /**
111 * Lists all the user profiles configured for your AWS account in AWS CodeStar.
112 */
113 listUserProfiles(params: CodeStar.Types.ListUserProfilesRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListUserProfilesResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListUserProfilesResult, AWSError>;
114 /**
115 * Lists all the user profiles configured for your AWS account in AWS CodeStar.
116 */
117 listUserProfiles(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.ListUserProfilesResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.ListUserProfilesResult, AWSError>;
118 /**
119 * Adds tags to a project.
120 */
121 tagProject(params: CodeStar.Types.TagProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.TagProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.TagProjectResult, AWSError>;
122 /**
123 * Adds tags to a project.
124 */
125 tagProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.TagProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.TagProjectResult, AWSError>;
126 /**
127 * Removes tags from a project.
128 */
129 untagProject(params: CodeStar.Types.UntagProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UntagProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UntagProjectResult, AWSError>;
130 /**
131 * Removes tags from a project.
132 */
133 untagProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UntagProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UntagProjectResult, AWSError>;
134 /**
135 * Updates a project in AWS CodeStar.
136 */
137 updateProject(params: CodeStar.Types.UpdateProjectRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UpdateProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UpdateProjectResult, AWSError>;
138 /**
139 * Updates a project in AWS CodeStar.
140 */
141 updateProject(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UpdateProjectResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UpdateProjectResult, AWSError>;
142 /**
143 * Updates a team member's attributes in an AWS CodeStar project. For example, you can change a team member's role in the project, or change whether they have remote access to project resources.
144 */
145 updateTeamMember(params: CodeStar.Types.UpdateTeamMemberRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UpdateTeamMemberResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UpdateTeamMemberResult, AWSError>;
146 /**
147 * Updates a team member's attributes in an AWS CodeStar project. For example, you can change a team member's role in the project, or change whether they have remote access to project resources.
148 */
149 updateTeamMember(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UpdateTeamMemberResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UpdateTeamMemberResult, AWSError>;
150 /**
151 * Updates a user's profile in AWS CodeStar. The user profile is not project-specific. Information in the user profile is displayed wherever the user's information appears to other users in AWS CodeStar.
152 */
153 updateUserProfile(params: CodeStar.Types.UpdateUserProfileRequest, callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UpdateUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UpdateUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
154 /**
155 * Updates a user's profile in AWS CodeStar. The user profile is not project-specific. Information in the user profile is displayed wherever the user's information appears to other users in AWS CodeStar.
156 */
157 updateUserProfile(callback?: (err: AWSError, data: CodeStar.Types.UpdateUserProfileResult) => void): Request<CodeStar.Types.UpdateUserProfileResult, AWSError>;
159declare namespace CodeStar {
160 export interface AssociateTeamMemberRequest {
161 /**
162 * The ID of the project to which you will add the IAM user.
163 */
164 projectId: ProjectId;
165 /**
166 * A user- or system-generated token that identifies the entity that requested the team member association to the project. This token can be used to repeat the request.
167 */
168 clientRequestToken?: ClientRequestToken;
169 /**
170 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM user you want to add to the AWS CodeStar project.
171 */
172 userArn: UserArn;
173 /**
174 * The AWS CodeStar project role that will apply to this user. This role determines what actions a user can take in an AWS CodeStar project.
175 */
176 projectRole: Role;
177 /**
178 * Whether the team member is allowed to use an SSH public/private key pair to remotely access project resources, for example Amazon EC2 instances.
179 */
180 remoteAccessAllowed?: RemoteAccessAllowed;
181 }
182 export interface AssociateTeamMemberResult {
183 /**
184 * The user- or system-generated token from the initial request that can be used to repeat the request.
185 */
186 clientRequestToken?: ClientRequestToken;
187 }
188 export type BucketKey = string;
189 export type BucketName = string;
190 export type ClientRequestToken = string;
191 export interface Code {
192 /**
193 * The location where the source code files provided with the project request are stored. AWS CodeStar retrieves the files during project creation.
194 */
195 source: CodeSource;
196 /**
197 * The repository to be created in AWS CodeStar. Valid values are AWS CodeCommit or GitHub. After AWS CodeStar provisions the new repository, the source code files provided with the project request are placed in the repository.
198 */
199 destination: CodeDestination;
200 }
201 export interface CodeCommitCodeDestination {
202 /**
203 * The name of the AWS CodeCommit repository to be created in AWS CodeStar.
204 */
205 name: RepositoryName;
206 }
207 export interface CodeDestination {
208 /**
209 * Information about the AWS CodeCommit repository to be created in AWS CodeStar. This is where the source code files provided with the project request will be uploaded after project creation.
210 */
211 codeCommit?: CodeCommitCodeDestination;
212 /**
213 * Information about the GitHub repository to be created in AWS CodeStar. This is where the source code files provided with the project request will be uploaded after project creation.
214 */
215 gitHub?: GitHubCodeDestination;
216 }
217 export interface CodeSource {
218 /**
219 * Information about the Amazon S3 location where the source code files provided with the project request are stored.
220 */
221 s3: S3Location;
222 }
223 export interface CreateProjectRequest {
224 /**
225 * The display name for the project to be created in AWS CodeStar.
226 */
227 name: ProjectName;
228 /**
229 * The ID of the project to be created in AWS CodeStar.
230 */
231 id: ProjectId;
232 /**
233 * The description of the project, if any.
234 */
235 description?: ProjectDescription;
236 /**
237 * A user- or system-generated token that identifies the entity that requested project creation. This token can be used to repeat the request.
238 */
239 clientRequestToken?: ClientRequestToken;
240 /**
241 * A list of the Code objects submitted with the project request. If this parameter is specified, the request must also include the toolchain parameter.
242 */
243 sourceCode?: SourceCode;
244 /**
245 * The name of the toolchain template file submitted with the project request. If this parameter is specified, the request must also include the sourceCode parameter.
246 */
247 toolchain?: Toolchain;
248 /**
249 * The tags created for the project.
250 */
251 tags?: Tags;
252 }
253 export interface CreateProjectResult {
254 /**
255 * The ID of the project.
256 */
257 id: ProjectId;
258 /**
259 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the created project.
260 */
261 arn: ProjectArn;
262 /**
263 * A user- or system-generated token that identifies the entity that requested project creation.
264 */
265 clientRequestToken?: ClientRequestToken;
266 /**
267 * Reserved for future use.
268 */
269 projectTemplateId?: ProjectTemplateId;
270 }
271 export interface CreateUserProfileRequest {
272 /**
273 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user in IAM.
274 */
275 userArn: UserArn;
276 /**
277 * The name that will be displayed as the friendly name for the user in AWS CodeStar.
278 */
279 displayName: UserProfileDisplayName;
280 /**
281 * The email address that will be displayed as part of the user's profile in AWS CodeStar.
282 */
283 emailAddress: Email;
284 /**
285 * The SSH public key associated with the user in AWS CodeStar. If a project owner allows the user remote access to project resources, this public key will be used along with the user's private key for SSH access.
286 */
287 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
288 }
289 export interface CreateUserProfileResult {
290 /**
291 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user in IAM.
292 */
293 userArn: UserArn;
294 /**
295 * The name that is displayed as the friendly name for the user in AWS CodeStar.
296 */
297 displayName?: UserProfileDisplayName;
298 /**
299 * The email address that is displayed as part of the user's profile in AWS CodeStar.
300 */
301 emailAddress?: Email;
302 /**
303 * The SSH public key associated with the user in AWS CodeStar. This is the public portion of the public/private keypair the user can use to access project resources if a project owner allows the user remote access to those resources.
304 */
305 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
306 /**
307 * The date the user profile was created, in timestamp format.
308 */
309 createdTimestamp?: CreatedTimestamp;
310 /**
311 * The date the user profile was last modified, in timestamp format.
312 */
313 lastModifiedTimestamp?: LastModifiedTimestamp;
314 }
315 export type CreatedTimestamp = Date;
316 export interface DeleteProjectRequest {
317 /**
318 * The ID of the project to be deleted in AWS CodeStar.
319 */
320 id: ProjectId;
321 /**
322 * A user- or system-generated token that identifies the entity that requested project deletion. This token can be used to repeat the request.
323 */
324 clientRequestToken?: ClientRequestToken;
325 /**
326 * Whether to send a delete request for the primary stack in AWS CloudFormation originally used to generate the project and its resources. This option will delete all AWS resources for the project (except for any buckets in Amazon S3) as well as deleting the project itself. Recommended for most use cases.
327 */
328 deleteStack?: DeleteStack;
329 }
330 export interface DeleteProjectResult {
331 /**
332 * The ID of the primary stack in AWS CloudFormation that will be deleted as part of deleting the project and its resources.
333 */
334 stackId?: StackId;
335 /**
336 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted project.
337 */
338 projectArn?: ProjectArn;
339 }
340 export type DeleteStack = boolean;
341 export interface DeleteUserProfileRequest {
342 /**
343 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user to delete from AWS CodeStar.
344 */
345 userArn: UserArn;
346 }
347 export interface DeleteUserProfileResult {
348 /**
349 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user deleted from AWS CodeStar.
350 */
351 userArn: UserArn;
352 }
353 export interface DescribeProjectRequest {
354 /**
355 * The ID of the project.
356 */
357 id: ProjectId;
358 }
359 export interface DescribeProjectResult {
360 /**
361 * The display name for the project.
362 */
363 name?: ProjectName;
364 /**
365 * The ID of the project.
366 */
367 id?: ProjectId;
368 /**
369 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the project.
370 */
371 arn?: ProjectArn;
372 /**
373 * The description of the project, if any.
374 */
375 description?: ProjectDescription;
376 /**
377 * A user- or system-generated token that identifies the entity that requested project creation.
378 */
379 clientRequestToken?: ClientRequestToken;
380 /**
381 * The date and time the project was created, in timestamp format.
382 */
383 createdTimeStamp?: CreatedTimestamp;
384 /**
385 * The ID of the primary stack in AWS CloudFormation used to generate resources for the project.
386 */
387 stackId?: StackId;
388 /**
389 * The ID for the AWS CodeStar project template used to create the project.
390 */
391 projectTemplateId?: ProjectTemplateId;
392 /**
393 * The project creation or deletion status.
394 */
395 status?: ProjectStatus;
396 }
397 export interface DescribeUserProfileRequest {
398 /**
399 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user.
400 */
401 userArn: UserArn;
402 }
403 export interface DescribeUserProfileResult {
404 /**
405 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user.
406 */
407 userArn: UserArn;
408 /**
409 * The display name shown for the user in AWS CodeStar projects. For example, this could be set to both first and last name ("Mary Major") or a single name ("Mary"). The display name is also used to generate the initial icon associated with the user in AWS CodeStar projects. If spaces are included in the display name, the first character that appears after the space will be used as the second character in the user initial icon. The initial icon displays a maximum of two characters, so a display name with more than one space (for example "Mary Jane Major") would generate an initial icon using the first character and the first character after the space ("MJ", not "MM").
410 */
411 displayName?: UserProfileDisplayName;
412 /**
413 * The email address for the user. Optional.
414 */
415 emailAddress?: Email;
416 /**
417 * The SSH public key associated with the user. This SSH public key is associated with the user profile, and can be used in conjunction with the associated private key for access to project resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, if a project owner grants remote access to those resources.
418 */
419 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
420 /**
421 * The date and time when the user profile was created in AWS CodeStar, in timestamp format.
422 */
423 createdTimestamp: CreatedTimestamp;
424 /**
425 * The date and time when the user profile was last modified, in timestamp format.
426 */
427 lastModifiedTimestamp: LastModifiedTimestamp;
428 }
429 export interface DisassociateTeamMemberRequest {
430 /**
431 * The ID of the AWS CodeStar project from which you want to remove a team member.
432 */
433 projectId: ProjectId;
434 /**
435 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM user or group whom you want to remove from the project.
436 */
437 userArn: UserArn;
438 }
439 export interface DisassociateTeamMemberResult {
440 }
441 export type Email = string;
442 export interface GitHubCodeDestination {
443 /**
444 * Name of the GitHub repository to be created in AWS CodeStar.
445 */
446 name: RepositoryName;
447 /**
448 * Description for the GitHub repository to be created in AWS CodeStar. This description displays in GitHub after the repository is created.
449 */
450 description?: RepositoryDescription;
451 /**
452 * The type of GitHub repository to be created in AWS CodeStar. Valid values are User or Organization.
453 */
454 type: RepositoryType;
455 /**
456 * The GitHub username for the owner of the GitHub repository to be created in AWS CodeStar. If this repository should be owned by a GitHub organization, provide its name.
457 */
458 owner: RepositoryOwner;
459 /**
460 * Whether the GitHub repository is to be a private repository.
461 */
462 privateRepository: RepositoryIsPrivate;
463 /**
464 * Whether to enable issues for the GitHub repository.
465 */
466 issuesEnabled: RepositoryEnableIssues;
467 /**
468 * The GitHub user's personal access token for the GitHub repository.
469 */
470 token: GitHubPersonalToken;
471 }
472 export type GitHubPersonalToken = string;
473 export type LastModifiedTimestamp = Date;
474 export interface ListProjectsRequest {
475 /**
476 * The continuation token to be used to return the next set of results, if the results cannot be returned in one response.
477 */
478 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
479 /**
480 * The maximum amount of data that can be contained in a single set of results.
481 */
482 maxResults?: MaxResults;
483 }
484 export interface ListProjectsResult {
485 /**
486 * A list of projects.
487 */
488 projects: ProjectsList;
489 /**
490 * The continuation token to use when requesting the next set of results, if there are more results to be returned.
491 */
492 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
493 }
494 export interface ListResourcesRequest {
495 /**
496 * The ID of the project.
497 */
498 projectId: ProjectId;
499 /**
500 * The continuation token for the next set of results, if the results cannot be returned in one response.
501 */
502 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
503 /**
504 * The maximum amount of data that can be contained in a single set of results.
505 */
506 maxResults?: MaxResults;
507 }
508 export interface ListResourcesResult {
509 /**
510 * An array of resources associated with the project.
511 */
512 resources?: ResourcesResult;
513 /**
514 * The continuation token to use when requesting the next set of results, if there are more results to be returned.
515 */
516 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
517 }
518 export interface ListTagsForProjectRequest {
519 /**
520 * The ID of the project to get tags for.
521 */
522 id: ProjectId;
523 /**
524 * Reserved for future use.
525 */
526 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
527 /**
528 * Reserved for future use.
529 */
530 maxResults?: MaxResults;
531 }
532 export interface ListTagsForProjectResult {
533 /**
534 * The tags for the project.
535 */
536 tags?: Tags;
537 /**
538 * Reserved for future use.
539 */
540 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
541 }
542 export interface ListTeamMembersRequest {
543 /**
544 * The ID of the project for which you want to list team members.
545 */
546 projectId: ProjectId;
547 /**
548 * The continuation token for the next set of results, if the results cannot be returned in one response.
549 */
550 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
551 /**
552 * The maximum number of team members you want returned in a response.
553 */
554 maxResults?: MaxResults;
555 }
556 export interface ListTeamMembersResult {
557 /**
558 * A list of team member objects for the project.
559 */
560 teamMembers: TeamMemberResult;
561 /**
562 * The continuation token to use when requesting the next set of results, if there are more results to be returned.
563 */
564 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
565 }
566 export interface ListUserProfilesRequest {
567 /**
568 * The continuation token for the next set of results, if the results cannot be returned in one response.
569 */
570 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
571 /**
572 * The maximum number of results to return in a response.
573 */
574 maxResults?: MaxResults;
575 }
576 export interface ListUserProfilesResult {
577 /**
578 * All the user profiles configured in AWS CodeStar for an AWS account.
579 */
580 userProfiles: UserProfilesList;
581 /**
582 * The continuation token to use when requesting the next set of results, if there are more results to be returned.
583 */
584 nextToken?: PaginationToken;
585 }
586 export type MaxResults = number;
587 export type PaginationToken = string;
588 export type ProjectArn = string;
589 export type ProjectDescription = string;
590 export type ProjectId = string;
591 export type ProjectName = string;
592 export interface ProjectStatus {
593 /**
594 * The phase of completion for a project creation or deletion.
595 */
596 state: State;
597 /**
598 * In the case of a project creation or deletion failure, a reason for the failure.
599 */
600 reason?: Reason;
601 }
602 export interface ProjectSummary {
603 /**
604 * The ID of the project.
605 */
606 projectId?: ProjectId;
607 /**
608 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project.
609 */
610 projectArn?: ProjectArn;
611 }
612 export type ProjectTemplateId = string;
613 export type ProjectsList = ProjectSummary[];
614 export type Reason = string;
615 export type RemoteAccessAllowed = boolean;
616 export type RepositoryDescription = string;
617 export type RepositoryEnableIssues = boolean;
618 export type RepositoryIsPrivate = boolean;
619 export type RepositoryName = string;
620 export type RepositoryOwner = string;
621 export type RepositoryType = string;
622 export interface Resource {
623 /**
624 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
625 */
626 id: ResourceId;
627 }
628 export type ResourceId = string;
629 export type ResourcesResult = Resource[];
630 export type Role = string;
631 export type RoleArn = string;
632 export interface S3Location {
633 /**
634 * The Amazon S3 bucket name where the source code files provided with the project request are stored.
635 */
636 bucketName?: BucketName;
637 /**
638 * The Amazon S3 object key where the source code files provided with the project request are stored.
639 */
640 bucketKey?: BucketKey;
641 }
642 export type SourceCode = Code[];
643 export type SshPublicKey = string;
644 export type StackId = string;
645 export type State = string;
646 export type TagKey = string;
647 export type TagKeys = TagKey[];
648 export interface TagProjectRequest {
649 /**
650 * The ID of the project you want to add a tag to.
651 */
652 id: ProjectId;
653 /**
654 * The tags you want to add to the project.
655 */
656 tags: Tags;
657 }
658 export interface TagProjectResult {
659 /**
660 * The tags for the project.
661 */
662 tags?: Tags;
663 }
664 export type TagValue = string;
665 export type Tags = {[key: string]: TagValue};
666 export interface TeamMember {
667 /**
668 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user in IAM.
669 */
670 userArn: UserArn;
671 /**
672 * The role assigned to the user in the project. Project roles have different levels of access. For more information, see Working with Teams in the AWS CodeStar User Guide.
673 */
674 projectRole: Role;
675 /**
676 * Whether the user is allowed to remotely access project resources using an SSH public/private key pair.
677 */
678 remoteAccessAllowed?: RemoteAccessAllowed;
679 }
680 export type TeamMemberResult = TeamMember[];
681 export type TemplateParameterKey = string;
682 export type TemplateParameterMap = {[key: string]: TemplateParameterValue};
683 export type TemplateParameterValue = string;
684 export interface Toolchain {
685 /**
686 * The Amazon S3 location where the toolchain template file provided with the project request is stored. AWS CodeStar retrieves the file during project creation.
687 */
688 source: ToolchainSource;
689 /**
690 * The service role ARN for AWS CodeStar to use for the toolchain template during stack provisioning.
691 */
692 roleArn?: RoleArn;
693 /**
694 * The list of parameter overrides to be passed into the toolchain template during stack provisioning, if any.
695 */
696 stackParameters?: TemplateParameterMap;
697 }
698 export interface ToolchainSource {
699 /**
700 * The Amazon S3 bucket where the toolchain template file provided with the project request is stored.
701 */
702 s3: S3Location;
703 }
704 export interface UntagProjectRequest {
705 /**
706 * The ID of the project to remove tags from.
707 */
708 id: ProjectId;
709 /**
710 * The tags to remove from the project.
711 */
712 tags: TagKeys;
713 }
714 export interface UntagProjectResult {
715 }
716 export interface UpdateProjectRequest {
717 /**
718 * The ID of the project you want to update.
719 */
720 id: ProjectId;
721 /**
722 * The name of the project you want to update.
723 */
724 name?: ProjectName;
725 /**
726 * The description of the project, if any.
727 */
728 description?: ProjectDescription;
729 }
730 export interface UpdateProjectResult {
731 }
732 export interface UpdateTeamMemberRequest {
733 /**
734 * The ID of the project.
735 */
736 projectId: ProjectId;
737 /**
738 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user for whom you want to change team membership attributes.
739 */
740 userArn: UserArn;
741 /**
742 * The role assigned to the user in the project. Project roles have different levels of access. For more information, see Working with Teams in the AWS CodeStar User Guide.
743 */
744 projectRole?: Role;
745 /**
746 * Whether a team member is allowed to remotely access project resources using the SSH public key associated with the user's profile. Even if this is set to True, the user must associate a public key with their profile before the user can access resources.
747 */
748 remoteAccessAllowed?: RemoteAccessAllowed;
749 }
750 export interface UpdateTeamMemberResult {
751 /**
752 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user whose team membership attributes were updated.
753 */
754 userArn?: UserArn;
755 /**
756 * The project role granted to the user.
757 */
758 projectRole?: Role;
759 /**
760 * Whether a team member is allowed to remotely access project resources using the SSH public key associated with the user's profile.
761 */
762 remoteAccessAllowed?: RemoteAccessAllowed;
763 }
764 export interface UpdateUserProfileRequest {
765 /**
766 * The name that will be displayed as the friendly name for the user in AWS CodeStar.
767 */
768 userArn: UserArn;
769 /**
770 * The name that is displayed as the friendly name for the user in AWS CodeStar.
771 */
772 displayName?: UserProfileDisplayName;
773 /**
774 * The email address that is displayed as part of the user's profile in AWS CodeStar.
775 */
776 emailAddress?: Email;
777 /**
778 * The SSH public key associated with the user in AWS CodeStar. If a project owner allows the user remote access to project resources, this public key will be used along with the user's private key for SSH access.
779 */
780 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
781 }
782 export interface UpdateUserProfileResult {
783 /**
784 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user in IAM.
785 */
786 userArn: UserArn;
787 /**
788 * The name that is displayed as the friendly name for the user in AWS CodeStar.
789 */
790 displayName?: UserProfileDisplayName;
791 /**
792 * The email address that is displayed as part of the user's profile in AWS CodeStar.
793 */
794 emailAddress?: Email;
795 /**
796 * The SSH public key associated with the user in AWS CodeStar. This is the public portion of the public/private keypair the user can use to access project resources if a project owner allows the user remote access to those resources.
797 */
798 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
799 /**
800 * The date the user profile was created, in timestamp format.
801 */
802 createdTimestamp?: CreatedTimestamp;
803 /**
804 * The date the user profile was last modified, in timestamp format.
805 */
806 lastModifiedTimestamp?: LastModifiedTimestamp;
807 }
808 export type UserArn = string;
809 export type UserProfileDisplayName = string;
810 export interface UserProfileSummary {
811 /**
812 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user in IAM.
813 */
814 userArn?: UserArn;
815 /**
816 * The display name of a user in AWS CodeStar. For example, this could be set to both first and last name ("Mary Major") or a single name ("Mary"). The display name is also used to generate the initial icon associated with the user in AWS CodeStar projects. If spaces are included in the display name, the first character that appears after the space will be used as the second character in the user initial icon. The initial icon displays a maximum of two characters, so a display name with more than one space (for example "Mary Jane Major") would generate an initial icon using the first character and the first character after the space ("MJ", not "MM").
817 */
818 displayName?: UserProfileDisplayName;
819 /**
820 * The email address associated with the user.
821 */
822 emailAddress?: Email;
823 /**
824 * The SSH public key associated with the user in AWS CodeStar. If a project owner allows the user remote access to project resources, this public key will be used along with the user's private key for SSH access.
825 */
826 sshPublicKey?: SshPublicKey;
827 }
828 export type UserProfilesList = UserProfileSummary[];
829 /**
830 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
831 */
832 export type apiVersion = "2017-04-19"|"latest"|string;
833 export interface ClientApiVersions {
834 /**
835 * A string in YYYY-MM-DD format that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in this service. Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.
836 */
837 apiVersion?: apiVersion;
838 }
839 export type ClientConfiguration = ServiceConfigurationOptions & ClientApiVersions;
840 /**
841 * Contains interfaces for use with the CodeStar client.
842 */
843 export import Types = CodeStar;
845export = CodeStar;